Пример #1
def cli(ctx, url, network):
    # initialize Client
    cl = Client(base_url=url, version='auto')

    # output version to show the connected succeeded
    v = cl.version()
    info('Connected to Docker {v[Version]}, api version '

    # find frontend network
    nets = [n for n in cl.networks(names=[network]) if n['Name'] == network]

    assert len(nets) < 2  # WTF?

    if not nets:
        exit_err("Could not find a network name {!r}".format(network))

    ctx.obj = {'cl': cl, 'network_name': network, 'network': nets[0]['Name']}
Пример #2
def cli(ctx, url, network):
    # initialize Client
    cl = Client(base_url=url, version='auto')

    # output version to show the connected succeeded
    v = cl.version()
    info('Connected to Docker {v[Version]}, api version '

    # find frontend network
    nets = [n for n in cl.networks(names=[network]) if n['Name'] == network]

    assert len(nets) < 2  # WTF?

    if not nets:
        exit_err("Could not find a network name {!r}".format(network))

    ctx.obj = {'cl': cl, 'network_name': network, 'network': nets[0]['Name']}