def docker(obj, docker_host, docker_username, docker_password, name, tag, variant, no_variant, arch, system, distro): """Subcommand to build docker images for the docker builders It loads the docker images defined in the master's configuration. MasterConfig aggregates the available docker images from the passed projects. """ config = obj['config'] if obj['verbose']: logging.getLogger('dockermap').setLevel(logging.INFO) client = DockerClientWrapper(docker_host) if docker_username is not None: client.login(username=docker_username, password=docker_password) if no_variant: variant = None image_filter = Filter(name=Matching(name), tag=Matching(tag), variant=Matching(variant), platform=Filter(arch=Matching(arch), system=Matching(system), distro=Matching(distro))) filtered = ImageCollection(i for i in config.images if image_filter(i)) obj['client'] = client obj['images'] = filtered
def docker(obj, docker_host, docker_username, docker_password, **kwargs): """Subcommand to build docker images for the docker builders It loads the docker images defined in the master's configuration. MasterConfig aggregates the available docker images from the passed projects. """ config = obj['config'] if obj['verbose']: logging.getLogger('dockermap').setLevel(logging.INFO) client = DockerClientWrapper(docker_host) if docker_username is not None: client.login(username=docker_username, password=docker_password) def match(value, filter): """Enable glob-style pattern matching on docker proerties""" if isinstance(value, str): return fnmatch(value, filter) else: return value == filter images = config.images.filter(**{ k: partial(match, filter=f) for k, f in kwargs.items() if f is not None }) obj['client'] = client obj['images'] = images
def docker(ctx, docker_host, docker_username, docker_password, **kwargs): """Subcommand to build docker images for the docker builders""" if ctx.obj['verbose']: logging.getLogger('dockermap').setLevel(logging.INFO) client = DockerClientWrapper(docker_host) if docker_username is not None: client.login(username=docker_username, password=docker_password) filters = toolz.valfilter(lambda x: x is not None, kwargs) docker_images = images.filter(**filters) ctx.obj['client'] = client ctx.obj['images'] = docker_images
def locally(): """Local development environment""" env.docker = DockerClientWrapper('unix://var/run/docker.sock') bootstrap_environment('local') env.project_path = '/home/{user}/{{cookiecutter.app_name}}'.format(**env) env.map_client = MappingDockerClient( env.container_map, env.container_config, clients={'__default__': env.container_config}) = local
def testing(): """Local testing environment""" env.docker = DockerClientWrapper('unix://var/run/docker.sock') bootstrap_environment('testing') env.project_path = '/home/{user}/jenkins-test'.format(**env) env.map_client = MappingDockerClient( env.container_map, env.container_config, clients={'__default__': env.container_config}) = local
def build(self, client=None, **kwargs): """Build the docker images Parameters ---------- client : dockermap.api.DockerClientWrapper, default None Docker client to build the images with. For example it can be used to build images on another host. """ if client is None: client = DockerClientWrapper() # wrap it in a try catch and serialize the failing dockerfile # also consider to use add an `org` argument to directly tag the image # TODO(kszucs): pass platform argument'Start building {self.fqn}') client.build_from_file(self.dockerfile, self.fqn, **kwargs)'Image has been built successfully: {self.fqn}') return self
def push(self, client=None, **kwargs): if client is None: client = DockerClientWrapper() client.push(self.fqn, **kwargs) return self
def _client(self, client=None): if client is None: with DockerClientWrapper() as client: yield client else: yield client
def test_docker_image_build(image): with DockerClientWrapper() as client: assert len(client.images(image.fqn))
def startContainer(): client = DockerClientWrapper('unix://var/run/docker.sock') client.start('aadebuger/lightingthrift', expose={9092: 9090})