def getfunctionsfile(filename): functionsfile = DocsFunctionsFile(0) = filename = 1 function = DocsFunction(0) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)): for name in files: file_split = os.path.splitext(name) if file_split[1]=='.markdown' and file_split[0] == filename+"_functions": f = open(os.path.join(root,name),'r') state = 'begin' linenum = 0 for line in f: line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace") if state == 'begin' and line.find('#functions') == 0: state = 'functionsfile' functionsfile.module = os.path.basename(root) = False elif state == 'functionsfile' and line.find('##Description') == 0: state = 'filedescription' elif state == 'filedescription' and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and line!='\n': functionsfile.description = functionsfile.description + line elif state == 'filedescription' or state=='description' and line.find('###')==0: if(state=='description'): functionsfile.function_list.append(function) state = 'function' function = DocsFunction(0) elif state == 'function' and line.find('_')==0 and line.find('_description')==-1: #print "##########field: " + line addfield(function,line) elif state == 'function' and line.find('_description')==0: state = 'description' elif state == 'description' and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and line!='\n': function.description = function.description + line return functionsfile
def getfunctionsfile(filename): functionsfile = DocsFunctionsFile(0) = filename = 1 function = DocsFunction(0) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)): for name in files: file_split = os.path.splitext(name) if file_split[1]=='.markdown' and file_split[0] == filename+"_functions": f = open(os.path.join(root,name),'r') state = 'begin' linenum = 0 for line in f: if state == 'begin' and line.find('#functions') == 0: state = 'functionsfile' functionsfile.module = os.path.basename(root) = False elif state == 'functionsfile' and line.find('##Description') == 0: state = 'filedescription' elif state == 'filedescription' and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and line!='\n': functionsfile.description = functionsfile.description + line elif state == 'filedescription' or state=='description' and line.find('###')==0: if(state=='description'): functionsfile.function_list.append(function) state = 'function' function = DocsFunction(0) elif state == 'function' and line.find('_')==0 and line.find('_description')==-1: #print "##########field: " + line addfield(function,line) elif state == 'function' and line.find('_description')==0: state = 'description' elif state == 'description' and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and line!='\n': function.description = function.description + line return functionsfile
def list_all_functions(db, groupid, advanced): cursor = db.cursor() sql = 'SELECT, FROM documentation_functions c JOIN documentation_files f WHERE and f.groupid=%s and f.advanced=%s and c.advanced=%s and f.visible=1 and c.visible=1 and c.linktable="files" ORDER BY f.sortid, c.sortid' cursor.execute(sql, (groupid, advanced, advanced)) functions = cursor.fetchall() function_list = [] for dbfunction in functions: function = DocsFunction(dbfunction[0]) = dbfunction[1] function_list.append(function) return function_list
def list_all_functions(db, groupid, advanced): cursor = db.cursor() sql = 'SELECT, FROM documentation_functions c JOIN documentation_files f WHERE and f.groupid=%s and f.advanced=%s and c.advanced=%s and f.visible=1 and c.visible=1 and c.linktable="files" ORDER BY f.sortid, c.sortid' cursor.execute(sql, ( groupid, advanced, advanced, )) functions = cursor.fetchall() function_list = [] for dbfunction in functions: function = DocsFunction(dbfunction[0]) = dbfunction[1] function_list.append(function) return function_list
def list_all(db, linkid, linktable='class'): cursor = db.cursor() sql = 'SELECT id,name,description,returns,returns_description,parameters,syntax,version_started,version_deprecated,visible,advanced FROM documentation_functions WHERE linktable=%s and linkid= %s' cursor.execute(sql, ( linktable, linkid, )) dbfunctions = cursor.fetchall() functions = [] for dbfunction in dbfunctions: function = DocsFunction(dbfunction[0]) = 0 = dbfunction[1] function.description = str(dbfunction[2]).replace( '[code]', '\n$$code(lang=c++)\n').replace('[/code]', '\n$$/code\n') + "\n\n" if (dbfunction[3] == ""): function.returns = "void" else: function.returns = tostr(dbfunction[3]) function.returns_description = str(dbfunction[4]).replace('\n', ' ') function.parameters = dbfunction[5].replace('<BR/>', ', ').replace( '<br/>', ', ') function.syntax = dbfunction[6] if (dbfunction[7] == 0 or dbfunction[7] is None): function.version_started = "006" else: function.version_started = tostr(dbfunction[7]) if (dbfunction[8] == 0 or dbfunction[8] is None): function.version_deprecated = "" else: function.version_deprecated = tostr(dbfunction[8]) function.visible = dbfunction[9] function.advanced = dbfunction[10] functions.append(function) return functions
def getfunctionsfile(filename): functionsfile = DocsFunctionsFile(0) = filename = 1 function = DocsFunction(0) prevBreakLine = False for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)): for name in files: file_split = os.path.splitext(name) if file_split[1] == '.markdown' and file_split[ 0] == filename + "_functions": f = open(os.path.join(root, name), 'rU') state = 'begin' linenum = 0 for line in f: line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace") if state == 'begin' and line.find('#functions') == 0: state = 'functionsfile' functionsfile.module = os.path.basename(root) = False elif state == 'functionsfile' and line.find('_') == 0: addfield(functionsfile, line) elif state == 'functionsfile' and line.find( '##Description') == 0: state = 'filedescription' prevBreakLine = False elif state == 'filedescription' and line.find( '<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->' ) == -1 and (line != '\n' or not prevBreakLine): functionsfile.description = functionsfile.description + line prevBreakLine = (line == '\n') elif state == 'filedescription' or state == 'description' and line.find( '###') == 0: if (state == 'description'): functionsfile.function_list.append(function) state = 'function' function = DocsFunction(0) elif state == 'function' and line.find( '_') == 0 and line.find('_description') == -1: #print "##########field: " + line addfield(function, line) elif state == 'function' and line.find( '_description') == 0: state = 'description' prevBreakLine = False elif state == 'description' and line.find( '<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->' ) == -1 and (line != '\n' or not prevBreakLine): function.description = function.description + line prevBreakLine = (line == '\n') if (state == 'description'): functionsfile.function_list.append(function) functionsfile.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: return functionsfile
def getfunctionsfile(filename): functionsfile = DocsFunctionsFile(0) = filename = 1 function = DocsFunction(0) prevBreakLine = False for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)): for name in files: file_split = os.path.splitext(name) if file_split[1] == ".markdown" and file_split[0] == filename + "_functions": f = open(os.path.join(root, name), "rU") state = "begin" linenum = 0 for line in f: line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace") if state == "begin" and line.find("#functions") == 0: state = "functionsfile" functionsfile.module = os.path.basename(root) = False elif state == "functionsfile" and line.find("_") == 0: addfield(functionsfile, line) elif state == "functionsfile" and line.find("##Description") == 0: state = "filedescription" prevBreakLine = False elif ( state == "filedescription" and line.find( "<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->" ) == -1 and (line != "\n" or not prevBreakLine) ): functionsfile.description = functionsfile.description + line prevBreakLine = line == "\n" elif state == "filedescription" or state == "description" and line.find("###") == 0: if state == "description": functionsfile.function_list.append(function) state = "function" function = DocsFunction(0) elif state == "function" and line.find("_") == 0 and line.find("_description") == -1: # print "##########field: " + line addfield(function, line) elif state == "function" and line.find("_description") == 0: state = "description" prevBreakLine = False elif ( state == "description" and line.find( "<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->" ) == -1 and (line != "\n" or not prevBreakLine) ): function.description = function.description + line prevBreakLine = line == "\n" if state == "description": functionsfile.function_list.append(function) functionsfile.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: return functionsfile
def getfunctionsfile(filename): functionsfile = DocsFunctionsFile(0) = filename = 1 function = DocsFunction(0) prevBreakLine = False; for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)): for name in files: file_split = os.path.splitext(name) if file_split[1]=='.markdown' and file_split[0] == filename+"_functions": functionsfile.path = name f = open(os.path.join(root,name),'rU') state = 'begin' linenum = 0 for line in f: #line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace") if state == 'begin' and line.find('#functions') == 0: state = 'functionsfile' functionsfile.module = os.path.basename(root) = False elif state == 'functionsfile' and line.find('_')==0: addfield(functionsfile,line) elif state == 'functionsfile' and line.find('##Description') == 0: state = 'filedescription' prevBreakLine = False elif state == 'filedescription' and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine): functionsfile.description = functionsfile.description + line prevBreakLine = (line=='\n') elif state == 'filedescription' or state=='description' and line.find('###')==0: if(state=='description'): functionsfile.function_list.append(function) state = 'function' function = DocsFunction(0) elif state == 'function' and line.find('_')==0 and line.find('_inlined_description')==-1 and line.find('_description')==-1: #print "##########field: " + line addfield(function,line) elif state == 'function' and line.find('_inlined_description')==0: state = 'inlined_description' prevBreakLine = True elif (state == 'inlined_description' or state=='function') and line.find('_description')==0: state = 'description' prevBreakLine = False elif state == 'inlined_description' and line.find('##')!=0 and line.find('_description')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine): function.inlined_description = function.inlined_description + line prevBreakLine = (line=='\n') elif state == 'description' and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine): function.description = function.description + line prevBreakLine = (line=='\n') if(state=='description'): functionsfile.function_list.append(function) functionsfile.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: function.syntax) return functionsfile
def list_all(db,linkid,linktable='class'): cursor=db.cursor() sql='SELECT id,name,description,returns,returns_description,parameters,syntax,version_started,version_deprecated,visible,advanced FROM documentation_functions WHERE linktable=%s and linkid= %s' cursor.execute(sql,(linktable,linkid,)) dbfunctions = cursor.fetchall() functions = [] for dbfunction in dbfunctions: function = DocsFunction(dbfunction[0]) = 0 = dbfunction[1] function.description = str(dbfunction[2]).replace('[code]','\n$$code(lang=c++)\n').replace('[/code]','\n$$/code\n') + "\n\n" if(dbfunction[3]==""): function.returns = "void" else: function.returns = tostr(dbfunction[3]) function.returns_description = str(dbfunction[4]).replace('\n',' ') function.parameters = dbfunction[5].replace('<BR/>',', ').replace('<br/>',', ') function.syntax = dbfunction[6] if(dbfunction[7]==0 or dbfunction[7] is None): function.version_started = "006" else: function.version_started = tostr(dbfunction[7]) if(dbfunction[8]==0 or dbfunction[8] is None): function.version_deprecated = "" else: function.version_deprecated = tostr(dbfunction[8]) function.visible = dbfunction[9] function.advanced = dbfunction[10] functions.append(function) return functions