Пример #1
 def get_ref(self, node: nodes.Node) -> Optional[nodes.Node]:
     while node is not None:
         if not node.get('ids'):
             # In Sphinx domain descriptions, the ID is in the
             # first child node, the desc_signature.
             # We can take that, but to make the JS handling
             # the TOC sidebar work properly, we need it to
             # be in the hierarchy. So create an ID for the
             # desc node.
             if node[0].get('ids'):
                 node['ids'] = [node[0].get('ids')[0] + '-tocentry']
         if node.get('ids'):
             return node['ids'][0]
         node = node.parent
Пример #2
def _add_pending_back_reference(app: Sphinx, signode: Node,
                                fullname: str) -> None:
    Updates the ``doc_links`` entry of the modules stored in
    ``_viewcode_c_modules`` so that they can later be added to the source
    code listings as links to the documentation locations.

        app (Sphinx):
            The sphinx app currently doing the processing.
        signode (Node):
            The signature node to create the back reference to.
        fullname (str):
            The name of the construct, i.e. function name, variable name etc.
    module = signode.get("module")
    if module is None:

    env = app.builder.env
    code_listing = env._viewcode_c_modules.get(module)  # type: ignore
    if code_listing is None:

    doc_links = code_listing.doc_links
                         DocumentationReference(env.docname, module, fullname))
Пример #3
 def visit_doctest_block(self, node: Node) -> None:
     pysrc = node[0].astext()
     if node.get('codeblock'):
     raise SkipNode()
Пример #4
def is_translatable(node: Node) -> bool:
    if isinstance(node, addnodes.translatable):
        return True

    # image node marked as translatable or having alt text
    if isinstance(node, nodes.image) and (node.get('translatable')
                                          or node.get('alt')):
        return True

    if isinstance(node,
                  nodes.Inline) and 'translatable' not in node:  # type: ignore
        # inline node must not be translated if 'translatable' is not set
        return False

    if isinstance(node, nodes.TextElement):
        if not node.source:
            logger.debug('[i18n] SKIP %r because no node.source: %s',
                         get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node))
            return False  # built-in message
        if isinstance(node, IGNORED_NODES) and 'translatable' not in node:
                "[i18n] SKIP %r because node is in IGNORED_NODES "
                "and no node['translatable']: %s", get_full_module_name(node),
            return False
        if not node.get('translatable', True):
            # not(node['translatable'] == True or node['translatable'] is None)
            logger.debug("[i18n] SKIP %r because not node['translatable']: %s",
                         get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node))
            return False
        # <field_name>orphan</field_name>
        # XXX ignore all metadata (== docinfo)
        if isinstance(node, nodes.field_name) and node.children[0] == 'orphan':
            logger.debug('[i18n] SKIP %r because orphan node: %s',
                         get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node))
            return False
        return True

    if is_pending_meta(node) or isinstance(node, addnodes.meta):
        # docutils-0.17 or older
        return True
    elif isinstance(node, addnodes.docutils_meta):
        # docutils-0.18+
        return True

    return False
Пример #5
 def locate_in_toc(self, app: Sphinx,
                   node: nodes.Node) -> Optional[nodes.Node]:
     toc = app.env.tocs[app.env.docname]
     ref = self.get_ref(node)
     for node in toc.traverse(nodes.reference):
         node_ref = node.get('anchorname')
         if not node_ref or node_ref[0] != "#":
         if node_ref[1:] == ref:
             return node.parent.parent
Пример #6
    def resolve_any_xref(
            self, env: BuildEnvironment, from_doc_name: str, builder: Builder,
            target: str, node: nodes.Node,
            cont_node: nodes.Node) -> List[Tuple[str, nodes.Node]]:
        modname = node.get('lua:module')
        class_name = node.get('lua:class')
        results: List[Tuple[str, nodes.Node]] = []

        # always search in "refspecific" mode with the :any: role
        matches = self.find_obj(env, modname, class_name, target, None, 1)
        for name, obj in matches:
            if obj[1] == 'module':
                     self._make_module_refnode(builder, from_doc_name, name,
                results.append(('lua:' + self.role_for_objtype(obj[1]),
                                make_refnode(builder, from_doc_name, obj[0],
                                             name, cont_node, name)))
        return results
Пример #7
    def get_enumerable_node_type(self, node: Node) -> str:
        """Get type of enumerable nodes."""
        def has_child(node: Element, cls: "Type") -> bool:
            return any(isinstance(child, cls) for child in node)

        if isinstance(node, nodes.section):
            return 'section'
        elif isinstance(node, nodes.container):
            if node.get('literal_block') and has_child(node, nodes.literal_block):
                return 'code-block'
                return None
            figtype, _ = self.enumerable_nodes.get(node.__class__, (None, None))
            return figtype
Пример #8
def _add_pending_source_cross_reference(app: Sphinx, signode: Node,
                                        fullname: str) -> None:
    Adds a pending source cross reference to the signature in the doctree, `signode`.

    The viewcode and linkcode extensions walk the doctree once parsed and
    then add this node, however since sphinx_c_autodoc already has to add
    logic, the `module` option to the directives it seems more practical to
    just create the full pending cross reference here, and then viewcode is
    an extension which will populate this cross refernce.

        app (Sphinx):
            The sphinx app currently doing the processing.
        signode (Node):
            The signature node to apply the source code cross reference to.
        fullname (str):
            The dotted fullname of the C construct.
    module = signode.get("module")
    if module is None:

    source_page = _get_source_page_name(module)

    # Using the `viewcode-link` to be consistent with the python versions in
    # case someone else wants to walk the tree and do other links
    inline = nodes.inline("", "[source]", classes=["viewcode-link"])

    # Limit this cross referencing only to html
    html_node = addnodes.only(expr="html")
    html_node += addnodes.pending_xref(

    signode += html_node
def handle_missing_xref(app: Sphinx, env, node: nodes.Node,
                        contnode: nodes.Node) -> None:
    # Ignore missing reference warnings for the wheel_filename module
    if node.get("reftarget", '').startswith("docutils."):
        raise NoUri

    if node.get("reftarget", '').startswith("sphinx.ext.autodoc."):
        raise NoUri

    if node.get("reftarget", '').startswith("sphinx.ext.autosummary."):
        raise NoUri

    if node.get("reftarget",
        # TODO: redirect
        raise NoUri

    if node.get("reftarget", '') in {
            "sphinx_toolbox.testing.EventManager",  # TODO
            "autodoc.Documenter",  # TODO: why not sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter?
        raise NoUri

    if node.get("reftarget",
        raise NoUri
Пример #10
 def dispatch_visit(self, node: Node) -> None:
     if isinstance(node, nodes.comment):
         raise nodes.SkipNode
     elif isinstance(node, nodes.raw):
         if 'html' in node.get('format', '').split():
             # Some people might put content in raw HTML that should be searched,
             # so we just amateurishly strip HTML tags and index the remaining
             # content
             nodetext = re.sub(r'(?is)<style.*?</style>', '', node.astext())
             nodetext = re.sub(r'(?is)<script.*?</script>', '', nodetext)
             nodetext = re.sub(r'<[^<]+?>', '', nodetext)
         raise nodes.SkipNode
     elif isinstance(node, nodes.Text):
     elif isinstance(node, nodes.title):
     elif isinstance(node, addnodes.meta) and self.is_meta_keywords(node):
         keywords = node['content']
         keywords = [keyword.strip() for keyword in keywords.split(',')]
Пример #11
    def match(self, node: Node) -> bool:
            if self.classes and not isinstance(node, self.classes):
                return False

            if self.attrs:
                if not isinstance(node, nodes.Element):
                    return False

                for key, value in self.attrs.items():
                    if key not in node:
                        return False
                    elif value is Any:
                    elif node.get(key) != value:
                        return False

            return True
        except Exception:
            # for non-Element nodes
            return False
Пример #12
def is_gettext_additional_targets(node: Node) -> bool:
    # This func judges if passed `node` is one of the following, which can be
    # tranlated by `gettext_addtional_targets` setting and is not supported by
    # this sphinx extension:
    # - toctree (with hidden attribute as True)
    # - literal-block
    # - raw
    # - image

    # hidden toc element
    if isinstance(node, toctree) and node.get("hidden", None) is True:
        return True

    # literal_block / raw / image nodes are not supported since they are not
    # supported due to implementation issue, e.g. compatibility with code-block
    # highlight HTML writing
    elif (isinstance(node, literal_block) or isinstance(node, raw)
          or isinstance(node, image)):
        return True
        return False
Пример #13
 def get_refnodes(self, doctree: Node, result: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:  # NOQA
     """Collect section titles, their depth in the toc and the refuri."""
     # XXX: is there a better way than checking the attribute
     # toctree-l[1-8] on the parent node?
     if isinstance(doctree, nodes.reference) and doctree.get('refuri'):
         refuri = doctree['refuri']
         if refuri.startswith('http://') or refuri.startswith('https://') \
            or refuri.startswith('irc:') or refuri.startswith('mailto:'):
             return result
         classes = doctree.parent.attributes['classes']
         for level in range(8, 0, -1):  # or range(1, 8)?
             if (self.toctree_template % level) in classes:
                     'level': level,
                     'refuri': html.escape(refuri),
                     'text': ssp(html.escape(doctree.astext()))
     elif isinstance(doctree, nodes.Element):
         for elem in doctree:
             result = self.get_refnodes(elem, result)
     return result
Пример #14
def visit_container(self, node: nodes.Node):
    classes = "docutils container"
    if node.get("is_div", False):
        # we don't want the CSS for container for these nodes
        classes = "docutils"
    self.body.append(self.starttag(node, "div", CLASS=classes))
Пример #15
 def match(self, node: nodes.Node) -> bool:
     uri = node.get('uri', '')
     return bool(url_to_file_id(uri))
def visit_togglereveal(self, node: nodes.Node) -> None:
    classes = " ".join(node.get("classes", []))
    self.body.append(f'<div class="togglereveal {classes}">')
    self.body.append('<details class="admonition-body">')