class WD_SECTION_START(XmlEnumeration): """ alias: **WD_SECTION** Specifies the start type of a section break. Example:: from docxx.enum.section import WD_SECTION section = document.sections[0] section.start_type = WD_SECTION.NEW_PAGE """ __ms_name__ = 'WdSectionStart' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember( 'CONTINUOUS', 0, 'continuous', 'Continuous section break.' ), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'NEW_COLUMN', 1, 'nextColumn', 'New column section break.' ), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'NEW_PAGE', 2, 'nextPage', 'New page section break.' ), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'EVEN_PAGE', 3, 'evenPage', 'Even pages section break.' ), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'ODD_PAGE', 4, 'oddPage', 'Section begins on next odd page.' ), )
class WD_ROW_HEIGHT_RULE(XmlEnumeration): """ alias: **WD_ROW_HEIGHT** Specifies the rule for determining the height of a table row Example:: from docxx.enum.table import WD_ROW_HEIGHT_RULE table = document.add_table(3, 3) table.rows[0].height_rule = WD_ROW_HEIGHT_RULE.EXACTLY """ __ms_name__ = "WdRowHeightRule" __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember( 'AUTO', 0, 'auto', 'The row height is adjusted to accommodate th' 'e tallest value in the row.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'AT_LEAST', 1, 'atLeast', 'The row height is at least a minimum ' 'specified value.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('EXACTLY', 2, 'exact', 'The row height is an exact value.'), )
class WD_ORIENTATION(XmlEnumeration): """ alias: **WD_ORIENT** Specifies the page layout orientation. Example:: from docxx.enum.section import WD_ORIENT section = document.sections[-1] section.orientation = WD_ORIENT.LANDSCAPE """ __ms_name__ = 'WdOrientation' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember( 'PORTRAIT', 0, 'portrait', 'Portrait orientation.' ), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'LANDSCAPE', 1, 'landscape', 'Landscape orientation.' ), )
class WD_LINE_SPACING(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies a line spacing format to be applied to a paragraph. Example:: from docxx.enum.text import WD_LINE_SPACING paragraph = document.add_paragraph() paragraph.line_spacing_rule = WD_LINE_SPACING.EXACTLY """ __ms_name__ = 'WdLineSpacing' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( EnumMember('ONE_POINT_FIVE', 1, 'Space-and-a-half line spacing.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'AT_LEAST', 3, 'atLeast', 'Line spacing is always at least the s' 'pecified amount. The amount is specified separately.'), EnumMember('DOUBLE', 2, 'Double spaced.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'EXACTLY', 4, 'exact', 'Line spacing is exactly the specified am' 'ount. The amount is specified separately.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'MULTIPLE', 5, 'auto', 'Line spacing is specified as a multiple ' 'of line heights. Changing the font size will change the line sp' 'acing proportionately.'), EnumMember('SINGLE', 0, 'Single spaced (default).'), )
class WD_CELL_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT(XmlEnumeration): """ alias: **WD_ALIGN_VERTICAL** Specifies the vertical alignment of text in one or more cells of a table. Example:: from docxx.enum.table import WD_ALIGN_VERTICAL table = document.add_table(3, 3) table.cell(0, 0).vertical_alignment = WD_ALIGN_VERTICAL.BOTTOM """ __ms_name__ = 'WdCellVerticalAlignment' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember('TOP', 0, 'top', 'Text is aligned to the top border of the cell.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('CENTER', 1, 'center', 'Text is aligned to the center of the cel' 'l.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'BOTTOM', 3, 'bottom', 'Text is aligned to the bottom border of ' 'the cell.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'BOTH', 101, 'both', 'This is an option in the OpenXml spec, but' ' not in Word itself. It\'s not clear what Word behavior this se' 'tting produces. If you find out please let us know and we\'ll u' 'pdate this documentation. Otherwise, probably best to avoid thi' 's option.'), )
class XMLFOO(XmlEnumeration): """ XmlEnumeration docstring """ __ms_name__ = 'MsoXmlFoobar' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember(None, None, None, 'No setting'), XmlMappedEnumMember('XML_RW', 42, 'attrVal', 'Read/write setting'), ReturnValueOnlyEnumMember('RO', -2, 'Return value only;'), )
class WD_TABLE_ALIGNMENT(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies table justification type. Example:: from docxx.enum.table import WD_TABLE_ALIGNMENT table = document.add_table(3, 3) table.alignment = WD_TABLE_ALIGNMENT.CENTER """ __ms_name__ = 'WdRowAlignment' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember('LEFT', 0, 'left', 'Left-aligned'), XmlMappedEnumMember('CENTER', 1, 'center', 'Center-aligned.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('RIGHT', 2, 'right', 'Right-aligned.'), )
class WD_TAB_ALIGNMENT(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies the tab stop alignment to apply. """ __ms_name__ = 'WdTabAlignment' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember('LEFT', 0, 'left', 'Left-aligned.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('CENTER', 1, 'center', 'Center-aligned.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('RIGHT', 2, 'right', 'Right-aligned.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DECIMAL', 3, 'decimal', 'Decimal-aligned.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('BAR', 4, 'bar', 'Bar-aligned.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('LIST', 6, 'list', 'List-aligned. (deprecated)'), XmlMappedEnumMember('CLEAR', 101, 'clear', 'Clear an inherited tab stop.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('END', 102, 'end', 'Right-aligned. (deprecated)'), XmlMappedEnumMember('NUM', 103, 'num', 'Left-aligned. (deprecated)'), XmlMappedEnumMember('START', 104, 'start', 'Left-aligned. (deprecated)'), )
class WD_STYLE_TYPE(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies one of the four style types: paragraph, character, list, or table. Example:: from docx import Document from import WD_STYLE_TYPE styles = Document().styles assert styles[0].type == WD_STYLE_TYPE.PARAGRAPH """ __ms_name__ = 'WdStyleType' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember('CHARACTER', 2, 'character', 'Character style.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('LIST', 4, 'numbering', 'List style.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('PARAGRAPH', 1, 'paragraph', 'Paragraph style.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('TABLE', 3, 'table', 'Table style.'), )
class WD_HEADER_FOOTER_INDEX(XmlEnumeration): """ alias: **WD_HEADER_FOOTER** Specifies one of the three possible header/footer definitions for a section. For internal use only; not part of the python-docx API. """ __ms_name__ = "WdHeaderFooterIndex" __url__ = "" __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember( "PRIMARY", 1, "default", "Header for odd pages or all if no even header." ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "FIRST_PAGE", 2, "first", "Header for first page of section." ), XmlMappedEnumMember( "EVEN_PAGE", 3, "even", "Header for even pages of recto/verso section." ), )
class WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT(XmlEnumeration): """ alias: **WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH** Specifies paragraph justification type. Example:: from docxx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH paragraph = document.add_paragraph() paragraph.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER """ __ms_name__ = 'WdParagraphAlignment' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember('LEFT', 0, 'left', 'Left-aligned'), XmlMappedEnumMember('CENTER', 1, 'center', 'Center-aligned.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('RIGHT', 2, 'right', 'Right-aligned.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('JUSTIFY', 3, 'both', 'Fully justified.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'DISTRIBUTE', 4, 'distribute', 'Paragraph characters are distrib' 'uted to fill the entire width of the paragraph.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'JUSTIFY_MED', 5, 'mediumKashida', 'Justified with a medium char' 'acter compression ratio.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'JUSTIFY_HI', 7, 'highKashida', 'Justified with a high character' ' compression ratio.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'JUSTIFY_LOW', 8, 'lowKashida', 'Justified with a low character ' 'compression ratio.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'THAI_JUSTIFY', 9, 'thaiDistribute', 'Justified according to Tha' 'i formatting layout.'), )
class WD_TAB_LEADER(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies the character to use as the leader with formatted tabs. """ __ms_name__ = 'WdTabLeader' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember('SPACES', 0, 'none', 'Spaces. Default.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DOTS', 1, 'dot', 'Dots.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DASHES', 2, 'hyphen', 'Dashes.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('LINES', 3, 'underscore', 'Double lines.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('HEAVY', 4, 'heavy', 'A heavy line.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('MIDDLE_DOT', 5, 'middleDot', 'A vertically-centered dot.'), )
class WD_COLOR_INDEX(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies a standard preset color to apply. Used for font highlighting and perhaps other applications. """ __ms_name__ = 'WdColorIndex' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember(None, None, None, 'Color is inherited from the style hierarchy.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('AUTO', 0, 'default', 'Automatic color. Default; usually black.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('BLACK', 1, 'black', 'Black color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('BLUE', 2, 'blue', 'Blue color'), XmlMappedEnumMember('BRIGHT_GREEN', 4, 'green', 'Bright green color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DARK_BLUE', 9, 'darkBlue', 'Dark blue color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DARK_RED', 13, 'darkRed', 'Dark red color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DARK_YELLOW', 14, 'darkYellow', 'Dark yellow color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('GRAY_25', 16, 'lightGray', '25% shade of gray color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('GRAY_50', 15, 'darkGray', '50% shade of gray color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('GREEN', 11, 'darkGreen', 'Green color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('PINK', 5, 'magenta', 'Pink color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('RED', 6, 'red', 'Red color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('TEAL', 10, 'darkCyan', 'Teal color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('TURQUOISE', 3, 'cyan', 'Turquoise color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('VIOLET', 12, 'darkMagenta', 'Violet color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('WHITE', 8, 'white', 'White color.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('YELLOW', 7, 'yellow', 'Yellow color.'), )
class WD_UNDERLINE(XmlEnumeration): """ Specifies the style of underline applied to a run of characters. """ __ms_name__ = 'WdUnderline' __url__ = '' __members__ = ( XmlMappedEnumMember( None, None, None, 'Inherit underline setting from containing par' 'agraph.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'NONE', 0, 'none', 'No underline. This setting overrides any inh' 'erited underline value, so can be used to remove underline from' ' a run that inherits underlining from its containing paragraph.' ' Note this is not the same as assigning |None| to Run.underline' '. |None| is a valid assignment value, but causes the run to inh' 'erit its underline value. Assigning ``WD_UNDERLINE.NONE`` cause' 's underlining to be unconditionally turned off.'), XmlMappedEnumMember( 'SINGLE', 1, 'single', 'A single line. Note that this setting is' 'write-only in the sense that |True| (rather than ``WD_UNDERLINE' '.SINGLE``) is returned for a run having this setting.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('WORDS', 2, 'words', 'Underline individual words only.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DOUBLE', 3, 'double', 'A double line.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DOTTED', 4, 'dotted', 'Dots.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('THICK', 6, 'thick', 'A single thick line.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DASH', 7, 'dash', 'Dashes.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DOT_DASH', 9, 'dotDash', 'Alternating dots and dashes.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DOT_DOT_DASH', 10, 'dotDotDash', 'An alternating dot-dot-dash p' 'attern.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('WAVY', 11, 'wave', 'A single wavy line.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DOTTED_HEAVY', 20, 'dottedHeavy', 'Heavy dots.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DASH_HEAVY', 23, 'dashedHeavy', 'Heavy dashes.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DOT_DASH_HEAVY', 25, 'dashDotHeavy', 'Alternating heavy dots an' 'd heavy dashes.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DOT_DOT_DASH_HEAVY', 26, 'dashDotDotHeavy', 'An alternating hea' 'vy dot-dot-dash pattern.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('WAVY_HEAVY', 27, 'wavyHeavy', 'A heavy wavy line.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DASH_LONG', 39, 'dashLong', 'Long dashes.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('WAVY_DOUBLE', 43, 'wavyDouble', 'A double wavy line.'), XmlMappedEnumMember('DASH_LONG_HEAVY', 55, 'dashLongHeavy', 'Long heavy dashes.'), )