Пример #1
    def ComputeMass(self, node, element, dofMap=None):

        etype = None
        mtype = None
        if (dofMap == None):
            dofMap = dmap.FixedDofMap(self.dpn)

        #mespace = len(element)*(element[0].NumNodes()*self.dpn)**2
        mdata = basic.DelayedAssm(element, self.dpn)

        for e in element:
            ecoord = node[e.Connectivity(), :]
            if (not etype == e.Type()):
                etype = e.Type()
                qr = e.QuadratureRule(2 * (e.Order()))
                nne = e.NumNodes()

            if (not e.Material() == mtype):
                mtype = e.prop.material
                rho = mtype.matprop['rho']

            me = np.zeros((nne, nne))
            for q in xrange(qr[1].size):
                qpt = qr[0][q]
                qwt = qr[1][q]
                jac = e.Jacobian(ecoord, qpt)
                N = e.N(qpt)
                me = me + rho * np.outer(N, N) * jac * qwt

            # scatter me into M
            for s in self.SpacialDim():
                sctr = dofMap.Sctr(e.Connectivity(), s)
                mdata.AddLocalMatrix(me, sctr)

        return mdata.GetCsrMatrix()
Пример #2
    def ComputeStress(self, node, element, disp, dofMap=None):

        if (dofMap == None):
            dofMap = dmap.FixedDofMap(self.dpn)

        ne = len(element)
        strain = np.zeros((ne, self.vdim), dtype=basic.FLOAT_TYPE)
        stress = np.zeros((ne, self.vdim), dtype=basic.FLOAT_TYPE)
        svm = np.zeros(ne, dtype=basic.FLOAT_TYPE)

        mtype = None
        ei = 0
        for e in element:
            ecoord = node[e.Connectivity(), :]
            #sctr = elem.sctr_array( e.Connectivity(), self.dpn )
            sctr = dofMap.Sctr(e.Connectivity(), range(self.dpn))
            if (not e.Material() == mtype):
                mtype = e.prop.material
                C = self.GetMaterialStiffness(e)

            B, jac = e.BMat(ecoord)
            strain[ei, :] = np.dot(B, disp[sctr])
            stress[ei, :] = np.dot(C, strain[ei])
            svm[ei] = self.ComputeMisesStress(stress[ei])

            ei = ei + 1

        return [stress, svm, strain]
Пример #3
    def ComputeStiffness(self, node, element, dofMap=None):

        etype = None
        mtype = None
        if (dofMap == None):
            dofMap = dmap.FixedDofMap(self.dpn)

        #kespace = len(element)*(element[0].NumNodes()*self.dpn)**2
        kdata = basic.DelayedAssm(element, self.dpn)

        for e in element:
            ecoord = node[e.Connectivity(), :]
            sctr = dofMap.Sctr(e.Connectivity(), dofMap.LDOFs())
            if (not etype == e.Type()):
                etype = e.Type()
                qr = e.QuadratureRule(2 * (e.Order()))
                kdim = e.NumNodes() * self.dpn

            if (not e.Material() == mtype):
                mtype = e.prop.material
                C = self.GetMaterialStiffness(e)

            ke = np.zeros((kdim, kdim))
            for q in xrange(qr[1].size):
                qpt = qr[0][q]
                qwt = qr[1][q]
                ipm = e.BMat(ecoord, qpt)
                jac = ipm[1]
                B = ipm[0]
                ke = ke + np.dot(np.dot(B.T, C), B) * jac * qwt

            # scatter ke into K
            kdata.AddLocalMatrix(ke, sctr)

        return kdata.GetCsrMatrix()
Пример #4
print '********************* 3D FINITE ELEMENT PROGRAM *********************'

print 'Initializing grid'
# define the finite element mesh
pwidth = 20
plength = 20
pheight = 5
mat0 = matl.LinearElasticMat(10e6, .33,
                             2.45e-4)  # linear elastic isotropic material
prop0 = prop.Solid3D(mat0)  # 3D solid property
fegrid = mesh.MeshHexa8( np.array([ [0,0,0], [plength,0,0], [plength,pwidth,0], [0,pwidth,0], \
        [0,0,pheight], [plength,0,pheight], [plength,pwidth,pheight], [0,pwidth,pheight] ]),\
        21, 21, 6, prop0 )

# setup a simple dofmap with 3 dof per node
dofMap = dmap.FixedDofMap(3)
formulation = prob.Problem3D()

print 'Computing stiffness matrix'
# compute the stiffness matrix
Kmat = formulation.ComputeStiffness(fegrid.node, fegrid.element, dofMap)

# define symmetry boundary conditions
spcs = bcs.EssentialBCs()
spcs.AddSpcs(fegrid.FaceNIDs(1), [0], dofmap=dofMap)  # fix -x face in x
spcs.AddSpcs(fegrid.FaceNIDs(3), [1], dofmap=dofMap)  # fix -y face in y
spcs.AddSpcs(fegrid.FaceNIDs(5), [2], dofmap=dofMap)  # fix -z face in z

# define rhs load
loads = bcs.NaturalBCs()
loads.AddTraction(fegrid.FaceElem(0), [100.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # load on the +x face
Пример #5
            fext[sctr] = fext[sctr] + fe
        return fext
import prop
import meshing as mesh

# define the finite element mesh
mat0 = NewtonianFluid( )
prop0 = prop.PlaneStress( mat0, 1.0 )
fegrid = mesh.MeshQuad4( np.array([[0,0],[pwidth,0],[pwidth,pheight],[0,pheight]]), 5, 2, prop0 )
dofmap = dmap.FixedDofMap(2)

# define the velocity boundary conditions
inflow = bcs.NaturalBCs()
inflow.AddTraction( fegrid.EdgeElem(3), [10.0, 0.0] )

inflowspcs = bcs.EssentialBCs()
inflowspcs.AddSpcs( fegrid.EdgeNIDs(3), [0], [10.0], dofmap=dofmap )  # fix left edge in x
loads = bcs.NaturalBCs()  # if there are external wall tractions on the flow
loads.AddTraction( fegrid.EdgeElem(0), [10.0, 0.0] )

# set the initial conditions
formulation = CBSMethod(sdim=2) 