Пример #1
 def test_doi4(self):
     """publisher=Informa {UK"""
     i = '10.1081%2Fada-200068110'
     o = doi_response(i)
     e = (
         '* {{cite journal '
         '| last=Davis '
         '| first=Margaret I. '
         '| last2=Jason '
         '| first2=Leonard A. '
         '| last3=Ferrari '
         '| first3=Joseph R. '
         '| last4=Olson '
         '| first4=Bradley D. '
         '| last5=Alvarez '
         '| first5=Josefina '
         '| title=A Collaborative Action Approach to Researching '
         'Substance Abuse Recovery '
         '| journal=The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse '
         '| publisher=Informa UK Limited '
         '| volume=31 '
         '| issue=4 '
         '| year=2005 '
         '| pages=537–553 '
         '| url=https://doi.org/10.1081%2Fada-200068110 '
         '| doi=10.1081/ada-200068110 '
         '| ref=harv '
         '| accessdate='
     self.assertIn(e, o.cite)
Пример #2
 def test_doi2(self):
     """Title of this DOI could not be detected in an older version."""
     i = 'http://www.jstor.org/stable/info/10.1086/677379'
     o = doi_response(i)
     e = (
         '* {{cite journal '
         '| title=Books of Critical Interest '
         '| journal=Critical Inquiry '
         '| publisher=University of Chicago Press '
         '| volume=40 '
         '| issue=3 '
         '| year=2014 '
         '| pages=272–281 '
         '| url=https://doi.org/10.1086%2F677379 '
         '| doi=10.1086/677379 '
         '| ref={{sfnref '
         '| University of Chicago Press | 2014}} '
         '| accessdate='
     self.assertIn(e, o.cite)
Пример #3
 def test_di1(self):
     i = 'http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nrd842'
     o = doi_response(i)
     e = ("* {{یادکرد ژورنال "
          "| نام خانوادگی=Atkins "
          "| نام=Joshua H. "
          "| نام خانوادگی۲=Gershell "
          "| نام۲=Leland J. "
          "| عنوان=From the analyst's couch: Selective anticancer drugs "
          "| ژورنال=Nature Reviews Drug Discovery "
          "| ناشر=Springer Nature "
          "| جلد=1 "
          "| شماره=7 "
          "| سال=2002 "
          "| ماه=jul "
          "| صفحه=491–492 "
          "| پیوند=https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fnrd842 "
          "| doi=10.1038/nrd842 "
          "| زبان=en "
          "| تاریخ بازبینی=")
     self.assertIn(e, o.cite)
Пример #4
 def test_doi3(self):
     """No author. URL contains %2F."""
     i = 'https://doi.org/10.1037%2Fh0063404'
     o = doi_response(i)
     e = (
         '* {{cite journal '
         '| last=Spitzer '
         '| first=H. F. '
         '| title=Studies in retention. '
         '| journal=Journal of Educational Psychology '
         '| publisher=American Psychological Association (APA) '
         '| volume=30 '
         '| issue=9 '
         '| year=1939 '
         '| pages=641–656 '
         '| url=https://doi.org/10.1037%2Fh0063404 '
         '| doi=10.1037/h0063404 '
         '| ref=harv '
         '| accessdate='
     self.assertIn(e, o.cite)
Пример #5
 def test_doi1(self):
     i = 'https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fnrd842'
     o = doi_response(i)
     e = (
         "* {{cite journal "
         "| last=Atkins "
         "| first=Joshua H. "
         "| last2=Gershell "
         "| first2=Leland J. "
         "| title=From the analyst's couch: Selective anticancer drugs "
         "| journal=Nature Reviews Drug Discovery "
         "| publisher=Springer Nature "
         "| volume=1 "
         "| issue=7 "
         "| year=2002 "
         "| pages=491–492 "
         "| url=https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fnrd842 "
         "| doi=10.1038/nrd842 "
         "| ref=harv "
         "| accessdate="
     self.assertIn(e, o.cite)
Пример #6
def get_response(user_input, date_format):
    if not user_input:
        # on first run user_input is ''
        return DEFAULT_RESPONSE
    en_user_input = unquote(uninum2en(user_input))
    # Checking the user input for dot is important because
    # the use of dotless domains is prohibited.
    # See: https://features.icann.org/dotless-domains
    user_input_contains_dot = '.' in en_user_input
    if user_input_contains_dot:
        # Try predefined URLs
        # Todo: The following code could be done in threads.
        if not user_input.startswith('http'):
            url = 'http://' + user_input
            url = user_input
        netloc = urlparse(url)[1]
        if '.google.com/books' in url:
            return googlebooks_response(url, date_format)
        response_getter = NETLOC_TO_RESPONSE.get(netloc)
        if response_getter:
            return response_getter(url, date_format)
        # DOIs contain dots
        m = DOI_SEARCH(unescape(en_user_input))
        if m:
            return doi_response(m.group(1), pure=True, date_format=date_format)
        return urls_response(url, date_format)
        # We can check user inputs containing dots for ISBNs, but probably is
        # error prone.
        m = ISBN13_SEARCH(en_user_input) or ISBN10_SEARCH(en_user_input)
        if m:
                return isbn_response(m.group(), True, date_format)
            except IsbnError: