Пример #1
  def get_coarse_level_extensions(self, M_fine):
    if self.verbosity >= 3:
      print0(pid+"    calculating coarse matrices extensions")

    timer = Timer("Coarse matrices extensions")

    Mx_fun = Function(self.problem.V_fine)
    Mx_vec = Mx_fun.vector()
    M_fine.mult(self.vec_fine, Mx_vec)

    # M11
    xtMx = MPI_sum0( numpy.dot(self.vec_fine.get_local(), Mx_vec.get_local()) )

    # Mi1
    PtMx_fun = interpolate(Mx_fun, self.problem.V_coarse)
    PtMx = PtMx_fun.vector().get_local()

    # M1j
    if self.problem.sym:
      PtMtx = PtMx
      self.A_fine.transpmult(self.vec_fine, Mx_vec)
      PtMx_fun = interpolate(Mx_fun, self.problem.V_coarse)
      PtMtx = PtMx_fun.vector().get_local()

    return xtMx, PtMtx, PtMx
def compute_interpolation_error(mesh_resolution=20):
    # Define domain and mesh
    a, b = 0, 1
    mesh = IntervalMesh(mesh_resolution, a, b)

    # Define finite element function space
    p_order = 1
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", p_order)

    # Extract vertices of the mesh
    x = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates()
    # Note: Not the same as x = mesh.coordinates() (apparently has been re-ordered)

    # Express the analytical function
    u = Expression("1 + x[0] * sin(10 * x[0])", degree=5)

    # Interpolate u onto V and extract the values in the mesh nodes
    Iu = interpolate(u, V)
    Iua = Iu.vector().array()

    # Evaluate u at the mesh vertices
    Eua = np.empty(len(x))
    for i in range(len(x)):
        Eua[i] = 1 + x[i] * math.sin(10 * x[i])

    # Compute max interpolation error in the nodes
    e = Eua - Iua
    e_abs = np.absolute(e)
    error = np.amax(e_abs)
    return error
def compare_errors(p_order=1):
    # Express the analytical function
    u = Expression("1 + sin(10*x[0])", degree=5)

    mesh_resolutions = [10, 50, 100, 200]

    projection_errors = []
    interpolation_errors = []
    for mesh_resolution in mesh_resolutions:
        # Define mesh
        mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(mesh_resolution)

        # Define finite element function space
        V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", p_order)

        # Compute projection
        up = project(u, V)

        # Compute interpolation
        ui = interpolate(u, V)

        # Compute errors
        projection_errors.append(compute_error(u, up))
        interpolation_errors.append(compute_error(u, ui))

def compute_error(u1, u2):
    # Reference mesh
    mesh_resolution_ref = 500
    mesh_ref = UnitIntervalMesh(mesh_resolution_ref)

    # Reference function space
    V_ref = FunctionSpace(mesh_ref, "CG", 1)

    # Evaluate the input functions on the reference mesh
    Iu1 = interpolate(u1, V_ref)
    Iu2 = interpolate(u2, V_ref)

    # Compute the error
    e = Iu1 - Iu2
    error = sqrt(assemble(e * e * dx))
    return error
Пример #5
    def computeSamples4Level(self, level, numSamples):
        if numSamples <= 0:

        samples = self.y4Level[level]
        if len(samples) == 0:
            print("\tSampling {samples} initial samples for level {level}"\
                     .format(samples = numSamples, level = level))
            print("\tSampling {samples} additional samples for level {level}"\
                     .format(samples = numSamples, level = level))
        if level == 0:
            V = self.space4Level[level]
            for curSample in range(numSamples):
                if self.adaptiveKL == True:
                    self.problem.sample(nModes = 1 / V.mesh().hmax())
                solution = self.problem.solve(V)
            V_fine = self.space4Level[level]
            V_coarse = self.space4Level[level - 1]

            for curSample in range(numSamples):
                if self.adaptiveKL == True:
                    self.problem.sample(nModes = 1 / V_fine.mesh().hmax())
                solutionFine = self.problem.solve(V_fine)
                solutionCoarse = self.problem.solve(V_coarse)
                y = solutionFine.vector().array() - interpolate(solutionCoarse, V_fine).vector().array()
Пример #6
    def updateStatistics(self):
        for curLevel in range(len(self.space4Level)):
            samples = self.y4Level[curLevel]
            self.variance4level[curLevel] = np.var(samples, 0)
            compCost = self.space4Level[curLevel].dim() ** 2 / 1000.

            # Simple for uniform meshes
#             optSamples = self.constCompCost * np.sqrt(
#                 np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.abs(self.variance4level[curLevel]))) / compCost))

            # Same but for general meshes
            space = self.space4Level[curLevel]
            domainArea = assemble(interpolate(Constant(1), space) * dx)
            varianceMean = Function(space)
            varianceIntMean = np.sqrt(assemble(varianceMean * dx) / domainArea)
            optSamples = self.constCompCost * np.sqrt(np.sqrt(
                varianceIntMean / compCost))

            # Alernate from ???
#             l = curLevel + 2
#             maxL = len(self.space4Level) + 1
#             epsOptSamples = 0.1
#             optSamples = l ** (2 + 2 * epsOptSamples) * 2 ** (2 * (maxL - l))

            self.optNumSamples4Level[curLevel] = np.rint(optSamples).astype(int)
        self.compCost4lvl[-1] = sum(list(len(samples) * (space.dim() ** 2)
            for (space, samples) in zip(self.space4Level, self.y4Level)))
Пример #7
    def computeError4level(self, meanApprox4lvl, lastSpace, meanExact = None):
        if meanExact == None:
            solMesh = lastSpace.mesh()
            solFamily = lastSpace.ufl_element().family()
            solDegree = lastSpace.ufl_element().degree()
            refSpace = FunctionSpace(refine(refine(solMesh)), solFamily, solDegree)
            meanExact = self.solveMean(refSpace)

        refSpace = meanExact.function_space()
        error4lvl = list(
                    (project(meanApprox, refSpace) - interpolate(meanExact, refSpace)) ** 2 * dx
                )) for meanApprox in meanApprox4lvl)

        return error4lvl
Пример #8
  def prolongate(self):
    if self.verbosity >= 2:
      print0(pid+"  Prolongating")

    timer = Timer("Prolongating")

    if comm.rank == 0:
      self.v_coarse_with_all_dofs[self.indofs] = self.v_coarse[1:]
      # 0 Dirichlet BC are automatic by the initial setting in the constructor

    x_coarse = self.vec_coarse.get_local()

    comm.Scatterv([self.v_coarse_with_all_dofs, (self.local_ndof_all_proc, None), MPI_type(self.v_coarse_with_all_dofs)],
                  [x_coarse, MPI_type(x_coarse)])


    self.sln_fine = interpolate(self.sln_coarse, self.problem.V_fine)
    v1 = comm.bcast(self.v_coarse[0], root=0)
    self.vec_fine.axpy(v1, self.vec_fine)
Пример #9
def errornorm(u, uh, norm_type="l2", degree_rise=3, mesh=None):
    Compute and return the error :math:`e = u - u_h` in the given norm.

        u, uh
            :py:class:`Functions <dolfin.functions.function.Function>`
            Type of norm. The :math:`L^2` -norm is default.
            For other norms, see :py:func:`norm <dolfin.fem.norms.norm>`.
            The number of degrees above that of u_h used in the
            interpolation; i.e. the degree of piecewise polynomials used
            to approximate :math:`u` and :math:`u_h` will be the degree
            of :math:`u_h` + degree_raise.
            Optional :py:class:`Mesh <dolfin.cpp.Mesh>` on
            which to compute the error norm.

    In simple cases, one may just define

    .. code-block:: python

        e = u - uh

    and evalute for example the square of the error in the :math:`L^2` -norm by

    .. code-block:: python

        assemble(e*e*dx(), mesh)

    However, this is not stable w.r.t. round-off errors considering that
    the form compiler may expand the expression above to::

        e*e*dx() = u*u*dx() - 2*u*uh*dx() + uh*uh*dx()

    and this might get further expanded into thousands of terms for
    higher order elements. Thus, the error will be evaluated by adding
    a large number of terms which should sum up to something close to
    zero (if the error is small).

    This module computes the error by first interpolating both
    :math:`u` and :math:`u_h` to a common space (of high accuracy),
    then subtracting the two fields (which is easy since they are
    expressed in the same basis) and then evaluating the integral.


    # Check argument
    if not isinstance(u, cpp.GenericFunction):
                         "compute error norm",
                         "Expecting a Function or Expression for u")
    if not isinstance(uh, cpp.Function):
                         "compute error norm",
                         "Expecting a Function for uh")

    # Get mesh
    if isinstance(u, Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = u.function_space().mesh()
    if isinstance(uh, Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = uh.function_space().mesh()
    if mesh is None:
                         "compute error norm",
                         "Missing mesh")

    # Get rank
    if not u.value_rank() == uh.value_rank():
                         "compute error norm",
                         "Value ranks don't match")
    rank = u.value_rank()

    # Check that uh is associated with a finite element
    if uh.ufl_element().degree() is None:
                         "compute error norm",
                         "Function uh must have a finite element")

    # Degree for interpolation space. Raise degree with respect to uh.
    degree = uh.ufl_element().degree() + degree_rise

    # Check degree of 'exact' solution u
    degree_u = u.ufl_element().degree()
    if degree_u is not None and degree_u < degree:
        cpp.warning("Degree of exact solution may be inadequate for accurate result in errornorm.")

    # Create function space
    if rank == 0:
        V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree)
    elif rank == 1:
        V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree)
                         "compute error norm",
                         "Can't handle elements of rank %d" % rank)

    # Interpolate functions into finite element space
    pi_u = interpolate(u, V)
    pi_uh = interpolate(uh, V)

    # Compute the difference
    e = Function(V)
    e.vector().axpy(-1.0, pi_uh.vector())

    # Compute norm
    return norm(e, norm_type=norm_type, mesh=mesh)
Пример #10
def errornorm(u, uh, norm_type="l2", degree_rise=3, mesh=None):
    Compute and return the error :math:`e = u - u_h` in the given norm.

        u, uh
            :py:class:`Functions <dolfin.functions.function.Function>`
            Type of norm. The :math:`L^2` -norm is default.
            For other norms, see :py:func:`norm <dolfin.fem.norms.norm>`.
            The number of degrees above that of u_h used in the
            interpolation; i.e. the degree of piecewise polynomials used
            to approximate :math:`u` and :math:`u_h` will be the degree
            of :math:`u_h` + degree_raise.
            Optional :py:class:`Mesh <dolfin.cpp.Mesh>` on
            which to compute the error norm.

    In simple cases, one may just define

    .. code-block:: python

        e = u - uh

    and evalute for example the square of the error in the :math:`L^2` -norm by

    .. code-block:: python


    However, this is not stable w.r.t. round-off errors considering that
    the form compiler may expand(#) the expression above to::

        e**2*dx = u**2*dx - 2*u*uh*dx + uh**2*dx

    and this might get further expanded into thousands of terms for
    higher order elements. Thus, the error will be evaluated by adding
    a large number of terms which should sum up to something close to
    zero (if the error is small).

    This module computes the error by first interpolating both
    :math:`u` and :math:`u_h` to a common space (of high accuracy),
    then subtracting the two fields (which is easy since they are
    expressed in the same basis) and then evaluating the integral.

    (#) If using the tensor representation optimizations.
    The quadrature represenation does not suffer from this problem.

    # Check argument
    # if not isinstance(u, cpp.function.GenericFunction):
    #     cpp.dolfin_error("norms.py",
    #                      "compute error norm",
    #                      "Expecting a Function or Expression for u")
    # if not isinstance(uh, cpp.function.Function):
    #     cpp.dolfin_error("norms.py",
    #                      "compute error norm",
    #                      "Expecting a Function for uh")

    # Get mesh
    if isinstance(u, cpp.function.Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = u.function_space().mesh()
    if isinstance(uh, cpp.function.Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = uh.function_space().mesh()
    if hasattr(uh, "_cpp_object") and mesh is None:
        mesh = uh._cpp_object.function_space().mesh()
    if hasattr(u, "_cpp_object") and mesh is None:
        mesh = u._cpp_object.function_space().mesh()
    if mesh is None:
                         "compute error norm",
                         "Missing mesh")

    # Get rank
    if not u.ufl_shape == uh.ufl_shape:
                         "compute error norm",
                         "Value shapes don't match")
    shape = u.ufl_shape
    rank = len(shape)

    # Check that uh is associated with a finite element
    if uh.ufl_element().degree() is None:
                         "compute error norm",
                         "Function uh must have a finite element")

    # Degree for interpolation space. Raise degree with respect to uh.
    degree = uh.ufl_element().degree() + degree_rise

    # Check degree of 'exact' solution u
    degree_u = u.ufl_element().degree()
    if degree_u is not None and degree_u < degree:
        cpp.warning("Degree of exact solution may be inadequate for accurate result in errornorm.")

    # Create function space
    if rank == 0:
        V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree)
    elif rank == 1:
        V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree,
    elif rank > 1:
        V = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree,

    # Interpolate functions into finite element space
    pi_u = interpolate(u, V)
    pi_uh = interpolate(uh, V)

    # Compute the difference
    e = Function(V)
    e.vector().axpy(-1.0, pi_uh.vector())

    # Compute norm
    return norm(e, norm_type=norm_type, mesh=mesh)
Пример #11
def r2_errornorm(u, uh, norm_type="l2", degree_rise=3, mesh=None ):
    This function is a modification of FEniCS's built-in errornorm function that adopts the :math:`r^2dr`
    measure as opposed to the standard Cartesian :math:`dx` measure.

    For documentation and usage, see the 
    original module <https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/dolfin/src/master/python/dolfin/fem/norms.py>_.


    # Get mesh
    if isinstance(u, cpp.function.Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = u.function_space().mesh()
    if isinstance(uh, cpp.function.Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = uh.function_space().mesh()
    # if isinstance(uh, MultiMeshFunction) and mesh is None:
    #     mesh = uh.function_space().multimesh()
    if hasattr(uh, "_cpp_object") and mesh is None:
        mesh = uh._cpp_object.function_space().mesh()
    if hasattr(u, "_cpp_object") and mesh is None:
        mesh = u._cpp_object.function_space().mesh()
    if mesh is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot compute error norm. Missing mesh.")

    # Get rank
    if not u.ufl_shape == uh.ufl_shape:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot compute error norm. Value shapes do not match.")
    shape = u.ufl_shape
    rank = len(shape)

    # Check that uh is associated with a finite element
    if uh.ufl_element().degree() is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot compute error norm. Function uh must have a finite element.")

    # Degree for interpolation space. Raise degree with respect to uh.
    degree = uh.ufl_element().degree() + degree_rise

    # Check degree of 'exact' solution u
    degree_u = u.ufl_element().degree()
    if degree_u is not None and degree_u < degree:
        cpp.warning("Degree of exact solution may be inadequate for accurate result in errornorm.")

    # Create function space
    if rank == 0:
        V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree)
    elif rank == 1:
        V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree,
    elif rank > 1:
        V = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree,

    # Interpolate functions into finite element space
    pi_u = interpolate(u, V)
    pi_uh = interpolate(uh, V)

    # Compute the difference
    e = Function(V)
    e.vector().axpy(-1.0, pi_uh.vector())

    # Compute norm
    return r2_norm(e, func_degree=degree, norm_type=norm_type, mesh=mesh )
Пример #12
def rD_errornorm(u,
    This function is a modification of FEniCS's built-in errornorm function to adopt the :math:`r^2dr`
    measure as opposed to the standard Cartesian :math:`dx` one. For documentation and usage, see the 
    `standard module <https://github.com/FEniCS/dolfin/blob/master/site-packages/dolfin/fem/norms.py>`_.

    Also see :func:`rD_norm`.


    # Check argument
    if not isinstance(u, cpp.GenericFunction):
        cpp.dolfin_error("norms.py", "compute error norm",
                         "Expecting a Function or Expression for u")
    if not isinstance(uh, cpp.Function):
        cpp.dolfin_error("norms.py", "compute error norm",
                         "Expecting a Function for uh")

    # Get mesh
    if isinstance(u, Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = u.function_space().mesh()
    if isinstance(uh, Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = uh.function_space().mesh()
    if mesh is None:
        cpp.dolfin_error("norms.py", "compute error norm", "Missing mesh")

    # Get rank
    if not u.ufl_shape == uh.ufl_shape:
        cpp.dolfin_error("norms.py", "compute error norm",
                         "Value shapes don't match")
    shape = u.ufl_shape
    rank = len(shape)

    # Check that uh is associated with a finite element
    if uh.ufl_element().degree() is None:
        cpp.dolfin_error("norms.py", "compute error norm",
                         "Function uh must have a finite element")

    # Degree for interpolation space. Raise degree with respect to uh.
    degree = uh.ufl_element().degree() + degree_rise

    # Check degree of 'exact' solution u
    degree_u = u.ufl_element().degree()
    if degree_u is not None and degree_u < degree:
            "Degree of exact solution may be inadequate for accurate result in errornorm."

    # Create function space
    if rank == 0:
        V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree)
    elif rank == 1:
        V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,
                                "Discontinuous Lagrange",
    elif rank > 1:
        V = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh,
                                "Discontinuous Lagrange",

    # Interpolate functions into finite element space
    pi_u = interpolate(u, V)
    pi_uh = interpolate(uh, V)

    # Compute the difference
    e = Function(V)
    e.vector().axpy(-1.0, pi_uh.vector())

    # Compute norm
    return rD_norm(e,
Пример #13
def errornorm(u, uh, norm_type="l2", degree_rise=3, mesh=None):
    Compute and return the error :math:`e = u - u_h` in the given norm.

        u, uh
            :py:class:`Functions <dolfin.functions.function.Function>`
            Type of norm. The :math:`L^2` -norm is default.
            For other norms, see :py:func:`norm <dolfin.fem.norms.norm>`.
            The number of degrees above that of u_h used in the
            interpolation; i.e. the degree of piecewise polynomials used
            to approximate :math:`u` and :math:`u_h` will be the degree
            of :math:`u_h` + degree_raise.
            Optional :py:class:`Mesh <dolfin.cpp.Mesh>` on
            which to compute the error norm.

    In simple cases, one may just define

    .. code-block:: python

        e = u - uh

    and evalute for example the square of the error in the :math:`L^2` -norm by

    .. code-block:: python


    However, this is not stable w.r.t. round-off errors considering that
    the form compiler may expand(#) the expression above to::

        e**2*dx = u**2*dx - 2*u*uh*dx + uh**2*dx

    and this might get further expanded into thousands of terms for
    higher order elements. Thus, the error will be evaluated by adding
    a large number of terms which should sum up to something close to
    zero (if the error is small).

    This module computes the error by first interpolating both
    :math:`u` and :math:`u_h` to a common space (of high accuracy),
    then subtracting the two fields (which is easy since they are
    expressed in the same basis) and then evaluating the integral.

    (#) If using the tensor representation optimizations.
    The quadrature represenation does not suffer from this problem.

    # Check argument
    # if not isinstance(u, cpp.function.GenericFunction):
    #     cpp.dolfin_error("norms.py",
    #                      "compute error norm",
    #                      "Expecting a Function or Expression for u")
    # if not isinstance(uh, cpp.function.Function):
    #     cpp.dolfin_error("norms.py",
    #                      "compute error norm",
    #                      "Expecting a Function for uh")

    # Get mesh
    if isinstance(u, cpp.function.Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = u.function_space().mesh()
    if isinstance(uh, cpp.function.Function) and mesh is None:
        mesh = uh.function_space().mesh()
    if isinstance(uh, MultiMeshFunction) and mesh is None:
        mesh = uh.function_space().multimesh()
    if hasattr(uh, "_cpp_object") and mesh is None:
        mesh = uh._cpp_object.function_space().mesh()
    if hasattr(u, "_cpp_object") and mesh is None:
        mesh = u._cpp_object.function_space().mesh()
    if mesh is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot compute error norm. Missing mesh.")

    # Get rank
    if not u.ufl_shape == uh.ufl_shape:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot compute error norm. Value shapes do not match.")

    shape = u.ufl_shape
    rank = len(shape)

    # Check that uh is associated with a finite element
    if uh.ufl_element().degree() is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot compute error norm. Function uh must have a finite element.")

    # Degree for interpolation space. Raise degree with respect to uh.
    degree = uh.ufl_element().degree() + degree_rise

    # Check degree of 'exact' solution u
    degree_u = u.ufl_element().degree()
    if degree_u is not None and degree_u < degree:
        cpp.warning("Degree of exact solution may be inadequate for accurate result in errornorm.")

    # Create function space
    if isinstance(uh, MultiMeshFunction):
        function_space = MultiMeshFunctionSpace
        vector_space = MultiMeshVectorFunctionSpace
        tensor_space = MultiMeshTensorFunctionSpace
        func = MultiMeshFunction
        function_space = FunctionSpace
        vector_space = VectorFunctionSpace
        tensor_space = TensorFunctionSpace
        func = Function

    if rank == 0:
        V = function_space(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree)
    elif rank == 1:
        V = vector_space(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree, dim=shape[0])
    elif rank > 1:
        V = tensor_space(mesh, "Discontinuous Lagrange", degree, shape=shape)

    # Interpolate functions into finite element space
    pi_u = interpolate(u, V)
    pi_uh = interpolate(uh, V)

    # Compute the difference
    e = func(V)

    e.vector().axpy(-1.0, pi_uh.vector())

    # Compute norm
    return norm(e, norm_type=norm_type, mesh=mesh)
Пример #14
from dolfin import IntervalMesh
from dolfin.fem.interpolation import interpolate
from dolfin.functions import FunctionSpace, TestFunction, Function, Expression

# Define domain and mesh
a, b = 0, 1
mesh_resolution = 20
mesh = IntervalMesh(mesh_resolution, a, b)

# Define finite element function space
p_order = 1
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", p_order)

# Interpolate function
u = Expression("1 + 4.0 * x[0] * x[0] - 5.0 * x[0] * x[0] * x[0]", degree=5)
Iu = interpolate(u, V)
Iua = Iu.vector().array()