def estimate_diagonal_inv2(Asolver, k, d):
    An unbiased stochastic estimator for the diagonal of A^-1.
    d = [ \sum_{j=1}^k vj .* A^{-1} vj ] ./ [ \sum_{j=1}^k vj .* vj ]
    - vj are i.i.d. ~ N(0, I)
    - .* and ./ represent the element-wise multiplication and division
      of vectors, respectively.
    Costas Bekas, Effrosyni Kokiopoulou, and Yousef Saad,
    An estimator for the diagonal of a matrix,
    Applied Numerical Mathematics, 57 (2007), pp. 1214-1229.
    x, b = Vector(), Vector()

    if hasattr(Asolver, "init_vector"):
        Asolver.init_vector(x, 1)
        Asolver.init_vector(b, 0)
        Asolver.get_operator().init_vector(x, 1)
        Asolver.get_operator().init_vector(b, 0)
    for i in range(k):
        Random.normal(b, 1., True)
        Asolver.solve(x, b)
        x *= b
        d.axpy(1. / float(k), x)
Пример #2
def estimate_diagonal_inv2(Asolver, k, d):
    An unbiased stochastic estimator for the diagonal of A^-1.
    d = [ \sum_{j=1}^k vj .* A^{-1} vj ] ./ [ \sum_{j=1}^k vj .* vj ]
    - vj are i.i.d. ~ N(0, I)
    - .* and ./ represent the element-wise multiplication and division
      of vectors, respectively.
    Costas Bekas, Effrosyni Kokiopoulou, and Yousef Saad,
    An estimator for the diagonal of a matrix,
    Applied Numerical Mathematics, 57 (2007), pp. 1214-1229.
    x, b = Vector(), Vector()

    if hasattr(Asolver, "init_vector"):
        Asolver.init_vector(x, 1)
        Asolver.init_vector(b, 0)
        Asolver.get_operator().init_vector(x, 1)
        Asolver.get_operator().init_vector(b, 0)

    num = np.zeros(b.array().shape, dtype=b.array().dtype)
    den = np.zeros(num.shape, dtype=num.dtype)
    for i in range(k):
        Asolver.solve(x, b)
        num = num + (x.array() * b.array())
        den = den + (b.array() * b.array())

    d.set_local(num / den)
Пример #3
    def update_x_with_TR(self,x,alpha,d):
        x_bk = x.copy()
        self.B_op.mult(x, self.Bx)
        x_Bnorm2 = self.Bx.inner(x)

        if x_Bnorm2 < self.TR_radius_2:
            return  False
            # Move point to boundary of trust region
            self.B_op.mult(x_bk, self.Bx)
            x_Bnorm2 = self.Bx.inner(x_bk)
            Bd = Vector()
            d_Bnorm2 = Bd.inner(d)
            d_Bx = Bd.inner(x_bk)
            a_tau = alpha*alpha*d_Bnorm2
            b_tau_half = alpha* d_Bx
            c_tau = x_Bnorm2- self.TR_radius_2
            # Solve quadratic for tau
            tau = (-b_tau_half + math.sqrt(b_tau_half*b_tau_half - a_tau*c_tau))/a_tau
            x.axpy(tau*alpha, d)

            return  True
Пример #4
def estimate_diagonal_inv2(Asolver, k, d):
    An unbiased stochastic estimator for the diagonal of :math:`A^{-1}`.
    :math:`d = [ \sum_{j=1}^k v_j .* A^{-1} v_j ] ./ [ \sum_{j=1}^k v_j .* v_j ]`

    - :math:`v_j` are i.i.d. :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, I)`
    - :math:`.*` and :math:`./` represent the element-wise multiplication and division
      of vectors, respectively.
        `Costas Bekas, Effrosyni Kokiopoulou, and Yousef Saad, 
        An estimator for the diagonal of a matrix, 
        Applied Numerical Mathematics, 57 (2007), pp. 1214-1229.`
    x, b = Vector(d.mpi_comm()), Vector(d.mpi_comm())

    if hasattr(Asolver, "init_vector"):
        Asolver.init_vector(x, 1)
        Asolver.init_vector(b, 0)
        Asolver.get_operator().init_vector(x, 1)
        Asolver.get_operator().init_vector(b, 0)
    for i in range(k):
        parRandom.normal(1., b)
        Asolver.solve(x, b)
        x *= b
        d.axpy(1. / float(k), x)
Пример #5
def estimate_diagonal_inv2(Asolver, k, d):
    An unbiased stochastic estimator for the diagonal of :math:`A^{-1}`.
    :math:`d = [ \sum_{j=1}^k v_j .* A^{-1} v_j ] ./ [ \sum_{j=1}^k v_j .* v_j ]`

    - :math:`v_j` are i.i.d. :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, I)`
    - :math:`.*` and :math:`./` represent the element-wise multiplication and division
      of vectors, respectively.
        `Costas Bekas, Effrosyni Kokiopoulou, and Yousef Saad, 
        An estimator for the diagonal of a matrix, 
        Applied Numerical Mathematics, 57 (2007), pp. 1214-1229.`
    x, b = Vector(d.mpi_comm()), Vector(d.mpi_comm())
    if hasattr(Asolver, "init_vector"):
    for i in range(k):
        parRandom.normal(1., b)
        x *= b
        d.axpy(1./float(k), x)
Пример #6
    def gradab(self, m1, m2):
        self.gradm1 = project(nabla_grad(m1), self.Vd)
        self.gradm2 = project(nabla_grad(m2), self.Vd)

        uwv00, uwv00ind = [], []
        uwv10, uwv10ind = [], []
        uwv01, uwv01ind = [], []
        uwv11, uwv11ind = [], []
        for ii, x in enumerate(self.x):
            G = np.array([self.gradm1(x), self.gradm2(x)]).T
            u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(G)
            sqrts2eps = np.sqrt(s**2 + self.eps)
            W = np.diag(s / sqrts2eps)
            uwv =





        Grad = Function(self.VV)
        grad = Grad.vector()
        rhsG = Vector()
        self.Gx1test.init_vector(rhsG, 1)

        rhsG.set_local(np.array(uwv00), np.array(uwv00ind, dtype=np.intc))
        grad.axpy(1.0, self.Gx1test * rhsG)
        rhsG.set_local(np.array(uwv10), np.array(uwv10ind, dtype=np.intc))
        grad.axpy(1.0, self.Gy1test * rhsG)

        rhsG.set_local(np.array(uwv01), np.array(uwv01ind, dtype=np.intc))
        grad.axpy(1.0, self.Gx2test * rhsG)

        rhsG.set_local(np.array(uwv11), np.array(uwv11ind, dtype=np.intc))
        grad.axpy(1.0, self.Gy2test * rhsG)

        return grad * self.k
Пример #7
class CGSampler:
    This class implements the CG sampler algorithm to generate samples from N(0, A^-1).

    Albert Parker and Colin Fox
    Sampling Gaussian Distributions in Krylov Spaces with Conjugate Gradient
    SIAM J SCI COMPUT, Vol 34, No. 3 pp. B312-B334    
    def __init__(self):
        Construct the solver with default parameters
        tolerance = 1e-4
        print_level = 0
        verbose = 0
        self.parameters = {}
        self.parameters["tolerance"] = 1e-4
        self.parameters["print_level"] = 0
        self.parameters["verbose"] = 0

        self.A = None
        self.converged = False
        self.iter = 0

        self.b = Vector()
        self.r = Vector()
        self.p = Vector()
        self.Ap = Vector()

    def set_operator(self, A):
        Set the operator A, such that x ~ N(0, A^-1).
        Note A is any object that provides the methods init_vector and mult.
        self.A = A
        self.A.init_vector(self.r, 0)
        self.A.init_vector(self.p, 0)
        self.A.init_vector(self.Ap, 0)

        self.A.init_vector(self.b, 0)

    def sample(self, noise, s):
        Generate a sample s ~ N(0, A^-1).
        noise is a numpy.array of i.i.d. normal variables used as input.
        For a fixed realization of noise the algorithm is fully deterministic.
        The size of noise determine the maximum number of CG iterations.

        self.iter = 0
        self.converged = False

        # r0 = b
        self.r.axpy(1., self.b)

        #p0 = r0
        self.p.axpy(1., self.r)

        self.A.mult(self.p, self.Ap)

        d = self.p.inner(self.Ap)

        tol2 = self.parameters["tolerance"] * self.parameters["tolerance"]

        rnorm2_old = self.r.inner(self.r)

        if self.parameters["verbose"] > 0:
            print "initial residual = ", math.sqrt(rnorm2_old)

        while (not self.converged) and (self.iter < noise.shape[0]):
            gamma = rnorm2_old / d
            s.axpy(noise[self.iter] / math.sqrt(d), self.p)
            self.r.axpy(-gamma, self.Ap)
            rnorm2 = self.r.inner(self.r)
            beta = rnorm2 / rnorm2_old
            # p_new = r + beta p
            self.p *= beta
            self.p.axpy(1., self.r)
            self.A.mult(self.p, self.Ap)
            d = self.p.inner(self.Ap)
            rnorm2_old = rnorm2

            if rnorm2 < tol2:
                self.converged = True
                rnorm2_old = rnorm2
                self.iter = self.iter + 1

        if self.parameters["verbose"] > 0:
            print "Final residual {0} after {1} iterations".format(
                math.sqrt(rnorm2_old), self.iter)
Пример #8
class OasisFunction(Function):
    """Function with more or less efficient projection methods
    of associated linear form.

    The matvec option is provided for letting the right hand side
    be computed through a fast matrix vector product. Both the matrix
    and the Coefficient of the required vector must be provided.

      method = "default"
        Solve projection with regular linear algebra using solver_type
        and preconditioner_type

      method = "lumping"
        Solve through lumping of mass matrix


    def __init__(self, form, Space, bcs=[],
                 matvec=[None, None],

        Function.__init__(self, Space, name=name)
        self.form = form
        self.method = method
        self.bcs = bcs
        self.matvec = matvec
        self.trial = trial = TrialFunction(Space)
        self.test = test = TestFunction(Space)
        Mass = inner(trial, test) * dx() = inner(form, test) * dx()
        self.rhs = Vector(self.vector())

        if method.lower() == "default":
            self.A = A_cache[(Mass, tuple(bcs))]
            self.sol = Solver_cache[(Mass, tuple(
                bcs), solver_type, preconditioner_type)]

        elif method.lower() == "lumping":
            assert Space.ufl_element().degree() < 2
            self.A = A_cache[(Mass, tuple(bcs))]
            ones = Function(Space)
            ones.vector()[:] = 1.
            self.ML = self.A * ones.vector()
            self.ML.set_local(1. / self.ML.array())

    def assemble_rhs(self):
        Assemble right hand side (form*test*dx) in projection
        if not self.matvec[0] is None:
            mat, func = self.matvec
            self.rhs.axpy(1.0, mat * func.vector())

            assemble(, tensor=self.rhs)

    def __call__(self, assemb_rhs=True):
        Compute the projection
        timer = Timer("Projecting {}".format(

        if assemb_rhs:

        for bc in self.bcs:

        if self.method.lower() == "default":
            self.sol.solve(self.A, self.vector(), self.rhs)

            self.vector().axpy(1.0, self.rhs * self.ML)
Пример #9
class OasisFunction(Function):
    """Function with more or less efficient projection methods
    of associated linear form.

    The matvec option is provided for letting the right hand side
    be computed through a fast matrix vector product. Both the matrix
    and the Coefficient of the required vector must be provided.

      method = "default"
        Solve projection with regular linear algebra using solver_type
        and preconditioner_type

      method = "lumping"
        Solve through lumping of mass matrix

    def __init__(self,
                 matvec=[None, None],

        Function.__init__(self, Space, name=name)
        self.form = form
        self.method = method
        self.bcs = bcs
        self.matvec = matvec
        self.trial = trial = TrialFunction(Space)
        self.test = test = TestFunction(Space)
        Mass = inner(trial, test) * dx() = inner(form, test) * dx()
        self.rhs = Vector(self.vector())

        if method.lower() == "default":
            self.A = A_cache[(Mass, tuple(bcs))]
            self.sol = Solver_cache[(Mass, tuple(bcs), solver_type,

        elif method.lower() == "lumping":
            assert Space.ufl_element().degree() < 2
            self.A = A_cache[(Mass, tuple(bcs))]
            ones = Function(Space)
            ones.vector()[:] = 1.
            self.ML = self.A * ones.vector()
            self.ML.set_local(1. / self.ML.array())

    def assemble_rhs(self):
        Assemble right hand side (form*test*dx) in projection
        if not self.matvec[0] is None:
            mat, func = self.matvec
            self.rhs.axpy(1.0, mat * func.vector())

            assemble(, tensor=self.rhs)

    def __call__(self, assemb_rhs=True):
        Compute the projection
        timer = Timer("Projecting {}".format(

        if assemb_rhs:

        for bc in self.bcs:

        if self.method.lower() == "default":
            self.sol.solve(self.A, self.vector(), self.rhs)

            self.vector().axpy(1.0, self.rhs * self.ML)
Пример #10
class CGSolverSteihaug:
    Solve the linear system A x = b using preconditioned conjugate gradient ( B preconditioner)
    and the Steihaug stopping criterion:
    - reason of termination 0: we reached the maximum number of iterations (no convergence)
    - reason of termination 1: we reduced the residual up to the given tolerance (convergence)
    - reason of termination 2: we reached a negative direction (premature termination due to not spd matrix)
    The stopping criterion is based on either
    - the absolute preconditioned residual norm check: || r^* ||_{B^{-1}} < atol
    - the relative preconditioned residual norm check: || r^* ||_{B^{-1}}/|| r^0 ||_{B^{-1}} < rtol
    where r^* = b - Ax^* is the residual at convergence and r^0 = b - Ax^0 is the initial residual.
    The operator A is set using the method set_operator(A).
    A must provide the following two methods:
    - A.mult(x,y): y = A*x
    - A.init_vector(x, dim): initialize the vector x so that it is compatible with the range (dim = 0) or
      the domain (dim = 1) of A.
    The preconditioner B is set using the method set_preconditioner(B).
    B must provide the following method:
    - B.solve(z,r): z is the action of the preconditioner B on the vector r
    To solve the linear system A*x = b call self.solve(x,b).
    Here x and b are assumed to be FEniCS::Vector objects.
    The parameter attributes allows to set:
    - rel_tolerance     : the relative tolerance for the stopping criterion
    - abs_tolerance     : the absolute tolerance for the stopping criterion
    - max_iter          : the maximum number of iterations
    - zero_initial_guess: if True we start with a 0 initial guess
                          if False we use the x as initial guess.
    - print_level       : verbosity level:
                          -1 --> no output on screen
                           0 --> only final residual at convergence
                                 or reason for not not convergence

    reason = [
        "Maximum Number of Iterations Reached",
        "Relative/Absolute residual less than tol",
        "Reached a negative direction"

    def __init__(self):
        self.parameters = {}
        self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] = 1e-9
        self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] = 1e-12
        self.parameters["max_iter"] = 1000
        self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"] = True
        self.parameters["print_level"] = 0

        self.A = None
        self.B = None
        self.converged = False
        self.iter = 0
        self.reasonid = 0
        self.final_norm = 0

        self.r = Vector()
        self.z = Vector()
        self.d = Vector()

    def set_operator(self, A):
        Set the operator A.
        self.A = A
        self.A.init_vector(self.r, 0)
        self.A.init_vector(self.z, 0)
        self.A.init_vector(self.d, 0)

    def set_preconditioner(self, B):
        Set the preconditioner B.
        self.B = B

    def solve(self, x, b):
        Solve the linear system Ax = b
        self.iter = 0
        self.converged = False
        self.reasonid = 0

        betanom = 0.0
        alpha = 0.0
        beta = 0.0

        if self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"]:
            self.r.axpy(1.0, b)
            self.A.mult(x, self.r)
            self.r *= -1.0
            self.r.axpy(1.0, b)
        self.B.solve(self.z, self.r)  #z = B^-1 r
        self.d.axpy(1., self.z)
        #d = z

        nom0 = self.d.inner(self.r)
        nom = nom0

        if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1:
            print(" Iterartion : ", 0, " (B r, r) = ", nom)

        rtol2 = nom * self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] * self.parameters[
        atol2 = self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] * self.parameters[
        r0 = max(rtol2, atol2)

        if nom <= r0:
            self.converged = True
            self.reasonid = 1
            self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
            if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                print("Converged in ", self.iter,
                      " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm)

        self.A.mult(self.d, self.z)  #z = A d
        den = self.z.inner(self.d)

        if den <= 0.0:
            self.converged = True
            self.reasonid = 2
            self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
            if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                print("Converged in ", self.iter,
                      " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm)

        # start iteration
        self.iter = 1
        while True:
            alpha = nom / den
            x.axpy(alpha, self.d)  # x = x + alpha d
            self.r.axpy(-alpha, self.z)  # r = r - alpha A d

            self.B.solve(self.z, self.r)  # z = B^-1 r
            betanom = self.r.inner(self.z)

            if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1:
                print(" Iteration : ", self.iter, " (B r, r) = ", betanom)

            if betanom < r0:
                self.converged = True
                self.reasonid = 1
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom)
                if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print("Converged in ", self.iter,
                          " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm)

            self.iter += 1
            if self.iter > self.parameters["max_iter"]:
                self.converged = False
                self.reasonid = 0
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom)
                if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print("Not Converged. Final residual norm ",

            beta = betanom / nom
            self.d *= beta
            self.d.axpy(1., self.z)  #d = z + beta d

            self.A.mult(self.d, self.z)  # z = A d

            den = self.d.inner(self.z)

            if den <= 0.0:
                self.converged = True
                self.reasonid = 2
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
                if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print("Converged in ", self.iter,
                          " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm)

            nom = betanom
Пример #11
class CGSolverSteihaug:
    Solve the linear system A x = b using preconditioned conjugate gradient ( B preconditioner)
    and the Steihaug stopping criterion:
    - reason of termination 0: we reached the maximum number of iterations (no convergence)
    - reason of termination 1: we reduced the residual up to the given tolerance (convergence)
    - reason of termination 2: we reached a negative direction (premature termination due to not spd matrix)
    The operator A is set using the method set_operator(A).
    A must provide the following two methods:
    - A.mult(x,y): y = A*x
    - A.init_vector(x, dim): initialize the vector x so that it is compatible with the range (dim = 0) or
      the domain (dim = 1) of A.
    The preconditioner B is set using the method set_preconditioner(B).
    B must provide the following method:
    - B.solve(z,r): z is the action of the preconditioner B on the vector r
    To solve the linear system A*x = b call solve(x,b). Here x and b are assumed
    to be FEniCS::Vector objects
    Maximum number of iterations, tolerances, verbosity level etc can be
    set using the parameters attributes.
    reason = [
        "Maximum Number of Iterations Reached",
        "Relative/Absolute residual less than tol",
        "Reached a negative direction"

    def __init__(self):
        self.parameters = {}
        self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] = 1e-9
        self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] = 1e-12
        self.parameters["max_iter"] = 1000
        self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"] = True
        self.parameters["print_level"] = 0

        self.A = None
        self.B = None
        self.converged = False
        self.iter = 0
        self.reasonid = 0
        self.final_norm = 0

        self.r = Vector()
        self.z = Vector()
        self.d = Vector()

        if dolfin.__version__[2] == '3': self.vrs130 = True
        else: self.vrs130 = False

    def set_operator(self, A):
        self.A = A
        if self.vrs130:
            self.r = self.A.init_vector130()
            self.z = self.A.init_vector130()
            self.d = self.A.init_vector130()
            self.A.init_vector(self.r, 0)
            self.A.init_vector(self.z, 0)
            self.A.init_vector(self.d, 0)

    def set_preconditioner(self, B):
        self.B = B

    def solve(self, x, b):

        self.iter = 0
        self.converged = False
        self.reasonid = 0

        betanom = 0.0
        alpha = 0.0
        beta = 0.0

        if self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"]:
            self.r.axpy(1.0, b)
            self.A.mult(x, self.r)
            self.r *= -1.0
            self.r.axpy(1.0, b)
        self.B.solve(self.z, self.r)  #z = B^-1 r
        self.d.axpy(1., self.z)
        #d = z

        nom0 = self.d.inner(self.r)
        nom = nom0

        if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1:
            print " Iterartion : ", 0, " (B r, r) = ", nom

        rtol2 = nom * self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] * self.parameters[
        atol2 = self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] * self.parameters[
        r0 = max(rtol2, atol2)

        if nom <= r0:
            self.converged = True
            self.reasonid = 1
            self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
            if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm

        self.A.mult(self.d, self.z)  #z = A d
        den = self.z.inner(self.d)

        if den <= 0.0:
            self.converged = True
            self.reasonid = 2
            self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
            if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm

        # start iteration
        self.iter = 1
        while True:
            alpha = nom / den
            x.axpy(alpha, self.d)  # x = x + alpha d
            self.r.axpy(-alpha, self.z)  # r = r - alpha A d

            self.B.solve(self.z, self.r)  # z = B^-1 r
            betanom = self.r.inner(self.z)

            if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1:
                print " Iteration : ", self.iter, " (B r, r) = ", betanom

            if betanom < r0:
                self.converged = True
                self.reasonid = 1
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom)
                if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm

            self.iter += 1
            if self.iter > self.parameters["max_iter"]:
                self.converged = False
                self.reasonid = 0
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom)
                if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Not Converged. Final residual norm ", self.final_norm

            beta = betanom / nom
            self.d *= beta
            self.d.axpy(1., self.z)  #d = z + beta d

            self.A.mult(self.d, self.z)  # z = A d

            den = self.d.inner(self.z)

            if den <= 0.0:
                self.converged = True
                self.reasonid = 2
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
                if (self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm

            nom = betanom
Пример #12
class CGSampler:
    This class implements the CG sampler algorithm to generate samples from :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, A^{-1})`.

        `Albert Parker and Colin Fox Sampling Gaussian Distributions in Krylov Spaces with Conjugate Gradient
        SIAM J SCI COMPUT, Vol 34, No. 3 pp. B312-B334`
    def __init__(self):
        Construct the solver with default parameters
        :code:`tolerance = 1e-4`
        :code:`print_level = 0`
        :code:`verbose = 0`
        self.parameters = {}
        self.parameters["tolerance"] = 1e-4
        self.parameters["print_level"] = 0
        self.parameters["verbose"] = 0

        self.A = None
        self.converged = False
        self.iter = 0

        self.b = Vector()
        self.r = Vector()
        self.p = Vector()
        self.Ap = Vector()

    def set_operator(self, A):
        Set the operator :code:`A`, such that :math:`x \sim \mathcal{N}(0, A^{-1})`.
        .. note:: :code:`A` is any object that provides the methods :code:`init_vector()` and :code:`mult()`
        self.A = A
        self.A.init_vector(self.r, 0)
        self.A.init_vector(self.p, 0)
        self.A.init_vector(self.Ap, 0)

        self.A.init_vector(self.b, 0)
        parRandom.normal(1., self.b)

    def sample(self, noise, s):
        Generate a sample :math:`s ~ N(0, A^{-1})`.
        :code:`noise` is a :code:`numpy.array` of i.i.d. normal variables used as input.
        For a fixed realization of noise the algorithm is fully deterministic.
        The size of noise determine the maximum number of CG iterations.

        self.iter = 0
        self.converged = False

        # r0 = b
        self.r.axpy(1., self.b)

        #p0 = r0
        self.p.axpy(1., self.r)

        self.A.mult(self.p, self.Ap)

        d = self.p.inner(self.Ap)

        tol2 = self.parameters["tolerance"] * self.parameters["tolerance"]

        rnorm2_old = self.r.inner(self.r)

        if self.parameters["verbose"] > 0:
            print("initial residual = {0:g}".format(math.sqrt(rnorm2_old)))

        while (not self.converged) and (self.iter < noise.shape[0]):
            gamma = rnorm2_old / d
            s.axpy(noise[self.iter] / math.sqrt(d), self.p)
            self.r.axpy(-gamma, self.Ap)
            rnorm2 = self.r.inner(self.r)
            beta = rnorm2 / rnorm2_old
            # p_new = r + beta p
            self.p *= beta
            self.p.axpy(1., self.r)
            self.A.mult(self.p, self.Ap)
            d = self.p.inner(self.Ap)
            rnorm2_old = rnorm2

            if rnorm2 < tol2:
                self.converged = True
                rnorm2_old = rnorm2
                self.iter = self.iter + 1

        if self.parameters["verbose"] > 0:
            print("Final residual {0} after {1} iterations".format(
                math.sqrt(rnorm2_old), self.iter))
Пример #13
class CGSolverSteihaug:
    Solve the linear system A x = b using preconditioned conjugate gradient ( B preconditioner)
    and the Steihaug stopping criterion:
    - reason of termination 0: we reached the maximum number of iterations (no convergence)
    - reason of termination 1: we reduced the residual up to the given tolerance (convergence)
    - reason of termination 2: we reached a negative direction (premature termination due to not spd matrix)
    - reason of termination 3: we reached the boundary of the trust region
    The stopping criterion is based on either
    - the absolute preconditioned residual norm check: || r^* ||_{B^{-1}} < atol
    - the relative preconditioned residual norm check: || r^* ||_{B^{-1}}/|| r^0 ||_{B^{-1}} < rtol
    where r^* = b - Ax^* is the residual at convergence and r^0 = b - Ax^0 is the initial residual.
    The operator A is set using the method set_operator(A).
    A must provide the following two methods:
    - A.mult(x,y): y = A*x
    - A.init_vector(x, dim): initialize the vector x so that it is compatible with the range (dim = 0) or
      the domain (dim = 1) of A.
    The preconditioner B is set using the method set_preconditioner(B).
    B must provide the following method:
    - B.solve(z,r): z is the action of the preconditioner B on the vector r
    To solve the linear system A*x = b call self.solve(x,b).
    Here x and b are assumed to be FEniCS::Vector objects.
    Type: CGSolverSteihaug_ParameterList().showMe() for default parameters and their descriptions

    reason = ["Maximum Number of Iterations Reached",
              "Relative/Absolute residual less than tol",
              "Reached a negative direction",
              "Reached trust region boundary"
    def __init__(self, parameters=CGSolverSteihaug_ParameterList()):
        self.parameters = parameters
        self.A = None
        self.B_solver = None
        self.B_op = None
        self.converged = False
        self.iter = 0
        self.reasonid = 0
        self.final_norm = 0

        self.TR_radius_2 = None

        self.update_x = self.update_x_without_TR
        self.r = Vector()
        self.z = Vector()
        self.d = Vector()
        self.Bx = Vector()
    def set_operator(self, A):
        Set the operator A.
        self.A = A
    def set_preconditioner(self, B_solver):
        Set the preconditioner B.
        self.B_solver = B_solver

    def set_TR(self,radius,B_op):
        assert self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"]
        self.TR_radius_2 = radius*radius
        self.update_x = self.update_x_with_TR
        self.B_op = B_op

    def update_x_without_TR(self,x,alpha,d):
        return False

    def update_x_with_TR(self,x,alpha,d):
        x_bk = x.copy()
        self.B_op.mult(x, self.Bx)
        x_Bnorm2 = self.Bx.inner(x)

        if x_Bnorm2 < self.TR_radius_2:
            return  False
            # Move point to boundary of trust region
            self.B_op.mult(x_bk, self.Bx)
            x_Bnorm2 = self.Bx.inner(x_bk)
            Bd = Vector()
            d_Bnorm2 = Bd.inner(d)
            d_Bx = Bd.inner(x_bk)
            a_tau = alpha*alpha*d_Bnorm2
            b_tau_half = alpha* d_Bx
            c_tau = x_Bnorm2- self.TR_radius_2
            # Solve quadratic for tau
            tau = (-b_tau_half + math.sqrt(b_tau_half*b_tau_half - a_tau*c_tau))/a_tau
            x.axpy(tau*alpha, d)

            return  True
    def solve(self,x,b):
        Solve the linear system Ax = b
        self.iter = 0
        self.converged = False
        self.reasonid  = 0
        betanom = 0.0
        alpha = 0.0 
        beta = 0.0
        if self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"]:
            self.r.axpy(1.0, b)
            assert self.TR_radius_2==None
            self.r *= -1.0
            self.r.axpy(1.0, b)
        self.B_solver.solve(self.z,self.r) #z = B^-1 r  
        self.d.axpy(1.,self.z); #d = z
        nom0 = self.d.inner(self.r)
        nom = nom0
        if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1:
            print " Iterartion : ", 0, " (B r, r) = ", nom
        rtol2 = nom * self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] * self.parameters["rel_tolerance"]
        atol2 = self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] * self.parameters["abs_tolerance"]
        r0 = max(rtol2, atol2)
        if nom <= r0:
            self.converged  = True
            self.reasonid   = 1
            self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
            if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm
        self.A.mult(self.d, self.z)  #z = A d
        den = self.z.inner(self.d)
        if den <= 0.0:
            self.converged = True
            self.reasonid = 2
            x.axpy(1., self.d)
            self.r.axpy(-1., self.z)
            self.B_solver.solve(self.z, self.r)
            nom = self.r.inner(self.z)
            self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
            if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm
        # start iteration
        self.iter = 1
        while True:
            alpha = nom/den
            TrustBool = self.update_x(x,alpha,self.d)   # x = x + alpha d
            if TrustBool == True:
                self.converged = True
                self.reasonid = 3
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom)
                if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm

            self.r.axpy(-alpha, self.z) # r = r - alpha A d
            self.B_solver.solve(self.z, self.r)     # z = B^-1 r
            betanom = self.r.inner(self.z)
            if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1:
                print " Iteration : ", self.iter, " (B r, r) = ", betanom
            if betanom < r0:
                self.converged = True
                self.reasonid = 1
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom)
                if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm
            self.iter += 1
            if self.iter > self.parameters["max_iter"]:
                self.converged = False
                self.reasonid = 0
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom)
                if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Not Converged. Final residual norm ", self.final_norm
            beta = betanom/nom
            self.d *= beta
            self.d.axpy(1., self.z)  #d = z + beta d
            self.A.mult(self.d,self.z)   # z = A d
            den = self.d.inner(self.z)
            if den <= 0.0:
                self.converged = True
                self.reasonid = 2
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
                if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm
            nom = betanom
Пример #14
class CGSampler:
    This class implements the CG sampler algorithm to generate samples from :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, A^{-1})`.

        `Albert Parker and Colin Fox Sampling Gaussian Distributions in Krylov Spaces with Conjugate Gradient
        SIAM J SCI COMPUT, Vol 34, No. 3 pp. B312-B334`

    def __init__(self):
        Construct the solver with default parameters
        :code:`tolerance = 1e-4`
        :code:`print_level = 0`
        :code:`verbose = 0`
        self.parameters = {}
        self.parameters["tolerance"] = 1e-4
        self.parameters["print_level"] = 0
        self.parameters["verbose"] = 0
        self.A = None
        self.converged = False
        self.iter = 0
        self.b = Vector()
        self.r = Vector()
        self.p = Vector()
        self.Ap = Vector()
    def set_operator(self, A):
        Set the operator :code:`A`, such that :math:`x \sim \mathcal{N}(0, A^{-1})`.
        .. note:: :code:`A` is any object that provides the methods :code:`init_vector()` and :code:`mult()`
        self.A = A
        parRandom.normal(1., self.b)
    def sample(self, noise, s):
        Generate a sample :math:`s ~ N(0, A^{-1})`.
        :code:`noise` is a :code:`numpy.array` of i.i.d. normal variables used as input.
        For a fixed realization of noise the algorithm is fully deterministic.
        The size of noise determine the maximum number of CG iterations.
        self.iter = 0
        self.converged = False
        # r0 = b
        self.r.axpy(1., self.b)
        #p0 = r0
        self.p.axpy(1., self.r)
        self.A.mult(self.p, self.Ap)
        d = self.p.inner(self.Ap)
        tol2 = self.parameters["tolerance"]*self.parameters["tolerance"]
        rnorm2_old = self.r.inner(self.r)
        if self.parameters["verbose"] > 0:
            print("initial residual = {0:g}".format( math.sqrt(rnorm2_old) ))
        while (not self.converged) and (self.iter < noise.shape[0]):
            gamma = rnorm2_old/d
            s.axpy(noise[self.iter]/math.sqrt(d), self.p)
            self.r.axpy(-gamma, self.Ap)
            rnorm2 = self.r.inner(self.r)
            beta = rnorm2/rnorm2_old
            # p_new = r + beta p
            self.p *= beta
            self.p.axpy(1., self.r)
            self.A.mult(self.p, self.Ap)
            d = self.p.inner(self.Ap)
            rnorm2_old = rnorm2
            if rnorm2 < tol2:
                self.converged = True
                rnorm2_old = rnorm2
                self.iter = self.iter+1
        if self.parameters["verbose"] > 0:       
            print("Final residual {0} after {1} iterations".format( math.sqrt(rnorm2_old), self.iter))
Пример #15
class CGSolverSteihaug:
    Solve the linear system A x = b using preconditioned conjugate gradient ( B preconditioner)
    and the Steihaug stopping criterion:
    - reason of termination 0: we reached the maximum number of iterations (no convergence)
    - reason of termination 1: we reduced the residual up to the given tolerance (convergence)
    - reason of termination 2: we reached a negative direction (premature termination due to not spd matrix)
    The operator A is set using the method set_operator(A).
    A must provide the following two methods:
    - A.mult(x,y): y = A*x
    - A.init_vector(x, dim): initialize the vector x so that it is compatible with the range (dim = 0) or
      the domain (dim = 1) of A.
    The preconditioner B is set using the method set_preconditioner(B).
    B must provide the following method:
    - B.solve(z,r): z is the action of the preconditioner B on the vector r
    To solve the linear system A*x = b call solve(x,b). Here x and b are assumed
    to be FEniCS::Vector objects
    Maximum number of iterations, tolerances, verbosity level etc can be
    set using the parameters attributes.
    reason = ["Maximum Number of Iterations Reached",
              "Relative/Absolute residual less than tol",
              "Reached a negative direction"
    def __init__(self):
        self.parameters = {}
        self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] = 1e-9
        self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] = 1e-12
        self.parameters["max_iter"]      = 1000
        self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"] = True
        self.parameters["print_level"] = 0
        self.A = None
        self.B = None
        self.converged = False
        self.iter = 0
        self.reasonid = 0
        self.final_norm = 0
        self.r = Vector()
        self.z = Vector()
        self.d = Vector()

        if dolfin.__version__[2] == '5':    self.vrs150 = True
        else:   self.vrs150 = False
    def set_operator(self, A):
        self.A = A
        if self.vrs150:
            self.r = self.A.init_vector130()
            self.z = self.A.init_vector130()
            self.d = self.A.init_vector130()
    def set_preconditioner(self, B):
        self.B = B
    def solve(self,x,b):
        self.iter = 0
        self.converged = False
        self.reasonid  = 0
        betanom = 0.0
        alpha = 0.0 
        beta = 0.0
        if self.parameters["zero_initial_guess"]:
            self.r.axpy(1.0, b)
            self.r *= -1.0
            self.r.axpy(1.0, b)
        self.B.solve(self.z,self.r) #z = B^-1 r  
        self.d.axpy(1.,self.z); #d = z
        nom0 = self.d.inner(self.r)
        nom = nom0
        if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1:
            print " Iterartion : ", 0, " (B r, r) = ", nom
        rtol2 = nom * self.parameters["rel_tolerance"] * self.parameters["rel_tolerance"]
        atol2 = self.parameters["abs_tolerance"] * self.parameters["abs_tolerance"]
        r0 = max(rtol2, atol2)
        if nom <= r0:
            self.converged  = True
            self.reasonid   = 1
            self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
            if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm
        self.A.mult(self.d, self.z)  #z = A d
        den = self.z.inner(self.d)
        if den <= 0.0:
            self.converged = True
            self.reasonid = 2
            self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
            if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm
        # start iteration
        self.iter = 1
        while True:
            alpha = nom/den
            x.axpy(alpha,self.d)        # x = x + alpha d
            self.r.axpy(-alpha, self.z) # r = r - alpha A d
            self.B.solve(self.z, self.r)     # z = B^-1 r
            betanom = self.r.inner(self.z)
            if self.parameters["print_level"] == 1:
                print " Iteration : ", self.iter, " (B r, r) = ", betanom
            if betanom < r0:
                self.converged = True
                self.reasonid = 1
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom)
                if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm
            self.iter += 1
            if self.iter > self.parameters["max_iter"]:
                self.converged = False
                self.reasonid = 0
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(betanom)
                if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Not Converged. Final residual norm ", self.final_norm
            beta = betanom/nom
            self.d *= beta
            self.d.axpy(1., self.z)  #d = z + beta d
            self.A.mult(self.d,self.z)   # z = A d
            den = self.d.inner(self.z)
            if den <= 0.0:
                self.converged = True
                self.reasonid = 2
                self.final_norm = math.sqrt(nom)
                if(self.parameters["print_level"] >= 0):
                    print self.reason[self.reasonid]
                    print "Converged in ", self.iter, " iterations with final norm ", self.final_norm
            nom = betanom