Пример #1
    def test_second_order_accuracy(self):

        # This solves the optimal growth example at second order
        # and computes the second order correction to the steady-state
        # We test that both the statefree method and the perturbation to states
        # yield the same result.

        from dolo.misc.yamlfile import yaml_import
        model = yaml_import('examples/global_models/rbc.yaml', compiler=None)

        from dolo.numeric.perturbations import solve_decision_rule
        from dolo.numeric.perturbations_to_states import approximate_controls

        coeffs = approximate_controls(model, order=2, return_dr=False)
        state_perturb = coeffs[0]

        dr = solve_decision_rule(model)
        statefree_perturb = dr['ys'] + dr['g_ss'] / 2.0
        ctls = model.symbols_s['controls']
        ctls_ind = [model.variables.index(v) for v in ctls]

        # the two methods should yield exactly the same result

        from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
        A = statefree_perturb[ctls_ind]
        B = state_perturb

        assert_almost_equal(A, B)  # we compare the risk-adjusted constants
    def test_second_order_accuracy(self):

        # This solves the optimal growth example at second order
        # and computes the second order correction to the steady-state
        # We test that both the statefree method and the perturbation to states
        # yield the same result.

        from dolo.misc.yamlfile import yaml_import
        model = yaml_import('examples/global_models/rbc.yaml', compiler=None)

        from dolo.numeric.perturbations import solve_decision_rule
        from dolo.numeric.perturbations_to_states import approximate_controls

        coeffs = approximate_controls(model,order=2, return_dr=False)
        state_perturb = coeffs[0]

        dr = solve_decision_rule(model)
        statefree_perturb = dr['ys'] + dr['g_ss']/2.0
        ctls = model.symbols_s['controls']
        ctls_ind = [model.variables.index(v) for v in ctls]

        # the two methods should yield exactly the same result

        from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
        A = statefree_perturb[ctls_ind]
        B = state_perturb

        assert_almost_equal(A, B)  # we compare the risk-adjusted constants
Пример #3
    def test_perturbation(self):

        # This solves the optimal growth example at second order
        # and computes the second order correction to the steady-state
        # We test that both the statefree method and the perturbation to states
        # yield the same result.

        from dolo.misc.yamlfile import yaml_import
        model = yaml_import('../examples/global_models/optimal_growth.yaml')

        from dolo.numeric.perturbations_to_states import approximate_controls

        [Xbar, X_s, X_ss] = approximate_controls(model, 2)
        state_perturb = Xbar

        from dolo.numeric.perturbations import solve_decision_rule
        dr = solve_decision_rule(model)
        statefree_perturb = dr['ys'] + dr['g_ss'] / 2.0
        ctls = model['variables_groups']['controls'] + model[
        ctls_ind = [model.variables.index(v) for v in ctls]

        # the two methods should yield exactly the same result

        from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
        A = statefree_perturb[ctls_ind]
        B = state_perturb

        assert_almost_equal(A, B)
    def test_perturbation(self):

        # This solves the optimal growth example at second order
        # and computes the second order correction to the steady-state
        # We test that both the statefree method and the perturbation to states
        # yield the same result.

        from dolo.misc.yamlfile import yaml_import
        model = yaml_import('../examples/global_models/optimal_growth.yaml')

        from dolo.numeric.perturbations_to_states import approximate_controls

        [Xbar, X_s,X_ss]  = approximate_controls(model,2)
        state_perturb = Xbar

        from dolo.numeric.perturbations import solve_decision_rule
        dr = solve_decision_rule(model)
        statefree_perturb = dr['ys'] + dr['g_ss']/2.0
        ctls = model['variables_groups']['controls'] + model['variables_groups']['expectations']
        ctls_ind = [model.variables.index(v) for v in ctls]

        # the two methods should yield exactly the same result

        from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
        A = statefree_perturb[ctls_ind]
        B = state_perturb

        assert_almost_equal(A, B)
Пример #5
    def perturbation_solution(self,with_bounds=False):
        Returns perturbation solution around the steady-state
        Result is [X,Y,Z] representing :
        s_t = X s_{t-1} + Y e_t
        x_t = Z s_t

        model = self.model
        data = self.read_model()

        controls_i = [model.variables.index(v) for v in data['controls'] ]
        states_i = [model.variables.index(v) for v in data['states_vars'] ]

        from dolo.numeric.perturbations import solve_decision_rule
        dr = solve_decision_rule(model,order=1)

        A = dr['g_a'][states_i,:]
        B = dr['g_a'][controls_i,:]

        [Z,err,rank,junk] = np.linalg.lstsq(A.T,B.T)
        Z = Z.T

        X = A[:,states_i] + np.dot( A[:,controls_i], Z )
        Y = dr.ghu[states_i,:]

        # steady_state values
        s_ss = dr['ys'][states_i,]
        x_ss = dr['ys'][controls_i,]

        # We also compute bounds for distribution at a given probability interval
        if with_bounds:
            M = np.linalg.solve( 1-X, Y)

            Sigma = np.array(model.covariances).astype(np.float64)
            [V,P] = np.linalg.eigh(Sigma)
            # we have Sigma == P * diag(V) * P.T
            # unconditional distribution is ( P*diag(V) ) * N
            # where N is the normal distribution associated
            H = np.dot(Y,np.dot(P,np.diag(V)))
            n_s = Sigma.shape[0]
            I = np.eye(n_s)
            points = np.concatenate([H,-H],axis=1)
            lam = 2 # this coefficient should be more cleverly defined
            p_infs = np.min(points,axis = 1) * lam
            p_max  = np.max(points,axis = 1) * lam

            bounds = np.row_stack([
                s_ss + p_infs,
                s_ss + p_max
            bounds = None

        return [[s_ss,x_ss],[X,Y,Z],bounds]
Пример #6
    def perturbation_solution(self,with_bounds=False):
        Returns perturbation solution around the steady-state
        Result is [X,Y,Z] representing :
        s_t = X s_{t-1} + Y e_t
        x_t = Z s_t

        model = self.model
        data = self.read_model()

        controls_i = [model.variables.index(v) for v in data['controls'] ]
        states_i = [model.variables.index(v) for v in data['states_vars'] ]

        from dolo.numeric.perturbations import solve_decision_rule
        dr = solve_decision_rule(model,order=1)

        A = dr['g_a'][states_i,:]
        B = dr['g_a'][controls_i,:]

        [Z,err,rank,junk] = np.linalg.lstsq(A.T,B.T)
        Z = Z.T

        X = A[:,states_i] + np.dot( A[:,controls_i], Z )
        Y = dr.ghu[states_i,:]

        # steady_state values
        s_ss = dr['ys'][states_i,]
        x_ss = dr['ys'][controls_i,]

        # We also compute bounds for distribution at a given probability interval
        if with_bounds:
            M = np.linalg.solve( 1-X, Y)

            Sigma = np.array(model.covariances).astype(np.float64)
            [V,P] = np.linalg.eigh(Sigma)
            # we have Sigma == P * diag(V) * P.T
            # unconditional distribution is ( P*diag(V) ) * N
            # where N is the normal distribution associated
            H = np.dot(Y,np.dot(P,np.diag(V)))
            n_s = Sigma.shape[0]
            I = np.eye(n_s)
            points = np.concatenate([H,-H],axis=1)
            lam = 2 # this coefficient should be more cleverly defined
            p_infs = np.min(points,axis = 1) * lam
            p_max  = np.max(points,axis = 1) * lam

            bounds = np.row_stack([
                s_ss + p_infs,
                s_ss + p_max
            bounds = None

        return [[s_ss,x_ss],[X,Y,Z],bounds]
Пример #7
    def check(self):
        var_string = self.ui.lineEdit_var.text()
        shocks_string = self.ui.lineEdit_shocks.text()
        parameters_string = self.ui.lineEdit_parameters.text()
        params_definition = self.ui.plainTextEdit.toPlainText()
        initval_string = self.ui.plainTextEdit_2.toPlainText()
        l = [el.get_text() for el in self.widgets]
        l = [e for e in l if e]
        content = str.join(';\n', l)
        if len(l) > 0:
            content += ';'
        simple_mod = '''
var {vars};
varexo {varexo};
parameters {parms};

        from dolo.misc.modfile import parse_dynare_text
            model = parse_dynare_text(simple_mod)
            info = model.info
            info['name'] = model.fname
            txt = '''
Model check {name}:
Number of variables :  {n_variables}
Number of equations :  {n_equations}
Number of shocks :     {n_shocks}'''.format(**info)
        except Exception as e:
            txt = '\nModel is not valid'
            from dolo.numeric.perturbations import solve_decision_rule
            dr = solve_decision_rule(model, order=1)
            txt += '\nBlanchard-Kahn conditions are met.'
        except ImportError as e:
            txt += '\nImpossible to solve the model (lapack could not be imported)'
        except Exception as e:
            txt += '\nImpossible to solve the model (yet).'
            print e
Пример #8
    def check(self):
        var_string = self.ui.lineEdit_var.text()
        shocks_string = self.ui.lineEdit_shocks.text()
        parameters_string = self.ui.lineEdit_parameters.text()
        params_definition = self.ui.plainTextEdit.toPlainText()
        initval_string = self.ui.plainTextEdit_2.toPlainText()
        l = [ el.get_text() for el in self.widgets]
        l = [ e for e in l if e]
        content = str.join(';\n',l)
        if len(l)>0:
            content += ';'
        simple_mod = '''
var {vars};
varexo {varexo};
parameters {parms};
        '''.format(vars = var_string,varexo = shocks_string,
        parms=parameters_string,equations = content,
        params_definition=params_definition, initval_string=initval_string)

        from dolo.misc.modfile import parse_dynare_text
            model = parse_dynare_text(simple_mod)
            info = model.info
            info['name'] = model.fname
            txt ='''
Model check {name}:
Number of variables :  {n_variables}
Number of equations :  {n_equations}
Number of shocks :     {n_shocks}'''.format(**info)
        except Exception as e:
            txt = '\nModel is not valid'
            from dolo.numeric.perturbations import solve_decision_rule
            dr = solve_decision_rule( model, order = 1 )
            txt += '\nBlanchard-Kahn conditions are met.'
        except ImportError as e:
            txt += '\nImpossible to solve the model (lapack could not be imported)'
        except Exception as e:
            txt += '\nImpossible to solve the model (yet).'
            print e