Пример #1
 def add_plus_mark( self, o, page):
   s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( o.atom.line_color),
                       fill_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( o.atom.area_color),
                       stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( 1))
   style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
   # we must process oval first - it would otherwise cover the lines
   for i in o.items:
     if self.paper.type( i) == "oval":
       x, y, x2, y2 = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
       size = Screen.px_to_cm( o.size)
       dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:ellipse',
                                    (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' %  x),
                                     ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' %  y),
                                     ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' %  size),
                                     ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % size),
                                     ( 'draw:style-name', style_name)))
   for i in o.items:
     if self.paper.type( i) == "line":
       coords = self.paper.coords( i)
       # because some weird bug in tcl/tk i had to hack the coordinates in marks.py
       # the hack is reversed here in order to get the coords back
       # I also reduce the size of the mark a little
       #if o.items.index( i) == 1:
       #  coords[0] += 0
       #  coords[2] += -1
       #elif o.items.index( i) == 2:
       #  coords[1] += 0
       #  coords[3] += -1
       # end of hack
       coords = map( Screen.px_to_cm, coords)
       self.create_oo_line( coords, page, style_name)
Пример #2
 def get_package(self, doc):
     """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
 doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
 (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
     a = doc.createElement('text')
     a.setAttribute('id', self.id)
     if self.area_color != '':
         a.setAttribute('background-color', self.area_color)
     if self.font_size != self.paper.standard.font_size \
        or self.font_family != self.paper.standard.font_family \
        or self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
         font = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
             attributes=(('size', str(self.font_size)), ('family',
         if self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
             font.setAttribute('color', self.line_color)
     x, y = Screen.px_to_text_with_unit((self.x, self.y))
                                 attributes=(('x', x), ('y', y)))
     ftext = dom_extensions.elementUnder(a, 'ftext')
     return a
Пример #3
  def get_package( self, doc, items=None):
    if not items:
      to_export = self.children
      to_export = items
    mol = doc.createElement('molecule')
    mol.setAttribute( 'name', self.name)
    mol.setAttribute( 'id', self.id)
    if self.display_form:
      mol.appendChild( dom.parseString( '<display-form>%s</display-form>' % self.display_form).childNodes[0])
    if self.t_atom:
      if self.t_bond_second and self.t_bond_first:
        dom_extensions.elementUnder( mol, 'template', ( ('atom', str( self.t_atom.id)),
                                                        ('bond_first', str( self.t_bond_first.id)),
                                                        ('bond_second', str( self.t_bond_second.id))))
        dom_extensions.elementUnder( mol, 'template', ( ('atom', str( self.t_atom.id)),))
    for i in to_export:
      mol.appendChild( i.get_package( doc))

    if 1: #not items:
      # (we do not save fragments if the molecule is not guaranteed to be saved whole) old
      # now the approach is - you must know what you do!
      [mol.appendChild( f.get_package( doc)) for f in self.fragments]

    for ud in self.user_data:
      mol.appendChild( ud)

    return mol
Пример #4
  def add_atom( self, a):
    """adds atom item to SVG document"""
    if a.show:
      item = a.selector
      x1, y1 = a.get_xy()
      x, y, x2, y2 = self.paper.bbox( item)
      if a.area_color != '':
        # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
        dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.group, 'rect',
                                     (( 'x', self.convert( x)),
                                      ( 'y', self.convert( y)),
                                      ( 'width', self.convert( x2-x)),
                                      ( 'height', self.convert( y2-y)),
                                      ( 'fill', self.cc( a.area_color)),
                                      ( 'stroke', self.cc( a.area_color))))

      # some fine tuning 
      y1 += a.font.metrics('descent') + Tuning.SVG.text_y_shift
      x += Tuning.SVG.text_x_shift ## hack to compensate for the wrong measuring of text

      text = ftext_to_svg_dom( a.xml_ftext)
      dom_extensions.setAttributes( text, (( "x", self.convert( x)),
                                           ( "y", self.convert( y1)),
                                           ( "font-family", a.font_family),
                                           ( "font-size", '%d%s' % (a.font_size, pt_or_px)),
                                           ( 'fill', self.cc( a.line_color))))
      # set the text length but only for text longer than threshold
      if (x2-x) > 50:
        text.setAttribute( 'textLength', "%.1f" % (x2-x))
      self.group.appendChild( text)

    if hasattr( a, "marks"):
      for m in a.marks:
        self.group.appendChild( m.get_svg_element( self.document))
Пример #5
    def add_atom(self, a):
        """adds atom item to SVG document"""
        if a.show:
            item = a.selector
            x1, y1 = a.get_xy()
            x, y, x2, y2 = self.paper.bbox(item)
            if a.area_color != '':
                # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
                    self.group, 'rect',
                    (('x', self.convert(x)), ('y', self.convert(y)),
                     ('width', self.convert(x2 - x)),
                     ('height', self.convert(y2 - y)),
                     ('fill', self.cc(a.area_color)),
                     ('stroke', self.cc(a.area_color))))

            # some fine tuning
            y1 += a.font.metrics('descent') + Tuning.SVG.text_y_shift
            x += Tuning.SVG.text_x_shift  ## hack to compensate for the wrong measuring of text

            text = ftext_to_svg_dom(a.xml_ftext)
                text, (("x", self.convert(x)), ("y", self.convert(y1)),
                       ("font-family", a.font_family),
                       ("font-size", '%d%s' % (a.font_size, pt_or_px)),
                       ('fill', self.cc(a.line_color))))
            # set the text length but only for text longer than threshold
            if (x2 - x) > 50:
                text.setAttribute('textLength', "%.1f" % (x2 - x))

        if hasattr(a, "marks"):
            for m in a.marks:
Пример #6
 def create_oo_line(self, coords, page, gr_style_name):
     x1, y1, x2, y2 = coords
         page, 'draw:line',
         (('svg:x1', '%fcm' % x1), ('svg:y1', '%fcm' % y1),
          ('svg:x2', '%fcm' % x2), ('svg:y2', '%fcm' % y2),
          ('draw:layer', 'layout'), ('draw:style-name', gr_style_name)))
Пример #7
 def add_plus_mark(self, o, page):
     s = graphics_style(
     style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name(s)
     # we must process oval first - it would otherwise cover the lines
     for i in o.items:
         if self.paper.type(i) == "oval":
             x, y, x2, y2 = map(Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords(i))
             size = Screen.px_to_cm(o.size)
             dom_extensions.elementUnder(page, 'draw:ellipse',
                                         (('svg:x', '%fcm' % x),
                                          ('svg:y', '%fcm' % y),
                                          ('svg:width', '%fcm' % size),
                                          ('svg:height', '%fcm' % size),
                                          ('draw:style-name', style_name)))
     for i in o.items:
         if self.paper.type(i) == "line":
             coords = self.paper.coords(i)
             # because some weird bug in tcl/tk i had to hack the coordinates in marks.py
             # the hack is reversed here in order to get the coords back
             # I also reduce the size of the mark a little
             #if o.items.index( i) == 1:
             #  coords[0] += 0
             #  coords[2] += -1
             #elif o.items.index( i) == 2:
             #  coords[1] += 0
             #  coords[3] += -1
             # end of hack
             coords = map(Screen.px_to_cm, coords)
             self.create_oo_line(coords, page, style_name)
Пример #8
    def get_package(self, doc, items=None):
        if not items:
            to_export = self.children
            to_export = items
        mol = doc.createElement('molecule')
        mol.setAttribute('name', self.name)
        mol.setAttribute('id', self.id)
        if self.display_form:
                dom.parseString('<display-form>%s</display-form>' %
        if self.t_atom:
            if self.t_bond_second and self.t_bond_first:
                    mol, 'template',
                    (('atom', str(self.t_atom.id)),
                     ('bond_first', str(self.t_bond_first.id)),
                     ('bond_second', str(self.t_bond_second.id))))
                dom_extensions.elementUnder(mol, 'template',
                                            (('atom', str(self.t_atom.id)), ))
        for i in to_export:

        if 1:  #not items:
            # (we do not save fragments if the molecule is not guaranteed to be saved whole) old
            # now the approach is - you must know what you do!
            [mol.appendChild(f.get_package(doc)) for f in self.fragments]

        for ud in self.user_data:

        return mol
Пример #9
  def add_text(self, t):
    """Add text item to SVG document.

    x1, y1 = t.get_xy()
    x, y, x2, y2 = t.ftext.bbox( complete=True)
    _x, y, _x2, y2 = t.ftext.bbox( complete=False)
    if t.area_color:
      # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
      dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.group, 'rect',
                                   (( 'x', self.convert( x)),
                                    ( 'y', self.convert( y)),
                                    ( 'width', self.convert( x2-x)),
                                    ( 'height', self.convert( y2-y)),
                                    ( 'fill', self.cc( t.area_color)),
                                    ( 'stroke', self.cc( t.area_color))))
    y1 += (y2-y)/4.0
    x += 2 ## hack to compensate for the wrong measuring of text
    text = ftext_dom_to_svg_dom(dom.parseString(t.ftext.sanitized_text().encode('utf-8')),
    dom_extensions.setAttributes( text, (( "x", self.convert( x)),
                                         ( "y", self.convert( y1)),
                                         ( "font-family", t.font_family),
                                         ( "font-size", '%d%s' % (t.font_size, pt_or_px)),
                                         ( 'fill', self.cc( t.line_color)),
                                         ( 'textLength', "%d" % (x2-x+len( [1 for i in t.xml_ftext if i=="-" and t.paper.get_paper_property( 'replace_minus')])))))
    self.group.appendChild( text)
Пример #10
    def add_text(self, t):
        """Add text item to SVG document.

        x1, y1 = t.get_xy()
        x, y, x2, y2 = t.ftext.bbox(complete=True)
        _x, y, _x2, y2 = t.ftext.bbox(complete=False)
        if t.area_color:
            # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
            dom_extensions.elementUnder(self.group, 'rect',
                                        (('x', self.convert(x)),
                                         ('y', self.convert(y)),
                                         ('width', self.convert(x2 - x)),
                                         ('height', self.convert(y2 - y)),
                                         ('fill', self.cc(t.area_color)),
                                         ('stroke', self.cc(t.area_color))))
        y1 += (y2 - y) / 4.0
        x += 2  ## hack to compensate for the wrong measuring of text
        text = ftext_dom_to_svg_dom(
            (("x", self.convert(x)), ("y", self.convert(y1)),
             ("font-family", t.font_family),
             ("font-size", '%d%s' % (t.font_size, pt_or_px)),
             ('fill', self.cc(t.line_color)),
             ('textLength', "%d" % (x2 - x + len([
                 1 for i in t.xml_ftext
                 if i == "-" and t.paper.get_paper_property('replace_minus')
Пример #11
 def get_package(self, doc):
     """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
 doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
 (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
     yes_no = ['no', 'yes']
     on_off = ['off', 'on']
     a = doc.createElement('atom')
     a.setAttribute('id', str(self.id))
     # charge
     if self.charge:
         a.setAttribute("charge", str(self.charge))
     #show attribute is set only when non default
     if (self.show and self.symbol == 'C') or (not self.show
                                               and self.symbol != 'C'):
         a.setAttribute('show', yes_no[self.show])
     if self.show:
         a.setAttribute('pos', self.pos)
     if self.font_size != self.paper.standard.font_size \
        or self.font_family != self.paper.standard.font_family \
        or self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
         font = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
             attributes=(('size', str(self.font_size)), ('family',
         if self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
             font.setAttribute('color', self.line_color)
     a.setAttribute('name', self.symbol)
     if self.show_hydrogens:
         a.setAttribute('hydrogens', on_off[self.show_hydrogens])
     if self.area_color != self.paper.standard.area_color:
         a.setAttribute('background-color', self.area_color)
     # needed to support transparent handling of molecular size
     x, y, z = map(Screen.px_to_text_with_unit, self.get_xyz(real=1))
     if self.z:
                                     attributes=(('x', x), ('y', y), ('z',
                                     attributes=(('x', x), ('y', y)))
     # marks
     for o in self.marks:
     # multiplicity
     if self.multiplicity != 1:
         a.setAttribute('multiplicity', str(self.multiplicity))
     # valency
     a.setAttribute('valency', str(self.valency))
     # number
     if self.number:
         a.setAttribute('number', self.number)
         a.setAttribute('show_number', data.booleans[int(self.show_number)])
     # free_sites
     if self.free_sites:
         a.setAttribute('free_sites', str(self.free_sites))
     return a
Пример #12
  def add_bond( self, b, page):
    """adds bond item to page"""
    s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                        stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( b.line_width))
    style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
    l_group = page
    # items to export
    line_items, items = b.get_exportable_items()

    # the export itself
    if b.type in 'nhd':
      for i in items:
        coords = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
        self.create_oo_line( coords, page, style_name)
    elif b.type == 'o':
      for i in items:
        x, y, x2, y2 = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
        size = Screen.px_to_cm( x2-x)
        dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:ellipse',
                                     (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' %  x),
                                      ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' %  y),
                                      ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' %  size),
                                      ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % size),
                                      ( 'draw:style-name', style_name)))
    elif b.type == 'b':
      # bold bonds width is determined by the wedge_width
      s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                          stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( b.wedge_width))
      b_style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
      for i in items:
        coords = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
        self.create_oo_line( coords, page, b_style_name)
    elif b.type == 'w':
      s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                          fill_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                          stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( b.line_width))
      style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
      for i in items:
        coords = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
        point_array = []
        for i in range( 0, len( coords), 2):
          point_array.append( (coords[i], coords[i+1]))
        self.create_oo_polygon( point_array, page, style_name)
    elif b.type == 'a':
      s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                          stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( b.line_width))
      style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
      for i in items:
        coords = self.paper.coords( i)
        points = []
        for j in range( 0, len( coords), 2):
          points.append( ( Screen.px_to_cm( coords[j]), Screen.px_to_cm(coords[j+1])))
        self.create_oo_polyline( points, page, style_name)
    # line_items
    for i in line_items:
      coords = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
      self.create_oo_line( coords, page, style_name)
Пример #13
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:properties', (( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                            ( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                            ( 'fo:text-align', 'center'),
                                                            ( 'fo:color', self.color)))
   return style
Пример #14
 def _draw_rectangle( self, parent, coords, fill_color="#fff", stroke_color="#fff"):
   x, y, x2, y2 = coords
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( parent, 'rect',
                                (( 'x', str( x)),
                                 ( 'y', str( y)),
                                 ( 'width', str( x2-x)),
                                 ( 'height', str( y2-y)),
                                 ( 'fill', fill_color),
                                 ( 'stroke', stroke_color)))
Пример #15
  def add_bond( self, b, page):
    """adds bond item to page"""
    s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                        stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( b.line_width))
    style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
    l_group = page
    # items to export
    line_items, items = b.get_exportable_items()

    # the export itself
    if b.type in 'nhd':
      for i in items:
        coords = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
        self.create_oo_line( coords, page, style_name)
    elif b.type == 'o':
      for i in items:
        x, y, x2, y2 = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
        size = Screen.px_to_cm( x2-x)
        dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:ellipse',
                                     (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' %  x),
                                      ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' %  y),
                                      ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' %  size),
                                      ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % size),
                                      ( 'draw:style-name', style_name)))
    elif b.type == 'b':
      # bold bonds width is determined by the wedge_width
      s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                          stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( b.wedge_width))
      b_style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
      for i in items:
        coords = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
        self.create_oo_line( coords, page, b_style_name)
    elif b.type == 'w':
      s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                          fill_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                          stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( b.line_width))
      style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
      for i in items:
        coords = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
        point_array = []
        for i in range( 0, len( coords), 2):
          point_array.append( (coords[i], coords[i+1]))
        self.create_oo_polygon( point_array, page, style_name)
    elif b.type == 'a':
      s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( b.line_color),
                          stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( b.line_width))
      style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
      for i in items:
        coords = self.paper.coords( i)
        points = []
        for j in range( 0, len( coords), 2):
          points.append( ( Screen.px_to_cm( coords[j]), Screen.px_to_cm(coords[j+1])))
        self.create_oo_polyline( points, page, style_name)
    # line_items
    for i in line_items:
      coords = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
      self.create_oo_line( coords, page, style_name)
Пример #16
 def create_oo_line( self, coords, page, gr_style_name):
   x1, y1, x2, y2 = coords
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:line',
                                (( 'svg:x1', '%fcm' %  x1),
                                 ( 'svg:y1', '%fcm' %  y1),
                                 ( 'svg:x2', '%fcm' %  x2),
                                 ( 'svg:y2', '%fcm' %  y2),
                                 ( 'draw:layer', 'layout'),
                                 ( 'draw:style-name', gr_style_name)))
Пример #17
 def to_dom(self, doc):
     style = doc.createElement('style:style')
     dom_extensions.setAttributes(style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                          ('style:name', self.name)))
     dom_extensions.elementUnder(style, 'style:properties',
                                 (('fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                  ('fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                  ('fo:text-align', 'center'),
                                  ('fo:color', self.color)))
     return style
Пример #18
 def _draw_rectangle(self,
     x, y, x2, y2 = coords
         parent, 'rect', (('x', str(x)), ('y', str(y)),
                          ('width', str(x2 - x)), ('height', str(y2 - y)),
                          ('fill', fill_color), ('stroke', stroke_color)))
Пример #19
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:paragraph-properties', (#( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                                      #( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                                      ( 'fo:text-align', 'center'),
                                                                      #( 'fo:color', self.color),
                                                                      ( 'fo:margin-left', "0cm"),
                                                                      ( 'fo:margin-right', "0cm"),
                                                                      ( 'fo:text-indent', "0cm")))
   return style
Пример #20
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:paragraph-properties', (#( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                                      #( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                                      ( 'fo:text-align', 'center'),
                                                                      #( 'fo:color', self.color),
                                                                      ( 'fo:margin-left', "0cm"),
                                                                      ( 'fo:margin-right', "0cm"),
                                                                      ( 'fo:text-indent', "0cm")))
   return style
Пример #21
 def add_oval( self, o, page):
   s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( o.line_color),
                       fill_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( o.area_color),
                       stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( o.line_width))
   style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
   x, y, x2, y2 = map( Screen.px_to_cm, o.coords)
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:ellipse',
                                      (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' %  x),
                                       ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' %  y),
                                       ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' %  (x2-x)),
                                       ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % (y2-y)),
                                       ( 'draw:style-name', style_name)))
Пример #22
 def add_oval( self, o, page):
   s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( o.line_color),
                       fill_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( o.area_color),
                       stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( o.line_width))
   style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
   x, y, x2, y2 = map( Screen.px_to_cm, o.coords)
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:ellipse',
                                      (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' %  x),
                                       ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' %  y),
                                       ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' %  (x2-x)),
                                       ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % (y2-y)),
                                       ( 'draw:style-name', style_name)))
Пример #23
    def get_package(self, doc):
        """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
    doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
    (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
        y = ['no', 'yes']
        on_off = ['off', 'on']
        a = doc.createElement('group')
        a.setAttribute('id', str(self.id))
        a.setAttribute('pos', self.pos)
        # group type
        if self.group_type:
            a.setAttribute('group-type', self.group_type)
            raise ValueError("trying to save group without set group-type")

        if self.font_size != self.paper.standard.font_size \
           or self.font_family != self.paper.standard.font_family \
           or self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
            font = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
                attributes=(('size', str(self.font_size)), ('family',
            if self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
                font.setAttribute('color', self.line_color)

        a.setAttribute('name', self.symbol)

        if self.area_color != self.paper.standard.area_color:
            a.setAttribute('background-color', self.area_color)
        # needed to support transparent handling of molecular size
        x, y, z = map(Screen.px_to_text_with_unit, self.get_xyz(real=1))
        if self.z:
                                        attributes=(('x', x), ('y', y), ('z',
                                        attributes=(('x', x), ('y', y)))
        # marks
        for o in self.marks:
        # number
        if self.number:
            a.setAttribute('number', self.number)
            a.setAttribute('show_number', data.booleans[int(self.show_number)])

        return a
Пример #24
 def add_radical_mark( self, o, page):
   s = graphics_style( stroke_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( o.atom.line_color),
                       fill_color=self.paper.any_color_to_rgb_string( o.atom.line_color),
                       stroke_width=Screen.px_to_cm( 0.1))
   style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name( s)
   for i in o.items:
     x, y, x2, y2 = map( Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords( i))
     size = Screen.px_to_cm( o.size)
     dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:ellipse',
                                  (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' %  x),
                                   ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' %  y),
                                   ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' %  size),
                                   ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % size),
                                   ( 'draw:style-name', style_name)))
Пример #25
  def create_oo_text( self, ftext, coords, page, para_style_name, txt_style_name, gr_style_name):
    x, y, x2, y2 = coords
    box = dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:text-box',
                                       (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' %  x),
                                        ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' %  y),
                                        ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' %  (x2-x)),
                                        ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % (y2-y)),
                                        ( 'draw:style-name', gr_style_name),
                                        ( 'draw:text-style-name', para_style_name)))

    text = dom_extensions.elementUnder( box, 'text:p', (('text:style-name', para_style_name),))
    oo_text = dom_extensions.elementUnder( text, 'text:span', (('text:style-name', '%s' % txt_style_name),))
    to_parse = dom.parseString( ftext).childNodes[0]
    self.ftext_dom_to_oo_dom( to_parse, oo_text)
Пример #26
 def tranform_dom(self, dom):
     if dom.nodeName == "cdml":
         cdml = dom
         cdml = dom.getElementsByTagName("cdml")[0]
     if cdml.getElementsByTagName("standard"):
     standard = dom_ext.elementUnder(
         cdml, "standard", (("font_family", "helvetica"), ("font_size", "12"), ("line_width", "1.0px"))
         standard, "bond", (("double-ratio", "1"), ("length", "1.0cm"), ("width", "6.0px"), ("wedge-width", "2.0px"))
     dom_ext.elementUnder(standard, "arrow", (("length", "1.6cm"),))
Пример #27
 def get_package(self, doc):
     """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
 doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
 (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
     pls = doc.createElement('plus')
     pls.setAttribute('id', self.id)
     x, y = Screen.px_to_text_with_unit((self.x, self.y))
     dom_extensions.elementUnder(pls, 'point', (('x', x), ('y', y)))
     pls.setAttribute('font_size', str(self.font_size))
     if self.line_color != '#000':
         pls.setAttribute('color', self.line_color)
     if self.area_color != '#ffffff':
         pls.setAttribute('background-color', self.area_color)
     return pls
Пример #28
 def add_radical_mark(self, o, page):
     s = graphics_style(
     style_name = self.get_appropriate_style_name(s)
     for i in o.items:
         x, y, x2, y2 = map(Screen.px_to_cm, self.paper.coords(i))
         size = Screen.px_to_cm(o.size)
             page, 'draw:ellipse',
             (('svg:x', '%fcm' % x), ('svg:y', '%fcm' % y),
              ('svg:width', '%fcm' % size), ('svg:height', '%fcm' % size),
              ('draw:style-name', style_name)))
Пример #29
    def mol_to_svg(self, mol, before=None, after=None):
        """before and after should be methods or functions that will take one
    argument - svg_out instance and do whatever it wants with it - usually
    adding something to the resulting DOM tree"""
        self.document = dom.Document()
        top = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
            attributes=(("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), ("version",
        self.top = dom_extensions.elementUnder(top,
                                               attributes=(("stroke", "#000"),

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = None, None, None, None
        for v in mol.vertices:
            if x1 == None or x1 > v.x:
                x1 = v.x
            if x2 == None or x2 < v.x:
                x2 = v.x
            if y1 == None or y1 > v.y:
                y1 = v.y
            if y2 == None or y2 < v.y:
                y2 = v.y

        w = int(x2 - x1 + 2 * self.margin)
        h = int(y2 - y1 + 2 * self.margin)
        top.setAttribute("width", str(w))
        top.setAttribute("height", str(h))

        self.transformer = transform.transform()
        self.transformer.set_move(-x1 + self.margin, -y1 + self.margin)

        self.molecule = mol

        if before:

        for e in copy.copy(mol.edges):
        for v in mol.vertices:

        if after:

        return self.document
Пример #30
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   yes_no = ['no','yes']
   on_off = ['off','on']
   a = doc.createElement('atom')
   a.setAttribute( 'id', str( self.id))
   # charge
   if self.charge:
     a.setAttribute( "charge", str( self.charge))
   #show attribute is set only when non default
   if (self.show and self.symbol=='C') or (not self.show and self.symbol!='C'):
     a.setAttribute('show', yes_no[ self.show])
   if self.show:
     a.setAttribute( 'pos', self.pos)
   if self.font_size != self.paper.standard.font_size \
      or self.font_family != self.paper.standard.font_family \
      or self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
     font = dom_extensions.elementUnder( a, 'font', attributes=(('size', str( self.font_size)), ('family', self.font_family)))
     if self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
       font.setAttribute( 'color', self.line_color)
   a.setAttribute( 'name', self.symbol)
   if self.show_hydrogens:
     a.setAttribute('hydrogens', on_off[self.show_hydrogens])
   if self.area_color != self.paper.standard.area_color:
     a.setAttribute( 'background-color', self.area_color)
   # needed to support transparent handling of molecular size
   x, y, z = map( Screen.px_to_text_with_unit, self.get_xyz( real=1))
   if self.z:
     dom_extensions.elementUnder( a, 'point', attributes=(('x', x), ('y', y), ('z', z)))
     dom_extensions.elementUnder( a, 'point', attributes=(('x', x), ('y', y)))
   # marks
   for o in self.marks:
     a.appendChild( o.get_package( doc))
   # multiplicity
   if self.multiplicity != 1:
     a.setAttribute( 'multiplicity', str( self.multiplicity))
   # valency
   a.setAttribute( 'valency', str( self.valency))
   # number
   if self.number:
     a.setAttribute( 'number', self.number)
     a.setAttribute( 'show_number', data.booleans[ int( self.show_number)])
   # free_sites
   if self.free_sites:
     a.setAttribute( 'free_sites', str( self.free_sites))
   return a
Пример #31
 def get_svg_element( self, doc):
   e = doc.createElement( 'g')
   for i in self.items:
     x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.paper.coords( i)
     x = (x1 + x2)/2
     y = (y1 + y2)/2
     dom_extensions.elementUnder( e, 'ellipse',
                                  (( 'cx', str( x)),
                                   ( 'cy', str( y)),
                                   ( 'rx', str( self.size /2)),
                                   ( 'ry', str( self.size /2)),
                                   ( 'fill', self.line_color),
                                   ( 'stroke', self.line_color),
                                   ( 'stroke-width', '1')))
   return e
Пример #32
 def tranform_dom(self, dom):
     if dom.nodeName == 'cdml':
         cdml = dom
         cdml = dom.getElementsByTagName('cdml')[0]
     if cdml.getElementsByTagName('standard'):
     standard = dom_ext.elementUnder(cdml, 'standard',
                                     (('font_family', 'helvetica'),
                                      ('font_size', '12'),
                                      ('line_width', '1.0px')))
     dom_ext.elementUnder(standard, 'bond',
                          (('double-ratio', '1'), ('length', '1.0cm'),
                           ('width', '6.0px'), ('wedge-width', '2.0px')))
     dom_ext.elementUnder(standard, 'arrow', (('length', '1.6cm'), ))
Пример #33
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   pls = doc.createElement('plus')
   pls.setAttribute( 'id', self.id)
   x, y = Screen.px_to_text_with_unit( (self.x, self.y))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( pls, 'point', (('x', x),
                                               ('y', y)))
   pls.setAttribute('font_size', str( self.font_size))
   if self.line_color != '#000':
     pls.setAttribute( 'color', self.line_color)
   if self.area_color != '#ffffff':
     pls.setAttribute( 'background-color', self.area_color)
   return pls
Пример #34
    def create_oo_bezier2(self, points, page, gr_style_name):
        points_txt = ""
        for (sx, sy, cxa, cya, cxb, cyb, ex,
             ey) in geometry.tkspline_to_cubic_bezier(points):
            if not points_txt:
                points_txt += "m %d %d c " % (1000 * (sx), 1000 * (sy))
            points_txt += "%d %d %d %d %d %d " % (1000 * (cxa - sx), 1000 *
                                                  (cya - sy), 1000 *
                                                  (cxb - sx), 1000 *
                                                  (cyb - sy), 1000 *
                                                  (ex - sx), 1000 * (ey - sy))

        w = self.paper.get_paper_property('size_x') / 10.0
        h = self.paper.get_paper_property('size_y') / 10.0
        #wpx = Screen.cm_to_px( w)
        #hpx = Screen.cm_to_px( h)
        #print('svg:viewBox', '0 0 %d %d' % (wpx*1000,hpx*1000))
        print('svg:viewBox', '0 0 %d %d' % (w * 1000, h * 1000))
        line = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
            page, 'draw:path',
            (('svg:x', '0cm'), ('svg:y', '0cm'), ('svg:width', '%fcm' % w),
             ('svg:height', '%fcm' % h),
             ('svg:viewBox', '0 0 %d %d' % (w * 1000, h * 1000)),
             ('svg:d', points_txt), ('draw:layer', 'layout'),
             ('draw:style-name', gr_style_name)))
Пример #35
  def create_oo_text( self, ftext, coords, page, para_style_name, txt_style_name, gr_style_name):
    x, y, x2, y2 = coords
    frame = dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:frame',
                                       (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' %  x),
                                        ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' %  y),
                                        ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' %  (x2-x)),
                                        ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % (y2-y)),
                                        ( 'draw:layer', 'layout'),
                                        ( 'draw:style-name', gr_style_name),
                                        ( 'draw:text-style-name', para_style_name)))
    box = dom_extensions.elementUnder( frame, 'draw:text-box')

    text = dom_extensions.elementUnder( box, 'text:p', (('text:style-name', para_style_name),))
    oo_text = dom_extensions.elementUnder( text, 'text:span', (('text:style-name', '%s' % txt_style_name),))
    to_parse = dom.parseString( ftext).childNodes[0]
    self.ftext_dom_to_oo_dom( to_parse, oo_text)
Пример #36
 def create_oo_bezier( self, points, page, gr_style_name):
   ps = reduce( operator.add, map( geometry.quadratic_beziere_to_polyline,
                                   geometry.tkspline_to_quadratic_bezier( points)))
   maxX, maxY, minX, minY = None,None,None,None
   for (x,y) in ps:
     if not maxX or x > maxX:
       maxX = x
     if not minX or x < minX:
       minX = x
     if not maxY or y > maxY:
       maxY = y
     if not minY or y < minY:
       minY = y
   points_txt = ""
   for (sx, sy, cxa, cya, cxb, cyb, ex, ey) in geometry.tkspline_to_cubic_bezier( points):
     if not points_txt:
       points_txt += "m %d %d c " % (1000*(sx-minX), 1000*(sy-minY))
     points_txt += "%d %d %d %d %d %d " % (1000*(cxa-sx),1000*(cya-sy),1000*(cxb-sx),1000*(cyb-sy),1000*(ex-sx),1000*(ey-sy))
   line = dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:path',
                                       (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' % minX),
                                        ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' % minY),
                                        ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' % (maxX-minX)),
                                        ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % (maxY-minY)),
                                        ( 'svg:viewBox', '0 0 %d %d' % ((maxX-minX)*1000,(maxY-minY)*1000)),
                                        ( 'svg:d', points_txt),
                                        ( 'draw:layer', 'layout'),
                                        ( 'draw:style-name', gr_style_name)))
Пример #37
  def create_oo_bezier( self, points, page, gr_style_name):
    ps = [j for i in map(geometry.quadratic_beziere_to_polyline,
              for j in i]
    maxX, maxY, minX, minY = None,None,None,None
    for (x,y) in ps:
      if not maxX or x > maxX:
        maxX = x
      if not minX or x < minX:
        minX = x
      if not maxY or y > maxY:
        maxY = y
      if not minY or y < minY:
        minY = y
    points_txt = ""
    for (sx, sy, cxa, cya, cxb, cyb, ex, ey) in geometry.tkspline_to_cubic_bezier( points):
      if not points_txt:
        points_txt += "m %d %d c " % (1000*(sx-minX), 1000*(sy-minY))
      points_txt += "%d %d %d %d %d %d " % (1000*(cxa-sx),1000*(cya-sy),1000*(cxb-sx),1000*(cyb-sy),1000*(ex-sx),1000*(ey-sy))

    line = dom_extensions.elementUnder( page, 'draw:path',
                                        (( 'svg:x', '%fcm' % minX),
                                         ( 'svg:y', '%fcm' % minY),
                                         ( 'svg:width', '%fcm' % (maxX-minX)),
                                         ( 'svg:height', '%fcm' % (maxY-minY)),
                                         ( 'svg:viewBox', '0 0 %d %d' % ((maxX-minX)*1000,(maxY-minY)*1000)),
                                         ( 'svg:d', points_txt),
                                         ( 'draw:layer', 'layout'),
                                         ( 'draw:style-name', gr_style_name)))
Пример #38
 def get_package( self, doc):
   if not self.records or sum( map( len, self.records.values())) == 0:
     return None
   e = doc.createElement( 'external-data')
   for dclass in self.records:
     if self.records[ dclass]:
       ecls = dom_ext.elementUnder( e, "class", (("name", dclass),))
       for obj in self.records[ dclass]:
         eobj = dom_ext.elementUnder( ecls, "object", (("ref", obj.id),("type", obj.object_type)))
         for cat in self.records[ dclass][ obj]:
           val = self.get_data( dclass, obj, cat)
           if hasattr( val, 'id'):
             val = val.id
           ecat = dom_ext.elementUnder( eobj, "value", (("category", cat),
                                                        ("value", str( val))))
   return e
Пример #39
 def get_package( self, doc):
   if not self.records or sum( map( len, self.records.values())) == 0:
     return None
   e = doc.createElement( 'external-data')
   for dclass in self.records:
     if self.records[ dclass]:
       ecls = dom_ext.elementUnder( e, "class", (("name", dclass),))
       for obj in self.records[ dclass]:
         eobj = dom_ext.elementUnder( ecls, "object", (("ref", obj.id),("type", obj.object_type)))
         for cat in self.records[ dclass][ obj]:
           val = self.get_data( dclass, obj, cat)
           if hasattr( val, 'id'):
             val = val.id
           ecat = dom_ext.elementUnder( eobj, "value", (("category", cat),
                                                        ("value", str( val))))
   return e
Пример #40
 def write_to_file( self, name):
   out = dom.Document()
   root = dom_ext.elementUnder( out, 'cml')
   for m in self.paper.molecules:
     mol = dom_ext.elementUnder( root, 'molecule')
     if m.id:
       mol.setAttribute( 'id', m.id)
     atoms = dom_ext.elementUnder( mol, 'atomArray')
     for a in m.atoms:
       atoms.appendChild( self.CML_atom( atom=a, scaling=self.scale).get_CML_dom( out))
     bonds = dom_ext.elementUnder( mol, 'bondArray')
     for b in m.bonds:
       bonds.appendChild( self.CML_bond( bond=b).get_CML_dom( out))
   dom_ext.safe_indent( root)
   with open(name, 'wb') as f:
Пример #41
    def ftext_dom_to_oo_dom(self, ftext, oo_dom):
        if ftext.nodeValue:
            # style inherited from parents
            parents = dom_extensions.getParentNameList(ftext)
            font_weight, font_style, text_position = None, None, None
            if 'b' in parents:
                font_weight = 'bold'
            if 'i' in parents:
                font_style = 'italic'
            if 'sub' in parents:
                text_position = "sub 70%"
            if 'sup' in parents:
                text_position = "super 70%"

            if ftext.parentNode.nodeName == 'ftext':
                st = span_style(font_style=font_style,
                element = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
                    'text:span', (('text:style-name',
                                   self.get_appropriate_style_name(st)), ))
            for el in ftext.childNodes:
                self.ftext_dom_to_oo_dom(el, oo_dom)
Пример #42
 def _create_parent(self, item, top):
     if self.group_items:
         parent = dom_extensions.elementUnder(top, "g")
         if 'svg_id' in item.properties_:
             parent.setAttribute("id", item.properties_['svg_id'])
         parent = self.top
     return parent
Пример #43
  def mol_to_svg( self, mol, before=None, after=None):
    """before and after should be methods or functions that will take one
    argument - svg_out instance and do whatever it wants with it - usually
    adding something to the resulting DOM tree"""
    self.document = dom.Document()
    top = dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.document,
                                       attributes=(("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"),
                                                   ("version", "1.0")))
    self.top = dom_extensions.elementUnder( top, "g",
                                            attributes=(("stroke", "#000"),
                                                        ("stroke-width", "1.0")))

    x1, y1, x2, y2 = None, None, None, None
    for v in mol.vertices:
      if x1 == None or x1 > v.x:
        x1 = v.x
      if x2 == None or x2 < v.x:
        x2 = v.x
      if y1 == None or y1 > v.y:
        y1 = v.y
      if y2 == None or y2 < v.y:
        y2 = v.y

    w = int( x2 - x1 + 2*self.margin)
    h = int( y2 - y1 + 2*self.margin)
    top.setAttribute( "width", str( w))
    top.setAttribute( "height", str( h))

    self.transformer = transform.transform()
    self.transformer.set_move( -x1+self.margin, -y1+self.margin)

    self.molecule = mol

    if before:
      before( self)

    for e in copy.copy( mol.edges):
      self._draw_edge( e)
    for v in mol.vertices:
      self._draw_vertex( v)

    if after:
      after( self)

    return self.document
Пример #44
 def _draw_line( self, parent, start, end, line_width=1, capstyle=""):
   x1, y1 = start
   x2, y2 = end
   line = dom_extensions.elementUnder( parent, 'line',
                                       (( 'x1', str( x1)),
                                        ( 'y1', str( y1)),
                                        ( 'x2', str( x2)),
                                        ( 'y2', str( y2))))
Пример #45
 def _create_parent( self, item, top):
   if self.group_items:
     parent = dom_extensions.elementUnder( top, "g")
     if 'svg_id' in item.properties_:
       parent.setAttribute( "id", item.properties_['svg_id'])
     parent = self.top
   return parent
Пример #46
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   prop = dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:properties', (( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                                   ( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                                   ( 'fo:font-style', self.font_style),
                                                                   ( 'fo:font-weight', self.font_weight)))
   return style
Пример #47
 def to_dom( self, doc):
   style = doc.createElement( 'style:style')
   dom_extensions.setAttributes( style, (('style:family', self.family),
                                         ('style:name', self.name)))
   prop = dom_extensions.elementUnder( style, 'style:text-properties', (( 'fo:font-size', self.font_size),
                                                                        ( 'fo:font-family', self.font_family),
                                                                        ( 'fo:font-style', self.font_style),
                                                                        ( 'fo:font-weight', self.font_weight)))
   return style
Пример #48
 def tranform_dom( self, dom):
   if dom.nodeName == 'cdml':
     cdml = dom
     cdml = dom.getElementsByTagName('cdml')[0]
   if cdml.getElementsByTagName( 'standard'):
   standard = dom_ext.elementUnder( cdml, 'standard',
   dom_ext.elementUnder( standard, 'bond',
   dom_ext.elementUnder( standard, 'arrow',
Пример #49
 def get_package( self, doc):
   """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
   doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
   (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
   a = doc.createElement('text')
   a.setAttribute( 'id', self.id)
   if self.area_color != '':
     a.setAttribute( 'background-color', self.area_color)
   if self.font_size != self.paper.standard.font_size \
      or self.font_family != self.paper.standard.font_family \
      or self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
     font = dom_extensions.elementUnder( a, 'font', attributes=(('size', str( self.font_size)), ('family', self.font_family)))
     if self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
       font.setAttribute( 'color', self.line_color)
   x, y = Screen.px_to_text_with_unit( (self.x, self.y))
   dom_extensions.elementUnder( a, 'point', attributes=(('x', x),('y', y)))
   ftext = dom_extensions.elementUnder( a, 'ftext')
   ftext.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( self.xml_ftext))
   return a
Пример #50
 def add_plus(self, p):
     """adds plus item to SVG document"""
     item = p.item
     x1, y1 = p.get_xy()
     x, y, x2, y2 = self.paper.bbox(item)
     if p.area_color:
         # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
         dom_extensions.elementUnder(self.group, 'rect',
                                     (('x', self.convert(x)),
                                      ('y', self.convert(y)),
                                      ('width', self.convert(x2 - x)),
                                      ('height', self.convert(y2 - y)),
                                      ('fill', self.cc(p.area_color)),
                                      ('stroke', self.cc(p.area_color))))
     y1 += (y2 - y) / 4.0
     text = dom_extensions.textOnlyElementUnder(
         self.group, 'text', '+',
         (('font-size', "%d%s" % (p.font_size, pt_or_px)),
          ('font-family', p.font_family), ("x", self.convert(x)),
          ("y", self.convert(round(y1))), ('fill', self.cc(p.line_color))))
Пример #51
  def add_rect( self, o):
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = o.coords
    el = dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.group, 'rect',
                                      (( 'x', self.convert( x1)),
                                       ( 'y', self.convert( y1)),
                                       ( 'width', self.convert( x2-x1)),
                                       ( 'height', self.convert( y2-y1)),
                                       ( 'stroke-width', str( o.line_width))))

    el.setAttribute( 'fill', self.cc( o.area_color))
    el.setAttribute( 'stroke', self.cc( o.line_color))
Пример #52
    def add_polygon(self, o):
        ps = ''
        for (x, y) in [p.get_xy() for p in o.points]:
            ps += '%.2f,%.2f ' % (x, y)
        poly = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
            self.group, 'polygon',
            (('points', ps), ('stroke-width', str(o.line_width)),
             ('fill-rule', 'evenodd')))

        poly.setAttribute('fill', self.cc(o.area_color))
        poly.setAttribute('stroke', self.cc(o.line_color))
Пример #53
  def add_polygon( self, o):
    ps = ''
    for (x,y) in [p.get_xy() for p in o.points]:
      ps += '%.2f,%.2f ' % (x,y)
    poly = dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.group, 'polygon',
                                        (( 'points', ps),
                                         ( 'stroke-width', str( o.line_width)),
                                         ( 'fill-rule', 'evenodd')))

    poly.setAttribute( 'fill', self.cc( o.area_color))
    poly.setAttribute( 'stroke', self.cc( o.line_color))
Пример #54
    def add_rect(self, o):
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = o.coords
        el = dom_extensions.elementUnder(self.group, 'rect',
                                         (('x', self.convert(x1)),
                                          ('y', self.convert(y1)),
                                          ('width', self.convert(x2 - x1)),
                                          ('height', self.convert(y2 - y1)),
                                          ('stroke-width', str(o.line_width))))

        el.setAttribute('fill', self.cc(o.area_color))
        el.setAttribute('stroke', self.cc(o.line_color))
Пример #55
  def add_oval( self, o):
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = o.coords
    el = dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.group, 'ellipse',
                                      (( 'cx', self.convert( (x2+x1)/2)),
                                       ( 'cy', self.convert( (y2+y1)/2)),
                                       ( 'rx', self.convert( (x2-x1)/2)),
                                       ( 'ry', self.convert( (y2-y1)/2)),
                                       ( 'stroke-width', str( o.line_width))))

    el.setAttribute( 'fill', self.cc( o.area_color))
    el.setAttribute( 'stroke', self.cc( o.line_color))
Пример #56
    def add_oval(self, o):
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = o.coords
        el = dom_extensions.elementUnder(
            self.group, 'ellipse', (('cx', self.convert(
                (x2 + x1) / 2)), ('cy', self.convert(
                    (y2 + y1) / 2)), ('rx', self.convert(
                        (x2 - x1) / 2)), ('ry', self.convert((y2 - y1) / 2)),
                                    ('stroke-width', str(o.line_width))))

        el.setAttribute('fill', self.cc(o.area_color))
        el.setAttribute('stroke', self.cc(o.line_color))
Пример #57
  def get_package( self, doc):
    """returns a DOM element describing the object in CDML,
    doc is the parent document which is used for element creation
    (the returned element is not inserted into the document)"""
    y = ['no','yes']
    on_off = ['off','on']
    a = doc.createElement('group')
    a.setAttribute( 'id', str( self.id))
    a.setAttribute( 'pos', self.pos)
    # group type
    if self.group_type:
      a.setAttribute( 'group-type', self.group_type)
      raise ValueError, "trying to save group without set group-type"

    if self.font_size != self.paper.standard.font_size \
       or self.font_family != self.paper.standard.font_family \
       or self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
      font = dom_extensions.elementUnder( a, 'font', attributes=(('size', str( self.font_size)), ('family', self.font_family)))
      if self.line_color != self.paper.standard.line_color:
        font.setAttribute( 'color', self.line_color)

    a.setAttribute( 'name', self.symbol)

    if self.area_color != self.paper.standard.area_color:
      a.setAttribute( 'background-color', self.area_color)
    # needed to support transparent handling of molecular size
    x, y, z = map( Screen.px_to_text_with_unit, self.get_xyz( real=1))
    if self.z:
      dom_extensions.elementUnder( a, 'point', attributes=(('x', x), ('y', y), ('z', z)))
      dom_extensions.elementUnder( a, 'point', attributes=(('x', x), ('y', y)))
    # marks
    for o in self.marks:
      a.appendChild( o.get_package( doc))
    # number
    if self.number:
      a.setAttribute( 'number', self.number)
      a.setAttribute( 'show_number', data.booleans[ int( self.show_number)])

    return a
Пример #58
 def add_plus( self, p):
   """adds plus item to SVG document"""
   item = p.item
   x1, y1 = p.get_xy()
   x, y, x2, y2 = self.paper.bbox( item)
   if p.area_color:
     # it is not needed to export the rectangle in case its transparent
     dom_extensions.elementUnder( self.group, 'rect',
                                  (( 'x', self.convert( x)),
                                   ( 'y', self.convert( y)),
                                   ( 'width', self.convert( x2-x)),
                                   ( 'height', self.convert( y2-y)),
                                   ( 'fill', self.cc( p.area_color)),
                                   ( 'stroke', self.cc( p.area_color))))
   y1 += (y2-y)/4.0
   text = dom_extensions.textOnlyElementUnder( self.group, 'text', '+',
                                               (('font-size', "%d%s" % (p.font_size, pt_or_px)),
                                                ('font-family', p.font_family),
                                                ( "x", self.convert( x)),
                                                ( "y", self.convert( round( y1))),
                                                ( 'fill', self.cc( p.line_color))))