def makeNewEntry(headerfile, bodyfile, domain=None): fin = open(headerfile,"r") meta= fin.close() fin = open(bodyfile,"rb") body = fin.close() metahash = eval(meta) if domain: mockdomain = domain elif Domain.objects.all().count() == 0: mockdomain = Domain(name='mockdomain') else: mockdomain = Domain.objects.all()[0] checksum = hashlib.md5(body).hexdigest() new_submission = submitprocessor.new_submission(metahash, checksum, mockdomain) submitprocessor.save_legacy_blob(new_submission, body) attachments = submitprocessor.handle_legacy_blob(new_submission) return new_submission
def create_xsd_and_populate(xsd_file_name, xml_file_name='', domain=None, path=None): if domain: mockdomain = domain elif Domain.objects.all().count() == 0: mockdomain = Domain(name='mockdomain') else: mockdomain = Domain.objects.all()[0] formdefmodel = create_xsd(xsd_file_name, mockdomain, path=path) populate(xml_file_name, mockdomain, path) return formdefmodel
def setUp(self): DenunciationCategory.objects.create(name='Racismo', gravity='High') DenunciationCategory.objects.create(name='Plágio', gravity='Medium') self.adm = DomainAdministrator.objects.create(id=1, username='******') self.dom = Domain() self.dom.application_name = "" self.dom.administrator = self.adm self.adm2 = DomainAdministrator.objects.create(id=2, username='******') self.dom2 = Domain() self.dom2.application_name = "" self.dom2.administrator = self.adm2
def select( request, redirect_field_name = REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME, domain_select_template = 'domain/select.html' ): domains_for_user = Domain.active_for_user(request.user) if len(domains_for_user) == 0: vals = dict( error_msg = "You are not a member of any existing domains - please contact your system administrator", show_homepage_link = False ) return render_to_response('error.html', vals, context_instance = RequestContext(request)) redirect_to = request.REQUEST.get(redirect_field_name, '') if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted... form = DomainSelectionForm(domain_list=domains_for_user, data=request.POST) # A form bound to the POST data if form.is_valid(): # We've just checked the submitted data against a freshly-retrieved set of domains # associated with the user. It's safe to set the domain in the sesssion (and we'll # check again on views validated with the domain-checking decorator) # Needs request because it saves domain in session # Weak attempt to give user a good UX - make sure redirect_to isn't garbage. if not redirect_to or '//' in redirect_to or ' ' in redirect_to: redirect_to = reverse('homepage') return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to) # Redirect after POST else: # An unbound form form = DomainSelectionForm( domain_list=domains_for_user ) vals = dict( next = redirect_to, form = form ) return render_to_response(domain_select_template, vals, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def testBasicRegistration(self): path = os.path.dirname(__file__) data_path = os.path.join(path, "data") # Make sure there's nothing to start self.assertEqual(0, Phone.objects.count()) # submit the xml submission = populate("reg.xml", domain=self.domain, path=data_path) # should create a phone and user object self.assertEqual(1, Phone.objects.count()) self.assertEqual(1, PhoneUserInfo.objects.count()) # sanity check the data phone = Phone.objects.all()[0] user_info = PhoneUserInfo.objects.all()[0] django_user = user_info.user # phone self.assertEqual("67QQ86GVH8CCDNSCL0VQVKF7A", phone.device_id) # phone user info self.assertEqual(phone, self.assertEqual(submission.attachments.all()[0], user_info.attachment) self.assertEqual("phone_registered", user_info.status) self.assertEqual("test_registration", user_info.username) self.assertEqual("1982", user_info.password) self.assertEqual("BXPKZLP49P3DDTJH3W0BRM2HV", user_info.uuid) self.assertEqual(date(2010,03,23), user_info.registered_on) expected_data = {"sid": "18", "hcbpid": "29", "district": "district 9", "region": "ally", "ward": "collins"} additional_data = user_info.additional_data for key in expected_data: self.assertTrue(key in additional_data, "Key %s should be set in the additional data" % key) self.assertEqual(expected_data[key], additional_data[key], "Value for %s was %s but should be %s" % \ (key, additional_data[key], expected_data[key])) for key in additional_data: self.assertTrue(key in expected_data, "Extra key %s was found in submitted data" % key) # django user self.assertNotEqual(None, django_user) self.assertEqual("test_registration", django_user.username) user_domains = Domain.active_for_user(django_user) self.assertEqual(1, user_domains.count()) self.assertEqual(self.domain, user_domains.all()[0]) # also, make sure we created an instance of the right handler way_handled = SubmissionHandlingOccurrence.objects.get\ (submission=user_info.attachment.submission) self.assertEqual(APP_NAME, self.assertEqual(REGISTRATION_HANDLER, way_handled.handled.method)
def home(request): """ Get messages and current domain list """ domains = Domain.objects(status="C", owner=request.user.pkstr, ) return render(request, "uiteacher/home.html", {'current_domains': domains})
def handle(self, *args, **options): domain_list_web = filter(None, subprocess.check_output(["uberspace-list-domains", "-w"]).decode().split("\n")) domain_list_mail = filter(None, subprocess.check_output(["uberspace-list-domains", "-m"]).decode().split("\n")) # first, clear all domains (set mail and web attributes to False) for domain in Domain.objects.all(): domain.web_enabled = False domain.mail_enabled = False # get web and mail domains into one list of dicts {name_str: {web:bool, mail:bool},}: domain_list_combined = {} # iterate over web domains and add them to the list for domain in domain_list_web: if not domain in domain_list_combined.keys(): domain_list_combined[domain] = {} domain_list_combined[domain]["web"] = True # iterate over mail domains and add them to the list for domain in domain_list_mail: if not domain in domain_list_combined.keys(): domain_list_combined[domain] = {} domain_list_combined[domain]["mail"] = True # now iter over all domains for domain in domain_list_combined: try: d = Domain.objects.get(domain_name=domain) except Domain.DoesNotExist: # Domain does not exist yet in the Django DB, so create it. self.stdout.write("Domain {} is not in the DB. Creating it.".format(domain)) d = Domain(domain_name=domain) if d.mail_enabled != domain_list_combined[domain]["mail"]: d.mail_enabled = domain_list_combined[domain]["mail"] if d.web_enabled != domain_list_combined[domain]["web"]: d.web_enabled = domain_list_combined[domain]["web"] self.stdout.write("Domain {} successfully synchronized.".format(domain))
def index(request): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/login/?next=%s' % request.path) domain_list = Domain.active_for_user(request.user) # if the user has only 1 active domain, skip the select domain page if domain_list != None and len(domain_list) == 1: return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/map/%d' % domain_list[0].id) else: # otherwise, send on to select domain return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/select-domain/')
def create_user_and_domain(username='******', password='******', domain_name='mockdomain'): """Creates a domain 'mockdomain' and a web user with name/pw 'brian'/'test'. Returns these two objects in a tuple as (domain, user). The parameters are configurable.""" try: domain = Domain.objects.get(name=domain_name) print "WARNING: tried to create domain %s but it already exists!" % domain_name print "Are all your tests cleaning up properly?" except Domain.DoesNotExist: # this is the normal case domain = Domain(name=domain_name, is_active=True) try: user = User.objects.get(username=username) print "WARNING: tried to create user %s but it already exists!" % username print "Are all your tests cleaning up properly?" # update the pw anyway user.password = _get_salted_pw(password) except User.DoesNotExist: user = User() user.username = username # here, we mimic what the django auth system does # only we specify the salt to be 12345 user.password = _get_salted_pw(password) # update the domain mapping using the Membership object mem = Membership() mem.domain = domain mem.member_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(User) mem.member_id = mem.is_active = True return (user, domain)
def load_datasets(): print('=' * 80) print( f'Importing data sets from "{data_base_path}"\ninto {} database' ) print('=' * 80) # Dictionary of table_name : (file_name, separator) datasets = { 'ppi_data': ('PPI_interface_mapped_to_exon.csv', ','), 'exons_to_domains_data': ('final.csv', ','), 'gene_info': ('gene_info.csv', ','), Gene: ('gene_name2entrez_id.csv', ','), Domain: ('Pfam-A.clans.tsv', '\t'), } # --- Write dataframes to tables in database for table_name, data_file in datasets.items(): print(f'Adding table {table_name}:') print(f'\tParsing file "{data_file[0]}"') data = pd.read_csv(path.join(data_base_path, data_file[0]), sep=data_file[1]) print( f'\tWriting {data.shape[0]} rows and {data.shape[1]} columns to database' ) # Write to database using Django models if type(table_name) is django.db.models.base.ModelBase: table_name.objects.all().delete() # Gene if table_name is Gene: for _, row in tqdm(data.iterrows(), total=data.shape[0]): entry = Gene() entry.gene_symbol = row['Gene name'] entry.ensembl_id = row['Gene stable ID'] # Domain elif table_name is Domain: for _, row in tqdm(data.iterrows(), total=data.shape[0]): entry = Domain() entry.pfam_id = row['PfamId'] entry.symbol = row['Symbol3'] entry.description = row['Description'] # Write to database directly using Pandas to_sql method else: data.to_sql(table_name, engine, if_exists='replace', index=False) print(f'\tDone')
def uilogin(request): log_start_time = datetime.utcnow() if request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/select-domain') error = None message = None if request.GET.has_key('action') and request.GET.get('action') == 'logged_out': message = "You have been logged out." if request.POST.has_key('txtUsername') and request.POST.has_key('txtPassword'): username = request.POST.get('txtUsername') password = request.POST.get('txtPassword') user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if user is not None: if user.is_active: login(request, user) log_entry = LogEntry() log_entry.user = user log_entry.timestamp = log_start_time log_entry.event_type = 'login' log_entry.set_processing_time(log_start_time) if request.GET.has_key('next'): return HttpResponseRedirect(request.GET.get('next')) else: domain_list = Domain.active_for_user(request.user) # if the user has only 1 active domain, skip the select domain page if domain_list != None and len(domain_list) == 1: return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/map/%d' % domain_list[0].id) else: # otherwise, send on to select domain return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/select-domain/') # Redirect to a success page. else: # Return a 'disabled account' error message error = 'This account is disabled' else: # Return an 'invalid login' error message. error = 'Invalid login' # if there's an error to display, clear the message to avoid confusion if error != None: message = None return render_to_response('ui-login.html', {'user' : request.user, 'error' : error, 'message' : message})
def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs): user = request.user # Lookup is done via the ContentTypes framework, stored in the domain_membership table # id(user) == id(request.user), so we can save a lookup into request by using 'user' alone active_domains = Domain.active_for_user(user) user.active_domains = active_domains user.selected_domain = None # default case domain_from_session = request.session.get(_SESSION_KEY_SELECTED_DOMAIN, None) if domain_from_session and domain_from_session in active_domains: user.selected_domain = domain_from_session if not domain_from_session and len(active_domains) == 1: request.session[_SESSION_KEY_SELECTED_DOMAIN] = active_domains[0] user.selected_domain = active_domains[0] return None
class TestDenunciation(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): DenunciationCategory.objects.create(name='Racismo', gravity='High') DenunciationCategory.objects.create(name='Plágio', gravity='Medium') self.adm = DomainAdministrator.objects.create(id=1, username='******') self.dom = Domain() self.dom.application_name = "" self.dom.administrator = self.adm self.adm2 = DomainAdministrator.objects.create(id=2, username='******') self.dom2 = Domain() self.dom2.application_name = "" self.dom2.administrator = self.adm2 json1 = { "denunciable": { "denunciable_id": 30, "denunciable_type": "imagem" }, "denunciation": { "categories": ["Racismo", "Plágio"], "justification": "copiou imagem racista" } } json2 = { "denunciable": { "denunciable_id": 30, "denunciable_type": "imagem" }, "denunciation": { "categories": ["oi", "oi2"], "justification": "copiou imagem racista" } } json3 = { "denunciable": { "denunciable_id": 30, "denunciable_type": "imagem" }, "denunciation": { "justification": "copiou imagem racista" } } json4 = { "denunciable": { "denunciable_id": 50, "denunciable_type": "imagem" }, "denunciation": { "categories": ["Racismo", "Plágio"], "justification": "copiou imagem racista", "denouncer": "*****@*****.**" } } json5 = { "evaluation": 'adfafdd', "fake": True } def format_dict(self, json): json['key'] = self.dom.key return json def response_post(self, json): response = '/api/denunciations/denunciation/', dumps(self.format_dict(json)), content_type='application/json' ) return response def test_index(self): response = self.client.get( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) def test_show(self): response = self.response_post(self.json1) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) response = self.client.get( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/1/', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) def test_create(self): response = self.response_post(self.json1) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) response = self.client.get( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/1/evaluating/', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) denunciation = Denunciation.objects.get(pk=1) self.assertEqual(, 'evaluatingstate' ) response = self.client.patch( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/1/done/', dumps(self.format_dict(self.json5)), content_type='application/json', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) def test_create_2(self): response = self.response_post(self.json2) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def test_create_3(self): response = self.response_post(self.json3) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) def test_create_4(self): response = self.response_post(self.json1) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) response = self.client.get( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/1/null/', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) denunciation = Denunciation.objects.get(pk=1) self.assertEqual(, 'nullstate') response = self.client.get( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/1/waiting/', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) def test_create_5(self): response = self.response_post(self.json4) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) def test_create_6(self): response = self.response_post(self.json1) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) json = { "key": self.dom2.key, "denunciable": { "denunciable_id": 30, "denunciable_type": "imagem" }, "denunciation": { "justification": "copiou imagem racista" } } response = '/api/denunciations/denunciation/', dumps(json), content_type='application/json' ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) response = self.client.get( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/1/evaluating/', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) response = self.client.get( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/2/evaluating/', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) response = self.client.delete( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/1/', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom2.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) def test_delete(self): response = self.response_post(self.json1) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) response = self.client.delete( '/api/denunciations/denunciation/1/', format='json', **{'HTTP_KEY': self.dom.key} ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) self.assertEqual(Denunciation.objects.count(), 0)
def _create_new_domain_request( request, kind, form, now ): dom_req = RegistrationRequest() dom_req.tos_confirmed = form.cleaned_data['tos_confirmed'] dom_req.request_time = now dom_req.request_ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] dom_req.activation_guid = uuid.uuid1().hex dom_is_active = False if kind == 'existing_user': dom_req.confirm_time = dom_req.confirm_ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] dom_is_active = True # Req copies domain_id at initial assignment of Domain to req; does NOT get the ID from the # copied Domain object just prior to Req save. Thus, we need to save the new domain before copying # it over to the req, so the Domain will have a valid id d = Domain(name = form.cleaned_data['domain_name'], is_active=dom_is_active) dom_req.domain = d ############# User if kind == 'existing_user': new_user = request.user else: new_user = User() new_user.first_name = form.cleaned_data['first_name'] new_user.last_name = form.cleaned_data['last_name'] new_user.username = form.cleaned_data['username'] = form.cleaned_data['email'] assert(form.cleaned_data['password_1'] == form.cleaned_data['password_2']) new_user.set_password(form.cleaned_data['password_1']) new_user.is_staff = False # Can't log in to admin site new_user.is_active = False # Activated upon receipt of confirmation new_user.is_superuser = False new_user.last_login = datetime.datetime(1970,1,1) new_user.date_joined = now # As above, must save to get id from db before giving to request dom_req.new_user = new_user # new_user must become superuser in the new domain new_user.add_row_perm(d, Permissions.ADMINISTRATOR) ############# Membership ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(User) mem = Membership() mem.domain = d mem.member_type = ct mem.member_id = mem.is_active = True # Unlike domain and account, the membership is valid from the start # Django docs say "use is_authenticated() to see if you have a valid user" # request.user is an AnonymousUser if not, and that always returns False if request.user.is_authenticated(): dom_req.requesting_user = request.user return dom_req
def handle(self, *args, **options): # Create domain domain = Domain(name='') # Create owner agent = Agent.objects.create_user(email='*****@*****.**', password='******') agent.is_owner = True agent.domain = domain # Create salesteam for i in range(1, 5): agent = Agent.objects.create_user(email='salesman' + str(i) + '', password='******') agent.domain = domain # Create clients for _ in range(1, random.randrange(1, 24)): client = Client( # Create managers for _ in range(1, random.randrange(12)): Manager(client=client, first_name=fake.first_name(), last_name=fake.last_name(), title=fake.job(), email=fake.free_email(), phone=fake.phone_number()).save() # Create competitors for _ in range(1, random.randrange(24)): competitor = Competitor( # Create opportunities for _ in range(1, random.randrange(100)): cmp_count = random.randint(6, 12) agent = random.choice(Agent.objects.all()) client = random.choice(Client.objects.all()) opportunity = Opportunity( title = fake.sentence(nb_words=6), \ agent = agent, \ client = client, \ domain = domain, \ deadline = + datetime.timedelta(days=random.randrange(100,120)), \ budget = 60000 + (random.randrange(60)*1000), \ margin = random.randrange(40)/100, \ milestone = random.choice(Opportunity.MILESTONES)[0], \ # Relationship rel_knowledge = random.choice([True,False]), \ # Competitors cmp_knowledge = random.choice([True,False]), \ cmp_count = cmp_count, \ # Solution sol_leader = random.choice([True,False]), \ sol_refs = random.choice([True,False]), \ sol_understanding = random.choice([True,False]), \ sol_quantify = random.choice([True,False]), \ sol_create_requirements = random.choice([True,False]), \ sol_negociation = random.choice([True,False])) for _ in range(1, random.randrange(cmp_count)): Activity() # Create competitors for _ in range(1, random.randrange(cmp_count)): CompetitorOpportunity( competitor = random.choice(Competitor.objects.all()), \ opportunity = opportunity, \ appreciation = random.choice(CompetitorOpportunity.APPRECIATION)[0], \ relationship = random.choice(CompetitorOpportunity.RELATIONSHIP)[0], \ fullfilment = random.choice(CompetitorOpportunity.FULLFILMENT)[0], \ pro = fake.sentence(nb_words=26), \ cons = fake.sentence(nb_words=26), \ notes = fake.sentence(nb_words=26) ).save() # Create requirements for _ in range(1, random.randrange(6)): Requirement( description = fake.sentence(nb_words=6), \ opportunity = opportunity, \ fulfillment = random.choice(Requirement.FULLFILMENT)[0], \ notes = fake.sentence(nb_words=16) ).save()
def domain_flat(report_schedule, run_frequency): '''A report that shows, per user, how many forms were submitted over time, for a single domain (the domain of the associated user)''' domains = Domain.active_for_user(report_schedule.recipient_user) title = "Domain Report - %s" % (", ".join([ for domain in domains])) return _catch_all_report(report_schedule, run_frequency, domains, title)
def run(): from django.contrib.auth.models import Group from django.contrib.auth.models import User auth_user_1 = User() auth_user_1.username = u'testadmin' auth_user_1.first_name = u'' auth_user_1.last_name = u'' = u'*****@*****.**' auth_user_1.password = u'sha1$f8636$9ce2327b480195f1c764ac05aad10dc1a106a58e' auth_user_1.is_staff = True auth_user_1.is_active = True auth_user_1.is_superuser = True auth_user_1.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 8, 6, 10, 37, 54) auth_user_1.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 30, 52) from django.contrib.auth.models import Message from domain.models import Domain hq_domain_1 = Domain() = u'Pathfinder' hq_domain_1.description = u'' hq_domain_1.timezone = None hq_domain_2 = Domain() = u'BRAC' hq_domain_2.description = u'' hq_domain_2.timezone = None hq_domain_3 = Domain() = u'Grameen' hq_domain_3.description = u'' hq_domain_3.timezone = None hq_domain_4 = Domain() = u'MVP' hq_domain_4.description = u'' hq_domain_4.timezone = None from hq.models import OrganizationType hq_organizationtype_1 = OrganizationType() = u'NGO' hq_organizationtype_1.domain = hq_domain_1 hq_organizationtype_1.description = u'' hq_organizationtype_2 = OrganizationType() = u'BRAC-Org' hq_organizationtype_2.domain = hq_domain_2 hq_organizationtype_2.description = u'' hq_organizationtype_3 = OrganizationType() = u'Grameen-Intel' hq_organizationtype_3.domain = hq_domain_3 hq_organizationtype_3.description = u'' hq_organizationtype_4 = OrganizationType() = u'MVP-Org' hq_organizationtype_4.domain = hq_domain_4 hq_organizationtype_4.description = u'' from httptester.models import Permissions from locations.models import LocationType from locations.models import Location from reports.models import Case from patterns.models import Pattern from receiver.models import Submission from receiver.models import Attachment from receiver.models import SubmissionHandlingType from receiver.models import SubmissionHandlingOccurrence from reporters.models import Role from reporters.models import ReporterGroup reporters_reportergroup_1 = ReporterGroup() reporters_reportergroup_1.title = u'brac-chw-supervisors' reporters_reportergroup_1.parent = None reporters_reportergroup_1.description = u'BRAC CHW supervisors' reporters_reportergroup_2 = ReporterGroup() reporters_reportergroup_2.title = u'brac-chw-members' reporters_reportergroup_2.parent = None reporters_reportergroup_2.description = u'BRAC CHW members' from reporters.models import Reporter reporters_reporter_1 = Reporter() reporters_reporter_1.alias = u'bderenzi' reporters_reporter_1.first_name = u'' reporters_reporter_1.last_name = u'' reporters_reporter_1.location = None reporters_reporter_1.role = None reporters_reporter_1.language = u'en' reporters_reporter_1.registered_self = False reporters_reporter_1.groups.add(reporters_reportergroup_1) reporters_reporter_2 = Reporter() reporters_reporter_2.alias = u'njowine' reporters_reporter_2.first_name = u'' reporters_reporter_2.last_name = u'' reporters_reporter_2.location = None reporters_reporter_2.role = None reporters_reporter_2.language = u'' reporters_reporter_2.registered_self = False reporters_reporter_3 = Reporter() reporters_reporter_3.alias = u'husseini' reporters_reporter_3.first_name = u'' reporters_reporter_3.last_name = u'' reporters_reporter_3.location = None reporters_reporter_3.role = None reporters_reporter_3.language = u'' reporters_reporter_3.registered_self = False reporters_reporter_4 = Reporter() reporters_reporter_4.alias = u'joachim' reporters_reporter_4.first_name = u'' reporters_reporter_4.last_name = u'' reporters_reporter_4.location = None reporters_reporter_4.role = None reporters_reporter_4.language = u'' reporters_reporter_4.registered_self = False reporters_reporter_5 = Reporter() reporters_reporter_5.alias = u'demo_user' reporters_reporter_5.first_name = u'' reporters_reporter_5.last_name = u'' reporters_reporter_5.location = None reporters_reporter_5.role = None reporters_reporter_5.language = u'' reporters_reporter_5.registered_self = False from reporters.models import PersistantBackend reporters_persistantbackend_1 = PersistantBackend() reporters_persistantbackend_1.slug = u'http' reporters_persistantbackend_1.title = u'http' from reporters.models import PersistantConnection reporters_persistantconnection_1 = PersistantConnection() reporters_persistantconnection_1.backend = reporters_persistantbackend_1 reporters_persistantconnection_1.identity = u'13' reporters_persistantconnection_1.reporter = reporters_reporter_1 reporters_persistantconnection_1.last_seen = None from hq.models import Organization hq_organization_1 = Organization() = u'Pathfinder' hq_organization_1.domain = hq_domain_1 hq_organization_1.description = u'TZ' hq_organization_1.parent = None hq_organization_1.members = None hq_organization_1.supervisors = None hq_organization_1.organization_type.add(hq_organizationtype_1) hq_organization_2 = Organization() = u'BRAC' hq_organization_2.domain = hq_domain_2 hq_organization_2.description = u'' hq_organization_2.parent = None hq_organization_2.members = None hq_organization_2.supervisors = None hq_organization_2.organization_type.add(hq_organizationtype_2) hq_organization_3 = Organization() = u'BRAC-CHP' hq_organization_3.domain = hq_domain_2 hq_organization_3.description = u'' hq_organization_3.parent = hq_organization_2 hq_organization_3.members = reporters_reportergroup_2 hq_organization_3.supervisors = reporters_reportergroup_1 hq_organization_3.organization_type.add(hq_organizationtype_2) hq_organization_4 = Organization() = u'BRAC-CHW' hq_organization_4.domain = hq_domain_2 hq_organization_4.description = u'' hq_organization_4.parent = hq_organization_2 hq_organization_4.members = None hq_organization_4.supervisors = None hq_organization_4.organization_type.add(hq_organizationtype_2) hq_organization_5 = Organization() = u'Grameen-Intel' hq_organization_5.domain = hq_domain_3 hq_organization_5.description = u'' hq_organization_5.parent = None hq_organization_5.members = None hq_organization_5.supervisors = None hq_organization_5.organization_type.add(hq_organizationtype_3) hq_organization_6 = Organization() = u'MVP' hq_organization_6.domain = hq_domain_4 hq_organization_6.description = u'MVP root organization' hq_organization_6.parent = None hq_organization_6.members = None hq_organization_6.supervisors = None hq_organization_6.organization_type.add(hq_organizationtype_4) from hq.models import ReportSchedule hq_reportschedule_1 = ReportSchedule() = u'Direct to bracadmin' hq_reportschedule_1.description = u'Direct email to bracadmin' hq_reportschedule_1.report_class = u'siteadmin' hq_reportschedule_1.report_frequency = u'daily' hq_reportschedule_1.report_delivery = u'email' hq_reportschedule_1.organization = hq_organization_2 hq_reportschedule_1.report_function = u'' = True hq_reportschedule_2 = ReportSchedule() = u'Brian Weekly Email' hq_reportschedule_2.description = u"Brian's Weekly Email" hq_reportschedule_2.report_class = u'supervisor' hq_reportschedule_2.report_frequency = u'weekly' hq_reportschedule_2.report_delivery = u'email' hq_reportschedule_2.recipient_user = None hq_reportschedule_2.organization = hq_organization_3 hq_reportschedule_2.report_function = u'' = True hq_reportschedule_3 = ReportSchedule() = u'Brian Daily SMS' hq_reportschedule_3.description = u"Brian's Daily SMS as CHP Supervisor" hq_reportschedule_3.report_class = u'supervisor' hq_reportschedule_3.report_frequency = u'daily' hq_reportschedule_3.report_delivery = u'sms' hq_reportschedule_3.recipient_user = None hq_reportschedule_3.organization = hq_organization_3 hq_reportschedule_3.report_function = u'' = True hq_reportschedule_4 = ReportSchedule() = u'Daily report to BRAC-CHW' hq_reportschedule_4.description = u'Daily SMS as CHW Member' hq_reportschedule_4.report_class = u'member' hq_reportschedule_4.report_frequency = u'daily' hq_reportschedule_4.report_delivery = u'sms' hq_reportschedule_4.recipient_user = None hq_reportschedule_4.organization = hq_organization_4 hq_reportschedule_4.report_function = u'' = True hq_reportschedule_5 = ReportSchedule() = u'Supervisor weekly SMS CHP' hq_reportschedule_5.description = u'Supervisor weekly SMS CHP' hq_reportschedule_5.report_class = u'supervisor' hq_reportschedule_5.report_frequency = u'weekly' hq_reportschedule_5.report_delivery = u'sms' hq_reportschedule_5.recipient_user = None hq_reportschedule_5.organization = hq_organization_3 hq_reportschedule_5.report_function = u'' = True from reports.models import FormIdentifier from reports.models import CaseFormIdentifier from xformmanager.models import ElementDefModel from xformmanager.models import FormDefModel from xformmanager.models import Metadata from hq.models import ReporterProfile hq_reporterprofile_1 = ReporterProfile() hq_reporterprofile_1.reporter = reporters_reporter_4 hq_reporterprofile_1.chw_id = u'-1' hq_reporterprofile_1.chw_username = u'joachim' hq_reporterprofile_1.domain = hq_domain_1 hq_reporterprofile_1.organization = hq_organization_1 hq_reporterprofile_1.guid = u'-1' hq_reporterprofile_1.approved = True = True hq_reporterprofile_2 = ReporterProfile() hq_reporterprofile_2.reporter = reporters_reporter_3 hq_reporterprofile_2.chw_id = u'11' hq_reporterprofile_2.chw_username = u'husseini' hq_reporterprofile_2.domain = hq_domain_1 hq_reporterprofile_2.organization = hq_organization_1 hq_reporterprofile_2.guid = u'11' hq_reporterprofile_2.approved = True = True hq_reporterprofile_3 = ReporterProfile() hq_reporterprofile_3.reporter = reporters_reporter_5 hq_reporterprofile_3.chw_id = u'0' hq_reporterprofile_3.chw_username = u'demo_user' hq_reporterprofile_3.domain = hq_domain_1 hq_reporterprofile_3.organization = hq_organization_1 hq_reporterprofile_3.guid = u'0' hq_reporterprofile_3.approved = True = True hq_reporterprofile_4 = ReporterProfile() hq_reporterprofile_4.reporter = reporters_reporter_2 hq_reporterprofile_4.chw_id = u'13' hq_reporterprofile_4.chw_username = u'njowine' hq_reporterprofile_4.domain = hq_domain_1 hq_reporterprofile_4.organization = hq_organization_1 hq_reporterprofile_4.guid = u'13' hq_reporterprofile_4.approved = True = True from django.contrib.auth.models import User hq_extuser_1 = User() hq_extuser_1.username = u'bracadmin' hq_extuser_1.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_1.last_name = u'' = u'*****@*****.**' hq_extuser_1.password = u'sha1$25e8d$45cfe119a9429d066168a20255f737dbffef6488' hq_extuser_1.is_staff = False hq_extuser_1.is_active = True hq_extuser_1.is_superuser = True hq_extuser_1.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 33, 29) hq_extuser_1.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 33, 29) hq_extuser_1.chw_id = None hq_extuser_1.chw_username = None hq_extuser_1.primary_phone = u'+16176453236' hq_extuser_1.domain = hq_domain_2 hq_extuser_1.organization = None hq_extuser_1.reporter = None hq_extuser_2 = User() hq_extuser_2.username = u'pfadmin' hq_extuser_2.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_2.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_2.password = u'sha1$223b5$7e92dfc51c7ae3ad5b0fd4df4b52396630e72406' hq_extuser_2.is_staff = False hq_extuser_2.is_active = True hq_extuser_2.is_superuser = True hq_extuser_2.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 24, 16, 53, 39) hq_extuser_2.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 34, 6) hq_extuser_2.chw_id = None hq_extuser_2.chw_username = None hq_extuser_2.primary_phone = u'' hq_extuser_2.domain = hq_domain_1 hq_extuser_2.organization = None hq_extuser_2.reporter = None hq_extuser_3 = User() hq_extuser_3.username = u'gradmin' hq_extuser_3.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_3.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_3.password = u'sha1$f8df4$5339016289f029e23e14466e735a3e8cf016b57f' hq_extuser_3.is_staff = False hq_extuser_3.is_active = True hq_extuser_3.is_superuser = True hq_extuser_3.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 24, 16, 55, 24) hq_extuser_3.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 34, 38) hq_extuser_3.chw_id = None hq_extuser_3.chw_username = None hq_extuser_3.primary_phone = u'' hq_extuser_3.domain = hq_domain_3 hq_extuser_3.organization = None hq_extuser_3.reporter = None hq_extuser_4 = User() hq_extuser_4.username = u'brian' hq_extuser_4.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_4.last_name = u'' = u'*****@*****.**' hq_extuser_4.password = u'sha1$245de$137d06d752eee1885a6bbd1e40cbe9150043dd5e' hq_extuser_4.is_staff = False hq_extuser_4.is_active = True hq_extuser_4.is_superuser = True hq_extuser_4.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 24, 17, 1, 40) hq_extuser_4.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 35, 1) hq_extuser_4.chw_id = None hq_extuser_4.chw_username = None hq_extuser_4.primary_phone = u'+16174016544' hq_extuser_4.domain = hq_domain_2 hq_extuser_4.organization = None hq_extuser_4.reporter = None hq_extuser_5 = User() hq_extuser_5.username = u'gayo' hq_extuser_5.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_5.last_name = u'' = u'*****@*****.**' hq_extuser_5.password = u'sha1$2aa9b$f8ce3e507b719c97d8442e518f8632c4454e686f' hq_extuser_5.is_staff = False hq_extuser_5.is_active = True hq_extuser_5.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_5.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 35, 25) hq_extuser_5.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 35, 25) hq_extuser_5.chw_id = None hq_extuser_5.chw_username = None hq_extuser_5.primary_phone = u'+16174016544' hq_extuser_5.domain = hq_domain_2 hq_extuser_5.organization = None hq_extuser_5.reporter = None hq_extuser_6 = User() hq_extuser_6.username = u'pf1' hq_extuser_6.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_6.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_6.password = u'sha1$245de$137d06d752eee1885a6bbd1e40cbe9150043dd5e' hq_extuser_6.is_staff = False hq_extuser_6.is_active = True hq_extuser_6.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_6.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 57, 13) hq_extuser_6.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 57, 13) hq_extuser_6.chw_id = None hq_extuser_6.chw_username = None hq_extuser_6.primary_phone = u'' hq_extuser_6.domain = hq_domain_1 hq_extuser_6.organization = None hq_extuser_6.reporter = None hq_extuser_7 = User() hq_extuser_7.username = u'pf2' hq_extuser_7.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_7.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_7.password = u'sha1$245de$137d06d752eee1885a6bbd1e40cbe9150043dd5e' hq_extuser_7.is_staff = False hq_extuser_7.is_active = True hq_extuser_7.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_7.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 57, 31) hq_extuser_7.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 57, 31) hq_extuser_7.chw_id = None hq_extuser_7.chw_username = None hq_extuser_7.primary_phone = u'' hq_extuser_7.domain = hq_domain_1 hq_extuser_7.organization = None hq_extuser_7.reporter = None hq_extuser_8 = User() hq_extuser_8.username = u'br1' hq_extuser_8.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_8.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_8.password = u'sha1$f0e70$8d5487476afde09a4a35de8d6ef3b39fba0b4405' hq_extuser_8.is_staff = False hq_extuser_8.is_active = True hq_extuser_8.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_8.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 57, 52) hq_extuser_8.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 57, 52) hq_extuser_8.chw_id = None hq_extuser_8.chw_username = None hq_extuser_8.primary_phone = u'+16176453236' hq_extuser_8.domain = hq_domain_2 hq_extuser_8.organization = None hq_extuser_8.reporter = None hq_extuser_9 = User() hq_extuser_9.username = u'br2' hq_extuser_9.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_9.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_9.password = u'sha1$a4c05$da3d0998c0d01ded87ffcd26cefdd5db619c6927' hq_extuser_9.is_staff = False hq_extuser_9.is_active = True hq_extuser_9.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_9.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 58, 7) hq_extuser_9.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 15, 10, 58, 7) hq_extuser_9.chw_id = None hq_extuser_9.chw_username = None hq_extuser_9.primary_phone = u'+16174016544' hq_extuser_9.domain = hq_domain_2 hq_extuser_9.organization = None hq_extuser_9.reporter = None hq_extuser_10 = User() hq_extuser_10.username = u'grdoc' hq_extuser_10.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_10.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_10.password = u'sha1$9df33$4bb013b189b71d3cfefa6f8b867c7a500ea46f68' hq_extuser_10.is_staff = False hq_extuser_10.is_active = True hq_extuser_10.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_10.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 22, 14, 45, 11) hq_extuser_10.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 22, 14, 45, 11) hq_extuser_10.chw_id = None hq_extuser_10.chw_username = None hq_extuser_10.primary_phone = u'' hq_extuser_10.domain = hq_domain_3 hq_extuser_10.organization = None hq_extuser_10.reporter = None hq_extuser_11 = User() hq_extuser_11.username = u'grsupervisor' hq_extuser_11.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_11.last_name = u'' = u'*****@*****.**' hq_extuser_11.password = u'sha1$4c2a2$cec32be6824786e76488aea338f350c6bbceb8eb' hq_extuser_11.is_staff = False hq_extuser_11.is_active = True hq_extuser_11.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_11.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 22, 14, 45, 36) hq_extuser_11.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 22, 14, 45, 36) hq_extuser_11.chw_id = None hq_extuser_11.chw_username = None hq_extuser_11.primary_phone = u'+16174016544' hq_extuser_11.domain = hq_domain_3 hq_extuser_11.organization = None hq_extuser_11.reporter = None hq_extuser_12 = User() hq_extuser_12.username = u'grmobile1' hq_extuser_12.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_12.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_12.password = u'sha1$ecda0$0728c9c311d4308333bb62058c1f2e979d2899ea' hq_extuser_12.is_staff = False hq_extuser_12.is_active = True hq_extuser_12.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_12.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 22, 14, 45, 55) hq_extuser_12.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 22, 14, 45, 55) hq_extuser_12.chw_id = None hq_extuser_12.chw_username = None hq_extuser_12.primary_phone = u'' hq_extuser_12.domain = hq_domain_3 hq_extuser_12.organization = None hq_extuser_12.reporter = None hq_extuser_13 = User() hq_extuser_13.username = u'grmobile2' hq_extuser_13.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_13.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_13.password = u'sha1$6b5c2$12023bfbeb8ac8614d9d7800444f4b2053c67f3e' hq_extuser_13.is_staff = False hq_extuser_13.is_active = True hq_extuser_13.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_13.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 22, 14, 46, 11) hq_extuser_13.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 22, 14, 46, 11) hq_extuser_13.chw_id = None hq_extuser_13.chw_username = None hq_extuser_13.primary_phone = u'' hq_extuser_13.domain = hq_domain_3 hq_extuser_13.organization = None hq_extuser_13.reporter = None hq_extuser_14 = User() hq_extuser_14.username = u'mvpadmin' hq_extuser_14.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_14.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_14.password = u'sha1$65d24$447a3770156eb7d91381819b14fb9c7a07ce15eb' hq_extuser_14.is_staff = False hq_extuser_14.is_active = True hq_extuser_14.is_superuser = True hq_extuser_14.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 30, 13, 49, 20) hq_extuser_14.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 30, 13, 20, 36) hq_extuser_14.chw_id = u'000' hq_extuser_14.chw_username = None hq_extuser_14.primary_phone = u'' hq_extuser_14.domain = hq_domain_4 hq_extuser_14.organization = None hq_extuser_14.reporter = None hq_extuser_15 = User() hq_extuser_15.username = u'mvpuser1' hq_extuser_15.first_name = u'' hq_extuser_15.last_name = u'' = u'' hq_extuser_15.password = u'resetme' hq_extuser_15.is_staff = False hq_extuser_15.is_active = True hq_extuser_15.is_superuser = False hq_extuser_15.last_login = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 30, 13, 21, 57) hq_extuser_15.date_joined = datetime.datetime(2009, 4, 30, 13, 21, 57) hq_extuser_15.chw_id = u'001' hq_extuser_15.chw_username = None hq_extuser_15.primary_phone = u'' hq_extuser_15.domain = hq_domain_4 hq_extuser_15.organization = None hq_extuser_15.reporter = None hq_reportschedule_1.recipient_user = hq_extuser_1 from graphing.models import GraphPref, GraphGroup graphing_graphpref_1 = GraphPref() graphing_graphpref_1.user = hq_extuser_4 graphing_graphpref_1.root_graphs = [GraphGroup.objects.get(id=5)] graphing_graphpref_2 = GraphPref() graphing_graphpref_2.user = hq_extuser_3 graphing_graphpref_2.root_graphs = [GraphGroup.objects.get(id=1)]