def populate_db(): with login_database.login_mongodb_cloud() as client:'Step 1: We are going to use a database called donors')'But if it doesnt exist mongodb creates it') db = client['donors']'And in that database use a collection called donor')'If it doesnt exist mongodb creates it') donor = db['donor']'\nStep 2: Now we add data from the dictionary above') donor_items = donor_data.get_donor_data() donor.insert_many(donor_items)
def action(switch_dict): """Takes in a user input as a parameter, enters a donation, prints a report, prints list, exit, prompts again if the input is bad If the user types exit it'll go back to the main prompt""" while True: user_input = main_prompt() try: switch_dict.get(user_input)() except (TypeError, ValueError): print("Invalid input, {} please try again.".format(user_input)) # Python program to use main for function call if __name__ == "__main__": with login_database.login_mongodb_cloud() as client: donor_db = donor_data.get_donor_data() db = client['dev'] donor = db['donor'] donor.insert_many(donor_db) switch_dict = { 'list': print_names, '1': add_donation, '2': delete_donor, '3': update_donor, '4': print_report, '5': send_letters, '0': clear_db } action(switch_dict)
class Main:'Initialize Class "Main".') log = utilities.configure_logger('default', '../logs/nosql_dev.log') '\n\nRunning mongodb_mailroom_script for PART 1 assignment from' )"Initialize the Database.") with login_database.login_mongodb_cloud() as client:'\n\nStep 1: We are going to use a database called donors')'\n\nBut if it doesnt exist mongodb creates it') db = client['donors']'\n\nAnd in that database use a collection called Donor')'\n\nIf it doesnt exist mongodb creates it') donor = db['donor']'Insert an item into the document') new_donor = { 'name': { 'first_name': 'Ben', 'last_name': 'Master' }, 'donation': 1000.11 } donor.insert_one(new_donor)'\n\nStep 2: Now we add data from the dictionary above') donor_items = get_donor_data() donor.insert_many(donor_items)"Show the collections in the DB.") print(db.list_collection_names()) def __init__(self): = { 1: 'Send a Thank You (and add/update donor)', 2: 'Create a Report', 3: 'Send letters to everyone', 4: 'Delete a Donor', 5: 'Quit' } def main_menu(self): print('\n', 'Please select a number from the following choices:\n') return {(print(str(k) + ':', v)) for k, v in} def selection(self): while True: input1 = input("Selection: ") try: if int(input1) in range(1, 5): if int(input1) == 1: print( '\nType "list" to show names or hit the "Return/Enter" key to add names and/or donations.' ) input2 = input('-> ') if input2 == 'list': donor_names = set() for d in self.donor.find(): name = ' '.join([ d['name']['first_name'], d['name']['last_name'] ]) donor_names.add(name) for d in donor_names: print(d) Main() self.main_menu() self.selection() else: first_name = input('First Name: ') last_name = input('Last Name: ') donation = float(input('Donation amount: ')) new_donor = { 'name': { 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name }, 'donation': donation } self.donor.insert_one(new_donor) self.send_thanks(first_name, last_name, donation) Main() self.main_menu() self.selection() elif int(input1) == 2: self.create_report() elif int(input1) == 3: self.send_letters_all() elif int(input1) == 4: self.delete_donor() elif int(input1) == 5: print("Exiting program...") raise SystemExit() except ValueError: print("You must use a menu number between 1-4; try again!") def send_thanks(self, first, last, amount): letter = 'Thank you {} {} for your donation in the amount of ${}; it is very generous.'.format( first, last, amount) with open('Thank_You_{}, {}.txt'.format(last.lower(), first.lower()), 'w') as f: f.write(letter) print("Your thank you letter has been written to disk.") def create_report(self): print('\n{:<20} {:>20} {:>20} {:>20}'.format('Donor Name', '| Total Given', '| Num Gifts', '| Average Gift')) print('{}'.format('-' * 83)) result = self.donor.aggregate([{ '$group': { '_id': { 'name': '$name' }, 'sum': { '$sum': '$donation' }, 'count': { '$sum': 1 }, 'avg': { '$avg': '$donation' } } }, { '$sort': { 'sum': -1 } }]) for i in result: i_name = ' '.join([ i['_id']['name']['first_name'], i['_id']['name']['last_name'] ]) i_sum = i['sum'] i_count = i['count'] i_avg = i['avg'] print('{:<20} {:>20.02f} {:>20} {:>20.02f}'.format( i_name, i_sum, i_count, i_avg)) Main() self.main_menu() self.selection() def send_letters_all(self): letters = 'Dear {},\n\n\tThank you for your total contributions in the amount of ${}.\n\n\tYou are making a difference in the lives of others.\n\n\t\tSincerely,\n\t\t"Working for America"' result = self.donor.aggregate([{ '$group': { '_id': { 'name': '$name' }, 'sum': { '$sum': '$donation' }, 'count': { '$sum': 1 }, 'avg': { '$avg': '$donation' } } }, { '$sort': { 'sum': -1 } }]) for i in result: i_name = ' '.join([ i['_id']['name']['first_name'], i['_id']['name']['last_name'] ]) i_sum = i['sum'] i_count = i['count'] i_avg = i['avg'] with open( 'Thank_You_Letter_{}.txt'.format(i_name.title().replace( ' ', '_')), 'w') as f: f.write(letters.format(i_name, i_sum)) print('\nYour letters have been printed to the current directory!') Main() self.main_menu() self.selection() def delete_donor(self): print( '\nType "list" to show names or hit the "Return/Enter" key to delete a name.' ) input2 = input('-> ') if input2 == 'list': donor_names = set() for d in self.donor.find(): name = ' '.join( [d['name']['first_name'], d['name']['last_name']]) donor_names.add(name) for d in donor_names: print(d) Main() self.main_menu() self.selection() else: first_name = input('First Name: ') last_name = input('Last Name: ') del_donor = { 'name': { 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name } } check = self.donor.count_documents(del_donor) > 0 if check: self.donor.delete_many(del_donor) else: print("That donor is not in our database; please try again.") Main() self.main_menu() self.selection()
class Main:'Initialize Class "Main".') log = utilities.configure_logger('default', '../logs/nosql_dev.log')'\n\nRunning mongodb_mailroom_script')"Initialize the Database.") with login_database.login_mongodb_cloud() as client:'\n\nStep 1: We are going to use a database called donors')'\n\nBut if it doesnt exist mongodb creates it') db = client['donors']'\n\nAnd in that database use a collection called Donor')'\n\nIf it doesnt exist mongodb creates it') donor = db['donor']'Insert an item into the document') new_donor = { 'name': { 'first_name': 'Test', 'last_name': 'Guy' }, 'donation': 1234.56 } donor.insert_one(new_donor)'\n\nStep 2: Now we add data from the dictionary above') donor_items = get_donor_data() donor.insert_many(donor_items)"Show the collections in the DB.") print(db.list_collection_names()) def __init__(self): self.prompt = { 1: 'Send A Thank You To New Or Exsisting Donor', 2: 'Create a Report', 3: 'Send notes to everyone', 4: 'Delete a Donor', 5: 'Exit' } def menu_selection(self): print("\nPick from the listed options.") return {(print(str(k) + ':', v)) for k, v in self.prompt.items()} def selection(self): while True: input1 = input("Selection: ") try: if int(input1) in range(1, 5): if int(input1) == 1: print('\n"Enter a name or list"') input2 = input() if input2 == 'list': donor_names = set() for i in self.donor.find(): name = ' '.join([ i['name']['first_name'], i['name']['last_name'] ]) donor_names.add(name) for i in donor_names: print(i) Main() self.menu_selection() self.selection() else: first_name = input('First Name: ') last_name = input('Last Name: ') donation = float(input('Donation amount: ')) new_donor = { 'name': { 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name }, 'donation': donation } self.donor.insert_one(new_donor) self.thank_you(first_name, last_name, donation) Main() self.menu_selection() self.selection() elif int(input1) == 2: self.create_report() elif int(input1) == 3: self.thank_everyone() elif int(input1) == 4: self.delete_user() elif int(input1) == 5: raise SystemExit() except ValueError: print("\nPick from the listed options.") def thank_you(self, first, amount): letter = "Dear {},\nThank you for your generous donation in the amount \ of ${}; \nThe money will be put to good use.\n\nSincerely, \n -\ The Team".format(first, amount) with open('{}.txt'.format(first.upper().replace(' ', '_')), 'w') as f: f.write(letter) def create_report(self): print('\n{:<20} {:>20} {:>20} {:>20}'.format('Donor Name', '| Total Given', '| Num Gifts', '| Average Gift')) print('{}'.format('-' * 83)) result = self.donor.aggregate([{ '$group': { '_id': { 'name': '$name' }, 'sum': { '$sum': '$donation' }, 'count': { '$sum': 1 }, 'avg': { '$avg': '$donation' } } }, { '$sort': { 'sum': -1 } }]) for i in result: i_name = ' '.join([ i['_id']['name']['first_name'], i['_id']['name']['last_name'] ]) i_sum = i['sum'] i_count = i['count'] i_avg = i['avg'] print('{:<20} {:>20.02f} {:>20} {:>20.02f}'.format( i_name, i_sum, i_count, i_avg)) Main() self.menu_selection() self.selection() def thank_everyone(self): notes = 'Dear {},\n\nThank you for your generous donations totaling \ ${}. The money will be put to good use.\n\nSincerely,\n\t\t-The Team' result = self.donor.aggregate([{ '$group': { '_id': { 'name': '$name' }, 'sum': { '$sum': '$donation' }, 'count': { '$sum': 1 }, 'avg': { '$avg': '$donation' } } }, { '$sort': { 'sum': -1 } }]) for i in result: i_name = ' '.join([ i['_id']['name']['first_name'], i['_id']['name']['last_name'] ]) i_sum = i['sum'] i_count = i['count'] i_avg = i['avg'] with open('{}.txt'.format(i_name.title().replace(' ', '_')), 'w') as f: f.write(notes.format(i_name, i_sum)) Main() self.menu_selection() self.selection() def delete_user(self): print('\nPress ENTER or type list') input2 = input() if input2 == 'list': donor_names = set() for i in self.donor.find(): name = ' '.join( [i['name']['first_name'], i['name']['last_name']]) donor_names.add(name) for i in donor_names: print(i) Main() self.menu_selection() self.selection() else: first_name = input('First Name: ') last_name = input('Last Name: ') del_donor = { 'name': { 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name } } check = self.donor.count_documents(del_donor) > 0 if check: self.donor.delete_many(del_donor) else: print("That donor is not in our database; please try again.") Main() self.menu_selection() self.selection()
def run_example(): with login_database.login_mongodb_cloud() as client:'Step 1: We are going to use a database called donors')'But if it doesnt exist mongodb creates it') db = client['donors']'And in that database use a collection called donor')'If it doesnt exist mongodb creates it') donor = db['donor']'\n\nStep 2: Now we add data from the dictionary above') donor_items = donor_data.get_donor_data() donor.insert_many(donor_items)'Step 3: List donor collection:') records = donor.find() for i in records: print(i) ########################################################################################## # Donations report Total, Average, Count ##########################################################################################'Step 4: List report: donor, sum, average of donation:') try: records = donor.aggregate( [ { '$unwind' : '$donations' # must $unwind array for aggregation }, { '$group' : { '_id' : '$name', 'Total' : { '$sum': '$donations' }, 'Average' : { '$avg': '$donations' }, # mind count implemented as sum of aggregated rows 'Count' : { '$sum': 1 } } }, { '$sort' : {'Total' : -1 } } ] ) except OperationFailure as e: print(e) for i in records: print(i) #'\n\nStep 5: Prints number of donation per donor:') # try: # records = donor.aggregate([ # { # '$unwind' : '$donations' # must $unwind array for aggregation # }, # { # "$group" : { # '_id' :"$name", # 'Number' :{'$sum':1} # } # } # ]) # except OperationFailure as e: # print(e) # for i in records: # print(i) ########################################################################################## # List donors ##########################################################################################'Step 5: List donors:') records = donor.find().sort('name.last_name') for i in records: print("{} {}".format(i['name']['first_name'], i['name']['last_name'])) ########################################################################################## # Projection Challenge ##########################################################################################'Step 6: Projection factor, min=20, max=200:') factor = 2 _min=20 _max=200 # try: cursor1 = donor.aggregate([ { '$unwind' : '$donations' }, { '$match' : { 'donations' : { '$gt' : _min, '$lt' : _max} # mind 'donations' without '$' } }, { '$group' : {'_id' : '$name', 'Total' : { '$sum': '$donations' } } } ]) cursor2 = donor.aggregate([ { '$unwind' : '$donations' }, { '$match' : {'$or': [ {'donations' : {'$lte' : _min}}, {'donations' : {'$gte' : _max}}, ] } }, { '$group' : {'_id' : '$name', 'Total' : { '$sum': '$donations' } } } ]) cursor3 = donor.aggregate([ { '$unwind' : '$donations' }, { '$match' : { 'donations' : { '$gt' : _min, '$lt' : _max} # mind 'donations' without '$' } }, { '$project' : { 'name' : 1, 'donations' : 1, 'projected' : {'$multiply' : ['$donations', factor]} } } ]) cursor4 = donor.aggregate([ # pipe1 { '$unwind' : '$donations' }, # pipe1 => pipe2 # pipe2 { '$match' : { 'donations' : { '$gt' : _min, '$lt' : _max} # mind 'donations' without '$' } }, # pipe2 => pipe3 # pipe3 { '$project' : { 'name' : 1, 'donations' : 1, 'projected' : {'$multiply' : ['$donations', factor]} } }, # pipe3 => to group aggregation - mind sum is done on created above column: 'projected' { '$group' : {'_id' : '$name', 'Total' : { '$sum': '$projected' } } } ]) # except OperationFailure as e: # print(e) print("Total of projected donations must be multiply by factor") for i in cursor1: print(i) print("*"*80) # print("Total of multiplied by 2 projected donations") # for i in cursor4: # print(i) projection_dict = {} for i in cursor4: projection_dict[(i['_id']['first_name'], i['_id']['last_name'])] = i['Total'] # print("total of non projected donations") # for i in cursor2: # print(i) for i in cursor2: if (i['_id']['first_name'], i['_id']['last_name']) not in projection_dict.keys(): projection_dict[(i['_id']['first_name'], i['_id']['last_name'])] = i['Total'] else: projection_dict[(i['_id']['first_name'], i['_id']['last_name'])] += i['Total'] print("*** Projected values:") for k, v in sorted(projection_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True): pp.pprint("{} {} Total: {}".format(k[0], k[1], v)) #### #### Looking for UNION ALL like operation to MERGE two cursors: cursor4 and cursor2, then to perform aggregation on it #### ########################################################################################## # Projection Update ##########################################################################################'Step 7: Apply projected changes: factor, min=20, max=200:') factor = 2 _min=20 _max=200 # option 1 # for update pipe processing doesn't apply, either $unwind for array elements # result = donor.update( # { # '$unwind' : '$donations' # }, # pipe1 # { # '$match' : { 'donations' : { '$gt' : _min, '$lt' : _max} # mind 'donations' without '$' # } # }, # pipe2 # { '$mul': { '$donations': factor } # }, # { '$upsert' : 'False' }, # { '$multi' : 'True' } # # ) # option 2 # select_upd = { 'donations' : { # '$elemMatch' : { '$gt' : _min, '$lt' : _max} # } # } # new_values = { '$mul': { 'donations.$[]': factor} # multiplies all elements in array # } # # new_values = { '$mul': { 'donations.$': factor} # multiplies single elements in array # } ### Looking for the way to update all array lements meeting the search criteria # result = donor.update_many(select_upd, new_values) print("+++ in database after update:") records = donor.find() for i in records: print(i) ########################################################################################## # Add new donor, donation ########################################################################################## # looking for donor, if exist then add/append donation, if not create/insert new donot and donation'Step 8: Add/Update donor/donation:') first = "Ivan" last = "Smirnoff" location = "Moscow" # update # location = "Bothell" # insert donation = 10 record = { 'name': {'first_name': first, 'last_name': last}, 'location': location, 'donations' : [donation] } query = { '$and': [ {'name.first_name' : {'$eq' : first}}, {'name.last_name' : {'$eq' : last}}, {'location' : {'$eq' : location}} ]} update = { '$push' : {'donations' : donation}} result = donor.find(query) for i in result: print(i) if result.count() > 0: print("found, record to update:") print(record) result = donor.update_one(query, update) else: print("not found, record to insert:") print(record) result = donor.insert_one(record) # print("insterted records: {}".format(result.inserted_count)) records = donor.find() for i in records: print(i)'Step 9: Delete the collection so we can start over') db.drop_collection('donor')
import login_database from donor_data import get_donor_data with login_database.login_mongodb_cloud() as client: db = client['donors'] db.drop_collection('donor') donor = db['donor'] donor_items = get_donor_data() donor.insert_many(donor_items) r = login_database.login_redis_cloud() r.flushdb() donor_items = get_donor_data() for donor in donor_items: r.set(donor['name'], donor['donation']) driver = login_database.login_neo4j_cloud() with driver.session() as session:"MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n") with driver.session() as session: for donor in donor_items: cyph = "CREATE (n:Person {name:'%s'})" % (donor['name'])