Пример #1
 def test_getcwd(self, concurrent=False):
     Verify that the directory locking for concurrency is working
     cwd = pushd.Dir.getcwd()
     with pushd.Dir("/"):
         self.assertEqual(pushd.Dir.getcwd(), "/")
         with pushd.Dir("/dev"):
             self.assertEqual(pushd.Dir.getcwd(), "/dev")
         self.assertEqual(pushd.Dir.getcwd(), "/")
     self.assertEqual(pushd.Dir.getcwd(), cwd)
Пример #2
 def test_chdir(self):
     Verify that when a Dir is created and used in a `with` context, the
     CWD changes from current to new and back after exiting the context
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     with pushd.Dir("/"):
         self.assertEqual(os.getcwd(), "/")
         with pushd.Dir("/dev"):
             self.assertEqual(os.getcwd(), "/dev")
         self.assertEqual(os.getcwd(), "/")
     self.assertEqual(os.getcwd(), cwd)
Пример #3
 def test_getcwd(self, concurrent=False):
     Verify that the directory locking for concurrency is working
     cwd = os.getcwd()
     if not concurrent:
         self.assertEqual(pushd.Dir.getcwd(), cwd)
         # the initial value is not reliable when using multiple threads
         cwd = pushd.Dir.getcwd()
     with pushd.Dir("/"):
         self.assertEqual(pushd.Dir.getcwd(), "/")
         with pushd.Dir("/dev"):
             self.assertEqual(pushd.Dir.getcwd(), "/dev")
         self.assertEqual(pushd.Dir.getcwd(), "/")
     self.assertEqual(pushd.Dir.getcwd(), cwd)
Пример #4
    def commit_and_push_bundle(self, commit_msg):
        """Try to commit and push bundle distgit repository if there were any content changes.

        :param string commit_msg: Commit message
        :return bool True if new changes were committed and pushed, False otherwise
        with pushd.Dir(self.bundle_clone_path):
            exectools.cmd_assert(["git", "add", "-A"])
            rc, _, _ = exectools.cmd_gather(
                ["git", "diff-index", "--quiet", "HEAD"])
            if rc == 0:
                self.runtime.logger.warning("Nothing new to commit.")
                return False
            exectools.cmd_assert('rhpkg {} commit -m "{}"'.format(
                self.rhpkg_opts, commit_msg))
            _, is_shallow, _ = exectools.cmd_gather(
                ["git", "rev-parse", "--is-shallow-repository"])
            if is_shallow.strip() == "true":
                exectools.cmd_assert(["git", "fetch", "--unshallow"],
            cmd = f'rhpkg {self.rhpkg_opts} push'
            if not self.dry_run:
                self.runtime.logger.warning("[DRY RUN] Would have run %s", cmd)
            return True
Пример #5
    def checkout_repo(self, repo, commit_hash):
        """Checkout a repository to a particular commit hash

        :param string repo: The repository in which the checkout operation will be performed
        :param string commit_hash: The desired point to checkout the repository
        with pushd.Dir('{}/{}'.format(self.working_dir, repo)):
            exectools.cmd_assert('git checkout {}'.format(commit_hash))
Пример #6
 def commit_and_push_metadata_repo(self):
     """Commit and push changes made on the metadata repository, using rhpkg
     with pushd.Dir('{}/{}'.format(self.working_dir, self.metadata_repo)):
             exectools.cmd_assert('git add .')
             user_option = '--user {} '.format(self.rhpkg_user) if self.rhpkg_user else ''
             exectools.cmd_assert('rhpkg {} {}commit -m "Update operator metadata"'.format(self.runtime.rhpkg_config, user_option))
             exectools.cmd_assert('timeout 600 rhpkg {}push'.format(user_option), retries=3)
             return True
         except Exception:
             # The metadata repo might be already up to date, so we don't have anything new to commit
             return False
Пример #7
    def clone_repo(self, repo, branch):
        """Clone a repository using rhpkg

        :param string repo: Name of the repository to be cloned
        :param string branch: Which branch of the repository should be cloned
        cmd = 'timeout 600 rhpkg '
        cmd += self.runtime.rhpkg_config
        cmd += '--user {} '.format(self.rhpkg_user) if self.rhpkg_user else ''
        cmd += 'clone containers/{} --branch {}'.format(repo, branch)

        delete_repo = 'rm -rf {}/{}'.format(self.working_dir, repo)

        with pushd.Dir(self.working_dir):
            exectools.cmd_assert(cmd, retries=3, on_retry=delete_repo)
Пример #8
    def commit_and_push_bundle(self, commit_msg):
        """Try to commit and push bundle distgit repository if there were any content changes.

        :param string commit_msg: Commit message
        :return bool True if new changes were committed and pushed, False otherwise
        with pushd.Dir(self.bundle_clone_path):
                exectools.cmd_assert('git add .')
                exectools.cmd_assert('rhpkg{}commit -m "{}"'.format(
                    self.rhpkg_opts, commit_msg))
                rc, out, err = exectools.cmd_gather('rhpkg{}push'.format(
                return True
            except Exception:
                return False  # Bundle repository might be already up-to-date, nothing new to commit
Пример #9
    def clone_repo(self, repo, branch):
        """Clone a repository using rhpkg

        :param string repo: Name of the repository to be cloned
        :param string branch: Which branch of the repository should be cloned
        def delete_and_clone():

            cmd = 'timeout 600 rhpkg '
            cmd += '--user {} '.format(
                self.rhpkg_user) if self.rhpkg_user else ''
            cmd += 'clone containers/{} --branch {}'.format(repo, branch)
            return exectools.cmd_assert(cmd)

        with pushd.Dir(self.working_dir):
            exectools.retry(retries=3, task_f=delete_and_clone)
Пример #10
    def build_metadata_container(self):
        """Build the metadata container using rhpkg

        :return: bool True if build succeeded, False otherwise
        :raise: Exception if command failed (rc != 0)
        with pushd.Dir('{}/{}'.format(self.working_dir, self.metadata_repo)):
            cmd = 'timeout 600 rhpkg {} {}container-build --nowait --target {}'.format(
                self.runtime.rhpkg_config, ('--user {} '.format(
                    self.rhpkg_user) if self.rhpkg_user else ''), self.target)
            rc, stdout, stderr = exectools.cmd_gather(cmd)

            if rc != 0:
                raise Exception('{} failed! rc={} stdout={} stderr={}'.format(
                    cmd, rc, stdout.strip(), stderr.strip()))

            return self.watch_brew_task(
                self.extract_brew_task_id(stdout.strip())) is None
Пример #11
    def trigger_bundle_container_build(self):
        """Ask brew for a container-build of operator's bundle

        :return bool True if brew task was successfully created, False otherwise
        with pushd.Dir(self.bundle_clone_path):
            rc, out, err = exectools.cmd_gather(
                'rhpkg{}container-build --nowait --target {}'.format(
                    self.rhpkg_opts, self.target))

        if rc != 0:
            msg = 'Unable to create brew task: rc={} out={} err={}'.format(
                rc, out, err)
            return False

        self.task_url = re.search(r'Task info:\s(.+)', out).group(1)
        self.task_id = re.search(r'Created task:\s(\d+)', out).group(1)
        return True
Пример #12
    def trigger_bundle_container_build(self) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[str]]:
        """Ask brew for a container-build of operator's bundle

        :return: (task_id, task_url) if brew task was successfully created, (None, None) otherwise
        if self.dry_run:
            self.runtime.logger.warning("[DRY RUN] Would have triggered bundle build.")
            return 12345, "https://brewweb.example.com/brew/taskinfo?taskID=12345"
        with pushd.Dir(self.bundle_clone_path):
            rc, out, err = exectools.cmd_gather(
                'rhpkg {} container-build --nowait --target {}'.format(self.rhpkg_opts, self.target)

        if rc != 0:
            msg = 'Unable to create brew task: rc={} out={} err={}'.format(rc, out, err)
            return False

        task_url = re.search(r'Task info:\s(.+)', out).group(1)
        task_id = int(re.search(r'Created task:\s(\d+)', out).group(1))
        return task_id, task_url
Пример #13
 def checkout_operator_to_build_commit(self):
     """Checkout clone of operator repository to specific commit used to build given operator NVR
     with pushd.Dir(self.operator_clone_path):
         exectools.cmd_assert('git checkout {}'.format(