Пример #1
class FA(object):
    """ This is the base class for general function approximators. """
    parametric = True
    def __init__(self, indim, outdim):
        """ initialize function approximator with input and output dimension. """
        self.indim = indim
        self.outdim = outdim
        self.dataset = Dataset(indim, outdim)
    def predict(self, inp):
        """ predict the output for the given input. """
    def update(self, inp, tgt):
        """ update the function approximator to return something closer
            to target when queried for input next time. Some function
            approximators only collect the input/target tuples here and
            learn only on a call to learn(). """
        self.dataset.append(inp, tgt)
    def reset(self):
        """ this initializes the function approximator to an initial state,
            forgetting everything it has learned before. """
    def train(self):
        """ some function approximators learn offline after collecting all 
            samples. this function executes one such learning step. """
    def _getParameters(self):
        """ getter method for parameters. """

    def _setParameters(self, parameters):
        """ setter method for parameters. """

    def _asFlatArray(self, value):
        return np.asarray(value).flatten()
    # overwrite the two above functions and re-declare this property
    parameters = property(_getParameters, _setParameters)
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, indim, nclasses):
     """ initialize function approximator with input and output dimension. """
     self.indim = indim
     self.nclasses = nclasses
     self.dataset = Dataset(indim, 1)
Пример #3
class Classifier(object):
    """ This is the base class for general classifiers. """
    parametric = False
    def __init__(self, indim, nclasses):
        """ initialize function approximator with input and output dimension. """
        self.indim = indim
        self.nclasses = nclasses
        self.dataset = Dataset(indim, 1)
    def classify(self, inp):
        """ predict the output for the given input. """
    def update(self, inp, tgt, imp=1.):
        """ update the function approximator to return something closer
            to target when queried for input next time. Some function
            approximators only collect the input/target tuples here and
            learn only on a call to learn(). 
            tgt is an integer for the class number. conversion to one-of-k
            coding is done internally. imp is the importance [0., 1.] of
            the sample.
        self.dataset.append(inp, tgt, imp)
    def reset(self):
        """ this initializes the function approximator to an initial state,
            forgetting everything it has learned before. """
    def train(self):
        """ some function approximators learn offline after collecting all 
            samples. this function executes one such learning step. """
    def _getParameters(self):
        """ getter method for parameters. """

    def _setParameters(self, parameters):
        """ setter method for parameters. """

    # overwrite the two above functions and re-declare this property
    parameters = property(_getParameters, _setParameters)
    def _asFlatArray(self, value):
        return np.asarray(value).flatten()
    def _asOneOfK(self, n, twodim=False):
        """ returns a k-dimensional vector with all zeros except the n-th
            element which is 1. if twodim is set to True, a (1,k)-dimensional
            row vector is returned instead.
        k = self.nclasses
        ret = np.zeros(k)
        ret[n] = 1.
        if twodim:
            ret = ret.reshape(1,k)
        return ret
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, indim, outdim):
     """ initialize function approximator with input and output dimension. """
     self.indim = indim
     self.outdim = outdim
     self.dataset = Dataset(indim, outdim)