Пример #1
 def test_stage_via_depth_topo_broken(self):
     params = particle_track.modelParams()
     params.dx = 1
     params.topography = 'badstring'
     params.depth = np.ones((3,3))
     params.u = np.ones((3,3))
     params.v = np.ones((3,3))
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         particle = particle_track.Particles(params)
Пример #2
 def test_rcm_model_uv_broken(self):
     params = particle_track.modelParams()
     params.dx = 1
     params.depth = np.ones((3, 3))
     params.topography = np.zeros((3, 3))
     params.u = np.ones((3, 3))
     params.model = 'DeltaRCM'
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         particle = particle_track.Particles(params)
Пример #3
 def test_depth_via_stage_topo(self):
     params = particle_track.modelParams()
     params.dx = 1
     params.stage = np.ones((3,3))
     params.topography = np.zeros((3,3))
     params.u = np.ones((3,3))
     params.v = np.ones((3,3))
     particle = particle_track.Particles(params)
     # should work so make assertion
     assert np.all(particle.depth == params.stage-params.topography)
Пример #4
def test_init_params():
    # test initialization of params class
    params = particle_track.modelParams()
    # make assertions
    assert params.dx is None
    assert params.depth is None
    assert params.stage is None
    assert params.qx is None
    assert params.qy is None
    assert params.u is None
    assert params.v is None
Пример #5
 def test_stage_via_depth_topo(self):
     params = particle_track.modelParams()
     params.dx = 1
     params.topography = np.zeros((3,3))
     params.depth = np.ones((3,3))
     params.depth[0,0] = 0
     params.u = np.ones((3,3))
     params.v = np.ones((3,3))
     particle = particle_track.Particles(params)
     # should work so make assertion
     assert np.isnan(particle.stage[0,0]) == True
     assert particle.stage[1,1] == 1.
Пример #6
 def test_model_q(self):
     params = particle_track.modelParams()
     params.dx = 1
     params.depth = np.ones((3,3))
     params.topography = np.zeros((3,3))
     params.qx = np.ones((3,3))
     params.qy = np.ones((3,3))
     particle = particle_track.Particles(params)
     # should work so make assertion
     assert np.all(particle.v == particle.qy*particle.depth/(particle.depth**2+1e-8))
     assert np.all(particle.u == particle.qx*particle.depth/(particle.depth**2+1e-8))
     assert np.all(particle.qx == -1*params.qy)
     assert np.all(particle.qy == params.qx)
Пример #7
 def test_rcm_model_uv(self):
     params = particle_track.modelParams()
     params.dx = 1
     params.depth = np.ones((3,3))
     params.topography = np.zeros((3,3))
     params.u = np.ones((3,3))
     params.v = np.ones((3,3))
     params.model = 'DeltaRCM'
     particle = particle_track.Particles(params)
     # should work so make assertion
     assert np.all(particle.v == params.v)
     assert np.all(particle.u == params.u)
     assert np.all(particle.qx == params.u*params.depth)
     assert np.all(particle.qy == params.v*params.depth)
Пример #8
def init_particles(init_x, init_y, Np_tracer, grid_spacing, gridded_vals):
    """Initialize the particles.

    Inputs :
        init_x : `list`
            List of starting x locations for the particles

        init_y : `list`
            List of starting y locations for the particles

        Np_tracer : `int`
            Number of particles to route

        grid_spacing : `int`
            Size of the raster grid cells

        gridded_vals : `obj`
            gridded_vals object from map_fun.py

    Outputs :
        params : `obj`
            an initialized params class

    # create class
    params = pt.modelParams()
    # populate with required parameters
    params.seed_xloc = init_y
    params.seed_yloc = init_x
    params.u = gridded_vals.ex
    params.v = gridded_vals.ey
    params.depth = gridded_vals.depth
    params.topography = gridded_vals.elev
    params.Np_tracer = Np_tracer
    params.dx = grid_spacing
    # hold ebb and flood velocity components in the class too
    params.ex = gridded_vals.ex
    params.ey = gridded_vals.ey
    params.fx = gridded_vals.fx
    params.fy = gridded_vals.fy

    return params
Пример #9
 def test_missing_depth(self):
     params = particle_track.modelParams()
     params.dx = 1
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         particle = particle_track.Particles(params)
Пример #10
 def test_broken_depth(self):
     params = particle_track.modelParams()
     params.dx = 1
     params.depth = 'badstring'
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         particle = particle_track.Particles(params)
Пример #11
 def test_dx(self):
     params = particle_track.modelParams()
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         particle = particle_track.Particles(params)
Пример #12
class TestRCM:
    """Class to test particles on RCM field."""

    # set up DeltaRCM test case
    rcm_data = np.load('tests/data/ex_deltarcm_data.npz')
    params = pt.modelParams()
    params.stage = rcm_data['stage']
    params.depth = rcm_data['depth']
    params.dx = 50.
    # just do one particle in a set location for this test
    seed_xloc = [16]
    seed_yloc = [140]
    Np_tracer = 1
    # no discharge data so use 0s as substitute
    params.qx = np.zeros_like(params.depth)
    params.qy = np.zeros_like(params.depth)
    params.model = 'DeltaRCM'

    def test_few_steps_RCM(self):
        Test running a few steps
        # defining / initializing
        particle = Particles(self.params)  # define the particle
        np.random.seed(0)  # fix the random seed
        # init the walk data
        particle.generate_particles(self.Np_tracer, self.seed_xloc,

        # 3 iterations
        for i in list(range(0, 3)):
            all_walk_data = particle.run_iteration()

        # make assertions
        # check initial position and travel time
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0][0] == self.seed_xloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0][0] == self.seed_yloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0][0] == 0.0
        # check all positions and times
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0] == [16, 17, 18, 19]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0] == [140, 141, 141, 141]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0] == \
            [0, 7007593448.337235, 10439964733.462337, 13698473384.876724]

    def test_set_time_RCM_previousdata(self):
        Test setting a time target when using old walk data
        # defining / initializing
        particle = Particles(self.params)  # define the particle
        np.random.seed(0)  # fix the random seed

        # generate the particles
        particle.generate_particles(self.Np_tracer, self.seed_xloc,
                                    self.seed_yloc)  # init walk data

        # set time
        all_walk_data = particle.run_iteration(target_time=5e6)
        # make assertions
        # check initial position and travel time
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0][0] == self.seed_xloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0][0] == self.seed_yloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0][0] == 0.0
        # check all positions and times
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0] == [16, 17]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0] == [140, 141]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0] == [0, 7007593448.337235]

    def test_set_time_RCM(self):
        Test setting a time target
        # defining / initializing
        particle = Particles(self.params)  # define the particle
        np.random.seed(0)  # fix the random seed

        # generate particles
        particle.generate_particles(self.Np_tracer, self.seed_xloc,
                                    self.seed_yloc)  # init walk data

        # set time
        all_walk_data = particle.run_iteration(target_time=5e6)

        # make assertions
        # check initial position and travel time
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0][0] == self.seed_xloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0][0] == self.seed_yloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0][0] == 0.0
        # check all positions and times
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0] == [16, 17]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0] == [140, 141]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0] == [0, 7007593448.337235]
Пример #13
class TestANUGA:
    """Class to test particles on ANUGA flow field."""

    # set up anuga test case - going to use subset of domain
    an_data = np.load('tests/data/ex_anuga_data.npz')
    an_params = pt.modelParams()
    an_params.stage = an_data['depth'][40:61, 40:61]  # just using depth here
    an_params.depth = an_data['depth'][40:61, 40:61]
    # just do one particle in a set location for this test
    seed_xloc = [5]
    seed_yloc = [10]
    Np_tracer = 1
    an_params.dx = 50.
    # no discharge data so use 0s as substitute
    an_params.qx = an_data['qx'][40:61, 40:61]
    an_params.qy = an_data['qy'][40:61, 40:61]
    an_params.model = 'Anuga'

    def test_few_steps_anuga(self):
        Test running a few steps
        # defining / initializing
        an_particle = Particles(self.an_params)  # define the particle
        np.random.seed(0)  # fix the random seed
        an_particle.generate_particles(self.Np_tracer, self.seed_xloc,
                                       self.seed_yloc)  # init walk data

        # 3 iterations
        for i in list(range(0, 3)):
            all_walk_data = an_particle.run_iteration()

        # make assertions
        # check initial position and travel time
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0][0] == self.seed_xloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0][0] == self.seed_yloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0][0] == 0.0
        # check all positions and times
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0] == [5, 6, 7, 8]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0] == [10, 10, 10, 10]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0] == \
            [0, 132.8105258698104, 258.1975289086354, 375.18128832888203]

    def test_boundary_anuga(self):
        Test running into the boundary
        # defining / initializing
        an_particle = Particles(self.an_params)  # define the particle
        np.random.seed(0)  # fix the random seed
        an_particle.generate_particles(self.Np_tracer, self.seed_xloc,
                                       self.seed_yloc)  # init walk data

        # 20 iterations
        for i in list(range(0, 20)):
            all_walk_data = an_particle.run_iteration()

        # make assertions
        # check initial position and travel time
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0][0] == self.seed_xloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0][0] == self.seed_yloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0][0] == 0.0
        # particle reaches boundary after 18 iterations
        # data shouldn't be recorded after boundary is reached
        assert len(all_walk_data['xinds'][0]) == 15
        assert len(all_walk_data['yinds'][0]) == 15
        assert len(all_walk_data['travel_times'][0]) == 15

    def test_boundary_travel_time_anuga(self):
        Test running into the boundary and not reaching travel time target
        # defining / initializing
        an_particle = Particles(self.an_params)  # define the particle
        np.random.seed(0)  # fix the random seed

        # generate particles
        an_particle.generate_particles(self.Np_tracer, self.seed_xloc,
                                       self.seed_yloc)  # init walk data

        # set target time for iterations
        all_walk_data = an_particle.run_iteration(target_time=1000.0)

        # make assertions
        # check initial position and travel time
        assert all_walk_data['xinds'][0][0] == self.seed_xloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['yinds'][0][0] == self.seed_yloc[0]
        assert all_walk_data['travel_times'][0][0] == 0.0
        # particle reaches boundary after 18 iterations
        # data shouldn't be recorded after boundary is reached
        assert len(all_walk_data['xinds'][0]) == 9
        assert len(all_walk_data['yinds'][0]) == 9
        assert len(all_walk_data['travel_times'][0]) == 9
Пример #14
import numpy as np
import os.path
from dorado.routines import steady_plots
import dorado.particle_track as pt

# load some variables from a deltarcm output so stage is varied
f_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
data_path = os.path.join(f_path, 'ex_deltarcm_data.npz')
data = np.load(data_path)

# pull depth and stage from that data
stage = data['stage']
depth = data['depth']

# create params and then assign the parameters
params = pt.modelParams()

# define the params variables
params.stage = stage
params.depth = depth
params.dx = 50.
# don't have any discharge data so we use zeros in place of it
# weighting scheme uses both discharge and depth so can still weight
# based on the water depths
params.qx = np.zeros(np.shape(params.depth))
params.qy = np.zeros(np.shape(params.depth))
params.theta = 1.0
params.steepest_descent = True
params.model = 'DeltaRCM'  # say that our inputs are from DeltaRCM

# define particle information
Пример #15
# The particle_track module is loaded to help define the particle parameters.
# The routines module is used to access the high-level API functions for
# particle movement on a steady flow field, and plotting particle locations.

import numpy as np
from dorado import particle_track
from dorado import routines

# Here we define the parameters for the particle routing. Since we are
# simulating the generic random walk here, we set our water depth and stage to
# all 1s, and the flow discharge components to all 0s. In this case we are
# seeding 50 particles in the center of our domain. The weighting parameters
# theta and gamma are set to 0.

# create params and then assign the parameters
params = particle_track.modelParams()

# define the params variables
params.depth = np.ones((100, 100))
params.stage = np.ones((100, 100))
params.qx = np.zeros_like(params.depth)
params.qy = np.zeros_like(params.depth)
params.dx = 50.
params.theta = 0.0
params.gamma = 0.0
params.model = 'None'

# particle info
seed_xloc = list(range(45, 56))
seed_yloc = list(range(45, 56))
Np_tracer = 50
Пример #16
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import range, map
from math import floor, sqrt, pi
import pytest
import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/.."))

import numpy as np
import dorado.particle_track as pt
from dorado.particle_track import Particles

# set up DeltaRCM test case
rcm_data = np.load('tests/data/ex_deltarcm_data.npz')
params = pt.modelParams()
params.stage = rcm_data['stage']
params.depth = rcm_data['depth']
params.dx = 50.
# just do one particle in a set location for this test
seed_xloc = [16]
seed_yloc = [140]
Np_tracer = 1
# no discharge data so use 0s as substitute
params.qx = np.zeros_like(params.depth)
params.qy = np.zeros_like(params.depth)
params.model = 'DeltaRCM'

def test_few_steps_RCM():
    Test running a few steps