def main(self): det = Dosimeter(**self.LEDS) # Initialise dosimeter object from det.activatePin(self.led_power) sleep_time = 300 if self.args.test: sleep_time = 10 # seconds while True: # Run until error or KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl + C) p = Process(target =, args=(self.led_network,)) p.start() p.join() # Will block main thread execution until ping succeeds, else blinks in parallel GPIO.remove_event_detect(SIG_PIN) GPIO.add_event_detect(SIG_PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback = det.updateCount_basic, bouncetime=1) sleep(sleep_time) self.getAndSendData(det = det, sleep_time = sleep_time) # time in seconds
def main(self): # Initialise dosimeter object from det = Dosimeter(max_accumulation_time_sec=3600, **self.LEDS) det.activatePin(self.led_power) sleep_time = 300 if self.args.test: sleep_time = 30 # seconds dt = datetime.timedelta(seconds=sleep_time) # now we are keeping track of our accumulation time intervals # in this block, not in Dosimeter curStart = curEnd = curStart + dt timeCheckFactor = 30 while True: # Run until error or KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl + C) p = Process(, args=(self.led_network,)) p.start() p.join() # p.join() will block main thread execution until ping succeeds, # else blinks in parallel GPIO.remove_event_detect(SIG_PIN) GPIO.add_event_detect( SIG_PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback=det.updateCount_basic, bouncetime=1) while < curEnd: # Wait until the accumulation time interval is up # If timeCheckFactor==1, then the intervals of the while True # loop would slowly get out of sync with the start/end times, # due to the additional processing time for commands before # and after the sleep command. sleep(sleep_time / timeCheckFactor) self.getAndSendData(det, curStart, curEnd) # time in sec curStart = curEnd + datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) # copy curEnd = curEnd + dt