Пример #1
def cmd_update(o):
    """update the dotfile(s) from path(s) or key(s)"""
    cnt = 0
    paths = o.update_path
    iskey = o.update_iskey

    if o.profile not in [p.key for p in o.profiles]:
        LOG.err('no such profile \"{}\"'.format(o.profile))
        return False

    adapt_workers(o, LOG)

    if not paths:
        # update the entire profile
        if iskey:
            if o.debug:
                LOG.dbg('update by keys: {}'.format(paths))
            paths = [d.key for d in o.dotfiles]
            if o.debug:
                LOG.dbg('update by paths: {}'.format(paths))
            paths = [d.dst for d in o.dotfiles]
        msg = 'Update all dotfiles for profile \"{}\"'.format(o.profile)
        if o.safe and not LOG.ask(msg):
            LOG.log('\n{} file(s) updated.'.format(cnt))
            return False

    if not paths:
        LOG.log('\nno dotfile to update')
        return True

    if o.debug:
        LOG.dbg('dotfile to update: {}'.format(paths))

    # update each dotfile
    if o.workers > 1:
        # in parallel
        if o.debug:
            LOG.dbg('run with {} workers'.format(o.workers))
        ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=o.workers)
        wait_for = []
        for path in paths:
            j = ex.submit(_dotfile_update, o, path, key=iskey)
        # check result
        for f in futures.as_completed(wait_for):
            if f.result():
                cnt += 1
        # sequentially
        for path in paths:
            if _dotfile_update(o, path, key=iskey):
                cnt += 1

    LOG.log('\n{} file(s) updated.'.format(cnt))
    return cnt == len(paths)
Пример #2
def cmd_install(o):
    """install dotfiles for this profile"""
    dotfiles = o.dotfiles
    prof = o.conf.get_profile()

    adapt_workers(o, LOG)

    pro_pre_actions = prof.get_pre_actions() if prof else []
    pro_post_actions = prof.get_post_actions() if prof else []

    if o.install_keys:
        # filtered dotfiles to install
        uniq = uniq_list(o.install_keys)
        dotfiles = [d for d in dotfiles if d.key in uniq]
    if not dotfiles:
        msg = 'no dotfile to install for this profile (\"{}\")'
        return False

    # the installer
    tmpdir = None
    if o.install_temporary:
        tmpdir = get_tmpdir()

    installed = []

    # execute profile pre-action
    if o.debug:
        LOG.dbg('run {} profile pre actions'.format(len(pro_pre_actions)))
    t = _get_templater(o)
    ret, err = action_executor(o, pro_pre_actions, [], t, post=False)()
    if not ret:
        return False

    # install each dotfile
    if o.workers > 1:
        # in parallel
        if o.debug:
            LOG.dbg('run with {} workers'.format(o.workers))
        ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=o.workers)

        wait_for = []
        for dotfile in dotfiles:
            j = ex.submit(_dotfile_install, o, dotfile, tmpdir=tmpdir)
        # check result
        for f in futures.as_completed(wait_for):
            r, key, err = f.result()
            if r:
            elif err:
                LOG.err('installing \"{}\" failed: {}'.format(key, err))
        # sequentially
        for dotfile in dotfiles:
            r, key, err = _dotfile_install(o, dotfile, tmpdir=tmpdir)
            # check result
            if r:
            elif err:
                LOG.err('installing \"{}\" failed: {}'.format(key, err))

    # execute profile post-action
    if len(installed) > 0 or o.install_force_action:
        if o.debug:
            msg = 'run {} profile post actions'
        ret, err = action_executor(o, pro_post_actions, [], t, post=False)()
        if not ret:
            return False

    if o.debug:
        LOG.dbg('install done: installed \"{}\"'.format(','.join(installed)))

    if o.install_temporary:
        LOG.log('\ninstalled to tmp \"{}\".'.format(tmpdir))
    LOG.log('\n{} dotfile(s) installed.'.format(len(installed)))
    return True
Пример #3
def cmd_install(opts):
    """install dotfiles for this profile"""
    dotfiles = opts.dotfiles
    prof = opts.conf.get_profile()

    adapt_workers(opts, LOG)

    pro_pre_actions = prof.get_pre_actions() if prof else []
    pro_post_actions = prof.get_post_actions() if prof else []

    if opts.install_keys:
        # filtered dotfiles to install
        uniq = uniq_list(opts.install_keys)
        dotfiles = [d for d in dotfiles if d.key in uniq]

    if not dotfiles:
        msg = 'no dotfile to install for this profile (\"{}\")'
        return False

    LOG.dbg('dotfiles registered for install: {}'.format(
        [k.key for k in dotfiles]))

    # the installer
    tmpdir = None
    if opts.install_temporary:
        tmpdir = get_tmpdir()

    installed = []

    # clear the workdir
    if opts.install_clear_workdir and not opts.dry:
        LOG.dbg('clearing the workdir under {}'.format(opts.workdir))
        for root, _, files in os.walk(opts.workdir):
            for file in files:
                fpath = os.path.join(root, file)
                removepath(fpath, logger=LOG)

    # execute profile pre-action
    LOG.dbg('run {} profile pre actions'.format(len(pro_pre_actions)))
    templ = _get_templater(opts)
    ret, _ = action_executor(opts, pro_pre_actions, [], templ, post=False)()
    if not ret:
        return False

    # install each dotfile
    if opts.workers > 1:
        # in parallel
        LOG.dbg('run with {} workers'.format(opts.workers))
        ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=opts.workers)

        wait_for = []
        for dotfile in dotfiles:
            j = ex.submit(_dotfile_install, opts, dotfile, tmpdir=tmpdir)
        # check result
        for fut in futures.as_completed(wait_for):
            tmpret, key, err = fut.result()
            # check result
            if tmpret:
            elif err:
                LOG.err('installing \"{}\" failed: {}'.format(key, err))
        # sequentially
        for dotfile in dotfiles:
            tmpret, key, err = _dotfile_install(opts, dotfile, tmpdir=tmpdir)
            # check result
            if tmpret:
            elif err:
                LOG.err('installing \"{}\" failed: {}'.format(key, err))

    # execute profile post-action
    if len(installed) > 0 or opts.install_force_action:
        msg = 'run {} profile post actions'
        ret, _ = action_executor(opts, pro_post_actions, [], templ,
        if not ret:
            return False

    LOG.dbg('install done: installed \"{}\"'.format(','.join(installed)))

    if opts.install_temporary:
        LOG.log('\ninstalled to tmp \"{}\".'.format(tmpdir))
    LOG.log('\n{} dotfile(s) installed.'.format(len(installed)))
    return True