def customize(cls): from dotfiles.install import (install_file, install_dir, install_text, install_copy, path, readfile, fullpath) n_r = False # set shell to homebrew-installed bash if pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_shell != "/usr/local/bin/bash":["chsh", "-s", "/usr/local/bin/bash"]) # set function keys as function keys! n_r |= set_defaults("-g", "", True) # disable automatic app termination - I've never actually seen this happen, but # the setting's existence is scary n_r |= set_defaults("-g", "NSDisableAutomaticTermination", True) # Disable window animations - they royally screw up window management apps, and are # fairly slow on most apps to boot n_r |= set_defaults("-g", "NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled", False, typed=True) # take a while to move windows between displays, so edge-of-screen stuff isn't annoying n_r |= set_defaults("", "workspaces-edge-delay", 4.0, typed=True) n_r |= set_defaults("", "location", fullpath("~/Screenshots"), typed=True) n_r |= set_defaults("", "type", "png", typed=True) coreutils = glob.glob("/usr/local/Cellar/coreutils/*/libexec/gnubin") assert len(coreutils) newest_coreutils = max(coreutils) openssl = glob.glob("/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/*/bin") assert len(openssl) newest_openssl = max(openssl) install_text("~/.bashrc", "source ~/.bashrc_mac") install_text("~/.bashrc", "source ~/.bashrc_misc", before=True) install_file("files/bashrc_mac", "~/.bashrc_mac") with open(fullpath("~/.bashrc_misc"), "w") as writer: writer.write('export PATH="%s:%s:$PATH"\n' % (newest_coreutils, newest_openssl))
def ensure_link(link_target, to_create): to_create = fullpath(to_create) link_target = fullpath(link_target) install_dir(os.path.dirname(to_create), log=False) try: os.symlink(link_target, to_create)"linking %s as %s", link_target, to_create) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 17: assert fullpath(os.readlink(to_create)) == link_target, ( "%s is installed to %s incorrectly: %s" % (link_target, to_create, fullpath(os.readlink(to_create)))) else: raise
def main(mode="user", *args): init_logging(mode) if mode == "superuser": root_install(*args) elif mode == "init":"running root portion") subprocess.check_call( ["sudo", sys.executable, sys.argv[0], "superuser"] + list(args))"running user portion") os_specific.install_packages_user(os_dependencies) user_install(*args) elif mode == "bootstrap-root": os_specific.install_packages_root(os_dependencies) elif mode == "bootstrap-user": os_specific.install_packages_user(os_dependencies) elif mode == "user": os_specific.install_packages_user(os_dependencies) user_install(*args) elif mode == "fake": logger.warn( "ON REQUEST, NOT ACTUALLY RUNNING INSTALL. please verify that only config files were changed in git." ) else: logger.error("mode must be one of 'superuser', 'init', 'user': %s", mode) if os.path.exists(path(".do_sync")):[path("")], cwd=projectroot) with open(fullpath("~/.last_dotfiles_run"), "w") as writer: git = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=projectroot) writer.write(git)[path("bin/check_run")], cwd=projectroot)
def install_text(filename, text, permissions=None, before=False, prev_existence=True): filename = fullpath(filename) try: with open(filename, "r") as reader: contents = except IOError as e: if e.errno == 2 and not prev_existence: contents = "" else: raise if text not in contents: if before: contents = text + "\n" + contents else: contents += "\n" + text with open(filename, "w") as writer: # rewrite whole thing to prevent race conditions # todo: why did I think this was a better or worse idea than # appending? writer.write(contents) if permissions is not None: os.chmod(filename, permissions)
def install_file(master, target): # link master to target master = path(master) target = fullpath(target) install_dir(os.path.dirname(target), log=False) try: os.symlink(master, target)"installed %s -> %s", master, target) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 17: assert fullpath(os.readlink(target)) == master, ( "%s is installed to %s incorrectly: %s" % (master, target, fullpath(os.readlink(target)))) else: raise
def install_dir(target, log=True): target = fullpath(target) try: os.makedirs(target) return True except OSError as e: if e.errno == 17: return False else: raise
def delete_text(filename, *text): filename = fullpath(filename) text = "\n%s\n" % ("\n".join(text).strip("\n")) with open(filename, "r") as reader: contents = if text in contents:"deleting text from %s", filename) contents = contents.replace(text, "\n") with open(filename, "w") as writer: # rewrite whole thing to prevent race conditions writer.write(contents)
def user_install(): global logger sites2 = {} python2s = [] check_py("python", python2s, sites2, check_version=[2, 7]) sites3 = {} python3s = [] for x in range(5, 10): check_py("python3.{}".format(x), python3s, sites3) check_py("python3", python3s, sites3) check_py("python", python3s, sites3, check_version=[3]) check_py("pypy3", python3s, sites3) if which("wget"):"wget", [ "wget", "", "-O", path("") ]) else:"curl", [ "curl", "", "-o", path("") ]) if not os.path.exists("~/.py2_pip"): for python2 in python2s: # this is dumb, kill py2 when install_dir("~/.py2_pip"), [python2, path(""), "--user"])"Installing pip packages (py2: {})...".format( python2.rsplit("/")[-1]))"pip2", [python2, "-m", "pip", "uninstall", "-yqqq"] + legacy_pip_remove)"pip2", [python2, "-m", "pip", "install", "--user"] + legacy_pip_dependencies) for python3 in python3s: bn = python3.strip("/").rpartition("/")[-1] python3, [python3, path(""), "--user", "--upgrade"]) # install pip packages"Installing pip packages (py3: {})...".format( python3.rsplit("/")[-1])), [ python3, "-m", "pip", "install", "--user", "--upgrade", "pip", "setuptools" ]) bn, [python3, "-m", "pip", "install", "--user", "--upgrade"] + pip_dependencies), [ python3, "-m", "pip", "install", "--user", "--upgrade", "--editable", path("packages/at/") ])"pipenv", [which("pipenv"), "install"]) logger = logging.getLogger("u")"Doing user install...") for filename in ensure_nonexistant: filename = fullpath(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename) dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) target = os.path.join( dirname, ".__dotfiles_deleted_%s_%s_" % (basename, int(time.time())))"moving %s to %s", filename, target) try: os.rename(filename, target) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 2: pass else: raise install_dir("~/.vim") ensure_link("~/.vim", "~/.nvim") ensure_link("~/.vim", "~/.config/nvim/") install_text("~/.nvimrc", "source ~/.vimrc_global", before=True, prev_existence=False) install_text("~/.config/nvim/init.vim", "source ~/.vimrc_global", before=True, prev_existence=False) install_text("~/.vimrc", "source ~/.vimrc_global", before=True, prev_existence=False) install_text("~/.vimrc", "set nocompatible", 0600, before=True) install_file("files/vimrc", "~/.vimrc_global") install_file("files/vimrc_newsession", "~/.vimrc_newsession") install_text("~/.bashrc", "DOTFILES_DIR=%s" % (quote(path(".")), ), prev_existence=False, before=True) hostname = socket.gethostname().partition(".")[0] install_text("~/.bashrc", host_colors(hostname), before=True) install_text("~/.bashrc", "source ~/.bashrc_global") install_text("~/.bashrc", 'PATH="%s:$PATH"\n' % (path("bin/"), )) install_text("~/.bashrc", "trap '' INT TSTP", before=True) install_text("~/.bashrc", "trap - INT TSTP") install_text("~/.profile", "trap '' INT TSTP", before=True, prev_existence=False) install_text("~/.profile", "trap - INT TSTP") install_file("files/bashrc", "~/.bashrc_global") delete_text( "~/.bashrc", "# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable", "# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile", "# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).", "if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then", " . /etc/bash_completion", "fi") install_text("~/.profile", readfile("files/profile_include"), prev_existence=False) install_text("~/.profile", "source ~/.profile_global") install_file("files/profile", "~/.profile_global")"git submodule", ["git", "submodule", "init"], wd=projectroot)"git submodule", ["git", "submodule", "update"], wd=projectroot) install_file("submodules/pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim", "~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim") install_file("submodules/jinja2/", "~/.vim/bundle/jinja2/") install_file("submodules/nerdtree/", "~/.vim/bundle/nerdtree/") install_file("submodules/ctrlp/", "~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp/") install_file("submodules/fugitive/", "~/.vim/bundle/fugitive/") install_file("submodules/vim-javascript/", "~/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/") install_file("submodules/vim-indent-guides/", "~/.vim/bundle/vim-indent-guides/") install_file("submodules/vim-gitgutter/", "~/.vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter/") install_file("submodules/ceylon-vim/", "~/.vim/bundle/ceylon-vim/") install_file("submodules/rust.vim/", "~/.vim/bundle/rust.vim/") install_file("submodules/syntastic/", "~/.vim/bundle/syntastic/") install_file("submodules/YouCompleteMe/", "~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/") install_file("submodules/gundo/", "~/.vim/bundle/gundo/") install_file("submodules/vim-multiple-cursors/", "~/.vim/bundle/vim-multiple-cursors/") install_file("submodules/vim-jsx/", "~/.vim/bundle/vim-jsx/") install_file("submodules/vim-auto-save/", "~/.vim/bundle/vim-auto-save/") install_file("submodules/vim-markology/", "~/.vim/bundle/vim-markology/") install_file("submodules/vim-terraform/", "~/.vim/bundle/vim-terraform/") install_file("submodules/xonsh-vim/", "~/.vim/bundle/xonsh-vim/") install_file("files/tmux.conf", "~/.tmux.conf") install_file("files/gitignore", "~/.gitignore") for filename in os.listdir(path("files/syntax/")): install_file("files/syntax/" + filename, "~/.vim/syntax/" + filename) # git configuration realname = None email = None try: realname = gitconfig("") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass try: email = gitconfig("") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass if not realname: realname = raw_input("Need a realname for git: ") gitconfig("", realname) if not email: email = raw_input("Need an email for git: ") gitconfig("", email) gitconfig( "alias.shortlog", "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset %cn -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative" ) gitconfig("alias.find", r"""!sh -c 'git ls-files --full-name "\\*$1\\*"' -""") gitconfig("alias.ignored", "ls-files -o -i --exclude-standard") gitconfig("merge.defaultToUpstream", "true") gitconfig("color.branch", "auto") gitconfig("color.diff", "auto") gitconfig("color.interactive", "auto") gitconfig("color.status", "auto") gitconfig("color.grep", "auto") gitconfig("core.editor", "vim") gitconfig("core.excludesfile", os.path.expanduser("~/.gitignore")) gitconfig("push.default", "current") os_specific.customize()
def install_copy(master, target): shutil.copy(path(master), fullpath(target))
def path(*args): return fullpath(projectroot, *args)
# use single quotes, and put single quotes into double quotes # the string $'b is then quoted as '$'"'"'b' return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'" def gitconfig(*args): return subprocess.check_output(["git", "config", "--global"] + list(args)) def fullpath(*args): _p = os.path return _p.abspath(_p.normpath(_p.expanduser(_p.join(*args)))) del _p projectroot = fullpath(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..") def path(*args): return fullpath(projectroot, *args) def install_text(filename, text, permissions=None, before=False, prev_existence=True): filename = fullpath(filename) try: with open(filename, "r") as reader: contents =