Пример #1
def create_params():
    p = DotMap()

    p.reachability_map = ReachabilityMap

    # Map operation
    # Obstacle map resolution=0.05m. To shorten the computation time, we down sample the map by the following step size
    p.sample_step_x_clipped = 2
    p.sample_step_y_clipped = 2
    p.sample_step_x_whole = 1
    p.sample_step_y_whole = 1
    # In a navigation task, we assume the robot successfully reaches the goal if it is within 0.3m of the goal point.
    # However, in the TTR computation, in order to lead the robot to the goal more accurately, we set a smaller
    # goal_cutoff_dist
    p.goal_cutoff_dist = 0.1
    p.obstacle_augment_dist = 0.15
    # When computing reach-avoid TTR, the whole map is too large. Thus we first clip the map around the start and the
    # goal position of each episode. The clipped map augment the boundary of the start-goal rectangle by clip_extension
    p.clip_extension = np.float32(2.0)

    # System dynamics (state constraints and discretization)
    p.theta_dim = int(30)
    p.v_dim = int(9)
    p.v_dv = float(.1)
    p.wMax = float(1.1)
    p.aMax = float(.4)
    p.v_high = float(.7)
    p.v_low = float(-.1)

    # System dynamics (disturbances constraints)
    # Additive disturbances
    # Disturbances used for modeling prediction errors
    p.dMax_xy = float(0.05)
    p.dMax_theta = float(0.15)
    p.dMax_avoid_xy = float(0.05)
    p.dMax_avoid_theta = float(0.15)
    # # No disturbance version
    # p.dMax_xy = float(0.0)
    # p.dMax_theta = float(0.0)
    # p.dMax_avoid_xy = float(0.0)
    # p.dMax_avoid_theta = float(0.0)

    # Set Matlab path
    p.MATLAB_PATH = '/home/anjianl/Desktop/project/WayPtNav/reachability'

    # Set data path based on threads
    p.thread = 'v1'

    return p