def worker(data, pname, que, lock, is_train, mean, std): p = OutputPipe(pname, buffer_size=200) worker_id = int(que.get()) que.put(worker_id + 1) add_rand_seed_entropy(worker_id) add_rand_seed_entropy(pname) np.random.seed(stable_rand_seed(worker)) with control(io=[p]): while True: #np.random.set_state(que.get()) idx = np.random.randint(len(data[0])) x, y = np.random.randint(9, size=2) flag = np.random.randint(2) #que.put(np.random.get_state()) #que.put((int(idx) + 1) % len(data[0])) img = np.array(data[0][int(idx)]) img = img.astype(np.float32) img = (img - mean) / std img = np.resize(img, (3, 32, 32)) #img = (img - 128) / 256 if is_train: img = augment(img, x, y) if flag == 1: img = img[:, :, ::-1] print("reversed") #a = msgpack.packb([img, data[1][int(idx)]], default = m.encode) #b = msgpack.unpackb(a, object_hook = m.decode) #print(np.array(b[0]).shape, b[1]) p.put_pyobj([np.array(img), int(data[1][int(idx)])]) print("put {} data {} successfully".format({ True: "train", False: "valid" }[is_train], int(idx)))
def _get_dataset_mean_var(data, func, i): total_mean = None total_Esqr = None p = InputPipe("lyy.CIFAR10.train", buffer_size = 1000) with control(io = [p]): data = get_minibatch(p, 30) output = func(data = data["data"]) total_mean = output[int(i) * 2].mean(axis = 0) total_Esqr = output[int(i) * 2 + 1].mean(axis = 0) return total_mean, total_Esqr - total_mean**2
def worker(data, pname, que, lock, is_train, mean, std): p = OutputPipe(pname, buffer_size=200) worker_id = int(que.get()) que.put(worker_id + 1) add_rand_seed_entropy(worker_id) add_rand_seed_entropy(pname) np.random.seed(stable_rand_seed(worker)) with control(io=[p]): while True: #np.random.set_state(que.get()) idx = np.random.randint(len(data[0])) x, y = np.random.randint(9, size=2) flag = np.random.randint(2) #que.put(np.random.get_state()) #que.put((int(idx) + 1) % len(data[0])) img = np.array(data[0][int(idx)]) img = img.astype(np.float32) img = (img - mean) / std img = np.resize(img, (3, 32, 32)) #img = (img - 128) / 256 if is_train: img = augment(img, x, y) if flag == 1: img = img[:, :, ::-1] print("reversed") imgs = [img] patch_size = 32 l = int(patch_size * 0.8) s = [[0, l], [patch_size - l, patch_size]] for i in range(4): xx = s[i % 2] yy = s[i // 2] for j in range(3): fmap = img[j] fmap = fmap[xx[0]:xx[1], yy[0]:yy[1]] fmap = cv2.resize(fmap, (patch_size, patch_size)) imgs.append([fmap]) img = np.concatenate(imgs, axis=0) #print(img[0]) #print(img[3]) #a = msgpack.packb([img, data[1][int(idx)]], default = m.encode) #b = msgpack.unpackb(a, object_hook = m.decode) #print(np.array(b[0]).shape, b[1]) p.put_pyobj([np.array(img), int(data[1][int(idx)])]) print("put {} data {} successfully".format({ True: "train", False: "valid" }[is_train], int(idx)))
def worker(): #add_rand_seed_entropy(worker_id) np.random.seed(int(time.time() * 100000 % 1000000)) fetcher = DataFetcher(is_train=True) addr = datafeed_addr('train') q = OutputPipe(addr, buffer_size=100) with control(io=[q]):'started worker') while True: img, label = fetcher.load(True) img_aug = Augmentor.process(img) # msgdata cannot serialize float32 label = int(label) img_aug = img_aug.astype(np.uint8) data = {'img': img_aug, 'label': [label]} q.put_pyobj(data) # print('putted') sys.stdout.flush()
train_func.optimizer_state) tr_p = InputPipe("lyy.CIFAR10.train", buffer_size=1000) va_p = InputPipe("lyy.CIFAR10.valid", buffer_size=1000) epoch = 0 EPOCH_NUM = 49500 // minibatch_size i = 0 max_acc = 0 ORI_IT = 64000 BN_IT = 10000 TOT_IT = ORI_IT + BN_IT his = [] his_test = [] import time with control(io=[tr_p]): with control(io=[va_p]): a = time.time() while i <= TOT_IT: i += 1 token1 = time.time() data = get_minibatch(tr_p, minibatch_size) time_data = time.time() - token1 token2 = time.time() out = train_func(data=data['data'], label=data["label"]) time_train = time.time() - token2 if time_data > (time_train + time_data) * 0.1: print(time_data / (time_train + time_data))
from dpflow import control, OutputPipe q = OutputPipe("lyy-pipe-test", buffer_size = 100) with control(io = [q]): epoc = 0 while True: q.put_pyobj(epoc) print(epoc) epoc += 1
from dpflow import InputPipe, control p = InputPipe("lyy-pipe-test", buffer_size = 100) with control(io = [p]): for i in range(100): print(p.get())