class sn_nested(NestedRule): mapping = { "[<before>] integral from <sequence1> to <sequence2>": [ Function(lambda: texchar("int")) + Key("c-l"), Key("right, c-h"), Key("right") ], "[<before>] definite from <sequence1> to <sequence2>": [ Key("c-6, right, c-l"), Key("right, c-h"), Key("right, c-left, left") ], "[<before>] differential <sequence1> by <sequence2>": [Key("c-f, d"), Key("down, d"), Key("right")], "[<before>] sum from <sequence1> to <sequence2>": [ Key("f10, i, down:11, enter/25, a, enter, f10, i, down:11, enter/25, b, enter" ) + Function(lambda: texchar("sum")) + Key("down"), Key("up:2"), Key("right") ], "[<before>] limit from <sequence1> to <sequence2>": [ Key("f10, i, down:11, enter/25, b, enter") + Function(lambda: texchar("lim")) + Key("down"), Function(lambda: texchar("rightarrow")), Key("right") ], "[<before>] argument that <minmax> <sequence1>": [ Key("f10, i, down:11, enter/25, b, enter") + Text("arg%(minmax)s") + Key("down"), Key("right"), None ], "[<before>] <minmax> by <sequence1>": [ Key("f10, i, down:11, enter/25, b, enter") + Text("%(minmax)s") + Key("down"), Key("right"), None ], "[<before>] <script1> <singleton1> [<after>]": [Key("%(script1)s"), Key("right"), None], "[<before>] <script1> <singleton1> <script2> <singleton2> [<after>]": [Key("%(script1)s"), Key("right, %(script2)s"), Key("right")], } extras = [ Choice("minmax", { "(minimum | minimises)": "min", "(maximum | maximises)": "max", }), Choice("script1", { "sub": "c-l", "super": "c-h", }), Choice("script2", { "sub": "c-l", "super": "c-h", }), ]
class NormalActionRule(CompoundRule): spec = "<action> [<scope>]" extras = [Choice("action", _actions), Choice("scope", _scopes)] def _process_recognition(self, node, extras): action = extras["action"] scope = None if "scope" in extras: scope = extras["scope"] edit(action, scope)
class LaTeX(MergeRule): non = LaTeXNon pronunciation = BINDINGS["pronunciation"] mapping = { "insert comment": Text("% "), BINDINGS["class_prefix"] + " [<class>]": tex_funcs.back_curl("documentclass", "%(class)s"), BINDINGS["environment_prefix"] + " <environment>": Function(tex_funcs.begin_end), # BINDINGS["package_prefix"] + " [<packopts>]": Function(tex_funcs.packages), # BINDINGS["symbol_prefix"] + " <symbol>": Function(tex_funcs.symbol), BINDINGS["symbol_prefix"] + " <misc_symbol>": Function( lambda misc_symbol: execution.alternating_command(misc_symbol)), BINDINGS["greek_prefix"] + " [<big>] <greek_letter>": Function(tex_funcs.greek_letters), # BINDINGS["command_prefix"] + " <command>": tex_funcs.back_curl("%(command)s", ""), BINDINGS["command_prefix"] + " <commandnoarg>": Text("\\%(commandnoarg)s "), BINDINGS["command_prefix"] + " my (bib resource | bibliography)": tex_funcs.back_curl("addbibresource", BINDINGS["bibliography_path"]), BINDINGS["command_prefix"] + " quote": Function(tex_funcs.quote), # BINDINGS["template_prefix"] + " <template>": Function(execution.template), } extras = [ Choice("big", {CORE["capitals_prefix"]: True}), Choice("packopts", BINDINGS["packages"]), Choice("class", BINDINGS["document_classes"]), Choice("greek_letter", BINDINGS["greek_letters"]), Choice("symbol", BINDINGS["symbols"]), Choice("misc_symbol", BINDINGS["misc_symbols"]), Choice("commandnoarg", BINDINGS["commandnoarg"]), Choice("command", BINDINGS["command"]), Choice("environment", BINDINGS["environments"]), Choice("template", BINDINGS["templates"]), ] defaults = { "big": False, "packopts": "", "class": "", }
class GlobalCommandRule(TortoiseRule): spec = config.tortoisesvn.global_command extras = [ Choice("command", config.tortoisesvn.actions), Choice("predef", config.tortoisesvn.predef), ] def _process_recognition(self, node, extras): path_list = [extras["predef"]] command = extras["command"] self._execute_command(path_list, command)
class NormalModeToInsertModeCommands(MappingRule): mapping = { "insert": Key("i"), "(shift|big) insert": Key("I"), 'change <no_count_motion>': Key('c,%(no_count_motion)s,'), '[<n>] change <optional_count_motion>': Text('%(n)d') + Key('c,%(optional_count_motion)s'), '<n> change <mandatory_count_motion>': Text('%(n)d') + Key('c,%(mandatory_count_motion)s'), '[<n>] chan <text_object_selection_object>': Text('%(n)d') + Key("c,a,%(text_object_selection_object)s"), '[<n>] chin <text_object_selection_object>': Text('%(n)d') + Key("c,i,%(text_object_selection_object)s"), '[<n>] chat <letter>': Text('%(n)d') + Key("c,t,%(letter)s"), '[<n>] chaff <letter>': Text('%(n)d') + Key("c,f,%(letter)s"), '[<n>] chew': Text('%(n)d') + Key('c,w'), '[<n>] change <find_motion>': Text('%(n)d') + Key('c,%(find_motion)s'), "(big|shift) change": Key("C"), "change (char|letter)": Key("s"), "(sub|change) line": Key("S"), "(after|append)": Key("a"), "(shift|big) (after|append)": Key("A"), "open": Key("o"), "(shift|big) open": Key("O"), } extras = [ LetterRef('letter'), Choice('no_count_motion', no_count_motion_keys), Choice('optional_count_motion', optional_count_motion_keys), Choice('mandatory_count_motion', mandatory_count_motion_keys), Choice('text_object_selection', text_object_keys), Choice('text_object_selection_object', text_object_selection_objects), FindMotionRef('find_motion'), IntegerRef('n', 1, 101, default=1), ]
class CustomKeysRule(MappingRule): mapping = { "windows": Key('win:down/3, win:up/3'), "caster reboot": Mimic("reboot caster"), "magic":Mouse("left:down/3, left:up/3"), "space bar":Key("space:down/3, space:up/3"), "foot pedal <footPedalMode>":Function(setFootPedalMode), "ecks box controller <onOff>":Function(setControllerMode), "look":Key("f15") # "foot pedal mouse":Function(lambda:writeIni("footMode","mouse")) } extras = [ Choice("footPedalMode",foot_pedal_modes), Choice("onOff",{"on":"on","off":"off"}) ]
class SudokuGridRule(MergeRule): ''' Rules for sudoku grid. We can either move the mouse or drag it. The number n is one of the numbered squares. The grid portion is a number from 1-9 referencing an inner unnumbered square. ''' pronunciation = "sudoku grid" mapping = { "curse <xn> by <yn> [grid <hexdigit>]": R(Function(move_mouse)), "drag <xn> by <yn> [grid <hexdigit>]": R(Function(drag_mouse)), } extras = [ IntegerRef("yn", -1, 100), IntegerRef("xn", -1, 100), IntegerRef("sn", 0, 10), Choice( "hexdigit", { "zero": 0, "one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3, "four": 4, "five": 5, "six": 6, "seven": 7, "eight": 8, "nine": 9, "arch": 10, "brov": 11, "char": 12, "delta": 13, "echo": 14, "foxy": 15, }), Choice("action", { "move": 0, "kick": 1, "kick (double | 2)": 2, "psychic": 3, }), ] defaults = { "xn": 0, "yn": 0, "hexdigit": None, "action": 0, }
class Mousing(MergeRule): mapping = { # "jump": Function(move_mouse), "[<button>] kick": Function(click_mouse), # "[<button>] click": Function(move_and_click_mouse), "[<button>] lick [<n500>]": Function(adjust_and_click_mouse, button="left", direction="left"), "[<button>] rick [<n500>]": Function(adjust_and_click_mouse, button="left", direction="right"), "[<button>] sick [<n500>]": Function(adjust_and_click_mouse, button="left", direction="up"), "[<button>] dick [<n500>]": Function(adjust_and_click_mouse, button="left", direction="down"), } extras = [ IntegerRef("n500", 1, 500), Choice("button", { "left": "left", "right": "right", "middle": "middle", "dub": "double" }), ] defaults = { "n100": 1, "button": 'left', }
class DouglasGridRule(MappingRule): mapping = { "<x> [by] <y> [<action>]": R(Function(send_input)), "<x1> [by] <y1> (grab | select) <x2> [by] <y2>": R(Function(send_input_select)), "<x1> [by] <y1> (grab | select) <x2>": R(Function(send_input_select_short)), "squat {weight=2}": R(Function(store_first_point)), "bench {weight=2}": R(Function(select_text)), SymbolSpecs.CANCEL + " {weight=2}": R(Function(Grid.kill)), } extras = [ ShortIntegerRef("x", 0, 300), ShortIntegerRef("y", 0, 300), ShortIntegerRef("x1", 0, 300), ShortIntegerRef("y1", 0, 300), ShortIntegerRef("x2", 0, 300), ShortIntegerRef("y2", 0, 300), Choice("action", { "kick": 0, "kick (double | 2)": 1, "psychic": 2, "move": 3, }), ] defaults = { "action": -1, }
def test_global_extras(): Breathe.add_global_extras(Dictation("text")) assert len(Breathe.global_extras) == 1 assert "text" in Breathe.global_extras Breathe.add_global_extras([Choice("abc", {"def": "ghi"})]) # Check that this is overridden Breathe.add_global_extras(IntegerRef("n", 1, 2, 1))
class Get(MergeRule): mapping = { "get <git_command> [<name>]": Function(git), } extras = [ Choice( "git_command", { "clone": "clone", "add": "add", "all": "all", "commit": 'commit', "pull": "pull", "push": "push", "checkout": "checkout", "And it": "init", "merge": "merge", "delete": "delete", "stash": "stash", "stash apply": "stash apply", "status": "status" }), Dictation("name") ] defaults = {}
class SudokuGridRule(MappingRule): pronunciation = "sudoku grid" mapping = { "<n> [grid <s>] [<action>]": R(Function(move_mouse)), "[<n0>] [grid <s0>] (grab | select | drag) <n> [grid <s>] [<action>]": R(Function(drag_mouse)), "squat {weight=2}": R(Function(store_first_point)), "bench {weight=2}": R(Function(select_text)), SymbolSpecs.CANCEL + "{weight=2}": R(Function(Grid.kill)), } extras = [ ShortIntegerRef("n", -1, 1500), ShortIntegerRef("n0", -1, 1500), ShortIntegerRef("s", 0, 10), ShortIntegerRef("s0", 0, 10), Choice("action", { "kick": 0, "kick (double | 2)": 1, "psychic": 2, "move": 3, }), ] defaults = { "n": 0, "n0": 0, "s": 0, "s0": 0, "action": -1, }
class KeystrokeRule(MappingRule): exported = False mapping = extras = [ IntegerRef("n", 1, 100), IntegerRef("m", 0, 100), Dictation("text"), Dictation("text2"), Choice("formatType", formatMap), Choice("abbreviation", abbreviationMap), Choice("reservedWord", reservedWord), ] defaults = { "n": 1, "m": 0, }
class EmacsIdentifiers(CompoundRule): spec = '<naming> <text>' extras = [ Choice('naming', { # [ # lower(false)/upper(true) all first, # cap first word, cap other words, # separator # ] 'constant': [ True, False, False, '_' ], 'lisp': [ False, False, False, '-' ], 'lower camel': [ False, False, True, '' ], 'score': [ False, False, False, '_' ], 'upper camel': [ False, True, True, '' ], 'lower spaced': [ False, False, False, ' ' ] }), Dictation('text') ] def _process_recognition(self, node, extras): spec = extras['naming'] text = extras['text'].format() text = text.upper() if spec[0] else text.lower() words = text.split(' ') if len(words) == 0: return if spec[1]: words[0]=words[0].capitalize() if spec[2]: words=[words[0]] + [w.capitalize() for w in words[1:]] Text(spec[3].join(words)).execute()
class KeystrokeRule(MappingRule): exported = False mapping = extras = [ IntegerRef("n", 1, 100), Dictation("text"), Dictation("text2"), Choice("char", specialCharMap), Choice("modifier1", modifierMap), Choice("modifier2", modifierMap), Choice("modifierSingle", singleModifierMap), Choice("pressKey", pressKeyMap), ] defaults = { "n": 1, }
def get_alphabet_choice(spec): return Choice( spec, { "arch": "a", "brov": "b", "char": "c", "delta": "d", "echo": "e", "foxy": "f", "goof": "g", "hotel": "h", "India": "i", "julia": "j", "kilo": "k", "Lima": "l", "Mike": "m", "Novakeen": "n", "oscar": "o", "prime": "p", "Quebec": "q", "Romeo": "r", "Sierra": "s", "tango": "t", "uniform": "u", "victor": "v", "whiskey": "w", "x-ray": "x", "yankee": "y", "Zulu": "z", })
def letter_choice(name): return (Choice( name, { "(anti | arch)": "a", "bat": "b", "cap": "c", "die": "d", "each": "e", "fail": "f", "(gone | gust)": "g", "(harp | harm)": "h", "sit": "i", "jury": "j", "crunch": "k", "look": "l", "(made | mad)": "m", "near": "n", "odd": "o", "pit": "p", "queer": "q", "red": "r", "sun": "s", "trap": "t", "urge": "u", "vest": "v", "whale": "w", "box": "x", "yes": "y", "zulu": "z", }))
def surroundChoice(name="surround"): return Choice( name, { "tag": "t", 'ampersand': 'ampersand', '( post | apostrophe )': 'apostrophe', '( starling | asterisk )': 'asterisk', 'backtick': 'backtick', '( bar | pipe )': 'bar', 'dollar': 'dollar', 'quote': 'dquote', 'hashtag': 'hash', 'modulo': 'percent', 'single quote': 'squote', '(tilde | strike)': 'tilde', '(underscore | score)': 'underscore', 'langle': 'langle', 'lace': 'lbrace', 'lack': 'lbracket', 'laip': 'lparen', 'rangle': 'rangle', '(race | brace | curly)': 'rbrace', '(rack | bracket)': 'rbracket', '(raip | paren)': 'rparen', })
class HTML(MergeRule): mapping = { "insert <element>": Function(insert), } extras = [ Choice("element", BINDINGS["elements"]), ]
def get_alphabet_choice(spec): return Choice( spec, { "arch": "a", "brov": "b", "chair": "c", "dell": "d", "etch": "e", "fomp": "f", "goof": "g", "hark": "h", "ice": "i", "jinks": "j", "koop": "k", "lug": "l", "Mike": "m", "nerb": "n", "ork": "o", "pooch": "p", "quash": "q", "rosh": "r", "souk": "s", "teek": "t", "unks": "u", "verge": "v", "womp": "w", "trex": "x", "yang": "y", "zooch": "z", })
def findChoice(name="find"): return Choice(name, { "find": "f", "bind": "F", "(until | till)": "t", "bill": "T", })
def test_natlink_compiler(self): from dragonfly.engines.backend_natlink.compiler import NatlinkCompiler extras = [ Choice("food", { "(an | a juicy) apple": "good", "a [greasy] hamburger": "bad" }) ] rule = CompoundRule('ExampleCustomRule', "I want to eat <food>", extras) grammar = Grammar(name="mygrammar") grammar.add_rule(rule) c = NatlinkCompiler() (compiled_grammar, rule_names) = c.compile_grammar(grammar) assert rule_names == (None, "ExampleCustomRule") if PY2: assert compiled_grammar.encode( "hex" ) == "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" else: assert codecs.encode( compiled_grammar, "hex_codec" ) == b"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"
class MouseAlternativesRule(MappingRule): mapping = { "legion [<monitor>] [<rough>]": R( Function(navigation.mouse_alternates, mode="legion") + Function(utilities.focus_mousegrid, gridtitle="legiongrid")), "rainbow [<monitor>]": R( Function(navigation.mouse_alternates, mode="rainbow") + Function(utilities.focus_mousegrid, gridtitle="rainbowgrid")), "douglas [<monitor>]": R( Function(navigation.mouse_alternates, mode="douglas") + Function(utilities.focus_mousegrid, gridtitle="douglasgrid")), "sudoku [<monitor>]": R( Function(navigation.mouse_alternates, mode="sudoku") + Function(utilities.focus_mousegrid, gridtitle="sudokugrid")), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("monitor", 1, 10), Choice("rough", { "rough": True, "detailed": False }) ] defaults = {"rough": True}
class SudokuGridRule(MappingRule): pronunciation = "sudoku grid" mapping = { "<n> [grid <s>] [<action>]": R(Function(move_mouse)), "[<n0>] [grid <s0>] drag <n> [grid <s>] [<action>]": R(Function(drag_mouse)), "escape": R(Function(kill)), SymbolSpecs.CANCEL: R(Function(kill)), } extras = [ IntegerRefST("n", -1, 1500), IntegerRefST("n0", -1, 1500), IntegerRefST("s", 0, 10), IntegerRefST("s0", 0, 10), Choice("action", { "move": 0, "kick": 1, "kick (double | 2)": 2, "psychic": 3, }), ] defaults = { "n": 0, "n0": 0, "s": 0, "s0": 0, "action": 0, }
class LegionGridRule(MappingRule): mapping = { "<n> [<action>]": R(Function(send_input)), "refresh": R(Function(Grid.mouse_alternates, mode="legion")), SymbolSpecs.CANCEL + " {weight=2}": R(Function(Grid.kill)), "<n1> (select | light) <n2>": R(Function(drag_highlight)), } extras = [ Choice("action", { "kick": 0, "psychic": 1, "select | light": 2, }), ShortIntegerRef("n", 0, 1000), ShortIntegerRef("n1", 0, 1000), ShortIntegerRef("n2", 0, 1000), ] defaults = { "action": -1, }
class Bash(MergeRule): mapping = { "pseudo-": Text("sudo "), "change": Text("cd "), "list": Key("l,s,enter"), "sublime": Text("subl "), "home": Text("~/"), "pie": Text("py"), "copy": Key("cs-c"), "copy <t>": Function(copy), "paste": Key("cs-v"), "paste <t>": Function(paste), "make directory": Text("mkdir "), ".Thought": Text(".."), "parent": Text("../"), "remote <ssh_server>": Text('ssh %(ssh_server)s'), "dropbox": Text("cd ~/Dropbox/"), "reset": Key("c-c,c-c,up,enter") } extras = [ Choice('ssh_server', {}), Dictation("t"), ] defaults = { "t": 'default', }
class SnapWindowRule(CompoundRule): spec = 'snap window to <region>' extras = [ Choice( 'region', { 'top left': [0, 0, 0.5, 0.5], 'top half': [0, 0, 1, 0.5], 'top right': [0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5], 'right half': [0.5, 0, 0.5, 1], 'bottom right': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'bottom half': [0, 0.5, 1, 0.5], 'bottom left': [0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'left half': [0, 0, 0.5, 1], 'whole monitor': [0, 0, 1, 1], }) ] @staticmethod def snap_window(window, region_spec): monitor = window.get_containing_monitor().rectangle pos = Rectangle(monitor.x1 + monitor.dx * region_spec[0], monitor.y1 + monitor.dy * region_spec[1], monitor.dx * region_spec[2], monitor.dy * region_spec[3]) window.restore() window.set_position(pos) def _process_recognition(self, node, extras): self.snap_window(Window.get_foreground(), extras['region'])
class coreNon(MergeRule): mapping = { "configure " + CORE["pronunciation"]: Function(utilities.load_config, config_name="core.toml"), "<noCCR_repeatable_key> [<n>]": Key("%(noCCR_repeatable_key)s") * Repeat(extra="n"), "<noCCR_non_repeatable_key>": Key("%(noCCR_non_repeatable_key)s"), } extras = [ IntegerRef("n", 1, 10), Choice("noCCR_repeatable_key", CORE["noCCR_repeatable_keys"]), Choice("noCCR_non_repeatable_key", CORE["noCCR_non_repeatable_keys"]), ] defaults = { "n": 1, }
class Keyboard(MergeRule): mapping = { "<single_key>": Function(single_press), "[<modify_letter>] <alphabet_key>": Function(alphabet_press), "<repeat_key> [<n500>]": Function(repeat_press), '<modifier_key> <any_key> [<n100>]': Function(any_press), "develop testing": Key('colon'), "super [<any_key>]": Function(super_press), "hold <modifier_full_name>": Key("%(modifier_full_name)s:down"), "release": Key("ctrl:up,alt:up,shift:up,win:up") } extras = [ IntegerRef("n100", 1, 100), IntegerRef("n500", 1, 500), Choice("single_key", single_key), Choice("repeat_key", repeat_key), Choice("any_key", any_key), Choice("modifier_key", modifier_key), Choice("alphabet_key", alphabet_key), Choice("modify_letter", {"cap": "cap"}), Choice("modifier_full_name", modifier_full_name) ] defaults = { "n100": 1, "n500": 1, }
class ChatRule(MappingRule): mapping = { "at <user>": Text("@%(user)s "), "send": Key("enter"), } extras = [ Choice("user",, ]