def test_yeast(self): model.Recipe(name='American IPA', author=model.User.get(1)) model.Yeast(name='Wyeast 1056 - American Ale', form='LIQUID', attenuation=.75) model.commit() data = { u'mash': { u'additions': [{ u'use': u'MASH', u'amount': 1, u'use': 'PRIMARY', u'ingredient': { u'id': 1, u'class': u'Yeast' } }] } }'/recipes/1/american-ipa/builder?_method=PUT', params={'recipe': dumps(data)}) assert model.RecipeAddition.query.count() == 1 a = model.RecipeAddition.get(1) assert a.recipe == model.Recipe.get(1) assert a.amount == 1 assert a.use == 'PRIMARY' assert a.yeast == model.Yeast.get(1)
def test_hop(self): model.Recipe(name='American IPA', author=model.User.get(1)) model.Hop(name='Cascade', origin='US') model.commit() data = { u'fermentation': { u'additions': [{ u'use': u'SECONDARY', u'form': u'PELLET', u'alpha_acid': 8, u'amount': 16, u'unit': u'OUNCE', u'ingredient': { u'id': 1, u'class': u'Hop' } }] } }'/recipes/1/american-ipa/builder?_method=PUT', params={'recipe': dumps(data)}) assert model.HopAddition.query.count() == 1 a = model.HopAddition.get(1) assert a.recipe == model.Recipe.get(1) assert a.amount == 16 assert a.use == 'SECONDARY' assert a.unit == 'OUNCE' assert a.form == 'PELLET' assert a.alpha_acid == 8 assert a.hop == model.Hop.get(1)
def test_simple_copy_with_overrides(self): model.Recipe( type='MASH', name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', gallons=5, boil_minutes=60, notes=u'This is my favorite recipe.' ) model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate({ 'type': 'EXTRACT', 'name': 'Simcoe IPA', 'gallons': 10, 'boil_minutes': 90, 'notes': u'This is a duplicate.' }) model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.RecipeSlug.query.count() == 2 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert r2.type == 'EXTRACT' assert == 'Simcoe IPA' assert r2.gallons == 10 assert r2.boil_minutes == 90 assert r2.notes == u'This is a duplicate.'
def test_lookup(self): """ If the recipe has an author, and we're logged in as that author, we should have access to edit the recipe. """ model.Recipe( name = 'American IPA', slugs = [ model.RecipeSlug(name = 'American IPA'), model.RecipeSlug(name = 'American IPA (Revised)') ], author = model.User.get(1) ) model.commit() response = self.get('/recipes/500/american-ipa/builder/', status=404) assert response.status_int == 404 response = self.get('/recipes/1/american-ipa/builder/') assert response.status_int == 200 response = self.get('/recipes/1/american-ipa-revised/builder/') assert response.status_int == 200 response = self.get('/recipes/1/invalid_slug/builder/', status=404) assert response.status_int == 404
def test_fermentation_steps_copy(self): model.Recipe( name = 'Rocky Mountain River IPA', fermentation_steps = [ model.FermentationStep( step = 'PRIMARY', days = 14, fahrenheit = 65 ), model.FermentationStep( step = 'SECONDARY', days = 90, fahrenheit = 45 ) ] ) model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.FermentationStep.query.count() == 4 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert len(r1.fermentation_steps) == len(r2.fermentation_steps) == 2 assert r1.fermentation_steps[0].step == r2.fermentation_steps[0].step == 'PRIMARY' assert r1.fermentation_steps[0].days == r2.fermentation_steps[0].days == 14 assert r1.fermentation_steps[0].fahrenheit == r2.fermentation_steps[0].fahrenheit == 65 assert r1.fermentation_steps[1].step == r2.fermentation_steps[1].step == 'SECONDARY' assert r1.fermentation_steps[1].days == r2.fermentation_steps[1].days == 90 assert r1.fermentation_steps[1].fahrenheit == r2.fermentation_steps[1].fahrenheit == 45
def test_choose_new_password(self): model.User( username='******', first_name=u'Ryan', email=u'*****@*****.**' ) model.commit() model.PasswordResetRequest( code='ABC123', user=model.User.get(1) ) response ='/forgot/reset/ABC123', params={ 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'password': '******', 'password_confirm': 'newpass' }) assert response.status_int == 302 assert response.headers['Location'].endswith('/login') assert model.PasswordResetRequest.query.count() == 0 assert model.User.validate( 'ryan', 'newpass' ) == model.User.query.first()
def test_choose_new_password_expired(self): model.User( username='******', password='******', first_name=u'Ryan', email=u'*****@*****.**' ) model.commit() response ='/forgot/reset/ABC123', params={ 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'password': '******', 'password_confirm': 'newpass' }) assert response.status_int == 200 assert model.PasswordResetRequest.query.count() == 0 assert model.User.validate( 'ryan', 'newpass' ) is None assert model.User.validate( 'ryan', 'testing' ) == model.User.query.first()
def test_schema_failure(self): model.RecipeAddition( recipe = model.Recipe( name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=model.User.get(1) ), fermentable = model.Fermentable( name = '2-Row', origin = 'US', ppg = 36, lovibond = 2 ), amount = 12, unit = 'POUND', use = 'MASH' ) model.commit() params = { 'additions-0.type' : 'RecipeAddition', 'additions-0.amount' : '10 lb', 'additions-0.use' : 'MASH', 'additions-0.addition' : 1 } for k in params: copy = params.copy() del copy[k] response = self.put('/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/builder/async/ingredients', params=copy, status=200) assert response.status_int == 200 a = model.RecipeAddition.get(1) assert a.amount == 12 assert a.unit == 'POUND'
def test_choose_new_password_mismatch(self): model.User( username='******', password='******', first_name=u'Ryan', email=u'*****@*****.**' ) model.commit() model.PasswordResetRequest( code='ABC123', user=model.User.get(1) )'/forgot/reset/ABC123', params={ 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'password': '******', 'password_confirm': 'invalid' }) assert model.PasswordResetRequest.query.count() == 1 assert model.User.validate( 'ryan', 'newpass' ) is None assert model.User.validate( 'ryan', 'testing' ) == model.User.query.first()
def test_view_published_recipe(self): model.Recipe( name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=model.User.get(1), state="PUBLISHED" ) model.commit() response = self.get('/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/') assert response.status_int == 200 model.Recipe.query.first().state = "DRAFT" model.commit() response = self.get('/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/', status=200) assert response.status_int == 200 assert len(model.Recipe.query.first().views) == 0 response = self.get( '/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/index.json', status=200 ) assert response.status_int == 200 assert len(model.Recipe.query.first().views) == 0
def run(): print "="*80 print BLUE + "LOADING ENVIRONMENT" + ENDS print "="*80 EnvCommand('env').run([sys.argv[1]]) print BLUE + "BUILDING SCHEMA" + ENDS print "="*80 try: print "STARTING A TRANSACTION..." print "="*80 model.start() model.metadata.create_all() print BLUE + "GENERATING INGREDIENTS" + ENDS print "="*80 populate() except: model.rollback() print "="*80 print "%s ROLLING BACK... %s" % (RED, ENDS) print "="*80 raise else: print "="*80 print "%s COMMITING... %s" % (GREEN, ENDS) print "="*80 model.commit()
def test_metric_ingredient_amount(self): model.Fermentable( name='2-Row', type='MALT', origin='US', ppg=36, lovibond=2, description='Sample Description' ) model.commit() self.b.refresh() for step in ('Mash', 'Boil'): self.b.find_element_by_link_text(step).click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text( "Add Malt/Fermentables..." ).click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text("2-Row (US)").click() i = self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.%s .addition .amount input' % step.lower() ) i.clear() i.send_keys('1 kg') self.blur() time.sleep(2) self.b.refresh() i = self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.%s .addition .amount input' % step.lower() ) assert i.get_attribute('value') == '1 kg'
def run(self, args): super(PopulateCommand, self).run(args) self.load_app() print "=" * 80 print BLUE + "LOADING ENVIRONMENT" + ENDS print "=" * 80 print BLUE + "BUILDING SCHEMA" + ENDS print "=" * 80 try: print "STARTING A TRANSACTION..." print "=" * 80 model.start() model.metadata.create_all() print BLUE + "GENERATING INGREDIENTS" + ENDS print "=" * 80 populate() except: model.rollback() print "=" * 80 print "%s ROLLING BACK... %s" % (RED, ENDS) print "=" * 80 raise else: print "=" * 80 print "%s COMMITING... %s" % (GREEN, ENDS) print "=" * 80 model.commit()
def test_yeast_step(self): model.Yeast( name='Wyeast 1056 - American Ale', type='ALE', form='LIQUID', attenuation=.75, flocculation='MEDIUM/HIGH' ) model.commit() self.b.refresh() self.b.find_element_by_link_text('Ferment').click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text('Add Yeast...').click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text('Wyeast 1056 - American Ale').click() Select(self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.ferment .addition select' )).select_by_visible_text('Secondary') time.sleep(2) self.b.refresh() assert self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.ferment .addition select' ).get_attribute('value') == 'SECONDARY'
def test_change_hop_boil_time(self): model.Hop( name="Simcoe", origin='US', alpha_acid=13, description='Sample Description' ) model.commit() self.b.refresh() self.b.find_element_by_link_text('Boil').click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text('Add Hops...').click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text("Simcoe (US)").click() selects = self.b.find_elements_by_css_selector( '.boil .addition .time select' ) Select(selects[1]).select_by_visible_text('45 min') self.blur() time.sleep(2) self.b.refresh() selects = self.b.find_elements_by_css_selector( '.boil .addition .time select' ) assert selects[1].get_attribute('value') == '45'
def test_multiple_pages(self): for i in range(51): R({'name': 'Simple Recipe', 'state': 'PUBLISHED'}) model.commit() self._get() self._eq('pages', 3) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 51) self._eq('order_by', 'last_updated') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 25 self._get({'page': '2'}) self._eq('pages', 3) self._eq('current_page', 2) self._eq('offset', 25) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 51) self._eq('order_by', 'last_updated') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 25 self._get({'page': '3'}) self._eq('pages', 3) self._eq('current_page', 3) self._eq('offset', 50) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 51) self._eq('order_by', 'last_updated') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 1
def test_statistic_caching(self): """ When a recipe is published, certain statistics (like SRM) should be stored on a cached column so the values can be queried. """ model.Recipe( type='MASH', name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', gallons=5, boil_minutes=60, notes=u'This is my favorite recipe.', state=u'DRAFT' ) model.commit() # Make a new draft of the recipe recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.publish() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.first().og == 1.0 assert model.Recipe.query.first().fg == 1.0 assert model.Recipe.query.first().abv == 0 assert model.Recipe.query.first().srm == 0 assert model.Recipe.query.first().ibu == 0
def test_fermentation_steps_copy(self): model.Recipe(name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', fermentation_steps=[ model.FermentationStep(step='PRIMARY', days=14, fahrenheit=65), model.FermentationStep(step='SECONDARY', days=90, fahrenheit=45) ]) model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.FermentationStep.query.count() == 4 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert len(r1.fermentation_steps) == len(r2.fermentation_steps) == 2 assert r1.fermentation_steps[0].step == r2.fermentation_steps[ 0].step == 'PRIMARY' assert r1.fermentation_steps[0].days == r2.fermentation_steps[ 0].days == 14 assert r1.fermentation_steps[0].fahrenheit == r2.fermentation_steps[ 0].fahrenheit == 65 assert r1.fermentation_steps[1].step == r2.fermentation_steps[ 1].step == 'SECONDARY' assert r1.fermentation_steps[1].days == r2.fermentation_steps[ 1].days == 90 assert r1.fermentation_steps[1].fahrenheit == r2.fermentation_steps[ 1].fahrenheit == 45
def test_draft_creation(self): model.Recipe(type='MASH', name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', gallons=5, boil_minutes=60, notes=u'This is my favorite recipe.', state=u'PUBLISHED') model.commit() model.Recipe.query.first().draft() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 source = model.Recipe.query.filter( model.Recipe.published_version == null()).first() # noqa draft = model.Recipe.query.filter( model.Recipe.published_version != null()).first() # noqa assert source != draft assert source.type == draft.type == 'MASH' assert == == 'Rocky Mountain River IPA' assert source.state != draft.state assert draft.state == 'DRAFT' assert draft.published_version == source assert source.current_draft == draft
def test_hop(self): model.Recipe(name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=model.User.get(1)) model.Hop( name = 'Cascade', alpha_acid = 5.5, origin = 'US' ) model.commit()'/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/builder/async/ingredients', params={ 'type' : 'HopAddition', 'ingredient' : 1, 'use' : 'BOIL', 'amount' : '0 lb', 'duration' : 30 }) assert model.HopAddition.query.count() == 1 a = model.HopAddition.get(1) assert a.recipe == model.Recipe.get(1) assert a.use == 'BOIL' assert a.amount == 0 assert a.unit == 'POUND' assert a.hop == model.Hop.get(1) assert a.minutes == 30 assert a.alpha_acid == 5.5
def test_copy_multiple_slugs(self): r = model.Recipe(type='MASH', name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', gallons=5, boil_minutes=60, notes=u'This is my favorite recipe.') model.RecipeSlug(slug='secondary-slug', recipe=r) model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.RecipeSlug.query.count() == 4 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert r1.type == r2.type == 'MASH' assert == == 'Rocky Mountain River IPA' assert r1.gallons == r2.gallons == 5 assert r1.boil_minutes == r2.boil_minutes == 60 assert r1.notes == r2.notes == u'This is my favorite recipe.' assert len(r1.slugs) == len(r2.slugs) == 2 assert r1.slugs[0] != r2.slugs[0] assert r1.slugs[0].slug == r2.slugs[ 0].slug == 'rocky-mountain-river-ipa' assert r1.slugs[1] != r2.slugs[1] assert r1.slugs[1].slug == r2.slugs[1].slug == 'secondary-slug'
def test_change_hop_form(self): model.Hop(name="Simcoe", origin='US', alpha_acid=13, description='Sample Description') model.commit() self.b.refresh() for step in ('Mash', 'Boil', 'Ferment'): self.b.find_element_by_link_text(step).click() label = 'Add Dry Hops...' if step == 'Ferment' else 'Add Hops...' self.b.find_element_by_link_text(label).click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text("Simcoe (US)").click() s = Select( self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.%s .addition .form select' % step.lower())) s.select_by_visible_text('Pellet') self.blur() time.sleep(2) self.b.refresh() s = self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.%s .addition .form select' % step.lower()) assert s.get_attribute('value') == 'PELLET'
def test_metric_ingredient_amount(self): model.Fermentable(name='2-Row', type='MALT', origin='US', ppg=36, lovibond=2, description='Sample Description') model.commit() self.b.refresh() for step in ('Mash', 'Boil'): self.b.find_element_by_link_text(step).click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text( "Add Malt/Fermentables...").click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text("2-Row (US)").click() i = self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.%s .addition .amount input' % step.lower()) i.clear() i.send_keys('1 kg') self.blur() time.sleep(2) self.b.refresh() i = self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.%s .addition .amount input' % step.lower()) assert i.get_attribute('value') == '1 kg'
def test_name_update(self): model.Recipe( name='American IPA', slugs=[ model.RecipeSlug(name='American IPA'), model.RecipeSlug(name='American IPA (Revised)') ], author=model.User.get(1) ) model.commit() response = '/recipes/1/american-ipa/builder?_method=PUT', params={ 'recipe': dumps({'name': 'Some Recipe'}) } ) assert response.status_int == 200 recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() assert == 'Some Recipe' slugs = recipe.slugs assert len(slugs) == 3 assert slugs[0].slug == 'american-ipa' assert slugs[1].slug == 'american-ipa-revised' assert slugs[2].slug == 'some-recipe'
def test_add_malt(self): model.Fermentable(name='2-Row', type='MALT', origin='US', ppg=36, lovibond=2, description='Sample Description') model.commit() self.b.refresh() for step in ('Mash', 'Boil'): self.b.find_element_by_link_text(step).click() assert len( self.b.find_elements_by_css_selector( '.%s .ingredient-list .addition' % step.lower())) == 0 self.b.find_element_by_link_text( "Add Malt/Fermentables...").click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text("2-Row (US)").click() assert len( self.b.find_elements_by_css_selector( '.%s .ingredient-list .addition:not(:empty)' % step.lower())) == 1
def test_draft_creation(self): model.Recipe( type='MASH', name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', gallons=5, boil_minutes=60, notes=u'This is my favorite recipe.', state=u'PUBLISHED' ) model.commit() model.Recipe.query.first().draft() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 source = model.Recipe.query.filter( model.Recipe.published_version == null() ).first() # noqa draft = model.Recipe.query.filter( model.Recipe.published_version != null() ).first() # noqa assert source != draft assert source.type == draft.type == 'MASH' assert == == 'Rocky Mountain River IPA' assert source.state != draft.state assert draft.state == 'DRAFT' assert draft.published_version == source assert source.current_draft == draft
def test_fermentation_steps_copy_with_override(self): model.Recipe(name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', fermentation_steps=[ model.FermentationStep(step='PRIMARY', days=14, fahrenheit=65), model.FermentationStep(step='SECONDARY', days=90, fahrenheit=45) ]) model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate({ 'fermentation_steps': [model.FermentationStep(step='PRIMARY', days=21, fahrenheit=75)] }) model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.FermentationStep.query.count() == 3 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert len(r1.fermentation_steps) == 2 assert len(r2.fermentation_steps) == 1 assert r2.fermentation_steps[0].step == 'PRIMARY' assert r2.fermentation_steps[0].days == 21 assert r2.fermentation_steps[0].fahrenheit == 75
def test_multiple_drafts(self): model.Recipe( name = 'Rocky Mountain River IPA', author = model.User.get(1), state = "PUBLISHED" ) model.Fermentable( name = '2-Row', origin = 'US', ppg = 36, lovibond = 2 ) model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 1'/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/draft') assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.query.order_by( assert r1.state == "PUBLISHED" assert r2.state == "DRAFT" assert r1.current_draft == r2 assert r2.published_version == r1'/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/draft') assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2
def test_copy_get(self): model.Recipe(name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=model.User.get(1)) model.commit() assert self.get( '/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/copy', status = 405 ).status_int == 405
def test_copy_other_users_recipe(self): model.Recipe( name = 'Rocky Mountain River IPA', author = model.User(), state = "PUBLISHED" ) model.Fermentable( name = '2-Row', origin = 'US', ppg = 36, lovibond = 2 ) model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 1'/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/copy') assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 for r in model.Recipe.query.all(): assert == 'Rocky Mountain River IPA' recipes = model.Recipe.query.order_by('id').all() assert recipes[0].author assert recipes[1].author assert recipes[0].author != recipes[1].author assert recipes[0].copies == [recipes[1]] assert recipes[1].copied_from == recipes[0]
def test_browse_index(self): model.Style(name='American IPA') model.commit() response = self.get('/recipes/') assert response.status_int == 200 assert len(response.namespace.get('styles')) == 1
def test_yeast_change(self): model.RecipeAddition( recipe = model.Recipe( name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=model.User.get(1) ), yeast = model.Yeast( name = 'Wyeast 1056 - American Ale', form = 'LIQUID', attenuation = .75 ), amount = 1, use = 'PRIMARY' ) model.commit() self.put('/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/builder/async/ingredients', params={ 'fermentation_additions-0.type' : 'RecipeAddition', 'fermentation_additions-0.use' : 'SECONDARY', 'fermentation_additions-0.amount' : 1, 'fermentation_additions-0.addition' : 1 }) a = model.RecipeAddition.get(1) assert a.use == 'SECONDARY'
def test_sort_by_name(self): R({'name': 'Recipe 1', 'state': 'PUBLISHED'}) R({'name': 'Recipe 3', 'state': 'PUBLISHED'}) R({'name': 'Recipe 2', 'state': 'PUBLISHED'}) R({'name': 'Recipe 4', 'state': 'PUBLISHED'}) model.commit() self._get({'order_by': 'name'}) self._eq('pages', 1) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 4) self._eq('order_by', 'name') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 4 assert self._ns['recipes'][0].name == 'Recipe 4' assert self._ns['recipes'][1].name == 'Recipe 3' assert self._ns['recipes'][2].name == 'Recipe 2' assert self._ns['recipes'][3].name == 'Recipe 1' self._get({'order_by': 'name', 'direction': 'ASC'}) self._eq('pages', 1) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 4) self._eq('order_by', 'name') self._eq('direction', 'ASC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 4 assert self._ns['recipes'][0].name == 'Recipe 1' assert self._ns['recipes'][1].name == 'Recipe 2' assert self._ns['recipes'][2].name == 'Recipe 3' assert self._ns['recipes'][3].name == 'Recipe 4'
def test_views(self): recipe = model.Recipe() for i in range(5): model.RecipeView(recipe=recipe) model.commit() assert len(model.Recipe.query.first().views) == 5
def test_fermentation_step_metric_update(self): author = model.User.get(1) author.settings['unit_system'] = 'METRIC' recipe = model.Recipe(name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=author) recipe.fermentation_steps.append( model.FermentationStep( step = 'PRIMARY', days = 7, fahrenheit = 65 ) ) model.commit()'/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/builder/async/fermentation_steps?_method=put', params={ 'step' : 1, 'days' : 14, 'temperature' : 0 }) recipe = model.Recipe.get(1) assert model.FermentationStep.query.count() == 1 assert len(recipe.fermentation_steps) == 1 assert recipe.fermentation_steps[0].step == 'PRIMARY' assert recipe.fermentation_steps[0].days == 14 assert recipe.fermentation_steps[0].fahrenheit == 32
def test_copy_multiple_slugs(self): r = model.Recipe( type='MASH', name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', gallons=5, boil_minutes=60, notes=u'This is my favorite recipe.' ) model.RecipeSlug(slug='secondary-slug', recipe=r) model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.RecipeSlug.query.count() == 4 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert r1.type == r2.type == 'MASH' assert == == 'Rocky Mountain River IPA' assert r1.gallons == r2.gallons == 5 assert r1.boil_minutes == r2.boil_minutes == 60 assert r1.notes == r2.notes == u'This is my favorite recipe.' assert len(r1.slugs) == len(r2.slugs) == 2 assert r1.slugs[0] != r2.slugs[0] assert r1.slugs[0].slug == r2.slugs[ 0].slug == 'rocky-mountain-river-ipa' assert r1.slugs[1] != r2.slugs[1] assert r1.slugs[1].slug == r2.slugs[1].slug == 'secondary-slug'
def test_remove_addition(self): model.Hop(name="Simcoe", origin='US', alpha_acid=13, description='Sample Description') model.commit() self.b.refresh() for step in ('Mash', 'Boil', 'Ferment'): self.b.find_element_by_link_text(step).click() assert len( self.b.find_elements_by_css_selector( '.%s .ingredient-list .addition' % step.lower())) == 0 label = 'Add Dry Hops...' if step == 'Ferment' else 'Add Hops...' self.b.find_element_by_link_text(label).click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text("Simcoe (US)").click() time.sleep(2) assert len( self.b.find_elements_by_css_selector( '.%s .ingredient-list .addition:not(:empty)' % step.lower())) == 1 self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.%s .ingredient-list .addition .close a' % step.lower()).click() time.sleep(2) self.b.refresh() assert len( self.b.find_elements_by_css_selector( '.%s .ingredient-list .addition' % step.lower())) == 0
def test_fermentable(self): model.Recipe(name='American IPA', author=model.User.get(1)) model.Fermentable(name='2-Row', origin='US', ppg=36, lovibond=2) model.commit() data = { u'boil': { u'additions': [{ u'amount': 5, u'use': 'BOIL', u'duration': 15, u'unit': u'POUND', u'ingredient': { u'id': 1, u'class': 'Fermentable' } }] } }'/recipes/1/american-ipa/builder?_method=PUT', params={'recipe': dumps(data)}) assert model.RecipeAddition.query.count() == 1 a = model.RecipeAddition.get(1) assert a.recipe == model.Recipe.get(1) assert a.amount == 5 assert a.use == 'BOIL' assert a.duration == timedelta(minutes=15) assert a.unit == 'POUND' assert a.fermentable == model.Fermentable.get(1)
def test_add_extract(self): model.Fermentable(name="Cooper's Amber LME", type='EXTRACT', origin='AUSTRALIAN', ppg=36, lovibond=13.3, description='Sample Description') model.commit() self.b.refresh() for step in ('Mash', 'Boil'): self.b.find_element_by_link_text(step).click() assert len( self.b.find_elements_by_css_selector( '.%s .ingredient-list .addition' % step.lower())) == 0 self.b.find_element_by_link_text("Add Malt Extract...").click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text( "Cooper's Amber LME (Australian)").click() assert len( self.b.find_elements_by_css_selector( '.%s .ingredient-list .addition:not(:empty)' % step.lower())) == 1
def test_slugs_copy(self): model.Recipe( name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', slugs=[ model.RecipeSlug(slug=u'rocky-mountain-river-ipa'), model.RecipeSlug(slug=u'my-favorite-ipa') ] ) model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.RecipeSlug.query.count() == 4 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert len(r1.slugs) == len(r2.slugs) == 2 assert r1.slugs[0] != r2.slugs[0] assert r1.slugs[0].slug == r2.slugs[ 0].slug == 'rocky-mountain-river-ipa' assert r1.slugs[1] != r2.slugs[1] assert r1.slugs[1].slug == r2.slugs[1].slug == 'my-favorite-ipa'
def test_change_hop_aa(self): model.Hop(name="Simcoe", origin='US', alpha_acid=13, description='Sample Description') model.commit() self.b.refresh() for step in ('Mash', 'Boil', 'Ferment'): self.b.find_element_by_link_text(step).click() label = 'Add Dry Hops...' if step == 'Ferment' else 'Add Hops...' self.b.find_element_by_link_text(label).click() self.b.find_element_by_link_text("Simcoe (US)").click() i = self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.%s .addition .unit input' % step.lower()) i.clear() i.send_keys('12') self.blur() time.sleep(2) self.b.refresh() i = self.b.find_element_by_css_selector( '.%s .addition .unit input' % step.lower()) assert i.get_attribute('value') == '12'
def test_mash_change(self): model.RecipeAddition( recipe = model.Recipe( name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=model.User.get(1) ), fermentable = model.Fermentable( name = '2-Row', origin = 'US', ppg = 36, lovibond = 2 ), amount = 12, unit = 'POUND', use = 'MASH' ) model.commit() self.put('/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/builder/async/ingredients', params={ 'mash_additions-0.type' : 'RecipeAddition', 'mash_additions-0.amount' : '10 lb', 'mash_additions-0.use' : 'MASH', 'mash_additions-0.addition' : 1 }) a = model.RecipeAddition.get(1) assert a.use == 'MASH' assert a.amount == 10 assert a.unit == 'POUND' assert a.ingredient == model.Fermentable.get(1)
def setUp(self): super(TestAllGrainBuilder, self).setUp() model.Style(name='American IPA', min_og=1.056, max_og=1.075, min_fg=1.01, max_fg=1.018, min_ibu=40, max_ibu=70, min_srm=6, max_srm=15, min_abv=.055, max_abv=.075, category_number=14, style_letter='B') model.Style(name='Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer', category_number=21, style_letter='A') model.commit() self.get("/") self.b.find_element_by_link_text("Create Your Own Recipe").click() time.sleep(.1) self.b.find_element_by_id("name").clear() self.b.find_element_by_id("name").send_keys("Rocky Mountain River IPA") Select(self.b.find_element_by_id("type")).select_by_visible_text( "All Grain") self.b.find_element_by_css_selector("button.ribbon").click()
def test_simple_copy_with_overrides(self): model.Recipe(type='MASH', name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', gallons=5, boil_minutes=60, notes=u'This is my favorite recipe.') model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate({ 'type': 'EXTRACT', 'name': 'Simcoe IPA', 'gallons': 10, 'boil_minutes': 90, 'notes': u'This is a duplicate.' }) model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.RecipeSlug.query.count() == 2 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert r2.type == 'EXTRACT' assert == 'Simcoe IPA' assert r2.gallons == 10 assert r2.boil_minutes == 90 assert r2.notes == u'This is a duplicate.'
def test_slugs_copy_with_overrides(self): model.Recipe( name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', slugs=[ model.RecipeSlug(slug=u'rocky-mountain-river-ipa'), model.RecipeSlug(slug=u'my-favorite-ipa') ] ) model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate({ 'slugs': [model.RecipeSlug(slug='custom-slug')] }) model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.RecipeSlug.query.count() == 3 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert len(r1.slugs) == 2 assert len(r2.slugs) == 1 assert r1.slugs[0].slug == 'rocky-mountain-river-ipa' assert r1.slugs[1].slug == 'my-favorite-ipa' assert r2.slugs[0].slug == 'custom-slug'
def test_filter_by_srm(self): R({'name': 'Light', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', '_srm': 6}) R({'name': 'Light/Amber', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', '_srm': 8}) R({'name': 'Amber', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', '_srm': 12}) R({'name': 'Amber/Brown', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', '_srm': 16}) R({'name': 'Brown', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', '_srm': 20}) R({'name': 'Brown/Dark', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', '_srm': 25}) R({'name': 'Dark', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', '_srm': 30}) model.commit() self._get() self._eq('pages', 1) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 7) self._eq('order_by', 'last_updated') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 7 self._get({'color': 'light'}) self._eq('pages', 1) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 2) self._eq('order_by', 'last_updated') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 2 self._get({'color': 'amber'}) self._eq('pages', 1) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 3) self._eq('order_by', 'last_updated') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 3 self._get({'color': 'brown'}) self._eq('pages', 1) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 3) self._eq('order_by', 'last_updated') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 3 self._get({'color': 'dark'}) self._eq('pages', 1) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 2) self._eq('order_by', 'last_updated') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 2
def test_simple_publish(self): model.Recipe(name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=model.User.get(1)) model.Fermentable(name='2-Row', origin='US', ppg=36, lovibond=2) model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.first().state == "DRAFT"'/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/builder/publish/') assert model.Recipe.query.first().state == "PUBLISHED"
def test_sort_by_author_name(self): R({ 'name': 'Recipe 1', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'author': model.User(username='******', email='*****@*****.**') }) R({ 'name': 'Recipe 2', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'author': model.User(username='******', email='*****@*****.**') }) R({ 'name': 'Recipe 3', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'author': model.User(username='******', email='*****@*****.**') }) R({ 'name': 'Recipe 4', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'author': model.User(username='******', email='*****@*****.**') }) R({ 'name': 'Recipe 5', 'state': 'PUBLISHED', 'author': model.User(username='******', email='*****@*****.**') }) model.commit() self._get({'order_by': 'author'}) self._eq('pages', 1) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 5) self._eq('order_by', 'author') self._eq('direction', 'DESC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 5 assert self._ns['recipes'][0].name == 'Recipe 3' assert self._ns['recipes'][1].name == 'Recipe 2' assert self._ns['recipes'][2].name == 'Recipe 5' assert self._ns['recipes'][3].name == 'Recipe 4' assert self._ns['recipes'][4].name == 'Recipe 1' self._get({'order_by': 'author', 'direction': 'ASC'}) self._eq('pages', 1) self._eq('current_page', 1) self._eq('offset', 0) self._eq('perpage', 25) self._eq('total', 5) self._eq('order_by', 'author') self._eq('direction', 'ASC') assert len(self._ns['recipes']) == 5 assert self._ns['recipes'][0].name == 'Recipe 1' assert self._ns['recipes'][1].name == 'Recipe 4' assert self._ns['recipes'][2].name == 'Recipe 5' assert self._ns['recipes'][3].name == 'Recipe 2' assert self._ns['recipes'][4].name == 'Recipe 3'
def test_view_draft_recipe_async(self): model.Recipe(name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=model.User(first_name='Ryan', last_name='Petrello'), state="DRAFT") model.commit() response = self.get('/recipes/1/rocky-mountain-river-ipa/', status=404) assert response.status_int == 404
def test_additions_copy(self): recipe = model.Recipe(name=u'Sample Recipe') grain = model.Fermentable() primary_hop = model.Hop() bittering_hop = model.Hop() yeast = model.Yeast() recipe.additions = [ model.RecipeAddition(use='MASH', fermentable=grain), model.RecipeAddition(use='MASH', hop=primary_hop), model.RecipeAddition(use='FIRST WORT', hop=primary_hop), model.RecipeAddition( use='BOIL', hop=primary_hop, ), model.RecipeAddition(use='POST-BOIL', hop=primary_hop), model.RecipeAddition(use='FLAME OUT', hop=bittering_hop), model.RecipeAddition(use='PRIMARY', yeast=yeast), model.RecipeAddition(use='SECONDARY', yeast=yeast) ] model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 1 assert model.RecipeAddition.query.count() == 8 assert model.Fermentable.query.count() == 1 assert model.Hop.query.count() == 2 assert model.Yeast.query.count() == 1 recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.RecipeAddition.query.count() == 16 assert model.Fermentable.query.count() == 1 assert model.Hop.query.count() == 2 assert model.Yeast.query.count() == 1 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert len(r1.additions) == len(r2.additions) == 8 for f in model.Fermentable.query.all(): assert f in [a.ingredient for a in r1.additions] assert f in [a.ingredient for a in r2.additions] assert len(set([a.recipe for a in f.additions])) == 2 for h in model.Hop.query.all(): assert h in [a.ingredient for a in r1.additions] assert h in [a.ingredient for a in r2.additions] assert len(set([a.recipe for a in h.additions])) == 2 for y in model.Yeast.query.all(): assert y in [a.ingredient for a in r1.additions] assert y in [a.ingredient for a in r2.additions] assert len(set([a.recipe for a in y.additions])) == 2
def test_unauthorized_lookup_trial_recipe(self): """ If the recipe has no author, and we're logged in as any user, we should *not* have access to edit the recipe. """ model.Recipe(name='American IPA', slugs=[model.RecipeSlug(name='American IPA')]) model.commit() response = self.get('/recipes/1/american-ipa/builder', status=401) assert response.status_int == 401
def test_unauthorized_lookup_trial_other_user(self): """ If the recipe is a trial recipe, but is not *our* trial recipe, we should *not* have access to edit the recipe. """ model.Recipe(name='American IPA', slugs=[model.RecipeSlug(name='American IPA')]) model.commit() response = self.get('/recipes/1/american-ipa/builder', status=401) assert response.status_int == 401
def test_lookup(self): model.Fermentable(name='2-Row', type='MALT', origin='US', ppg=36, lovibond=2, description='Sample Description') model.commit() assert self.get('/ingredients/1').status_int == 200 assert self.get('/ingredients/2', status=404).status_int == 404
def test_valid_login(self): model.User(username='******', password='******') model.commit() response ='/login', params={ 'username': '******', 'password': '******' }) assert response.request.environ['beaker.session']['user_id'] == 1
def test_author_copy(self): model.Recipe(name='Rocky Mountain River IPA', author=model.User()) model.commit() recipe = model.Recipe.query.first() recipe.duplicate() model.commit() assert model.Recipe.query.count() == 2 assert model.User.query.count() == 1 r1, r2 = model.Recipe.get(1), model.Recipe.get(2) assert == == model.User.get(1)