Пример #1
    def insertBarcodeAPI(self, codetype, value, addChecksum, posX, posY):
        value = getattr(self, 'validate_%s' % codetype)(value, addChecksum)
        if value is None:
            raise RuntimeException('Error validating codetype ' + codetype,

        group = getattr(self, 'draw_%s' % codetype)(value, addChecksum)
        draw.setpos(group, posX, posY)
Пример #2
    def add_text_above(self, code, text, offset=0):
        offset = int(offset / 4 +
                     int(offset / 2) * int(self.barlengthmodify) / 100)
        doc = self.getcomponent()
        page = self.getDrawPage()
        group = self.ctx.ServiceManager.createInstance(
        shape = draw.createShape(doc, page, 'Text')
        shape.String = text
        shape.TextAutoGrowWidth = True
        shape.TextAutoGrowHeight = True
        shape.CharFontName = "Liberation Mono"
        shape.CharHeight = int(20 * int(self.barwidthmodify) / 100)
        shape.TextHorizontalAdjust = com_sun_star_drawing_TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER
        if (self.isWriter()):
            shape.AnchorType = AT_PARAGRAPH

        draw.setpos(shape, (code.Size.Width - shape.Size.Width) / 2,
                    0 - 1000 + offset)

        return page.group(group)
Пример #3
    def insert(self):
        dlg = self.createdialog('Barcode')
        getattr(dlg, self.config.LastBarcodeType).State = True
        dlg.WithChecksum.State = self.config.LastChecksum
        dlg.HeightModify.Text = self.config.HeightModify
        dlg.WidthModify.Text = self.config.WidthModify
        dlg.PositionX.Text = self.config.PositionX
        dlg.PositionY.Text = self.config.PositionY

        while True:
            ok = dlg.execute()
            if not ok:
            for codetype in self.CODETYPES:
                if getattr(dlg, codetype).State:
            value = dlg.CodeField.Text
            value = getattr(self,
                            'validate_%s' % codetype)(value,
            # empty field somehow appears as "&652.Barcode.CodeField.Text"
            if value is not None and value != "" and value != "&652.Barcode.CodeField.Text":
                self.config.LastBarcodeType = codetype
                self.config.LastChecksum = dlg.WithChecksum.State
                self.config.HeightModify = dlg.HeightModify.Text
                self.config.WidthModify = dlg.WidthModify.Text
                self.config.PositionX = dlg.PositionX.Text
                self.config.PositionY = dlg.PositionY.Text
                self.barlengthmodify = dlg.HeightModify.Text
                self.barwidthmodify = dlg.WidthModify.Text
                group = getattr(self,
                                'draw_%s' % codetype)(value,
                draw.setpos(group, self.config.PositionX,
Пример #4
 def drawcode(self, code, barlength=None, barwidth=None):
     Draws the code described in the code parameter.
     code is a list of pairs of the form (binary, meta) where
     binary is a string made up of 1's and 0's (1's representing black bars) and
     meta is a string that is either
         '' (empty string), signifying that there is nothing to be done
         'long', signifying that the bars should be drawn longer than usual
         or a single character string that will be printed under the bars.
     drawcode returns a Draw object that is a group of the bars and the text.
     if barlength is None:
         barlength = self.BARLENGTH
     if barwidth is None:
         barwidth = self.BARWIDTH
     barwidth = int(int(barwidth) * int(self.barwidthmodify) / 100)
     normalbarlength = int(int(barlength) * int(self.barlengthmodify) / 100)
     longbarlength = int((barlength + self.LONGBAREXTRALENGTH) *
                         int(self.barlengthmodify) / 100)
     doc = self.getcomponent()
     page = self.getDrawPage()
     group = self.ctx.ServiceManager.createInstance(
     bars = []
     x = 0
     for binary, meta in code:
         if meta == 'long':
             barlength = longbarlength
             barlength = normalbarlength
         bars.extend(self.drawbars(binary, x, barlength, barwidth))
         w = barwidth * len(binary)
         if len(meta) == 1:
             shape = draw.createShape(doc, page, 'Text')
             shape.String = meta
             shape.TextAutoGrowWidth = True
             shape.TextAutoGrowHeight = True
             shape.CharFontName = "Liberation Mono"
             shape.CharHeight = int(20 * int(self.barwidthmodify) / 100)
             shape.TextHorizontalAdjust = com_sun_star_drawing_TextHorizontalAdjust_CENTER
             if (self.isWriter()):
                 shape.AnchorType = AT_PARAGRAPH
             if self.isWriter() or self.isDraw() or self.isImpress():
                 pos_x = x - 200
             else:  # Calc
                 pos_x = x
             draw.setpos(shape, pos_x, normalbarlength, w,
         x += w
     shape = draw.createPolygon(doc, page, bars, color=draw.RGB(0, 0, 0))
     shape.LineStyle = 0
     if (self.isWriter()):
         shape.AnchorType = AT_PARAGRAPH
         # Writer needs some positioning hack due to DrawPage differences
         last = self.config.LastBarcodeType
         if last == 'EAN13' or last == 'ISBN13' or last == 'Bookland' or last == 'UPCA' \
             or last == 'JAN' or last == 'UPCE':
             draw.setpos(shape, 300, 0)
         elif last == 'EAN8' or last == 'STANDARD2OF5':
             draw.setpos(shape, -200, 0)
         else:  # INTERLEAVED2OF5, CODE128
             draw.setpos(shape, 0, 0)
     return page.group(group)