Пример #1
    def check_logic(self):
        options, args = self.options, self.args

        if not options.vcf_fn:
            drdcommon.error("Need vcf file.")

        if options.vcf_fn == '-' and not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
            drdcommon.error("No data in stdin.")

        if not options.vcf_fn == '-' and not os.path.isfile(options.vcf_fn):
            drdcommon.error("Vcf file does not exists.")

        if options.coor_fn:
            if options.coor_fn == '-' and options.vcf_fn == '-':
                drdcommon.error("I cannot read two streams from stdin.")
            if not os.path.isfile(options.coor_fn):
                drdcommon.error("coor file does not exists.")
            options.drop = True
            options.coordinates_in_file = True
            options.coordinates_in_file = False

        if len(args) == 0:
            if options.wes:
                self.exp_type = 'wes'
            elif options.wgs:
                self.exp_type = 'wgs'
                self.exp_type = 'null'
                if not self.options.list_s_snps:
                    drdcommon.error("Experiment type not set.")
            drdcommon.error("Incorrect # of params.")
Пример #2
  def check_logic(self):
    options, args = self.options, self.args

    if not options.vcf_fn:
      drdcommon.error("Need vcf file.")

    if options.vcf_fn == '-' and not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
      drdcommon.error("No data in stdin.")

    if not options.vcf_fn == '-' and not os.path.isfile(options.vcf_fn):
      drdcommon.error("Vcf file does not exists.")

    if options.coor_fn:
      if options.coor_fn == '-' and options.vcf_fn == '-':
        drdcommon.error("I cannot read two streams from stdin.")
      if not os.path.isfile(options.coor_fn):
        drdcommon.error("coor file does not exists.")
      options.drop = True
      options.coordinates_in_file = True
      options.coordinates_in_file = False

    if len(args) == 0:
      if options.wes:
        self.exp_type = 'wes'
      elif options.wgs:
        self.exp_type = 'wgs'
        self.exp_type = 'null'
        if not self.options.list_s_snps:
          drdcommon.error("Experiment type not set.")
      drdcommon.error("Incorrect # of params.")
Пример #3
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    stream = drdcommon.xopen("-")
    if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
    print Saturation(stream, args.at_least_seen).csv("\t")
Пример #4
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        drdcommon.error("Wrong # of args", usage)
    if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
        drdcommon.error("No data in stdin.", usage)
    ratios_stream = drdcommon.xopen("-")
    threshold = float(sys.argv[1])
    CnvStateMachine(ratios_stream, threshold).run()
Пример #5
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 1:
        drdcommon.error("Wrong # of args", usage)
    if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
        drdcommon.error("No data in stdin.", usage)
    fd_vcf = drdcommon.xopen("-")
Пример #6
def main():
    if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
        drdcommon.error("I need a data stream in stdin.", usage="-")
    if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
        drdcommon.error("Wrong number of parameters", usage="-")

    title = sys.argv[1]
    x, y = process_data(drdcommon.xopen("-"))
    plot(x, y, title, xlabel="genomic window", ylabel="Average Read Depth")
Пример #7
def main():
  if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    drdcommon.error("Wrong # of args", usage)
  if drdcommon.data_in_stdin() == False:
    drdcommon.error("Need data in stdin.", usage)

  fd_vcf = drdcommon.xopen("-")
Пример #8
def main():
    if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
        drdcommon.error("I need a data stream in stdin.", usage=_usage)
    if not len(sys.argv) == 4:
        drdcommon.error("Wrong number of parameters", usage=_usage)

    title, _xl, _yl = sys.argv[1:]
    x, y = process_data(drdcommon.xopen("-"))
    plot(x, y, title, xlabel=_xl, ylabel=_yl)
Пример #9
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        drdcommon.error("Wrong # of args", usage)
    if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
        drdcommon.error("No data in stdin.", usage)
    fd_vcf = drdcommon.xopen("-")
    w_size = int(sys.argv[1])
    do_work(fd_vcf, w_size)
Пример #10
def main():
    if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
        drdcommon.error("I need a data stream in stdin.", usage=_usage)
    if not len(sys.argv) == 4:
        drdcommon.error("Wrong number of parameters", usage=_usage)

    title, _xl, _yl = sys.argv[1:]
    x, y = process_data(drdcommon.xopen("-"))
    plot(x, y, title, xlabel=_xl, ylabel=_yl)
Пример #11
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        drdcommon.error("Wrong # of args", usage)
    if drdcommon.data_in_stdin() == False:
        drdcommon.error("Need data in stdin.", usage)

    min_num_samples = int(sys.argv[1])
    fd_vcf = drdcommon.xopen("-")
    do_work(fd_vcf, min_num_samples)
Пример #12
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        drdcommon.error("Wrong # of args", usage)
    if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
        drdcommon.error("No data in stdin.", usage)
    windows = drdcommon.xopen("-")
    bam_name = sys.argv[1]
    if not os.path.isfile(bam_name):
        drdcommon.error("Invalid bam file.", usage)
    compute_ratios(windows, bam_name)
Пример #13
  return prev_end + random.randint(10000, 20000)

def next_size():
  return random.randint(100, 20000)

def in_n_region(start, end, ref):
  num_ns, s, e = 0, int(start), int(end)
  _max = e-s/8
  for i in range(s, e+1):
    if ref.exists(i):
      num_ns += 1
      if num_ns > _max:
        return True
  return False

if len(sys.argv) < 4 or not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
  sys.stderr.write("cat ref.fa | tool <n_events> <chrm> <chrm_size>" + "\n")

_ = sys.argv
n_events, chrm, chrm_size = int(_[1]), _[2], int(_[3])

# Store N locations
sys.stderr.write("Loading N locations ..." + "\n")
ref = BitMask()
i = 0
for l in drdcommon.xopen("-"):
  if l[0] != '-':
    for c in l.rstrip():
      if c.upper() == 'N':
Пример #14
#!/usr/bin/env python

import drdcommon
import sys
import re

def help(msg):
  sys.stderr.write("ERROR: " + msg + "\n")
  sys.stderr.write("Usage: cat gtf.txt | tool list_genes_names.txt > genes.coor.bed\n")

# Main
if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
  help("Need data in stdin")

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
  help("Invalid list of arguments")

gene_names = {}
for l in drdcommon.xopen(sys.argv[1]):
  name = l.split()[0]
  gene_names[name] = True
drdcommon.log("%s genes loaded." % len(gene_names))

for l in drdcommon.xopen("-"):
  s = l.split("\t")
  if s[2] == "CDS":
    chrm, start, end, _list = s[0], s[3], s[4], s[8]
    g_name, e_name, t_name = None, None, None

    for e in _list.split(";"):
Пример #15
#!/usr/bin/env python

import drdcommon
import sys
import re

def help(msg):
    sys.stderr.write("ERROR: " + msg + "\n")
    sys.stderr.write("Usage: cat gtf.txt | tool > exon.coor.bed\n")

# Main
if not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
    help("Need data in stdin")

if len(sys.argv) != 1:
    help("Invalid list of arguments")

for l in drdcommon.xopen("-"):
    s = l.split("\t")
    if s[2] == "CDS":
        chrm, start, end, _list = s[0], s[3], s[4], s[8]
        g_name, e_name, t_name = None, None, None

        for e in _list.split(";"):
            _ = e.split()
            if len(_) == 2 and _[0] == "transcript_name":
                t_name = re.sub('\"', '', _[1])
            if len(_) == 2 and _[0] == "gene_name":
Пример #16
def next_size():
    return random.randint(100, 20000)

def in_n_region(start, end, ref):
    num_ns, s, e = 0, int(start), int(end)
    _max = e - s / 8
    for i in range(s, e + 1):
        if ref.exists(i):
            num_ns += 1
            if num_ns > _max:
                return True
    return False

if len(sys.argv) < 4 or not drdcommon.data_in_stdin():
    sys.stderr.write("cat ref.fa | tool <n_events> <chrm> <chrm_size>" + "\n")

_ = sys.argv
n_events, chrm, chrm_size = int(_[1]), _[2], int(_[3])

# Store N locations
sys.stderr.write("Loading N locations ..." + "\n")
ref = BitMask()
i = 0
for l in drdcommon.xopen("-"):
    if l[0] != '-':
        for c in l.rstrip():
            if c.upper() == 'N':