Пример #1
    def test_receive_valid_json_valid_message_from_old_peer(self):
        A good message is received then the node handles the message as
        expected. The cached protocol object for the peer node is expired since
        a new protocol object is used in this instance.
        nc = NetstringConnector(self.event_loop)
        old_protocol = mock.MagicMock()
        network_id = sha512(PUBLIC_KEY.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
        nc._connections[network_id] = old_protocol

        ok = {
            'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
            'recipient': PUBLIC_KEY,
            'sender': PUBLIC_KEY,
            'reply_port': 1908,
            'version': self.version,
        seal = get_seal(ok, PRIVATE_KEY)
        ok['seal'] = seal
        ok['message'] = 'ok'
        raw = json.dumps(ok)
        sender = ''
        handler = Node(PUBLIC_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY, self.event_loop, nc, 1908)
        handler.message_received = mock.MagicMock()
        protocol = mock.MagicMock()
        nc.receive(raw, sender, handler, protocol)
        self.assertIn(network_id, nc._connections)
        self.assertEqual(nc._connections[network_id], protocol)
        msg = from_dict(ok)
        handler.message_received.assert_called_once_with(msg, 'netstring',
Пример #2
 def test_receive_valid_json_invalid_message(self):
     If a message is received that consists of valid json but a malformed
     message then log the incident for later analysis.
     patcher = mock.patch('drogulus.net.netstring.log.error')
     nc = NetstringConnector(self.event_loop)
     ping = {
         'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
         'recipient': PUBLIC_KEY,
         'sender': BAD_PUBLIC_KEY,
         'reply_port': 1908,
         'version': self.version,
     seal = get_seal(ping, PRIVATE_KEY)
     ping['seal'] = seal
     ping['message'] = 'ping'
     raw = json.dumps(ping)
     sender = ''
     handler = Node(PUBLIC_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY, self.event_loop, nc, 1908)
     protocol = mock.MagicMock()
     mock_log = patcher.start()
     nc.receive(raw, sender, handler, protocol)
     self.assertEqual(3, mock_log.call_count)
Пример #3
 def test_receive(self):
     The good case. Should return whatever handler.message_received
     connector = HttpConnector(self.event_loop)
     ok = {
         'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
         'recipient': PUBLIC_KEY,
         'sender': PUBLIC_KEY,
         'reply_port': 1908,
         'version': self.version,
     seal = get_seal(ok, PRIVATE_KEY)
     ok['seal'] = seal
     ok['message'] = 'ok'
     raw = json.dumps(ok).encode('utf-8')
     sender = ''
     handler = Node(PUBLIC_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY, self.event_loop, connector,
     handler.message_received = mock.MagicMock()
     connector.receive(raw, sender, handler)
     msg = from_dict(ok)
     handler.message_received.assert_called_once_with(msg, 'http',
Пример #4
def seal_message(msg_type, msg_dict, private_key):
    Returns a version of the message containing the cryptographic seal and
    message type.
    seal = get_seal(msg_dict, private_key)
    msg_dict['seal'] = seal
    msg_dict['message'] = msg_type
    return msg_dict
Пример #5
def seal_message(msg_type, msg_dict, private_key):
    Returns a version of the message containing the cryptographic seal and
    message type.
    seal = get_seal(msg_dict, private_key)
    msg_dict['seal'] = seal
    msg_dict['message'] = msg_type
    return msg_dict
Пример #6
 def test_check_seal_invalid_seal(self):
     Ensure a message with an invalid seal fails the check.
     ok_dict = {
         'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
         'recipient': PUBLIC_KEY,
         'sender': BAD_PUBLIC_KEY,
         'reply_port': 1908,
         'version': get_version()
     seal = get_seal(ok_dict, PRIVATE_KEY)
     ok = OK(ok_dict['uuid'], ok_dict['recipient'], ok_dict['sender'],
             ok_dict['reply_port'], ok_dict['version'], seal)
Пример #7
 def test_check_seal_invalid_seal(self):
     Ensure a message with an invalid seal fails the check.
     ok_dict = {
         'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
         'recipient': PUBLIC_KEY,
         'sender': BAD_PUBLIC_KEY,
         'reply_port': 1908,
         'version': get_version()
     seal = get_seal(ok_dict, PRIVATE_KEY)
     ok = OK(ok_dict['uuid'], ok_dict['recipient'], ok_dict['sender'],
             ok_dict['reply_port'], ok_dict['version'], seal)
Пример #8
 def test_check_seal(self):
     Make sure message objects that contain a valid seal are correctly
     ok_dict = {
         'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
         'recipient': PUBLIC_KEY,
         'sender': PUBLIC_KEY,
         'reply_port': 1908,
         'version': get_version()
     seal = get_seal(ok_dict, PRIVATE_KEY)
     ok = OK(ok_dict['uuid'], ok_dict['recipient'], ok_dict['sender'],
             ok_dict['reply_port'], ok_dict['version'], seal)
Пример #9
 def test_check_seal_invalid_seal(self):
     Ensure a message with an invalid seal fails the check.
     ok_dict = {
         "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()),
         "recipient": PUBLIC_KEY,
         "sender": BAD_PUBLIC_KEY,
         "reply_port": 1908,
         "version": get_version(),
     seal = get_seal(ok_dict, PRIVATE_KEY)
     ok = OK(
         ok_dict["uuid"], ok_dict["recipient"], ok_dict["sender"], ok_dict["reply_port"], ok_dict["version"], seal
Пример #10
 def test_get_seal(self):
     Ensure a good "seal" is created for the passed in dict of values
     given the supplied private key and appropriate shared public key to
     be used to validate the seal.
     values = {"foo": "bar", "baz": {"a": 1, "b": True, "c": 3.141, "d": [1, 2, 3]}}
     seal = get_seal(values, PRIVATE_KEY)
     # Check it's a string and valid hexdecimal value
     self.assertIsInstance(seal, str)
     self.assertIsInstance(int(seal, 16), int)
     # Check it's a seal that can be validated with the correct public key.
     sig = binascii.unhexlify(seal.encode("ascii"))
     key = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(PUBLIC_KEY.encode("ascii"))
     root_hash = _get_hash(values).hexdigest()
     self.assertTrue(rsa.verify(root_hash.encode("ascii"), sig, key))
Пример #11
 def test_check_seal(self):
     Make sure message objects that contain a valid seal are correctly
     ok_dict = {
         'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
         'recipient': PUBLIC_KEY,
         'sender': PUBLIC_KEY,
         'reply_port': 1908,
         'version': get_version()
     seal = get_seal(ok_dict, PRIVATE_KEY)
     ok = OK(ok_dict['uuid'], ok_dict['recipient'], ok_dict['sender'],
             ok_dict['reply_port'], ok_dict['version'], seal)
Пример #12
 def test_check_seal(self):
     Make sure message objects that contain a valid seal are correctly
     ok_dict = {
         "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()),
         "recipient": PUBLIC_KEY,
         "sender": PUBLIC_KEY,
         "reply_port": 1908,
         "version": get_version(),
     seal = get_seal(ok_dict, PRIVATE_KEY)
     ok = OK(
         ok_dict["uuid"], ok_dict["recipient"], ok_dict["sender"], ok_dict["reply_port"], ok_dict["version"], seal
Пример #13
 def test_get_seal(self):
     Ensure a good "seal" is created for the passed in dict of values
     given the supplied private key and appropriate shared public key to
     be used to validate the seal.
     values = {
         'foo': 'bar',
         'baz': {
             'a': 1,
             'b': True,
             'c': 3.141,
             'd': [1, 2, 3]
     seal = get_seal(values, PRIVATE_KEY)
     # Check it's a string and valid hexdecimal value
     self.assertIsInstance(seal, str)
     self.assertIsInstance(int(seal, 16), int)
     # Check it's a seal that can be validated with the correct public key.
     sig = binascii.unhexlify(seal.encode('ascii'))
     key = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(PUBLIC_KEY.encode('ascii'))
     root_hash = _get_hash(values).hexdigest()
     self.assertTrue(rsa.verify(root_hash.encode('ascii'), sig, key))