Пример #1
class SupportAgent(Entity):
    ready = True
    sop = None
    currentIssue = None
    issues = property(lambda self: (
        i for i in Issue.objects if not i.resolved and i.assignedTo == self))
    online = property(lambda self: self.conversation.online)
    available = property(
        lambda self: self.online and self.ready and self.currentIssue is None
        and not self.conversation.askingQuestion)
    busy = property(lambda self: not self.available)
    teams = property(lambda self:
                     (team for team in Team.objects if self in team.agents))
    name = property(lambda self: self.conversation.buddyName)
    responsive = property(lambda self: self.conversation.responsive)

    def __init__(self, jid):
        self.jid = jid
        self.conversation = Conversation(jid)

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {'jid': self.jid, 'ready': self.ready}

    def construct(state):
        agent = SupportAgent(state['jid'])
        agent.ready = state['ready']
        return agent

    def tell(self, message, **kwargs):
        self.conversation.say(message, **kwargs)

    def ask(self, question, answers, **kwargs):
        return self.conversation.ask(question, answers, **kwargs)

    def engage(self, issue):
        assert self.available
        self.currentIssue = issue
        issue.assignedTo = self

    def issueResolved(self, issue):
        if issue != self.currentIssue:  #got resolved by someone else

        log("Agent %s resolved issue \"%s\" resolution=%s" %
            (self.name, issue.description, issue.resolution),
        self.currentIssue = None
        self.sop = None

        if self.available and any(self.issues):

        return issue
Пример #2
class SupportAgent(Entity):
  ready = True
  sop = None
  currentIssue = None
  issues = property(lambda self: (i for i in Issue.objects if not i.resolved and i.assignedTo == self))
  online = property(lambda self: self.conversation.online)
  available = property(lambda self: self.online and self.ready and self.currentIssue is None and not self.conversation.askingQuestion)
  busy = property(lambda self: not self.available)
  teams = property(lambda self: (team for team in Team.objects if self in team.agents))
  name = property(lambda self: self.conversation.buddyName)
  responsive = property(lambda self: self.conversation.responsive)

  def __init__(self, jid):
    self.jid = jid
    self.conversation = Conversation(jid)

  def __getstate__(self):
    return {
      'jid' : self.jid,
      'ready' : self.ready

  def construct(state):
    agent = SupportAgent( state['jid'] )
    agent.ready = state['ready']
    return agent

  def tell(self, message, **kwargs):
    self.conversation.say(message, **kwargs)

  def ask(self, question, answers, **kwargs):
    return self.conversation.ask(question, answers, **kwargs)

  def engage(self, issue):
    assert self.available
    self.currentIssue = issue
    issue.assignedTo = self

  def issueResolved(self, issue):
    if issue != self.currentIssue: #got resolved by someone else

    log("Agent %s resolved issue \"%s\" resolution=%s" % (self.name, issue.description, issue.resolution), type='issues')
    self.currentIssue = None
    self.sop = None

    if self.available and any(self.issues):
      self.engage( self.issues.next() )

    return issue
Пример #3
def auth_request(conversation):
    result = None
        if conversation.authorized:
            conversation.say("You are already authorized to use this droned.")
            raise AssertionError('Already authorized to use this droned')

        conversation.say("Ok, I will pass your request along to the environment administrator. I will let you know what they decide.")
        deputy = Conversation(jabber_config.DEPUTY)
            question = "%s has requested authorization, do you wish to <b>grant</b> or <b>deny</b> this request?" % conversation.buddy
            answers = ('grant','deny')
            d = deputy.ask(question, answers)
            wfd = defer.waitForDeferred(d)
            yield wfd
            answer = wfd.getResult()
        except AlreadyAskingQuestion:
            err = "Sorry, the environment administrator is busy dealing with something else right now. "
            err += "You should wait and try again later, or if it is urgent contact them directly. "
            err += "The environment administrator is %s" % jabber_config.DEPUTY
            raise AssertionError('Administrator is busy')

        if answer == 'grant':
            deputy.say("%s has been granted authorization." % conversation.buddy)
            err = "Your request for authorization has been denied. If you wish to discuss this further you "
            err += "should contact the environment administrator directly. "
            err += "The environment administrator is %s" % jabber_config.DEPUTY
            deputy.say("%s has been denied authorization." % conversation.buddy)
    except AssertionError: pass
        result = Failure()
    yield result