def explore_1d_automata(nb_frames): nb_simmetry = 4 angle = 360 / nb_simmetry scale = angle / 90 all_rules_config = list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=8)) configs_idxs = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(all_rules_config)), 20) for idx in configs_idxs: print(scale) print("#####") print(f"Rule {idx}") config = all_rules_config[idx] print(config) rule = dict( zip(['111', '110', '101', '100', '011', '010', '001', '000'], config)) animate_1d_automata(rule, nb_frames=nb_frames, scale=scale, material_index=0) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(nb_frames) #random_camera_pos(np.random.randint(5, 200), np.random.randint(360), np.random.randint(360)) random_gp_material() render_dir = Path.home() / "Downloads/automaton_1d/symm_4_colors" render(str(render_dir / f"rule_{idx}"), animation=False) render(str(render_dir / f"rule_{idx}"), animation=True)
def explore_hexagonal_automata(nb_frames: int, nb_runs: int, nb_rows: int, nb_cols: int): render_dir = Path.home( ) / f"Downloads/automaton_hexagonal/flat_hexa_logo/{nb_frames}" render_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) with open(str(render_dir / "logs.txt"), 'w+') as f: for run in range(nb_runs): p_freeze = np.random.choice([1., 0.], 14) p_melt = np.random.choice([1., 0.], 14) print("#####") print(f"Run {run}") print(f"p_freeze {p_freeze}") print(f"p_melt {p_melt}") animate_hexagonal_automata(p_freeze, p_melt, nb_frames=nb_frames, nb_rows=nb_rows, nb_cols=nb_cols, material_index=0) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(nb_frames) #random_camera_pos(np.random.randint(5, 200), np.random.randint(360), np.random.randint(360)) #andom_gp_material() render(str(render_dir / f"run_{run}"), animation=False) #render(str(render_dir / f"run_{run}"), animation=True) f.write(f"p_freeze:{p_freeze}-") f.write(f"p_melt:{p_melt}\n")
def single_run(automaton, nb_frames: int, render_path=None): nb_rows = automaton.shape[0] nb_cols = automaton.shape[1] cell_size = 0.6 objs_verts = [] for frame in range(0, nb_frames): if frame % 10 == 0: print("Automaton update - frame {}".format(frame)) automaton.update() vertices = [] negatives = [] z = 0 for row in range(nb_rows): for col in range(nb_cols): x, y = calculate_hexagonal_cell_position(row, col, nb_rows, nb_cols, cell_size) if automaton.grid[row, col]: vertices.append((x, y, z)) else: negatives.append((x, y, z)) vertices = np.array(vertices) vertices += [0.0, 0.0, frame] objs_verts.append(vertices) anim_objs(objs_verts) return obj_name = 'snowflake' if obj_name not in bpy.context.scene.objects: create_object(vertices, edges=[], faces=[], obj_name=obj_name) else: obj = bpy.context.scene.objects[obj_name] mesh = bm = # convert the current mesh to a bmesh (must be in edit mode) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bm.from_mesh(mesh) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # return to object mode for v in bm.verts: bm.verts.remove(v) for v in vertices: # make the bmesh the object's mesh bm.to_mesh(mesh) # always do this when finished if render_path: randomize_bsdf() render(render_path, animation=False)
def explore_hexagonal_automata(nb_frames): for run in range(40): p_freeze = np.random.choice([1., 0.], 14) p_melt = np.random.choice([1., 0.], 14) print("#####") print(f"Run {run}") print(f"p_freeze {p_freeze}") print(f"p_melt {p_melt}") animate_hexagonal_automata(p_freeze, p_melt, nb_frames=nb_frames, material_index=0) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(nb_frames) #random_camera_pos(np.random.randint(5, 200), np.random.randint(360), np.random.randint(360)) random_gp_material() render_dir = Path.home() / "Downloads/automaton_hexagonal/flat_hexa" render(str(render_dir / f"run_{run}"), animation=False) render(str(render_dir / f"run_{run}"), animation=True)
def explore_hexagonal_automata(nb_frames: int, nb_runs: int, nb_rows: int, nb_cols: int): render_dir = Path.home( ) / f"Documents/videos/cellular_automata/automaton_hexagonal/flat_hexa_good_extended" render_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) run = 0 for i in range(5, 20): configs = load_good_configs( Path.home() / "Documents/videos/cellular_automata/automaton_hexagonal/flat_hexa_logo/{}" .format(i)) for config in configs: p_freeze, p_melt = config automaton = HexagonalAutomaton(nb_rows=nb_rows, nb_cols=nb_cols, p_melt=p_melt, p_freeze=p_freeze) # Set middle cell as the only active one automaton.grid = np.zeros((nb_rows, nb_cols), dtype=np.uint8) automaton.grid[(nb_rows // 2, nb_cols // 2)] = 1 animate_hexagonal_automata(p_freeze, p_melt, nb_frames=nb_frames, nb_rows=nb_rows, nb_cols=nb_cols, material_index=0) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(nb_frames) #random_camera_pos(np.random.randint(5, 200), np.random.randint(360), np.random.randint(360)) #andom_gp_material() #render(str(render_dir / f"run_{run}"), animation=False) render(str(render_dir / f"run_{run}"), animation=True) run += 1
# run and render for i in range(NUM_FRAMES): try: rf_system.run_simulation(config['steps']) except ReactionDiffusionException as e: print(f'System throw exception at frame {i}') break imgs.append( cv2.normalize(rf_system.B, None, 255, 0, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)) update_img(img_name, rf_system) render(str(render_dir / f'still_f_{i:04}.png')) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(i + 1) # write out config config['nb_frames'] = len(imgs) f.write(str(config) + '\n') # discard if too short if len(imgs) < min_frames: continue # convert stills from imgs via ffmpeg ffmpeg_in = render_dir / f'still_f_%04d.png' ffmpeg_out = render_dir / f'run_{run}.mp4' f'ffmpeg -i "{ffmpeg_in}" -pix_fmt yuv420p -vframes {len(imgs)} "{ffmpeg_out}"',