def test_de_bs_ring_order(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34583, 21151) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('DE', z, x, y), # dsl.way(4329503, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'toll:N3': 'yes', 'maxspeed': '60', 'lanes': '2', 'name': 'Krohnstieg', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'lit': 'yes', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'yes', 'foot': 'no', 'bicycle': 'no', 'ref': 'Ring 3;B 433', 'highway': 'trunk', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'source': '', 'route': 'road', 'type': 'route', 'name': 'Ring 3', }, ways=[4329503]), dsl.relation(3, { 'name': 'B433', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'ref': 'B 433', }, ways=[4329503]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 4329503, 'shield_text': 'B433', 'network': 'DE:BS', 'all_shield_texts': ['B433', 'Ring 3'], 'all_networks': ['DE:BS', 'DE:Hamburg:Ring'], })
def test_de_bs(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34605, 21611) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('DE', z, x, y), # dsl.way(5136775, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'source:maxspeed': 'DE:rural', 'source': '', 'maxspeed': '100', 'ref': 'B 6', 'highway': 'secondary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': 'B 6 Salzgitter - Hildesheim', 'ref': 'B 6', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'operator': 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland', 'type': 'route', }, ways=[5136775]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name': 'B 6 Hildesheim - Salzgitter', 'ref': 'B 6', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'operator': 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland', 'type': 'route', }, ways=[5136775]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 5136775, 'shield_text': 'B6', 'network': 'DE:BS', 'all_shield_texts': ['B6'], 'all_networks': ['DE:BS'], })
def test_c_road(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 59435, 40315) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.way(1, dsl.tile_box(z, x, y), { 'kind': 'admin_area', 'iso_code': 'AU', 'source': '', }), # dsl.way(7787334, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name': 'Churchill - Traralgon Road', 'surface': 'paved', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': 'C475;C476', 'highway': 'secondary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': 'Mattingley Hill Road', 'ref': 'C475', 'route': 'road', 'addr:state': 'VIC', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'addr:country': 'AU', }, ways=[7787334]), dsl.relation(2, { 'ref': 'C476', 'route': 'road', 'addr:state': 'VIC', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'addr:country': 'AU', }, ways=[7787334]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 7787334, 'shield_text': 'C475', 'network': 'AU:C-road', 'all_shield_texts': ['C475', 'C476'], 'all_networks': ['AU:C-road', 'AU:C-road'], })
def test_s_road_in_both_relations(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 60644, 38056) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.way(1, dsl.tile_box(z, x, y), { 'kind': 'admin_area', 'iso_code': 'AU', 'source': '' }), # dsl.way(240922938, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'source:name': 'survey', 'maxspeed': '60', 'lanes': '2', 'name': 'Beaudesert Beenleigh Road', 'source:maxspeed': 'sign', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'source': '', 'source:ref': 'survey', 'ref': '92;T8', 'highway': 'primary', 'network': 'S', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': 'S', 'ref': '92', 'route': 'road', 'addr:state': 'QLD', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'addr:country': 'AU', }, ways=[240922938]), dsl.relation(2, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': '8', 'network': 'T', 'source': '' }, ways=[240922938]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 240922938, 'shield_text': '92', 'network': 'AU:S-route', 'all_networks': ['AU:S-route', 'AU:T-drive'], 'all_shield_texts': ['92', '8'], })
def test_cn_x102(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 51492, 28421) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('CN', z, x, y), # dsl.way(50677938, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'source': '', 'ref': 'X102;S214', 'highway': 'primary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': 'S214', 'name': 'S214', 'source': '', }, ways=[50677938]), dsl.relation(2, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': 'X102', 'name': 'X102', 'source': '', }, ways=[50677938]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 50677938, 'shield_text': 'S214', 'network': 'CN:expressway:regional', 'all_shield_texts': ['S214', 'X102'], 'all_networks': [ 'CN:expressway:regional', 'CN:JX', ], })
def test_101_zaregional(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 36189, 39319) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('ZA', z, x, y), # dsl.way(56160610, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'secondary', 'maxspeed': u'80', 'ref': u'R304;R101', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'direction': u'south', 'name': u'R101 (southbound)', 'network': u'za:regional', 'ref': u'R101', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[56160610]), dsl.relation(2, { 'direction': u'north', 'name': u'R101 (northbound)', 'network': u'za:regional', 'ref': u'R101', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[56160610]), dsl.relation(3, { 'direction': u'south', 'name': u'R304 (southbound)', 'network': u'za:regional', 'ref': u'R304', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[56160610]), dsl.relation(4, { 'direction': u'north', 'name': u'R304 (northbound)', 'network': u'za:regional', 'ref': u'R304', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[56160610]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 56160610, 'network': u'ZA:regional', 'shield_text': u'101', 'all_networks': ['ZA:regional', 'ZA:regional'], 'all_shield_texts': ['101', '304'], })
def test_o31_tr(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 37725, 25197) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('TR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 4392510, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'motorway', 'int_ref': u'E 87', 'lanes': u'3', 'maxspeed': u'120', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'O-31', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', 'toll': u'yes', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name:bg': u'Европейски път Е 87, Турция', 'name:de': u'Europastraße 87, Türkei', 'name:en': u'European Route 87, Turkey', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 87', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4392510]), dsl.relation(2, { 'e-road': u'A_link', 'from': u'E 87', 'network': u'e-road', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'to': u'E 96', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4392510]), dsl.relation(3, { 'description': u'İzmir - Aydın otoyolu', 'network': u'TR-roads', 'ref': u'O-31', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4392510]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 4392510, 'network': u'TR:motorway', 'shield_text': u'O31', 'all_networks': ['TR:motorway', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['O31', 'E87'], })
def test_pb(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 25886, 34039) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('BR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(31514019, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'horse': 'yes', 'maxspeed': '80', 'bicycle': 'yes', 'oneway': 'no', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'cycleway': 'no', 'access': 'yes', 'source': '', 'IBGE:CD_ADMINIS': 'estadual', 'foot': 'yes', 'lanes': '2', 'sidewalk': 'none', 'ref': 'PB-366', 'highway': 'secondary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'source': '', 'route': 'road', 'ref': 'PB-366', 'network': 'BR:PB', 'type': 'route', }, ways=[31514019]), dsl.relation(2, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': 'BR-426', 'network': 'BR', 'source': '', }, ways=[31514019]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 31514019, 'shield_text': '426', 'network': 'BR', 'all_networks': ['BR', 'BR:PB'], 'all_shield_texts': ['426', '366'], })
def test_b_road_with_spaces(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 60720, 38212) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.way( 1, dsl.tile_box(z, x, y), { 'kind': 'admin_area', 'iso_code': 'AU', 'source': '', }), # dsl.way( 131293316, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'source:name': 'NSW LPI Base Map', 'name': 'Myocum Road', 'source:name:date': '2016-02', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'source:date': '2016-07', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': 'B62;T 28;T 30', 'highway': 'primary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'ref': 'B62', 'route': 'road', 'addr:state': 'NSW', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'addr:country': 'AU', }, ways=[131293316]), dsl.relation(2, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': '30', 'network': 'T', 'source': '', }, ways=[131293316]), dsl.relation(3, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': '28', 'network': 'T', 'source': '', }, ways=[131293316]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 131293316, 'shield_text': '62', 'network': 'AU:B-road', 'all_networks': ['AU:B-road', 'AU:T-drive', 'AU:T-drive'], 'all_shield_texts': ['62', '28', '30'], })
def test_br_RSC(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 23450, 38314) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('BR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(25979338, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name': 'Rota do Sol', 'surface': 'paved', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'no', 'ref': 'RSC-453', 'highway': 'primary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': 'BR', 'ref': 'BR-453', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'pt:BR-453', 'source': '', 'wikidata': 'Q2877442', 'type': 'route', }, ways=[25979338]), dsl.relation(2, { 'old_ref': 'RST-453', 'name': 'Rota do Sol', 'route': 'road', 'source:official_name': 'LO 11432/2000', 'type': 'route', 'official_name': 'Rota do Sol Euclides Triches', 'source': '', 'ref': 'RSC-453', 'network': 'BR:RS', }, ways=[25979338]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 25979338, 'shield_text': '453', 'network': 'BR', 'all_shield_texts': ['453', '453'], 'all_networks': ['BR', 'BR:RS'] })
def test_de_bab(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34029, 22225) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('DE', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 52480330, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'maxspeed': '130', 'lanes': '2', 'incline': '6%', 'source:maxspeed': 'DE:motorway', 'lit': 'no', 'source': '', 'zone:traffic': 'DE:rural', 'int_ref': 'E 44', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': 'A 1', 'highway': 'motorway', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': 'e-road', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'name:fr': u'Route europ\xe9enne E 44', 'source': '', 'e-road:class': 'A-intermediate', 'wikidata': 'Q705125', 'ref': 'E 44', 'description:fr': 'E 44 Le Havre - Giessen', 'name': 'E 44 Le Havre - Giessen', }, ways=[52480330]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name': 'Bundesautobahn 1', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'de:Bundesautobahn 1', 'source': '', 'short_name:de': 'BAB 1', 'wikidata': 'Q9006', 'operator': 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland', 'ref': 'A 1', 'TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class': 'Road', 'network': 'BAB', }, ways=[52480330]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 52480330, 'shield_text': 'A1', 'network': 'DE:BAB', 'all_shield_texts': ['A1', 'E44'], 'all_networks': ['DE:BAB', 'e-road'], })
def test_de_bab_operator_via(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34234, 22595) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('DE', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 207881430, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'source:lit': '', 'maxspeed': 'none', 'lanes': '3', 'operator:type': 'private', 'source:maxspeed': 'DE:motorway', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'lit': 'no', 'source': '', 'zone:traffic': 'DE:motorway', 'int_ref': 'E 35;E 52', 'oneway': 'yes', 'operator': u'Via Solutions S\xfcdwest', 'shoulder:right': 'yes', 'ref': 'A 5', 'highway': 'motorway', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': 'e-road', 'ref': 'E 52', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'section': 'west-west', }, ways=[207881430]), dsl.relation(2, { 'from': 'Amsterdam', 'network': 'e-road', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'en:European route E35', 'to': 'Roma', 'wikidata': 'Q313416', 'ref': 'E 35', 'section': 'Germany (south-north)', }, ways=[207881430]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 207881430, 'shield_text': 'A5', 'network': 'DE:BAB', 'all_shield_texts': ['A5', 'E35', 'E52'], 'all_networks': ['DE:BAB', 'e-road', 'e-road'], })
def test_orr_innh_hyderabad(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 47010, 29526) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('IN', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 520309418, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'bicycle': u'no', 'foot': u'no', 'highway': u'motorway', 'horse': u'no', 'lanes': u'4', 'maxspeed': u'120', 'motor_vehicle': u'designated', 'motorcycle': u'no', 'name': u'Outer Ring Road', 'official_name': u'Nehru Outer Ring Road', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'ORR', 'smoothness': u'excellent', 'source': u'', 'start_date': u'2011-08-14', 'surface': u'asphalt', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': u'Nehru Outer Ring Road', 'note': u'see other relation', 'operator': u'HMDA', 'ref': u'ORR', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q7112004', }, ways=[520309418]), dsl.relation(2, { 'highway': u'motorway', 'name': u'Outer Ring Road', 'official_name': u'Nehru Outer Ring Road', 'operator': u'HMDA', 'ref': u'ORR', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q7112004', 'wikipedia': u'en:Outer Ring Road, Hyderabad', }, ways=[520309418]), ) self.assert_has_feature(z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 520309418, 'network': u'IN:NH', 'shield_text': u'ORR', })
def test_d550_tr(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 37647, 24651) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('TR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 4354149, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'trunk', 'int_ref': u'E 87;E 90', 'name': u'E-87', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'D550', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name:bg': u'Европейски път Е 87, Турция', 'name:de': u'Europastraße 87, Türkei', 'name:en': u'European Route 87, Turkey', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 87', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4354149]), dsl.relation(2, { 'network': u'TR-roads', 'ref': u'D 550', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4354149]), dsl.relation(3, { 'name': u'European Road 90', 'name:de': u'Europastraße 90', 'name:en': u'European Road 90', 'network': u'e-road', 'note': u'Turkey', 'ref': u'E 90', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4354149]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 4354149, 'network': 'TR:highway', 'shield_text': 'D550', 'all_networks': ['TR:highway', 'e-road', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['D550', 'E87', 'E90'], })
def test_cn_expressway(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 54413, 26599) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('CN', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 127553001, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name:en': 'Huning Expressway', 'lanes': '4', 'name': u'\u6caa\u5b81\u9ad8\u901f', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'source': '', 'maxspeed': '120', 'int_ref': 'AH5', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': 'G42', 'highway': 'motorway', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name:en': 'G42 Hurong Expressway', 'network': 'CN-expressways', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'ref': 'G42', 'name': u'\u6caa\u84c9\u9ad8\u901f', }, ways=[127553001]), dsl.relation(2, { 'from': 'Shanghai', 'int_name': 'Asian Highway AH5', 'name:id': 'AH5', 'int_ref': 'AH5', 'name': 'Asian Highway AH5', 'network': 'AsianHighway', 'ref': 'AH5', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'to': 'Istanbul', 'type': 'route', 'wikidata': 'Q4651742', 'wikipedia': 'en:AH5', }, ways=[127553001]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 127553001, 'shield_text': 'G42', 'network': 'CN:expressway', 'all_shield_texts': ['G42', 'AH5'], 'all_networks': ['CN:expressway', 'AsianHighway'], })
def test_a2_ro(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 37541, 23726) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('RO', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 15241569, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'access': u'yes', 'highway': u'motorway', 'int_ref': u'E 81', 'lanes': u'2', 'maxspeed': u'100', 'name': u'Autostrada Soarelui', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'A2', 'smoothness': u'good', 'source': u'', 'start_date': u'2004', 'surface': u'asphalt', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'description:fr': u'E 81 Moukatchevo - Constanţa', 'e-road:class': u'A-intermediate', 'name:fr': u'Route européenne E 81', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 81', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q987350', }, ways=[15241569]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name': u'Autostrada A2', 'network': u'A', 'ref': u'A2', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q429447', 'wikipedia': u'en:A2 motorway (Romania)', }, ways=[15241569]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 15241569, 'network': u'RO:motorway', 'shield_text': u'A2', 'all_networks': ['RO:motorway', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['A2', 'E81'], })
def test_no_oslo_ring(self): # there's a different sign for the Store Ringvei (Oslo Ring-road). also # looks like in Norway they actually sign the E-roads. # # # import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34736, 19062) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('NO', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 71218142, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'trunk', 'int_ref': u'E 06', 'lanes': u'2', 'maxspeed': u'70', 'maxspeed:conditional': u'60 @ (Nov 01 - Apr 8)', 'name': u'Adolf Hedins vei', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'E 6;Ring 3', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'nat_ref': u'E 6', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 06', 'route': u'road', 'section': u'Norway (south-south)', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q921422', 'wikipedia': u'de:Europastraße 6', }, ways=[71218142]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name': u'Store ringvei', 'ref': u'Ring 3', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[71218142]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 71218142, 'network': u'NO:oslo:ring', 'shield_text': 'Ring 3', 'all_networks': ['NO:oslo:ring', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['Ring 3', 'E 6'], })
def test_o31_tr(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 37725, 25197) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('TR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(4392510, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'motorway', 'int_ref': u'E 87', 'lanes': u'3', 'maxspeed': u'120', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'O-31', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', 'toll': u'yes', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name:bg': u'Европейски път Е 87, Турция', 'name:de': u'Europastraße 87, Türkei', 'name:en': u'European Route 87, Turkey', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 87', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4392510]), dsl.relation(2, { 'e-road': u'A_link', 'from': u'E 87', 'network': u'e-road', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'to': u'E 96', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4392510]), dsl.relation(3, { 'description': u'İzmir - Aydın otoyolu', 'network': u'TR-roads', 'ref': u'O-31', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4392510]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 4392510, 'network': u'TR:motorway', 'shield_text': u'O31', 'all_networks': ['TR:motorway', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['O31', 'E87'], })
def test_eo7_eo82(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 36785, 25495) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('GR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 25114417, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'date': u'20110715', 'highway': u'primary', 'int_name': u'Megalopoli - Kalamata', 'lanes': u'2', 'maxspeed': u'70', 'name': u'Μεγαλόπολη - Καλαμάτα', 'name:fr': u'Mégalopolis - Kalamata', 'ref': u'ΕΟ7;ΕΟ82', 'source': u'', 'source:ref': u'ΦΕΚ B 1932/26.9.2007', 'surface': u'asphalt', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': u'Εθνική Οδός 7 (Κόρινθος - Καλαμάτα)', 'name:en': u'National Highway 7 (Corinth - Kalamata)', 'name:fr': u'Route Nationale 7 (Corinthe - Kalamata)', 'network': u'GR:national', 'ref': u'ΕΟ7', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q487890', }, ways=[25114417]), dsl.relation(2, { 'int_name': u'Ethniki Odos 82 (Sparti - Kalamata - Pylos)', 'name': u'Εθνική Οδός 82 (Σπάρτη - Καλαμάτα - Πύλος)', 'name:en': u'National Highway 82 (Sparta - Kalamata - Pylos)', 'name:fr': u'Route Nationale 82 (Sparte - Kalamata - Pylos)', 'network': u'GR:national', 'ref': u'ΕΟ82', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[25114417]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 25114417, 'network': u'GR:national', 'shield_text': u'7', 'all_networks': ['GR:national', 'GR:national'], 'all_shield_texts': ['7', '82'], })
def test_orr_innh_hyderabad(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 47010, 29526) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('IN', z, x, y), # dsl.way(520309418, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'bicycle': u'no', 'foot': u'no', 'highway': u'motorway', 'horse': u'no', 'lanes': u'4', 'maxspeed': u'120', 'motor_vehicle': u'designated', 'motorcycle': u'no', 'name': u'Outer Ring Road', 'official_name': u'Nehru Outer Ring Road', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'ORR', 'smoothness': u'excellent', 'source': u'', 'start_date': u'2011-08-14', 'surface': u'asphalt', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': u'Nehru Outer Ring Road', 'note': u'see other relation', 'operator': u'HMDA', 'ref': u'ORR', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q7112004', }, ways=[520309418]), dsl.relation(2, { 'highway': u'motorway', 'name': u'Outer Ring Road', 'official_name': u'Nehru Outer Ring Road', 'operator': u'HMDA', 'ref': u'ORR', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q7112004', 'wikipedia': u'en:Outer Ring Road, Hyderabad', }, ways=[520309418]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 520309418, 'network': u'IN:NH', 'shield_text': u'ORR', })
def test_yellowhead(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 11190, 21389) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('CA', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 51442002, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name': 'Yellowhead Highway', 'nat_name': 'Trans-Canada Highway', 'source': '', 'attribution': u'GeoBase\xae', 'ref': '16', 'highway': 'trunk', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': 'Yellowhead Highway (BC)', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'en:British Columbia Highway 16', 'source': '', 'wikidata': 'Q129818', 'ref': '16', 'network': 'CA:yellowhead' }, ways=[51442002]), # NOTE: this relation doesn't really exist. i only added it to test # the sorting! dsl.relation(2, { 'name': 'Fake highway', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'ref': '0', 'network': 'CA:BC:something', }, ways=[51442002]), ) # transcanada should sort before yellowhead, and yellowhead before # state networks. self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 51442002, 'shield_text': '16', 'network': 'CA:transcanada', 'all_networks': ['CA:transcanada', 'CA:yellowhead', 'CA:BC:something'], 'all_shield_texts': ['16', '16', '0'], })
def test_s_road_in_both_relations(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 60644, 38056) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.way( 1, dsl.tile_box(z, x, y), { 'kind': 'admin_area', 'iso_code': 'AU', 'source': '' }), # dsl.way( 240922938, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'source:name': 'survey', 'maxspeed': '60', 'lanes': '2', 'name': 'Beaudesert Beenleigh Road', 'source:maxspeed': 'sign', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'source': '', 'source:ref': 'survey', 'ref': '92;T8', 'highway': 'primary', 'network': 'S', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': 'S', 'ref': '92', 'route': 'road', 'addr:state': 'QLD', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'addr:country': 'AU', }, ways=[240922938]), dsl.relation(2, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': '8', 'network': 'T', 'source': '' }, ways=[240922938]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 240922938, 'shield_text': '92', 'network': 'AU:S-route', 'all_networks': ['AU:S-route', 'AU:T-drive'], 'all_shield_texts': ['92', '8'], })
def test_d550_tr(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 37647, 24651) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('TR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(4354149, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'trunk', 'int_ref': u'E 87;E 90', 'name': u'E-87', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'D550', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name:bg': u'Европейски път Е 87, Турция', 'name:de': u'Europastraße 87, Türkei', 'name:en': u'European Route 87, Turkey', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 87', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4354149]), dsl.relation(2, { 'network': u'TR-roads', 'ref': u'D 550', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4354149]), dsl.relation(3, { 'name': u'European Road 90', 'name:de': u'Europastraße 90', 'name:en': u'European Road 90', 'network': u'e-road', 'note': u'Turkey', 'ref': u'E 90', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4354149]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 4354149, 'network': 'TR:highway', 'shield_text': 'D550', 'all_networks': ['TR:highway', 'e-road', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['D550', 'E87', 'E90'], })
def test_cn_g4w2(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 53263, 28168) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('CN', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 49242320, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'lanes': '2', 'name': 'Qinglian Expressway', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': 'G4W2;G107', 'highway': 'motorway', }), dsl.relation( 1, { 'name:en': 'China National Highway 107', 'network': 'CN-roads', 'ref': 'G107', 'route': 'road', 'name': u'107\u56fd\u9053', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'name:zh': u'107\u56fd\u9053', 'highway': 'trunk', 'description': 'G107 runs from Beijing to Shenzhen via Wuhan', }, ways=[49242320]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name:en': 'Xuchang-Guangzhou Expressway', 'name': u'\u8bb8\u5e7f\u9ad8\u901f', 'name:zh': u'\u8bb8\u5e7f\u9ad8\u901f', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': u'zh:\u8bb8\u5e7f\u9ad8\u901f\u516c\u8def', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'ref': 'G4W2', 'network': 'CN-expressways', }, ways=[49242320]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 49242320, 'shield_text': 'G4W2', 'network': 'CN:expressway', 'all_shield_texts': ['G4W2', 'G107'], 'all_networks': ['CN:expressway', 'CN:expressway'], })
def test_a2_ro(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 37541, 23726) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('RO', z, x, y), # dsl.way(15241569, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'access': u'yes', 'highway': u'motorway', 'int_ref': u'E 81', 'lanes': u'2', 'maxspeed': u'100', 'name': u'Autostrada Soarelui', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'A2', 'smoothness': u'good', 'source': u'', 'start_date': u'2004', 'surface': u'asphalt', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'description:fr': u'E 81 Moukatchevo - Constanţa', 'e-road:class': u'A-intermediate', 'name:fr': u'Route européenne E 81', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 81', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q987350', }, ways=[15241569]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name': u'Autostrada A2', 'network': u'A', 'ref': u'A2', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q429447', 'wikipedia': u'en:A2 motorway (Romania)', }, ways=[15241569]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 15241569, 'network': u'RO:motorway', 'shield_text': u'A2', 'all_networks': ['RO:motorway', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['A2', 'E81'], })
def test_trans_amazonian(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 26409, 34070) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('BR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 258644490, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'maxspeed': '110', 'lanes': '2', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': 'BR-101;BR-230', 'highway': 'motorway', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'source:name': 'Lei 10.292/01', 'name': u'Rodovia Governador M\xe1rio Covas', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'pt:BR-101', 'note': u'BR-101 Regi\xe3o Nordeste', 'source': '', 'wikidata': 'Q2877408', 'ref': 'BR-101', 'network': 'BR', }, ways=[258644490]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name:en': 'Trans-Amazonian highway', 'name': u'Rodovia Transamaz\xf4nica', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'pt:BR-230', 'source': '', 'name:fr': 'Transamazonienne', 'wikidata': 'Q1569903', 'ref': 'BR-230', 'network': 'BR', }, ways=[258644490]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 258644490, 'shield_text': '230', 'network': 'BR:Trans-Amazonian', 'all_networks': ['BR:Trans-Amazonian', 'BR'], 'all_shield_texts': ['230', '101'], })
def test_no_oslo_ring(self): # there's a different sign for the Store Ringvei (Oslo Ring-road). also # looks like in Norway they actually sign the E-roads. # # # import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34736, 19062) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('NO', z, x, y), # dsl.way(71218142, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'trunk', 'int_ref': u'E 06', 'lanes': u'2', 'maxspeed': u'70', 'maxspeed:conditional': u'60 @ (Nov 01 - Apr 8)', 'name': u'Adolf Hedins vei', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'E 6;Ring 3', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'nat_ref': u'E 6', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 06', 'route': u'road', 'section': u'Norway (south-south)', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q921422', 'wikipedia': u'de:Europastraße 6', }, ways=[71218142]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name': u'Store ringvei', 'ref': u'Ring 3', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[71218142]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 71218142, 'network': u'NO:oslo:ring', 'shield_text': 'Ring 3', 'all_networks': ['NO:oslo:ring', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['Ring 3', 'E 6'], })
def test_de_bs_double(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 35115, 21991) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('DE', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 3237220, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'maxspeed': '50', 'lanes': '2', 'name': u'Neefestra\xdfe', 'turn:lanes': 'through|through;right', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'source': '', 'hazmat': 'designated', 'oneway': 'yes', 'bicycle': 'no', 'ref': 'B 173;B 169', 'highway': 'primary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'checked': '2014/01/06 Streckenkundler', 'name': 'B 169 (Sachsen)', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'operator': 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland', 'ref': 'B 169', }, ways=[3237220]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name': 'B 173', 'ref': 'B 173', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': u'de:Bundesstra\xdfe 173', 'source': '', 'wikidata': 'Q52784', 'operator': 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland', 'type': 'route', }, ways=[3237220]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 3237220, 'shield_text': 'B169', 'network': 'DE:BS', 'all_networks': ['DE:BS', 'DE:BS'], 'all_shield_texts': ['B169', 'B173'], })
def test_m5_rumroad(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 41943, 21204) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('RU', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 14395684, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'trunk', 'int_ref': u'E 30;AH6', 'lit': u'no', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'М-5', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': u'E 30 Russia middle (east)', 'name:ru': u'Европейский маршрут E 30', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 30', 'route': u'road', 'section': u'Russia middle (east)', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q160249', 'wikipedia': u'en:European route E30', }, ways=[14395684]), dsl.relation(2, { 'distance': u'1879 km', 'name': u'«Урал»', 'network': u'ru:national', 'ref': u'М-5', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q1848985', 'wikipedia': u'ru:Урал (автодорога)', }, ways=[14395684]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 14395684, 'network': u'RU:national', 'shield_text': u'М5', 'all_networks': ['RU:national', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': [u'М5', 'E30'], })
def test_e_road(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 33186, 22554) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('FR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 16108247, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'horse': 'no', 'hazmat': 'no', 'bicycle': 'no', 'name': u'Boulevard Périphérique Intérieur', 'toll': 'no', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'lit': 'yes', 'source': '', 'maxspeed': '70', 'int_ref': 'E 05', 'oneway': 'yes', 'foot': 'no', 'lanes': '3', 'sidewalk': 'no', 'smoothness': 'excellent', 'highway': 'trunk', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'bicycle': 'no', 'name': u'Boulevard Périphérique de Paris', 'source': '', }, ways=[16108247]), dsl.relation(2, { 'network': 'e-road', 'ref': 'E 05', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': u'fr:Route européenne 5', 'source': '', 'wikidata': 'Q693493', 'type': 'route', 'section': 'France (north-south)', }, ways=[16108247]), ) self.assert_has_feature(z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 16108247, 'shield_text': 'E5', 'network': 'e-road', })
def test_ve5_ptexpress(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 29700, 26472) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('PT', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 24992736, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'alt_name': u'ER 102', 'highway': u'primary', 'lanes': u'3', 'lanes:backward': u'1', 'lanes:forward': u'2', 'layer': u'-1', 'name': u'Túnel das Eiras', 'ref': u'VE 5', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', 'tunnel': u'yes', 'turn:lanes:backward': u'through', 'turn:lanes:forward': u'through|through', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'description': u'Caniço – Camacha', 'name': u'Estrada Regional 102', 'ref': u'ER 102', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[24992736]), dsl.relation(2, { 'alt_name': u'ER 102', 'name': u'Via Expresso 5', 'ref': u'VE 5', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[24992736]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 24992736, 'network': u'PT:express', 'shield_text': u'VE5', 'all_networks': ['PT:express', 'PT:regional'], 'all_shield_texts': ['VE5', 'R102'], })
def test_c_road(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 59435, 40315) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.way( 1, dsl.tile_box(z, x, y), { 'kind': 'admin_area', 'iso_code': 'AU', 'source': '', }), # dsl.way( 7787334, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name': 'Churchill - Traralgon Road', 'surface': 'paved', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': 'C475;C476', 'highway': 'secondary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': 'Mattingley Hill Road', 'ref': 'C475', 'route': 'road', 'addr:state': 'VIC', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'addr:country': 'AU', }, ways=[7787334]), dsl.relation(2, { 'ref': 'C476', 'route': 'road', 'addr:state': 'VIC', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'addr:country': 'AU', }, ways=[7787334]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 7787334, 'shield_text': '475', 'network': 'AU:C-road', 'all_shield_texts': ['475', '476'], 'all_networks': ['AU:C-road', 'AU:C-road'], })
def test_pb(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 25886, 34039) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('BR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 31514019, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'horse': 'yes', 'maxspeed': '80', 'bicycle': 'yes', 'oneway': 'no', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'cycleway': 'no', 'access': 'yes', 'source': '', 'IBGE:CD_ADMINIS': 'estadual', 'foot': 'yes', 'lanes': '2', 'sidewalk': 'none', 'ref': 'PB-366', 'highway': 'secondary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'source': '', 'route': 'road', 'ref': 'PB-366', 'network': 'BR:PB', 'type': 'route', }, ways=[31514019]), dsl.relation(2, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': 'BR-426', 'network': 'BR', 'source': '', }, ways=[31514019]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 31514019, 'shield_text': '426', 'network': 'BR', 'all_networks': ['BR', 'BR:PB'], 'all_shield_texts': ['426', '366'], })
def test_multiple_shields(self): import dsl z, x, y = 16, 18022, 25522 # I-77, I-81, US-11 & US-52 all in one road West Virginia. self.generate_fixtures( dsl.way(1, dsl.tile_box(z, x, y), { 'kind': 'admin_area', 'iso_code': 'US', 'source': '' }), # dsl.way(51388984, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'horse': 'no', 'maxspeed': '70 mph', 'bicycle': 'no', 'source': '', 'hgv': 'designated', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'oneway': 'yes', 'foot': 'no', 'lanes': '3', 'sidewalk': 'none', 'ref': 'I 77;I 81;US 11;US 52', 'highway': 'motorway' }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': 'US 11 (VA)', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'en:U.S. Route 11', 'is_in:state': 'VA', 'source': '', 'wikidata': 'Q407534', 'ref': '11', 'network': 'US:US' }, ways=[51388984]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name': 'I 77 (VA) (North)', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'en:Interstate 77 in Virginia', 'is_in:state': 'VA', 'source': '', 'wikidata': 'Q2447354', 'ref': '77', 'network': 'US:I' }, ways=[51388984]), dsl.relation(3, { 'direction': 'south', 'name': 'I 81 (VA southbound)', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'en:Interstate 81 in Virginia', 'is_in:state': 'VA', 'source': '', 'wikidata': 'Q2447647', 'ref': '81', 'network': 'US:I' }, ways=[51388984]), dsl.relation(4, { 'name': 'US 52 (VA)', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'en:U.S. Route 52', 'is_in:state': 'VA', 'source': '', 'ref': '52', 'network': 'US:US' }, ways=[51388984]), ) self.assert_has_feature( 16, 18022, 25522, 'roads', {'kind': 'highway', 'network': 'US:I', 'id': 51388984, 'shield_text': '77', 'all_networks': ['US:I', 'US:I', 'US:US', 'US:US'], 'all_shield_texts': ['77', '81', '11', '52']})
def test_161_innh(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 46811, 29105) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('IN', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 22865906, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'trunk', 'ref': u'NH161;SH204', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': u'IN:NH:MH', 'note': u'NH161 in MH', 'ref': u'NH161', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[22865906]), dsl.relation(2, { 'name': u'National Highway 161', 'network': u'IN:NH', 'ref': u'NH161', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[22865906]), dsl.relation(3, { 'name': u'SH204', 'ref': u'SH204', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[22865906]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 22865906, 'network': 'IN:NH', 'shield_text': '161', 'all_networks': ['IN:NH', 'IN:SH'], 'all_shield_texts': ['161', '204'], })
def test_m5_rumroad(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 41943, 21204) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('RU', z, x, y), # dsl.way(14395684, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'trunk', 'int_ref': u'E 30;AH6', 'lit': u'no', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'М-5', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': u'E 30 Russia middle (east)', 'name:ru': u'Европейский маршрут E 30', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 30', 'route': u'road', 'section': u'Russia middle (east)', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q160249', 'wikipedia': u'en:European route E30', }, ways=[14395684]), dsl.relation(2, { 'distance': u'1879 km', 'name': u'«Урал»', 'network': u'ru:national', 'ref': u'М-5', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q1848985', 'wikipedia': u'ru:Урал (автодорога)', }, ways=[14395684]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 14395684, 'network': u'RU:national', 'shield_text': u'М5', 'all_networks': ['RU:national', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': [u'М5', 'E30'], })
def test_1_chmotorway(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34086, 23060) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('CH', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 40653024, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'motorway', 'int_ref': u'E 25', 'lanes': u'2', 'lit': u'no', 'maxspeed': u'120', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'A1', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', 'toll': u'yes', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': u'A1', 'network': u'motorway', 'ref': u'A1', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'toll': u'yes', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q675903', 'wikipedia': u'de:Autobahn 1 (Schweiz)', }, ways=[40653024]), dsl.relation(2, { 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 25', 'route': u'road', 'section': u'Switzerland middle', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikipedia': u'en:European route E25', }, ways=[40653024]), ) self.assert_has_feature(z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 40653024, 'network': u'CH:motorway', 'shield_text': u'1', })
def test_547e_innh(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 47127, 28829) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('IN', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 28465477, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'trunk', 'ref': u'NH547E', 'ref:old': u'SH265', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': u'IN:NH:MH', 'note': u'NH547E in MH', 'ref': u'NH547E', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[28465477]), dsl.relation(2, { 'network': u'IN:NH', 'ref': u'NH547E', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[28465477]), dsl.relation(3, { 'name': u'SH265', 'ref': u'SH265', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[28465477]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 28465477, 'network': 'IN:NH', 'shield_text': '547E', 'all_networks': ['IN:NH', 'IN:SH'], 'all_shield_texts': ['547E', '265'], })
def test_vr1_ptrapid(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 29710, 26466) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('PT', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 19854039, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'alt_name': u'Via Rápida 1', 'bicycle': u'no', 'foot': u'no', 'highway': u'trunk', 'maxspeed': u'80', 'motor_vehicle': u'designated', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'VR 1', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'paved', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'description': u'Litoral da ilha da Madeira', 'name': u'Estrada Regional 101', 'ref': u'ER 101', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[19854039]), dsl.relation(2, { 'alt_name': u'Via Rápida', 'name': u'Via Rápida 1', 'operator': u'Via Litoral', 'ref': u'VR 1', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[19854039]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 19854039, 'network': u'PT:rapid', 'shield_text': u'VR1', 'all_networks': ['PT:rapid', 'PT:regional'], 'all_shield_texts': ['VR1', 'R101'], })
def test_d550_07_tr(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 37691, 24911) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('TR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 4391958, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'trunk', 'int_ref': u'E 87', 'lanes': u'2', 'name': u'İzmir Çanakkale Yolu', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'D550-07', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name:bg': u'Европейски път Е 87, Турция', 'name:de': u'Europastraße 87, Türkei', 'name:en': u'European Route 87, Turkey', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 87', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4391958]), dsl.relation(2, { 'network': u'TR-roads', 'ref': u'D 550', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4391958]), ) # we drop the "-07" suffix. it seems to be some kind of section number. self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 4391958, 'network': u'TR:highway', 'shield_text': u'D550', 'all_networks': ['TR:highway', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['D550', 'E87'], })
def test_o4_tr(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 38700, 24768) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('TR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 4316183, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'motorway', 'int_ref': u'E 89', 'lanes': u'3', 'name': u'Anadolu Otoyolu', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'O-4', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'description:fr': u'E 89 Gerede - Ankara', 'e-road:class': u'A-intermediate', 'name:fr': u'Route européenne E 89', 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 89', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q2419632', }, ways=[4316183]), dsl.relation(2, { 'description': u'İstanbul - Ankara Otoyolu', 'network': u'TR-road', 'ref': u'O-4', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[4316183]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 4316183, 'network': u'TR:motorway', 'shield_text': u'O4', 'all_networks': ['TR:motorway', 'e-road'], 'all_shield_texts': ['O4', 'E89'], })
def test_br_RSC(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 23450, 38314) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('BR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 25979338, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name': 'Rota do Sol', 'surface': 'paved', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'no', 'ref': 'RSC-453', 'highway': 'primary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': 'BR', 'ref': 'BR-453', 'route': 'road', 'wikipedia': 'pt:BR-453', 'source': '', 'wikidata': 'Q2877442', 'type': 'route', }, ways=[25979338]), dsl.relation(2, { 'old_ref': 'RST-453', 'name': 'Rota do Sol', 'route': 'road', 'source:official_name': 'LO 11432/2000', 'type': 'route', 'official_name': 'Rota do Sol Euclides Triches', 'source': '', 'ref': 'RSC-453', 'network': 'BR:RS', }, ways=[25979338]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 25979338, 'shield_text': '453', 'network': 'BR', 'all_shield_texts': ['453', '453'], 'all_networks': ['BR', 'BR:RS'] })
def test_ve5_ptexpress(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 29700, 26472) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('PT', z, x, y), # dsl.way(24992736, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'alt_name': u'ER 102', 'highway': u'primary', 'lanes': u'3', 'lanes:backward': u'1', 'lanes:forward': u'2', 'layer': u'-1', 'name': u'Túnel das Eiras', 'ref': u'VE 5', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', 'tunnel': u'yes', 'turn:lanes:backward': u'through', 'turn:lanes:forward': u'through|through', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'description': u'Caniço – Camacha', 'name': u'Estrada Regional 102', 'ref': u'ER 102', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[24992736]), dsl.relation(2, { 'alt_name': u'ER 102', 'name': u'Via Expresso 5', 'ref': u'VE 5', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[24992736]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 24992736, 'network': u'PT:express', 'shield_text': u'VE5', 'all_networks': ['PT:express', 'PT:regional'], 'all_shield_texts': ['VE5', 'R102'], })
def test_1_chmotorway(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34086, 23060) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('CH', z, x, y), # dsl.way(40653024, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'motorway', 'int_ref': u'E 25', 'lanes': u'2', 'lit': u'no', 'maxspeed': u'120', 'oneway': u'yes', 'ref': u'A1', 'source': u'', 'surface': u'asphalt', 'toll': u'yes', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': u'A1', 'network': u'motorway', 'ref': u'A1', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'toll': u'yes', 'type': u'route', 'wikidata': u'Q675903', 'wikipedia': u'de:Autobahn 1 (Schweiz)', }, ways=[40653024]), dsl.relation(2, { 'network': u'e-road', 'ref': u'E 25', 'route': u'road', 'section': u'Switzerland middle', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', 'wikipedia': u'en:European route E25', }, ways=[40653024]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 40653024, 'network': u'CH:motorway', 'shield_text': u'1', })
def test_de_bs_ring_order(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34583, 21151) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('DE', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 4329503, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'toll:N3': 'yes', 'maxspeed': '60', 'lanes': '2', 'name': 'Krohnstieg', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'lit': 'yes', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'yes', 'foot': 'no', 'bicycle': 'no', 'ref': 'Ring 3;B 433', 'highway': 'trunk', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'source': '', 'route': 'road', 'type': 'route', 'name': 'Ring 3', }, ways=[4329503]), dsl.relation(3, { 'name': 'B433', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'ref': 'B 433', }, ways=[4329503]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 4329503, 'shield_text': 'B433', 'network': 'DE:BS', 'all_shield_texts': ['B433', 'Ring 3'], 'all_networks': ['DE:BS', 'DE:Hamburg:Ring'], })
def test_br_PRC(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 23383, 37517) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('BR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(31611447, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'maxspeed': '110', 'surface': 'paved', 'source': '', 'IBGE:CD_ADMINIS': 'federal', 'nat_ref': 'BR-466', 'ref': 'PRC-466', 'highway': 'primary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': 'BR-466', 'network': 'BR', 'source': '', }, ways=[31611447]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 31611447, 'shield_text': '466', 'network': 'BR', 'all_shield_texts': ['466', '466'], 'all_networks': ['BR', 'BR:PR'] })
def test_br_ERS(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 23101, 38967) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('BR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(20906150, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'old_ref': 'RS-602', 'maxspeed': '80', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'source': '', 'ref': 'ERS-602', 'highway': 'secondary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': 'BR:RS', 'ref': 'ERS-602', 'route': 'road', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', }, ways=[20906150]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 20906150, 'shield_text': '602', 'network': 'BR:RS', 'all_networks': ['BR:RS'], 'all_shield_texts': ['602'], })
def test_br_MGC(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 24603, 36244) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('BR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(31574746, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'network': 'BR', 'IBGE:CD_ADMINIS': 'estadual', 'surface': 'paved', 'source': '', 'incorrect:name': 'MGC-259', 'oneway': 'no', 'ref': 'MGC-259;BR-259', 'highway': 'primary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': 'BR-259', 'network': 'BR', 'source': '', }, ways=[31574746]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 31574746, 'all_shield_texts': ['259', '259'], 'all_networks': ['BR', 'BR:MG'], })
def test_se(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 26010, 34601) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('BR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(31529719, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'source': '', 'ref': 'SE-200', 'surface': 'asphalt', 'highway': 'primary', 'IBGE:CD_ADMINIS': 'estadual', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': 'SE-200', 'network': 'SE', 'source': '', }, ways=[31529719]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 31529719, 'shield_text': '200', 'network': 'BR:SE', 'all_shield_texts': ['200'], 'all_networks': ['BR:SE'], })
def test_kr_expressway_no_name_en_no_ncat(self): # same as the test above, but without the "ncat" to test that it # backfills from the name. import dsl z, x, y = (16, 56165, 25760) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('KR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(43543281, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'lanes': '2', 'name': u'중부내륙고속도로지선', 'review': 'no', 'source': '', 'highway': 'motorway', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': '451', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'ref': '451', 'source': '', }, ways=[43543281]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 43543281, 'shield_text': '451', 'network': 'KR:expressway', })
def test_kr_jungbunaeryukgosokdoro(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 56156, 25839) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('KR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(562319872, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name:en': 'Jungbunaeryuk Expressway', 'lanes': '2', 'name': u'중부내륙고속도로', 'name:ko': u'중부내륙고속도로', 'review': 'no', 'name:ko_rm': 'Jungbunaeryukgosokdoro', 'source': '', 'ncat': u'고속도로', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': '45', 'toll': 'yes', 'highway': 'motorway', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name:en': 'Jungbunaeryuk Expressway', 'name': u'중부내륙고속도로', 'name:ko': u'중부내륙고속도로', 'ref': '45', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', }, ways=[562319872]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 562319872, 'shield_text': '45', 'network': 'KR:expressway', })
def test_viroads(self): # despite the network tag, this is actually in Vietnam (ISO code VN, # not VI). import dsl z, x, y = (16, 51909, 28995) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('VN', z, x, y), # dsl.way(48844918, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'secondary', 'ref': u'217', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': u'VI-roads', 'ref': u'217', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[48844918]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 48844918, 'shield_text': '217', 'network': u'VN:road', })
def test_vntl(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 52078, 29058) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('VN', z, x, y), # dsl.way(161484320, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'alt_name': u'Đường Cà Mau', 'highway': u'secondary', 'name': u'Tỉnh lộ 481', 'ref': u'481', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'alt_name': u'Đường Cà Mau', 'highway': u'secondary', 'name': u'Tỉnh lộ 481', 'network': u'VN-TL', 'ref': u'481', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[161484320]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 161484320, 'shield_text': u'TL481', 'network': u'VN:provincial', })
def test_20_chnational(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 34009, 23025) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('CH', z, x, y), # dsl.way(24521024, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'primary', 'lit': u'yes', 'name': u'Boulevard de la Liberté', 'ref': u'20', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': u'Hauptstrasse 20', 'name:fr': u'Route Principale 20', 'network': u'ch:national', 'note': u'(F)–Le Locle–La Chaux-de-Fonds–Neuchâtel', 'ref': u'20', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[24521024]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 24521024, 'network': u'CH:national', 'shield_text': u'20', })
def test_asianhighway(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 55875, 25370) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('KR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(547188348, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name:en': 'Tongil-ro', 'name': u'통일로', 'review': 'no', 'source': '', 'highway': 'primary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'alt_name': u'아주공로 1호선', 'int_ref': 'AH1', 'layer': '1', 'section': 'Korea', 'int_name': 'Asian Highway AH1', 'network': 'AH', 'name': u'아시안 하이웨이 1호선', 'name:en': 'Asian Highway AH1', 'ref': 'AH1', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'state': 'connection', 'type': 'route', 'wikidata': 'Q494205', 'wikipedia': 'en:AH1', }, ways=[547188348]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 547188348, 'shield_text': '1', 'network': 'AsianHighway', })
def test_54_inmdr(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 46579, 26841) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('IN', z, x, y), # dsl.way(11760010, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'highway': u'secondary', 'name': u'Rahon Road', 'ref': u'MDR54', 'source': u'', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'network': u'IN:SH:PB', 'ref': u'MDR54', 'route': u'road', 'source': u'', 'type': u'route', }, ways=[11760010]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 11760010, 'network': u'IN:MDR', 'shield_text': u'54', })
def test_kr_expressway_rel_no_net(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 55975, 25658) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('KR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(90611594, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name:en': u'Tongyeong–Daejeon Expressway', 'lanes': '2', 'name': u'통영대전고속도로', 'name:ko': u'통영대전고속도로', 'name:ko_rm': 'Tongyeong-daejeon-gosokdoro', 'source': '', 'maxspeed': '100', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': '35', 'highway': 'motorway', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'layer': '1', 'name:en': u'Tongyeong–Daejeon Expressway', 'name': u'통영대전고속도로', 'name:ko': u'통영대전고속도로', 'type': 'route', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'ref': '35', }, ways=[90611594]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 90611594, 'shield_text': '35', 'network': 'KR:expressway', })
def test_fr_d_road_relation(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 33716, 23296) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('FR', z, x, y), # dsl.way( 137943124, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'source': '', 'ref': 'D 17', 'highway': 'secondary', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name': 'D17(FR:01)', 'ref': 'D 17', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'type': 'route', 'network': 'FR:01:D-road', }, ways=[137943124]), ) self.assert_has_feature(z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 137943124, 'shield_text': 'D17', 'network': 'FR:D-road', })
def test_kr_expressway(self): import dsl z, x, y = (16, 55904, 25415) self.generate_fixtures( dsl.is_in('KR', z, x, y), # dsl.way(59242897, dsl.tile_diagonal(z, x, y), { 'name:en': 'Seoul Ring Expressway', 'lanes': '4', 'name': u'서울외곽순환고속도로', 'name:ko': u'서울외곽순환고속도로', 'name:ko_rm': 'Seouloegwaksunhwangosokdoro', 'source': '', 'oneway': 'yes', 'ref': '100', 'highway': 'motorway', }), dsl.relation(1, { 'name:en': 'Seoul Ring Expressway(KEC), bound for ' 'Pangyo(Ilsan)', 'name': u'서울외곽순환고속도로(도로공사) 판교(일산)방향', 'name:ko': u'서울외곽순환고속도로(도로공사) 판교(일산)방향', 'route': 'road', 'source': '', 'operator': 'Korea Expressway Corporation', 'type': 'route', 'road': 'kr:expressway', 'network': 'KR:expressway', }, ways=[59242897]), ) self.assert_has_feature( z, x, y, 'roads', { 'id': 59242897, 'shield_text': '100', 'network': 'KR:expressway', })