Пример #1
    def set_up_all(self):
        Run at the start of each test suite.
        Whitelist Prerequistites:
            Two Ports
            testpmd can normally started

        self.frames_to_send = 1

        # Based on h/w type, choose how many ports to use
        self.dutPorts = self.dut.get_ports()

        # Verify that enough ports are available
        self.verify(len(self.dutPorts) >= 1, "Insufficient ports")

        portMask = dts.create_mask(self.dutPorts[:2])

        self.pmdout = PmdOutput(self.dut)
        self.pmdout.start_testpmd("1S/2C/1T", "--portmask=%s" % portMask)
        self.dut.send_expect("set verbose 1", "testpmd> ")

        # get dest address from self.target port
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port info %d" % self.dutPorts[0],
                                   "testpmd> ")

        self.dest = self.dut.get_mac_address(self.dutPorts[0])
        mac_scanner = r"MAC address: (([\dA-F]{2}:){5}[\dA-F]{2})"

        ret = dts.regexp(out, mac_scanner)
        self.verify(ret is not None, "MAC address not found")
        self.verify(cmp(ret.lower(), self.dest) == 0, "MAC address wrong")

        self.max_mac_addr = dts.regexp(
            out, "Maximum number of MAC addresses: ([0-9]+)")
Пример #2
    def test_timer_callbacks_verify(self):
        Timer callbacks running on targeted cores

        # get the mask for the first core
        cores = self.dut.get_core_list('1S/1C/1T')
        coreMask = dts.create_mask(cores)

        # run timer on the background
        cmdline = "./examples/timer/build/app/timer -n 1 -c " + coreMask + " &"

        self.dut.send_expect(cmdline, "# ", 1)
        out = self.dut.send_expect("killall timer", "# ", 5)

        # verify timer0
        dts.regexp(out, r'timer0_cb\(\) on lcore (\d+)')
        pat = re.compile(r'timer0_cb\(\) on lcore (\d+)')
        match = pat.findall(out)
        self.verify(match or match[0] == 0, "timer0 error")

        # verify timer1
        pat = re.compile(r'timer1_cb\(\) on lcore (\d+)')
        matchlist = sorted(pat.findall(out))
        self.verify(cmp(list(set(matchlist)), cores) == 0, "timer1 error")
Пример #3
    def test_timer_callbacks_verify(self):
        Timer callbacks running on targeted cores

        # get the mask for the first core
        cores = self.dut.get_core_list('1S/1C/1T')
        coreMask = dts.create_mask(cores)

        # run timer on the background
        cmdline = "./examples/timer/build/app/timer -n 1 -c " + coreMask + " &"

        self.dut.send_expect(cmdline, "# ", 1)
        out = self.dut.send_expect("killall timer", "# ", 5)

        # verify timer0
        dts.regexp(out, r'timer0_cb\(\) on lcore (\d+)')
        pat = re.compile(r'timer0_cb\(\) on lcore (\d+)')
        match = pat.findall(out)
        self.verify(match or match[0] == 0, "timer0 error")

        # verify timer1
        pat = re.compile(r'timer1_cb\(\) on lcore (\d+)')
        matchlist = sorted(pat.findall(out))
        self.verify(cmp(list(set(matchlist)), cores) == 0, "timer1 error")
    def set_up_all(self):
        Run at the start of each test suite.
        Whitelist Prerequistites:
            Two Ports
            testpmd can normally started

        self.frames_to_send = 1

        # Based on h/w type, choose how many ports to use
        self.dutPorts = self.dut.get_ports()

        # Verify that enough ports are available
        self.verify(len(self.dutPorts) >= 1, "Insufficient ports")

        portMask = dts.create_mask(self.dutPorts[:2])

        self.pmdout = PmdOutput(self.dut)
        self.pmdout.start_testpmd("1S/2C/1T", "--portmask=%s" % portMask)
        self.dut.send_expect("set verbose 1", "testpmd> ")

        # get dest address from self.target port
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port info %d" % self.dutPorts[0], "testpmd> ")

        self.dest = self.dut.get_mac_address(self.dutPorts[0])
        mac_scanner = r"MAC address: (([\dA-F]{2}:){5}[\dA-F]{2})"

        ret = dts.regexp(out, mac_scanner)
        self.verify(ret is not None, "MAC address not found")
        self.verify(cmp(ret.lower(), self.dest) == 0, "MAC address wrong")

        self.max_mac_addr = dts.regexp(out, "Maximum number of MAC addresses: ([0-9]+)")
    def test_whitelist_add_remove_mac_address(self):
        Add mac address and check packet can received
        Remove mac address and check packet can't received
        # initialise first port without promiscuous mode
        fake_mac_addr = "01:01:01:00:00:00"
        portid = self.dutPorts[0]
        self.dut.send_expect("set promisc %d off" % portid, "testpmd> ")

        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        pre_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")

        # send one packet with the portid MAC address
        self.whitelist_send_packet(portid, self.dest)
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        cur_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")
        # check the packet increase
        self.verify(int(cur_rxpkt) == int(pre_rxpkt) + self.frames_to_send,
                    "Packet has not been received on default address")
        # send one packet to a different MAC address
        # new_mac = self.dut.get_mac_address(portid)
        self.whitelist_send_packet(portid, fake_mac_addr)

        pre_rxpkt = cur_rxpkt
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        cur_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")

        # check the packet DO NOT increase
        self.verify(int(cur_rxpkt) == int(pre_rxpkt),
                    "Packet has been received on a new MAC address that has not been added yet")
        # add the different MAC address
        out = self.dut.send_expect("mac_addr add %d" % portid + " %s" % fake_mac_addr, "testpmd>")

        # send again one packet to a different MAC address
        self.whitelist_send_packet(portid, fake_mac_addr)

        pre_rxpkt = cur_rxpkt
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        cur_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")

        # check the packet increase
        self.verify(int(cur_rxpkt) == int(pre_rxpkt) + self.frames_to_send,
                    "Packet has not been received on a new MAC address that has been added to the port")

        # remove the fake MAC address
        out = self.dut.send_expect("mac_addr remove %d" % portid + " %s" % fake_mac_addr, "testpmd>")

        # send again one packet to a different MAC address
        self.whitelist_send_packet(portid, fake_mac_addr)

        pre_rxpkt = cur_rxpkt
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        cur_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")

        # check the packet increase
        self.verify(int(cur_rxpkt) == int(pre_rxpkt),
                    "Packet has been received on a new MAC address that has been removed from the port")
        self.dut.send_expect("stop", "testpmd> ")
Пример #6
    def test_ieee1588_enable(self):
        IEEE1588 Enable test case.

        self.dut.send_expect("set fwd ieee1588", "testpmd> ")
            "start", ">", 5
        )  # Waiting for 'testpmd> ' Fails due to log messages, "Received non PTP packet", in the output
        )  # Allow the output from the "start" command to finish before looking for a regexp in expect

        # use the first port on that self.nic
        dutPorts = self.dut.get_ports()
        port = self.tester.get_local_port(dutPorts[0])
        itf = self.tester.get_interface(port)

        self.tester.scapy_append('p = sniff(iface="%s", count=2)' % itf)
        self.tester.scapy_append('RESULT = p[1].summary()')

        # this is the output of sniff
        # [<Ether  dst=01:1b:19:00:00:00 src=00:00:00:00:00:00 type=0x88f7 |<Raw  load='\x00\x02' |>>]

            'sendp([Ether(dst=nutmac,type=0x88f7)/"\\x00\\x02"], iface="%s")' %

        out = self.tester.scapy_get_result()
        self.verify("0x88f7" in out, "Ether type is not PTP")
        # self.verify("\\x00\\x02" in out, "Payload wrong in PTP")

        out = self.dut.send_expect("stop", "testpmd> ")

        text = dts.regexp(out, "(.*) by hardware")
        self.verify("IEEE1588 PTP V2 SYNC" in text, "Not filtered " + text)

        rx_time = dts.regexp(out, "RX timestamp value (0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)")
        tx_time = dts.regexp(out, "TX timestamp value (0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)")

        self.verify(rx_time is not None, "RX timestamp error ")
        self.verify(tx_time is not None, "TX timestamp error ")
        self.verify(int(tx_time, 16) > int(rx_time, 16), "Timestamp mismatch")
Пример #7
    def check_blacklisted_ports(self, output, ports, blacklisted=False):
        Check if any of the ports in `ports` have been blacklisted, if so, raise
        If `blacklisted` is True, then raise an exception if any of the ports
        in `ports` have not been blacklisted.
        for port in ports:
            # Look for the PCI ID of each card followed by
            # "Device is blacklisted, not initializing" but avoid to consume more
            # than one device.
            if self.env == 'bsdapp':
                pci = self.dut.ports_info[port]['pci']
                regexp_blacklisted_port = self.regexp_blacklisted_port % (int(pci.split(':')[0], 16), pci.split(':')[1])
                regexp_blacklisted_port = self.regexp_blacklisted_port % self.dut.ports_info[port]['pci']

            matching_ports = dts.regexp(output, regexp_blacklisted_port, True)

            if blacklisted:
                self.verify(len(matching_ports) == 1,
                            "Blacklisted port is being initialized")
                self.verify(len(matching_ports) == 0,
                            "Not blacklisted port is being blacklisted")
Пример #8
    def test_bl_noblacklisted(self):
        Run testpmd with no blacklisted device.
        out = self.pmdout.start_testpmd("all")
        rexp = r"Link"
        match_status = dts.regexp(out, rexp, True)

        self.check_blacklisted_ports(out, self.ports)
    def test_bl_noblacklisted(self):
        Run testpmd with no blacklisted device.
        out = self.pmdout.start_testpmd("Default")
        rexp = r"Link"
        match_status = dts.regexp(out, rexp, True)

        self.check_blacklisted_ports(out, self.ports)
    def test_ieee1588_enable(self):
        IEEE1588 Enable test case.

        self.dut.send_expect("set fwd ieee1588", "testpmd> ")
        self.dut.send_expect("start", ">", 5)  # Waiting for 'testpmd> ' Fails due to log messages, "Received non PTP packet", in the output
        time.sleep(1)  # Allow the output from the "start" command to finish before looking for a regexp in expect

        # use the first port on that self.nic
        dutPorts = self.dut.get_ports()
        port = self.tester.get_local_port(dutPorts[0])
        itf = self.tester.get_interface(port)

        self.tester.scapy_append('p = sniff(iface="%s", count=2)' % itf)
        self.tester.scapy_append('RESULT = p[1].summary()')

        # this is the output of sniff
        # [<Ether  dst=01:1b:19:00:00:00 src=00:00:00:00:00:00 type=0x88f7 |<Raw  load='\x00\x02' |>>]

        self.tester.scapy_append('sendp([Ether(dst=nutmac,type=0x88f7)/"\\x00\\x02"], iface="%s")' % itf)

        out = self.tester.scapy_get_result()
        self.verify("0x88f7" in out, "Ether type is not PTP")
        # self.verify("\\x00\\x02" in out, "Payload wrong in PTP")

        out = self.dut.send_expect("stop", "testpmd> ")

        text = dts.regexp(out, "(.*) by hardware")
        self.verify("IEEE1588 PTP V2 SYNC" in text, "Not filtered " + text)

        rx_time = dts.regexp(out, "RX timestamp value (0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)")
        tx_time = dts.regexp(out, "TX timestamp value (0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)")

        self.verify(rx_time is not None, "RX timestamp error ")
        self.verify(tx_time is not None, "TX timestamp error ")
        self.verify(int(tx_time, 16) > int(rx_time, 16), "Timestamp mismatch")
 def check_blacklisted_ports(self, output, ports, blacklisted=False):
     Check if any of the ports in `ports` have been blacklisted, if so, raise
     If `blacklisted` is True, then raise an exception if any of the ports
     in `ports` have not been blacklisted.
     for port in ports:
         # Look for the PCI ID of each card followed by
         # "Device is blacklisted, not initializing" but avoid to consume more
         # than one device.
         if self.env == 'bsdapp':
             pci = self.dut.ports_info[port]['pci']
             regexp_blacklisted_port = self.regexp_blacklisted_port % (int(pci.split(':')[0], 16), pci.split(':')[1])
             regexp_blacklisted_port = self.regexp_blacklisted_port % self.dut.ports_info[port]['pci']
         matching_ports = dts.regexp(output, regexp_blacklisted_port, True)
         if blacklisted:
             self.verify(len(matching_ports) == 1,
                         "Blacklisted port is being initialized")
             self.verify(len(matching_ports) == 0,
                         "Not blacklisted port is being blacklisted")
Пример #12
    def test_whitelist_add_remove_mac_address(self):
        Add mac address and check packet can received
        Remove mac address and check packet can't received
        # initialise first port without promiscuous mode
        fake_mac_addr = "01:01:01:00:00:00"
        portid = self.dutPorts[0]
        self.dut.send_expect("set promisc %d off" % portid, "testpmd> ")

        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        pre_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")

        # send one packet with the portid MAC address
        self.whitelist_send_packet(portid, self.dest)
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        cur_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")
        # check the packet increase
            int(cur_rxpkt) == int(pre_rxpkt) + self.frames_to_send,
            "Packet has not been received on default address")
        # send one packet to a different MAC address
        # new_mac = self.dut.get_mac_address(portid)
        self.whitelist_send_packet(portid, fake_mac_addr)

        pre_rxpkt = cur_rxpkt
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        cur_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")

        # check the packet DO NOT increase
            int(cur_rxpkt) == int(pre_rxpkt),
            "Packet has been received on a new MAC address that has not been added yet"
        # add the different MAC address
        out = self.dut.send_expect(
            "mac_addr add %d" % portid + " %s" % fake_mac_addr, "testpmd>")

        # send again one packet to a different MAC address
        self.whitelist_send_packet(portid, fake_mac_addr)

        pre_rxpkt = cur_rxpkt
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        cur_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")

        # check the packet increase
            int(cur_rxpkt) == int(pre_rxpkt) + self.frames_to_send,
            "Packet has not been received on a new MAC address that has been added to the port"

        # remove the fake MAC address
        out = self.dut.send_expect(
            "mac_addr remove %d" % portid + " %s" % fake_mac_addr, "testpmd>")

        # send again one packet to a different MAC address
        self.whitelist_send_packet(portid, fake_mac_addr)

        pre_rxpkt = cur_rxpkt
        out = self.dut.send_expect("show port stats %d" % portid, "testpmd> ")
        cur_rxpkt = dts.regexp(out, "RX-packets: ([0-9]+)")

        # check the packet increase
            int(cur_rxpkt) == int(pre_rxpkt),
            "Packet has been received on a new MAC address that has been removed from the port"
        self.dut.send_expect("stop", "testpmd> ")