def obstacleCallback(self, obstacle_poses): amount_obstacles = len(obstacle_poses.poses) # rospy.loginfo('Number of obstacles: %d', len(obstacle_poses.poses)) amount_obstacles_on_track = 0 obstacle_poses_on_track = PoseArray() obstacle_poses_on_track.header = obstacle_poses.header avoidance_active = BoolStamped() = False target = LanePose() # target.header.frame_id = self.robot_name target.v_ref = 10 # max speed high, current top 0.38 for x in range(amount_obstacles): # rospy.loginfo(obstacle_poses.poses[x].position.z) if obstacle_poses.poses[x].position.z > 0: # Bounding window # get relative coordinates x_obstacle = obstacle_poses.poses[x].position.x * 1000 # mm y_obstacle = obstacle_poses.poses[x].position.y * 1000 # mm # get global coordinates global_pos_vec = self.avoider.coordinatetransform( x_obstacle, y_obstacle, self.theta_current, self.d_current) # rospy.loginfo('x_obstacle = %f', x_obstacle) # rospy.loginfo('y_obstacle = %f', y_obstacle) # rospy.loginfo('theta_current = %f', self.theta_current) # rospy.loginfo('d_current = %f', self.d_current) x_global = global_pos_vec[0] # mm y_global = global_pos_vec[1] # mm # rospy.loginfo(global_pos_vec) # check if obstacle is within boundaries if x_global < self.x_bounding_width and abs( y_global) < self.y_bounding_width: # rospy.loginfo('Obstacle in range - Beware') obstacle_poses_on_track.poses.append( obstacle_poses.poses[x]) amount_obstacles_on_track += 1 if amount_obstacles_on_track == 0: # rospy.loginfo('0 obstacles on track') v = 0 elif amount_obstacles_on_track == 1: #ToDo: check if self.d_current can be accessed through forwarding of self # targets = self.avoider.avoid(obstacle_poses_on_track, self.d_current, self.theta_current) # target.d_ref = targets[0] target.v_ref = 0 # due to inaccuracies in theta, stop in any case # if targets[1]: # emergency stop # target.v_ref = 0 # self.theta_target_pub.publish(targets[2]) # theta not calculated in current version # rospy.loginfo('1 obstacles on track') # rospy.loginfo('d_target= %f', targets[0]) # rospy.loginfo('emergency_stop = %f', targets[1]) = True else: target.v_ref = 0 # rospy.loginfo('%d obstacles on track', amount_obstacles_on_track) = True target.v_ref = 0 # rospy.loginfo('emergency_stop = 1') self.obstavoidpose_topic.publish(target) self.avoid_pub.publish(avoidance_active) # rospy.loginfo('Avoidance flag set: %s', return
def MainLoop(self): if not return rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # run state machine if self.state == self.state_dict['IDLE']: # waiting for FSMState to tell us that Duckiebot is at an intersection (see FSMCallback) pass elif self.state == self.state_dict['INITIALIZING_LOCALIZATION']: if self.InitializeLocalization(): self.state = self.state_dict['INITIALIZING_PATH'] rospy.loginfo( "[%s] Initialized intersection localization, initializing path." % (self.node_name)) elif self.state == self.state_dict['INITIALIZING_PATH']: if self.InitializePath(): self.state = self.state_dict['TRAVERSING'] self.s = 0.0 self.traversing_start = rospy.loginfo( "[%s] Initialized path, waiting for go signal." % (self.node_name)) else: rospy.loginfo( "[%s] Could not initialize path. Trying again." % (self.node_name)) elif self.state == self.state_dict['TRAVERSING']: '''open-loop''' if self.open_loop: msg_cmds = Twist2DStamped() msg_cmds.header.stamp = if 1.0 < ( - self.traversing_start).to_sec() and self.go: pos, vel = self.pathPlanner.EvaluatePath(self.s) dt = 0.01 _, vel2 = self.pathPlanner.EvaluatePath(self.s + dt) self.alpha = self.v / np.linalg.norm(vel) dir = vel / np.linalg.norm(vel) dir2 = vel2 / np.linalg.norm(vel2) theta = np.arctan2(dir[1], dir[0]) theta2 = np.arctan2(dir2[1], dir2[0]) omega = (theta2 - theta) / dt msg_cmds.v = self.v = self.alpha * omega if (msg_cmds.v - 0.5 * math.fabs( * 0.1) < 0.065: msg_cmds.v = 0.065 + 0.5 * math.fabs( * 0.1 self.alpha = self.alpha * msg_cmds.v / self.v msg_cmds.v = msg_cmds.v * self.v_scale = * self.omega_scale self.s = self.s + self.alpha * ( ) - self.traversing_last_time).to_sec() if (self.s > 0.99): msg_cmds.v = self.v = 0.0 self.state = self.state_dict['DONE'] self.done_time = else: msg_cmds.v = 0.0 = 0.0 self.traversing_last_time = self.pub_cmds.publish(msg_cmds) else: '''closed-loop''' msg_lane_pose = LanePose() msg_lane_pose.header.stamp = if 1.0 < ( - self.traversing_start).to_sec() and self.go: pose, _ = self.poseEstimator.PredictState( msg_lane_pose.header.stamp) dist, theta, curvature, self.s = self.pathPlanner.ComputeLaneError( pose, self.s) #rospy.loginfo("the s is: "+str(self.s)) if (self.s > self.s_max): msg_lane_pose.v_ref = self.v msg_lane_pose.d = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.d_ref = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.phi = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.curvature_ref = 0.0 self.state = self.state_dict['DONE'] self.done_time = else: msg_lane_pose.v_ref = self.v msg_lane_pose.d = dist msg_lane_pose.d_ref = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.phi = theta msg_lane_pose.curvature_ref = curvature else: msg_lane_pose.v_ref = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.d = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.d_ref = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.phi = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.curvature_ref = 0.0 self.pub_lane_pose.publish(msg_lane_pose) elif self.state == self.state_dict['DONE']: # switch back to lane following if in lane if self.in_lane and ( - self.in_lane_time ).to_sec() < self.in_lane_timeout: msg_done = BoolStamped() msg_done.header.stamp = = True self.pub_done.publish(msg_done) self.state = self.state_dict['IDLE'] # go straight for 2.0 secs if not in lane yet. After 2 secs stop. else: '''open-loop''' if self.open_loop: if ( - self.done_time ).to_sec() < self.in_lane_wait_time: msg_cmds = Twist2DStamped() msg_cmds.header.stamp = msg_cmds.v = self.v * self.v_scale = 0.0 * self.omega_scale self.pub_cmds.publish(msg_cmds) else: msg_cmds = Twist2DStamped() msg_cmds.header.stamp = msg_cmds.v = 0.0 * self.v_scale = 0.0 * self.omega_scale self.pub_cmds.publish(msg_cmds) rospy.loginfo( "[%s] Could not find lane. Stopping now." % (self.node_name)) self.state = self.state_dict['ERROR'] else: '''closed-loop''' if ( - self.done_time ).to_sec() < self.in_lane_wait_time: msg_lane_pose = LanePose() msg_lane_pose.header.stamp = msg_lane_pose.v_ref = self.v msg_lane_pose.d = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.d_ref = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.phi = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.curvature_ref = 0.0 self.pub_lane_pose.publish(msg_lane_pose) else: msg_lane_pose = LanePose() msg_lane_pose.header.stamp = msg_lane_pose.v_ref = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.d = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.d_ref = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.phi = 0.0 msg_lane_pose.curvature_ref = 0.0 self.pub_lane_pose.publish(msg_lane_pose) rospy.loginfo( "[%s] Could not find lane. Stopping now." % (self.node_name)) self.state = self.state_dict['ERROR'] else: rospy.loginfo("[%s] Something went wrong." % (self.node_name)) rate.sleep()