Пример #1
class Configurer:

    # Configurer Properties:
    #   filer       The Filer object used to write logs/package output
    #   lights      The LightManager used for toggling LEDs
    #   buttons     The ButtonManager used for user input
    #   dumper      The Dumper object used to dump files to a flash drive

    # Configurer Constants:
    #   TICK_RATE   The time interval (in seconds) at which the configurer
    #               ticks to check for/make updates
    #   WAIT_TIME   The time the Configurer waits before automatically going
    #               into dash-cam mode (this is in seconds)

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # create the filer, light manager, button manager, and dumper
        self.filer = Filer()
        self.lights = LightManager()
        self.buttons = ButtonManager()
        self.dumper = Dumper("dashdrive")

        # create constants
        self.TICK_RATE = 0.125
        self.WAIT_TIME = 5.0

        # try to log a new config session
                "---------- New Config Session: " +
                str(datetime.datetime.now()) + " ----------\n", True)
            # assume the device's storage is full. Wipe it and try again

    # Main function
    def main(self):
        # set up loop variables
        ticks = 0.0
        tickSeconds = 0.0

        # the terminate codes are as follows:
        #   -1      Don't terminate
        #    0      Terminate and launch dash cam
        #    1      Terminate and shut down
        terminateCode = -1

        self.filer.log("Configuration mode...\n")

        # main loop
        while (terminateCode < 0):
            # slowly flash the yellow light (twice every second)
                               or (tickSeconds + 0.5).is_integer())

            tickString = "[Ticks: {t1:9.2f}]  [Running Time: {t2:9.2f}]"
            tickString = tickString.format(t1=ticks, t2=int(tickSeconds))
            tickString = "[config]  " + tickString

            # if the WAIT_TIME has been exceeded, terminate with code 0
            if (tickSeconds == self.WAIT_TIME):
                tickString += "  (Wait time exceeded: terminating configuration and launching dash cam...)"
                terminateCode = 0

            # check for user input (red/yellow hold: shut down)
            if (self.buttons.isPowerPressed()
                    and self.buttons.durations[0] * self.TICK_RATE >= 2.0
                    and self.buttons.isCapturePressed()
                    and self.buttons.durations[1] * self.TICK_RATE >= 2.0):
                self.filer.log("Red/Yellow buttons held. Shutting down...")
                # create a controller and use its shutdown sequence
                shutdown_pi(self.lights, [self.buttons])
            # check for user input (output config)
            elif (self.buttons.isCapturePressed()
                  and self.buttons.durations[1] * self.TICK_RATE < 1.0
                  and self.buttons.durations[1] * self.TICK_RATE >= 0.25
                  and not self.buttons.isPowerPressed()):
                self.filer.log("Entering output config...\n")
                # disable yellow LED
                self.lights.setLED([0], False)

                # reset button durations (so shutdown doesn't trigger)
                self.buttons.durations = [0, 0]
                # reset the ticks/tickSeconds
                ticks = 0.0
                tickSeconds = 0.0
                # flash yellow LED to indicate mode switch
                self.lights.flashLED([0], 2)
            # check for user input (connect config)
            elif (self.buttons.isPowerPressed()
                  and self.buttons.durations[0] * self.TICK_RATE < 1.0
                  and self.buttons.durations[0] * self.TICK_RATE >= 0.25
                  and not self.buttons.isCapturePressed()):
                self.filer.log("Entering connect config...\n")
                # disable yellow LED
                self.lights.setLED([0], False)

                # reset button durations (so shutdown doesn't trigger)
                self.buttons.durations = [0, 0]
                # reset the ticks/tickSeconds
                ticks = 0.0
                tickSeconds = 0.0
                # flash yellow LED to indicate mode switch
                self.lights.flashLED([0], 2)

            # only log the tickString if the ticks are currently on a second
            if (tickSeconds.is_integer()):
                self.filer.log(tickString + "\n")

            # update the ticks
            ticks += 1
            tickSeconds += self.TICK_RATE
            # sleep for one TICK_RATE

        # the loop was terminated: determine why
        if (terminateCode == 0):
            # force GPIO-using classes to clean up

                "--------- Config Session Ended: " +
                str(datetime.datetime.now()) + " ---------\n\n", True)
            # create a controller to launch the dash cam
            cont = Controller()

    # Output Mode main function
    def mainOutput(self):
        # set up loop variables
        ticks = 0.0
        tickSeconds = 0.0
        # terminate codes are as follows:
        #   -1      Don't terminate
        #    0      Terminate and return to config
        terminateCode = -1

        # main loop
        while (terminateCode < 0):
            # slowly flash the red/blue lights (twice every second)
            self.lights.setLED([1, 2],
                               or (tickSeconds + 0.5).is_integer())

            # create a tick string
            tickString = "[Ticks: {t1:9.2f}]  [Running Time: {t2:9.2f}]"
            tickString = tickString.format(t1=ticks, t2=int(tickSeconds))
            tickString = "[config-output]  " + tickString

            # get button durations before updating them
            captureDuration = self.buttons.durations[1]
            powerDuration = self.buttons.durations[0]
            # call the button methods to update the button durations

            # check for red AND yellow button duration
            if (captureDuration > 0.0 and captureDuration < ticks
                    and powerDuration > 0.0 and powerDuration < ticks):
                # if the buttons are released, go back
                if (not self.buttons.isCapturePressed()
                        and not self.buttons.isPowerPressed()):
                    tickString += "  (Capture/Power buttons were held)"
                    terminateCode = 0
            # check for red button duration
            elif (captureDuration > 0.0 and captureDuration < ticks
                  and powerDuration == 0.0):
                # flash at 1.5 seconds (and still being held down) to indicate
                # that files will be sent to the flash drive upon button release
                if (captureDuration * self.TICK_RATE >= 1.5 and
                    (captureDuration * self.TICK_RATE) - 1.5 <= self.TICK_RATE
                        and self.buttons.isCapturePressed()):
                    self.lights.setLED([1, 2], False)
                    self.lights.flashLED([0], 1)

                # if the button is released...
                if (not self.buttons.isCapturePressed()):
                    # if released under 1.5 seconds, package output
                    if (captureDuration * self.TICK_RATE < 1.5):
                        # disable all lights
                        self.lights.setLED([0, 1, 2], False)
                        # package the output
                        self.filer.packageOutput("output.zip", self.lights)
                    # otherwise, dump to flash drive
                    elif (captureDuration * self.TICK_RATE >= 1.5):
                        # disable all lights
                        self.lights.setLED([0, 1, 2], False)
                        # dump output to flash drive, if it's plugged in
                        if (self.dumper.driveExists()):
                            self.filer.log("Drive found. Dumping files...\n")
                            self.lights.setLED([2], True)
                            # dump files
                            # flash the blue/red lights to show success
                            self.lights.flashLED([1, 2], 3)
                        # otherwise, flash red light to show the drive wasn't found
                                "Drive not found. Cannot dump files.\n")
                            self.lights.flashLED([1], 3)
            # check for yellow button (convert videos)
            elif (powerDuration > 0.0 and powerDuration < ticks
                  and captureDuration == 0.0):
                # flash at 1.5 seconds (if the button is still held) to indicate
                # that files will be deleted upon button release
                if (powerDuration * self.TICK_RATE >= 1.5 and
                    (powerDuration * self.TICK_RATE) - 1.5 <= self.TICK_RATE
                        and self.buttons.isPowerPressed()):
                    self.lights.setLED([1, 2], False)
                    self.lights.flashLED([0], 1)

                # if the button is released
                if (not self.buttons.isPowerPressed()):
                    # if released under 1.5 seconds, convert the videos
                    if (powerDuration * self.TICK_RATE < 1.5):
                        self.lights.setLED([0, 1, 2], False)
                        # convert videos to mp4
                    # otherwise, delete the output
                    elif (powerDuration * self.TICK_RATE >= 1.5):

            # log tick string if the tick is on a second
            if (tickSeconds.is_integer()):
                self.filer.log(tickString + "\n")

            # update ticks
            ticks += 1
            tickSeconds += self.TICK_RATE
            # sleep for one TICK_RATE

        # print termination message
        if (terminateCode == 0):
            self.filer.log("Returning to config...\n")
            # disable blue/red LEDs
            self.lights.setLED([1, 2], False)

    # Helper function for mainOutput() that wipes all media files from the device.
    # Takes in an optional argument of whether or not to toggle the lights when
    # wiping the files
    def wipeFiles(self, toggleLights=True):
        if (toggleLights):
            # set the red LED to ON while files are deleted
            self.lights.setLED([0, 1, 2], False)
            self.lights.setLED([1], True)

        # invoke system commands to wipe the media/log files
        os.system("sudo rm -rf ../logs")
        os.system("sudo rm -rf ../media")
        # sleep for a short time before attempting anything else
        # since the current log file was destroyed, write to
        # a new one stating what happened
        self.filer.log("[config-output]  Wiping all output files...\n")

        if (toggleLights):
            # flash red/blue alternating to indicate the files were
            # permanently deleted
            self.lights.flashLED([1, 2], 4)
            self.lights.setLED([1, 2], False)

    # Connect Mode main function
    def mainConnect(self):
        # set up loop variables
        ticks = 0.0
        tickSeconds = 0.0
        # terminate codes are as follows:
        #   -1      Don't terminate
        #    0      Terminate and return to config
        terminateCode = -1

        # main loop
        while (terminateCode < 0):
            # slowly flash the blue/yellow lights (twice every second)
            self.lights.setLED([0, 2],
                               or (tickSeconds + 0.5).is_integer())

            # create tick string
            tickString = "[Ticks: {t1:9.2f}]  [Running Time: {t2:9.2f}]"
            tickString = tickString.format(t1=ticks, t2=int(tickSeconds))
            tickString = "[config-connect]  " + tickString

            # check for red/yellow button hold (back to config)
            if (self.buttons.isCapturePressed()
                    and self.buttons.durations[1] * self.TICK_RATE >= 1.0
                    and self.buttons.isPowerPressed()
                    and self.buttons.durations[0] * self.TICK_RATE >= 1.0):
                tickString += "  (Capture/Power buttons were held)"
                terminateCode = 0

            # log the tick string if the tickSeconds is on a second
            if (tickSeconds.is_integer()):
                self.filer.log(tickString + "\n")

            # update ticks
            ticks += 1
            tickSeconds += self.TICK_RATE
            # sleep for one TICK_RATE

        # print termination message
        if (terminateCode == 0):
            self.filer.log("Returning to config...\n")
            # disable blue/yellow LEDs
            self.lights.setLED([0, 2], False)