Пример #1
    def __init__(self, parsed_url):
        duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url)
        self.parsed_url = parsed_url
        self.remote_path = self.parsed_url.path
        self.rclone_cmd = u"rclone"

            rc, o, e = self._subprocess_safe_popen(self.rclone_cmd + u" version")
        except Exception:
            log.FatalError(u"rclone not found: please install rclone", log.ErrorCode.backend_error)

        verb = log.getverbosity()
        if verb >= log.DEBUG:
            os.environ[u"RCLONE_LOG_LEVEL"] = u"DEBUG"
        elif verb >= log.INFO:
            os.environ[u"RCLONE_LOG_LEVEL"] = u"INFO"
        elif verb >= log.NOTICE:
            os.environ[u"RCLONE_LOG_LEVEL"] = u"NOTICE"
        elif verb >= log.ERROR:
            os.environ[u"RCLONE_LOG_LEVEL"] = u"ERROR"

        if parsed_url.path.startswith(u"//"):
            self.remote_path = self.remote_path[2:].replace(u":/", u":", 1)

        self.remote_path = util.fsdecode(self.remote_path)
Пример #2
def get_duplicity_log_level():
    """ Get the current duplicity log level as a stdlib-compatible logging level"""
    duplicity_log_level = log.LevelName(log.getverbosity())

    # notice is a duplicity-specific logging level not supported by stdlib
    if duplicity_log_level == 'NOTICE':
        duplicity_log_level = 'INFO'

    return duplicity_log_level
Пример #3
def get_duplicity_log_level():
    u""" Get the current duplicity log level as a stdlib-compatible logging level"""
    duplicity_log_level = log.LevelName(log.getverbosity())

    # notice is a duplicity-specific logging level not supported by stdlib
    if duplicity_log_level == u'NOTICE':
        duplicity_log_level = u'INFO'

    return duplicity_log_level
Пример #4
 def Log(s, verb_level, code=1, extra=None, force_print=False):
     if verb_level <= log.getverbosity():
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, parsed_url):
        duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url)

        # we expect an output
            p = os.popen("lftp --version")
            fout = p.read()
            ret = p.close()
        except Exception:
        # there is no output if lftp not found
        if not fout:
            log.FatalError("LFTP not found:  Please install LFTP.",

        # version is the second word of the second part of the first line
        version = fout.split('\n')[0].split(' | ')[1].split()[1]
        log.Notice("LFTP version is %s" % version)

        self.parsed_url = parsed_url

#        self.url_string = duplicity.backend.strip_auth_from_url(self.parsed_url)
#        # strip lftp+ prefix
#        self.url_string = duplicity.backend.strip_prefix(self.url_string, 'lftp')

        self.scheme = duplicity.backend.strip_prefix(parsed_url.scheme, 'lftp').lower()
        self.scheme = re.sub('^webdav', 'http', self.scheme)
        self.url_string = self.scheme + '://' + parsed_url.hostname
        if parsed_url.port:
            self.url_string += ":%s" % parsed_url.port

        self.remote_path = re.sub('^/', '', parsed_url.path)

        # Fix up an empty remote path
        if len(self.remote_path) == 0:
            self.remote_path = '/'

        # Use an explicit directory name.
        if self.remote_path[-1] != '/':
            self.remote_path += '/'

        self.authflag = ''
        if self.parsed_url.username:
            self.username = self.parsed_url.username
            self.password = self.get_password()
            self.authflag = "-u '%s,%s'" % (self.username, self.password)

        if globals.ftp_connection == 'regular':
            self.conn_opt = 'off'
            self.conn_opt = 'on'

        # check for cacert file if https
        self.cacert_file = globals.ssl_cacert_file
        if self.scheme == 'https' and not globals.ssl_no_check_certificate:
            cacert_candidates = ["~/.duplicity/cacert.pem",
            if not self.cacert_file:
                for path in cacert_candidates:
                    path = os.path.expanduser(path)
                    if (os.path.isfile(path)):
                        self.cacert_file = path
            # still no cacert file, inform user
            if not self.cacert_file:
                raise duplicity.errors.FatalBackendException("""For certificate verification a cacert database file is needed in one of these locations: %s
  Consult the man page, chapter 'SSL Certificate Verification'.
  Consider using the options --ssl-cacert-file, --ssl-no-check-certificate .""" % ", ".join(cacert_candidates))

        self.tempfile, self.tempname = tempdir.default().mkstemp()
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set ssl:verify-certificate " + ("false" if globals.ssl_no_check_certificate else "true") + "\n")
        if globals.ssl_cacert_file:
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ssl:ca-file '" + globals.ssl_cacert_file + "'\n")
        if self.parsed_url.scheme == 'ftps' or self.parsed_url.scheme == 'ftpes':
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-allow true\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-data true\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-list true\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-allow false\n")
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set http:use-propfind true\n")
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set net:timeout %s\n" % globals.timeout)
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set net:max-retries %s\n" % globals.num_retries)
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:passive-mode %s\n" % self.conn_opt)
        if log.getverbosity() >= log.DEBUG:
            os.write(self.tempfile, "debug\n")


        os.write(self.tempfile, "open %s %s\n" % (self.authflag, self.parsed_url.hostname))
        # os.write(self.tempfile, "open %s %s\n" % (self.authflag, self.url_string))
#        os.write(self.tempfile, "open %s %s\n" % (self.portflag, self.parsed_url.hostname))
        # allow .netrc auth by only setting user/pass when user was actually given
#        if self.parsed_url.username:
#            os.write(self.tempfile, "user %s %s\n" % (self.parsed_url.username, self.password))
        if log.getverbosity() >= log.DEBUG:
            f = open(self.tempname, 'r')
            log.Debug("SETTINGS: \n"
                      "%s" % f.readlines())
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, parsed_url):
        duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url)

        # we expect an output
            p = os.popen(u"lftp --version")
            fout = p.read()
            ret = p.close()
        except Exception:
        # there is no output if lftp not found
        if not fout:
            log.FatalError(u"LFTP not found:  Please install LFTP.",

        # version is the second word of the second part of the first line
        version = fout.split(u'\n')[0].split(u' | ')[1].split()[1]
        log.Notice(u"LFTP version is %s" % version)

        self.parsed_url = parsed_url

        self.scheme = duplicity.backend.strip_prefix(parsed_url.scheme,
        self.scheme = re.sub(u'^webdav', u'http', self.scheme)
        self.url_string = self.scheme + u'://' + parsed_url.hostname
        if parsed_url.port:
            self.url_string += u":%s" % parsed_url.port

        self.remote_path = re.sub(u'^/', u'', parsed_url.path)

        # Fix up an empty remote path
        if len(self.remote_path) == 0:
            self.remote_path = u'/'

        # Use an explicit directory name.
        if self.remote_path[-1] != u'/':
            self.remote_path += u'/'

        self.authflag = u''
        if self.parsed_url.username:
            self.username = self.parsed_url.username
            self.password = self.get_password()
            self.authflag = u"-u '%s,%s'" % (self.username, self.password)

        if globals.ftp_connection == u'regular':
            self.conn_opt = u'off'
            self.conn_opt = u'on'

        # check for cacert file if https
        self.cacert_file = globals.ssl_cacert_file
        if self.scheme == u'https' and not globals.ssl_no_check_certificate:
            cacert_candidates = [
                u"~/.duplicity/cacert.pem", u"~/duplicity_cacert.pem",
            # look for a default cacert file
            if not self.cacert_file:
                for path in cacert_candidates:
                    path = os.path.expanduser(path)
                    if (os.path.isfile(path)):
                        self.cacert_file = path

        # save config into a reusable temp file
        self.tempfd, self.tempname = tempdir.default().mkstemp()
        self.tempfile = os.fdopen(self.tempfd, u"w")
        self.tempfile.write(u"set ssl:verify-certificate " + (
            u"false" if globals.ssl_no_check_certificate else u"true") + u"\n")
        if self.cacert_file:
            self.tempfile.write(u"set ssl:ca-file " +
                                cmd_quote(self.cacert_file) + u"\n")
        if globals.ssl_cacert_path:
            self.tempfile.write(u"set ssl:ca-path " +
                                cmd_quote(globals.ssl_cacert_path) + u"\n")
        if self.parsed_url.scheme == u'ftps':
            self.tempfile.write(u"set ftp:ssl-allow true\n")
            self.tempfile.write(u"set ftp:ssl-protect-data true\n")
            self.tempfile.write(u"set ftp:ssl-protect-list true\n")
        elif self.parsed_url.scheme == u'ftpes':
            self.tempfile.write(u"set ftp:ssl-force on\n")
            self.tempfile.write(u"set ftp:ssl-protect-data on\n")
            self.tempfile.write(u"set ftp:ssl-protect-list on\n")
            self.tempfile.write(u"set ftp:ssl-allow false\n")
        self.tempfile.write(u"set http:use-propfind true\n")
        self.tempfile.write(u"set net:timeout %s\n" % globals.timeout)
        self.tempfile.write(u"set net:max-retries %s\n" % globals.num_retries)
        self.tempfile.write(u"set ftp:passive-mode %s\n" % self.conn_opt)
        if log.getverbosity() >= log.DEBUG:
        if self.parsed_url.scheme == u'ftpes':
                u"open %s %s\n" %
                (self.authflag, self.url_string.replace(u'ftpes', u'ftp')))
            self.tempfile.write(u"open %s %s\n" %
                                (self.authflag, self.url_string))
        # print settings in debug mode
        if log.getverbosity() >= log.DEBUG:
            f = open(self.tempname, u'r')
            log.Debug(u"SETTINGS: \n" u"%s" % f.read())
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, parsed_url):
        duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url)

        # we expect an output
            p = os.popen("lftp --version")
            fout = p.read()
            ret = p.close()
        except Exception:
        # there is no output if lftp not found
        if not fout:
            log.FatalError("LFTP not found:  Please install LFTP.",

        # version is the second word of the second part of the first line
        version = fout.split('\n')[0].split(' | ')[1].split()[1]
        log.Notice("LFTP version is %s" % version)

        self.parsed_url = parsed_url

        self.scheme = duplicity.backend.strip_prefix(parsed_url.scheme, 'lftp').lower()
        self.scheme = re.sub('^webdav', 'http', self.scheme)
        self.url_string = self.scheme + '://' + parsed_url.hostname
        if parsed_url.port:
            self.url_string += ":%s" % parsed_url.port

        self.remote_path = re.sub('^/', '', parsed_url.path)

        # Fix up an empty remote path
        if len(self.remote_path) == 0:
            self.remote_path = '/'

        # Use an explicit directory name.
        if self.remote_path[-1] != '/':
            self.remote_path += '/'

        self.authflag = ''
        if self.parsed_url.username:
            self.username = self.parsed_url.username
            self.password = self.get_password()
            self.authflag = "-u '%s,%s'" % (self.username, self.password)

        if globals.ftp_connection == 'regular':
            self.conn_opt = 'off'
            self.conn_opt = 'on'

        # check for cacert file if https
        self.cacert_file = globals.ssl_cacert_file
        if self.scheme == 'https' and not globals.ssl_no_check_certificate:
            cacert_candidates = ["~/.duplicity/cacert.pem",
            # look for a default cacert file
            if not self.cacert_file:
                for path in cacert_candidates:
                    path = os.path.expanduser(path)
                    if (os.path.isfile(path)):
                        self.cacert_file = path

        # save config into a reusable temp file
        self.tempfile, self.tempname = tempdir.default().mkstemp()
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set ssl:verify-certificate " +
                 ("false" if globals.ssl_no_check_certificate else "true") + "\n")
        if self.cacert_file:
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ssl:ca-file " + cmd_quote(self.cacert_file) + "\n")
        if globals.ssl_cacert_path:
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ssl:ca-path " + cmd_quote(globals.ssl_cacert_path) + "\n")
        if self.parsed_url.scheme == 'ftps':
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-allow true\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-data true\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-list true\n")
        elif self.parsed_url.scheme == 'ftpes':
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-force on\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-data on\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-list on\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-allow false\n")
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set http:use-propfind true\n")
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set net:timeout %s\n" % globals.timeout)
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set net:max-retries %s\n" % globals.num_retries)
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:passive-mode %s\n" % self.conn_opt)
        if log.getverbosity() >= log.DEBUG:
            os.write(self.tempfile, "debug\n")
        if self.parsed_url.scheme == 'ftpes':
            os.write(self.tempfile, "open %s %s\n" % (self.authflag, self.url_string.replace('ftpes', 'ftp')))
            os.write(self.tempfile, "open %s %s\n" % (self.authflag, self.url_string))
        # print settings in debug mode
        if log.getverbosity() >= log.DEBUG:
            f = open(self.tempname, 'r')
            log.Debug("SETTINGS: \n"
                      "%s" % f.read())
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, parsed_url):
        duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url)

        # we expect an output
            p = os.popen("lftp --version")
            fout = p.read()
            ret = p.close()
        except Exception:
        # there is no output if lftp not found
        if not fout:
            log.FatalError("LFTP not found:  Please install LFTP.",

        # version is the second word of the second part of the first line
        version = fout.split('\n')[0].split(' | ')[1].split()[1]
        log.Notice("LFTP version is %s" % version)

        self.parsed_url = parsed_url

#        self.url_string = duplicity.backend.strip_auth_from_url(self.parsed_url)
#        # strip lftp+ prefix
#        self.url_string = duplicity.backend.strip_prefix(self.url_string, 'lftp')

        self.scheme = duplicity.backend.strip_prefix(parsed_url.scheme, 'lftp').lower()
        self.scheme = re.sub('^webdav', 'http', self.scheme)
        self.url_string = self.scheme + '://' + parsed_url.hostname
        if parsed_url.port:
            self.url_string += ":%s" % parsed_url.port

        self.remote_path = re.sub('^/', '', parsed_url.path)

        # Fix up an empty remote path
        if len(self.remote_path) == 0:
            self.remote_path = '/'

        # Use an explicit directory name.
        if self.remote_path[-1] != '/':
            self.remote_path += '/'

        self.authflag = ''
        if self.parsed_url.username:
            self.username = self.parsed_url.username
            self.password = self.get_password()
            self.authflag = "-u '%s,%s'" % (self.username, self.password)

        if globals.ftp_connection == 'regular':
            self.conn_opt = 'off'
            self.conn_opt = 'on'

        # check for cacert file if https
        self.cacert_file = globals.ssl_cacert_file
        if self.scheme == 'https' and not globals.ssl_no_check_certificate:
            cacert_candidates = ["~/.duplicity/cacert.pem",
            if not self.cacert_file:
                for path in cacert_candidates:
                    path = os.path.expanduser(path)
                    if (os.path.isfile(path)):
                        self.cacert_file = path
            # still no cacert file, inform user
            if not self.cacert_file:
                raise duplicity.errors.FatalBackendException("""For certificate verification a cacert database file is needed in one of these locations: %s
  Consult the man page, chapter 'SSL Certificate Verification'.
  Consider using the options --ssl-cacert-file, --ssl-no-check-certificate .""" % ", ".join(cacert_candidates))

        self.tempfile, self.tempname = tempdir.default().mkstemp()
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set ssl:verify-certificate " + ("false" if globals.ssl_no_check_certificate else "true") + "\n")
        if globals.ssl_cacert_file:
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ssl:ca-file '" + globals.ssl_cacert_file + "'\n")
        if self.parsed_url.scheme == 'ftps':
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-allow true\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-data true\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-list true\n")
        elif self.parsed_url.scheme == 'ftpes':
                   os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-force on\n")
                   os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-data on\n")
                   os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-protect-list on\n")
            os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:ssl-allow false\n")
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set http:use-propfind true\n")
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set net:timeout %s\n" % globals.timeout)
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set net:max-retries %s\n" % globals.num_retries)
        os.write(self.tempfile, "set ftp:passive-mode %s\n" % self.conn_opt)
        if log.getverbosity() >= log.DEBUG:
            os.write(self.tempfile, "debug\n")
        if self.parsed_url.scheme == 'ftpes':
            os.write(self.tempfile, "open %s %s\n" % (self.authflag, self.url_string.replace('ftpes','ftp')))
            os.write(self.tempfile, "open %s %s\n" % (self.authflag, self.url_string))
#        os.write(self.tempfile, "open %s %s\n" % (self.portflag, self.parsed_url.hostname))
        # allow .netrc auth by only setting user/pass when user was actually given
#        if self.parsed_url.username:
#            os.write(self.tempfile, "user %s %s\n" % (self.parsed_url.username, self.password))
        if log.getverbosity() >= log.DEBUG:
            f = open(self.tempname, 'r')
            log.Debug("SETTINGS: \n"
                      "%s" % f.readlines())