def test_sample_instantiation(self):
        # Check that values have not been instantiated
        sampler = LazyEmbeddingComposite(MockSampler())

        # Set up BQM and sample
        csp = dbc.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dbc.BINARY)
        csp.add_constraint(and_gate(['a', 'b', 'c']))
        bqm = dbc.stitch(csp)

        # Check that values have been populated
        self.assertEqual(sampler.nodelist, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.assertEqual(sampler.edgelist, [('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'),
                                            ('b', 'c')])
        self.assertEqual(sampler.adjacency, {
            'a': {'b', 'c'},
            'b': {'a', 'c'},
            'c': {'a', 'b'}
def circuit(nbit, vartype=dimod.BINARY):
    num_multiplier_bits = num_multiplicand_bits = nbit

    csp = ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(vartype)

    a = {i: 'a%d' % i for i in range(nbit)}
    b = {j: 'b%d' % j for j in range(nbit)}
    p = {k: 'p%d' % k for k in range(nbit * 2)}

    AND = defaultdict(
    )  # the output of the AND gate associated with ai, bj is stored in AND[i][j]
    SUM = defaultdict(
    )  # the sum of the ADDER gate associated with ai, bj is stored in SUM[i][j]
    CARRY = defaultdict(dict)

    csp.add_constraint(operator.truth, ['a0'])
    #setting the and gates
    for i in range(1, nbit - 1):
        for j in range(1, nbit - 1):
            ai = a[i]
            bj = b[j]
            andij = AND[i][j] = 'and%s,%s' % (i, j)
            gate = and_gate([ai, bj, andij],
                            name='AND(%s, %s) = %s' % (ai, bj, andij))
            AND[i][j] = 'and%s,%s' % (i, j)
            SUM[i][j] = 'sum%d,%d' % (i, j)
            CARRY[i][j] = 'carry%d,%d' % (i, j)

    for col in range(0, nbit * 2):
            a1,b1 = 0
            a2,b2 = 1
            and(a1,b1) = 2
            and(a1,b2), and(a2,b1) = 3
            and(a2,b2) = 4 
            sum(3,3) = 5
            sum(4,4) = 6
        #half adder
        # 1st column
        # half adder a1 and b1
        gate = halfadder_gate([col, b[1], p[1], CARRY[1][1]], vartype=vartype)
        # # 2nd column
        # # half adder and(a1,b1) and p2
        # gate = halfadder_gate([a[2], AND[1][1], SUM[1][2], CARRY[1][2]], vartype=vartype)
        # csp.add_constraint(gate)
        # #full adder
        # # fulladder of the sum[1][2], carry[0][0] and b2
        # gate = fulladder_gate([SUM[2][2], CARRY[0][0], b[2], p[2], CARRY[2][1]], vartype=vartype)
        # csp.add_constraint(gate)
        # # 3rd column
        # # full adder not(and[2][1]), and[1][2] and carry[1][2]
        # gate = fulladder_gate([not(AND[2][1]), AND[1][2], CARRY[1][2], SUM[3][3], CARRY[3][3]], vartype=vartype)
        # csp.add_constraint(gate)
        # # half adder
        # gate = halfadder_gate([not(SUM[3][3]), not(CARRY[2][1]), not(p[3]), CARRY[5][2]], vartype=vartype)
        # csp.add_constraint(gate)
        # # 4th column
        # # full adder and(p2,q2), q1 and not(p2,q1)
        # gate = fulladder_gate([AND[2][2], b[1], not(AND[2][1]), SUM[3][0], CARRY[3][0]], vartype=vartype)
        # csp.add_constraint(gate)
        # # full adder a1, sum, carry
        # gate = fulladder_gate([a[1], SUM[3][0], CARRY[3][3], SUM[][], CARRY[][]], vartype=vartype)
        # csp.add_constraint(gate)
        # # half adder sum and not(carry)
        # gate = halfadder_gate([SUM[][], not(CARRY[4][4]), p[4], CARRY[][]], vartype=vartype)
        # csp.add_constraint(gate)
        # #5th column
        # #full adder a2,b2, carry
        # #full adder sum, carry, carry
        # #6th column
        # #half adder carry not, carry not

    return csp
Пример #3
def multiplication_circuit(nbit, vartype=dimod.BINARY):
    """Multiplication circuit constraint satisfaction problem.

    A constraint satisfaction problem that represents the binary multiplication :math:`ab=p`,
    where the multiplicands are binary variables of length `nbit`; for example,
    :math:`2^ma_{nbit} + ... + 4a_2 + 2a_1 + a0`.

    The square below shows a graphic representation of the circuit::

      |                                         and20         and10         and00    |
      |                                           |             |             |      |
      |                           and21         add11──and11  add01──and01    |      |
      |                             |┌───────────┘|┌───────────┘|             |      |
      |             and22         add12──and12  add02──and02    |             |      |
      |               |┌───────────┘|┌───────────┘|             |             |      |
      |             add13─────────add03           |             |             |      |
      |  ┌───────────┘|             |             |             |             |      |
      | p5            p4            p3            p2            p1            p0     |

        nbit (int): Number of bits in the multiplicands.
        vartype (Vartype, optional, default='BINARY'): Variable type. Accepted
            input values:

            * Vartype.SPIN, 'SPIN', {-1, 1}
            * Vartype.BINARY, 'BINARY', {0, 1}

        CSP (:obj:`.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem`): CSP that is satisfied when variables
        :math:`a,b,p` are assigned values that correctly solve binary multiplication :math:`ab=p`.

        This example creates a multiplication circuit CSP that multiplies two 3-bit numbers,
        which is then formulated as a binary quadratic model (BQM). It fixes the multiplacands
        as :math:`a=5, b=3` (:math:`101` and :math:`011`) and uses a simulated annealing sampler
        to find the product, :math:`p=15` (:math:`001111`).

        >>> from dwavebinarycsp.factories.csp.circuits import multiplication_circuit
        >>> import neal
        >>> csp = multiplication_circuit(3)
        >>> bqm = dwavebinarycsp.stitch(csp)
        >>> bqm.fix_variable('a0', 1); bqm.fix_variable('a1', 0); bqm.fix_variable('a2', 1)
        >>> bqm.fix_variable('b0', 1); bqm.fix_variable('b1', 1); bqm.fix_variable('b2', 0)
        >>> sampler = neal.SimulatedAnnealingSampler()
        >>> response = sampler.sample(bqm)
        >>> p = next(response.samples(n=1, sorted_by='energy'))
        >>> print(p['p5'], p['p4'], p['p3'], p['p2'], p['p1'], p['p0'])    # doctest: +SKIP
        0 0 1 1 1 1


    if nbit < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "num_multiplier_bits, num_multiplicand_bits must be positive integers"

    num_multiplier_bits = num_multiplicand_bits = nbit

    # also checks the vartype argument
    csp = ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(vartype)

    # throughout, we will use the following convention:
    #   i to refer to the bits of the multiplier
    #   j to refer to the bits of the multiplicand
    #   k to refer to the bits of the product

    # create the variables corresponding to the input and output wires for the circuit
    a = {i: 'a%d' % i for i in range(nbit)}
    b = {j: 'b%d' % j for j in range(nbit)}
    p = {k: 'p%d' % k for k in range(nbit + nbit)}

    # we will want to store the internal variables somewhere
    AND = defaultdict(
    )  # the output of the AND gate associated with ai, bj is stored in AND[i][j]
    SUM = defaultdict(
    )  # the sum of the ADDER gate associated with ai, bj is stored in SUM[i][j]
    CARRY = defaultdict(
    )  # the carry of the ADDER gate associated with ai, bj is stored in CARRY[i][j]

    # we follow a shift adder
    for i in range(num_multiplier_bits):
        for j in range(num_multiplicand_bits):

            ai = a[i]
            bj = b[j]

            if i == 0 and j == 0:
                # in this case there are no inputs from lower bits, so our only input is the AND
                # gate. And since we only have one bit to add, we don't need an adder, no have a
                # carry out
                andij = AND[i][j] = p[0]

                gate = and_gate([ai, bj, andij],
                                name='AND(%s, %s) = %s' % (ai, bj, andij))


            # we always need an AND gate
            andij = AND[i][j] = 'and%s,%s' % (i, j)

            gate = and_gate([ai, bj, andij],
                            name='AND(%s, %s) = %s' % (ai, bj, andij))

            # the number of inputs will determine the type of adder
            inputs = [andij]

            # determine if there is a carry in
            if i - 1 in CARRY and j in CARRY[i - 1]:
                inputs.append(CARRY[i - 1][j])

            # determine if there is a sum in
            if i - 1 in SUM and j + 1 in SUM[i - 1]:
                inputs.append(SUM[i - 1][j + 1])

            # ok, add create adders if necessary
            if len(inputs) == 1:
                # we don't need an adder and we don't have a carry
                SUM[i][j] = andij
            elif len(inputs) == 2:
                # we need a HALFADDER so we have a sum and a carry

                if j == 0:
                    sumij = SUM[i][j] = p[i]
                    sumij = SUM[i][j] = 'sum%d,%d' % (i, j)

                carryij = CARRY[i][j] = 'carry%d,%d' % (i, j)

                name = 'HALFADDER(%s, %s) = %s, %s' % (inputs[0], inputs[1],
                                                       sumij, carryij)
                gate = halfadder_gate([inputs[0], inputs[1], sumij, carryij],
                assert len(inputs) == 3, 'unexpected number of inputs'

                # we need a FULLADDER so we have a sum and a carry

                if j == 0:
                    sumij = SUM[i][j] = p[i]
                    sumij = SUM[i][j] = 'sum%d,%d' % (i, j)

                carryij = CARRY[i][j] = 'carry%d,%d' % (i, j)

                name = 'FULLADDER(%s, %s, %s) = %s, %s' % (
                    inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], sumij, carryij)
                gate = fulladder_gate(
                    [inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], sumij, carryij],

    # now we have a final row of full adders
    for col in range(nbit - 1):
        inputs = [CARRY[nbit - 1][col], SUM[nbit - 1][col + 1]]

        if col == 0:
            sumout = p[nbit + col]
            carryout = CARRY[nbit][col] = 'carry%d,%d' % (nbit, col)

            name = 'HALFADDER(%s, %s) = %s, %s' % (inputs[0], inputs[1],
                                                   sumout, carryout)
            gate = halfadder_gate([inputs[0], inputs[1], sumout, carryout],


        inputs.append(CARRY[nbit][col - 1])

        sumout = p[nbit + col]
        if col < nbit - 2:
            carryout = CARRY[nbit][col] = 'carry%d,%d' % (nbit, col)
            carryout = p[2 * nbit - 1]

        name = 'FULLADDER(%s, %s, %s) = %s, %s' % (inputs[0], inputs[1],
                                                   inputs[2], sumout, carryout)
        gate = fulladder_gate(
            [inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], sumout, carryout],

    return csp
Пример #4
def multiplication_circuit(nbit, vartype=dimod.BINARY):

                                            and20         and10         and00
                                              |             |             |
                              and21         add11──and11  add01──and01    |
                                |┌───────────┘|┌───────────┘|             |
                and22         add12──and12  add02──and02    |             |
                  |┌───────────┘|┌───────────┘|             |             |
                add13─────────add03           |             |             |
     ┌───────────┘|             |             |             |             |
    p5            p4            p3            p2            p1            p0

    if nbit < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "num_multiplier_bits, num_multiplicand_bits must be positive integers"

    num_multiplier_bits = num_multiplicand_bits = nbit

    # also checks the vartype argument
    csp = ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(vartype)

    # throughout, we will use the following convention:
    #   i to refer to the bits of the multiplier
    #   j to refer to the bits of the multiplicand
    #   k to refer to the bits of the product

    # create the variables corresponding to the input and output wires for the circuit
    a = {i: 'a%d' % i for i in range(nbit)}
    b = {j: 'b%d' % j for j in range(nbit)}
    p = {k: 'p%d' % k for k in range(nbit + nbit)}

    # we will want to store the internal variables somewhere
    AND = defaultdict(
    )  # the output of the AND gate associated with ai, bj is stored in AND[i][j]
    SUM = defaultdict(
    )  # the sum of the ADDER gate associated with ai, bj is stored in SUM[i][j]
    CARRY = defaultdict(
    )  # the carry of the ADDER gate associated with ai, bj is stored in CARRY[i][j]

    # we follow a shift adder
    for i in range(num_multiplicand_bits):
        for j in range(num_multiplier_bits):

            ai = a[i]
            bj = b[j]

            if i == 0 and j == 0:
                # in this case there are no inputs from lower bits, so our only input is the AND
                # gate. And since we only have one bit to add, we don't need an adder, no have a
                # carry out
                andij = AND[i][j] = p[0]

                gate = and_gate([ai, bj, andij],
                                name='AND(%s, %s) = %s' % (ai, bj, andij))


            # we always need an AND gate
            andij = AND[i][j] = 'and%s,%s' % (i, j)

            gate = and_gate([ai, bj, andij],
                            name='AND(%s, %s) = %s' % (ai, bj, andij))

            # the number of inputs will determine the type of adder
            inputs = [andij]

            # determine if there is a carry in
            if i - 1 in CARRY and j in CARRY[i - 1]:
                inputs.append(CARRY[i - 1][j])

            # determine if there is a sum in
            if i - 1 in SUM and j + 1 in SUM[i - 1]:
                inputs.append(SUM[i - 1][j + 1])

            # ok, add create adders if necessary
            if len(inputs) == 1:
                # we don't need an adder and we don't have a carry
                SUM[i][j] = andij
            elif len(inputs) == 2:
                # we need a HALFADDER so we have a sum and a carry

                if j == 0:
                    sumij = SUM[i][j] = p[i]
                    sumij = SUM[i][j] = 'sum%d,%d' % (i, j)

                carryij = CARRY[i][j] = 'carry%d,%d' % (i, j)

                name = 'HALFADDER(%s, %s) = %s, %s' % (inputs[0], inputs[1],
                                                       sumij, carryij)
                gate = halfadder_gate([inputs[0], inputs[1], sumij, carryij],
                assert len(inputs) == 3, 'unexpected number of inputs'

                # we need a FULLADDER so we have a sum and a carry

                if j == 0:
                    sumij = SUM[i][j] = p[i]
                    sumij = SUM[i][j] = 'sum%d,%d' % (i, j)

                carryij = CARRY[i][j] = 'carry%d,%d' % (i, j)

                name = 'FULLADDER(%s, %s, %s) = %s, %s' % (
                    inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], sumij, carryij)
                gate = fulladder_gate(
                    [inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], sumij, carryij],

    # now we have a final row of full adders
    for col in range(nbit - 1):
        inputs = [CARRY[nbit - 1][col], SUM[nbit - 1][col + 1]]

        if col == 0:
            sumout = p[nbit + col]
            carryout = CARRY[nbit][col] = 'carry%d,%d' % (nbit, col)

            name = 'HALFADDER(%s, %s) = %s, %s' % (inputs[0], inputs[1],
                                                   sumout, carryout)
            gate = halfadder_gate([inputs[0], inputs[1], sumout, carryout],


        inputs.append(CARRY[nbit][col - 1])

        sumout = p[nbit + col]
        if col < nbit - 2:
            carryout = CARRY[nbit][col] = 'carry%d,%d' % (nbit, col)
            carryout = p[2 * nbit - 1]

        name = 'FULLADDER(%s, %s, %s) = %s, %s' % (inputs[0], inputs[1],
                                                   inputs[2], sumout, carryout)
        gate = fulladder_gate(
            [inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], sumout, carryout],

    return csp
Пример #5
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


-x1 -x2 +2x1x2
lower values for valid states of the NOT gate (e.g., x1=0,x2=1) and higher for invalid states (e.g., x1=0,x2=0).

import dwavebinarycsp
import dwavebinarycsp.factories.constraint.gates as gates
csp = dwavebinarycsp.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dwavebinarycsp.BINARY)
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['x1', 'x2', 'y1']))  # add an AND gate
bqm = dwavebinarycsp.stitch(csp)

''' The members of the two dicts are linear and quadratic coefficients, respectively, the third term is a constant offset associated with the model, and the fourth shows the variable types in this model are binary. '''
print(bqm) # BQM of the AND gate created


from dimod.reference.samplers import ExactSolver
sampler = ExactSolver()
response = sampler.sample(bqm)


for datum in

for sample, energy in['sample', 'energy'], sorted_by='energy'):
Пример #6
from import Client
from dwave.system import DWaveSampler
import dwavebinarycsp
import dwavebinarycsp.factories.constraint.gates as gates
"""Simple test file for seeing how a CSP works"""
csp = dwavebinarycsp.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dwavebinarycsp.BINARY)
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['x1', 'x2', 'y1']))
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['x1', 'x3', 'y1']))
# print(csp.check({'x1': 0}))
bqm = dwavebinarycsp.stitch(csp)

# client = Client.from_config(token='DEV-32a72b08f81fd9fc8584ab76331bf18aa7913765')
# print(client.get_solvers())
# sampler = DWaveSampler(solver={'qpu': True})
# print(sampler.parameters)
Пример #7
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


import dwavebinarycsp as dbc
import dwavebinarycsp.factories.constraint.gates as gates
from dwave.system.composites import FixedEmbeddingComposite, EmbeddingComposite
from dwave.system.samplers import DWaveSampler

# Making two different BQMs (think: energy functions or optimization functions)
csp1 = dbc.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dbc.BINARY)
csp1.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a', 'b', 'c']))
bqm1 = dbc.stitch(csp1)

csp2 = dbc.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dbc.BINARY)
csp2.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['a', 'b', 'c']))
bqm2 = dbc.stitch(csp2)

# Using Embedding Composite
sampler = EmbeddingComposite(DWaveSampler())
sampler.sample(bqm1)  # Gets a new embedding for bqm1
sampler.sample(bqm2)  # Gets a new embedding for bqm2

# Using Fixed Embedding Composite
# Note: bqm1 and bqm2 can both be represented by the same graph - triangle graph.
embedding = {
    'a': [0, 4],
    'b': [1],
    'c': [5]
}  # Embedding the triangle graph using QPU indices
      or7 = and5 or not6
      return(z == or7)

csp = dwavebinarycsp.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dwavebinarycsp.BINARY)
csp.add_constraint(logic_circuit, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'z'])

#Multiple Constraints

import dwavebinarycsp
import dwavebinarycsp.factories.constraint.gates as gates
import operator

csp = dwavebinarycsp.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dwavebinarycsp.BINARY)
csp.add_constraint(, ['b', 'not1']) #add NOT 1 gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['b', 'c', 'or2'])) #add OR 2 gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a', 'not1', 'and3'])) # add AND 3 gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['d', 'or2', 'or4'])) # add OR 4 gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['and3', 'or4', 'and5'])) # add AND 5 gate
csp.add_constraint(, ['or4', 'not6']) # add NOT 6 gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['and5', 'not6', 'z']) # add OR 7 gate

# Convert the binary constraint satisfaction problem to a binary quadratic model
bqm = dwavebinarycsp.stitch(csp)
#The next code sets up the D-Wave sampler

from dwave.system.samplers import DWaveSampler
Пример #9
For the full-adder we will use:
  inputs (a, b, Cin)
  outputs (s, cOut)

For the intermediate variables we will use:
  (xor1, xor2, and1, and2, or1)
However, s and xor2 are the same, and cOut and or1 are the same.

See this image for a graphical view of this circuit:

csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['a', 'b', 'xor1']))  # xor(a,b) = xor1

csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['xor1', 'cIn', 's']))  # xor(xor1,cIn) = s
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['xor1', 'cIn',
                                   'and1']))  # and(xor1,cIn) = and1
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a', 'b', 'and2']))  # and(a,b) = and2

csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['and1', 'and2',
                                  'cOut']))  # or(and1,and2) = cOut

# This is an example of an assert I used to ensure my constraints above
# faithfully reproduced the full-adder I want to implement.
assert csp.check({
    'a': 1,
    'and1': 0,
    'and2': 1,
    'b': 1,
    'cIn': 0,
    'cOut': 1,
Пример #10

For the 2 by 2 multiplier we will use:
  inputs (a0, a1, b0, b1)
  outputs (c0, c1, c2, c3)

For the intermediate variables we will use:
  (and1, and2, and3, and4, xor1, and5, xor2, and6)
However, we will drop some of the intermediate variables because:
  c0 = and2, c1 = xor1, c2 = xor2, c3 = and6

See this image for a graphical view of this circuit:

csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a0', 'b1', 'and1' ]))  # and(a0, b1) = and1
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a0', 'b0', 'c0'   ]))  # and(a0, b0) = c0
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a1', 'b0', 'and3' ]))  # and(a1, b0) = and3
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a1', 'b1', 'and4' ]))  # and(a1, b1) = and4

csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['and1', 'and3', 'c1'   ]))  # xor(and1, and3) = c1
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['and1', 'and3', 'and5' ]))  # and(and1, and3) = and5

csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['and5', 'and4', 'c2' ]))  # xor(and5, and4) = c2
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['and5', 'and4', 'c3' ]))  # and(and5, and4) = c3

Now that we have defined the gates for our 2 by 2 multiplier, we need
to fix the output because we want to factor a number. In this case, we
want to factor the number 9, which is 1001 in binary. There are several
ways to fix the number, and each way impacts performance and
Пример #11
import dwavebinarycsp
import dwavebinarycsp.factories.constraint.gates as gates
import operator
from dimod.reference.samplers import ExactSolver

## Set up the logic gates, to implement this function:
##  (a OR b) AND (NOT a OR c) AND (NOT b OR NOT c) AND (a OR c)
csp = dwavebinarycsp.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dwavebinarycsp.BINARY)
csp.add_constraint(, ['a', 'na'])                   # NOT gate
csp.add_constraint(, ['b', 'nb'])                   # NOT gate
csp.add_constraint(, ['c', 'nc'])                   # NOT gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['a', 'b', 'a_or_b']))         # OR gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['na', 'c', 'na_or_c']))         # OR gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['nb', 'nc', 'nb_or_nc']))         # OR gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['a', 'c', 'a_or_c']))         # OR gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a_or_b', 'na_or_c', 'and1'])) # AND gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['nb_or_nc', 'a_or_c', 'and2'])) # AND gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['and1', 'and2', 'result'])) # AND gate
csp.fix_variable('result', 1)   # Specify that the result should be one
bqm = dwavebinarycsp.stitch(csp)

## Run the solver
sampler = ExactSolver()
response = sampler.sample(bqm)

## Print all of the results
for datum in['sample', 'energy']):

def check_result(a, b, c):
    # Check to make sure a result is valid
Пример #12
## Rather than using a QPU gate-based solution as shown in the QCEngine version,
## this demo implements the same circuit using quantum annealing to find
## the answer, by linking it to the "energy level" of a system.

## In this example, we build the circuit shown in Figure 10-3 in the book,
## and then simply print out all of the energy values.

## Required imports
import dwavebinarycsp
import dwavebinarycsp.factories.constraint.gates as gates
import operator
from dimod.reference.samplers import ExactSolver

## Set up the logic gates, exactly as shown in Figure 10-3 in the book.
csp = dwavebinarycsp.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dwavebinarycsp.BINARY)
csp.add_constraint(, ['b', 'not_b'])
csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['a', 'not_b', 'a_or_not_b']))
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['c', 'a_or_not_b', 'result']))
bqm = dwavebinarycsp.stitch(csp)

## Run the solver
sampler = ExactSolver()
response = sampler.sample(bqm)

## Interpret the results
print('All results: --------------------------------')
for datum in['sample', 'energy']):