Пример #1
class GSLB(object):
    """A Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) service"""

    def __init__(self, zone, fqdn, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a :class:`GSLB` object

        :param auto_recover: Indicates whether or not the service should
            automatically come out of failover when the IP addresses resume
            active status or if the service should remain in failover until
            manually reset. Must be 'Y' or 'N'
        :param ttl: Time To Live in seconds of records in the service. Must be
            less than 1/2 of the Health Probe's monitoring interval. Must be
            one of 30, 60, 150, 300, or 450
        :param notify_events: A comma separated list of the events which
            trigger notifications. Must be one of 'ip', 'svc', or 'nosrv'
        :param syslog_server: The Hostname or IP address of a server to receive
            syslog notifications on monitoring events
        :param syslog_port: The port where the remote syslog server listens for
        :param syslog_ident: The ident to use when sending syslog notifications
        :param syslog_facility: The syslog facility to use when sending syslog
            notifications. Must be one of 'kern', 'user', 'mail', 'daemon',
            'auth', 'syslog', 'lpr', 'news', 'uucp', 'cron', 'authpriv', 'ftp',
            'ntp', 'security', 'console', 'local0', 'local1', 'local2',
            'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6', or 'local7'
        :param syslog_delivery: The syslog delivery action type. 'all' will
            deliver notifications no matter what the endpoint state. 'change'
            (default) will deliver only on change in the detected endpoint
        :param region: A list of :class:`GSLBRegion`'s
        :param monitor: The health :class:`Monitor` for this service
        :param contact_nickname: Name of contact to receive notifications
        :param syslog_probe_fmt: see below for format:
        :param syslog_status_fmt: see below for format:
            Use the following format for syslog_xxxx_fmt paramaters.
            %hos	hostname
            %tim	current timestamp or monitored interval
            %reg	region code
            %sta	status
            %ser	record serial
            %rda	rdata
            %sit	monitoring site
            %rti	response time
            %msg	message from monitoring
            %adr	address of monitored node
            %med	median value
            %rts	response times (RTTM)
        :param recovery_delay: number of up status polling intervals to
            consider service up

        super(GSLB, self).__init__()
        self.valid_auto_recover = ('Y', 'N')
        self.valid_ttls = (30, 60, 150, 300, 450)
        self.valid_notify_events = ('ip', 'svc', 'nosrv')
        self.valid_syslog_facility = ('kern', 'user', 'mail', 'daemon', 'auth',
                                      'syslog', 'lpr', 'news', 'uucp', 'cron',
                                      'authpriv', 'ftp', 'ntp', 'security',
                                      'console', 'local0', 'local1', 'local2',
                                      'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6',
        self._zone = zone
        self._fqdn = fqdn
        self.uri = '/GSLB/{}/{}/'.format(self._zone, self._fqdn)
        self._auto_recover = self._ttl = self._notify_events = None
        self._syslog_server = self._syslog_port = self._syslog_ident = None
        self._syslog_facility = self._monitor = self._contact_nickname = None
        self._syslog_probe_fmt = self._syslog_status_fmt = None
        self._active = self._status = self._syslog_delivery = None
        self._task_id = None
        self._recovery_delay = None
        self._region = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'region')
        if 'api' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['api']
        elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0:
            self._post(*args, **kwargs)
        self._region.uri = self.uri

    def _post(self, contact_nickname, region, auto_recover=None, ttl=None,
              notify_events=None, syslog_server=None, syslog_port=514,
              syslog_ident='dynect', syslog_facility='daemon',
              syslog_probe_fmt=None, syslog_status_fmt=None, monitor=None,
              syslog_delivery='change', recovery_delay=None):
        """Create a new :class:`GSLB` service object on the DynECT System"""
        self._auto_recover = auto_recover
        self._ttl = ttl
        self._notify_events = notify_events
        self._syslog_server = syslog_server
        self._syslog_port = syslog_port
        self._syslog_ident = syslog_ident
        self._syslog_facility = syslog_facility
        self._syslog_delivery = syslog_delivery
        self._syslog_probe_fmt = syslog_probe_fmt
        self._syslog_status_fmt = syslog_status_fmt
        self._recovery_delay = recovery_delay
        self._region += region
        self._monitor = monitor
        self._contact_nickname = contact_nickname
        api_args = {'contact_nickname': self._contact_nickname,
                    'region': [r._json for r in self._region]}
        if auto_recover:
            api_args['auto_recover'] = self._auto_recover
        if ttl:
            api_args['ttl'] = self._ttl
        if notify_events:
            api_args['notify_events'] = self._notify_events
        if syslog_server:
            api_args['syslog_server'] = self._syslog_server
        if syslog_port:
            api_args['syslog_port'] = self._syslog_port
        if syslog_ident:
            api_args['syslog_ident'] = self._syslog_ident
        if syslog_facility:
            api_args['syslog_facility'] = self._syslog_facility
        if syslog_delivery:
            api_args['syslog_delivery'] = self._syslog_delivery
        if syslog_probe_fmt:
            api_args['syslog_probe_fmt'] = self._syslog_probe_fmt
        if syslog_status_fmt:
            api_args['syslog_status_fmt'] = self._syslog_status_fmt
        if recovery_delay:
            api_args['recovery_delay'] = self._recovery_delay
        if monitor:
            api_args['monitor'] = self._monitor.to_json()
            self._monitor.zone = self._zone
            self._monitor.fqdn = self._fqdn
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST',

    def _get(self):
        """Get an existing :class:`GSLB` service object"""
        api_args = {}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET',

    def _build(self, data, region=True):
        """Private method which builds the objects fields based on the data
        returned by an API call

        :param data: the data from the JSON respnose
        :param region: Boolean flag specifying whether to rebuild the region
            objects or not
        for key, val in data.items():
            if key == 'region':
                if region:
                    self._region = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'region')
                    for region in val:
                        region_code = region.pop('region_code', None)
                        self._region.append(GSLBRegion(self._zone, self._fqdn,
                                                       region_code, **region))
            elif key == 'monitor':
                # We already have the monitor object, no need to rebuild it
            elif key == "task_id" and not val:
                self._task_id = None
            elif key == "task_id":
                self._task_id = Task(val)
                setattr(self, '_' + key, val)
        self._region.uri = self.uri

    def task(self):
        """:class:`Task` for most recent system action on this :class:`GSLB`.
        if self._task_id:
        return self._task_id

    def sync(self):
        """Sync this :class:`GSLB` object with the DynECT System"""

    def activate(self):
        """Activate this :class:`GSLB` service on the DynECT System"""
        api_args = {'activate': True}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def deactivate(self):
        """Deactivate this :class:`GSLB` service on the DynECT System"""
        api_args = {'deactivate': True}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def recover(self, address=None):
        """Recover the GSLB service on the designated zone node or a specific
        node IP within the service
        api_args = {}
        if address:
            api_args['recoverip'] = True
            api_args['address'] = address
            api_args['recover'] = True
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def auto_recover(self):
        """Indicates whether or not the service should automatically come out
        of failover when the IP addresses resume active status or if the
        service should remain in failover until manually reset. Must be 'Y' or
        return self._auto_recover

    def auto_recover(self, value):
        if value not in self.valid_auto_recover:
            raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('auto_recover', value,
        self._auto_recover = value
        api_args = {'auto_recover': self._auto_recover}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def status(self):
        """The current state of the service. Will be one of 'unk', 'ok',
        'trouble', or 'failover'
        api_args = {}
        respnose = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET',
        self._status = respnose['data']['status']
        return self._status

    def status(self, value):

    def active(self):
        """Indicates if the service is active. When setting directly, rather
        than using activate/deactivate valid arguments are 'Y' or True to
        activate, or 'N' or False to deactivate. Note: If your service is
        already active and you try to activate it, nothing will happen. And
        vice versa for deactivation.

        :returns: An :class:`Active` object representing the current state of
            this :class:`GSLB` Service
        return self._active

    def active(self, value):
        deactivate = ('N', False)
        activate = ('Y', True)
        if value in deactivate and self.active:
        elif value in activate and not self.active:

    def ttl(self):
        """Time To Live in seconds of records in the service. Must be less than
        1/2 of the Health Probe's monitoring interval. Must be one of 30, 60,
        150, 300, or 450
        return self._ttl

    def ttl(self, value):
        if value not in self.valid_ttls:
            raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('ttl', value, self.valid_ttls)
        self._ttl = value
        api_args = {'ttl': self._ttl}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def notify_events(self):
        """A comma separated list of the events which trigger notifications.
        Must be one of 'ip', 'svc', or 'nosrv'
        return self._notify_events

    def notify_events(self, value):
        if value not in self.valid_notify_events:
            raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('notify_events', value,
        self._notify_events = value
        api_args = {'notify_events': self._notify_events}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def syslog_server(self):
        """The Hostname or IP address of a server to receive syslog
        notifications on monitoring events
        return self._syslog_server

    def syslog_server(self, value):
        self._syslog_server = value
        api_args = {'syslog_server': self._syslog_server}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def syslog_port(self):
        """The port where the remote syslog server listens for notifications"""
        return self._syslog_port

    def syslog_port(self, value):
        self._syslog_port = value
        api_args = {'syslog_port': self._syslog_port}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def syslog_ident(self):
        """The ident to use when sending syslog notifications"""
        return self._syslog_ident

    def syslog_ident(self, value):
        self._syslog_ident = value
        api_args = {'syslog_ident': self._syslog_ident}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def syslog_facility(self):
        """The syslog facility to use when sending syslog notifications. Must
        be one of 'kern', 'user', 'mail', 'daemon', 'auth', 'syslog', 'lpr',
        'news', 'uucp', 'cron', 'authpriv', 'ftp', 'ntp', 'security',
        'console', 'local0', 'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4', 'local5',
        'local6', or 'local7'
        return self._syslog_facility

    def syslog_facility(self, value):
        if value not in self.valid_syslog_facility:
            raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('syslog_facility', value,
        self._syslog_facility = value
        api_args = {'syslog_facility': self._syslog_facility}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def syslog_delivery(self):
        return self._syslog_delivery

    def syslog_delivery(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_delivery': value}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def syslog_probe_format(self):
        return self._syslog_probe_fmt

    def syslog_probe_format(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_probe_fmt': value}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def syslog_status_format(self):
        return self._syslog_status_fmt

    def syslog_status_format(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_status_fmt': value}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def recovery_delay(self):
        return self._recovery_delay

    def recovery_delay(self, value):
        api_args = {'recovery_delay': value}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def region(self):
        """A list of :class:`GSLBRegion`'s"""
        return self._region

    def region(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, APIList):
            self._region = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'region', None,
        elif isinstance(value, APIList):
            self._region = value
        self._region.uri = self.uri

    def monitor(self):
        """The health :class:`Monitor` for this service"""
        return self._monitor

    def monitor(self, value):
        # We're only going accept new monitors of type Monitor
        if isinstance(value, Monitor):
            api_args = {'monitor': value.to_json()}
            response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
            self._build(response['data'], region=False)
            self._monitor = value

    def contact_nickname(self):
        """Name of contact to receive notifications from this :class:`GSLB`
        return self._contact_nickname

    def contact_nickname(self, value):
        self._contact_nickname = value
        api_args = {'contact_nickname': self._contact_nickname}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',
        self._build(response['data'], region=False)

    def delete(self):
        """Delete this :class:`GSLB` service from the DynECT System"""
        api_args = {}
        DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)

    def __str__(self):
        """str override"""
        return force_unicode('<GSLB>: {}').format(self._fqdn)

    __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__

    def __bytes__(self):
        """bytes override"""
        return bytes(self.__str__())
Пример #2
class RTTM(object):
    def __init__(self, zone, fqdn, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a :class:`RTTM` object

        :param auto_recover:  Indicates whether or not the service should
            automatically come out of failover when the IP addresses resume
            active status or if the service should remain in failover until
            manually reset. Must be one of 'Y' or 'N'
        :param ttl: Time To Live in seconds of records in the service. Must be
            less than 1/2 of the Health Probe's monitoring interval. Must be
            one of 30, 60, 150, 300, or 450.
        :param notify_events: A list of the events which trigger notifications.
            Must be one of 'ip', 'svc', or 'nosrv'
        :param syslog_server: The Hostname or IP address of a server to receive
            syslog notifications on monitoring events
        :param syslog_port: The port where the remote syslog server listens for
        :param syslog_ident: The ident to use when sending syslog notifications
        :param syslog_facility: The syslog facility to use when sending syslog
            notifications. Must be one of kern, user, mail, daemon, auth,
            syslog, lpr, news, uucp, cron, authpriv, ftp, ntp, security,
            console, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, or
        :param syslog_delivery: The syslog delivery action type. 'all' will
            deliver notifications no matter what the endpoint state. 'change'
            (default) will deliver only on change in the detected endpoint
        :param region: A list of :class:`RTTMRegion`'s
        :param monitor: The :class:`Monitor` for this service
        :param performance_monitor: The performance monitor for the service
        :param contact_nickname: Name of contact to receive notifications
        :param syslog_probe_fmt: see below for format:
        :param syslog_status_fmt: see below for format:
        :param syslog_rttm_fmt: see below for format:
            Use the following format for syslog_xxxx_fmt paramaters.
            %hos	hostname
            %tim	current timestamp or monitored interval
            %reg	region code
            %sta	status
            %ser	record serial
            %rda	rdata
            %sit	monitoring site
            %rti	response time
            %msg	message from monitoring
            %adr	address of monitored node
            %med	median value
            %rts	response times (RTTM)
        :param recovery_delay: number of up status polling intervals to
            consider service up
        super(RTTM, self).__init__()
        self.valid_ttls = (30, 60, 150, 300, 450)
        self.valid_notify_events = ('ip', 'svc', 'nosrv')
        self.valid_syslog_facilities = ('kern', 'user', 'mail', 'daemon',
                                        'auth', 'syslog', 'lpr', 'news',
                                        'uucp', 'cron', 'authpriv', 'ftp',
                                        'ntp', 'security', 'console', 'local0',
                                        'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4',
                                        'local5', 'local6', 'local7')
        self._zone = zone
        self._fqdn = fqdn
        self.uri = '/RTTM/{}/{}/'.format(self._zone, self._fqdn)
        self._auto_recover = self._ttl = self._notify_events = None
        self._syslog_server = self._syslog_port = self._syslog_ident = None
        self._syslog_facility = self._monitor = None
        self._performance_monitor = self._contact_nickname = None
        self._active = self._syslog_delivery = self._syslog_probe_fmt = None
        self._syslog_status_fmt = self._syslog_rttm_fmt = None
        self._recovery_delay = None
        self._region = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'region')
        self._task_id = None
        if 'api' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['api']
        elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0:
            self._post(*args, **kwargs)
        self._region.uri = self.uri

    def _post(self, contact_nickname, performance_monitor, region, ttl=None,
              auto_recover=None, notify_events=None, syslog_server=None,
              syslog_port=514, syslog_ident='dynect', syslog_facility='daemon',
              syslog_delivery='change', syslog_probe_fmt=None,
              syslog_status_fmt=None, syslog_rttm_fmt=None,
              recovery_delay=None, monitor=None):
        """Create a new RTTM Service on the DynECT System"""
        self._auto_recover = auto_recover
        self._ttl = ttl
        self._notify_events = notify_events
        self._syslog_server = syslog_server
        self._syslog_port = syslog_port
        self._syslog_ident = syslog_ident
        self._syslog_facility = syslog_facility
        self._syslog_delivery = syslog_delivery
        self._region += region
        self._monitor = monitor
        self._performance_monitor = performance_monitor
        self._contact_nickname = contact_nickname
        self._syslog_probe_fmt = syslog_probe_fmt
        self._syslog_status_fmt = syslog_status_fmt
        self._syslog_rttm_fmt = syslog_rttm_fmt
        self._recovery_delay = recovery_delay
        api_args = {}
        if auto_recover:
            if auto_recover not in ('Y', 'N'):
                raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('auto_recover', auto_recover,
                                                 ('Y', 'N'))
            api_args['auto_recover'] = self._auto_recover
        if ttl:
            if ttl not in self.valid_ttls:
                raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('ttl', ttl, self.valid_ttls)
            api_args['ttl'] = self._ttl
        if notify_events:
            for event in notify_events:
                if event not in self.valid_notify_events:
                    raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('notify_events', event,
            api_args['notify_events'] = self._notify_events
        if syslog_server:
            api_args['syslog_server'] = self._syslog_server
        if syslog_port:
            api_args['syslog_port'] = self._syslog_port
        if syslog_ident:
            api_args['syslog_ident'] = self._syslog_ident
        if syslog_facility:
            if syslog_facility not in self.valid_syslog_facilities:
                raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('syslog_facility',
            api_args['syslog_facility'] = self._syslog_facility
        if syslog_delivery:
            api_args['syslog_delivery'] = self._syslog_delivery
        if syslog_probe_fmt:
            api_args['syslog_probe_fmt'] = self._syslog_probe_fmt
        if syslog_status_fmt:
            api_args['syslog_status_fmt'] = self._syslog_status_fmt
        if syslog_rttm_fmt:
            api_args['syslog_rttm_fmt'] = self._syslog_rttm_fmt
        if recovery_delay:
            api_args['recovery_delay'] = self._recovery_delay
        if region:
            api_args['region'] = [reg._json for reg in self._region]
        if monitor:
            api_args['monitor'] = self._monitor.to_json()
        if performance_monitor:
            mon_args = self._performance_monitor.to_json()
            api_args['performance_monitor'] = mon_args
        if contact_nickname:
            api_args['contact_nickname'] = self._contact_nickname

        # API expects a CSV string, not a list
        if isinstance(self.notify_events, list):
            api_args['notify_events'] = ','.join(self.notify_events)

        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST',

    def _get(self):
        """Build an object around an existing DynECT RTTM Service"""
        api_args = {}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET',

    def _update(self, api_args):
        """Perform a PUT api call using this objects data"""
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def _build(self, data):
        """Build the neccesary substructures under this :class:`RTTM`"""
        for key, val in data.items():
            if key == 'region':
                self._region = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'region')
                for region in val:
                    code = region.pop('region_code', None)
                    pool = region.pop('pool', None)
                    status = region.pop('status', None)

                    r = RTTMRegion(self._zone, self._fqdn, code, pool,
                    r._status = status
            elif key == 'monitor':
                if self._monitor is not None:
                    self._monitor.zone = self._zone
                    self._monitor.fqdn = self._fqdn
                    proto = val.pop('protocol', None)
                    inter = val.pop('interval', None)
                    self._monitor = Monitor(proto, inter, **val)
            elif key == 'performance_monitor':
                if self._performance_monitor is not None:
                    self._performance_monitor.zone = self._zone
                    self._performance_monitor.fqdn = self._fqdn
                    proto = val.pop('protocol', None)
                    inter = val.pop('interval', None)
                    self._performance_monitor = PerformanceMonitor(proto,
            elif key == 'notify_events':
                self._notify_events = [item.strip() for item in val.split(',')]
            elif key == 'active':
                self._active = Active(val)
            elif key == "task_id" and not val:
                self._task_id = None
            elif key == "task_id":
                self._task_id = Task(val)
                setattr(self, '_' + key, val)
        self._region.uri = self.uri

    def task(self):
        """:class:`Task` for most recent system
         action on this :class:`ActiveFailover`."""
        if self._task_id:
        return self._task_id

    def get_rrset_report(self, ts):
        """Generates a report of regional response sets for this RTTM service
        at a given point in time

        :param ts: UNIX timestamp identifying point in time for the log report
        :return: dictionary containing rrset report data
        api_args = {'zone': self._zone,
                    'fqdn': self._fqdn,
                    'ts': ts}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute('/RTTMRRSetReport/',
                                                       'POST', api_args)
        return response['data']

    def get_log_report(self, start_ts, end_ts=None):
        """Generates a report with information about changes to an existing
        RTTM service

        :param start_ts: datetime.datetime instance identifying point in time
            for the start of the log report
        :param end_ts: datetime.datetime instance identifying point in time
            for the end of the log report. Defaults to datetime.datetime.now()
        :return: dictionary containing log report data
        end_ts = end_ts or datetime.now()
        api_args = {'zone': self._zone,
                    'fqdn': self._fqdn,
                    'start_ts': unix_date(start_ts),
                    'end_ts': unix_date(end_ts)}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute('/RTTMLogReport/',
                                                       'POST', api_args)
        return response['data']

    def activate(self):
        """Activate this RTTM Service"""
        api_args = {'activate': True}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def deactivate(self):
        """Deactivate this RTTM Service"""
        api_args = {'deactivate': True}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def recover(self, recoverip=None, address=None):
        """Recovers the RTTM service or a specific node IP within the service
        api_args = {'recover': True}
        if recoverip:
            api_args['recoverip'] = recoverip
            api_args['address'] = address
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def active(self):
        """Returns whether or not this :class:`RTTM` Service is currently
        active. When setting directly, rather than using activate/deactivate
        valid arguments are 'Y' or True to activate, or 'N' or False to
        deactivate. Note: If your service is already active and you try to
        activate it, nothing will happen. And vice versa for deactivation.

        :returns: An :class:`Active` object representing the current state of
            this :class:`ReverseDNS` Service
        return self._active

    def active(self, value):
        deactivate = ('N', False)
        activate = ('Y', True)
        if value in deactivate and self.active:
        elif value in activate and not self.active:

    def auto_recover(self):
        """Indicates whether or not the service should automatically come out
        of failover when the IP addresses resume active status or if the
        service should remain in failover until manually reset. Must be one of
        'Y' or 'N'
        return self._auto_recover

    def auto_recover(self, value):
        if value not in ('Y', 'N'):
            raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('auto_recover', value,
                                             ('Y', 'N'))
        api_args = {'auto_recover': value}

    def ttl(self):
        """Time To Live in seconds of records in the service. Must be less than
        1/2 of the Health Probe's monitoring interval. Must be one of 30, 60,
        150, 300, or 450.
        return self._ttl

    def ttl(self, value):
        if value not in self.valid_ttls:
            raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('ttl', value, self.valid_ttls)
        api_args = {'ttl': value}

    def notify_events(self):
        """A list of events which trigger notifications. Valid values are:
        'ip', 'svc', and 'nosrv'
        return self._notify_events

    def notify_events(self, value):
        for val in value:
            if val not in self.valid_notify_events:
                raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('notify_events', val,
        value = ','.join(value)
        api_args = {'notify_events': value}

    def status(self):
        return self._status

    def syslog_server(self):
        """The Hostname or IP address of a server to receive syslog
        notifications on monitoring events
        return self._syslog_server

    def syslog_server(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_server': value}

    def syslog_port(self):
        """The port where the remote syslog server listens for notifications"""
        return self._syslog_port

    def syslog_port(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_port': value}

    def syslog_ident(self):
        """The ident to use when sending syslog notifications"""
        return self._syslog_ident

    def syslog_ident(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_ident': value}

    def syslog_facility(self):
        """The syslog facility to use when sending syslog notifications. Must
        be one of kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, uucp,
        cron, authpriv, ftp, ntp, security, console, local0, local1, local2,
        local3, local4, local5, local6, or local7
        return self._syslog_facility

    def syslog_facility(self, value):
        if value not in self.valid_syslog_facilities:
            raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('syslog_facility', value,
        api_args = {'syslog_facility': value}

    def syslog_delivery(self):
        return self._syslog_delivery

    def syslog_delivery(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_delivery': value}

    def syslog_probe_format(self):
        return self._syslog_probe_fmt

    def syslog_probe_format(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_probe_fmt': value}

    def syslog_status_format(self):
        return self._syslog_status_fmt

    def syslog_status_format(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_status_fmt': value}

    def syslog_rttm_format(self):
        return self._syslog_rttm_fmt

    def syslog_rttm_format(self, value):
        api_args = {'syslog_rttm_fmt': value}

    def recovery_delay(self):
        return self._recovery_delay

    def recovery_delay(self, value):
        api_args = {'recovery_delay': value}

    def region(self):
        """A list of :class:`RTTMRegion`'s"""
        return self._region

    def region(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, APIList):
            self._region = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'region', None,
        elif isinstance(value, APIList):
            self._region = value
        self._region.uri = self.uri

    def monitor(self):
        """The :class:`Monitor` for this service"""
        return self._monitor

    def monitor(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, Monitor):
            self._monitor = value
            api_args = {'monitor': self._monitor.to_json()}

    def performance_monitor(self):
        """The Performance :class:`Monitor` for this service"""
        return self._performance_monitor

    def performance_monitor(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, Monitor):
            self._performance_monitor = value
            api_args = {'performance_monitor':

    def contact_nickname(self):
        """The name of contact to receive notifications from this service"""
        return self._contact_nickname

    def contact_nickname(self, value):
        api_args = {'contact_nickname': value}

    def delete(self):
        """Delete this RTTM Service"""
        api_args = {}
        DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)

    def __str__(self):
        """str override"""
        return force_unicode('<RTTM>: {}').format(self._fqdn)

    __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__

    def __bytes__(self):
        """bytes override"""
        return bytes(self.__str__())
Пример #3
class DNSSEC(object):
    """A DynECT System DNSSEC Service"""

    def __init__(self, zone, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a :class:`DNSSEC` object

        :param zone: the zone this service will be attached to
        :param keys: a list of :class:`DNSSECKey`'s for the service
        :param contact_nickname: Name of contact to receive notifications
        :param notify_events: A ``list`` of events that trigger notifications.
            Valid values are "create" (a new version of a key was created),
            "expire" (a key was automatically expired), or "warning" (early
            warnings (2 weeks, 1 week, 1 day) of events)
        super(DNSSEC, self).__init__()
        self.valid_notify_events = ('create', 'expire', 'warning')
        self._zone = zone
        self._contact_nickname = self._notify_events = None
        self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys')
        self._active = None
        self.uri = '/DNSSEC/{}/'.format(self._zone)
        if 'api' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['api']
        elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0:
            self._post(*args, **kwargs)
        self._keys.uri = self.uri

    def _post(self, keys, contact_nickname, notify_events=None):
        """Create a new :class:`DNSSEC` Service on the Dynect System"""
        self._keys += keys
        self._contact_nickname = contact_nickname
        self._notify_events = notify_events
        api_args = {'keys': [key._json for key in self._keys],
                    'contact_nickname': self._contact_nickname}
        for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
            if val is not None and not hasattr(val, '__call__') and \
                if key == '_user_name' or key == '_keys':
                    api_args[key[1:]] = val
        # Need to cast to CSV for API
        if self._notify_events is not None:
            api_args['notify_events'] = ','.join(self._notify_events)
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST',

    def _get(self):
        """Update this object from an existing :class:`DNSSEC` service from the
        Dynect System.
        api_args = {}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET',

    def _build(self, data):
        """Iterate over API data responses and update this object according to
        the data returned
        for key, val in data.items():
            if key == 'keys':
                self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys')
                for key_data in val:
                    key_data['key_type'] = key_data['type']
                    del key_data['type']
            elif key == 'active':
                self._active = Active(val)
                setattr(self, '_' + key, val)
        self.uri = '/DNSSEC/{}/'.format(self._zone)
        self._keys.uri = self.uri

    def zone(self):
        """The name of the zone where this service exists. This is a read-only
        return self._zone

    def zone(self, value):

    def active(self):
        """The current status of this :class:`DNSSEC` service. When setting
        directly, rather than using activate/deactivate valid arguments are 'Y'
        or True to activate, or 'N' or False to deactivate. Note: If your
        service is already active and you try to activate it, nothing will
        happen. And vice versa for deactivation.

        :returns: An :class:`Active` object representing the current state of
            this :class:`DNSSEC` Service
        self._get()  # Do a get to ensure an up-to-date status is returned
        return self._active

    def active(self, value):
        deactivate = ('N', False)
        activate = ('Y', True)
        if value in deactivate and self.active:
        elif value in activate and not self.active:

    def contact_nickname(self):
        """Name of contact to receive notifications"""
        return self._contact_nickname

    def contact_nickname(self, value):
        self._contact_nickname = value
        api_args = {'contact_nickname': self._contact_nickname}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def notify_events(self):
        """A list of events that trigger notifications. Valid values are:
        create (a new version of a key was created), expire (a key was
        automatically expired), warning (early warnings (2 weeks, 1 week, 1
        day) of events)
        return self._notify_events

    def notify_events(self, value):
        for val in value:
            if val not in self.valid_notify_events:
                raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('notify_events', val,
        value = ','.join(value)
        api_args = {'notify_events': value}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def keys(self):
        """A List of :class:`DNSSECKey`'s associated with this :class:`DNSSEC`
        # Need this check for get_all_dnssec calls which do not return key info
        if self._keys is None or self._keys == []:
        return self._keys

    def keys(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, APIList):
            self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys', None,
        elif isinstance(value, APIList):
            self._keys = value
        self._keys.uri = self.uri

    def activate(self):
        """Activate this :class:`DNSSEC` service"""
        api_args = {'activate': 'Y'}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def deactivate(self):
        """Deactivate this :class:`DNSSEC` service"""
        api_args = {'deactivate': 'Y'}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def timeline_report(self, start_ts=None, end_ts=None):
        """Generates a report of events this :class:`DNSSEC` service has
        performed and has scheduled to perform

        :param start_ts: datetime.datetime instance identifying point in time
            for the start of the timeline report
        :param end_ts: datetime.datetime instance identifying point in time
            for the end of the timeline report. Defaults to
        api_args = {'zone': self._zone}
        if start_ts is not None:
            api_args['start_ts'] = unix_date(start_ts)
        if end_ts is not None:
            api_args['end_ts'] = unix_date(end_ts)
        elif end_ts is None and start_ts is not None:
            api_args['end_ts'] = unix_date(datetime.now())
        uri = '/DNSSECTimelineReport/'
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args)
        return response['data']

    def delete(self):
        """Delete this :class:`DNSSEC` Service from the DynECT System"""
        api_args = {}
        DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)

    def __str__(self):
        """str override"""
        return force_unicode('<DNSSEC>: {}').format(self._zone)
    __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__

    def __bytes__(self):
        """bytes override"""
        return bytes(self.__str__())
Пример #4
class DNSSEC(object):
    """A DynECT System DNSSEC Service"""
    def __init__(self, zone, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a :class:`DNSSEC` object

        :param zone: the zone this service will be attached to
        :param keys: a list of :class:`DNSSECKey`'s for the service
        :param contact_nickname: Name of contact to receive notifications
        :param notify_events: A ``list`` of events that trigger notifications.
            Valid values are "create" (a new version of a key was created),
            "expire" (a key was automatically expired), or "warning" (early
            warnings (2 weeks, 1 week, 1 day) of events)
        super(DNSSEC, self).__init__()
        self.valid_notify_events = ('create', 'expire', 'warning')
        self._zone = zone
        self._contact_nickname = self._notify_events = None
        self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys')
        self._active = None
        self.uri = '/DNSSEC/{}/'.format(self._zone)
        if 'api' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['api']
        elif len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0:
            self._post(*args, **kwargs)
        self._keys.uri = self.uri

    def _post(self, keys, contact_nickname, notify_events=None):
        """Create a new :class:`DNSSEC` Service on the Dynect System"""
        self._keys += keys
        self._contact_nickname = contact_nickname
        self._notify_events = notify_events
        api_args = {
            'keys': [key._json for key in self._keys],
            'contact_nickname': self._contact_nickname
        for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
            if val is not None and not hasattr(val, '__call__') and \
                if key == '_user_name' or key == '_keys':
                    api_args[key[1:]] = val
        # Need to cast to CSV for API
        if self._notify_events is not None:
            api_args['notify_events'] = ','.join(self._notify_events)
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'POST',

    def _get(self):
        """Update this object from an existing :class:`DNSSEC` service from the
        Dynect System.
        api_args = {}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'GET',

    def _build(self, data):
        """Iterate over API data responses and update this object according to
        the data returned
        for key, val in data.items():
            if key == 'keys':
                self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys')
                for key_data in val:
                    key_data['key_type'] = key_data['type']
                    del key_data['type']
            elif key == 'active':
                self._active = Active(val)
                setattr(self, '_' + key, val)
        self.uri = '/DNSSEC/{}/'.format(self._zone)
        self._keys.uri = self.uri

    def zone(self):
        """The name of the zone where this service exists. This is a read-only
        return self._zone

    def zone(self, value):

    def active(self):
        """The current status of this :class:`DNSSEC` service. When setting
        directly, rather than using activate/deactivate valid arguments are 'Y'
        or True to activate, or 'N' or False to deactivate. Note: If your
        service is already active and you try to activate it, nothing will
        happen. And vice versa for deactivation.

        :returns: An :class:`Active` object representing the current state of
            this :class:`DNSSEC` Service
        self._get()  # Do a get to ensure an up-to-date status is returned
        return self._active

    def active(self, value):
        deactivate = ('N', False)
        activate = ('Y', True)
        if value in deactivate and self.active:
        elif value in activate and not self.active:

    def contact_nickname(self):
        """Name of contact to receive notifications"""
        return self._contact_nickname

    def contact_nickname(self, value):
        self._contact_nickname = value
        api_args = {'contact_nickname': self._contact_nickname}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def notify_events(self):
        """A list of events that trigger notifications. Valid values are:
        create (a new version of a key was created), expire (a key was
        automatically expired), warning (early warnings (2 weeks, 1 week, 1
        day) of events)
        return self._notify_events

    def notify_events(self, value):
        for val in value:
            if val not in self.valid_notify_events:
                raise DynectInvalidArgumentError('notify_events', val,
        value = ','.join(value)
        api_args = {'notify_events': value}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def keys(self):
        """A List of :class:`DNSSECKey`'s associated with this :class:`DNSSEC`
        # Need this check for get_all_dnssec calls which do not return key info
        if self._keys is None or self._keys == []:
        return self._keys

    def keys(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, list) and not isinstance(value, APIList):
            self._keys = APIList(DynectSession.get_session, 'keys', None,
        elif isinstance(value, APIList):
            self._keys = value
        self._keys.uri = self.uri

    def activate(self):
        """Activate this :class:`DNSSEC` service"""
        api_args = {'activate': 'Y'}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def deactivate(self):
        """Deactivate this :class:`DNSSEC` service"""
        api_args = {'deactivate': 'Y'}
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'PUT',

    def timeline_report(self, start_ts=None, end_ts=None):
        """Generates a report of events this :class:`DNSSEC` service has
        performed and has scheduled to perform

        :param start_ts: datetime.datetime instance identifying point in time
            for the start of the timeline report
        :param end_ts: datetime.datetime instance identifying point in time
            for the end of the timeline report. Defaults to
        api_args = {'zone': self._zone}
        if start_ts is not None:
            api_args['start_ts'] = unix_date(start_ts)
        if end_ts is not None:
            api_args['end_ts'] = unix_date(end_ts)
        elif end_ts is None and start_ts is not None:
            api_args['end_ts'] = unix_date(datetime.now())
        uri = '/DNSSECTimelineReport/'
        response = DynectSession.get_session().execute(uri, 'POST', api_args)
        return response['data']

    def delete(self):
        """Delete this :class:`DNSSEC` Service from the DynECT System"""
        api_args = {}
        DynectSession.get_session().execute(self.uri, 'DELETE', api_args)

    def __str__(self):
        """str override"""
        return force_unicode('<DNSSEC>: {}').format(self._zone)

    __repr__ = __unicode__ = __str__

    def __bytes__(self):
        """bytes override"""
        return bytes(self.__str__())