Пример #1
    def execute_loaders(self, env=None, silent=None, key=None, filename=None):
        """Execute all internal and registered loaders

        :param env: The environment to load
        :param silent: If loading erros is silenced
        :param key: if provided load a single key
        :param filename: optional custom filename to load
        if key is None:
            default_loader(self, self._defaults)
        env = (env or self.current_env).upper()
        silent = silent or self.SILENT_ERRORS_FOR_DYNACONF
        self.pre_load(env, silent=silent, key=key)
        self.load_extra_yaml(env, silent, key)  # DEPRECATED
        for loader in self.loaders:
            self.logger.debug("Dynaconf executing: %s", loader.__name__)
            loader.load(self, env, silent=silent, key=key)
        self.load_includes(env, silent=silent, key=key)
        self.logger.debug("Loaded Files: %s", deduplicate(self._loaded_files))
Пример #2
def find_file(filename=".env", project_root=None, skip_files=None, **kwargs):
    """Search in increasingly higher folders for the given file
    Returns path to the file if found, or an empty string otherwise.

    This function will build a `search_tree` based on:

    - Project_root if specified
    - Invoked script location and its parents until root
    - Current working directory

    For each path in the `search_tree` it will also look for an
    aditional `./config` folder.
    search_tree = []
    work_dir = os.getcwd()
    skip_files = skip_files or []

    if project_root is None:
        logger.debug("No root_path for %s", filename)
        logger.debug("Got root_path %s for %s", project_root, filename)
        search_tree.extend(_walk_to_root(project_root, break_at=work_dir))

    script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[-1].filename))

    # Path to invoked script and recursively to root with its ./config dirs

    # Path to where Python interpreter was invoked and recursively to root

    # Don't look the same place twice
    search_tree = deduplicate(search_tree)

    global SEARCHTREE
    SEARCHTREE != search_tree and logger.debug("Search Tree: %s", search_tree)
    SEARCHTREE = search_tree

    logger.debug("Searching for %s", filename)

    for dirname in search_tree:
        check_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
        if check_path in skip_files:
        if os.path.exists(check_path):
            logger.debug("Found: %s", os.path.abspath(check_path))
            return check_path  # First found will return

    # return empty string if not found so it can still be joined in os.path
    return ""
Пример #3
def find_file(filename=".env", project_root=None, skip_files=None, **kwargs):
    """Search in increasingly higher folders for the given file
    Returns path to the file if found, or an empty string otherwise.

    This function will build a `search_tree` based on:

    - Project_root if specified
    - Invoked script location and its parents until root
    - Current working directory

    For each path in the `search_tree` it will also look for an
    aditional `./config` folder.
    search_tree = []
    work_dir = os.getcwd()
    skip_files = skip_files or []

    # If filename is an absolute path and exists, just return it
    # if the absolute path does not exist, return empty string so
    # that it can be joined and avoid IoError
    if os.path.isabs(filename):
        return filename if os.path.exists(filename) else ""

    if project_root is not None:
        search_tree.extend(_walk_to_root(project_root, break_at=work_dir))

    script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.stack()[-1].filename))

    # Path to invoked script and recursively to root with its ./config dirs

    # Path to where Python interpreter was invoked and recursively to root

    # Don't look the same place twice
    search_tree = deduplicate(search_tree)

    global SEARCHTREE
    SEARCHTREE[:] = search_tree

    for dirname in search_tree:
        check_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
        if check_path in skip_files:
        if os.path.exists(check_path):
            return check_path  # First found will return

    # return empty string if not found so it can still be joined in os.path
    return ""
Пример #4
def default_loader(obj, defaults=None):
    """Loads default settings and check if there are overridings
    exported as environment variables"""
    defaults = defaults or {}
    default_settings_values = {
        key: value
        for key, value in default_settings.__dict__.items()  # noqa
        if key.isupper()

    all_keys = deduplicate(
        list(defaults.keys()) + list(default_settings_values.keys())

    for key in all_keys:
        if not obj.exists(key):
            value = defaults.get(key, default_settings_values.get(key))
            obj.logger.debug("loading: %s:%s", key, value)
            obj.set(key, value)

    # start dotenv to get default env vars from there
    # check overrides in env vars

    # Deal with cases where a custom ENV_SWITCHER_IS_PROVIDED
    # Example: Flask and Django Extensions
    env_switcher = defaults.get(

    for key in all_keys:
        if key not in default_settings_values.keys():

        env_value = obj.get_environ(
            env_switcher if key == "ENV_FOR_DYNACONF" else key,

        if env_value != "_not_found":
            obj.logger.debug("overriding from envvar: %s:%s", key, env_value)
            obj.set(key, env_value, tomlfy=True)