Пример #1
    def queryDynect(self):

        LOG.info('Query DynECT to get the state of GSLBs')
            rest_iface = DynectRest()
            if CONF.debug and CONF.use_stderr:
                rest_iface.verbose = True

            # login
            credentials = {
                'customer_name': CONF.dynect_customer,
                'user_name': CONF.dynect_username,
                'password': CONF.dynect_password,
            LOG.debug('credentials = %s', credentials)
            response = rest_iface.execute('/Session/', 'POST', credentials)

            if response['status'] != 'success':
                LOG.error('Failed to create API session: %s', response['msgs'][0]['INFO'])
                self.updating = False

            # Discover all the Zones in DynECT
            response = rest_iface.execute('/Zone/', 'GET')
            LOG.debug('/Zone/ => %s', json.dumps(response, indent=4))
            zone_resources = response['data']

            # Discover all the LoadBalancers
            for resource in zone_resources:
                zone = resource.split('/')[3]  # eg. /REST/Zone/guardiannews.com/
                response = rest_iface.execute('/LoadBalance/' + zone + '/', 'GET')
                LOG.debug('/LoadBalance/%s/ => %s', zone, json.dumps(response, indent=4))
                gslb = response['data']

                # Discover LoadBalancer pool information.
                for lb in gslb:
                    fqdn = lb.split('/')[4]  # eg. /REST/LoadBalance/guardiannews.com/id.guardiannews.com/
                    response = rest_iface.execute('/LoadBalance/' + zone + '/' + fqdn + '/', 'GET')
                    LOG.debug('/LoadBalance/%s/%s/ => %s', zone, fqdn, json.dumps(response, indent=4))
                    status = response['data']['status']
                    monitor = response['data']['monitor']
                    self.info['gslb-' + fqdn] = {'status': status, 'gslb': fqdn, 'rawData': monitor}

                    for pool in response['data']['pool']:
                        name = '%s-%s' % (fqdn, pool['label'].replace(' ', '-'))
                        status = '%s:%s:%s' % (pool['status'], pool['serve_mode'], pool['weight'])
                        self.info['pool-' + name] = {'status': status, 'gslb': fqdn, 'rawData': pool}

            LOG.info('Finished object discovery query.')
            LOG.debug('GSLBs and Pools: %s', json.dumps(self.info, indent=4))

            # logout
            rest_iface.execute('/Session/', 'DELETE')

        except Exception, e:
            LOG.error('Failed to discover GSLBs: %s', e)
            self.updating = False
Пример #2
    def queryDynect(self):

        LOG.info('Query DynECT to get the state of GSLBs')
            rest_iface = DynectRest()
            if CONF.debug and CONF.use_stderr:
                rest_iface.verbose = True

            # login
            credentials = {
                'customer_name': CONF.dynect_customer,
                'user_name': CONF.dynect_username,
                'password': CONF.dynect_password,
            LOG.debug('credentials = %s', credentials)
            response = rest_iface.execute('/Session/', 'POST', credentials)

            if response['status'] != 'success':
                LOG.error('Failed to create API session: %s',
                self.updating = False

            # Discover all the Zones in DynECT
            response = rest_iface.execute('/Zone/', 'GET')
            LOG.debug('/Zone/ => %s', json.dumps(response, indent=4))
            zone_resources = response['data']

            # Discover all the LoadBalancers
            for resource in zone_resources:
                zone = resource.split('/')[
                    3]  # eg. /REST/Zone/guardiannews.com/
                response = rest_iface.execute('/LoadBalance/' + zone + '/',
                LOG.debug('/LoadBalance/%s/ => %s', zone,
                          json.dumps(response, indent=4))
                gslb = response['data']

                # Discover LoadBalancer pool information.
                for lb in gslb:
                    fqdn = lb.split(
                    )[4]  # eg. /REST/LoadBalance/guardiannews.com/id.guardiannews.com/
                    response = rest_iface.execute(
                        '/LoadBalance/' + zone + '/' + fqdn + '/', 'GET')
                    LOG.debug('/LoadBalance/%s/%s/ => %s', zone, fqdn,
                              json.dumps(response, indent=4))
                    status = response['data']['status']
                    monitor = response['data']['monitor']
                    self.info['gslb-' + fqdn] = {
                        'status': status,
                        'gslb': fqdn,
                        'rawData': monitor

                    for pool in response['data']['pool']:
                        name = '%s-%s' % (fqdn, pool['label'].replace(
                            ' ', '-'))
                        status = '%s:%s:%s' % (
                            pool['status'], pool['serve_mode'], pool['weight'])
                        self.info['pool-' + name] = {
                            'status': status,
                            'gslb': fqdn,
                            'rawData': pool

            LOG.info('Finished object discovery query.')
            LOG.debug('GSLBs and Pools: %s', json.dumps(self.info, indent=4))

            # logout
            rest_iface.execute('/Session/', 'DELETE')

        except Exception, e:
            LOG.error('Failed to discover GSLBs: %s', e)
            self.updating = False