Пример #1
def StateTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    file: IO[Any] = open("e2e/Vectors/Merit/State.json", "r")
    blocks: List[Dict[str, Any]] = json.loads(file.read())

    blockchain: Blockchain = Blockchain.fromJSON(blocks)
    state: State = State()

    def checkState(block: int) -> None:
        state.add(blockchain, block)

        meritSum: int = 0
        for miner in range(len(state.balances)):
            meritSum += state.balances[miner]
            if rpc.call("merit", "getMerit", [miner]) != {
                    "status": "Unlocked",
                    "malicious": False,
                    "merit": state.balances[miner]
                raise TestError("Merit doesn't match.")

        if meritSum != min(block, state.lifetime):
            raise TestError("Merit sum is invalid.")

    Liver(rpc, blocks, everyBlock=checkState).live()
Пример #2
    def fromJSON(json: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Any:
        result: Merit = Merit.__new__(Merit)
        result.blockchain = Blockchain.fromJSON(json)
        result.state = State()
        result.epochs = Epochs()
        result.mints = []

        for b in range(1, len(result.blockchain.blocks)):
            mint: Optional[Mint] = result.epochs.shift(result.state,
                                                       result.blockchain, b)
            if mint is not None:

            result.state.add(result.blockchain, b)
        return result
Пример #3
def StateTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    file: IO[Any] = open("e2e/Vectors/Merit/StateBlocks.json", "r")
    blocks: List[Dict[str, Any]] = json.loads(file.read())

    blockchain: Blockchain = Blockchain.fromJSON(blocks)
    state: State = State()

    def checkState(block: int) -> None:
        state.add(blockchain, block)

        for miner in state.unlocked:
            if rpc.call("merit", "getMerit", [miner]) != {
                    "unlocked": True,
                    "malicious": False,
                    "merit": state.unlocked[miner]
                raise TestError("Merit doesn't match.")

    Liver(rpc, blocks, everyBlock=checkState).live()
Пример #4
 def __init__(self) -> None:
     self.blockchain: Blockchain = Blockchain()
     self.state: State = State()
     self.epochs = Epochs()
     self.mints: List[Mint] = []
Пример #5
from typing import IO, Any
from random import seed, getrandbits
import json

from e2e.Classes.Merit.State import State

from e2e.Vectors.Generation.PrototypeChain import PrototypeChain

#Ensure consistent vectors.

chain: PrototypeChain = PrototypeChain(1)
miners: int = 1

#State is used solely to get the lifetime.
#This test only has significance when Dead Merit is also tested.
for _ in range(State().lifetime * 3):
  #Why manually specify hundreds of miners when we can randomize it?
  nextMiner: int = getrandbits(8) % miners
  #If the nextMiner is 0, it's either trying to use the original miner or a new miner.
  #Create a 50% chance of creating a new miner.
  if (nextMiner == 0) and (getrandbits(1) == 1):
    nextMiner = miners

vectors: IO[Any] = open("e2e/Vectors/Merit/State.json", "w")