def check_eb(cf, ystart, yend, cdomain, cid, cver, msg=None): """ Energy balance check Parameters: ---------- Returns: ------- """ rystart = ystart ryend = yend vLAT, vLON = e2oU.default_latlon(cf.cdomain) nlat = len(vLAT) nlon = len(vLON) grid_area = e2oU.load_grid_area(fgarea) cvarsEB = ["SWnet", "LWnet", "Qh", "Qle", "Qsm", "NET"] if msg is None: msg = e2oU.init_msg() venB = {} globM = {} ## global mean values for information only ! for cvar in cvarsEB: cf = cf.attr2fpath(cfreq="mon", cvar=cvar, cdomain=cdomain, cid=cid, cver=cver) print "EB, loading:", cvar if cvar == "NET": venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) for cc in cvarsEB[:-1]: venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] + venB[cc] else: xdata, xtime = e2oU.load_nc_var( cf.fpath, cf.cvar, dstart=dt.datetime(rystart, 1, 1), dend=dt.datetime(ryend, 12, 31) ) if xdata is None: venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) msg["Wmsg"].append("EB: Could not find variable: '%s', setting to zero!'" % (cvar)) else: venB[cvar] = np.mean(xdata, 0) if cvar == "Qsm": venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] * 3.34e5 * -1.0 globM[cvar] = compute_area_mean(venB[cvar], grid_area) for cvar in cvarsEB: msg["Dmsg"].append( "EB: Global mean of %s %f (W m-2) with %s/%s %f" % (cvar, globM[cvar], cvar, cvarsEB[0], globM[cvar] / globM[cvarsEB[0]]) ) return msg
def check_wb(cf, ystart, yend, cdomain, cid, cver, msg=None): """ Water balance check Parameters: ---------- Returns: ------- """ rystart = ystart ryend = yend dstart = dt.datetime(cf.ystart, 1, 1).toordinal() dend = dt.datetime(cf.yend, 12, 31).toordinal() xTIME = num2date(np.arange(0, dend - dstart + 1, 1), "days since %4i-01-01 00:00:00" % cf.ystart) tinD = [ np.nonzero(xTIME == dt.datetime(rystart, 1, 1))[0][0], np.nonzero(xTIME == dt.datetime(ryend, 12, 31))[0][0], ] ndays = tinD[1] - tinD[0] + 1 # print tinD # print ndays vLAT, vLON = e2oU.default_latlon(cf.cdomain) nlat = len(vLAT) nlon = len(vLON) grid_area = e2oU.load_grid_area(fgarea) cvarsWB = ["Precip", "Runoff", "Evap", "Stor", "NET"] # cvarsWB=['Precip','Runoff','Evap','NET'] if msg is None: msg = e2oU.init_msg() venB = {} globM = {} ## global mean values for information only ! for cvar in cvarsWB: print "WB, loading:", cvar if cvar == "NET": venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) for cc in cvarsWB[:-1]: venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] + venB[cc] elif cvar == "Stor": venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) for svar in ["TotMoist", "SWE", "CanopInt"]: cf = cf.attr2fpath(cfreq="day", cvar=svar, cdomain=cdomain, cid=cid, cver=cver) xdata, xtime = e2oU.load_nc_var(cf.fpath, cf.cvar, tinD=tinD) if xdata is None: xdata = np.zeros((2, nlat, nlon)) msg["Wmsg"].append("WB: Could not find variable: '%s', setting to zero!'" % (svar)) venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] + -1 * (xdata[1, :, :] - xdata[0, :, :]) / (ndays) else: cf = cf.attr2fpath(cfreq="mon", cvar=cvar, cdomain=cdomain, cid=cid, cver=cver) xdata, xtime = e2oU.load_nc_var( cf.fpath, cf.cvar, dstart=dt.datetime(rystart, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), dend=dt.datetime(ryend, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59), ) # if cvar == 'Precip': print xtime if xdata is None: venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) msg["Wmsg"].append("WB: Could not find variable: '%s', setting to zero!'" % (cvar)) else: venB[cvar] = np.mean(xdata, 0) venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] * 86400.0 globM[cvar] = compute_area_mean(venB[cvar], grid_area) for cvar in cvarsWB: msg["Dmsg"].append( "WB: Global mean of %s %f (mm day-1) with %s/%s %f" % (cvar, globM[cvar], cvar, cvarsWB[0], globM[cvar] / globM[cvarsWB[0]]) ) if cvar == "NET": msg["Dmsg"].append( "WB:" + " variable %s with gpmin %e, gpmax %e fldmean %e #gp>thr %i" % ( cvar, np.min(venB[cvar]), np.max(venB[cvar]), globM[cvar], np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar]) > 5e-6 * 86400.0), ) ) if np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar]) > 5e-6 * 86400.0) > 0: msg["Wmsg"].append( "WB:" + " variable %s with gpmin %e, gpmax %e fldmean %e #gp>thr %i" % ( cvar, np.min(venB[cvar]), np.max(venB[cvar]), globM[cvar], np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar]) > 5e-6 * 86400.0), ) ) # plt.figure() # plt.pcolormesh(vLON,vLAT,venB[cvar]);plt.colorbar() # for plotting # plt.title(cvar) # if (cvar == "NET"): # plt.figure() # xx = venB[cvar] # xx[np.abs(venB[cvar])<5e-6*86400.] = 0 # plt.pcolormesh(vLON,vLAT,venB[cvar]);plt.colorbar() # for plotting # plt.title(cvar+' 0 == ok') # return msg
def check_wb(cf,ystart,yend,cdomain,cid,cver,msg=None): """ Water balance check Parameters: ---------- Returns: ------- """ rystart=ystart ryend=yend dstart=dt.datetime(cf.ystart,1,1).toordinal() dend=dt.datetime(cf.yend,12,31).toordinal() xTIME = num2date(np.arange(0,dend-dstart+1,1),"days since %4i-01-01 00:00:00"%cf.ystart) tinD=[np.nonzero(xTIME==dt.datetime(rystart,1,1))[0][0],np.nonzero(xTIME==dt.datetime(ryend,12,31))[0][0]] ndays=tinD[1]-tinD[0]+1 #print tinD #print ndays vLAT,vLON = e2oU.default_latlon(cf.cdomain) nlat = len(vLAT) nlon = len(vLON) grid_area = e2oU.load_grid_area(fgarea) cvarsWB=['Precip','Runoff','Evap','Stor','NET'] if msg is None: msg=e2oU.init_msg() venB={} globM={} ## global mean values for information only ! for cvar in cvarsWB: print 'WB, loading:',cvar if cvar == "NET": venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat,nlon)) for cc in cvarsWB[:-1]: venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] + venB[cc] elif cvar == "Stor": venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat,nlon)) for svar in ['TotMoist','SWE','CanopInt','SurfStor']: print 'WB, loading:',svar cf = cf.attr2fpath(cfreq='day',cvar=svar,cdomain=cdomain,cid=cid,cver=cver) xdata,xtime = e2oU.load_nc_var(cf.fpath,cf.cvar,tinD=tinD) if xdata is None: xdata = np.zeros((2,nlat,nlon)) msg['Wmsg'].append("WB: Could not find variable: '%s', setting to zero!'"%(svar)) venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] + -1*(xdata[1,:,:] - xdata[0,:,:])/(ndays) else: cf = cf.attr2fpath(cfreq='mon',cvar=cvar,cdomain=cdomain,cid=cid,cver=cver) xdata,xtime = e2oU.load_nc_var(cf.fpath,cf.cvar,dstart=dt.datetime(rystart,1,1,0,0,0),dend=dt.datetime(ryend,12,31,23,59,59)) #if cvar == 'Precip': print xtime if xdata is None: venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat,nlon)) msg['Wmsg'].append("WB: Could not find variable: '%s', setting to zero!'"%(cvar)) else: venB[cvar] = np.mean(xdata,0) venB[cvar] = venB[cvar]*86400. globM[cvar] = compute_area_mean(venB[cvar],grid_area) for cvar in cvarsWB: msg['Dmsg'].append("WB: Global mean of %s %f (mm day-1) with %s/%s %f"% (cvar,globM[cvar],cvar,cvarsWB[0],globM[cvar]/globM[cvarsWB[0]])) if cvar == "NET" : msg['Dmsg'].append('WB:'+" variable %s with gpmin %e, gpmax %e fldmean %e #gp>thr %i"% (cvar,np.min(venB[cvar]),np.max(venB[cvar]),globM[cvar],np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar])>5e-6*86400.))) if np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar])>5e-6*86400.) > 0: msg['Wmsg'].append('WB:'+" variable %s with gpmin %e, gpmax %e fldmean %e #gp>thr %i"% (cvar,np.min(venB[cvar]),np.max(venB[cvar]),globM[cvar],np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar])>5e-6*86400.))) if LPLOT: #produce map with WB residuals #requires plot_utils from pyutils if (cvar == "NET"): from pyutils import plot_utils as pu import matplotlib.pyplot as plt opts={} opts['Clevels']=np.arange(-2,2.5,0.5)*86400*5e-6 opts['cmap']'RdBu') fig=pu.plot_map(vLON,vLAT,venB[cvar],titleC='WB residual',titleL=cf.cid,contourf=False, titleR="%i #gp"%np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar])>5e-6*86400.),Clabel='[mm/day]',**opts) fout='map_wb_res_%s_%s_%s_%i_%i.png'%(cf.cid,cf.cver,cf.cdomain,cf.ystart,cf.yend) print "Saving:",fout fig[0].savefig(fout,bbox_inches="tight",dpi=200) plt.close(fig[0]) return msg
def check_eb(cf,ystart,yend,cdomain,cid,cver,msg=None): """ Energy balance check Parameters: ---------- Returns: ------- """ rystart=ystart ryend=yend vLAT,vLON = e2oU.default_latlon(cf.cdomain) nlat = len(vLAT) nlon = len(vLON) grid_area = e2oU.load_grid_area(fgarea) cvarsEB=['SWnet','LWnet','Qh','Qle','Qsm','NET'] if msg is None: msg=e2oU.init_msg() venB={} globM={} ## global mean values for information only ! for cvar in cvarsEB: cf = cf.attr2fpath(cfreq='mon',cvar=cvar,cdomain=cdomain,cid=cid,cver=cver) print 'EB, loading:',cvar if cvar == "NET": venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat,nlon)) for cc in cvarsEB[:-1]: venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] + venB[cc] else: xdata,xtime = e2oU.load_nc_var(cf.fpath,cf.cvar,dstart=dt.datetime(rystart,1,1),dend=dt.datetime(ryend,12,31)) if xdata is None: venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat,nlon)) msg['Wmsg'].append("EB: Could not find variable: '%s', setting to zero!'"%(cvar)) else: venB[cvar] = np.mean(xdata,0) if cvar == "Qsm": venB[cvar] = venB[cvar]*3.34e5*-1. globM[cvar] = compute_area_mean(venB[cvar],grid_area) for cvar in cvarsEB: msg['Dmsg'].append("EB: Global mean of %s %f (W m-2) with %s/%s %f"% (cvar,globM[cvar],cvar,cvarsEB[0],globM[cvar]/globM[cvarsEB[0]])) if LPLOT: #produce map with EB residuals #requires plot_utils from pyutils # ask Edutra from pyutils import plot_utils as pu import matplotlib.pyplot as plt opts={} opts['Clevels']=np.linspace(-2,2,10) opts['cmap']'RdBu') fig=pu.plot_map(vLON,vLAT,venB['NET'],titleC='EB residual',titleL=cf.cid,contourf=False, Clabel='[W m-2]',**opts) fout='map_eb_res_%s_%s_%s_%i_%i.png'%(cf.cid,cf.cver,cf.cdomain,cf.ystart,cf.yend) print "Saving:",fout fig[0].savefig(fout,bbox_inches="tight",dpi=200) plt.close(fig[0]) return msg
def check_wb(cf, ystart, yend, cdomain, cid, cver, msg=None): """ Water balance check Parameters: ---------- Returns: ------- """ rystart = ystart ryend = yend dstart = dt.datetime(cf.ystart, 1, 1).toordinal() dend = dt.datetime(cf.yend, 12, 31).toordinal() xTIME = num2date(np.arange(0, dend - dstart + 1, 1), "days since %4i-01-01 00:00:00" % cf.ystart) tinD = [ np.nonzero(xTIME == dt.datetime(rystart, 1, 1))[0][0], np.nonzero(xTIME == dt.datetime(ryend, 12, 31))[0][0] ] ndays = tinD[1] - tinD[0] + 1 #print tinD #print ndays vLAT, vLON = e2oU.default_latlon(cf.cdomain) nlat = len(vLAT) nlon = len(vLON) grid_area = e2oU.load_grid_area(fgarea) cvarsWB = ['Precip', 'Runoff', 'Evap', 'Stor', 'NET'] if msg is None: msg = e2oU.init_msg() venB = {} globM = {} ## global mean values for information only ! for cvar in cvarsWB: print 'WB, loading:', cvar if cvar == "NET": venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) for cc in cvarsWB[:-1]: venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] + venB[cc] elif cvar == "Stor": venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) for svar in ['TotMoist', 'SWE', 'CanopInt', 'SurfStor']: print 'WB, loading:', svar cf = cf.attr2fpath(cfreq='day', cvar=svar, cdomain=cdomain, cid=cid, cver=cver) xdata, xtime = e2oU.load_nc_var(cf.fpath, cf.cvar, tinD=tinD) if xdata is None: xdata = np.zeros((2, nlat, nlon)) msg['Wmsg'].append( "WB: Could not find variable: '%s', setting to zero!'" % (svar)) venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] + -1 * (xdata[1, :, :] - xdata[0, :, :]) / (ndays) else: cf = cf.attr2fpath(cfreq='mon', cvar=cvar, cdomain=cdomain, cid=cid, cver=cver) xdata, xtime = e2oU.load_nc_var( cf.fpath, cf.cvar, dstart=dt.datetime(rystart, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), dend=dt.datetime(ryend, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)) #if cvar == 'Precip': print xtime if xdata is None: venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) msg['Wmsg'].append( "WB: Could not find variable: '%s', setting to zero!'" % (cvar)) else: venB[cvar] = np.mean(xdata, 0) venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] * 86400. globM[cvar] = compute_area_mean(venB[cvar], grid_area) for cvar in cvarsWB: msg['Dmsg'].append( "WB: Global mean of %s %f (mm day-1) with %s/%s %f" % (cvar, globM[cvar], cvar, cvarsWB[0], globM[cvar] / globM[cvarsWB[0]])) if cvar == "NET": msg['Dmsg'].append( 'WB:' + " variable %s with gpmin %e, gpmax %e fldmean %e #gp>thr %i" % (cvar, np.min(venB[cvar]), np.max(venB[cvar]), globM[cvar], np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar]) > 5e-6 * 86400.))) if np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar]) > 5e-6 * 86400.) > 0: msg['Wmsg'].append( 'WB:' + " variable %s with gpmin %e, gpmax %e fldmean %e #gp>thr %i" % (cvar, np.min(venB[cvar]), np.max(venB[cvar]), globM[cvar], np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar]) > 5e-6 * 86400.))) if LPLOT: #produce map with WB residuals #requires plot_utils from pyutils if (cvar == "NET"): from pyutils import plot_utils as pu import matplotlib.pyplot as plt opts = {} opts['Clevels'] = np.arange(-2, 2.5, 0.5) * 86400 * 5e-6 opts['cmap'] ='RdBu') fig = pu.plot_map(vLON, vLAT, venB[cvar], titleC='WB residual', titleL=cf.cid, contourf=False, titleR="%i #gp" % np.sum(np.abs(venB[cvar]) > 5e-6 * 86400.), Clabel='[mm/day]', **opts) fout = 'map_wb_res_%s_%s_%s_%i_%i.png' % ( cf.cid, cf.cver, cf.cdomain, cf.ystart, cf.yend) print "Saving:", fout fig[0].savefig(fout, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) plt.close(fig[0]) return msg
def check_eb(cf, ystart, yend, cdomain, cid, cver, msg=None): """ Energy balance check Parameters: ---------- Returns: ------- """ rystart = ystart ryend = yend vLAT, vLON = e2oU.default_latlon(cf.cdomain) nlat = len(vLAT) nlon = len(vLON) grid_area = e2oU.load_grid_area(fgarea) cvarsEB = ['SWnet', 'LWnet', 'Qh', 'Qle', 'Qsm', 'NET'] if msg is None: msg = e2oU.init_msg() venB = {} globM = {} ## global mean values for information only ! for cvar in cvarsEB: cf = cf.attr2fpath(cfreq='mon', cvar=cvar, cdomain=cdomain, cid=cid, cver=cver) print 'EB, loading:', cvar if cvar == "NET": venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) for cc in cvarsEB[:-1]: venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] + venB[cc] else: xdata, xtime = e2oU.load_nc_var(cf.fpath, cf.cvar, dstart=dt.datetime(rystart, 1, 1), dend=dt.datetime(ryend, 12, 31)) if xdata is None: venB[cvar] = np.zeros((nlat, nlon)) msg['Wmsg'].append( "EB: Could not find variable: '%s', setting to zero!'" % (cvar)) else: venB[cvar] = np.mean(xdata, 0) if cvar == "Qsm": venB[cvar] = venB[cvar] * 3.34e5 * -1. globM[cvar] = compute_area_mean(venB[cvar], grid_area) for cvar in cvarsEB: msg['Dmsg'].append("EB: Global mean of %s %f (W m-2) with %s/%s %f" % (cvar, globM[cvar], cvar, cvarsEB[0], globM[cvar] / globM[cvarsEB[0]])) if LPLOT: #produce map with EB residuals #requires plot_utils from pyutils # ask Edutra from pyutils import plot_utils as pu import matplotlib.pyplot as plt opts = {} opts['Clevels'] = np.linspace(-2, 2, 10) opts['cmap'] ='RdBu') fig = pu.plot_map(vLON, vLAT, venB['NET'], titleC='EB residual', titleL=cf.cid, contourf=False, Clabel='[W m-2]', **opts) fout = 'map_eb_res_%s_%s_%s_%i_%i.png' % (cf.cid, cf.cver, cf.cdomain, cf.ystart, cf.yend) print "Saving:", fout fig[0].savefig(fout, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) plt.close(fig[0]) return msg