def post_init_hook(cr, registry): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) res_ids = env[''].search([ ('model', '=', ''), ('module', '=', 'sale'), ]).mapped('res_id') env[''].browse(res_ids).update({'active': True})
def post_init_hook(cr, pool): """ Fetches all the sale order and resets the sequence of the order lines """ env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) sale = env['sale.order'].search([]) sale._reset_sequence()
def declined(self, db, token, action, id): registry = registry_get(db) with registry.cursor() as cr: env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].search([ ('access_token', '=', token), ('state', '!=', 'declined') ]) if attendee: attendee.do_decline() return self.view(db, token, action, id, view='form')
def poll(self, channels, last, options=None): if request.env.user.has_group('base.group_user'): ip_address = request.httprequest.remote_addr users_log = request.env['res.users.log'].search_count([ ('create_uid', '=',, ('ip', '=', ip_address), ('create_date', '>=', Datetime.to_string(, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)))]) if not users_log: with registry( as cr: env = Environment(cr,, {}) env['res.users.log'].create({'ip': ip_address}) return super(BusController, self).poll(channels, last, options=options)
def test_stock_picking_barcode(self): # needed because tests are run before the module is marked as # installed. In js web will only load qweb coming from modules # that are returned by the backend in module_boot. Without # this you end up with js, css but no qweb. cr = self.registry.cursor() assert cr == self.registry.test_cr env = Environment(cr, self.uid, {}) env["ir.module.module"].search( [("name", "=", "stock_picking_barcode")], limit=1).state = "installed" cr.release() # without a delay there might be problems on the steps whilst opening a POS # caused by a not yet loaded button's action self.phantom_js( "/web", "['web_tour.tour'].run('tour_stock_picking_barcode', 1000)", "['web_tour.tour'].tours.tour_stock_picking_barcode.ready", login="******", )
def _auth_method_calendar(cls): token = request.params['token'] dbname = request.params['db'] registry = eagle.registry(dbname) error_message = False with registry.cursor() as cr: env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].sudo().search( [('access_token', '=', token)], limit=1) if not attendee: error_message = """Invalid Invitation Token.""" elif request.session.uid and request.session.login != 'anonymous': # if valid session but user is not match user = env['res.users'].sudo().browse(request.session.uid) if attendee.partner_id != user.partner_id: error_message = """Invitation cannot be forwarded via email. This event/meeting belongs to %s and you are logged in as %s. Please ask organizer to add you.""" % (, if error_message: raise BadRequest(error_message) return True
def view(self, db, token, action, id, view='calendar'): registry = registry_get(db) with registry.cursor() as cr: # Since we are in auth=none, create an env with SUPERUSER_ID env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].search([ ('access_token', '=', token), ('event_id', '=', int(id)) ]) if not attendee: return request.not_found() timezone = lang = attendee.partner_id.lang or get_lang(request.env).code event = env['calendar.event'].with_context(tz=timezone, lang=lang).browse( int(id)) # If user is internal and logged, redirect to form view of event # otherwise, display the simplifyed web page with event informations if request.session.uid and request.env['res.users'].browse( request.session.uid).user_has_groups('base.group_user'): return werkzeug.utils.redirect( '/web?db=%s#id=%s&view_type=form&model=calendar.event' % (db, id)) # NOTE : we don't use request.render() since: # - we need a template rendering which is not lazy, to render before cursor closing # - we need to display the template in the language of the user (not possible with # request.render()) response_content = env['ir.ui.view'].with_context( lang=lang).render_template( 'calendar.invitation_page_anonymous', { 'event': event, 'attendee': attendee, }) return request.make_response(response_content, headers=[('Content-Type', 'text/html') ])
def _synchronize_cron(cr, registry): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {'active_test': False}) cron = env.ref('crm_iap_lead_enrich.ir_cron_lead_enrichment') if cron: config = env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param('crm.iap.lead.enrich.setting', 'manual') = config != 'manual'
def uninstall_hook(cr, registry): env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) for rec in env['eagle_dashboard.board'].search([]): rec.eagle_dashboard_client_action_id.unlink() rec.eagle_dashboard_menu_id.unlink()