Пример #1
def read_galaxy_database(query,
    if data_request == 1:

        mySims = np.array([(simname, 12.)])
        con = sql.connect(username, password=password)

        for sim_name, sim_size in mySims:
            # print sim_name

            myData = sql.execute_query(con, query)

            # print myData

            pickle_out = open(filename, 'wb')
            pickle.dump(myData, pickle_out)

    elif data_request == 0:
        pickle_in = open(filename, 'rb')
        myData = pickle.load(pickle_in)

    return myData
    def __init__(self, randomNumber, simulation, dataStorageLocation):
        The initialisation of this class initially will define all the constants that will be required during the module. These can be changed directly and then run the                      UpdateInformation module to update all the dependants. It also creates the dictionaries that will be used to store data during the processing. This initialisation requires           the parameters:
        - randomNumber: A random number used to limit the number of results queried from the database
        - simulation: The simulation that the we are interested in querying
        - dataStorageLocation: The location that the pickle files will be loaded from and saved to

        #Defining Values
        self.ageUniverse = 13.799  # Age of the Universe used in Time Linking estimate gotten from
        self.massPrecision = 0.05  # Mass Precision Used in Galaxy Matching
        self.dataStoragePath = dataStorageLocation  # The path to the storage for files that will be save and loaded
        self.MinimumNumberInBin = 10  # The minimum number of values that need to be in a bin in order for it to be statistically signicant enough to take the median

        #Defining all the Storage Tables
        self.dataStorage = {}  # Main Raw Data Storage
        self.binningStorage = {}  # Post Processing Storage for Binned Data
        self.comparisonData = {}  # Storage of Galaxies that have been matched
        self.propertiesQueried = {
        }  # Storage of the properties stored for each DataSet
        self.defaultQueries = {}  # Storage of Default Queries
        self.timeData = astropy.table.Table(
        )  # Storage for the Time Data (relation between redshift, snapshot numbers, lookbacktime and age of the universe)
        self.timeReference = {
        }  # A Reference Dictionary used to get corresponding redshfit and lookback time for a given redshift

        # DataBase Connection
        self.con = sql.connect("scp763", password="******")

        # PreInitialisation of Stored Queries
        self.simName = simulation
        self.randNum = randomNumber

        # Query Time Data from the Eagle Database to be used by the time linking module
        # Get the data from the Eagle Database
        snapShotData = sql.execute_query(self.con,
        #Add the queried data to the storage Astropy Table self.timeData
        for label in snapShotData.dtype.names:
            self.timeData[label] = snapShotData[label]
        del snapShotData, label

        # Also calculate the corresping age of the universe at each snapshot and add it as a column
            'AgeOfUniverse'] = self.ageUniverse - self.timeData['LookBackTime']

        # Creating a dictionary used for referenceing the snap shot to the redshift and lookbacktime
        for SN, LB, z, t in zip(self.timeData['SnapNum'],
            self.timeReference[SN] = [LB, z, t]
Пример #3
def query(username, password, query, outfile):

    print('Connecting to EAGLE database...')
    con = sql.connect(username, password=password)

    print('Executing query...')

    data = sql.execute_query(con, query)

    out_data = {}

    for name in data.dtype.names:
        out_data[name] = data[name]

    with open(outfile, 'w') as output:
        pickle.dump(out_data, output)

    print('Dumped output to ', outfile)
def database_query(username,password,query,outfile):

    import eagleSqlTools as sql
    import pickle

    print 'Connecting to EAGLE database...'
    con = sql.connect(username, password=password)
    print 'Connected.'

    print 'Executing query...'

    data = sql.execute_query(con, query)

    out_data = {}

    for name in data.dtype.names:
        out_data[name] = data[name]

    with open(outfile, 'w') as output:

    print 'Dumped output to ',outfile
Пример #5
    string = "SELECT GroupNumber, SubGroupNumber, CentreOfPotential_x, CentreOfPotential_y ,CentreOfPotential_z, GalaxyID FROM RefL0100N1504_Subhalo WHERE "
    realstring = []
    projection = []
    for line in data:
        words = line.split()
        if words[0] == "#column":
        for i in range(3, len(words)):
            #for i in range(5,len(words)):
            if words[i] != "-1":
                string += "GalaxyID = %s or " % (words[i])
            if words[i] == "-1":
                string = string[:-3]
        string = "SELECT GroupNumber, SubGroupNumber, CentreOfPotential_x, CentreOfPotential_y ,CentreOfPotential_z, GalaxyID FROM RefL0100N1504_Subhalo WHERE "
    con = sql.connect("kbx631", password="******")
    indices = [11, 13, 19, 24, 49, 64, 69]
    #indices = [42]
    n = 4
    for i in range(3, len(indices)):
        myQuery = realstring[indices[i]]
        print myQuery
        myData = sql.execute_query(con, myQuery)
        centre = np.array([myData[0][2], myData[0][3], myData[0][4]])
        PhaseDiagram_ReadEagle(myData[0][0], myData[0][1], centre)
        n += 1
#	xp = PhaseDiagram_ReadEagle(941030,0, centrep)
#	y = PhaseDiagram_ReadEagle(1846,2, centre2)
Пример #6
import numpy as np
import eagleSqlTools as sql

simlabel = 'RefL0100N1504'  # Pick your simulation - this has to be in the same format as the name in the database

groupnumbers = [1000, 1100, 1200]  # Your groupnumbers here!

# Create the connection to the SQL database using your login credentials
print 'Connecting to EAGLE database...'
con = sql.connect("your_database_username", password="******")
print 'Connected.'

print 'Executing queries...'

# Loop over your group numbers
for g in range(len(groupnumbers)):

    # This query will get you quantities for the MAIN BRANCH progenitors of your z=0 central galaxy
    # You can get any quantities from the Subhalo table (see Stu McAlpine's 2016 reference paper) from 'gal'
    # for galaxies in the tree.
    # If you want the whole tree and not just the main branch, replace 'TopLeafID' with 'LastProgID'
    # in the last WHERE statement.
    # You can connect the Subhalo table to the Aperture table to get star formation rates, stellar masses
    # in apertures etc. See again Stu's database reference paper for SQL examples of how to do that.

    query = '''SELECT        
                     gal.GroupNumber as gn, 
                     gal.SubGroupNumber as sgn, 
     	             gal.Redshift as z,
Пример #7
    def __init__(self,
                 subBoxSize=50. * U.kpc,
                 distance=3. * U.Mpc,
                 vpeculiar=0 * U.km / U.s,
                 rotation={'L_coords': (60. * U.deg, 0. * U.deg)},
                 ra=0. * U.deg,
                 dec=0. * U.deg,

        if snapPath is None:
            raise ValueError('Provide snapPath argument to EAGLESource.')
        if snapBase is None:
            raise ValueError('Provide snapBase argument to EAGLESource.')
        if fof is None:
            raise ValueError('Provide fof argument to EAGLESource.')
        if sub is None:
            raise ValueError('Provide sub argument to EAGLESource.')
        if db_user is None:
            raise ValueError('Provide EAGLE database username.')

        # optional dependencies for this source class
        from eagleSqlTools import connect, execute_query
        from pyread_eagle import EagleSnapshot
        from Hdecompose.atomic_frac import atomic_frac
        import h5py

        snapNum = int(snapBase.split('_')[1])
        volCode = normpath(snapPath).split(sep)[-2]
        query = \
            'SELECT '\
            '  sh.redshift as redshift, '\
            '  sh.CentreOfPotential_x as x, '\
            '  sh.CentreOfPotential_y as y, '\
            '  sh.CentreOfPotential_z as z, '\
            '  sh.Velocity_x as vx, '\
            '  sh.Velocity_y as vy, '\
            '  sh.Velocity_z as vz '\
            'FROM '\
            '  {:s}_SubHalo as sh '.format(volCode) + \
            'WHERE '\
            '  sh.Snapnum = {:d} '.format(snapNum) + \
            '  and sh.GroupNumber = {:d} '.format(fof) + \
            '  and sh.SubGroupNumber = {:d}'.format(sub)
        if print_query:
        if db_key is None:
            print('EAGLE database')
        q = execute_query(connect(db_user, db_key), query)
        redshift = q['redshift']
        a = np.power(1 + redshift, -1)
        cop = np.array([q[coord] for coord in 'xyz']) * a * U.Mpc
        vcent = np.array([q['v' + coord] for coord in 'xyz']) * U.km / U.s

        snapFile = join(snapPath, snapBase + '.0.hdf5')

        with h5py.File(snapFile, 'r') as f:
            h = f['RuntimePars'].attrs['HubbleParam']
            subBoxSize = (subBoxSize * h / a).to(U.Mpc).value
            centre = (cop * h / a).to(U.Mpc).value
            eagle_data = EagleSnapshot(snapFile)
            region = np.vstack(
                (centre - subBoxSize, centre + subBoxSize)).T.flatten()
            lbox = f['/Header'].attrs['BoxSize'] * U.Mpc / h
            fH = f['/RuntimePars'].attrs['InitAbundance_Hydrogen']
            fHe = f['/RuntimePars'].attrs['InitAbundance_Helium']
            proton_mass = f['/Constants'].attrs['PROTONMASS'] * U.g
            mu = 1 / (fH + .25 * fHe)
            gamma = f['/RuntimePars'].attrs['EOS_Jeans_GammaEffective']
            T0 = f['/RuntimePars'].attrs['EOS_Jeans_TempNorm_K'] * U.K

            def fetch(att, ptype=0):
                # gas is type 0, only need gas properties
                tmp = eagle_data.read_dataset(ptype, att)
                dset = f['/PartType{:d}/{:s}'.format(ptype, att)]
                aexp = dset.attrs.get('aexp-scale-exponent')
                hexp = dset.attrs.get('h-scale-exponent')
                return np.array(tmp, dtype='f8') * np.power(a, aexp) \
                    * np.power(h, hexp)

            code_to_g = f['/Units'].attrs['UnitMass_in_g'] * U.g
            code_to_cm = f['/Units'].attrs['UnitLength_in_cm'] * U.cm
            code_to_cm_s = f['/Units'].attrs['UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s'] \
                * U.cm / U.s
            ng_g = fetch('GroupNumber')
            particles = dict(
                xyz_g=(fetch('Coordinates') * code_to_cm).to(U.kpc),
                vxyz_g=(fetch('Velocity') * code_to_cm_s).to(U.km / U.s),
                T_g=fetch('Temperature') * U.K,
                hsm_g=(fetch('SmoothingLength') * code_to_cm).to(U.kpc) *
            rho_g = fetch('Density') * U.g * U.cm**-3
            SFR_g = fetch('StarFormationRate')
            Habundance_g = fetch('ElementAbundance/Hydrogen')

        particles['mHI_g'] = (atomic_frac(redshift,
                                          rho_g * Habundance_g /
                                          (mu * proton_mass),
                                          T0=T0) * code_to_g).to(U.solMass)

        mask = ng_g == fof
        for k, v in particles.items():
            particles[k] = v[mask]

        particles['xyz_g'] -= cop
        particles['xyz_g'][particles['xyz_g'] > lbox / 2.] -= lbox.to(U.kpc)
        particles['xyz_g'][particles['xyz_g'] < -lbox / 2.] += lbox.to(U.kpc)
        particles['vxyz_g'] -= vcent

Пример #8
sim_box = int(argv[8])
# ============
# sim = int(argv[3])  # set simulation here
# ============

if sim_box == 100:
    sim = sim100
    box_size = 100
    host_mass = 1E13
    sim = sim25
    box_size = 25
    host_mass = 1E12

con = sql.connect('twh176', password='******')

gid = int(argv[1])
fof = int(argv[2])
sub = int(argv[3])
dx = float(argv[4])
dy = float(argv[5])
dz = float(argv[6])
sat_index = int(argv[7])  # select satellite here
sat_flag = int(argv[9])
host_index = gid
# print(sim, gid,dx,dy,dz,box_size,sat_index)
# satellite selection around a host at z = 0. Hosts close to the wall of the box are handled as well
normal_sat_query = 'SELECT \
             S.GalaxyID as Sgid, \
             H.GalaxyID as Hgid, \
Пример #9
import eagleSqlTools as sql
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Array of chosen simulations. Entries refer to the simulation name and comoving box length.
mySims = np.array([('RefL0100N1504', 100.), ('AGNdT9L0050N0752', 50.),
                   ('RecalL0025N0752', 25.)])

# This uses the eagleSqlTools module to connect to the database with your username and password.
# If the password is not given, the module will prompt for it.
con = sql.connect("<username>", password="******")

for sim_name, sim_size in mySims:

    print sim_name

    # Construct and execute query for each simulation. This query returns the number of galaxies
    # for a given 30 pkpc aperture stellar mass bin (centered with 0.2 dex width).
    myQuery = "SELECT \
			0.1+floor(log10(AP.Mass_Star)/0.2)*0.2 as mass, \
			count(*) as num \
                   FROM \
			%s_SubHalo as SH, \
			%s_Aperture as AP \
                   WHERE \
			SH.GalaxyID = AP.GalaxyID and \
			AP.ApertureSize =  30 and \
			AP.Mass_Star > 1e8 and \
			SH.SnapNum = 27 \
		   GROUP BY \
			0.1+floor(log10(AP.Mass_Star)/0.2)*0.2 \
Пример #10
#redshift_labels = ['0.0']
#redshift_labels = ['0.5','2.0','3.0']

galtype = 'all'  # 'dwarf', 'Lstar', 'group' or 'all'

particle_types = ['0', '4']


outfile = '/data5/arijdav1/merger_data/radial_profiling/mergertrees_' + simulation + '_' + run + '.pkl'

if not os.path.exists(outfile) or 'requery' in argv:
    # Look up which galaxies to get using the merger trees
    print 'Connecting to EAGLE database...'
    con = sql.connect("jdavies", password="******")
    print 'Connected.'

    print 'Executing queries...'

    # Define mass bins, descending in mass so that we roughly ascend in group number
    mass_bins = np.log10(np.logspace(11.75, 13., 60))[::-1]

    for m in range(len(mass_bins) - 1):
        myQuery = '''-- Select the quantities we want
                    DES.GroupNumber as GroupNumber,
                    PROG.SnapNum as prog_SnapNum,
                    PROG.GroupNumber as prog_GroupNumber,
                    FOF.Group_M_Crit200 as M200
Пример #11
def searchgals(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, strict=False):

    mySim = ('RefL0100N1504', 100.)
    con = sql.connect("dlokhorst", password="******")

    myQuery = "SELECT " + "SH.GalaxyID, \
                SH.StarFormationRate as SFR, \
                SH.CentreOfPotential_x, \
                SH.CentreOfPotential_y, \
                SH.CentreOfPotential_z, \
                SH.SubGroupNumber, \
                SH.MassType_Star, \
                SH.HalfMassProjRad_Gas, \
                SH.HalfMassProjRad_Star \
            FROM \
                %s_SubHalo as SH \
            WHERE \
                SH.SnapNum = 28 and \
                SH.CentreOfPotential_x >= %s and \
                SH.CentreOfPotential_x <= %s and \
                SH.CentreOfPotential_y >= %s and \
                SH.CentreOfPotential_y <= %s and \
                SH.CentreOfPotential_z >= %s and \
                SH.CentreOfPotential_z <= %s and \
                SH.MassType_Star > 0 " % ('RefL0100N1504', xmin, xmax, ymin,
                                          ymax, zmin, zmax)

    if strict:
        myQuery = "SELECT " + "SH.GalaxyID, \
                    SH.StarFormationRate as SFR, \
                    SH.CentreOfPotential_x, \
                    SH.CentreOfPotential_y, \
                    SH.CentreOfPotential_z, \
                    SH.SubGroupNumber, \
                    SH.MassType_Star, \
                    SH.HalfMassProjRad_Gas, \
                    SH.HalfMassProjRad_Star \
                FROM \
                    %s_SubHalo as SH \
                WHERE \
                    SH.SnapNum = 28 and \
                    SH.CentreOfPotential_x >= %s and \
                    SH.CentreOfPotential_x <= %s and \
                    SH.CentreOfPotential_y >= %s and \
                    SH.CentreOfPotential_y <= %s and \
                    SH.CentreOfPotential_z >= %s and \
                    SH.CentreOfPotential_z <= %s and \
                    SH.MassType_Star > 0 and \
                    SH.StarFormationRate > 0.00001 " % (
            'RefL0100N1504', xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)

        #  and \
        #  SH.StarFormationRate > 0.00001

    if verbose:
        print myQuery

    myData = sql.execute_query(con, myQuery)

    xgal = myData['CentreOfPotential_x'][:]  # cMpc
    ygal = myData['CentreOfPotential_y'][:]  # cMpc
    #z = myData['CentreOfMass_z'][:]
    mgal = myData['MassType_Star'][:]  # M_solar
    rhgas = myData['HalfMassProjRad_Gas'][:]  # pkpc
    rhstar = myData['HalfMassProjRad_Star'][:]  # pkpc

    return xgal, ygal, mgal, rhgas, rhstar
Пример #12
import mypy
import pylab
import numpy as np
import eagleSqlTools as sql
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from astropy import wcs, cosmology, constants, units

cosmo = cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3)

sim = ['RefL0100N1504', 100.]
connection = sql.connect("atomczak", password="******")

###  storing basic meta data of EAGLE snapshots
class snapshot:
    def __init__(self, id, expansionFactor, lookbackTime, redshift):
        self.id = id
        self.expansionFactor = expansionFactor
        self.lookbackTime = lookbackTime
        self.redshift = redshift
        self.z = redshift

snapshots_info = [[0, 0.05, 13.62, 20.00], [1, 0.06, 13.53, 15.13],
                  [2, 0.09, 13.32, 9.99], [3, 0.10, 13.25, 8.99],
                  [4, 0.11, 13.16, 8.07], [5, 0.12, 13.04, 7.05],
                  [6, 0.14, 12.86, 5.97], [7, 0.15, 12.75, 5.49],
                  [8, 0.17, 12.63, 5.04], [9, 0.18, 12.46, 4.49],
                  [10, 0.20, 12.25, 3.98], [11, 0.22, 12.01, 3.53],
                  [12, 0.25, 11.66, 3.02], [13, 0.29, 11.16, 2.48],
Пример #13
import eagleSqlTools as sql
import numpy as np
import os

username = os.environ['EAGLE_USERNAME']
password = os.environ['EAGLE_PASSWORD']

con = sql.connect(username, password=password)

model_dict = {'REFERENCE': 'Ref', 'RECAL': 'Recal', 'AGNdT9': 'AGNdT9'}

class SnapShotInfo:
    """ simple class to contain information from the database about snapshots

        written - Mackereth (UoB) - 05/02/2020
    def __init__(self):
        query = 'SELECT\
        snap.Snapnum as snapnum,\
        snap.Redshift as redshift,\
        snap.LookbackTime as tlookback,\
        snap.LumDistance as lumdistance\
        Snapshots as snap'

        snapinfo = sql.execute_query(con, query)
        self.Snapnum = snapinfo['snapnum']
        self.Redshift = snapinfo['redshift']
        self.LookbackTime = snapinfo['tlookback']