Пример #1
    def avail_easyconfig_params(self):
        Print the available easyconfig parameters, for the given easyblock.
        app = get_class(self.options.easyblock)
        extra = app.extra_options()
        mapping = convert_to_help(extra, has_default=False)
        if len(extra) > 0:
            ebb_msg = " (* indicates specific for the %s EasyBlock)" % app.__name__
            extra_names = [x[0] for x in extra]
            ebb_msg = ""
            extra_names = []
        txt = ["Available easyconfig parameters%s" % ebb_msg]
        params = [(k, v) for (k, v) in mapping.items() if k.upper() not in ["HIDDEN"]]
        for key, values in params:
            txt.append("%s" % key.upper())
            txt.append("-" * len(key))
            for name, value in values:
                tabs = "\t" * (3 - (len(name) + 1) / 8)
                if name in extra_names:
                    starred = "(*)"
                    starred = ""
                txt.append("%s%s:%s%s" % (name, starred, tabs, value))

        return "\n".join(txt)
Пример #2
    def avail_easyconfig_params(self):
        Print the available easyconfig parameters, for the given easyblock.
        app = get_class(self.options.easyblock)
        extra = app.extra_options()
        mapping = convert_to_help(extra, has_default=False)
        if len(extra) > 0:
            ebb_msg = " (* indicates specific for the %s EasyBlock)" % app.__name__
            extra_names = [x[0] for x in extra]
            ebb_msg = ''
            extra_names = []
        txt = ["Available easyconfig parameters%s" % ebb_msg]
        params = [(k, v) for (k, v) in mapping.items()
                  if k.upper() not in ['HIDDEN']]
        for key, values in params:
            txt.append("%s" % key.upper())
            txt.append('-' * len(key))
            for name, value in values:
                tabs = "\t" * (3 - (len(name) + 1) / 8)
                if name in extra_names:
                    starred = '(*)'
                    starred = ''
                txt.append("%s%s:%s%s" % (name, starred, tabs, value))

        return "\n".join(txt)
Пример #3
def build_and_install_software(module, options, origEnviron, exitOnFailure=True, silent=False):
    Build the software
    spec = module['spec']

    print_msg("processing EasyBuild easyconfig %s" % spec, log=_log, silent=silent)

    # restore original environment
    _log.info("Resetting environment")
    filetools.errorsFoundInLog = 0
    modify_env(os.environ, origEnviron)

    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # load easyblock
    easyblock = options.easyblock
    if not easyblock:
        # try to look in .eb file
        reg = re.compile(r"^\s*easyblock\s*=(.*)$")
        txt = read_file(spec)
        for line in txt.split('\n'):
            match = reg.search(line)
            if match:
                easyblock = eval(match.group(1))

    name = module['module'][0]
        app_class = get_class(easyblock, name=name)
        app = app_class(spec, debug=options.debug, robot_path=options.robot)
        _log.info("Obtained application instance of for %s (easyblock: %s)" % (name, easyblock))
    except EasyBuildError, err:
        print_error("Failed to get application instance for %s (easyblock: %s): %s" % (name, easyblock, err.msg), silent=silent)
Пример #4
def build_and_install_software(module, options, origEnviron, exitOnFailure=True, silent=False):
    Build the software
    spec = module['spec']

    print_msg("processing EasyBuild easyconfig %s" % spec, log=_log, silent=silent)

    # restore original environment
    _log.info("Resetting environment")
    filetools.errorsFoundInLog = 0
    modify_env(os.environ, origEnviron)

    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # load easyblock
    easyblock = options.easyblock
    if not easyblock:
        # try to look in .eb file
        reg = re.compile(r"^\s*easyblock\s*=(.*)$")
        txt = read_file(spec)
        for line in txt.split('\n'):
            match = reg.search(line)
            if match:
                easyblock = eval(match.group(1))

    name = module['module'][0]
        app_class = get_class(easyblock, name=name)
        app = app_class(spec, debug=options.debug, robot_path=options.robot)
        _log.info("Obtained application instance of for %s (easyblock: %s)" % (name, easyblock))
    except EasyBuildError, err:
        print_error("Failed to get application instance for %s (easyblock: %s): %s" % (name, easyblock, err.msg), silent=silent)
def template_init_test(self, easyblock):
    """Test whether all easyconfigs can be initialized."""

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" % (easyblock, ebname))

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_class(ebname)
        ec_opts = app_class.extra_options()
        extra_txt = ''
        for ec_opt in ec_opts:
            if ec_opt[1][2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % ec_opt[0]

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, extra_txt)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(self.eb_file)
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
Пример #6
def template_init_test(self, easyblock):
    """Test whether all easyconfigs can be initialized."""

    class_regex = re.compile("^class (.*)\(.*", re.M)

    self.log.debug("easyblock: %s" % easyblock)

    # obtain easyblock class name using regex
    f = open(easyblock, "r")
    txt = f.read()

    res = class_regex.search(txt)
    if res:
        ebname = res.group(1)
        self.log.debug("Found class name for easyblock %s: %s" %
                       (easyblock, ebname))

        # figure out list of mandatory variables, and define with dummy values as necessary
        app_class = get_class(ebname)
        ec_opts = app_class.extra_options()
        extra_txt = ''
        for ec_opt in ec_opts:
            if ec_opt[1][2] == MANDATORY:
                extra_txt += '%s = "foo"\n' % ec_opt[0]

        # write easyconfig file
        self.writeEC(ebname, extra_txt)

        # initialize easyblock
        # if this doesn't fail, the test succeeds
        app = app_class(self.eb_file)
        self.assertTrue(False, "Class found in easyblock %s" % easyblock)
Пример #7
    def avail_easyconfig_params(self):
        Print the available easyconfig parameters, for the given easyblock.
        app = get_class(self.options.easyblock)
        extra = app.extra_options()
        mapping = convert_to_help(EasyConfig.default_config + extra)

        txt = []
        for key, values in mapping.items():
            txt.append("%s" % key.upper())
            txt.append('-' * len(key))
            for name, value in values:
                tabs = "\t" * (3 - (len(name) + 1) / 8)
                txt.append("%s:%s%s" % (name, tabs, value))

        return "\n".join(txt)
Пример #8
def get_easyblock_instance(easyconfig, robot_path=None):
    Get an instance for this easyconfig
    easyconfig is in the format provided by processEasyConfig
    log is a logger object

    returns an instance of EasyBlock (or subclass thereof)
    spec = easyconfig['spec']
    name = easyconfig['module'][0]

    # handle easyconfigs with custom easyblocks
    easyblock = None
    reg = re.compile(r"^\s*easyblock\s*=(.*)$")
    for line in open(spec).readlines():
        match = reg.search(line)
        if match:
            easyblock = eval(match.group(1))

    app_class = get_class(easyblock, name=name)
    return app_class(spec, debug=True, robot_path=robot_path)
def get_easyblock_instance(easyconfig, robot_path=None):
    Get an instance for this easyconfig
    easyconfig is in the format provided by processEasyConfig
    log is a logger object

    returns an instance of EasyBlock (or subclass thereof)
    spec = easyconfig['spec']
    name = easyconfig['module'][0]

    # handle easyconfigs with custom easyblocks
    easyblock = None
    reg = re.compile(r"^\s*easyblock\s*=(.*)$")
    txt = read_file(spec)
    for line in txt.split('\n'):
        match = reg.search(line)
        if match:
            easyblock = eval(match.group(1))

    app_class = get_class(easyblock, name=name)
    return app_class(spec, debug=True, robot_path=robot_path)
Пример #10
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Test whether all easyconfigs can be initialized."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    f = open(spec, 'r')
    spectxt = f.read()

    # determine software name directly from easyconfig file
    res = self.name_regex.search(spectxt)
    if res:
        name = res.group(1)
        self.assertTrue(False, "Obtained software name directly from easyconfig file")

    # parse easyconfig 
    ec = EasyConfig(spec, validate=False)

    # sanity check for software name
    self.assertTrue(ec['name'], name) 

    # try and fetch easyblock spec from easyconfig
    easyblock = self.easyblock_regex.search(spectxt)
    if easyblock:
        easyblock = easyblock.group(1)

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_class(easyblock, name=name)
    app = app_class(spec, validate_ec=False)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict), "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)


    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
Пример #11
for root, subfolders, files in walk(options.path):
    if '.git' in subfolders:
        log.info("found .git subfolder, ignoring it")
    for file_ in files:
        file_ = join(root, file_)
        file_ = read(file_)

            ec = EasyConfig(file_, validate=False)
            log.info("found valid easyconfig %s" % ec)
            if not ec.name in names:
                log.info("found new software package %s" % ec)
                # check if an easyblock exists
                module = easyblock.get_class(
                    None, name=ec.name).__module__.split('.')[-1]
                if module != "configuremake":
                    ec.easyblock = module
                    ec.easyblock = None
        except Exception, e:
            log.warning("faulty easyconfig %s" % file)

log.info("Found easyconfigs: %s" % [x.name for x in configs])
# remove example configs
configs = [c for c in configs if not "example.com" in c['homepage']]
# sort by name
configs = sorted(configs, key=lambda config: config.name.lower())
for root, subfolders, files in walk(options.path):
    if '.git' in subfolders:
        log.info("found .git subfolder, ignoring it")
    for file_ in files:
        file_ = join(root,file_)
        file_ = read(file_)

            ec = EasyConfig(file_, build_options={'validate': False})
            log.info("found valid easyconfig %s" % ec)
            if not ec.name in names:
                log.info("found new software package %s" % ec)
                # check if an easyblock exists
                module = easyblock.get_class(None, name=ec.name).__module__.split('.')[-1]
                if module != "configuremake":
                    ec.easyblock = module
                    ec.easyblock = None
        except Exception, e:
            log.warning("faulty easyconfig %s" % file)

log.info("Found easyconfigs: %s" % [x.name for x in configs])
# remove example configs
configs = [c for c in configs if not "example.com" in c['homepage']]
# sort by name
configs = sorted(configs, key=lambda config : config.name.lower())
Пример #13
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Test whether all easyconfigs can be initialized."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    f = open(spec, 'r')
    spectxt = f.read()

    # determine software name directly from easyconfig file
    res = self.name_regex.search(spectxt)
    if res:
        name = res.group(1)
            False, "Obtained software name directly from easyconfig file")

    # parse easyconfig
    ec = EasyConfig(spec, validate=False)

    # sanity check for software name
    self.assertTrue(ec['name'], name)

    # try and fetch easyblock spec from easyconfig
    easyblock = self.easyblock_regex.search(spectxt)
    if easyblock:
        easyblock = easyblock.group(1)

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_class(easyblock, name=name)
    app = app_class(spec, validate_ec=False)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict),
                            "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (
                        ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)


    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok