Пример #1
    def __init__(self, mself, ext, extra_params=None):
        Constructor for Extension class

        :param mself: parent Easyblock instance
        :param ext: dictionary with extension metadata (name, version, src, patches, options, ...)
        :param extra_params: extra custom easyconfig parameters to take into account for this extension
        self.master = mself
        self.log = self.master.log
        self.cfg = self.master.cfg.copy(validate=False)
        self.ext = copy.deepcopy(ext)
        self.dry_run = self.master.dry_run

        if 'name' not in self.ext:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "'name' is missing in supplied class instance 'ext'.")

        name, version = self.ext['name'], self.ext.get('version', None)

        # parent sanity check paths/commands are not relevant for extension
        self.cfg['sanity_check_commands'] = []
        self.cfg['sanity_check_paths'] = []

        # construct dict with template values that can be used
                'name': name,
                'version': version

        # list of source/patch files: we use an empty list as default value like in EasyBlock
        self.src = resolve_template(self.ext.get('src', []),
        self.patches = resolve_template(self.ext.get('patches', []),
        self.options = resolve_template(
            copy.deepcopy(self.ext.get('options', {})),

        if extra_params:
            self.cfg.extend_params(extra_params, overwrite=False)

        # custom easyconfig parameters for extension are included in self.options
        # make sure they are merged into self.cfg so they can be queried;
        # unknown easyconfig parameters are ignored since self.options may include keys only there for extensions;
        # this allows to specify custom easyconfig parameters on a per-extension basis
        for key in self.options:
            if key in self.cfg:
                self.cfg[key] = resolve_template(self.options[key],
                    "Customising known easyconfig parameter '%s' for extension %s/%s: %s",
                    key, name, version, self.cfg[key])
                    "Skipping unknown custom easyconfig parameter '%s' for extension %s/%s: %s",
                    key, name, version, self.options[key])

        self.sanity_check_fail_msgs = []
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, mself, ext, extra_params=None):
        Constructor for Extension class

        :param mself: parent Easyblock instance
        :param ext: dictionary with extension metadata (name, version, src, patches, options, ...)
        :param extra_params: extra custom easyconfig parameters to take into account for this extension
        self.master = mself
        self.log = self.master.log
        self.cfg = self.master.cfg.copy(validate=False)
        self.ext = copy.deepcopy(ext)
        self.dry_run = self.master.dry_run

        if 'name' not in self.ext:
            raise EasyBuildError("'name' is missing in supplied class instance 'ext'.")

        name, version = self.ext['name'], self.ext.get('version', None)

        # parent sanity check paths/commands and postinstallcmds are not relevant for extension
        self.cfg['sanity_check_commands'] = []
        self.cfg['sanity_check_paths'] = []
        self.cfg['postinstallcmds'] = []

        # construct dict with template values that can be used
        self.cfg.template_values.update(template_constant_dict({'name': name, 'version': version}))

        # Add install/builddir templates with values from master.
            self.cfg.template_values[key[0]] = str(getattr(self.master, key[0], None))

        # list of source/patch files: we use an empty list as default value like in EasyBlock
        self.src = resolve_template(self.ext.get('src', []), self.cfg.template_values)
        self.src_extract_cmd = self.ext.get('extract_cmd', None)
        self.patches = resolve_template(self.ext.get('patches', []), self.cfg.template_values)
        self.options = resolve_template(copy.deepcopy(self.ext.get('options', {})), self.cfg.template_values)

        if extra_params:
            self.cfg.extend_params(extra_params, overwrite=False)

        # custom easyconfig parameters for extension are included in self.options
        # make sure they are merged into self.cfg so they can be queried;
        # unknown easyconfig parameters are ignored since self.options may include keys only there for extensions;
        # this allows to specify custom easyconfig parameters on a per-extension basis
        for key, value in self.options.items():
            if key in self.cfg:
                self.cfg[key] = value
                self.log.debug("Customising known easyconfig parameter '%s' for extension %s/%s: %s",
                               key, name, version, value)
                self.log.debug("Skipping unknown custom easyconfig parameter '%s' for extension %s/%s: %s",
                               key, name, version, value)

        self.sanity_check_fail_msgs = []
        self.async_cmd_info = None
        self.async_cmd_output = None
        self.async_cmd_check_cnt = None
        # initial read size should be relatively small,
        # to avoid hanging for a long time until desired output is available in async_cmd_check
        self.async_cmd_read_size = 1024
Пример #3
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']

        # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again
            "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig"
            % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easyconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (
        spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ec.rawtxt,
                                                       ['name', 'easyblock'])

    # make sure easyconfig file is in expected location
    expected_subdir = os.path.join('easybuild', 'easyconfigs',
                                   letter_dir_for(name), name)
    subdir = os.path.join(*spec.split(os.path.sep)[-5:-1])
    fail_msg = "Easyconfig file %s not in expected subdirectory %s" % (
        spec, expected_subdir)
    self.assertEqual(expected_subdir, subdir, fail_msg)

    # sanity check for software name, moduleclass
    self.assertEqual(ec['name'], name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['moduleclass'] in build_option('valid_module_classes'))

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or app_class is not ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure that $root is not used, since it is not compatible with module files in Lua syntax
    res = re.findall('.*\$root.*', ec.rawtxt, re.M)
    error_msg = "Found use of '$root', not compatible with modules in Lua syntax, use '%%(installdir)s' instead: %s"
    self.assertFalse(res, error_msg % res)

    # make sure old GitHub urls for EasyBuild that include 'hpcugent' are no longer used
    old_urls = [
    for old_url in old_urls:
        self.assertFalse(old_url in ec.rawtxt,
                         "Old URL '%s' not found in %s" % (old_url, spec))

    # make sure binutils is included as a build dep if toolchain is GCCcore
    if ec['toolchain']['name'] == 'GCCcore':
        # with 'Tarball' easyblock: only unpacking, no building; Eigen is also just a tarball
        requires_binutils = ec['easyblock'] not in [
        ] and ec['name'] not in ['Eigen']

        # let's also exclude the very special case where the system GCC is used as GCCcore, and only apply this
        # exception to the dependencies of binutils (since we should eventually build a new binutils with GCCcore)
        if ec['toolchain']['version'] == 'system':
            binutils_complete_dependencies = [
                'M4', 'Bison', 'flex', 'help2man', 'zlib', 'binutils'
            requires_binutils &= bool(
                ec['name'] not in binutils_complete_dependencies)

        # if no sources/extensions/components are specified, it's just a bundle (nothing is being compiled)
        requires_binutils &= bool(ec['sources'] or ec['exts_list']
                                  or ec.get('components'))

        if requires_binutils:
            dep_names = [d['name'] for d in ec.builddependencies()]
                'binutils' in dep_names,
                "binutils is a build dep in %s: %s" % (spec, dep_names))

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)

    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict),
                            "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (
                        ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)

    # check whether all extra_options defined for used easyblock are defined
    extra_opts = app.extra_options()
    for key in extra_opts:
        self.assertTrue(key in app.cfg)


    # dump the easyconfig file
    handle, test_ecfile = tempfile.mkstemp()

    dumped_ec = EasyConfigParser(test_ecfile).get_config_dict()

    # inject dummy values for templates that are only known at a later stage
    dummy_template_values = {
        'builddir': '/dummy/builddir',
        'installdir': '/dummy/installdir',

    ec_dict = ec.parser.get_config_dict()
    orig_toolchain = ec_dict['toolchain']
    for key in ec_dict:
        # skip parameters for which value is equal to default value
        orig_val = ec_dict[key]
        if key in DEFAULT_CONFIG and orig_val == DEFAULT_CONFIG[key][0]:
        if key in extra_opts and orig_val == extra_opts[key][0]:
        if key not in DEFAULT_CONFIG and key not in extra_opts:

        orig_val = resolve_template(ec_dict[key], ec.template_values)
        dumped_val = resolve_template(dumped_ec[key], ec.template_values)

        # take into account that dumped value for *dependencies may include hard-coded subtoolchains
        # if no easyconfig was found for the dependency with the 'parent' toolchain,
        # if may get resolved using a subtoolchain, which is then hardcoded in the dumped easyconfig
        if key in DEPENDENCY_PARAMETERS:
            # number of dependencies should remain the same
            self.assertEqual(len(orig_val), len(dumped_val))
            for orig_dep, dumped_dep in zip(orig_val, dumped_val):
                # name/version should always match
                self.assertEqual(orig_dep[:2], dumped_dep[:2])

                # 3rd value is versionsuffix;
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 3:
                    # if no versionsuffix was specified in original dep spec, then dumped value should be empty string
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 3:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], orig_dep[2])
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], '')

                # 4th value is toolchain spec
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 4:
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 4:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[3], orig_dep[3])
                        # if a subtoolchain is specifed (only) in the dumped easyconfig,
                        # it should *not* be the same as the parent toolchain

            self.assertEqual(orig_val, dumped_val)

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
        self.assertTrue(False, "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig" % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easyconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ec.rawtxt, ['name', 'easyblock'])

    # make sure easyconfig file is in expected location
    expected_subdir = os.path.join('easybuild', 'easyconfigs', letter_dir_for(name), name)
    subdir = os.path.join(*spec.split(os.path.sep)[-5:-1])
    fail_msg = "Easyconfig file %s not in expected subdirectory %s" % (spec, expected_subdir)
    self.assertEqual(expected_subdir, subdir, fail_msg)

    # sanity check for software name, moduleclass
    self.assertEqual(ec['name'], name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['moduleclass'] in build_option('valid_module_classes'))

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or not app_class is ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict), "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)

    # check whether all extra_options defined for used easyblock are defined
    extra_opts = app.extra_options()
    for key in extra_opts:
        self.assertTrue(key in app.cfg)


    # dump the easyconfig file
    handle, test_ecfile = tempfile.mkstemp()

    dumped_ec = EasyConfigParser(test_ecfile).get_config_dict()

    # inject dummy values for templates that are only known at a later stage
    dummy_template_values = {
        'builddir': '/dummy/builddir',
        'installdir': '/dummy/installdir',

    ec_dict = ec.parser.get_config_dict()
    orig_toolchain = ec_dict['toolchain']
    for key in ec_dict:
        # skip parameters for which value is equal to default value
        orig_val = ec_dict[key]
        if key in DEFAULT_CONFIG and orig_val == DEFAULT_CONFIG[key][0]:
        if key in extra_opts and orig_val == extra_opts[key][0]:
        if key not in DEFAULT_CONFIG and key not in extra_opts:

        orig_val = resolve_template(ec_dict[key], ec.template_values)
        dumped_val = resolve_template(dumped_ec[key], ec.template_values)

        # take into account that dumped value for *dependencies may include hard-coded subtoolchains
        # if no easyconfig was found for the dependency with the 'parent' toolchain,
        # if may get resolved using a subtoolchain, which is then hardcoded in the dumped easyconfig
        if key in DEPENDENCY_PARAMETERS:
            # number of dependencies should remain the same
            self.assertEqual(len(orig_val), len(dumped_val))
            for orig_dep, dumped_dep in zip(orig_val, dumped_val):
                # name/version should always match
                self.assertEqual(orig_dep[:2], dumped_dep[:2])

                # 3rd value is versionsuffix;
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 3:
                    # if no versionsuffix was specified in original dep spec, then dumped value should be empty string
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 3:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], orig_dep[2])
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], '')

                # 4th value is toolchain spec
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 4:
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 4:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[3], orig_dep[3])
                        # if a subtoolchain is specifed (only) in the dumped easyconfig,
                        # it should *not* be the same as the parent toolchain
                        self.assertNotEqual(dumped_dep[3], (orig_toolchain['name'], orig_toolchain['version']))

            self.assertEqual(orig_val, dumped_val)

    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
Пример #5
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
        self.assertTrue(False, "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig" % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easyconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ec.rawtxt, ['name', 'easyblock'])

    # make sure easyconfig file is in expected location
    expected_subdir = os.path.join('easybuild', 'easyconfigs', letter_dir_for(name), name)
    subdir = os.path.join(*spec.split(os.path.sep)[-5:-1])
    fail_msg = "Easyconfig file %s not in expected subdirectory %s" % (spec, expected_subdir)
    self.assertEqual(expected_subdir, subdir, fail_msg)

    # sanity check for software name, moduleclass
    self.assertEqual(ec['name'], name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['moduleclass'] in build_option('valid_module_classes'))

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or not app_class is ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure that $root is not used, since it is not compatible with module files in Lua syntax
    res = re.findall('.*\$root.*', ec.rawtxt, re.M)
    error_msg = "Found use of '$root', not compatible with modules in Lua syntax, use '%%(installdir)s' instead: %s"
    self.assertFalse(res, error_msg % res)

    # make sure old GitHub urls for EasyBuild that include 'hpcugent' are no longer used
    old_urls = [
    for old_url in old_urls:
        self.assertFalse(old_url in ec.rawtxt, "Old URL '%s' not found in %s" % (old_url, spec))

    # make sure binutils is included as a build dep if toolchain is GCCcore
    if ec['toolchain']['name'] == 'GCCcore':
        # with 'Tarball' easyblock: only unpacking, no building; Eigen is also just a tarball
        requires_binutils = ec['easyblock'] not in ['Tarball'] and ec['name'] not in ['Eigen']

        # let's also exclude the very special case where the system GCC is used as GCCcore, and only apply this
        # exception to the dependencies of binutils (since we should eventually build a new binutils with GCCcore)
        if ec['toolchain']['version'] == 'system':
            binutils_complete_dependencies = ['M4', 'Bison', 'flex', 'help2man', 'zlib', 'binutils']
            requires_binutils &= bool(ec['name'] not in binutils_complete_dependencies)
        # if no sources/extensions/components are specified, it's just a bundle (nothing is being compiled)
        requires_binutils &= bool(ec['sources'] or ec['exts_list'] or ec.get('components'))

        if requires_binutils:
            dep_names = [d['name'] for d in ec['builddependencies']]
            self.assertTrue('binutils' in dep_names, "binutils is a build dep in %s: %s" % (spec, dep_names))

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict), "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)

    # check whether all extra_options defined for used easyblock are defined
    extra_opts = app.extra_options()
    for key in extra_opts:
        self.assertTrue(key in app.cfg)


    # dump the easyconfig file
    handle, test_ecfile = tempfile.mkstemp()

    dumped_ec = EasyConfigParser(test_ecfile).get_config_dict()

    # inject dummy values for templates that are only known at a later stage
    dummy_template_values = {
        'builddir': '/dummy/builddir',
        'installdir': '/dummy/installdir',

    ec_dict = ec.parser.get_config_dict()
    orig_toolchain = ec_dict['toolchain']
    for key in ec_dict:
        # skip parameters for which value is equal to default value
        orig_val = ec_dict[key]
        if key in DEFAULT_CONFIG and orig_val == DEFAULT_CONFIG[key][0]:
        if key in extra_opts and orig_val == extra_opts[key][0]:
        if key not in DEFAULT_CONFIG and key not in extra_opts:

        orig_val = resolve_template(ec_dict[key], ec.template_values)
        dumped_val = resolve_template(dumped_ec[key], ec.template_values)

        # take into account that dumped value for *dependencies may include hard-coded subtoolchains
        # if no easyconfig was found for the dependency with the 'parent' toolchain,
        # if may get resolved using a subtoolchain, which is then hardcoded in the dumped easyconfig
        if key in DEPENDENCY_PARAMETERS:
            # number of dependencies should remain the same
            self.assertEqual(len(orig_val), len(dumped_val))
            for orig_dep, dumped_dep in zip(orig_val, dumped_val):
                # name/version should always match
                self.assertEqual(orig_dep[:2], dumped_dep[:2])

                # 3rd value is versionsuffix;
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 3:
                    # if no versionsuffix was specified in original dep spec, then dumped value should be empty string
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 3:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], orig_dep[2])
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[2], '')

                # 4th value is toolchain spec
                if len(dumped_dep) >= 4:
                    if len(orig_dep) >= 4:
                        self.assertEqual(dumped_dep[3], orig_dep[3])
                        # if a subtoolchain is specifed (only) in the dumped easyconfig,
                        # it should *not* be the same as the parent toolchain
                        self.assertNotEqual(dumped_dep[3], (orig_toolchain['name'], orig_toolchain['version']))

            self.assertEqual(orig_val, dumped_val)

    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok
Пример #6
def template_easyconfig_test(self, spec):
    """Tests for an individual easyconfig: parsing, instantiating easyblock, check patches, ..."""

    # set to False, so it's False in case of this test failing
    global single_tests_ok
    prev_single_tests_ok = single_tests_ok
    single_tests_ok = False

    # parse easyconfig
    ecs = process_easyconfig(spec)
    if len(ecs) == 1:
        ec = ecs[0]['ec']
            "easyconfig %s does not contain blocks, yields only one parsed easyconfig"
            % spec)

    # check easyconfig file name
    expected_fn = '%s-%s.eb' % (ec['name'], det_full_ec_version(ec))
    msg = "Filename '%s' of parsed easyconfig matches expected filename '%s'" % (
        spec, expected_fn)
    self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(spec), expected_fn, msg)

    name, easyblock = fetch_parameters_from_easyconfig(ec.rawtxt,
                                                       ['name', 'easyblock'])

    # make sure easyconfig file is in expected location
    expected_subdir = os.path.join('easybuild', 'easyconfigs',
                                   name.lower()[0], name)
    subdir = os.path.join(*spec.split(os.path.sep)[-5:-1])
    fail_msg = "Easyconfig file %s not in expected subdirectory %s" % (
        spec, expected_subdir)
    self.assertEqual(expected_subdir, subdir, fail_msg)

    # sanity check for software name, moduleclass
    self.assertEqual(ec['name'], name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['moduleclass'] in build_option('valid_module_classes'))

    # instantiate easyblock with easyconfig file
    app_class = get_easyblock_class(easyblock, name=name)

    # check that automagic fallback to ConfigureMake isn't done (deprecated behaviour)
    fn = os.path.basename(spec)
    error_msg = "%s relies on automagic fallback to ConfigureMake, should use easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' instead" % fn
    self.assertTrue(easyblock or not app_class is ConfigureMake, error_msg)

    app = app_class(ec)

    # more sanity checks
    self.assertTrue(name, app.name)
    self.assertTrue(ec['version'], app.version)

    # make sure all patch files are available
    specdir = os.path.dirname(spec)
    specfn = os.path.basename(spec)
    for patch in ec['patches']:
        if isinstance(patch, (tuple, list)):
            patch = patch[0]
        # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
        if patch.endswith('.patch'):
            patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, patch)
            msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (patch_full, specfn)
            self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(patch_full), msg)
    ext_patches = []
    for ext in ec['exts_list']:
        if isinstance(ext, (tuple, list)) and len(ext) == 3:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(ext[2], dict),
                            "3rd element of extension spec is a dictionary")
            for ext_patch in ext[2].get('patches', []):
                if isinstance(ext_patch, (tuple, list)):
                    ext_patch = ext_patch[0]
                # only check actual patch files, not other files being copied via the patch functionality
                if ext_patch.endswith('.patch'):
                    ext_patch_full = os.path.join(specdir, ext_patch)
                    msg = "Patch file %s is available for %s" % (
                        ext_patch_full, specfn)
                    self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(ext_patch_full), msg)

    # check whether all extra_options defined for used easyblock are defined
    extra_opts = app.extra_options()
    for key in extra_opts:
        self.assertTrue(key in app.cfg)


    # dump the easyconfig file
    handle, test_ecfile = tempfile.mkstemp()

    dumped_ec = EasyConfigParser(test_ecfile).get_config_dict()

    # inject dummy values for templates that are only known at a later stage
    dummy_template_values = {
        'builddir': '/dummy/builddir',
        'installdir': '/dummy/installdir',

    ec_dict = ec.parser.get_config_dict()
    keys = []
    for key in ec_dict:
        # skip parameters for which value is equal to default value
        orig_val = ec_dict[key]
        if key in DEFAULT_CONFIG and orig_val == DEFAULT_CONFIG[key][0]:
        if key in extra_opts and orig_val == extra_opts[key][0]:
        if key not in DEFAULT_CONFIG and key not in extra_opts:

        orig_val = resolve_template(ec_dict[key], ec.template_values)
        dumped_val = resolve_template(dumped_ec[key], ec.template_values)

        self.assertEqual(orig_val, dumped_val)

    # cache the parsed easyconfig, to avoid that it is parsed again

    # test passed, so set back to True
    single_tests_ok = True and prev_single_tests_ok