Пример #1
    def configure_step(self):
        """Set configure options."""
        if self.toolchain.mpi_family() == toolchain.INTELMPI:
            mpi_bindir = os.path.join(get_software_root('impi'), 'intel64', 'bin')
            mpi_bindir = os.path.join(get_software_root(self.toolchain.MPI_MODULE_NAME[0]), 'bin')

        root_java = get_software_root("Java")
        if not get_software_root("Java"):
            raise EasyBuildError("Module for dependency Java not loaded.")

        configure_args = ' '.join([
            'profile=no fast=yes warn=no release=yes gtest=yes static=no cuda=no debug=no matlab=no',
            'LINKERFORPROGRAMS=%s' % os.getenv('CXX'),
            'MPI_BINDIR=%s' % mpi_bindir,
            'JAVA_HOME=%s' % os.getenv('JAVA_HOME'),
            'CC=%s' % os.getenv('CC'),
            # pass $CXXFLAGS in Python list syntax and avoid spaces, e.g.: ['-O2','-march=native']
            'CXXFLAGS=%s' % str(os.getenv('CXXFLAGS').split(' ')).replace(' ', ''),
            'CXX=%s' % os.getenv('CXX'),
            'MPI_CC=%s' % os.getenv('MPICC'),
            # pass $CFLAGS in Python list syntax and avoid spaces, e.g.: ['-O2','-march=native']
            'CCFLAGS=%s' % str(os.getenv('CFLAGS').split(' ')).replace(' ', ''),
            'MPI_CXX=%s' % os.getenv('MPICXX'),
            'MPI_INCLUDE=%s' % os.getenv('MPI_INC_DIR'),
            'MPI_LIBDIR=%s' % os.getenv('MPI_LIB_DIR'),
            'MPI_LINKERFORPROGRAMS=%s' % os.getenv('MPICXX'),
            'LIBPATH=%s' % os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH'),

        # define list of configure options, which will be passed to Xmipp's install.sh script via --configure-args
        self.cfg['configopts'] = configure_args
        self.log.info("Configure arguments for Xmipp install.sh script: %s", self.cfg['configopts'])
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure build by patching UFconfig.mk."""
        metis = get_software_root('METIS')
        parmetis = get_software_root('ParMETIS')
        if not metis and not parmetis:
            self.log.error("Neither METIS or ParMETIS module loaded.")

        fp = os.path.join("UFconfig","UFconfig.mk")

        cfgvars = {
                   'CC': os.getenv('MPICC'),
                   'CFLAGS': os.getenv('CFLAGS'),
                   'CXX': os.getenv('MPICXX'),
                   'F77': os.getenv('MPIF77'),
                   'F77FLAGS': os.getenv('F77FLAGS'),
                   'BLAS': os.getenv('LIBBLAS_MT'),
                   'LAPACK': os.getenv('LIBLAPACK_MT'),

        if parmetis:
                            'METIS_PATH': parmetis,
                            'METIS': "%(p)s/lib/libparmetis.a %(p)s/lib/metis.a" % {'p':parmetis}

        # patch file
            for line in fileinput.input(fp, inplace=1, backup='.orig'):
                for (k, v) in cfgvars.items():
                    line = re.sub(r"^(%s\s*=\s*).*$" % k, r"\1 %s # patched by EasyBuild" % v, line)
                    if k in line:
        except IOError, err:
            self.log.error("Failed to patch %s in: %s" % (fp, err))
Пример #3
    def configure_step(self):
        """Set extra configure options."""
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-threads --enable-shared")

        modules_setup_dist = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'Modules', 'Setup.dist')

        libreadline = get_software_root('libreadline')
        if libreadline:
            ncurses = get_software_root('ncurses')
            if ncurses:
                readline_libdir = get_software_libdir('libreadline')
                ncurses_libdir = get_software_libdir('ncurses')
                readline_static_lib = os.path.join(libreadline, readline_libdir, 'libreadline.a')
                ncurses_static_lib = os.path.join(ncurses, ncurses_libdir, 'libncurses.a')
                readline = "readline readline.c %s %s" % (readline_static_lib, ncurses_static_lib)
                for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist, inplace='1', backup='.readline'):
                    line = re.sub(r"^#readline readline.c.*", readline, line)
                self.log.error("Both libreadline and ncurses are required to ensure readline support")

        openssl = get_software_root('OpenSSL')
        if openssl:
            for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist, inplace='1', backup='.ssl'):
                line = re.sub(r"^#SSL=.*", "SSL=%s" % openssl, line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-DUSE_SSL -I)", r"\1", line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-L\$\(SSL\)/lib )", r"\1 -L$(SSL)/lib64 ", line)

        super(EB_Python, self).configure_step()
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for Octave."""

        if self.cfg['blas_lapack_mt']:
            libblas, liblapack = os.getenv('LIBBLAS_MT'), os.getenv('LIBLAPACK_MT')
            libblas, liblapack = os.getenv('LIBBLAS'), os.getenv('LIBLAPACK')

        if libblas and liblapack:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-blas="%s" --with-lapack="%s"' % (libblas, liblapack))
            raise EasyBuildError("$LIBBLAS and/or $LIBLAPACK undefined, use toolchain that includes BLAS/LAPACK")

        qt_root = get_software_root('Qt5') or get_software_root('Qt')
        if qt_root:
            self.log.info("Found Qt included as dependency, updating configure options accordingly...")
            qt_vars = {
                'LRELEASE': os.path.join(qt_root, 'bin', 'lrelease'),
                'MOC': os.path.join(qt_root, 'bin', 'moc'),
                'RCC': os.path.join(qt_root, 'bin', 'rcc'),
                'UIC': os.path.join(qt_root, 'bin', 'uic'),
            for key, val in sorted(qt_vars.items()):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "%s=%s" % (key, val))
            self.log.debug("No Qt included as dependency")

        super(EB_Octave, self).configure_step()
Пример #5
    def configure(self):
        Configure LAPACK for build: copy make.inc and set make options

        # copy make.inc file from examples
        if get_software_root('gcc'):
            makeinc = 'gfortran'
        elif get_software_root('ifort'):
            makeinc = 'ifort'
            self.log.error("Don't know which make.inc file to pick, unknown compiler being used...")

        src = os.path.join(self.getcfg('startfrom'), 'INSTALL', 'make.inc.%s' % makeinc)
        dest = os.path.join(self.getcfg('startfrom'), 'make.inc')

        if not os.path.isfile(src):
            self.log.error("Can't find source file %s" % src)

        if os.path.exists(dest):
            self.log.error("Destination file %s exists" % dest)

            shutil.copy(src, dest)
        except OSError, err:
            self.log.error("Copying %s to %s failed: %s" % (src, dest, err))
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure build: <single-line description how this deviates from standard configure>"""

        # set generic make options
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'CC="%s" OPTFLAGS="%s"' % (os.getenv('MPICC'), os.getenv('CFLAGS')))

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3.2"):

            # set correct start_dir dir, and change into it
            # test whether it already contains 'src', since a reprod easyconfig would
            if os.path.basename(self.cfg['start_dir']) != 'src':
                self.cfg['start_dir'] = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'src')
            except OSError, err:
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to change to correct source dir %s: %s", self.cfg['start_dir'], err)

            # run autoconf to generate configure script
            cmd = "autoconf"

            # set config opts
            beagle = get_software_root('beagle-lib')
            if beagle:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-beagle=%s' % beagle)
                if get_software_root('BEAGLE'):
                    self.log.nosupport('BEAGLE module as dependency, should be beagle-lib', '2.0')
                raise EasyBuildError("beagle-lib module not loaded?")

            if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '--enable-mpi')

            # configure
            super(EB_MrBayes, self).configure_step()
Пример #7
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for NEURON."""

        # enable support for distributed simulations if desired
        if self.cfg['paranrn']:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-paranrn')

        # specify path to InterViews if it is available as a dependency
        interviews_root = get_software_root('InterViews')
        if interviews_root:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-iv=%s" % interviews_root)
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--without-iv")

        # optionally enable support for Python as alternative interpreter
        python_root = get_software_root('Python')
        if python_root:
            self.with_python = True
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-nrnpython=%s/bin/python" % python_root)

        # determine host CPU type
        cmd = "./config.guess"
        (out, ec) = run_cmd(cmd, simple=False)

        self.hostcpu = out.split('\n')[0].split('-')[0]
        self.log.debug("Determined host CPU type as %s" % self.hostcpu)

        # determine Python lib dir
        self.pylibdir = det_pylibdir()

        # complete configuration with configure_method of parent
        super(EB_NEURON, self).configure_step()
Пример #8
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure Extrae build, set configure options for compiler, MPI and dependencies."""

        # MPI
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-mpi=%s" % get_software_root(self.toolchain.MPI_MODULE_NAME[0]))

        # Optional dependences
        deps = {
            'binutils': ('', '--with-binutils=%s', ''),
            'Boost': ('', '--with-boost=%s', ''),
            'libdwarf': ('', '--with-dwarf=%s', '--without-dwarf'),
            'libunwind': ('', '--with-unwind=%s', ''),
            'libxml2': (' --enable-xml --enable-merge-in-trace', '', ''),
            'PAPI': ('--enable-sampling', '--with-papi=%s', '--without-papi'),
        for (dep_name, (with_opts, with_root_opt, without_opt)) in deps.items():
            dep_root = get_software_root(dep_name)
            if dep_root:
                if with_opts:
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', with_opts)
                if with_root_opt:
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', with_root_opt % dep_root)
                if without_opt:
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', without_opt)

        # TODO: make this optional dependencies
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--without-dyninst")

        super(EB_Extrae, self).configure_step()
Пример #9
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for ESMF through environment variables."""

        env.setvar('ESMF_DIR', self.cfg['start_dir'])
        env.setvar('ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX', self.installdir)
        env.setvar('ESMF_INSTALL_BINDIR', 'bin')
        env.setvar('ESMF_INSTALL_LIBDIR', 'lib')
        env.setvar('ESMF_INSTALL_MODDIR', 'mod')

        # specify compiler
        comp_family = self.toolchain.comp_family()
        if comp_family in [toolchain.GCC]:
            compiler = 'gfortran'
            compiler = comp_family.lower()
        env.setvar('ESMF_COMPILER', compiler)

        # specify MPI communications library
        comm = None
        mpi_family = self.toolchain.mpi_family()
        if mpi_family in [toolchain.MPICH, toolchain.QLOGICMPI]:
            # MPICH family for MPICH v3.x, which is MPICH2 compatible
            comm = 'mpich2'
            comm = mpi_family.lower()
        env.setvar('ESMF_COMM', comm)

        # specify decent LAPACK lib
        env.setvar('ESMF_LAPACK', 'user')
        env.setvar('ESMF_LAPACK_LIBS', '%s %s' % (os.getenv('LDFLAGS'), os.getenv('LIBLAPACK_MT')))

        # specify netCDF
        netcdf = get_software_root('netCDF')
        if netcdf:
            env.setvar('ESMF_NETCDF', 'user')
            netcdf_libs = ['-L%s/lib' % netcdf, '-lnetcdf']

            # Fortran
            netcdff = get_software_root('netCDF-Fortran')
            if netcdff:
                netcdf_libs = ["-L%s/lib" % netcdff] + netcdf_libs + ["-lnetcdff"]

            # C++
            netcdfcxx = get_software_root('netCDF-C++')
            if netcdfcxx:
                netcdf_libs = ["-L%s/lib" % netcdfcxx] + netcdf_libs + ["-lnetcdf_c++"]
                netcdfcxx = get_software_root('netCDF-C++4')
                if netcdfcxx:
                    netcdf_libs = ["-L%s/lib" % netcdfcxx] + netcdf_libs + ["-lnetcdf_c++4"]

            env.setvar('ESMF_NETCDF_LIBS', ' '.join(netcdf_libs))

        # 'make info' provides useful debug info
        cmd = "make info"
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
    def configure_step(self):
        # Use separate build directory
        self.cfg['separate_build_dir'] = True

        self.cfg['configopts'] += "-DENABLE_TESTS=ON "
        # Needs wxWidgets
        self.cfg['configopts'] += "-DBUILD_GUI=OFF "

        root_python = get_software_root('Python')
        if root_python:
            self.log.info("Enabling Python bindings")
            shortpyver = '.'.join(get_software_version('Python').split('.')[:2])
            self.cfg['configopts'] += "-DPYTHON_BINDINGS=ON "
            self.cfg['configopts'] += "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=%s/lib/libpython%s.so " % (root_python, shortpyver)
            self.cfg['configopts'] += "-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=%s/include/python%s " % (root_python, shortpyver)
            self.log.info("Not enabling Python bindings")

        root_eigen = get_software_root("Eigen")
        if root_eigen:
            self.log.info("Using Eigen")
            self.cfg['configopts'] += "-DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR='%s/include' " % root_eigen
            self.log.info("Not using Eigen")

        super(EB_OpenBabel, self).configure_step()
Пример #11
    def install_step(self):
        """Custom install procedure for RepeatMasker."""
        super(EB_RepeatMasker, self).install_step()

        # check for required dependencies
        perl_root = get_software_root('Perl')
        if perl_root:
            perl = os.path.join(perl_root, 'bin', 'perl')
            raise EasyBuildError("Missing required dependency: Perl")

        trf_root = get_software_root('TRF')
        if trf_root:
            trf = os.path.join(trf_root, 'trf')
            raise EasyBuildError("Missing required dependency: TRF")

        # determine which search engine to use
        # see also http://www.repeatmasker.org/RMDownload.html
        cand_search_engines = ['CrossMatch', 'RMBlast', 'WUBlast', 'HMMER']
        search_engine = None
        for dep in cand_search_engines:
            if get_software_root(dep):
                if search_engine is None:
                    search_engine = dep
                    raise EasyBuildError("Found multiple candidate search engines: %s and %s", search_engine, dep)

        if search_engine is None:
            raise EasyBuildError("No search engine found, one of these must be included as dependency: %s",
                                 ' '.join(cand_search_engines))



        search_engine_map = {
            'CrossMatch': '1',
            'RMBlast': '2',
            'WUBlast': '3',
            'HMMER': '4',
        search_engine_bindir = os.path.join(get_software_root(search_engine), 'bin')

        cmd = "perl ./configure"
        qa = {
            '<PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE>': '',
            # select search engine
            'Enter Selection:': search_engine_map[search_engine],
        std_qa = {
            r'\*\*PERL PROGRAM\*\*\n([^*]*\n)+Enter path.*': perl,
            r'\*\*REPEATMASKER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY\*\*\n([^*]*\n)+Enter path.*': self.installdir,
            r'\*\*TRF PROGRAM\*\*\n([^*]*\n)+Enter path.*': trf,
            # search engine installation path (location of /bin subdirectory)
            # also enter 'Y' to confirm + '5' ("Done") to complete selection process for search engine
            r'\*\*.* INSTALLATION PATH\*\*\n([^*]*\n)+Enter path.*': search_engine_bindir + '\nY\n5',
        run_cmd_qa(cmd, qa, std_qa=std_qa, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
Пример #12
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure OpenFOAM build by setting appropriate environment variables."""

        # installation directory
        env.setvar("FOAM_INST_DIR", self.installdir)

        # third party directory
        self.thrdpartydir = "ThirdParty-%s" % self.version
        # only if third party stuff is actually installed
        if os.path.exists(self.thrdpartydir):
            os.symlink(os.path.join("..", self.thrdpartydir), self.thrdpartydir)
            env.setvar("WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR", os.path.join(self.installdir, self.thrdpartydir))

        # compiler
        comp_fam = self.toolchain.comp_family()

        if comp_fam == toolchain.GCC:  #@UndefinedVariable

        elif comp_fam == toolchain.INTELCOMP:  #@UndefinedVariable

            # make sure -no-prec-div is used with Intel compilers
            self.cfg.update('premakeopts', 'CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -no-prec-div" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -no-prec-div"')

            self.log.error("Unknown compiler family, don't know how to set WM_COMPILER")


        # type of MPI
        mpi_type = self.toolchain.mpi_family()
        if mpi_type == toolchain.INTELMPI:  #@UndefinedVariable
            self.mpipath = os.path.join(get_software_root('IMPI'),'intel64')
            self.wm_mplib = "IMPI"

        elif mpi_type == toolchain.QLOGICMPI:  #@UndefinedVariable
            self.mpipath = get_software_root('QLogicMPI')
            self.wm_mplib = "MPICH"

        elif mpi_type == toolchain.OPENMPI:  #@UndefinedVariable
            self.mpipath = get_software_root('OpenMPI')
            self.wm_mplib = "MPI-MVAPICH2"

            self.mpipath = "/usr/local/packages/MPICH/3.0.3/intelcomp-14.0.2/bin"
            self.wm_mplib = "MPICH"
            print self.mpipath 
            print self.wm_mplib 
            #self.log.error("Unknown MPI, don't know how to set MPI_ARCH_PATH, WM_MPLIB or FOAM_MPI_LIBBIN")

        env.setvar("WM_MPLIB", self.wm_mplib)
        env.setvar("MPI_ARCH_PATH", self.mpipath)
        env.setvar("FOAM_MPI_LIBBIN", self.mpipath)

        # parallel build spec
        env.setvar("WM_NCOMPPROCS", str(self.cfg['parallel']))
Пример #13
    def configure_step(self):
        """Set extra configure options."""
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-threads --enable-shared")

        # Need to be careful to match the unicode settings to the underlying python
        if sys.maxunicode == 1114111:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-unicode=ucs4")
        elif sys.maxunicode == 65535:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-unicode=ucs2")
            raise EasyBuildError("Unknown maxunicode value for your python: %d" % sys.maxunicode)

        modules_setup_dist = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'Modules', 'Setup.dist')

        libreadline = get_software_root('libreadline')
        if libreadline:
            ncurses = get_software_root('ncurses')
            if ncurses:
                readline_libdir = get_software_libdir('libreadline')
                ncurses_libdir = get_software_libdir('ncurses')
                readline_static_lib = os.path.join(libreadline, readline_libdir, 'libreadline.a')
                ncurses_static_lib = os.path.join(ncurses, ncurses_libdir, 'libncurses.a')
                readline = "readline readline.c %s %s" % (readline_static_lib, ncurses_static_lib)
                for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist, inplace='1', backup='.readline'):
                    line = re.sub(r"^#readline readline.c.*", readline, line)
                raise EasyBuildError("Both libreadline and ncurses are required to ensure readline support")

        openssl = get_software_root('OpenSSL')
        if openssl:
            for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist, inplace='1', backup='.ssl'):
                line = re.sub(r"^#SSL=.*", "SSL=%s" % openssl, line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-DUSE_SSL -I)", r"\1", line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-L\$\(SSL\)/lib )", r"\1 -L$(SSL)/lib64 ", line)

        tcl = get_software_root('Tcl')
        tk = get_software_root('Tk')
        if tcl and tk:
            tclver = get_software_version('Tcl')
            tkver = get_software_version('Tk')
            tcltk_maj_min_ver = '.'.join(tclver.split('.')[:2])
            if tcltk_maj_min_ver != '.'.join(tkver.split('.')[:2]):
                raise EasyBuildError("Tcl and Tk major/minor versions don't match: %s vs %s", tclver, tkver)

            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-tcltk-includes='-I%s/include -I%s/include'" % (tcl, tk))

            tcl_libdir = os.path.join(tcl, get_software_libdir('Tcl'))
            tk_libdir = os.path.join(tk, get_software_libdir('Tk'))
            tcltk_libs = "-L%(tcl_libdir)s -L%(tk_libdir)s -ltcl%(maj_min_ver)s -ltk%(maj_min_ver)s" % {
                'tcl_libdir': tcl_libdir,
                'tk_libdir': tk_libdir,
                'maj_min_ver': tcltk_maj_min_ver,
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-tcltk-libs='%s'" % tcltk_libs)

        super(EB_Python, self).configure_step()
Пример #14
    def _set_fftw_variables(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "BLAS_LIB_DIR"):
            raise EasyBuildError("_set_fftw_variables: IntelFFT based on IntelMKL (no BLAS_LIB_DIR found)")

        imklver = get_software_version(self.FFT_MODULE_NAME[0])

        picsuff = ""
        if self.options.get("pic", None):
            picsuff = "_pic"
        bitsuff = "_lp64"
        if self.options.get("i8", None):
            bitsuff = "_ilp64"
        compsuff = "_intel"
        if get_software_root("icc") is None:
            if get_software_root("PGI"):
                compsuff = "_pgi"
            elif get_software_root("GCC"):
                compsuff = "_gnu"
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Not using Intel compilers, PGI nor GCC, don't know compiler suffix for FFTW libraries."

        fftw_libs = ["fftw3xc%s%s" % (compsuff, picsuff)]
        if self.options["usempi"]:
            # add cluster interface for recent imkl versions
            if LooseVersion(imklver) >= LooseVersion("11.0.2"):
                fftw_libs.append("fftw3x_cdft%s%s" % (bitsuff, picsuff))
            elif LooseVersion(imklver) >= LooseVersion("10.3"):
                fftw_libs.append("fftw3x_cdft%s" % picsuff)
            fftw_libs.append("mkl_cdft_core")  # add cluster dft
            fftw_libs.extend(self.variables["LIBBLACS"].flatten())  # add BLACS; use flatten because ListOfList

        self.log.debug("fftw_libs %s" % fftw_libs.__repr__())
        fftw_libs.extend(self.variables["LIBBLAS"].flatten())  # add BLAS libs (contains dft)
        self.log.debug("fftw_libs %s" % fftw_libs.__repr__())

        self.FFT_LIB_DIR = self.BLAS_LIB_DIR

        # building the FFTW interfaces is optional,
        # so make sure libraries are there before FFT_LIB is set
        imklroot = get_software_root(self.FFT_MODULE_NAME[0])
        fft_lib_dirs = [os.path.join(imklroot, d) for d in self.FFT_LIB_DIR]
        # filter out libraries from list of FFTW libraries to check for if they are not provided by Intel MKL
        check_fftw_libs = [lib for lib in fftw_libs if lib not in ["dl", "gfortran"]]
        fftw_lib_exists = lambda x: any([os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "lib%s.a" % x)) for d in fft_lib_dirs])
        if all([fftw_lib_exists(lib) for lib in check_fftw_libs]):
            self.FFT_LIB = fftw_libs
            msg = "Not all FFTW interface libraries %s are found in %s" % (check_fftw_libs, fft_lib_dirs)
            msg += ", can't set $FFT_LIB."
            if self.dry_run:
                dry_run_warning(msg, silent=build_option("silent"))
                raise EasyBuildError(msg)
Пример #15
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure numpy build by composing site.cfg contents."""

        self.sitecfg = '\n'.join([
                                  "library_dirs = %(libs)s",
                                  "include_dirs= %(includes)s",

        if get_software_root("IMKL"):

            extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([
                                         "lapack_libs = %(lapack)s",
                                         "mkl_libs = %(blas)s",

        elif get_software_root("ATLAS") and get_software_root("LAPACK"):

            extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join(["[blas_opt]",
                                         "libraries = %(blas)s",
                                         "libraries = %(lapack)s",

            self.log.error("Could not detect BLAS/LAPACK library.")

        libfft = os.getenv('LIBFFT')
        if libfft:
            extrasiteconfig += "\n[fftw]\nlibraries = %s" % libfft.replace(' ', ',')

        self.sitecfg = '\n'.join([self.sitecfg, extrasiteconfig])

        lapack_libs = os.getenv("LIBLAPACK_MT").split(" -l")
        blas_libs = os.getenv("LIBBLAS_MT").split(" -l")

        if get_software_root("IMKL"):
            # with IMKL, get rid of all spaces and use '-Wl:'
            lapack = ','.join(lapack_libs).replace(' ', ',').replace('Wl,', 'Wl:')
            blas = lapack
            lapack = ", ".join(lapack_libs)
            blas = ", ".join(blas_libs)

        self.sitecfg = self.sitecfg % {
                                       'lapack': lapack,
                                       'blas': blas,
                                       'libs': ':'.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('LDFLAGS', typ=list)),
                                       'includes': ':'.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('CPPFLAGS', typ=list))

        super(EB_numpy, self).configure_step()
Пример #16
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configure step for NAMD, we build charm++ first (if required)."""

        # complete Charm ++ and NAMD architecture string with compiler family
        comp_fam = self.toolchain.comp_family()
        if self.toolchain.options["usempi"]:
            charm_arch_comp = "mpicxx"
            charm_arch_comps = {toolchain.GCC: "gcc", toolchain.INTELCOMP: "icc"}
            charm_arch_comp = charm_arch_comps.get(comp_fam, None)
        namd_comps = {toolchain.GCC: "g++", toolchain.INTELCOMP: "icc"}
        namd_comp = namd_comps.get(comp_fam, None)
        if charm_arch_comp is None or namd_comp is None:
            raise EasyBuildError("Unknown compiler family, can't complete Charm++/NAMD target architecture.")
        self.cfg.update("charm_arch", charm_arch_comp)

        self.log.info("Updated 'charm_arch': %s" % self.cfg["charm_arch"])
        self.namd_arch = "%s-%s" % (self.cfg["namd_basearch"], namd_comp)
        self.log.info("Completed NAMD target architecture: %s" % self.namd_arch)

        charm_tarballs = glob.glob("charm-*.tar")
        if len(charm_tarballs) != 1:
            raise EasyBuildError("Expected to find exactly one tarball for Charm++, found: %s", charm_tarballs)

        extract_file(charm_tarballs[0], os.getcwd())

        tup = (self.cfg["charm_arch"], self.cfg["charm_opts"], self.cfg["parallel"], os.environ["CXXFLAGS"])
        cmd = "./build charm++ %s %s -j%s %s -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK" % tup
        charm_subdir = ".".join(os.path.basename(charm_tarballs[0]).split(".")[:-1])
        self.log.debug("Building Charm++ using cmd '%s' in '%s'" % (cmd, charm_subdir))
        run_cmd(cmd, path=charm_subdir)

        # compiler (options)
        self.cfg.update("namd_cfg_opts", '--cc "%s" --cc-opts "%s"' % (os.environ["CC"], os.environ["CFLAGS"]))
        self.cfg.update("namd_cfg_opts", '--cxx "%s" --cxx-opts "%s"' % (os.environ["CXX"], os.environ["CXXFLAGS"]))

        # NAMD dependencies: CUDA, FFTW
        cuda = get_software_root("CUDA")
        if cuda:
            self.cfg.update("namd_cfg_opts", "--with-cuda --cuda-prefix %s" % cuda)

        fftw = get_software_root("FFTW")
        if fftw:
            if LooseVersion(get_software_version("FFTW")) >= LooseVersion("3.0"):
                if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("2.9"):
                    self.cfg.update("namd_cfg_opts", "--with-fftw3")
                    raise EasyBuildError("Using FFTW v3.x only supported in NAMD v2.9 and up.")
                self.cfg.update("namd_cfg_opts", "--with-fftw")
            self.cfg.update("namd_cfg_opts", "--fftw-prefix %s" % fftw)

        namd_charm_arch = "--charm-arch %s" % "-".join(self.cfg["charm_arch"].strip().split(" "))
        cmd = "./config %s %s %s " % (self.namd_arch, namd_charm_arch, self.cfg["namd_cfg_opts"])
Пример #17
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure build by patching UFconfig.mk or SuiteSparse_config.mk."""

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('4.0'):
            self.config_name = 'UFconfig'
            self.config_name = 'SuiteSparse_config'

        cfgvars = {
            'CC': os.getenv('MPICC'),
            'CFLAGS': os.getenv('CFLAGS'),
            'CXX': os.getenv('MPICXX'),
            'F77': os.getenv('MPIF77'),
            'F77FLAGS': os.getenv('F77FLAGS'),
            'BLAS': os.getenv('LIBBLAS_MT'),
            'LAPACK': os.getenv('LIBLAPACK_MT'),

        metis = get_software_root('METIS')
        parmetis = get_software_root('ParMETIS')
        if parmetis:
            metis_path = parmetis
            metis_libs = ' '.join([
                os.path.join(parmetis, 'lib', 'libparmetis.a'),
                os.path.join(parmetis, 'lib', 'metis.a'),
        elif metis:
            metis_path = metis
            metis_libs = os.path.join(metis, 'lib', 'metis.a')
            raise EasyBuildError("Neither METIS or ParMETIS module loaded.")

            'METIS_PATH': metis_path,
            'METIS': metis_libs,

        # patch file
        fp = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], self.config_name, '%s.mk' % self.config_name)

            for line in fileinput.input(fp, inplace=1, backup='.orig'):
                for (var, val) in cfgvars.items():
                    orig_line = line
                    # for variables in cfgvars, substiture lines assignment 
                    # in the file, whatever they are, by assignments to the
                    # values in cfgvars
                    line = re.sub(r"^\s*(%s\s*=\s*).*$" % var,
                                  r"\1 %s # patched by EasyBuild" % val,
                    if line != orig_line:
        except IOError, err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to patch %s in: %s", fp, err)
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for Bazel."""

        binutils_root = get_software_root('binutils')
        gcc_root = get_software_root('GCCcore') or get_software_root('GCC')
        gcc_ver = get_software_version('GCCcore') or get_software_version('GCC')

        # only patch Bazel scripts if binutils & GCC installation prefix could be determined
        if binutils_root and gcc_root:

            res = glob.glob(os.path.join(gcc_root, 'lib', 'gcc', '*', gcc_ver, 'include'))
            if res and len(res) == 1:
                gcc_lib_inc = res[0]
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to pinpoint location of GCC include files: %s", res)

            gcc_lib_inc_fixed = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gcc_lib_inc), 'include-fixed')
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_lib_inc_fixed):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist", gcc_lib_inc_fixed)

            gcc_cplusplus_inc = os.path.join(gcc_root, 'include', 'c++', gcc_ver)
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_cplusplus_inc):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist", gcc_cplusplus_inc)

            # replace hardcoded paths in CROSSTOOL
            regex_subs = [
                (r'-B/usr/bin', '-B%s' % os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
                (r'(cxx_builtin_include_directory:.*)/usr/lib/gcc', r'\1%s' % gcc_lib_inc),
                (r'(cxx_builtin_include_directory:.*)/usr/local/include', r'\1%s' % gcc_lib_inc_fixed),
                (r'(cxx_builtin_include_directory:.*)/usr/include', r'\1%s' % gcc_cplusplus_inc),
            for tool in ['ar', 'cpp', 'dwp', 'gcc', 'ld']:
                path = which(tool)
                if path:
                    regex_subs.append((os.path.join('/usr', 'bin', tool), path))
                    raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine path to '%s'", tool)

            apply_regex_substitutions(os.path.join('tools', 'cpp', 'CROSSTOOL'), regex_subs)

            # replace hardcoded paths in (unix_)cc_configure.bzl
            regex_subs = [
                (r'-B/usr/bin', '-B%s' % os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
                (r'"/usr/bin', '"' + os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
            for conf_bzl in ['cc_configure.bzl', 'unix_cc_configure.bzl']:
                filepath = os.path.join('tools', 'cpp', conf_bzl)
                if os.path.exists(filepath):
                    apply_regex_substitutions(filepath, regex_subs)
            self.log.info("Not patching Bazel build scripts, installation prefix for binutils/GCC not found")

        # enable building in parallel
        env.setvar('EXTRA_BAZEL_ARGS', '--jobs=%d' % self.cfg['parallel'])
Пример #19
    def configure(self):
        """Configure OpenFOAM build by setting appropriate environment variables."""

        # installation directory
        env.set("FOAM_INST_DIR", self.installdir)

        # third party directory
        self.thrdpartydir = "ThirdParty-%s" % self.version()
        os.symlink(os.path.join("..", self.thrdpartydir), self.thrdpartydir)
        env.set("WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR", os.path.join(self.installdir, self.thrdpartydir))

        # compiler
        comp_fam = self.toolkit().comp_family()

        if comp_fam == toolkit.GCC:

        elif comp_fam == toolkit.INTEL:

            # make sure -no-prec-div is used with Intel compilers
            self.updatecfg('premakeopts', 'CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -no-prec-div" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -no-prec-div"')

            self.log.error("Unknown compiler family, don't know how to set WM_COMPILER")


        # type of MPI
        mpi_type = self.toolkit().mpi_type()

        if mpi_type == toolkit.INTEL:
            self.mpipath = os.path.join(get_software_root('IMPI'),'intel64')
            self.wm_mplib = "IMPI"

        elif mpi_type == toolkit.QLOGIC:
            self.mpipath = get_software_root('QLogicMPI')
            self.wm_mplib = "MPICH"

        elif mpi_type == toolkit.OPENMPI:
            self.mpipath = get_software_root('OpenMPI')
            self.wm_mplib = "MPI-MVAPICH2"

            self.log.error("Unknown MPI, don't know how to set MPI_ARCH_PATH, WM_MPLIB or FOAM_MPI_LIBBIN")

        env.set("WM_MPLIB", self.wm_mplib)
        env.set("MPI_ARCH_PATH", self.mpipath)
        env.set("FOAM_MPI_LIBBIN", self.mpipath)

        # parallel build spec
        env.set("WM_NCOMPPROCS", str(self.getcfg('parallel')))
Пример #20
    def _set_fftw_variables(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'BLAS_LIB_DIR'):
            raise EasyBuildError("_set_fftw_variables: IntelFFT based on IntelMKL (no BLAS_LIB_DIR found)")

        imklver = get_software_version(self.FFT_MODULE_NAME[0])

        picsuff = ''
        if self.options.get('pic', None):
            picsuff = '_pic'
        bitsuff = '_lp64'
        if self.options.get('i8', None):
            bitsuff = '_ilp64'
        compsuff = '_intel'
        if get_software_root('icc') is None:
            if get_software_root('GCC'):
                compsuff = '_gnu'
                raise EasyBuildError("Not using Intel compilers or GCC, don't know compiler suffix for FFTW libraries.")

        fftw_libs = ["fftw3xc%s%s" % (compsuff, picsuff)]
        if self.options['usempi']:
            # add cluster interface for recent imkl versions
            if LooseVersion(imklver) >= LooseVersion("11.0.2"):
                fftw_libs.append("fftw3x_cdft%s%s" % (bitsuff, picsuff))
            elif LooseVersion(imklver) >= LooseVersion("10.3"):
                fftw_libs.append("fftw3x_cdft%s" % picsuff)
            fftw_libs.append("mkl_cdft_core")  # add cluster dft
            fftw_libs.extend(self.variables['LIBBLACS'].flatten()) # add BLACS; use flatten because ListOfList

        self.log.debug('fftw_libs %s' % fftw_libs.__repr__())
        fftw_libs.extend(self.variables['LIBBLAS'].flatten())  # add BLAS libs (contains dft)
        self.log.debug('fftw_libs %s' % fftw_libs.__repr__())

        self.FFT_LIB_DIR = self.BLAS_LIB_DIR

        # building the FFTW interfaces is optional,
        # so make sure libraries are there before FFT_LIB is set
        imklroot = get_software_root(self.FFT_MODULE_NAME[0])
        fft_lib_dirs = [os.path.join(imklroot, d) for d in self.FFT_LIB_DIR]
        # filter out gfortran from list of FFTW libraries to check for, since it's not provided by imkl
        check_fftw_libs = [lib for lib in fftw_libs if lib != 'gfortran']
        fftw_lib_exists = lambda x: any([os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "lib%s.a" % x)) for d in fft_lib_dirs])
        if all([fftw_lib_exists(lib) for lib in check_fftw_libs]):
            self.FFT_LIB = fftw_libs
            msg = "Not all FFTW interface libraries %s are found in %s" % (check_fftw_libs, fft_lib_dirs)
            msg += ", can't set $FFT_LIB."
            if build_option('extended_dry_run'):
                dry_run_warning(msg, silent=build_option('silent'))
                raise EasyBuildError(msg)
Пример #21
    def configure_step(self):
        """Set extra configure options."""
        self.cfg.update("configopts", "--with-threads --enable-shared")

        modules_setup_dist = os.path.join(self.cfg["start_dir"], "Modules", "Setup.dist")

        libreadline = get_software_root("libreadline")
        if libreadline:
            ncurses = get_software_root("ncurses")
            if ncurses:
                readline_libdir = get_software_libdir("libreadline")
                ncurses_libdir = get_software_libdir("ncurses")
                readline_static_lib = os.path.join(libreadline, readline_libdir, "libreadline.a")
                ncurses_static_lib = os.path.join(ncurses, ncurses_libdir, "libncurses.a")
                readline = "readline readline.c %s %s" % (readline_static_lib, ncurses_static_lib)
                for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist, inplace="1", backup=".readline"):
                    line = re.sub(r"^#readline readline.c.*", readline, line)
                raise EasyBuildError("Both libreadline and ncurses are required to ensure readline support")

        openssl = get_software_root("OpenSSL")
        if openssl:
            for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist, inplace="1", backup=".ssl"):
                line = re.sub(r"^#SSL=.*", "SSL=%s" % openssl, line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-DUSE_SSL -I)", r"\1", line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-L\$\(SSL\)/lib )", r"\1 -L$(SSL)/lib64 ", line)

        tcl = get_software_root("Tcl")
        tk = get_software_root("Tk")
        if tcl and tk:
            tclver = get_software_version("Tcl")
            tkver = get_software_version("Tk")
            tcltk_maj_min_ver = ".".join(tclver.split(".")[:2])
            if tcltk_maj_min_ver != ".".join(tkver.split(".")[:2]):
                raise EasyBuildError("Tcl and Tk major/minor versions don't match: %s vs %s", tclver, tkver)

            self.cfg.update("configopts", "--with-tcltk-includes='-I%s/include -I%s/include'" % (tcl, tk))

            tcl_libdir = os.path.join(tcl, get_software_libdir("Tcl"))
            tk_libdir = os.path.join(tk, get_software_libdir("Tk"))
            tcltk_libs = "-L%(tcl_libdir)s -L%(tk_libdir)s -ltcl%(maj_min_ver)s -ltk%(maj_min_ver)s" % {
                "tcl_libdir": tcl_libdir,
                "tk_libdir": tk_libdir,
                "maj_min_ver": tcltk_maj_min_ver,
            self.cfg.update("configopts", "--with-tcltk-libs='%s'" % tcltk_libs)

        super(EB_Python, self).configure_step()
Пример #22
    def test_get_software_root_version_libdir(self):
        """Test get_software_X functions."""

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        test_cases = [
            ('GCC', 'GCC'),
            ('grib_api', 'GRIB_API'),
            ('netCDF-C++', 'NETCDFMINCPLUSPLUS'),
            ('Score-P', 'SCOREMINP'),
        for (name, env_var_name) in test_cases:
            # mock stuff that get_software_X functions rely on
            root = os.path.join(tmpdir, name)
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(root, 'lib'))
            os.environ['EBROOT%s' % env_var_name] = root
            version = '0.0-%s' % root
            os.environ['EBVERSION%s' % env_var_name] = version

            self.assertEqual(get_software_root(name), root)
            self.assertEqual(get_software_version(name), version)
            self.assertEqual(get_software_libdir(name), 'lib')

            os.environ.pop('EBROOT%s' % env_var_name)
            os.environ.pop('EBVERSION%s' % env_var_name)

        # check expected result of get_software_libdir with multiple lib subdirs
        root = os.path.join(tmpdir, name)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(root, 'lib64'))
        os.environ['EBROOT%s' % env_var_name] = root
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, "Multiple library subdirectories found.*", get_software_libdir, name)
        self.assertEqual(get_software_libdir(name, only_one=False), ['lib', 'lib64'])

        # only directories containing files in specified list should be retained
        open(os.path.join(root, 'lib64', 'foo'), 'w').write('foo')
        self.assertEqual(get_software_libdir(name, fs=['foo']), 'lib64')

        # clean up for previous tests
        os.environ.pop('EBROOT%s' % env_var_name)

        # if root/version for specified software package can not be found, these functions should return None
        self.assertEqual(get_software_root('foo'), None)
        self.assertEqual(get_software_version('foo'), None)
        self.assertEqual(get_software_libdir('foo'), None)

        # if no library subdir is found, get_software_libdir should return None
        os.environ['EBROOTFOO'] = tmpdir
        self.assertEqual(get_software_libdir('foo'), None)

Пример #23
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure SLEPc by setting configure options and running configure script."""

        # check PETSc dependency
        if not get_software_root("PETSc"):
            raise EasyBuildError("PETSc module not loaded?")

        # set SLEPC_DIR environment variable
        env.setvar('SLEPC_DIR', self.cfg['start_dir'])
        self.log.debug('SLEPC_DIR: %s' % os.getenv('SLEPC_DIR'))

        # optional dependencies
        depfilter = self.cfg.builddependencies() + ["PETSc"]
        deps = [dep['name'] for dep in self.cfg.dependencies() if not dep['name'] in depfilter]
        for dep in deps:
            deproot = get_software_root(dep)
            if deproot:
                withdep = "--with-%s" % dep.lower()
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '%s=1 %s-dir=%s' % (withdep, withdep, deproot))

        if self.cfg['sourceinstall']:
            # run configure without --prefix (required)
            cmd = "%s ./configure %s" % (self.cfg['preconfigopts'], self.cfg['configopts'])
            (out, _) = run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False)
            # regular './configure --prefix=X' for non-source install
            # make sure old install dir is removed first

            out = super(EB_SLEPc, self).configure_step()

        # check for errors in configure
        error_regexp = re.compile("ERROR")
        if error_regexp.search(out):
            raise EasyBuildError("Error(s) detected in configure output!")

        # define $PETSC_ARCH
        petsc_arch = self.cfg['petsc_arch']
        if self.cfg['petsc_arch'] is None:
            petsc_arch = 'arch-installed-petsc'

        env.setvar('PETSC_ARCH', petsc_arch)

        if self.cfg['sourceinstall']:
            self.slepc_subdir = os.path.join('%s-%s' % (self.name.lower(), self.version), petsc_arch)

        # SLEPc > 3.5, make does not accept -j
        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3.5"):
            self.cfg['parallel'] = None
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure build by patching UFconfig.mk or SuiteSparse_config.mk."""

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('4.0'):
            self.config_name = 'UFconfig'
            self.config_name = 'SuiteSparse_config'

        fp = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], self.config_name, '%s.mk' % self.config_name)

        cfgvars = {
            'CC': os.getenv('MPICC'),
            'CFLAGS': os.getenv('CFLAGS'),
            'CXX': os.getenv('MPICXX'),
            'F77': os.getenv('MPIF77'),
            'F77FLAGS': os.getenv('F77FLAGS'),
            'BLAS': os.getenv('LIBBLAS_MT'),
            'LAPACK': os.getenv('LIBLAPACK_MT'),

        metis = get_software_root('METIS')
        parmetis = get_software_root('ParMETIS')
        if parmetis:
            metis_path = parmetis
            metis_libs = ' '.join([
                os.path.join(parmetis, 'lib', 'libparmetis.a'),
                os.path.join(parmetis, 'lib', 'metis.a'),
        elif metis:
            metis_path = metis
            metis_libs = os.path.join(metis, 'lib', 'metis.a')
            self.log.error("Neither METIS or ParMETIS module loaded.")

            'METIS_PATH': metis_path,
            'METIS': metis_libs,

        # patch file
            for line in fileinput.input(fp, inplace=1, backup='.orig'):
                for (k, v) in cfgvars.items():
                    line = re.sub(r"^(%s\s*=\s*).*$" % k, r"\1 %s # patched by EasyBuild" % v, line)
                    if k in line:
        except IOError, err:
            self.log.error("Failed to patch %s in: %s" % (fp, err))
Пример #25
    def install_step(self):
        """Custom install procedure for QScintilla."""
        super(EB_QScintilla, self).install_step()

        # also install Python bindings if Python is included as a dependency
        python = get_software_root('Python')
        if python:
            pydir = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'Python')
            except OSError as err:
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to change to %s: %s", pydir, err)

            # apparently this directory has to be there
            qsci_sipdir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'share', 'sip', 'PyQt4')
            mkdir(qsci_sipdir, parents=True)

            pylibdir = os.path.join(det_pylibdir(), 'PyQt4')

            pyqt = get_software_root('PyQt')
            if pyqt is None:
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine PyQt installation prefix, PyQt not included as dependency?")

            cfgopts = [
                '--destdir %s' % os.path.join(self.installdir, pylibdir),
                '--qsci-sipdir %s' % qsci_sipdir,
                '--qsci-incdir %s' % os.path.join(self.installdir, 'include'),
                '--qsci-libdir %s' % os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib'),
                '--pyqt-sipdir %s' % os.path.join(pyqt, 'share', 'sip', 'PyQt4'),
                '--apidir %s' % os.path.join(self.installdir, 'qsci', 'api', 'python'),
            run_cmd("python configure.py %s" % ' '.join(cfgopts))

            super(EB_QScintilla, self).build_step()
            super(EB_QScintilla, self).install_step()

            target_dir = os.path.join(self.installdir, pylibdir)
            pyqt_pylibdir = os.path.join(pyqt, pylibdir)
                for entry in [x for x in os.listdir(pyqt_pylibdir) if not x.startswith('__init__.py')]:
                    symlink(os.path.join(pyqt_pylibdir, entry), os.path.join(target_dir, entry))
            except OSError as err:
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to symlink PyQt Python bindings in %s: %s", target_dir, err)

            # also requires empty __init__.py file to ensure Python modules can be imported from this location
            write_file(os.path.join(target_dir, '__init__.py'), '')
Пример #26
    def configure_step(self):
        """Set some extra environment variables before configuring."""

        deps = ["Boost", "GMP", "MPFR"]
        for dep in deps:
            if not get_software_root(dep):
                self.log.error("Dependency module %s not loaded?" % dep)

        for lib in ["GMP", "MPFR"]:
            os.environ['%s_INC_DIR' % lib] = "%s%s" % (get_software_root(lib), "/include/")
            os.environ['%s_LIB_DIR' % lib] = "%s%s" % (get_software_root(lib), "/lib/")

        os.environ['BOOST_ROOT'] = get_software_root("Boost")

        super(EB_CGAL, self).configure_step()
Пример #27
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration for R."""

        # define $BLAS_LIBS to build R correctly against BLAS/LAPACK library
        # $LAPACK_LIBS should *not* be specified since that may lead to using generic LAPACK
        # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/issues/1435
        env.setvar('BLAS_LIBS', os.getenv('LIBBLAS'))
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-blas --with-lapack")

        # make sure correct config script is used for Tcl/Tk
        for dep in ['Tcl', 'Tk']:
            root = get_software_root(dep)
            if root:
                dep_config = os.path.join(root, 'lib', '%sConfig.sh' % dep.lower())
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-%s-config=%s' % (dep.lower(), dep_config))

        if "--with-x=" not in self.cfg['configopts'].lower():
            if get_software_root('X11'):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-x=yes')
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-x=no')

        # enable graphic capabilities for plotting, based on available dependencies
        for dep in ['Cairo', 'libjpeg-turbo', 'libpng', 'libtiff']:
            if get_software_root(dep):
                if dep == 'libjpeg-turbo':
                    conf_opt = 'jpeglib'
                    conf_opt = dep.lower()
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-%s' % conf_opt)

        out = ConfigureMake.configure_step(self)

        # check output of configure command to verify BLAS/LAPACK settings
        ext_libs_regex = re.compile("External libraries:.*BLAS\((?P<BLAS>.*)\).*LAPACK\((?P<LAPACK>.*)\)")
        res = ext_libs_regex.search(out)
        if res:
            for lib in ['BLAS', 'LAPACK']:
                if res.group(lib) == 'generic':
                    warn_msg = "R will be built with generic %s, which will result in poor performance." % lib
                    self.log.info("R is configured to use non-generic %s: %s", lib, res.group(lib))
            warn_msg = "R is configured to be built without BLAS/LAPACK, which will result in (very) poor performance"
Пример #28
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure build:
        - set required environment variables (for netCDF, JasPer)
        - patch compile script and ungrib Makefile for non-default install paths of WRF and JasPer
        - run configure script and figure how to select desired build option
        - patch configure.wps file afterwards to fix 'serial compiler' setting

        # netCDF dependency check + setting env vars (NETCDF, NETCDFF)
        self.netcdf_mod_cmds = get_netcdf_module_set_cmds(self.log)

        # WRF dependency check
        wrf = get_software_root('WRF')
        if wrf:
            majver = get_software_version('WRF').split('.')[0]
            self.wrfdir = os.path.join(wrf, "WRFV%s" % majver)
            self.log.error("WRF module not loaded?")

        # patch compile script so that WRF is found
        self.compile_script = "compile"
            for line in fileinput.input(self.compile_script, inplace=1, backup='.orig.wrf'):
                line = re.sub(r"^(\s*set\s*WRF_DIR_PRE\s*=\s*)\${DEV_TOP}(.*)$", r"\1%s\2" % self.wrfdir, line)
        except IOError, err:
            self.log.error("Failed to patch %s script: %s" % (self.compile_script, err))
Пример #29
    def configure(self):

        # configure for 64-bit build
        self.updatecfg('configopts', "-b 64")

        if self.getcfg('ignorethrottling'):
            # ignore CPU throttling check
            # this is not recommended, it will disturb the measurements done by ATLAS
            # used for the EasyBuild demo, to avoid requiring root privileges
            self.updatecfg('configopts', '-Si cputhrchk 0')

        # if LAPACK is found, instruct ATLAS to provide a full LAPACK library
        # ATLAS only provides a few LAPACK routines natively
        if self.getcfg('full_lapack'):
            lapack = get_software_root('LAPACK')
            if lapack:
                self.updatecfg('configopts', ' --with-netlib-lapack=%s/lib/liblapack.a' % lapack)
                self.log.error("netlib's LAPACK library not available,"\
                               " required to build ATLAS with a full LAPACK library.")

        # enable building of shared libraries (requires -fPIC)
        if self.getcfg('sharedlibs') or self.toolkit().opts['pic']:
            self.log.debug("Enabling -fPIC because we're building shared ATLAS libs, or just because.")
            self.updatecfg('configopts', '-Fa alg -fPIC')

        # ATLAS only wants to be configured/built in a separate dir'
            objdir = "obj"
        except OSError, err:
            self.log.error("Failed to create obj directory to build in: %s" % err)
Пример #30
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure build: set require config and make options, and run configure script."""

        # configure options for dependencies
        deps = [
            ("Szip", "--with-szlib"),
            ("zlib", "--with-zlib"),
        for (dep, opt) in deps:
            root = get_software_root(dep)
            if root:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '%s=%s' % (opt, root))
                raise EasyBuildError("Dependency module %s not loaded.", dep)

        fcomp = 'FC="%s"' % os.getenv('F90')

        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-pic --with-pthread --enable-shared")
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-cxx --enable-fortran %s" % fcomp)

        # MPI and C++ support enabled requires --enable-unsupported, because this is untested by HDF5
        # also returns False if MPI is not supported by this toolchain
        if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-unsupported --enable-parallel")
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--disable-parallel")

        # make options
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', fcomp)

        # set RUNPARALLEL if MPI is not enabled (or not supported by this toolchain)
        if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
            env.setvar('RUNPARALLEL', 'mpirun -np \$\${NPROCS:=2}')

        super(EB_HDF5, self).configure_step()
Пример #31
    def build_step(self):
        """Build ScaLAPACK using make after setting make options."""

        # MPI compiler commands
        known_mpi_libs = [
            toolchain.MPICH, toolchain.MPICH2, toolchain.MVAPICH2
        ]  #@UndefinedVariable
        known_mpi_libs += [toolchain.OPENMPI,
                           toolchain.QLOGICMPI]  #@UndefinedVariable
        if os.getenv('MPICC') and os.getenv('MPIF77') and os.getenv('MPIF90'):
            mpicc = os.getenv('MPICC')
            mpif77 = os.getenv('MPIF77')
            mpif90 = os.getenv('MPIF90')
        elif self.toolchain.mpi_family() in known_mpi_libs:
            mpicc = 'mpicc'
            mpif77 = 'mpif77'
            mpif90 = 'mpif90'
            raise EasyBuildError("Don't know which compiler commands to use.")

        # set BLAS and LAPACK libs
        extra_makeopts = None
            "EB_ScaLAPACK.build_step doesn't use toolchain support for BLAS/LAPACK libs",
        if get_software_root('LAPACK'):
            extra_makeopts = [
                'BLASLIB="%s -lpthread"' % lapack_get_blas_lib(self.log),
                'LAPACKLIB=%s/lib/liblapack.a' % get_software_root('LAPACK')
        elif get_software_root('ACML'):
            root = get_software_root('ACML')
            acml_static_lib = os.path.join(
                root, os.getenv('ACML_BASEDIR', 'NO_ACML_BASEDIR'), 'lib',
            extra_makeopts = [
                'BLASLIB="%s -lpthread"' % acml_static_lib,
                'LAPACKLIB=%s' % acml_static_lib
        elif get_software_root('OpenBLAS'):
            root = get_software_root('OpenBLAS')
            extra_makeopts = [
                'BLASLIB="%s -lpthread"' % lapack_get_blas_lib(self.log),
                'LAPACKLIB="%s"' % lapack_get_blas_lib(self.log),
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "LAPACK, ACML or OpenBLAS are not available, no idea how to set BLASLIB/LAPACKLIB make options."

        # build procedure changed in v2.0.0
        if self.loosever < LooseVersion("2.0.0"):

            blacs = get_software_root('BLACS')

            # determine interface
            interface = det_interface(self.log, os.path.join(blacs, 'bin'))

            # set build and BLACS dir correctly
            extra_makeopts.append('home=%s BLACSdir=%s' %
                                  (self.cfg['start_dir'], blacs))

            # set BLACS libs correctly
            blacs_libs = [('BLACSFINIT', "F77init"), ('BLACSCINIT', "Cinit"),
                          ('BLACSLIB', "")]
            for (var, lib) in blacs_libs:
                extra_makeopts.append('%s=%s/lib/libblacs%s.a' %
                                      (var, blacs, lib))

            # set compilers and options
            noopt = ''
            if self.toolchain.options['noopt']:
                noopt += " -O0"
            if self.toolchain.options['pic']:
                noopt += " -fPIC"
            extra_makeopts += [
                'F77="%s"' % mpif77,
                'CC="%s"' % mpicc,
                'NOOPT="%s"' % noopt,
                'CCFLAGS="-O3 %s"' % os.getenv('CFLAGS')

            # set interface
            extra_makeopts.append("CDEFS='-D%s -DNO_IEEE $(USEMPI)'" %


            # determine interface
            if self.toolchain.mpi_family() in known_mpi_libs:
                interface = 'Add_'
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Don't know which interface to pick for the MPI library being used."

            # set compilers and options
            extra_makeopts += [
                'FC="%s"' % mpif90,
                'CC="%s"' % mpicc,
                'CCFLAGS="%s"' % os.getenv('CFLAGS'),
                'FCFLAGS="%s"' % os.getenv('FFLAGS'),

            # set interface
            extra_makeopts.append('CDEFS="-D%s"' % interface)

        # update make opts, and build_step
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', ' '.join(extra_makeopts))

        super(EB_ScaLAPACK, self).build_step()
Пример #32
    def configure_step(self, **kwargs):
        """Custom configuration procedure for LAMMPS."""

        cuda = get_software_root('CUDA')
        # list of CUDA compute capabilities to use can be specifed in two ways (where (2) overrules (1)):
        # (1) in the easyconfig file, via the custom cuda_compute_capabilities;
        # (2) in the EasyBuild configuration, via --cuda-compute-capabilities configuration option;
        ec_cuda_cc = self.cfg['cuda_compute_capabilities']
        cfg_cuda_cc = build_option('cuda_compute_capabilities')
        cuda_cc = check_cuda_compute_capabilities(cfg_cuda_cc, ec_cuda_cc)

        # cmake has its own folder
        self.cfg['srcdir'] = os.path.join(self.start_dir, 'cmake')

        # Enable following packages, if not configured in easyconfig
        default_options = [
        for option in default_options:
            if "-D%s=" % option not in self.cfg['configopts']:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '-D%s=on' % option)

        # enable building of shared libraries, if not specified already via configopts
        if self.cfg[
                'build_shared_libs'] is None and '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=' not in self.cfg[
            self.cfg['build_shared_libs'] = True

        # Enable gzip, libpng and libjpeg-turbo support when its included as dependency
        deps = [
            ('gzip', 'GZIP'),
            ('libpng', 'PNG'),
            ('libjpeg-turbo', 'JPEG'),
        for dep_name, with_name in deps:
            with_opt = '-DWITH_%s=' % with_name
            if with_opt not in self.cfg['configopts']:
                if get_software_root(dep_name):
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', with_opt + 'yes')
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', with_opt + 'no')

        # Disable auto-downloading/building Eigen dependency:
        if '-DDOWNLOAD_EIGEN3=' not in self.cfg['configopts']:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DDOWNLOAD_EIGEN3=no')

        # Compiler complains about 'Eigen3_DIR' not beeing set, but acutally it needs 'EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR'.
        # see: https://github.com/lammps/lammps/issues/1110
        # Enable Eigen when its included as dependency dependency:
        eigen_root = get_software_root('Eigen')
        if eigen_root:
            if '-DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=' not in self.cfg['configopts']:
                    'configopts', '-DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=%s/include/Eigen' %
            if '-DEigen3_DIR=' not in self.cfg['configopts']:
                    'configopts', '-DEigen3_DIR=%s/share/eigen3/cmake/' %

        # LAMMPS Configuration Options
        # https://github.com/lammps/lammps/blob/master/cmake/README.md#lammps-configuration-options
        if self.cfg['general_packages']:
            for package in self.cfg['general_packages']:
                                '-D%s%s=on' % (PKG_PREFIX, package))

        if self.cfg['user_packages']:
            for package in self.cfg['user_packages']:
                                '-D%s%s=on' % (PKG_USER_PREFIX, package))

        # Optimization settings
        pkg_opt = '-D%sOPT=' % PKG_PREFIX
        if pkg_opt not in self.cfg['configopts']:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', pkg_opt + 'on')

        # USER-INTEL enables optimizations on Intel processors. GCC has also partial support for some of them.
        pkg_user_intel = '-D%sINTEL=' % PKG_USER_PREFIX
        if pkg_user_intel not in self.cfg['configopts']:
            if self.toolchain.comp_family() in [
                    toolchain.GCC, toolchain.INTELCOMP
                self.cfg.update('configopts', pkg_user_intel + 'on')

        # MPI/OpenMP
        if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DBUILD_MPI=yes')
        if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DBUILD_OMP=yes')
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-D%sOMP=on' % PKG_USER_PREFIX)

        # FFTW
        if get_software_root("imkl") or get_software_root("FFTW"):
            if '-DFFT=' not in self.cfg['configopts']:
                if get_software_root("imkl"):
                    self.log.info("Using the MKL")
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DFFT=MKL')
                    self.log.info("Using FFTW")
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DFFT=FFTW3')
            if '-DFFT_PACK=' not in self.cfg['configopts']:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DFFT_PACK=array')

        # https://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/Build_extras.html
        # KOKKOS
        if self.cfg['kokkos']:

            if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DKOKKOS_ENABLE_OPENMP=yes')

            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-D%sKOKKOS=on' % PKG_PREFIX)
                'configopts', '-DKOKKOS_ARCH="%s"' %
                get_kokkos_arch(cuda_cc, self.cfg['kokkos_arch']))

            # if KOKKOS and CUDA
            if cuda:
                nvcc_wrapper_path = os.path.join(self.start_dir, "lib",
                                                 "kokkos", "bin",
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DKOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA=yes')
                    '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="%s"' % nvcc_wrapper_path)
                                '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-ccbin $CXX $CXXFLAGS"')

        # CUDA only
        elif cuda:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-D%sGPU=on' % PKG_PREFIX)
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DGPU_API=cuda')
                            '-DGPU_ARCH=%s' % get_cuda_gpu_arch(cuda_cc))

        # avoid that pip (ab)uses $HOME/.cache/pip
        # cfr. https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#caching
        env.setvar('XDG_CACHE_HOME', tempfile.gettempdir())
        self.log.info("Using %s as pip cache directory",

        return super(EB_LAMMPS, self).configure_step()
Пример #33
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for Quantum ESPRESSO."""

        # compose list of DFLAGS (flag, value, keep_stuff)
        # for guidelines, see include/defs.h.README in sources
        dflags = []

        repls = []

        extra_libs = []

        comp_fam_dflags = {
            toolchain.INTELCOMP: '-D__INTEL',
            toolchain.GCC: '-D__GFORTRAN -D__STD_F95',
        comp_fam = self.toolchain.comp_family()
        if comp_fam in comp_fam_dflags:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "EasyBuild does not yet have support for QuantumESPRESSO with toolchain %s"
                % comp_fam)

        if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False) or self.cfg['hybrid']:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--enable-openmp')
            dflags.append(" -D__OPENMP")

        if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
            dflags.append('-D__MPI -D__PARA')
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--disable-parallel')

        if self.cfg['with_scalapack']:
            dflags.append(" -D__SCALAPACK")
            if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
                if get_software_root("impi") and get_software_root("imkl"):
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-scalapack=intel')
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--without-scalapack')

        libxc = get_software_root("libxc")
        if libxc:
            libxc_v = get_software_version("libxc")
            if LooseVersion(libxc_v) < LooseVersion("3.0.1"):
                raise EasyBuildError("Must use libxc >= 3.0.1")
            dflags.append(" -D__LIBXC")
                ('IFLAGS', '-I%s' % os.path.join(libxc, 'include'), True))
            extra_libs.append(" -lxcf90 -lxc")

        hdf5 = get_software_root("HDF5")
        if hdf5:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-hdf5=%s' % hdf5)
            dflags.append(" -D__HDF5")
            hdf5_lib_repl = '-L%s/lib -lhdf5hl_fortran -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -lsz -lz -ldl -lm' % hdf5
            repls.append(('HDF5_LIB', hdf5_lib_repl, False))

        elpa = get_software_root("ELPA")
        if elpa:
            if not self.cfg['with_scalapack']:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "ELPA requires ScaLAPACK but 'with_scalapack' is set to False"

            elpa_v = get_software_version("ELPA")
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("6"):
                elpa_min_ver = "2016.11.001.pre"
                elpa_min_ver = "2015"
                dflags.append('-D__ELPA_2015 -D__ELPA')

            if LooseVersion(elpa_v) < LooseVersion(elpa_min_ver):
                raise EasyBuildError("QuantumESPRESSO %s needs ELPA to be " +
                                     "version %s or newer" %
                                     (self.version, elpa_min_ver))

            elpa_include = os.path.join(elpa, 'include')
                ('IFLAGS', '-I%s' % os.path.join(elpa_include, 'modules'),
                            '--with-elpa-include=%s' % elpa_include)
            if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False):
                elpa_lib = 'libelpa_openmp.a'
                elpa_lib = 'libelpa.a'

            elpa_lib = os.path.join(elpa, 'lib', elpa_lib)
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-elpa-lib=%s' % elpa_lib)

        if comp_fam == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            # set preprocessor command (-E to stop after preprocessing, -C to preserve comments)
            cpp = "%s -E -C" % os.getenv('CC')
            repls.append(('CPP', cpp, False))
            env.setvar('CPP', cpp)

            # also define $FCCPP, but do *not* include -C (comments should not be preserved when preprocessing Fortran)
            env.setvar('FCCPP', "%s -E" % os.getenv('CC'))

        if comp_fam == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            # Intel compiler must have -assume byterecl (see install/configure)
            repls.append(('F90FLAGS', '-fpp -assume byterecl', True))
            repls.append(('FFLAGS', '-assume byterecl', True))
        elif comp_fam == toolchain.GCC:
            repls.append(('F90FLAGS', '-cpp', True))

        super(EB_QuantumESPRESSO, self).configure_step()

        if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False):
            libfft = os.getenv('LIBFFT_MT')
            libfft = os.getenv('LIBFFT')
        if libfft:
            if "fftw3" in libfft:
            env.setvar('FFTW_LIBS', libfft)

        if get_software_root('ACML'):

        if self.cfg['with_ace']:
            dflags.append(" -D__EXX_ACE")

        # always include -w to supress warnings

        repls.append(('DFLAGS', ' '.join(dflags), False))

        # complete C/Fortran compiler and LD flags
        if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False) or self.cfg['hybrid']:
            repls.append(('LDFLAGS', self.toolchain.get_flag('openmp'), True))
                ('(?:C|F90|F)FLAGS', self.toolchain.get_flag('openmp'), True))

        # obtain library settings
        libs = []
        num_libs = ['BLAS', 'LAPACK', 'FFT']
        if self.cfg['with_scalapack']:
        for lib in num_libs:
            if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False):
                val = os.getenv('LIB%s_MT' % lib)
                val = os.getenv('LIB%s' % lib)
            if lib == 'SCALAPACK' and elpa:
                val = ' '.join([elpa_lib, val])
            repls.append(('%s_LIBS' % lib, val, False))
        libs = ' '.join(libs)

        repls.append(('BLAS_LIBS_SWITCH', 'external', False))
        repls.append(('LAPACK_LIBS_SWITCH', 'external', False))
            ('LD_LIBS', ' '.join(extra_libs + [os.getenv('LIBS')]), False))

        # Do not use external FoX.
        # FoX starts to be used in 6.2 and they use a patched version that
        # is newer than FoX 4.1.2 which is the latest release.
        # Ake Sandgren, 20180712
        if get_software_root('FoX'):
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Found FoX external module, QuantumESPRESSO" +
                "must use the version they include with the source.")

        self.log.debug("List of replacements to perform: %s" % repls)

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("6"):
            make_ext = '.inc'
            make_ext = '.sys'

        # patch make.sys file
        fn = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'make' + make_ext)
            for line in fileinput.input(fn, inplace=1, backup='.orig.eb'):
                for (k, v, keep) in repls:
                    # need to use [ \t]* instead of \s*, because vars may be undefined as empty,
                    # and we don't want to include newlines
                    if keep:
                        line = re.sub(r"^(%s\s*=[ \t]*)(.*)$" % k,
                                      r"\1\2 %s" % v, line)
                        line = re.sub(r"^(%s\s*=[ \t]*).*$" % k, r"\1%s" % v,

                # fix preprocessing directives for .f90 files in make.sys if required
                if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("6.0"):
                    if comp_fam == toolchain.GCC:
                        line = re.sub(
                            r"^\t\$\(MPIF90\) \$\(F90FLAGS\) -c \$<",
                            "\t$(CPP) -C $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $*.F90\n" +
                            "\t$(MPIF90) $(F90FLAGS) -c $*.F90 -o $*.o", line)

        except IOError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to patch %s: %s", fn, err)

        self.log.debug("Contents of patched %s: %s" %
                       (fn, open(fn, "r").read()))

        # patch default make.sys for wannier
        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("5"):
            fn = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'install',
                              'make_wannier90' + make_ext)
            fn = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'plugins', 'install',
            for line in fileinput.input(fn, inplace=1, backup='.orig.eb'):
                line = re.sub(r"^(LIBS\s*=\s*).*", r"\1%s" % libs, line)


        except IOError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to patch %s: %s", fn, err)

        self.log.debug("Contents of patched %s: %s" %
                       (fn, open(fn, "r").read()))

        # patch Makefile of want plugin
        wantprefix = 'want-'
        wantdirs = [
            d for d in os.listdir(self.builddir) if d.startswith(wantprefix)

        if len(wantdirs) > 1:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Found more than one directory with %s prefix, help!",

        if len(wantdirs) != 0:
            wantdir = os.path.join(self.builddir, wantdirs[0])
            make_sys_in_path = None
            cand_paths = [
                os.path.join('conf', 'make.sys.in'),
                os.path.join('config', 'make.sys.in')
            for path in cand_paths:
                full_path = os.path.join(wantdir, path)
                if os.path.exists(full_path):
                    make_sys_in_path = full_path
            if make_sys_in_path is None:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Failed to find make.sys.in in want directory %s, paths considered: %s",
                    wantdir, ', '.join(cand_paths))

                for line in fileinput.input(make_sys_in_path,
                    # fix preprocessing directives for .f90 files in make.sys if required
                    if comp_fam == toolchain.GCC:
                        line = re.sub(
                            "$(CPP) -C $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $*.F90\n" +
                            "\t$(MPIF90) $(F90FLAGS) -c $*.F90 -o $*.o", line)

            except IOError as err:
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to patch %s: %s", fn, err)

        # move non-espresso directories to where they're expected and create symlinks
            dirnames = [
                d for d in os.listdir(self.builddir)
                if d not in [self.install_subdir, 'd3q-latest']
            targetdir = os.path.join(self.builddir, self.install_subdir)
            for dirname in dirnames:
                shutil.move(os.path.join(self.builddir, dirname),
                            os.path.join(targetdir, dirname))
                self.log.info("Moved %s into %s" % (dirname, targetdir))

                dirname_head = dirname.split('-')[0]
                # Handle the case where the directory is preceded by 'qe-'
                if dirname_head == 'qe':
                    dirname_head = dirname.split('-')[1]
                linkname = None
                if dirname_head == 'sax':
                    linkname = 'SaX'
                if dirname_head == 'wannier90':
                    linkname = 'W90'
                elif dirname_head in [
                        'd3q', 'gipaw', 'plumed', 'want', 'yambo'
                    linkname = dirname_head.upper()
                if linkname:
                    os.symlink(os.path.join(targetdir, dirname),
                               os.path.join(targetdir, linkname))

        except OSError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to move non-espresso directories: %s",
Пример #34
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure build
        - build Libint wrapper
        - generate Makefile

        known_types = ['popt', 'psmp']
        if self.cfg['type'] not in known_types:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Unknown build type specified: '%s', known types are %s",
                self.cfg['type'], known_types)

        # correct start dir, if needed
        # recent CP2K versions have a 'cp2k' dir in the unpacked 'cp2k' dir
        cp2k_path = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'cp2k')
        if os.path.exists(cp2k_path):
            self.cfg['start_dir'] = cp2k_path
            self.log.info("Corrected start_dir to %s" % self.cfg['start_dir'])

        # set compilers options according to toolchain config
        # full debug: -g -traceback -check all -fp-stack-check
        # -g links to mpi debug libs
        if self.toolchain.options['debug']:
            self.debug = '-g'
            self.log.info("Debug build")
        if self.toolchain.options['pic']:
            self.fpic = "-fPIC"
            self.log.info("Using fPIC")

        # report on extra flags being used
        if self.cfg['extracflags']:
            self.log.info("Using extra CFLAGS: %s" % self.cfg['extracflags'])
        if self.cfg['extradflags']:
            self.log.info("Using extra DFLAGS: %s" % self.cfg['extradflags'])

        # lib(x)smm support
        libsmm = get_software_root('libsmm')
        libxsmm = get_software_root('libxsmm')
        if libxsmm:
            self.cfg.update('extradflags', '-D__LIBXSMM')
            self.libsmm = '-lxsmm -lxsmmf'
            self.log.debug('Using libxsmm %s' % libxsmm)
        elif libsmm:
            libsmms = glob.glob(os.path.join(libsmm, 'lib', 'libsmm_*nn.a'))
            dfs = [
                    'lib', '-D__HAS_') for x in libsmms
            moredflags = ' ' + ' '.join(dfs)
            self.cfg.update('extradflags', moredflags)
            self.libsmm = ' '.join(libsmms)
            self.log.debug('Using libsmm %s (extradflags %s)' %
                           (self.libsmm, moredflags))

        # obtain list of modinc's to use
        if self.cfg["modinc"]:
            self.modincpath = self.prepmodinc()

        # set typearch
        self.typearch = "Linux-x86-64-%s" % self.toolchain.name

        # extra make instructions
        self.make_instructions = ''  # "graphcon.o: graphcon.F\n\t$(FC) -c $(FCFLAGS2) $<\n"

        # compiler toolchain specific configuration
        comp_fam = self.toolchain.comp_family()
        if comp_fam == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            options = self.configure_intel_based()
        elif comp_fam == toolchain.GCC:
            options = self.configure_GCC_based()
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Don't know how to tweak configuration for compiler family %s"
                % comp_fam)

        if get_software_root('imkl'):
            options = self.configure_MKL(options)
            # BLAS
            if get_software_root('ACML'):
                options = self.configure_ACML(options)
                options = self.configure_BLAS_lib(options)

            # FFTW (no MKL involved)
            if 'fftw3' in os.getenv('LIBFFT', ''):
                options = self.configure_FFTW3(options)

            # LAPACK
            if os.getenv('LIBLAPACK_MT', None) is not None:
                options = self.configure_LAPACK(options)

            if os.getenv('LIBSCALAPACK', None) is not None:
                options = self.configure_ScaLAPACK(options)

        # PLUMED
        plumed = get_software_root('PLUMED')
        if self.cfg['plumed'] and not plumed:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "The PLUMED module needs to be loaded to build CP2K with PLUMED support"

        # enable PLUMED support if PLUMED is listed as a dependency
        # and PLUMED support is either explicitly enabled (plumed = True) or unspecified ('plumed' not defined)
        if plumed and (self.cfg['plumed'] or self.cfg['plumed'] is None):
            options['LIBS'] += ' -lplumed'
            options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__PLUMED2'

        # ELPA
        elpa = get_software_root('ELPA')
        if elpa:
            options['LIBS'] += ' -lelpa'
            elpa_inc_dir = os.path.join(
                elpa, 'include', 'elpa-%s' % get_software_version('ELPA'),
            options['FCFLAGSOPT'] += ' -I%s ' % elpa_inc_dir
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('6.1'):
                elpa_ver = ''.join(get_software_version('ELPA').split('.')[:2])
                options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__ELPA=%s' % elpa_ver
                elpa_inc_dir = os.path.join(
                    elpa, 'include', 'elpa-%s' % get_software_version('ELPA'),
                options['FCFLAGSOPT'] += ' -I%s ' % elpa_inc_dir
                options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__ELPA3'

        # CUDA
        cuda = get_software_root('CUDA')
        if cuda:
            options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__ACC -D__DBCSR_ACC'
            options['LIBS'] += ' -lcudart -lcublas -lcufft -lrt'
            options['NVCC'] = ' nvcc'

        # avoid group nesting
        options['LIBS'] = options['LIBS'].replace('-Wl,--start-group',
                                                      '-Wl,--end-group', '')

            'LIBS'] = "-Wl,--start-group %s -Wl,--end-group" % options['LIBS']

        # specify correct location for 'data' directory in final installation
        options['DATA_DIR'] = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'data')

        # create arch file using options set
        archfile = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'arch',
                                '%s.%s' % (self.typearch, self.cfg['type']))
        txt = self._generate_makefile(options)
        write_file(archfile, txt)
        self.log.info("Content of makefile (%s):\n%s" % (archfile, txt))
Пример #35
    def configure_step(self):
        Configure VMD for building.
        # make sure required dependencies are available
        deps = {}
        for dep in ['FLTK', 'Mesa', 'netCDF', 'Python', 'Tcl', 'Tk']:
            deps[dep] = get_software_root(dep)
            if deps[dep] is None:
                raise EasyBuildError("Required dependency %s is missing", dep)

        # optional dependencies
        for dep in ['ACTC', 'CUDA', 'OptiX']:
            deps[dep] = get_software_root(dep)

        # specify Tcl/Tk locations & libraries
        tclinc = os.path.join(deps['Tcl'], 'include')
        tcllib = os.path.join(deps['Tcl'], 'lib')
        env.setvar('TCL_INCLUDE_DIR', tclinc)
        env.setvar('TCL_LIBRARY_DIR', tcllib)

        env.setvar('TK_INCLUDE_DIR', os.path.join(deps['Tk'], 'include'))
        env.setvar('TK_LIBRARY_DIR', os.path.join(deps['Tk'], 'lib'))

        tclshortver = '.'.join(get_software_version('Tcl').split('.')[:2])
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'TCLLDFLAGS="-ltcl%s"' % tclshortver)

        # Python locations
        pyshortver = '.'.join(get_software_version('Python').split('.')[:2])
            os.path.join(deps['Python'], 'include/python%s' % pyshortver))
        pylibdir = det_pylibdir()
        python_libdir = os.path.join(deps['Python'], os.path.dirname(pylibdir))
        env.setvar('PYTHON_LIBRARY_DIR', python_libdir)

        # numpy include location, easiest way to determine it is via numpy.get_include()
        out, ec = run_cmd(
            "python -c 'import numpy; print numpy.get_include()'",
        if ec:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Failed to determine numpy include directory: %s", out)
            env.setvar('NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR', out.strip())

        # compiler commands
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'CC="%s"' % os.getenv('CC'))
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'CCPP="%s"' % os.getenv('CXX'))

        # source tarballs contains a 'plugins' and 'vmd-<version>' directory
        vmddir = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'],
                              '%s-%s' % (self.name.lower(), self.version))

        # plugins need to be built first (see http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/doxygen/compiling.html)
        change_dir(os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'plugins'))
        cmd = "make LINUXAMD64 TCLLIB='-F%s' TCLINC='-I%s' %s" % (
            tcllib, tclinc, self.cfg['buildopts'])
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False)

        # create plugins distribution
        plugindir = os.path.join(vmddir, 'plugins')
        env.setvar('PLUGINDIR', plugindir)
        self.log.info("Generating VMD plugins in %s", plugindir)
        run_cmd("make distrib %s" % self.cfg['buildopts'],

        # explicitely mention whether or not we're building with CUDA/OptiX support
        if deps['CUDA']:
            self.log.info("Building with CUDA %s support",
            if deps['OptiX']:
                self.log.info("Building with Nvidia OptiX %s support",
                self.log.warn("Not building with Nvidia OptiX support!")
            self.log.warn("Not building with CUDA nor OptiX support!")

        # see http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/doxygen/configure.html
        # LINUXAMD64: Linux 64-bit
        # LP64: build VMD as 64-bit binary
        # IMD: enable support for Interactive Molecular Dynamics (e.g. to connect to NAMD for remote simulations)
        # PTHREADS: enable support for POSIX threads
        # COLVARS: enable support for collective variables (related to NAMD/LAMMPS)
        # NOSILENT: verbose build command
                        "LINUXAMD64 LP64 IMD PTHREADS COLVARS NOSILENT")

        # add additional configopts based on available dependencies
        for key in deps:
            if deps[key]:
                if key == 'Mesa':
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "OPENGL MESA")
                elif key == 'OptiX':
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "LIBOPTIX")
                elif key == 'Python':
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "PYTHON NUMPY")
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', key.upper())

        # configure for building with Intel compilers specifically
        if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', 'ICC')

        # specify install location using environment variables
        env.setvar('VMDINSTALLBINDIR', os.path.join(self.installdir, 'bin'))
                   os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib'))

        # configure in vmd-<version> directory
        run_cmd("%s ./configure %s" %
                (self.cfg['preconfigopts'], self.cfg['configopts']))

        # change to 'src' subdirectory, ready for building
        change_dir(os.path.join(vmddir, 'src'))
Пример #36
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for GROMACS: set configure options for configure or cmake."""

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.6'):
            cuda = get_software_root('CUDA')
            if cuda:
                # CUDA with double precision is currently not supported in GROMACS yet
                # If easyconfig explicitly have double_precision=True error out,
                # otherwise warn about it and skip the double precision build
                if self.cfg.get('double_precision'):
                    raise EasyBuildError("Double precision is not available for GPU build. " +
                                         "Please explicitly set \"double_precision = False\" " +
                                         "or remove it in the easyconfig file.")
                if self.double_prec_pattern in self.cfg['configopts']:
                    if self.cfg.get('double_precision') is None:
                        # Only print warning once when trying double precision
                        # build the first time
                        self.cfg['double_precision'] = False
                        self.log.info("Double precision is not available for " +
                                      "GPU build. Skipping the double precision build.")

                    self.log.info("skipping configure step")

                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GPU=ON -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=%s" % cuda)
                # explicitly disable GPU support if CUDA is not available,
                # to avoid that GROMACS find and uses a system-wide CUDA compiler
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GPU=OFF")

        # check whether PLUMED is loaded as a dependency
        plumed_root = get_software_root('PLUMED')
        if plumed_root:
            # Need to check if PLUMED has an engine for this version
            engine = 'gromacs-%s' % self.version

            (out, _) = run_cmd("plumed-patch -l", log_all=True, simple=False)
            if not re.search(engine, out):
                raise EasyBuildError("There is no support in PLUMED version %s for GROMACS %s: %s",
                                     get_software_version('PLUMED'), self.version, out)

            # PLUMED patching must be done at different stages depending on
            # version of GROMACS. Just prepare first part of cmd here
            plumed_cmd = "plumed-patch -p -e %s" % engine

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('4.6'):
            self.log.info("Using configure script for configuring GROMACS build.")

            if self.cfg['build_shared_libs']:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-shared --disable-static")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-static")

            # Use external BLAS and LAPACK
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-external-blas --with-external-lapack")
            env.setvar('LIBS', "%s %s" % (os.environ['LIBLAPACK'], os.environ['LIBS']))

            # Don't use the X window system
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--without-x")

            # OpenMP is not supported for versions older than 4.5.
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.5'):
                # enable OpenMP support if desired
                if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-threads")
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "--disable-threads")
            elif self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                raise EasyBuildError("GROMACS version %s does not support OpenMP" % self.version)

            # GSL support
            if get_software_root('GSL'):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-gsl")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--without-gsl")

            # actually run configure via ancestor (not direct parent)
            self.cfg['configure_cmd'] = "./configure"

            # Now patch GROMACS for PLUMED between configure and build
            if plumed_root:
                run_cmd(plumed_cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

            if '-DGMX_MPI=ON' in self.cfg['configopts']:
                mpi_numprocs = self.cfg.get('mpi_numprocs', 0)
                if mpi_numprocs == 0:
                    self.log.info("No number of test MPI tasks specified -- using default: %s",
                    mpi_numprocs = self.cfg['parallel']

                elif mpi_numprocs > self.cfg['parallel']:
                    self.log.warning("Number of test MPI tasks (%s) is greater than value for 'parallel': %s",
                                     mpi_numprocs, self.cfg['parallel'])

                mpiexec = self.cfg.get('mpiexec')
                if mpiexec:
                    mpiexec_path = which(mpiexec)
                    if mpiexec_path:
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DMPIEXEC=%s" % mpiexec_path)
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DMPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG=%s" %
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DNUMPROC=%s" % mpi_numprocs)
                    elif self.cfg['runtest']:
                        raise EasyBuildError("'%s' not found in $PATH", mpiexec)
                    raise EasyBuildError("No value found for 'mpiexec'")
                self.log.info("Using %s as MPI executable when testing, with numprocs flag '%s' and %s tasks",
                              mpiexec_path, self.cfg.get('mpiexec_numproc_flag'),

            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('2019'):
                # Building the gmxapi interface requires shared libraries
                self.cfg['build_shared_libs'] = True
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMXAPI=ON")

                if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('2020'):
                    # build Python bindings if Python is loaded as a dependency
                    python_root = get_software_root('Python')
                    if python_root:
                        bin_python = os.path.join(python_root, 'bin', 'python')
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%s" % bin_python)
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_PYTHON_PACKAGE=ON")

            # Now patch GROMACS for PLUMED before cmake
            if plumed_root:
                if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('5.1'):
                    # Use shared or static patch depending on
                    # setting of self.cfg['build_shared_libs']
                    # and adapt cmake flags accordingly as per instructions
                    # from "plumed patch -i"
                    if self.cfg['build_shared_libs']:
                        mode = 'shared'
                        mode = 'static'
                    plumed_cmd = plumed_cmd + ' -m %s' % mode

                run_cmd(plumed_cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

            # prefer static libraries, if available
            if self.cfg['build_shared_libs']:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=OFF")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON")

            # always specify to use external BLAS/LAPACK
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_EXTERNAL_BLAS=ON -DGMX_EXTERNAL_LAPACK=ON")

            # disable GUI tools
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_X11=OFF")

            # convince to build for an older architecture than present on the build node by setting GMX_SIMD CMake flag
            # it does not make sense for Cray, because OPTARCH is defined by the Cray Toolchain
            if self.toolchain.toolchain_family() != toolchain.CRAYPE:
                gmx_simd = self.get_gromacs_arch()
                if gmx_simd:
                    if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('5.0'):
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_CPU_ACCELERATION=%s" % gmx_simd)
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_SIMD=%s" % gmx_simd)

            # set regression test path
            prefix = 'regressiontests'
            if any([src['name'].startswith(prefix) for src in self.src]):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DREGRESSIONTEST_PATH='%%(builddir)s/%s-%%(version)s' " % prefix)

            # enable OpenMP support if desired
            if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_OPENMP=ON")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_OPENMP=OFF")

            if get_software_root('imkl'):
                # using MKL for FFT, so it will also be used for BLAS/LAPACK
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DGMX_FFT_LIBRARY=mkl -DMKL_INCLUDE_DIR="$EBROOTMKL/mkl/include" ')
                libs = os.getenv('LAPACK_STATIC_LIBS').split(',')
                mkl_libs = [os.path.join(os.getenv('LAPACK_LIB_DIR'), lib) for lib in libs if lib != 'libgfortran.a']
                mkl_libs = ['-Wl,--start-group'] + mkl_libs + ['-Wl,--end-group']
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DMKL_LIBRARIES="%s" ' % ';'.join(mkl_libs))
                for libname in ['BLAS', 'LAPACK']:
                    libdir = os.getenv('%s_LIB_DIR' % libname)
                    if self.toolchain.toolchain_family() == toolchain.CRAYPE:
                        libsci_mpi_mp_lib = glob.glob(os.path.join(libdir, 'libsci_*_mpi_mp.a'))
                        if libsci_mpi_mp_lib:
                            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DGMX_%s_USER=%s' % (libname, libsci_mpi_mp_lib[0]))
                            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to find libsci library to link with for %s", libname)
                        # -DGMX_BLAS_USER & -DGMX_LAPACK_USER require full path to library
                        libs = os.getenv('%s_STATIC_LIBS' % libname).split(',')
                        libpaths = [os.path.join(libdir, lib) for lib in libs if lib != 'libgfortran.a']
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DGMX_%s_USER="******"' % (libname, ';'.join(libpaths)))
                        # if libgfortran.a is listed, make sure it gets linked in too to avoiding linking issues
                        if 'libgfortran.a' in libs:
                            env.setvar('LDFLAGS', "%s -lgfortran -lm" % os.environ.get('LDFLAGS', ''))

            # no more GSL support in GROMACS 5.x, see http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/1472
            if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('5.0'):
                # enable GSL when it's provided
                if get_software_root('GSL'):
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GSL=ON")
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GSL=OFF")

            # include flags for linking to zlib/XZ in $LDFLAGS if they're listed as a dep;
            # this is important for the tests, to correctly link against libxml2
            for dep, link_flag in [('XZ', '-llzma'), ('zlib', '-lz')]:
                root = get_software_root(dep)
                if root:
                    libdir = get_software_libdir(dep)
                    ldflags = os.environ.get('LDFLAGS', '')
                    env.setvar('LDFLAGS', "%s -L%s %s" % (ldflags, os.path.join(root, libdir), link_flag))

            # complete configuration with configure_method of parent
            out = super(EB_GROMACS, self).configure_step()

            # for recent GROMACS versions, make very sure that a decent BLAS, LAPACK and FFT is found and used
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.6.5'):
                patterns = [
                    r"Using external FFT library - \S*",
                    r"Looking for dgemm_ - found",
                    r"Looking for cheev_ - found",
                for pattern in patterns:
                    regex = re.compile(pattern, re.M)
                    if not regex.search(out):
                        raise EasyBuildError("Pattern '%s' not found in GROMACS configuration output.", pattern)
Пример #37
class EB_PSI(ConfigureMake):
    Support for building and installing PSI
    def extra_options():
        """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to PSI."""

        extra_vars = [
            # always include running PSI unit tests (takes about 2h or less)
            ('runtest', [
                "tests TESTFLAGS='-u -q'",
                "Run tests included with PSI, without interruption.", BUILD
        return ConfigureMake.extra_options(extra_vars)

    def configure_step(self):
        Configure build outside of source directory.
            objdir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'obj')
        except OSError, err:
                "Failed to prepare for configuration of PSI build: %s" % err)

        if self.toolchain.options['usempi']:
            # PSI doesn't require a Fortran compiler itself, but may require it to link to BLAS/LAPACK correctly
            # we should always specify the sequential Fortran compiler,
            # to avoid problems with -lmpi vs -lmpi_mt during linking
            fcompvar = 'F77_SEQ'
            fcompvar = 'F77'

        # update configure options
        # using multi-threaded BLAS/LAPACK is important for performance,
        # cfr. http://sirius.chem.vt.edu/psi4manual/latest/installfile.html#sec-install-iii
        opt_vars = [
            ('cc', 'CC'),
            ('cxx', 'CXX'),
            ('fc', fcompvar),
            ('libdirs', 'LDFLAGS'),
            ('blas', 'LIBBLAS_MT'),
            ('lapack', 'LIBLAPACK_MT'),
        for (opt, var) in opt_vars:
                            "--with-%s='%s'" % (opt, os.getenv(var)))

        # -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK dances around problem with order of stdio.h and mpi.h headers
        # both define SEEK_SET, this makes the one for MPI be ignored
            "--with-opt='%s -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK'" % os.getenv('CFLAGS'))

        # explicitely specify Python binary to use
        pythonroot = get_software_root('Python')
        if not pythonroot:
            self.log.error("Python module not loaded.")
        env.setvar('PYTHON', os.path.join(pythonroot, 'bin', 'python'))

        # specify location of Boost
        boostroot = get_software_root('Boost')
        if not boostroot:
            self.log.error("Boost module not loaded.")
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-boost=%s" % boostroot)

        # enable support for plugins
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-plugins")

        super(EB_PSI, self).configure_step(cmd_prefix=self.cfg['start_dir'])
Пример #38
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for GROMACS: set configure options for configure or cmake."""

        # check whether PLUMED is loaded as a dependency
        plumed_root = get_software_root('PLUMED')
        if plumed_root:
            # Need to check if PLUMED has an engine for this version
            engine = 'gromacs-%s' % self.version

            (out, _) = run_cmd("plumed-patch -l", log_all=True, simple=False)
            if not re.search(engine, out):
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "There is no support in PLUMED version %s for GROMACS %s: %s",
                    get_software_version('PLUMED'), self.version, out)

            # PLUMED patching must be done at different stages depending on
            # version of GROMACS. Just prepare first part of cmd here
            plumed_cmd = "plumed-patch -p -e %s" % engine

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('4.6'):
                "Using configure script for configuring GROMACS build.")
            # Use static libraries if possible
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-static")

            # Use external BLAS and LAPACK
                            "--with-external-blas --with-external-lapack")
                       "%s %s" % (os.environ['LIBLAPACK'], os.environ['LIBS']))

            # Don't use the X window system
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--without-x")

            # OpenMP is not supported for versions older than 4.5.
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.5'):
                # enable OpenMP support if desired
                if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-threads")
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "--disable-threads")
            elif self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "GROMACS version %s does not support OpenMP" %

            # GSL support
            if get_software_root('GSL'):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-gsl")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--without-gsl")

            # actually run configure via ancestor (not direct parent)
            self.cfg['configure_cmd'] = "./configure"

            # Now patch GROMACS for PLUMED between configure and build
            if plumed_root:
                run_cmd(plumed_cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

            # Now patch GROMACS for PLUMED before cmake
            if plumed_root:
                if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('5.1'):
                    # Use shared or static patch depending on
                    # setting of self.toolchain.options.get('dynamic')
                    # and adapt cmake flags accordingly as per instructions
                    # from "plumed patch -i"
                    if self.toolchain.options.get('dynamic', False):
                        mode = 'shared'
                        mode = 'static'
                    plumed_cmd = plumed_cmd + ' -m %s' % mode

                run_cmd(plumed_cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

            # Select debug or release build
            if self.toolchain.options.get('debug', None):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release")

            # prefer static libraries, if available
            if self.toolchain.options.get('dynamic', False):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=OFF")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON")
                if plumed_root:
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF")

            if self.cfg['double_precision']:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_DOUBLE=ON")

            # always specify to use external BLAS/LAPACK
                            "-DGMX_EXTERNAL_BLAS=ON -DGMX_EXTERNAL_LAPACK=ON")

            # disable GUI tools
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_X11=OFF")

            # convince to build for an older architecture than present on the build node by setting GMX_SIMD CMake flag
            # it does not make sense for Cray, because OPTARCH is defined by the Cray Toolchain
            if self.toolchain.toolchain_family() != toolchain.CRAYPE:
                gmx_simd = self.get_gromacs_arch()
                if gmx_simd:
                    if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('5.0'):
                                        "-DGMX_CPU_ACCELERATION=%s" % gmx_simd)
                                        "-DGMX_SIMD=%s" % gmx_simd)

            # set regression test path
            prefix = 'regressiontests'
            if any([src['name'].startswith(prefix) for src in self.src]):
                major_minor_version = '.'.join(self.version.split('.')[:2])
                    "-DREGRESSIONTEST_PATH='%%(builddir)s/%s-%%(version)s' " %

            # enable OpenMP support if desired
            if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_OPENMP=ON")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_OPENMP=OFF")

            # disable MPI support for initial, serial/SMP build; actual MPI build is done later
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_MPI=OFF")

            # explicitly disable GPU support if CUDA is not available,
            # to avoid that GROMACS find and uses a system-wide CUDA compiler
            cuda = get_software_root('CUDA')
            if cuda:
                    "-DGMX_GPU=ON -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=%s" % cuda)
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GPU=OFF")

            if get_software_root('imkl'):
                # using MKL for FFT, so it will also be used for BLAS/LAPACK
                    '-DGMX_FFT_LIBRARY=mkl -DMKL_INCLUDE_DIR="$EBROOTMKL/mkl/include" '
                libs = os.getenv('LAPACK_STATIC_LIBS').split(',')
                mkl_libs = [
                    os.path.join(os.getenv('LAPACK_LIB_DIR'), lib)
                    for lib in libs if lib != 'libgfortran.a'
                mkl_libs = ['-Wl,--start-group'
                            ] + mkl_libs + ['-Wl,--end-group']
                                '-DMKL_LIBRARIES="%s" ' % ';'.join(mkl_libs))
                shlib_ext = get_shared_lib_ext()
                for libname in ['BLAS', 'LAPACK']:
                    libdir = os.getenv('%s_LIB_DIR' % libname)
                    if self.toolchain.toolchain_family() == toolchain.CRAYPE:
                        libsci_mpi_mp_lib = glob.glob(
                            os.path.join(libdir, 'libsci_*_mpi_mp.a'))
                        if libsci_mpi_mp_lib:
                                'configopts', '-DGMX_%s_USER=%s' %
                                (libname, libsci_mpi_mp_lib[0]))
                            raise EasyBuildError(
                                "Failed to find libsci library to link with for %s",
                        # -DGMX_BLAS_USER & -DGMX_LAPACK_USER require full path to library
                        libs = os.getenv('%s_STATIC_LIBS' % libname).split(',')
                        libpaths = [
                            os.path.join(libdir, lib) for lib in libs
                            if lib != 'libgfortran.a'
                            'configopts', '-DGMX_%s_USER="******"' %
                            (libname, ';'.join(libpaths)))
                        # if libgfortran.a is listed, make sure it gets linked in too to avoiding linking issues
                        if 'libgfortran.a' in libs:
                                'LDFLAGS', "%s -lgfortran -lm" %
                                os.environ.get('LDFLAGS', ''))

            # no more GSL support in GROMACS 5.x, see http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/1472
            if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('5.0'):
                # enable GSL when it's provided
                if get_software_root('GSL'):
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GSL=ON")
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GSL=OFF")

            # include flags for linking to zlib/XZ in $LDFLAGS if they're listed as a dep;
            # this is important for the tests, to correctly link against libxml2
            for dep, link_flag in [('XZ', '-llzma'), ('zlib', '-lz')]:
                root = get_software_root(dep)
                if root:
                    libdir = get_software_libdir(dep)
                    ldflags = os.environ.get('LDFLAGS', '')
                        'LDFLAGS', "%s -L%s %s" %
                        (ldflags, os.path.join(root, libdir), link_flag))

            # complete configuration with configure_method of parent
            self.cfg['separate_build_dir'] = True
            out = super(EB_GROMACS, self).configure_step()

            # for recent GROMACS versions, make very sure that a decent BLAS, LAPACK and FFT is found and used
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.6.5'):
                patterns = [
                    r"Using external FFT library - \S*",
                    r"Looking for dgemm_ - found",
                    r"Looking for cheev_ - found",
                for pattern in patterns:
                    regex = re.compile(pattern, re.M)
                    if not regex.search(out):
                        raise EasyBuildError(
                            "Pattern '%s' not found in GROMACS configuration output.",
Пример #39
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure numpy build by composing site.cfg contents."""

        # see e.g. https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/2809/files
        self.sitecfg = '\n'.join([
            "library_dirs = %(libs)s",
            "include_dirs= %(includes)s",

        if get_software_root("imkl"):

            if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.GCC:
                # see https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/numpyscipy-with-intel-mkl,
                # section Building with GNU Compiler chain
                extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([
                    "lapack_libs = ",
                    "mkl_libs = mkl_rt",
                extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([
                    "lapack_libs = %(lapack)s",
                    "mkl_libs = %(blas)s",

            # [atlas] the only real alternative, even for non-ATLAS BLAS libs (e.g., OpenBLAS, ACML, ...)
            # using only the [blas] and [lapack] sections results in sub-optimal builds that don't provide _dotblas.so;
            # it does require a CBLAS interface to be available for the BLAS library being used
            # e.g. for ACML, the CBLAS module providing a C interface needs to be used
            extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([
                "atlas_libs = %(lapack)s",
                "lapack_libs = %(lapack)s",  # required by scipy, that uses numpy's site.cfg

        blas = None
        lapack = None
        fft = None

        if get_software_root("imkl"):
            # with IMKL, no spaces and use '-Wl:'
            # redefine 'Wl,' to 'Wl:' so that the patch file can do its job
            def get_libs_for_mkl(varname):
                """Get list of libraries as required for MKL patch file."""
                libs = self.toolchain.variables['LIB%s' % varname].copy()
                tweaks = {
                    'prefix': '',
                    'prefix_begin_end': '-Wl:',
                    'separator': ',',
                    'separator_begin_end': ',',
                libs.try_function_on_element('change', kwargs=tweaks)
                libs.SEPARATOR = ','
                return str(
                )  # str causes list concatenation and adding prefixes & separators

            blas = get_libs_for_mkl('BLAS_MT')
            lapack = get_libs_for_mkl('LAPACK_MT')
            fft = get_libs_for_mkl('FFT')

            # make sure the patch file is there
            # we check for a typical characteristic of a patch file that cooperates with the above
            # not fool-proof, but better than enforcing a particular patch filename
            patch_found = False
            patch_wl_regex = re.compile(r"replace\(':',\s*','\)")
            for patch in self.patches:
                # patches are either strings (extension) or dicts (easyblock)
                if isinstance(patch, dict):
                    patch = patch['path']
                if patch_wl_regex.search(open(patch, 'r').read()):
                    patch_found = True
            if not patch_found:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Building numpy on top of Intel MKL requires a patch to "
                    "handle -Wl linker flags correctly, which doesn't seem to be there."

            # unless Intel MKL is used, $ATLAS should be set to take full control,
            # and to make sure a fully optimized version is built, including _dotblas.so
            # which is critical for decent performance of the numpy.dot (matrix dot product) function!
            env.setvar('ATLAS', '1')

            lapack = ', '.join([
                for x in self.toolchain.get_variable('LIBLAPACK_MT', typ=list)
                if x != "pthread"
            fft = ', '.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('LIBFFT', typ=list))

        libs = ':'.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('LDFLAGS', typ=list))
        includes = ':'.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('CPPFLAGS', typ=list))

        # CBLAS is required for ACML, because it doesn't offer a C interface to BLAS
        if get_software_root('ACML'):
            cblasroot = get_software_root('CBLAS')
            if cblasroot:
                lapack = ', '.join([lapack, "cblas"])
                cblaslib = os.path.join(cblasroot, 'lib')
                # with numpy as extension, CBLAS might not be included in LDFLAGS because it's not part of a toolchain
                if not cblaslib in libs:
                    libs = ':'.join([libs, cblaslib])
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "CBLAS is required next to ACML to provide a C interface to BLAS, "
                    "but it's not loaded.")

        if fft:
            extrasiteconfig += "\n[fftw]\nlibraries = %s" % fft

        suitesparseroot = get_software_root('SuiteSparse')
        if suitesparseroot:
            amddir = os.path.join(suitesparseroot, 'AMD')
            umfpackdir = os.path.join(suitesparseroot, 'UMFPACK')

            if not os.path.exists(amddir) or not os.path.exists(umfpackdir):
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Expected SuiteSparse subdirectories are not both there: %s, %s",
                    amddir, umfpackdir)
                extrasiteconfig += '\n'.join([
                    "library_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(amddir, 'Lib'),
                    "include_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(amddir, 'Include'),
                    "amd_libs = amd",
                    "library_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(umfpackdir, 'Lib'),
                    "include_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(umfpackdir, 'Include'),
                    "umfpack_libs = umfpack",

        self.sitecfg = '\n'.join([self.sitecfg, extrasiteconfig])

        self.sitecfg = self.sitecfg % {
            'blas': blas,
            'lapack': lapack,
            'libs': libs,
            'includes': includes,

        super(EB_numpy, self).configure_step()

        # check configuration (for debugging purposes)
        cmd = "python setup.py config"
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
Пример #40
    def configure_step(self):
        """Run CMake for stage 1 Clang."""

        self.llvm_obj_dir_stage1 = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'llvm.obj.1')
        if self.cfg['bootstrap']:
            self.llvm_obj_dir_stage2 = os.path.join(self.builddir,
            self.llvm_obj_dir_stage3 = os.path.join(self.builddir,

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('3.3'):
            disable_san_tests = False
            # all sanitizer tests will fail when there's a limit on the vmem
            # this is ugly but I haven't found a cleaner way so far
            (vmemlim, ec) = run_cmd("ulimit -v", regexp=False)
            if not vmemlim.startswith("unlimited"):
                disable_san_tests = True
                    "There is a virtual memory limit set of %s KB. The tests of the "
                    "sanitizers will be disabled as they need unlimited virtual "
                    "memory unless --strict=error is used." % vmemlim.strip())

            # the same goes for unlimited stacksize
            (stacklim, ec) = run_cmd("ulimit -s", regexp=False)
            if stacklim.startswith("unlimited"):
                disable_san_tests = True
                    "The stacksize limit is set to unlimited. This causes the ThreadSanitizer "
                    "to fail. The sanitizers tests will be disabled unless --strict=error is used."

            if (disable_san_tests or self.cfg['skip_sanitizer_tests']
                ) and build_option('strict') != run.ERROR:
                self.log.debug("Disabling the sanitizer tests")

        # Create and enter build directory.

        # GCC and Clang are installed in different prefixes and Clang will not
        # find the GCC installation on its own.
        # First try with GCCcore, as GCC built on top of GCCcore is just a wrapper for GCCcore and binutils,
        # instead of a full-fledge compiler
        gcc_prefix = get_software_root('GCCcore')

        # If that doesn't work, try with GCC
        if gcc_prefix is None:
            gcc_prefix = get_software_root('GCC')

        # If that doesn't work either, print error and exit
        if gcc_prefix is None:
            raise EasyBuildError("Can't find GCC or GCCcore to use")

                        "-DGCC_INSTALL_PREFIX='%s' " % gcc_prefix)
        self.log.debug("Using %s as GCC_INSTALL_PREFIX", gcc_prefix)

        self.cfg['configopts'] += "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release "
        if self.cfg['assertions']:
            self.cfg['configopts'] += "-DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=ON "
            self.cfg['configopts'] += "-DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=OFF "

        self.cfg['configopts'] += '-DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="%s" ' % ';'.join(

        if self.cfg['parallel']:
            self.make_parallel_opts = "-j %s" % self.cfg['parallel']

        super(EB_Clang, self).configure_step(srcdir=self.llvm_src_dir)
Пример #41
    def configure_step(self):
        """Set CMake options for Blender"""

        default_config_opts = {
            'WITH_BUILDINFO': 'OFF',
            # disable SSE detection to give EasyBuild full control over optimization compiler flags being used
            'WITH_CPU_SSE': 'OFF',
            # needed unless extra dependencies are added for it to work
            'WITH_GAMEENGINE': 'OFF',
            # needed unless extra dependencies are added for it to work
            'WITH_SYSTEM_GLEW': 'OFF',

        for key in default_config_opts:
            opt = '-D%s=' % key
            if opt not in self.cfg['configopts']:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', opt + default_config_opts[key])

        # Python paths
        python_root = get_software_root('Python')
        if python_root:
            shlib_ext = get_shared_lib_ext()
            pyshortver = '.'.join(
            site_packages = os.path.join(python_root, 'lib',
                                         'python%s' % pyshortver,

            # We assume that numpy/requests are included with the Python installation (no longer true for 2019a)
            numpy_root = find_glob_pattern(
                             'numpy-*-py%s-linux-x86_64.egg' % pyshortver))
            requests_root = find_glob_pattern(
                             'requests-*-py%s.egg' % pyshortver))
            python_lib = find_glob_pattern(
                os.path.join(python_root, 'lib',
                             'libpython%s*.%s' % (pyshortver, shlib_ext)))
            python_include_dir = find_glob_pattern(
                os.path.join(python_root, 'include', 'python%s*' % pyshortver))

            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DPYTHON_VERSION=%s' % pyshortver)
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=%s' % python_lib)
                            '-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=%s' % python_include_dir)
                            '-DPYTHON_NUMPY_PATH=%s' % numpy_root)
                            '-DPYTHON_REQUESTS_PATH=%s' % requests_root)

        # OpenEXR
        openexr_root = get_software_root('OpenEXR')
        if openexr_root:
                'configopts', '-DOPENEXR_INCLUDE_DIR=%s' %
                os.path.join(openexr_root, 'include'))

        # OpenColorIO
        if get_software_root('OpenColorIO'):
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DWITH_OPENCOLORIO=ON')

        # CUDA
        if get_software_root('CUDA'):
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DWITH_CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES=ON')

        super(EB_Blender, self).configure_step()
Пример #42
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for NWChem."""

        # check whether a (valid) symlink to a .nwchemrc config file exists (via a dummy file if necessary)
        # fail early if the link is not what's we expect, since running the test cases will likely fail in this case
            if os.path.exists(self.home_nwchemrc) or os.path.islink(
                # create a dummy file to check symlink
                if not os.path.exists(self.local_nwchemrc):
                    write_file(self.local_nwchemrc, 'dummy')

                    "Contents of %s: %s", os.path.dirname(self.local_nwchemrc),

                if os.path.islink(self.home_nwchemrc):
                    home_nwchemrc_target = os.readlink(self.home_nwchemrc)
                    if home_nwchemrc_target != self.local_nwchemrc:
                        raise EasyBuildError(
                            "Found %s, but it's not a symlink to %s. "
                            "Please (re)move %s while installing NWChem; it can be restored later",
                            self.home_nwchemrc, self.local_nwchemrc,
                # ok to remove, we'll recreate it anyway
        except (IOError, OSError) as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to validate %s symlink: %s",
                                 self.home_nwchemrc, err)

        # building NWChem in a long path name is an issue, so let's try to make sure we have a short one
            # NWChem insists that version is in name of build dir
            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-%s-%s' %
                                      (self.name, self.version))
            # remove created directory, since we're not going to use it as is
            # avoid having '['/']' characters in build dir name, NWChem doesn't like that
            start_dir = tmpdir.replace('[', '_').replace(']', '_')
            mkdir(os.path.dirname(start_dir), parents=True)
            symlink(self.cfg['start_dir'], start_dir)
            self.cfg['start_dir'] = start_dir
        except OSError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Failed to symlink build dir to a shorter path name: %s", err)

        # change to actual build dir

        nwchem_modules = self.cfg['modules']

        # set required NWChem environment variables
        env.setvar('NWCHEM_TOP', self.cfg['start_dir'])
        if len(self.cfg['start_dir']) > 64:
            # workaround for:
            # "The directory name chosen for NWCHEM_TOP is longer than the maximum allowed value of 64 characters"
            # see also https://svn.pnl.gov/svn/nwchem/trunk/src/util/util_nwchem_srcdir.F
            self.setvar_env_makeopt('NWCHEM_LONG_PATHS', 'Y')

        env.setvar('NWCHEM_TARGET', self.cfg['target'])

        garoot = get_software_root('GlobalArrays')
        if garoot:
            self.setvar_env_makeopt('EXTERNAL_GA_PATH', garoot)
            env.setvar('MSG_COMMS', self.cfg['msg_comms'])
            env.setvar('ARMCI_NETWORK', self.cfg['armci_network'])
            if self.cfg['armci_network'] in ["OPENIB"]:
                env.setvar('IB_INCLUDE', "/usr/include")
                env.setvar('IB_LIB', "/usr/lib64")
                env.setvar('IB_LIB_NAME', "-libumad -libverbs -lpthread")

        if 'python' in self.cfg['modules']:
            python_root = get_software_root('Python')
            if not python_root:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Python module not loaded, you should add Python as a dependency."
            env.setvar('PYTHONHOME', python_root)
            pyver = '.'.join(get_software_version('Python').split('.')[0:2])
            env.setvar('PYTHONVERSION', pyver)
            # if libreadline is loaded, assume it was a dependency for Python
            # pass -lreadline to avoid linking issues (libpython2.7.a doesn't include readline symbols)
            libreadline = get_software_root('libreadline')
            if libreadline:
                libreadline_libdir = os.path.join(
                    libreadline, get_software_libdir('libreadline'))
                ncurses = get_software_root('ncurses')
                if not ncurses:
                    raise EasyBuildError(
                        "ncurses is not loaded, but required to link with libreadline"
                ncurses_libdir = os.path.join(ncurses,
                readline_libs = ' '.join([
                    os.path.join(libreadline_libdir, 'libreadline.a'),
                    os.path.join(ncurses_libdir, 'libcurses.a'),
                extra_libs = os.environ.get('EXTRA_LIBS', '')
                env.setvar('EXTRA_LIBS', ' '.join([extra_libs, readline_libs]))

        env.setvar('LARGE_FILES', 'TRUE')
        env.setvar('USE_NOFSCHECK', 'TRUE')
        env.setvar('CCSDTLR', 'y')  # enable CCSDTLR
            'y')  # enable CCSDTQ (compilation is long, executable is big)

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("6.2"):
                       'y')  # enable multireference coupled cluster capability

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("6.5"):
                'EACCSD', 'y'
            )  # enable EOM electron-attachemnt coupled cluster capability
                'IPCCSD', 'y'
            )  # enable EOM ionization-potential coupled cluster capability
                'TRUE')  # avoid doing I/O for the ddscf, mp2 and ccsd modules

        for var in ['USE_MPI', 'USE_MPIF', 'USE_MPIF4']:
            env.setvar(var, 'y')
        for var in ['CC', 'CXX', 'F90']:
            env.setvar('MPI_%s' % var, os.getenv('MPI%s' % var))

        libmpi = ""

        # for NWChem 6.6 and newer, $LIBMPI & co should no longer be
        # set, the correct values are determined by the NWChem build
        # procedure automatically, see
        # http://www.nwchem-sw.org/index.php/Compiling_NWChem#MPI_variables
        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("6.6"):
            env.setvar('MPI_LOC', os.path.dirname(os.getenv('MPI_INC_DIR')))
            env.setvar('MPI_LIB', os.getenv('MPI_LIB_DIR'))
            env.setvar('MPI_INCLUDE', os.getenv('MPI_INC_DIR'))

            mpi_family = self.toolchain.mpi_family()
            if mpi_family in toolchain.OPENMPI:
                ompi_ver = get_software_version('OpenMPI')
                if LooseVersion(ompi_ver) < LooseVersion("1.10"):
                    if LooseVersion(ompi_ver) < LooseVersion("1.8"):
                        libmpi = "-lmpi_f90 -lmpi_f77 -lmpi -ldl -Wl,--export-dynamic -lnsl -lutil"
                        libmpi = "-lmpi_usempi -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi"
                    libmpi = "-lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi"
            elif mpi_family in [toolchain.INTELMPI]:
                if self.cfg['armci_network'] in ["MPI-MT"]:
                    libmpi = "-lmpigf -lmpigi -lmpi_ilp64 -lmpi_mt"
                    libmpi = "-lmpigf -lmpigi -lmpi_ilp64 -lmpi"
            elif mpi_family in [toolchain.MPICH, toolchain.MPICH2]:
                libmpi = "-lmpichf90 -lmpich -lopa -lmpl -lrt -lpthread"
                raise EasyBuildError("Don't know how to set LIBMPI for %s",
            env.setvar('LIBMPI', libmpi)

        if not garoot:
            if self.cfg['armci_network'] in ["OPENIB"]:
                libmpi += " -libumad -libverbs -lpthread"

        # compiler optimization flags: set environment variables _and_ add them to list of make options
        self.setvar_env_makeopt('COPTIMIZE', os.getenv('CFLAGS'))
        self.setvar_env_makeopt('FOPTIMIZE', os.getenv('FFLAGS'))

        # BLAS and ScaLAPACK
        mpi_lib_dirs = ' '.join('-L' + d
                                for d in os.getenv('MPI_LIB_DIR').split())
            'BLASOPT', ' '.join([
                os.getenv('LDFLAGS'), mpi_lib_dirs,
                os.getenv('LIBSCALAPACK_MT'), libmpi

        # Setting LAPACK_LIB is required from 7.0.0 onwards.
        self.setvar_env_makeopt('LAPACK_LIB', os.getenv('LIBLAPACK'))

            '%s %s' % (os.getenv('LDFLAGS'), os.getenv('LIBSCALAPACK_MT')))
        if self.toolchain.options['i8']:
            size = 8
            self.setvar_env_makeopt('USE_SCALAPACK_I8', 'y')
            self.cfg.update('lib_defines', '-DSCALAPACK_I8')
            self.setvar_env_makeopt('HAS_BLAS', 'yes')
            self.setvar_env_makeopt('USE_SCALAPACK', 'y')
            size = 4

        # set sizes
        for lib in ['BLAS', 'LAPACK', 'SCALAPACK']:
            self.setvar_env_makeopt('%s_SIZE' % lib, str(size))

        env.setvar('NWCHEM_MODULES', nwchem_modules)

        env.setvar('LIB_DEFINES', self.cfg['lib_defines'])

        # clean first (why not)
        run_cmd("make clean", simple=True, log_all=True, log_ok=True)

        # configure build
        cmd = "make %s nwchem_config" % self.cfg['buildopts']
        run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=True, log_ok=True, log_output=True)
Пример #43
class EB_imkl(IntelBase):
    Class that can be used to install mkl
    - tested with
    -- will fail for all older versions (due to newer silent installer)
    def extra_options():
        """Add easyconfig parameters custom to imkl (e.g. interfaces)."""
        extra_vars = {
            [True, "Indicates whether interfaces should be built", CUSTOM],
        return IntelBase.extra_options(extra_vars)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(EB_imkl, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # make sure $MKLROOT isn't set, it's known to cause problems with the installation
        self.cfg.update('unwanted_env_vars', ['MKLROOT'])

    def install_step(self):
        Actual installation
        - create silent cfg file
        - execute command
        silent_cfg_names_map = None
        silent_cfg_extras = None

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('11.1'):
            # since imkl v11.1, silent.cfg has been slightly changed to be 'more standard'

            silent_cfg_names_map = {
                'activation_name': ACTIVATION_NAME_2012,
                'license_file_name': LICENSE_FILE_NAME_2012,

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('11.1'):
            silent_cfg_extras = {
                'COMPONENTS': 'ALL',


    def make_module_req_guess(self):
        A dictionary of possible directories to look for
        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('10.3'):
            if self.cfg['m32']:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "32-bit not supported yet for IMKL v%s (>= 10.3)",
                retdict = {
                    'PATH': [
                        'bin', 'mkl/bin', 'mkl/bin/intel64',
                    'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': ['lib/intel64', 'mkl/lib/intel64'],
                    'LIBRARY_PATH': ['lib/intel64', 'mkl/lib/intel64'],
                    'MANPATH': ['man', 'man/en_US'],
                    'CPATH': ['mkl/include', 'mkl/include/fftw'],
                    'FPATH': ['mkl/include', 'mkl/include/fftw'],
                if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('11.0'):
                    if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('11.1'):
                        retdict['MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = [
                            'lib/mic', 'mkl/lib/mic'
                        retdict['MIC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = [
                            'compiler/lib/mic', 'mkl/lib/mic'
                return retdict
            if self.cfg['m32']:
                return {
                    'PATH': ['bin', 'bin/ia32', 'tbb/bin/ia32'],
                    'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': ['lib', 'lib/32'],
                    'LIBRARY_PATH': ['lib', 'lib/32'],
                    'MANPATH': ['man', 'share/man', 'man/en_US'],
                    'CPATH': ['include'],
                    'FPATH': ['include']

                return {
                    'PATH': ['bin', 'bin/intel64', 'tbb/bin/em64t'],
                    'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': ['lib', 'lib/em64t'],
                    'LIBRARY_PATH': ['lib', 'lib/em64t'],
                    'MANPATH': ['man', 'share/man', 'man/en_US'],
                    'CPATH': ['include'],
                    'FPATH': ['include'],

    def make_module_extra(self):
        """Overwritten from Application to add extra txt"""
        txt = super(EB_imkl, self).make_module_extra()
        txt += self.module_generator.prepend_paths(self.license_env_var,
        if self.cfg['m32']:
            nlspath = os.path.join('idb', '32', 'locale', '%l_%t', '%N')
            nlspath = os.path.join('idb', 'intel64', 'locale', '%l_%t', '%N')
        txt += self.module_generator.prepend_paths('NLSPATH', nlspath)
        txt += self.module_generator.set_environment(
            'MKLROOT', os.path.join(self.installdir, 'mkl'))
        return txt

    def post_install_step(self):
        Install group libraries and interfaces (if desired).
        # reload the dependencies

        if self.cfg['m32']:
            extra = {
                'GROUP (-lmkl_intel -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core)',
                'GROUP (libmkl_intel.a libmkl_intel_thread.a libmkl_core.a)',
                'libmkl_solver.a': 'GROUP (libmkl_solver.a)',
                'libmkl_scalapack.a': 'GROUP (libmkl_scalapack_core.a)',
                'GROUP (libmkl_intel.a libmkl_intel_thread.a libmkl_core.a)',
                'libmkl_cdft.a': 'GROUP (libmkl_cdft_core.a)'
            extra = {
                'GROUP (-lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core)',
                'GROUP (libmkl_intel_lp64.a libmkl_intel_thread.a libmkl_core.a)',
                'libmkl_solver.a': 'GROUP (libmkl_solver_lp64.a)',
                'libmkl_scalapack.a': 'GROUP (libmkl_scalapack_lp64.a)',
                'GROUP (libmkl_intel_lp64.a libmkl_intel_thread.a libmkl_core.a)',
                'libmkl_cdft.a': 'GROUP (libmkl_cdft_core.a)'

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('10.3'):
            libsubdir = os.path.join('mkl', 'lib', 'intel64')
            if self.cfg['m32']:
                libsubdir = os.path.join('lib', '32')
                libsubdir = os.path.join('lib', 'em64t')

        for fil, txt in extra.items():
            dest = os.path.join(self.installdir, libsubdir, fil)
            if not os.path.exists(dest):
                    f = open(dest, 'w')
                    self.log.info("File %s written" % dest)
                except IOError, err:
                    raise EasyBuildError("Can't write file %s: %s", dest, err)

        # build the mkl interfaces, if desired
        if self.cfg['interfaces']:

            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('10.3'):
                intsubdir = os.path.join('mkl', 'interfaces')
                inttarget = 'libintel64'
                intsubdir = 'interfaces'
                if self.cfg['m32']:
                    inttarget = 'lib32'
                    inttarget = 'libem64t'

            cmd = "make -f makefile %s" % inttarget

            # blas95 and lapack95 need more work, ignore for now
            # blas95 and lapack also need include/.mod to be processed
            fftw2libs = ['fftw2xc', 'fftw2xf']
            fftw3libs = ['fftw3xc', 'fftw3xf']
            cdftlibs = ['fftw2x_cdft']
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('10.3'):

            interfacedir = os.path.join(self.installdir, intsubdir)
                self.log.info("Changed to interfaces directory %s" %
            except OSError, err:
                raise EasyBuildError("Can't change to interfaces directory %s",

            compopt = None
            # determine whether we're using a non-Intel GCC-based toolchain
            # can't use toolchain.comp_family, because of dummy toolchain used when installing imkl
            if get_software_root('icc') is None:
                if get_software_root('GCC'):
                    compopt = 'compiler=gnu'
                    raise EasyBuildError(
                        "Not using either Intel compilers nor GCC, "
                        "don't know how to build wrapper libs")
                compopt = 'compiler=intel'

            for lib in fftw2libs + fftw3libs + cdftlibs:
                buildopts = [compopt]
                if lib in fftw3libs:
                elif lib in cdftlibs:
                    mpi_spec = None
                    # check whether MPI_FAMILY constant is defined, so mpi_family() can be used
                    if hasattr(self.toolchain, 'MPI_FAMILY'
                               ) and self.toolchain.MPI_FAMILY is not None:
                        mpi_spec_by_fam = {
                            'mpich2',  # MPICH is MPICH v3.x, which is MPICH2 compatible
                            toolchain.MPICH2: 'mpich2',
                            toolchain.MVAPICH2: 'mpich2',
                            toolchain.OPENMPI: 'openmpi',
                        mpi_fam = self.toolchain.mpi_family()
                        mpi_spec = mpi_spec_by_fam.get(mpi_fam)
                            "Determined MPI specification based on MPI toolchain component: %s"
                            % mpi_spec)
                        # can't use toolchain.mpi_family, because of dummy toolchain
                        if get_software_root('MPICH2') or get_software_root(
                            mpi_spec = 'mpich2'
                        elif get_software_root('OpenMPI'):
                            mpi_spec = 'openmpi'
                            "Determined MPI specification based on loaded MPI module: %s"
                            % mpi_spec)

                    if mpi_spec is not None:
                        buildopts.append('mpi=%s' % mpi_spec)

                precflags = ['']
                if lib.startswith('fftw2x') and not self.cfg['m32']:
                    # build both single and double precision variants
                    precflags = [

                intflags = ['']
                if lib in cdftlibs and not self.cfg['m32']:
                    # build both 32-bit and 64-bit interfaces
                    intflags = ['interface=lp64', 'interface=ilp64']

                allopts = [
                    for opts in itertools.product(intflags, precflags)

                for flags, extraopts in itertools.product(['', '-fPIC'],
                    tup = (lib, flags, buildopts, extraopts)
                        "Building lib %s with: flags %s, buildopts %s, extraopts %s"
                        % tup)

                    tmpbuild = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.builddir)
                    self.log.debug("Created temporary directory %s" % tmpbuild)

                    # always set INSTALL_DIR, SPEC_OPT, COPTS and CFLAGS
                    # fftw2x(c|f): use $INSTALL_DIR, $CFLAGS and $COPTS
                    # fftw3x(c|f): use $CFLAGS
                    # fftw*cdft: use $INSTALL_DIR and $SPEC_OPT
                    env.setvar('INSTALL_DIR', tmpbuild)
                    env.setvar('SPEC_OPT', flags)
                    env.setvar('COPTS', flags)
                    env.setvar('CFLAGS', flags)

                        intdir = os.path.join(interfacedir, lib)
                        self.log.info("Changed to interface %s directory %s" %
                                      (lib, intdir))
                    except OSError, err:
                        raise EasyBuildError(
                            "Can't change to interface %s directory %s: %s",
                            lib, intdir, err)

                    fullcmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, ' '.join(buildopts + extraopts))
                    res = run_cmd(fullcmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
                    if not res:
                        raise EasyBuildError(
                            "Building %s (flags: %s, fullcmd: %s) failed", lib,
                            flags, fullcmd)

                    for fn in os.listdir(tmpbuild):
                        src = os.path.join(tmpbuild, fn)
                        if flags == '-fPIC':
                            # add _pic to filename
                            ff = fn.split('.')
                            fn = '.'.join(ff[:-1]) + '_pic.' + ff[-1]
                        dest = os.path.join(self.installdir, libsubdir, fn)
                            if os.path.isfile(src):
                                shutil.move(src, dest)
                                self.log.info("Moved %s to %s" % (src, dest))
                        except OSError, err:
                            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to move %s to %s: %s",
                                                 src, dest, err)

Пример #44
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for Quantum ESPRESSO."""

        if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False) or self.cfg['hybrid']:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--enable-openmp')

        if not self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--disable-parallel')

        if not self.cfg['with_scalapack']:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '--without-scalapack')

        repls = []

        if self.toolchain.comp_family() in [toolchain.INTELCOMP]:
            # set preprocessor command (-E to stop after preprocessing, -C to preserve comments)
            cpp = "%s -E -C" % os.getenv('CC')
            repls.append(('CPP', cpp, False))
            env.setvar('CPP', cpp)

            # also define $FCCPP, but do *not* include -C (comments should not be preserved when preprocessing Fortran)
            env.setvar('FCCPP', "%s -E" % os.getenv('CC'))

        super(EB_QuantumESPRESSO, self).configure_step()

        # compose list of DFLAGS (flag, value, keep_stuff)
        # for guidelines, see include/defs.h.README in sources
        dflags = []

        comp_fam_dflags = {
            toolchain.INTELCOMP: '-D__INTEL',
            toolchain.GCC: '-D__GFORTRAN -D__STD_F95',

        if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False):
            libfft = os.getenv('LIBFFT_MT')
            libfft = os.getenv('LIBFFT')
        if libfft:
            if "fftw3" in libfft:
            env.setvar('FFTW_LIBS', libfft)

        if get_software_root('ACML'):

        if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
            dflags.append('-D__MPI -D__PARA')

        if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False) or self.cfg['hybrid']:
            dflags.append(" -D__OPENMP")

        if self.cfg['with_scalapack']:
            dflags.append(" -D__SCALAPACK")

        # always include -w to supress warnings

        repls.append(('DFLAGS', ' '.join(dflags), False))

        # complete C/Fortran compiler and LD flags
        if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False) or self.cfg['hybrid']:
            repls.append(('LDFLAGS', self.toolchain.get_flag('openmp'), True))
                ('(?:C|F90|F)FLAGS', self.toolchain.get_flag('openmp'), True))

        # obtain library settings
        libs = []
        for lib in ['BLAS', 'LAPACK', 'FFT', 'SCALAPACK']:
            if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', False):
                val = os.getenv('LIB%s_MT' % lib)
                val = os.getenv('LIB%s' % lib)
            repls.append(('%s_LIBS' % lib, val, False))
        libs = ' '.join(libs)

        repls.append(('BLAS_LIBS_SWITCH', 'external', False))
        repls.append(('LAPACK_LIBS_SWITCH', 'external', False))
        repls.append(('LD_LIBS', os.getenv('LIBS'), False))

        self.log.debug("List of replacements to perform: %s" % repls)

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("6"):
            make_ext = '.inc'
            make_ext = '.sys'

        # patch make.sys file
        fn = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'make' + make_ext)
            for line in fileinput.input(fn, inplace=1, backup='.orig.eb'):
                for (k, v, keep) in repls:
                    # need to use [ \t]* instead of \s*, because vars may be undefined as empty,
                    # and we don't want to include newlines
                    if keep:
                        line = re.sub(r"^(%s\s*=[ \t]*)(.*)$" % k,
                                      r"\1\2 %s" % v, line)
                        line = re.sub(r"^(%s\s*=[ \t]*).*$" % k, r"\1%s" % v,

                # fix preprocessing directives for .f90 files in make.sys if required
                if self.toolchain.comp_family() in [toolchain.GCC]:
                    line = re.sub(
                        r"\$\(MPIF90\) \$\(F90FLAGS\) -c \$<",
                        "$(CPP) -C $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $*.F90\n" +
                        "\t$(MPIF90) $(F90FLAGS) -c $*.F90 -o $*.o", line)

        except IOError, err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to patch %s: %s", fn, err)
Пример #45
 def is_double_precision_cuda_build(self):
     """Check if the current build step involves double precision and CUDA"""
     cuda = get_software_root('CUDA')
     return cuda and self.double_prec_pattern in self.cfg['configopts']
Пример #46
    def configure_step(self):
        Configure VMD for building.
        # make sure required dependencies are available
        deps = {}
        for dep in ['FLTK', 'Mesa', 'Tcl', 'Tk']:
            deps[dep] = get_software_root(dep)
            if deps[dep] is None:
                raise EasyBuildError("Required dependency %s is missing", dep)

        # optional dependencies
        for dep in ['ACTC', 'CUDA', 'OptiX', 'Python', 'netCDF']:
            deps[dep] = get_software_root(dep)

        # specify Tcl/Tk locations & libraries
        tclinc = os.path.join(deps['Tcl'], 'include')
        tcllib = os.path.join(deps['Tcl'], 'lib')
        env.setvar('TCL_INCLUDE_DIR', tclinc)
        env.setvar('TCL_LIBRARY_DIR', tcllib)

        env.setvar('TK_INCLUDE_DIR', os.path.join(deps['Tk'], 'include'))
        env.setvar('TK_LIBRARY_DIR', os.path.join(deps['Tk'], 'lib'))

        tclshortver = '.'.join(get_software_version('Tcl').split('.')[:2])
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'TCLLDFLAGS="-ltcl%s"' % tclshortver)

        # Netcdf locations, in theory an optional component, however some of the plugins require it.
        if deps['netCDF']:
            netcdfinc = os.path.join(deps['netCDF'], 'include')
            netcdflib = os.path.join(deps['netCDF'], 'lib')
            netcdfopt = ' '.join([
                "NETCDFINC='-I%s'" % netcdfinc,
                "NETCDFLIB='-L%s'" % netcdflib,
            netcdfopt = ''
            # Change the following code once we find how to build without netCDF.
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Even though the VMD manual mentions netCDF as an optional component, it is currently required for building the plugins which this VMD EasyBlock always does."

        # Python locations
        if deps['Python']:
            pyshortver = '.'.join(
            pyvermajor = get_software_version('Python').split('.')[0]
            if pyvermajor == '2':
                                 'include/python%s' % pyshortver))
                                 'include/python%sm' % pyshortver))
            pylibdir = det_pylibdir()
            python_libdir = os.path.join(deps['Python'],
            env.setvar('PYTHON_LIBRARY_DIR', python_libdir)

            # numpy include location, easiest way to determine it is via numpy.get_include()
            out, ec = run_cmd(
                "python -c 'import numpy; print( numpy.get_include() )'",
            if ec:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "NumPy support expected when using Python, but failed to determine NumPy include directory: %s",
                env.setvar('NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR', out.strip())

        # compiler commands
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'CC="%s"' % os.getenv('CC'))
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'CCPP="%s"' % os.getenv('CXX'))

        # plugins need to be built first (see http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/doxygen/compiling.html)
        change_dir(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'plugins'))
        cmd = ' '.join([
            "TCLINC='-I%s'" % tclinc,
            "TCLLIB='-L%s'" % tcllib,
            "TCLLDFLAGS='-ltcl%s'" % tclshortver,
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False)

        # create plugins distribution
        plugindir = os.path.join(self.vmddir, 'plugins')
        env.setvar('PLUGINDIR', plugindir)
        self.log.info("Generating VMD plugins in %s", plugindir)
        run_cmd("make distrib %s" % self.cfg['buildopts'],

        # explicitely mention whether or not we're building with CUDA/OptiX support
        if deps['CUDA']:
            self.log.info("Building with CUDA %s support",
            if deps['OptiX']:
                self.log.info("Building with Nvidia OptiX %s support",
                self.log.warn("Not building with Nvidia OptiX support!")
            self.log.warn("Not building with CUDA nor OptiX support!")

        # see http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/doxygen/configure.html
        # LINUXAMD64: Linux 64-bit
        # LP64: build VMD as 64-bit binary
        # IMD: enable support for Interactive Molecular Dynamics (e.g. to connect to NAMD for remote simulations)
        # PTHREADS: enable support for POSIX threads
        # COLVARS: enable support for collective variables (related to NAMD/LAMMPS)
        # NOSILENT: verbose build command
                        self.cfg.get('vmd_arch') +
                        " LP64 IMD PTHREADS COLVARS NOSILENT " +

        # add additional configopts based on available dependencies
        for key in deps:
            if deps[key]:
                if key == 'Mesa':
                                    "OPENGL MESA",
                elif key == 'OptiX':
                elif key == 'Python':
                                    "PYTHON NUMPY",

        # configure for building with Intel compilers specifically
        if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', 'ICC', allow_duplicate=False)

        # specify install location using environment variables
        env.setvar('VMDINSTALLBINDIR', os.path.join(self.installdir, 'bin'))
                   os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib'))

        # configure in vmd-<version> directory
        run_cmd("%s ./configure %s" %
                (self.cfg['preconfigopts'], self.cfg['configopts']))

        # change to 'src' subdirectory, ready for building
        change_dir(os.path.join(self.vmddir, 'src'))
Пример #47
    def configure_common(self):
        """Common configuration for all toolchains"""

        # openmp introduces 2 major differences
        # -automatic is default: -noautomatic -auto-scalar
        # some mem-bandwidth optimisation
        if self.cfg['type'] == 'psmp':
            self.openmp = self.toolchain.get_flag('openmp')

        # determine which opt flags to use
        if self.cfg['typeopt']:
            optflags = 'OPT'
            regflags = 'OPT2'
            optflags = 'NOOPT'
            regflags = 'NOOPT'

        # make sure a MPI-2 able MPI lib is used
        mpi2 = False
        if hasattr(self.toolchain,
                   'MPI_FAMILY') and self.toolchain.MPI_FAMILY is not None:
            known_mpi2_fams = [
                toolchain.MPICH, toolchain.MPICH2, toolchain.MVAPICH2,
                toolchain.OPENMPI, toolchain.INTELMPI
            mpi_fam = self.toolchain.mpi_family()
            if mpi_fam in known_mpi2_fams:
                mpi2 = True
                    "Determined MPI2 compatibility based on MPI toolchain component: %s"
                    % mpi_fam)
                    "Cannot determine MPI2 compatibility based on MPI toolchain component: %s"
                    % mpi_fam)
            # can't use toolchain.mpi_family, because of system toolchain
            mpi2libs = ['impi', 'MVAPICH2', 'OpenMPI', 'MPICH2', 'MPICH']
            for mpi2lib in mpi2libs:
                if get_software_root(mpi2lib):
                    mpi2 = True
                        "Determined MPI2 compatibility based on loaded MPI module: %s"
                        "MPI-2 supporting MPI library %s not loaded.")

        if not mpi2:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "CP2K needs MPI-2, no known MPI-2 supporting library loaded?")

        cppflags = os.getenv('CPPFLAGS')
        ldflags = os.getenv('LDFLAGS')
        cflags = os.getenv('CFLAGS')
        fflags = os.getenv('FFLAGS')
        fflags_lowopt = re.sub('-O[0-9]', '-O1', fflags)
        options = {
            '%s %s' % (os.getenv('MPIF90'), self.openmp),
            '%s %s' % (os.getenv('MPIF90'), self.openmp),
            'ar -r',
            '$(FCFLAGS%s)' % optflags,
            '$(FCFLAGS%s)' % regflags,
            ' %s %s %s $(FPIC) $(DEBUG) %s ' %
            (cflags, cppflags, ldflags, self.cfg['extracflags']),
            ' -D__parallel -D__BLACS -D__SCALAPACK -D__FFTSG %s' %
            os.getenv('LIBS', ''),
            '$(DFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -O0  $(FREE) $(FPIC) $(DEBUG)',
            '%s $(FREE) $(SAFE) $(FPIC) $(DEBUG)' % fflags,
            '%s $(FREE) $(SAFE) $(FPIC) $(DEBUG)' % fflags_lowopt,

        libint = get_software_root('LibInt')
        if libint:
            options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__LIBINT'

            libintcompiler = "%s %s" % (os.getenv('CC'), os.getenv('CFLAGS'))

            # Build libint-wrapper, if required
            libint_wrapper = ''

            # required for old versions of GCC
            if not self.compilerISO_C_BINDING:
                options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__HAS_NO_ISO_C_BINDING'

                # determine path for libint_tools dir
                libinttools_paths = [
                    'libint_tools', 'tools/hfx_tools/libint_tools'
                libinttools_path = None
                for path in libinttools_paths:
                    path = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], path)
                    if os.path.isdir(path):
                        libinttools_path = path
                if not libinttools_path:
                    raise EasyBuildError("No libinttools dir found")

                # build libint wrapper
                cmd = "%s -c libint_cpp_wrapper.cpp -I%s/include" % (
                    libintcompiler, libint)
                if not run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True):
                    raise EasyBuildError("Building the libint wrapper failed")
                libint_wrapper = '%s/libint_cpp_wrapper.o' % libinttools_path

            # determine Libint libraries based on major version number
            libint_maj_ver = get_software_version('Libint').split('.')[0]
            if libint_maj_ver == '1':
                libint_libs = "$(LIBINTLIB)/libderiv.a $(LIBINTLIB)/libint.a $(LIBINTLIB)/libr12.a"
            elif libint_maj_ver == '2':
                libint_libs = "$(LIBINTLIB)/libint2.a"
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Don't know how to handle libint version %s",
            self.log.info("Using Libint version %s" % (libint_maj_ver))

            options['LIBINTLIB'] = '%s/lib' % libint
            options['LIBS'] += ' %s -lstdc++ %s' % (libint_libs,

            # add Libint include dir to $FCFLAGS
            options['FCFLAGS'] += ' -I' + os.path.join(libint, 'include')

            # throw a warning, since CP2K without Libint doesn't make much sense
                "Libint module not loaded, so building without Libint support")

        libxc = get_software_root('libxc')
        if libxc:
            cur_libxc_version = get_software_version('libxc')
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('6.1'):
                libxc_min_version = '4.0.3'
                options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__LIBXC'
                libxc_min_version = '2.0.1'
                options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__LIBXC2'

            if LooseVersion(cur_libxc_version) < LooseVersion(
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "This version of CP2K is not compatible with libxc < %s" %

            if LooseVersion(cur_libxc_version) >= LooseVersion('4.0.3'):
                # cfr. https://www.cp2k.org/howto:compile#k_libxc_optional_wider_choice_of_xc_functionals
                options['LIBS'] += ' -L%s/lib -lxcf03 -lxc' % libxc
            elif LooseVersion(cur_libxc_version) >= LooseVersion('2.2'):
                options['LIBS'] += ' -L%s/lib -lxcf90 -lxc' % libxc
                options['LIBS'] += ' -L%s/lib -lxc' % libxc
            self.log.info("Using Libxc-%s" % cur_libxc_version)
                "libxc module not loaded, so building without libxc support")

        return options
Пример #48
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure Ferret build."""

        buildtype = "x86_64-linux"
        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("7.3"):

        deps = ['HDF5', 'netCDF', 'Java']

        for name in deps:
            if not get_software_root(name):
                raise EasyBuildError("%s module not loaded?", name)

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("7.3"):
            copy_file('site_specific.mk.in', 'site_specific.mk')
            fns = [
            fns = ["site_specific.mk"]

        regex_subs = [
            (r"^BUILDTYPE\s*=.*", "BUILDTYPE = %s" % buildtype),
            (r"^INSTALL_FER_DIR =.*",
             "INSTALL_FER_DIR = %s" % self.installdir),

        for name in deps:
            regex_subs.append((r"^(%s.*DIR\s*)=.*" % name.upper(),
                               r"\1 = %s" % get_software_root(name)))

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("7.3"):
                (r"^DIR_PREFIX =.*",
                 "DIR_PREFIX = %s" % self.cfg['start_dir']),
                (r"^FER_LOCAL_EXTFCNS = $(FER_DIR)",
                 "FER_LOCAL_EXTFCNS = $(INSTALL_FER_DIR)/libs"),

        for fn in fns:
            apply_regex_substitutions(fn, regex_subs)

        comp_vars = {
            'CC': 'CC',
            'CFLAGS': 'CFLAGS',
            'CPPFLAGS': 'CPPFLAGS',
            'FC': 'F77',

        gfort2ifort = {
            '-fno-second-underscore': ' ',
            '-fno-backslash': ' ',
            '-fdollar-ok': ' ',
            '-ffast-math': ' ',
            '-ffixed-line-length-132': '-132',
            '-fno-automatic': ' ',
            '-ffpe-trap=overflow': ' ',
            '-fimplicit-none': '-implicitnone',
            '-fdefault-real-8': '-r8',
            '-fdefault-double-8': ' ',
            '-Wl,-Bstatic -lgfortran -Wl,-Bdynamic': ' ',
            '-v --verbose -m64': ' ',
            '-export-dynamic': ' ',
            '-DG77_SIGNAL': ' ',

        fn = 'xgks/CUSTOMIZE.%s' % buildtype

        regex_subs = [(r"^(FFLAGS\s*=').*-m64 (.*)",
                       r"\1%s \2" % os.getenv('FFLAGS'))]
        for x, y in comp_vars.items():
            regex_subs.append((r"^(%s\s*)=.*" % x, r"\1='%s'" % os.getenv(y)))

        x11_root = get_software_root('X11')
        if x11_root:
                (r"^(LD_X11\s*)=.*", r"\1='-L%s/lib -lX11'" % x11_root))
                (r"^(LD_X11\s*)=.*", r"\1='-L/usr/lib64/X11 -lX11'"))

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion(
                "7.3") and self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.INTELCOMP:

        apply_regex_substitutions(fn, regex_subs)

        comp_vars = {
            'CC': 'CC',
            'CXX': 'CXX',
            'F77': 'F77',
            'FC': 'F77',

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("7.3"):
            fns = [
                'platform_specific.mk.%s' % buildtype,
                'external_functions/ef_utility/platform_specific.mk.%s' %
            fns = [
                'fer/platform_specific_flags.mk.%s' % buildtype,
                'ppl/platform_specific_flags.mk.%s' % buildtype,
                'external_functions/ef_utility/platform_specific_flags.mk.%s' %

        regex_subs = []
        for x, y in comp_vars.items():
                (r"^(\s*%s\s*)=.*" % x, r"\1 = %s" % os.getenv(y)))

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("7.3"):
                 r"\1 -fPIC %s -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5" %
                (r"^(\s*)CDFLIB", r"\1NONEED"),

        if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
                (r"^(\s*LD\s*)=.*", r"\1 = %s -nofor-main" % os.getenv("F77")))
            for x in ["CFLAGS", "FFLAGS"]:
                regex_subs.append((r"^(\s*%s\s*=\s*\$\(CPP_FLAGS\)).*\\" % x,
                                   r"\1 %s \\" % os.getenv(x)))
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("7.3"):
                for x in ["CFLAGS", "FFLAGS"]:
                    regex_subs.append((r"^(\s*%s\s*=).*-m64 (.*)" % x,
                                       r"\1%s \2" % os.getenv(x)))

                                   r"\1-DF90_SYSTEM_ERROR_CALLS \\"))

        for fn in fns:
            apply_regex_substitutions(fn, regex_subs)

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("7.3"):
            comp_vars = {
                'CC': 'CC',
                'LDFLAGS': 'LDFLAGS',
            fn = 'gksm2ps/Makefile'

            regex_subs = [(r"^(\s*CFLAGS=\")-m64 (.*)",
                           r"\1%s \2" % os.getenv('CFLAGS'))]
            for x, y in comp_vars.items():
                    (r"^(\s*%s)=.*" % x, r"\1='%s' \\" % os.getenv(y)))

            apply_regex_substitutions(fn, regex_subs)
Пример #49
    def configure_step(self, srcdir=None, builddir=None):
        """Configure build using cmake"""


        if builddir is None and self.cfg.get('separate_build_dir', True):
            builddir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'easybuild_obj')
            # For separate_build_dir we want a clean folder. So remove if it exists
            # This can happen when multiple iterations are done (e.g. shared, static, ...)
            if os.path.exists(builddir):
                    'Build directory %s already exists (from previous iterations?). Removing...',

        if builddir:
            mkdir(builddir, parents=True)
            default_srcdir = self.cfg['start_dir']
            default_srcdir = '.'

        if srcdir is None:
            if self.cfg.get('srcdir', None) is not None:
                # Note that the join returns srcdir if it is absolute
                srcdir = os.path.join(default_srcdir, self.cfg['srcdir'])
                srcdir = default_srcdir

        options = ['-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % self.installdir]

        if '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=' in self.cfg['configopts']:
            if self.cfg.get('build_type') is not None:
                    'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set in configopts. Ignoring build_type'
            options.append('-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s' % self.build_type)

        # Add -fPIC flag if necessary
        if self.toolchain.options['pic']:

        # Set flag for shared libs if requested
        # Not adding one allows the project to choose a default
        build_shared_libs = self.cfg.get('build_shared_libs')
        if build_shared_libs is not None:
            # Contrary to other options build_shared_libs takes precedence over configopts which may be unexpected.
            # This is to allow self.lib_ext to be determined correctly.
            # Usually you want to remove -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS from configopts and set build_shared_libs to True or False
            # If you need it in configopts don't set build_shared_libs (or explicitely set it to `None` (Default))
            if '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=' in self.cfg['configopts']:
                    'Ignoring BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is set in configopts because build_shared_libs is set'
                'configopts', '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=%s' %
                ('ON' if build_shared_libs else 'OFF'))

        env_to_options = {
            'CC': 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER',
            'CFLAGS': 'CMAKE_C_FLAGS',
            'CXX': 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER',
            'CXXFLAGS': 'CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS',
            'F90': 'CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER',
            'FFLAGS': 'CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS',
        for env_name, option in env_to_options.items():
            value = os.getenv(env_name)
            if value is not None:
                if option.endswith('_COMPILER') and self.cfg.get(
                        'abs_path_compilers', False):
                    value = which(value)
                        "Using absolute path to compiler command: %s", value)
                options.append("-D%s='%s'" % (option, value))

        if build_option('rpath'):
            # instruct CMake not to fiddle with RPATH when --rpath is used, since it will undo stuff on install...
            # https://github.com/LLNL/spack/blob/0f6a5cd38538e8969d11bd2167f11060b1f53b43/lib/spack/spack/build_environment.py#L416

        # show what CMake is doing by default

        if not self.cfg.get('allow_system_boost', False):
            # don't pick up on system Boost if Boost is included as dependency
            # - specify Boost location via -DBOOST_ROOT
            # - instruct CMake to not search for Boost headers/libraries in other places
            # - disable search for Boost CMake package configuration file
            boost_root = get_software_root('Boost')
            if boost_root:
                    '-DBOOST_ROOT=%s' % boost_root,

        options_string = ' '.join(options)

        if self.cfg.get('configure_cmd') == DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_CMD:
            command = ' '.join([
                self.cfg['preconfigopts'], DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_CMD,
                options_string, self.cfg['configopts'], srcdir
            command = ' '.join([
                self.cfg.get('configure_cmd'), self.cfg['configopts']

        (out, _) = run_cmd(command, log_all=True, simple=False)

        return out
Пример #50
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure build:
        - set required environment variables (for netCDF, JasPer)
        - patch compile script and ungrib Makefile for non-default install paths of WRF and JasPer
        - run configure script and figure how to select desired build option
        - patch configure.wps file afterwards to fix 'serial compiler' setting

        # netCDF dependency check + setting env vars (NETCDF, NETCDFF)

        # WRF dependency check
        wrf = get_software_root('WRF')
        if wrf:
            wrfdir = os.path.join(wrf,
            raise EasyBuildError("WRF module not loaded?")

        self.compile_script = 'compile'

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.0.3'):
            # specify install location of WRF via $WRF_DIR (supported since WPS 4.0.3)
            # see https://github.com/wrf-model/WPS/pull/102
            env.setvar('WRF_DIR', wrfdir)
            # patch compile script so that WRF is found
            regex_subs = [(r"^(\s*set\s*WRF_DIR_PRE\s*=\s*)\${DEV_TOP}(.*)$",
                           r"\1%s\2" % wrfdir)]
            apply_regex_substitutions(self.compile_script, regex_subs)

        # libpng dependency check
        libpng = get_software_root('libpng')
        zlib = get_software_root('zlib')
        if libpng:
            paths = [libpng]
            if zlib:
                paths.insert(0, zlib)
            libpnginc = ' '.join(
                ['-I%s' % os.path.join(path, 'include') for path in paths])
            libpnglib = ' '.join(
                ['-L%s' % os.path.join(path, 'lib') for path in paths])
            # define these as empty, assume that libpng will be available via OS (e.g. due to --filter-deps=libpng)
            libpnglib = ""
            libpnginc = ""

        # JasPer dependency check + setting env vars
        jasper = get_software_root('JasPer')
        if jasper:
            env.setvar('JASPERINC', os.path.join(jasper, "include"))
            jasperlibdir = os.path.join(jasper, "lib")
            env.setvar('JASPERLIB', jasperlibdir)
            jasperlib = "-L%s" % jasperlibdir
            raise EasyBuildError("JasPer module not loaded?")

        # patch ungrib Makefile so that JasPer is found
        jasperlibs = "%s -ljasper %s -lpng" % (jasperlib, libpnglib)
        regex_subs = [
             r"\1 %s\2" % jasperlibs),
             r"\1 %s\2" % jasperlibs),
        apply_regex_substitutions(os.path.join('ungrib', 'src', 'Makefile'),

        # patch arch/Config.pl script, so that run_cmd_qa receives all output to answer questions
        patch_perl_script_autoflush(os.path.join("arch", "Config.pl"))

        # configure

        # determine build type option to look for
        self.comp_fam = self.toolchain.comp_family()
        build_type_option = None

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3.4"):

            knownbuildtypes = {'smpar': 'serial', 'dmpar': 'dmpar'}

            if self.comp_fam == toolchain.INTELCOMP:  # @UndefinedVariable
                build_type_option = " Linux x86_64, Intel compiler"

            elif self.comp_fam == toolchain.GCC:  # @UndefinedVariable
                if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3.6"):
                    build_type_option = "Linux x86_64, gfortran"
                    build_type_option = "Linux x86_64 g95"

                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Don't know how to figure out build type to select.")


            knownbuildtypes = {'smpar': 'serial', 'dmpar': 'DM parallel'}

            if self.comp_fam == toolchain.INTELCOMP:  # @UndefinedVariable
                build_type_option = "PC Linux x86_64, Intel compiler"

            elif self.comp_fam == toolchain.GCC:  # @UndefinedVariable
                build_type_option = "PC Linux x86_64, gfortran compiler,"
                knownbuildtypes['dmpar'] = knownbuildtypes['dmpar'].upper()

                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Don't know how to figure out build type to select.")

        # check and fetch selected build type
        bt = self.cfg['buildtype']

        if bt not in knownbuildtypes.keys():
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Unknown build type: '%s'. Supported build types: %s", bt,

        # fetch option number based on build type option and selected build type
        build_type_question = r"\s*(?P<nr>[0-9]+).\s*%s\s*\(?%s\)?\s*\n" % (
            build_type_option, knownbuildtypes[bt])

        cmd = ' '.join(
            [self.cfg['preconfigopts'], './configure', self.cfg['configopts']])
        qa = {}
        no_qa = [".*compiler is.*"]
        std_qa = {
            # named group in match will be used to construct answer
            r"%s(.*\n)*Enter selection\s*\[[0-9]+-[0-9]+\]\s*:" % build_type_question:


        # make sure correct compilers and compiler flags are being used
        comps = {
            'SCC': "%s -I$(JASPERINC) %s" % (os.getenv('CC'), libpnginc),
            'SFC': os.getenv('F90'),
            'DM_FC': os.getenv('MPIF90'),
            'DM_CC': os.getenv('MPICC'),
            'FC': os.getenv('MPIF90'),
            'CC': os.getenv('MPICC'),
        if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                '%s %s' %
                (self.toolchain.get_flag('openmp'), os.environ['LDFLAGS'])

        regex_subs = [(r"^(%s\s*=\s*).*$" % key, r"\1 %s" % val)
                      for (key, val) in comps.items()]
        apply_regex_substitutions('configure.wps', regex_subs)
Пример #51
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure build by patching UFconfig.mk or SuiteSparse_config.mk."""

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('4.0'):
            self.config_name = 'UFconfig'
            self.config_name = 'SuiteSparse_config'

        cfgvars = {
            'CC': os.getenv('MPICC'),
            'CFLAGS': os.getenv('CFLAGS'),
            'CXX': os.getenv('MPICXX'),
            'F77': os.getenv('MPIF77'),
            'F77FLAGS': os.getenv('F77FLAGS'),

        # avoid that (system) Intel compilers are always considered
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'AUTOCC=no')

        # Set BLAS and LAPACK libraries as specified in SuiteSparse README.txt
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'BLAS="%s"' % os.getenv('LIBBLAS_MT'))
        self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'LAPACK="%s"' % os.getenv('LIBLAPACK_MT'))

        # Get METIS or ParMETIS settings
        metis = get_software_root('METIS')
        parmetis = get_software_root('ParMETIS')
        if parmetis:
            metis_path = parmetis
            metis_include = os.path.join(parmetis, 'include')
            metis_libs = os.path.join(parmetis,

        elif metis:
            metis_path = metis
            metis_include = os.path.join(metis, 'include')
            metis_libs = os.path.join(metis, get_software_libdir('METIS'),

            raise EasyBuildError("Neither METIS or ParMETIS module loaded.")

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.5.1'):
                'MY_METIS_LIB': metis_libs,
                'MY_METIS_INC': metis_include,
                'METIS_PATH': metis_path,
                'METIS': metis_libs,

        # patch file
        fp = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], self.config_name,
                          '%s.mk' % self.config_name)

            for line in fileinput.input(fp, inplace=1, backup='.orig'):
                for (var, val) in cfgvars.items():
                    orig_line = line
                    # for variables in cfgvars, substiture lines assignment
                    # in the file, whatever they are, by assignments to the
                    # values in cfgvars
                    line = re.sub(r"^\s*(%s\s*=\s*).*\n$" % var,
                                  r"\1 %s # patched by EasyBuild\n" % val,
                    if line != orig_line:
        except IOError, err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to patch %s in: %s", fp, err)
Пример #52
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for ALADIN."""

        # unset $LIBRARY_PATH set by modules of dependencies, because it may screw up linking
        if 'LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ:
            self.log.debug("Unsetting $LIBRARY_PATH (was: %s)" %
            self.orig_library_path = os.environ.pop('LIBRARY_PATH')

        # build auxiliary libraries
        auxlibs_dir = None

        my_gnu = None
        if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.GCC:
            my_gnu = 'y'  # gfortran
            for var in ['CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'F90FLAGS', 'FFLAGS']:
                flags = os.getenv(var)
                           "%s -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8" % flags)
                self.log.info("Updated %s to '%s'" % (var, os.getenv(var)))
        elif self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            my_gnu = 'i'  # icc/ifort
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Don't know how to set 'my_gnu' variable in auxlibs build script."
        self.log.info("my_gnu set to '%s'" % my_gnu)

        tmp_installroot = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='aladin_auxlibs_')

            cwd = os.getcwd()

            builddirs = os.listdir(self.builddir)

            auxlibs_dir = [
                x for x in builddirs if x.startswith('auxlibs_installer')


            auto_driver = 'driver_automatic'
            for line in fileinput.input(auto_driver,

                line = re.sub(r"^(my_gnu\s*=\s*).*$", r"\1%s" % my_gnu, line)
                line = re.sub(r"^(my_r32\s*=\s*).*$", r"\1n",
                              line)  # always 64-bit real precision
                line = re.sub(r"^(my_readonly\s*=\s*).*$", r"\1y",
                              line)  # make libs read-only after build
                line = re.sub(r"^(my_installroot\s*=\s*).*$",
                              r"\1%s" % tmp_installroot, line)


            run_cmd("./%s" % auto_driver)


        except OSError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to build ALADIN: %s", err)

        # build gmkpack, update PATH and set GMKROOT
        # we build gmkpack here because a config file is generated in the gmkpack isntall path
            gmkpack_dir = [x for x in builddirs if x.startswith('gmkpack')][0]
            os.chdir(os.path.join(self.builddir, gmkpack_dir))

            qa = {
                'Do you want to run the configuration file maker assistant now (y) or later [n] ?':

            run_cmd_qa("./build_gmkpack", qa)


            paths = os.getenv('PATH').split(':')
            paths.append(os.path.join(self.builddir, gmkpack_dir, 'util'))
            env.setvar('PATH', ':'.join(paths))

            env.setvar('GMKROOT', os.path.join(self.builddir, gmkpack_dir))

        except OSError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to build gmkpack: %s", err)

        # generate gmkpack configuration file
        self.conf_file = 'ALADIN_%s' % self.version
        self.conf_filepath = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'gmkpack_support',
                                          'arch', '%s.x' % self.conf_file)

            if os.path.exists(self.conf_filepath):
                self.log.info("Removed existing gmpack config file %s" %

            archdir = os.path.dirname(self.conf_filepath)
            if not os.path.exists(archdir):
                mkdir(archdir, parents=True)

        except OSError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to remove existing file %s: %s",
                                 self.conf_filepath, err)

        mpich = 'n'
        known_mpi_libs = [
            toolchain.MPICH, toolchain.MPICH2, toolchain.INTELMPI
        if self.toolchain.options.get(
                None) and self.toolchain.mpi_family() in known_mpi_libs:
            mpich = 'y'

        qpref = 'Please type the ABSOLUTE name of '
        qsuff = ', or ignore (environment variables allowed) :'
        qsuff2 = ', or ignore : (environment variables allowed) :'

        comp_fam = self.toolchain.comp_family()
        if comp_fam == toolchain.GCC:
            gribdir = 'GNU'
        elif comp_fam == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            gribdir = 'INTEL'
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Don't know which grib lib dir to use for compiler %s",

        aux_lib_gribex = os.path.join(tmp_installroot, gribdir, 'lib',
        aux_lib_ibm = os.path.join(tmp_installroot, gribdir, 'lib',
        grib_api_lib = os.path.join(get_software_root('grib_api'), 'lib',
        grib_api_f90_lib = os.path.join(get_software_root('grib_api'), 'lib',
        grib_api_inc = os.path.join(get_software_root('grib_api'), 'include')
        jasperlib = os.path.join(get_software_root('JasPer'), 'lib',
        mpilib = os.path.join(os.getenv('MPI_LIB_DIR'),

        # netCDF
        netcdf = get_software_root('netCDF')
        netcdf_fortran = get_software_root('netCDF-Fortran')
        if netcdf:
            netcdfinc = os.path.join(netcdf, 'include')
            if netcdf_fortran:
                netcdflib = os.path.join(netcdf_fortran,
                netcdflib = os.path.join(netcdf, get_software_libdir('netCDF'),
            if not os.path.exists(netcdflib):
                raise EasyBuildError("%s does not exist", netcdflib)
            raise EasyBuildError("netCDF(-Fortran) not available")

        ldpaths = [ldflag[2:] for ldflag in os.getenv('LDFLAGS').split(' ')
                   ]  # LDFLAGS have form '-L/path/to'

        lapacklibs = []
        for lib in os.getenv('LAPACK_STATIC_LIBS').split(','):
            libpaths = [os.path.join(ldpath, lib) for ldpath in ldpaths]
                libpath for libpath in libpaths if os.path.exists(libpath)
        lapacklib = ' '.join(lapacklibs)
        blaslibs = []
        for lib in os.getenv('BLAS_STATIC_LIBS').split(','):
            libpaths = [os.path.join(ldpath, lib) for ldpath in ldpaths]
                libpath for libpath in libpaths if os.path.exists(libpath)
        blaslib = ' '.join(blaslibs)

        qa = {
            'Do you want to run the configuration file maker assistant now (y) or later [n] ?':
            'Do you want to setup your configuration file for MPICH (y/n) [n] ?':
            'Please type the directory name where to find a dummy file mpif.h or ignore :':
            '%sthe library gribex or emos%s' % (qpref, qsuff2):
            '%sthe library ibm%s' % (qpref, qsuff):
            '%sthe library grib_api%s' % (qpref, qsuff):
            '%sthe library grib_api_f90%s' % (qpref, qsuff):
            '%sthe JPEG auxilary library if enabled by Grib_api%s' % (qpref, qsuff2):
            '%sthe library netcdf%s' % (qpref, qsuff):
            '%sthe library lapack%s' % (qpref, qsuff):
            '%sthe library blas%s' % (qpref, qsuff):
            '%sthe library mpi%s' % (qpref, qsuff):
            '%sa MPI dummy library for serial executions, or ignore :' % qpref:
            'Please type the directory name where to find grib_api headers, or ignore :':
            'Please type the directory name where to find fortint.h or ignore :':
            'Please type the directory name where to find netcdf headers, or ignore :':
            'Do you want to define CANARI (y/n) [y] ?':
            'Please type the name of the script file used to generate a preprocessed blacklist file, or ignore :':
            'Please type the name of the script file used to recover local libraries (gget), or ignore :':
            'Please type the options to tune the gnu compilers, or ignore :':

        f90_seq = os.getenv('F90_SEQ')
        if not f90_seq:
            # F90_SEQ is only defined when usempi is enabled
            f90_seq = os.getenv('F90')

        stdqa = OrderedDict([
            (r'Confirm library .* is .*',
             'y'),  # this one needs to be tried first!
            (r'.*fortran 90 compiler name .*\s*:\n\(suggestions\s*: .*\)',
            (r'.*fortran 90 compiler interfaced with .*\s*:\n\(suggestions\s*: .*\)',
            (r'Please type the ABSOLUTE name of .*library.*, or ignore\s*[:]*\s*[\n]*.*',
            (r'Please .* to save this draft configuration file :\n.*',
             '%s.x' % self.conf_file),

        no_qa = [

        env.setvar('GMKTMP', self.builddir)
        env.setvar('GMKFILE', self.conf_file)

        run_cmd_qa("gmkfilemaker", qa, std_qa=stdqa, no_qa=no_qa)

        # set environment variables for installation dirs
        env.setvar('ROOTPACK', os.path.join(self.installdir, 'rootpack'))
        env.setvar('ROOTBIN', os.path.join(self.installdir, 'rootpack'))
        env.setvar('HOMEPACK', os.path.join(self.installdir, 'pack'))
        env.setvar('HOMEBIN', os.path.join(self.installdir, 'pack'))

        # patch config file to include right Fortran compiler flags
        regex_subs = [(r"^(FRTFLAGS\s*=.*)$", r"\1 %s" % os.getenv('FFLAGS'))]
        apply_regex_substitutions(self.conf_filepath, regex_subs)
Пример #53
    def configure_step(self):
        """Configure WIEN2k build by patching siteconfig_lapw script and running it."""

        self.cfgscript = "siteconfig_lapw"

        # patch config file first

        # toolchain-dependent values
        comp_answer = None
        if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.INTELCOMP:  # @UndefinedVariable
            if LooseVersion(get_software_version("icc")) >= LooseVersion("2011"):
                if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("17"):
                    comp_answer = 'I'  # Linux (Intel ifort 12.0 compiler + mkl )
                    comp_answer = 'LI'  # Linux (Intel ifort compiler (12.0 or later)+mkl+intelmpi))
                comp_answer = "K1"  # Linux (Intel ifort 11.1 compiler + mkl )
        elif self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.GCC:  # @UndefinedVariable
            if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("17"):
                comp_answer = 'V'  # Linux (gfortran compiler + gotolib)
                comp_answer = 'LG'  # Linux (gfortran compiler + OpenBlas)
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine toolchain-dependent answers.")

        # libraries
        liblapack = os.getenv('LIBLAPACK_MT').replace('static', 'dynamic')
        libscalapack = os.getenv('LIBSCALAPACK_MT').replace('static', 'dynamic')
        rlibs = "%s %s" % (liblapack, self.toolchain.get_flag('openmp'))
        rplibs = [libscalapack, liblapack]
        fftwver = get_software_version('FFTW')
        if fftwver:
            suff = ''
            if LooseVersion(fftwver) >= LooseVersion("3"):
                suff = '3'
            rplibs.insert(0, "-lfftw%(suff)s_mpi -lfftw%(suff)s" % {'suff': suff})

        rplibs = ' '.join(rplibs)

        vars = {
            'FC': '%s' % os.getenv('F90'),
            'FOPT': '%s' % os.getenv('FFLAGS'),
            'MPF': '%s' % os.getenv('MPIF90'),
            'FPOPT': '%s' % os.getenv('FFLAGS'),
            'CC': os.getenv('CC'),
            'LDFLAGS': '$(FOPT) %s ' % os.getenv('LDFLAGS'),
            'R_LIBS': rlibs,  # libraries for 'real' (not 'complex') binary
            'RP_LIBS': rplibs,  # libraries for 'real' parallel binary
            'MPIRUN': '',

        for line in fileinput.input(self.cfgscript, inplace=1, backup='.orig'):
            # set config parameters
            for (key, val) in vars.items():
                regexp = re.compile('^([a-z0-9]+):%s:(.*)' % key)
                res = regexp.search(line)
                if res:
                    # we need to exclude the lines with 'current', otherwise we break the script
                    if not res.group(1) == "current":
                        if 'OPT' in key:
                            # append instead of replace
                            line = regexp.sub('\\1:%s:%s %s' % (key, res.group(2), val), line)
                            line = regexp.sub('\\1:%s:%s' % (key, val), line)
            # avoid exit code > 0 at end of configuration
            line = re.sub('(\s+)exit 1', '\\1exit 0', line)

        # set correct compilers
        env.setvar('bin', os.getcwd())

        dc = {
            'COMPILERC': os.getenv('CC'),
            'COMPILER': os.getenv('F90'),
            'COMPILERP': os.getenv('MPIF90'),

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("17"):
            for (key, val) in dc.items():
                write_file(key, val)
            dc['cc'] = dc.pop('COMPILERC')
            dc['fortran'] = dc.pop('COMPILER')
            dc['parallel'] = dc.pop('COMPILERP')
            write_file('WIEN2k_COMPILER', '\n'.join(['%s:%s' % (k, v) for k, v in dc.iteritems()]))

        # configure with patched configure script
        self.log.debug('%s part I (configure)' % self.cfgscript)

        cmd = "./%s" % self.cfgscript
        qanda = {
             'Press RETURN to continue': '',
             'Your compiler:': '',
             'Hit Enter to continue': '',
             'Remote shell (default is ssh) =': '',
             'and you need to know details about your installed  mpi ..) (y/n)': 'y',
             'Q to quit Selection:': 'Q',
             'A Compile all programs (suggested) Q Quit Selection:': 'Q',
             ' Please enter the full path of the perl program: ': '',
             'continue or stop (c/s)': 'c',
             '(like taskset -c). Enter N / your_specific_command:': 'N',
        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("13"):
            fftw_root = get_software_root('FFTW')
            if fftw_root:
                fftw_maj = get_software_version('FFTW').split('.')[0]
                fftw_spec = 'FFTW%s' % fftw_maj
                raise EasyBuildError("Required FFTW dependency is missing")
                 ') Selection:': comp_answer,
                 'Shared Memory Architecture? (y/N):': 'N',
                 'Set MPI_REMOTE to  0 / 1:': '0',
                 'You need to KNOW details about your installed  MPI and FFTW ) (y/n)': 'y',
                 'Please specify whether you want to use FFTW3 (default) or FFTW2  (FFTW3 / FFTW2):': fftw_spec,
                 'Please specify the ROOT-path of your FFTW installation (like /opt/fftw3):': fftw_root,
                 'is this correct? enter Y (default) or n:': 'Y',

            libxcroot = get_software_root('libxc')
            libxcquestion = 'LIBXC (that you have installed%s)? (y,N):' % \
                            (' before' if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("17") else '')
            if libxcroot:
                    libxcquestion: 'y',
                    'Do you want to automatically search for LIBXC installations? (Y,n):': 'n',
                    'Please enter the directory of your LIBXC-installation!:': libxcroot,
                qanda.update({libxcquestion: ''})

            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("17"):
                scalapack_libs = os.getenv('LIBSCALAPACK').split()
                scalapack = next((lib[2:] for lib in scalapack_libs if 'scalapack' in lib), 'scalapack')
                blacs = next((lib[2:] for lib in scalapack_libs if 'blacs' in lib), 'openblas')
                        'You need to KNOW details about your installed MPI, ELPA, and FFTW ) (y/N)': 'y',
                        'Do you want to use a present ScaLAPACK installation? (Y,n):': 'y',
                        'Do you want to use the MKL version of ScaLAPACK? (Y,n):': 'n',  # we set it ourselves below
                        'Do you use Intel MPI? (Y,n):': 'y',
                        'Is this correct? (Y,n):': 'y',
                        'Please specify the target architecture of your ScaLAPACK libraries (e.g. intel64)!:': '',
                        'ScaLAPACK root:': os.getenv('MKLROOT') or os.getenv('EBROOTSCALAPACK'),
                        'ScaLAPACK library:': scalapack,
                        'BLACS root:': os.getenv('MKLROOT') or os.getenv('EBROOTOPENBLAS'),
                        'BLACS library:': blacs,
                        'Please enter your choice of additional libraries!:': '',
                        'Do you want to use a present FFTW installation? (Y,n):': 'y',
                        'Please specify the path of your FFTW installation (like /opt/fftw3/) '
                        'or accept present choice (enter):': fftw_root,
                        'Please specify the target achitecture of your FFTW library (e.g. lib64) '
                        'or accept present choice (enter):': '',
                        'Do you want to automatically search for FFTW installations? (Y,n):': 'n',
                        'Please specify the ROOT-path of your FFTW installation (like /opt/fftw3/) '
                        'or accept present choice (enter):': fftw_root,
                        'Is this correct? enter Y (default) or n:': 'Y',
                        'Please specify the name of your FFTW library or accept present choice (enter):': '',
                        'Please specify your parallel compiler options or accept the recommendations '
                        '(Enter - default)!:': '',
                        'Please specify your MPIRUN command or accept the recommendations (Enter - default)!:': '',
                        # the temporary directory is hardcoded into execution scripts and must exist at runtime
                        'Please enter the full path to your temporary directory:': '/tmp',

                elparoot = get_software_root('ELPA')
                if elparoot:
                        'Do you want to use ELPA? (y,N):': 'y',
                        'Do you want to automatically search for ELPA installations? (Y,n):': 'n',
                        'Please specify the ROOT-path of your ELPA installation (like /usr/local/elpa/) '
                        'or accept present path (Enter):': elparoot,
                    qanda.update({'Do you want to use ELPA? (y,N):': 'n'})
                 'compiler) Selection:': comp_answer,
                 'Shared Memory Architecture? (y/n):': 'n',
                 'If you are using mpi2 set MPI_REMOTE to 0  Set MPI_REMOTE to 0 / 1:': '0',
                 'Do you have MPI and Scalapack installed and intend to run '
                 'finegrained parallel? (This is usefull only for BIG cases '
                 '(50 atoms and more / unit cell) and you need to know details '
                 'about your installed  mpi and fftw ) (y/n)': 'y',

        no_qa = [
            'You have the following mkl libraries in %s :' % os.getenv('MKLROOT'),
            "%s[ \t]*.*" % os.getenv('MPIF90'),
            "%s[ \t]*.*" % os.getenv('F90'),
            "%s[ \t]*.*" % os.getenv('CC'),
            "Please enter the full path of the perl program:",

        std_qa = {
            r'S\s+Save and Quit[\s\n]+To change an item select option.[\s\n]+Selection:': 'S',
            'Recommended setting for parallel f90 compiler: .* Current selection: Your compiler:': os.getenv('MPIF90'),
            r'process or you can change single items in "Compiling Options".[\s\n]+Selection:': 'S',
            r'A\s+Compile all programs (suggested)[\s\n]+Q\s*Quit[\s\n]+Selection:': 'Q',

        run_cmd_qa(cmd, qanda, no_qa=no_qa, std_qa=std_qa, log_all=True, simple=True)

        # post-configure patches
        parallel_options = {}
        parallel_options_fp = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'parallel_options')

        if self.cfg['wien_mpirun']:
            parallel_options.update({'WIEN_MPIRUN': self.cfg['wien_mpirun']})

        if self.cfg['taskset'] is None:
            self.cfg['taskset'] = 'no'
        parallel_options.update({'TASKSET': self.cfg['taskset']})

        for opt in ['use_remote', 'mpi_remote', 'wien_granularity']:
            parallel_options.update({opt.upper(): int(self.cfg[opt])})

        write_file(parallel_options_fp, '\n'.join(['setenv %s "%s"' % tup for tup in parallel_options.items()]))

        if self.cfg['remote']:
            if self.cfg['remote'] == 'pbsssh':
                extratxt = '\n'.join([
                    "set remote = pbsssh",
                    "setenv PBSSSHENV 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH PATH'",
                write_file(parallel_options_fp, extratxt, append=True)
                raise EasyBuildError("Don't know how to handle remote %s", self.cfg['remote'])

        self.log.debug("Patched file %s: %s", parallel_options_fp, read_file(parallel_options_fp))
Пример #54
    def configure_step(self):
        """Set extra configure options."""
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-threads --enable-shared")

        # Need to be careful to match the unicode settings to the underlying python
        if sys.maxunicode == 1114111:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-unicode=ucs4")
        elif sys.maxunicode == 65535:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-unicode=ucs2")
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Unknown maxunicode value for your python: %d" %

        modules_setup_dist = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'Modules',

        libreadline = get_software_root('libreadline')
        if libreadline:
            ncurses = get_software_root('ncurses')
            if ncurses:
                readline_libdir = get_software_libdir('libreadline')
                ncurses_libdir = get_software_libdir('ncurses')
                readline_static_lib = os.path.join(libreadline,
                ncurses_static_lib = os.path.join(ncurses, ncurses_libdir,
                readline = "readline readline.c %s %s" % (readline_static_lib,
                for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist,
                    line = re.sub(r"^#readline readline.c.*", readline, line)
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Both libreadline and ncurses are required to ensure readline support"

        openssl = get_software_root('OpenSSL')
        if openssl:
            for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist,
                line = re.sub(r"^#SSL=.*", "SSL=%s" % openssl, line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-DUSE_SSL -I)", r"\1", line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-L\$\(SSL\)/lib )",
                              r"\1 -L$(SSL)/lib64 ", line)

        tcl = get_software_root('Tcl')
        tk = get_software_root('Tk')
        if tcl and tk:
            tclver = get_software_version('Tcl')
            tkver = get_software_version('Tk')
            tcltk_maj_min_ver = '.'.join(tclver.split('.')[:2])
            if tcltk_maj_min_ver != '.'.join(tkver.split('.')[:2]):
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Tcl and Tk major/minor versions don't match: %s vs %s",
                    tclver, tkver)

                "--with-tcltk-includes='-I%s/include -I%s/include'" %
                (tcl, tk))

            tcl_libdir = os.path.join(tcl, get_software_libdir('Tcl'))
            tk_libdir = os.path.join(tk, get_software_libdir('Tk'))
            tcltk_libs = "-L%(tcl_libdir)s -L%(tk_libdir)s -ltcl%(maj_min_ver)s -ltk%(maj_min_ver)s" % {
                'tcl_libdir': tcl_libdir,
                'tk_libdir': tk_libdir,
                'maj_min_ver': tcltk_maj_min_ver,
                            "--with-tcltk-libs='%s'" % tcltk_libs)

        super(EB_Python, self).configure_step()
Пример #55
class EB_Python(ConfigureMake):
    """Support for building/installing Python
    - default configure/build_step/make install works fine

    To extend Python by adding extra packages there are two ways:
    - list the packages in the exts_list, this will include the packages in this Python installation
    - create a seperate easyblock, so the packages can be loaded with module load

    e.g., you can include numpy and scipy in a default Python installation
    but also provide newer updated numpy and scipy versions by creating a PythonPackage-derived easyblock for it.
    def prepare_for_extensions(self):
        Set default class and filter for Python packages
        # build and install additional packages with PythonPackage easyblock
        self.cfg['exts_defaultclass'] = "PythonPackage"
        self.cfg['exts_filter'] = EXTS_FILTER_PYTHON_PACKAGES

        # don't pass down any build/install options that may have been specified
        # 'make' options do not make sense for when building/installing Python libraries (usually via 'python setup.py')
        msg = "Unsetting '%s' easyconfig parameter before building/installing extensions: %s"
        for param in ['buildopts', 'installopts']:
            if self.cfg[param]:
                self.log.debug(msg, param, self.cfg[param])
            self.cfg[param] = ''

    def configure_step(self):
        """Set extra configure options."""
        self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-threads --enable-shared")

        # Need to be careful to match the unicode settings to the underlying python
        if sys.maxunicode == 1114111:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-unicode=ucs4")
        elif sys.maxunicode == 65535:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-unicode=ucs2")
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Unknown maxunicode value for your python: %d" %

        modules_setup_dist = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'Modules',

        libreadline = get_software_root('libreadline')
        if libreadline:
            ncurses = get_software_root('ncurses')
            if ncurses:
                readline_libdir = get_software_libdir('libreadline')
                ncurses_libdir = get_software_libdir('ncurses')
                readline_static_lib = os.path.join(libreadline,
                ncurses_static_lib = os.path.join(ncurses, ncurses_libdir,
                readline = "readline readline.c %s %s" % (readline_static_lib,
                for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist,
                    line = re.sub(r"^#readline readline.c.*", readline, line)
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Both libreadline and ncurses are required to ensure readline support"

        openssl = get_software_root('OpenSSL')
        if openssl:
            for line in fileinput.input(modules_setup_dist,
                line = re.sub(r"^#SSL=.*", "SSL=%s" % openssl, line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-DUSE_SSL -I)", r"\1", line)
                line = re.sub(r"^#(\s*-L\$\(SSL\)/lib )",
                              r"\1 -L$(SSL)/lib64 ", line)

        tcl = get_software_root('Tcl')
        tk = get_software_root('Tk')
        if tcl and tk:
            tclver = get_software_version('Tcl')
            tkver = get_software_version('Tk')
            tcltk_maj_min_ver = '.'.join(tclver.split('.')[:2])
            if tcltk_maj_min_ver != '.'.join(tkver.split('.')[:2]):
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Tcl and Tk major/minor versions don't match: %s vs %s",
                    tclver, tkver)

                "--with-tcltk-includes='-I%s/include -I%s/include'" %
                (tcl, tk))

            tcl_libdir = os.path.join(tcl, get_software_libdir('Tcl'))
            tk_libdir = os.path.join(tk, get_software_libdir('Tk'))
            tcltk_libs = "-L%(tcl_libdir)s -L%(tk_libdir)s -ltcl%(maj_min_ver)s -ltk%(maj_min_ver)s" % {
                'tcl_libdir': tcl_libdir,
                'tk_libdir': tk_libdir,
                'maj_min_ver': tcltk_maj_min_ver,
                            "--with-tcltk-libs='%s'" % tcltk_libs)

        super(EB_Python, self).configure_step()

    def install_step(self):
        """Extend make install to make sure that the 'python' command is present."""
        super(EB_Python, self).install_step()

        python_binary_path = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'bin', 'python')
        if not os.path.isfile(python_binary_path):
            pyver = '.'.join(self.version.split('.')[:2])
            symlink(python_binary_path + pyver, python_binary_path)

    def sanity_check_step(self):
        """Custom sanity check for Python."""

        pyver = 'python' + '.'.join(self.version.split('.')[:2])
        shlib_ext = get_shared_lib_ext()

            fake_mod_data = self.load_fake_module()
        except EasyBuildError, err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Loading fake module failed: %s", err)

        abiflags = ''
        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3"):
            run_cmd("which python", log_all=True, simple=False)
            cmd = 'python -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var(\'abiflags\'));"'
            (abiflags, _) = run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False)
            if not abiflags:
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine abiflags: %s",
                abiflags = abiflags.strip()

        custom_paths = {
            'files': [
                os.path.join('bin', pyver),
                os.path.join('lib', 'lib' + pyver + abiflags + '.' + shlib_ext)
            'dirs': [
                os.path.join('include', pyver + abiflags),
                os.path.join('lib', pyver)

        # cleanup

        custom_commands = [
            "python --version",
            "python -c 'import _ctypes'",  # make sure that foreign function interface (libffi) works
            "python -c 'import _ssl'",  # make sure SSL support is enabled one way or another
            "python -c 'import readline'",  # make sure readline support was built correctly

        if get_software_root('Tk'):
            # also check whether importing tkinter module works, name is different for Python v2.x and v3.x
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('3'):
                tkinter = 'tkinter'
                tkinter = 'Tkinter'
            custom_commands.append("python -c 'import %s'" % tkinter)

            # check whether _tkinter*.so is found, exact filename doesn't matter
            tkinter_so = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib', pyver,
                                      'lib-dynload', '_tkinter*.' + shlib_ext)
            tkinter_so_hits = glob.glob(tkinter_so)
            if len(tkinter_so_hits) == 1:
                self.log.info("Found exactly one _tkinter*.so: %s",
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Expected to find exactly one _tkinter*.so: %s",

Пример #56
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for Xmipp."""

        # Tell xmipp config that there is no Scipion.
        env.setvar('XMIPP_NOSCIPION', 'True')
        # Initialize the config file and then patch it with the correct values
        cmd = ' '.join([
            os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'xmipp', 'xmipp'),
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

        # Parameters to be set in the config file
        params = {
            'CC': os.environ['CC'],
            'CXX': os.environ['CXX'],
            'LINKERFORPROGRAMS': os.environ['CXX'],
            'LIBDIRFLAGS': '',
            # I don't think Xmipp can actually build without MPI.
            'MPI_CC': os.environ.get('MPICC', 'UNKNOWN'),
            'MPI_CXX': os.environ.get('MPICXX', 'UNKNOWN'),
            'MPI_LINKERFORPROGRAMS': os.environ.get('MPICXX', 'UNKNOWN'),

        deps = [
            # Name of dependency, name of env var to set, required or not
            ('HDF5', None, True),
            ('SQLite', None, True),
            ('LibTIFF', None, True),
            ('libjpeg-turbo', None, True),
            ('Java', 'JAVA_HOME', True),
            ('MATLAB', 'MATLAB_DIR', False),

        cuda_root = get_software_root('CUDA')
        if cuda_root:
            params.update({'CUDA_BIN': os.path.join(cuda_root, 'bin')})
            params.update({'CUDA_LIB': os.path.join(cuda_root, 'lib64')})
            params.update({'NVCC': os.environ['CUDA_CXX']})
            # Their default for NVCC is to use g++-5, fix that
            nvcc_flags = '--x cu -D_FORCE_INLINES -Xcompiler -fPIC '
            nvcc_flags = nvcc_flags + '-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets -std=c++11'
            params.update({'NVCC_CXXFLAGS': nvcc_flags})
            self.use_cuda = True

            # Make sure cuFFTAdvisor is available even if unpacked under
            # a different name
            if not os.path.isdir('cuFFTAdvisor'):
                matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.srcdir,
                if len(matches) == 1:
                    cufft = os.path.basename(matches[0])
                            os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'cuFFTAdvisor'),
                    raise EasyBuildError(
                        "Failed to isolate path to cuFFTAdvisor-*: %s",

        for dep in ['CUDA', 'MATLAB']:
            use_dep = bool(get_software_root(dep))
            params.update({dep: use_dep})

        if get_software_root('OpenCV'):
            params.update({'OPENCV': True})
            if self.use_cuda:
                params.update({'OPENCVSUPPORTSCUDA': True})
            if LooseVersion(
                    get_software_version('OpenCV')) >= LooseVersion('3'):
                params.update({'OPENCV3': True})

        missing_deps = []
        for dep, var, required in deps:
            root = get_software_root(dep)
            if root:
                if var:
                    params.update({var: root})
            elif required:

        if missing_deps:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "One or more required dependencies not available: %s",
                ', '.join(missing_deps))

        # Here we know that Java exists since it is a required dependency
        jnipath = os.path.join(get_software_root('Java'), 'include')
        jnipath = os.pathsep.join([jnipath, os.path.join(jnipath, 'linux')])
        params.update({'JNI_CPPPATH': jnipath})

        regex_subs = []

        # Set the variables in the config file to match the environment from EasyBuild
        for (key, val) in params.items():
            regex_subs.extend([(r'^%s\s*=.*$' % key, r'%s = %s' % (key, val))])

        apply_regex_substitutions(self.cfgfile, regex_subs)


        py_ver = get_software_version('Python')
        py_maj_ver = LooseVersion(py_ver).version[0]
        py_min_ver = LooseVersion(py_ver).version[1]
        pyver = 'python%s.%s' % (py_maj_ver, py_min_ver)
        pyincpath = os.path.join(get_software_root('Python'), 'include', pyver)
        # Temp workaround for missing include/pythonx.y in CPATH
        env.setvar('CPATH', os.pathsep.join([os.environ['CPATH'], pyincpath]))

        super(EB_Xmipp, self).configure_step()
Пример #57
    def install_step(self):
        """Install by running install command."""

        default_cuda_version = self.cfg['default_cuda_version']
        if default_cuda_version is None:
            module_cuda_version_full = get_software_version('CUDA')
            if module_cuda_version_full is not None:
                default_cuda_version = '.'.join(
                error_msg = "A default CUDA version is needed for installation of NVHPC. "
                error_msg += "It can not be determined automatically and needs to be added manually. "
                error_msg += "You can edit the easyconfig file, "
                error_msg += "or use 'eb --try-amend=default_cuda_version=<version>'."
                raise EasyBuildError(error_msg)

        # Parse default_compute_capability from different sources (CLI has priority)
        ec_default_compute_capability = self.cfg['cuda_compute_capabilities']
        cfg_default_compute_capability = build_option(
        if cfg_default_compute_capability is not None:
            default_compute_capability = cfg_default_compute_capability
        elif ec_default_compute_capability and ec_default_compute_capability is not None:
            default_compute_capability = ec_default_compute_capability
            error_msg = "A default Compute Capability is needed for installation of NVHPC."
            error_msg += "Please provide it either in the easyconfig file like 'cuda_compute_capabilities=\"7.0\"',"
            error_msg += "or use 'eb --cuda-compute-capabilities=7.0' from the command line."
            raise EasyBuildError(error_msg)

        # Extract first element of default_compute_capability list, if it is a list
        if isinstance(default_compute_capability, list):
            _before_default_compute_capability = default_compute_capability
            default_compute_capability = _before_default_compute_capability[0]
            warning_msg = "Replaced list of compute capabilities {} ".format(
            warning_msg += "with first element of list {}".format(

        # Remove dot-divider for CC; error out if it is not a string
        if isinstance(default_compute_capability, str):
            default_compute_capability = default_compute_capability.replace(
                '.', '')
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Unexpected non-string value encountered for compute capability: %s",

        nvhpc_env_vars = {
            'NVHPC_INSTALL_DIR': self.installdir,
            'NVHPC_SILENT': 'true',
            'NVHPC_DEFAULT_CUDA': str(default_cuda_version),  # 10.2, 11.0
            str(default_compute_capability),  # 70, 80; single value, no list!
        cmd = "%s ./install" % ' '.join(
            ['%s=%s' % x for x in sorted(nvhpc_env_vars.items())])
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

        # make sure localrc uses GCC in PATH, not always the system GCC, and does not use a system g77 but gfortran
        install_abs_subdir = os.path.join(self.installdir,
        compilers_subdir = os.path.join(install_abs_subdir, "compilers")
        makelocalrc_filename = os.path.join(compilers_subdir, "bin",
        for line in fileinput.input(makelocalrc_filename,
            line = re.sub(r"^PATH=/", r"#PATH=/", line)

        cmd = "%s -x %s -g77 /" % (makelocalrc_filename, compilers_subdir)
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

        # If an OS libnuma is NOT found, makelocalrc creates symbolic links to libpgnuma.so
        # If we use the EB libnuma, delete those symbolic links to ensure they are not used
        if get_software_root("numactl"):
            for filename in ["libnuma.so", "libnuma.so.1"]:
                path = os.path.join(compilers_subdir, "lib", filename)
                if os.path.islink(path):

        # install (or update) siterc file to make NVHPC consider $LIBRARY_PATH
        siterc_path = os.path.join(compilers_subdir, 'bin', 'siterc')
        write_file(siterc_path, SITERC_LIBRARY_PATH, append=True)
            "Appended instructions to pick up $LIBRARY_PATH to siterc file at %s: %s",
            siterc_path, SITERC_LIBRARY_PATH)

        # The cuda nvvp tar file has broken permissions
Пример #58
    def sanity_check_step(self):
        """Custom sanity check for GROMACS."""

        dirs = [os.path.join('include', 'gromacs')]

        # in GROMACS v5.1, only 'gmx' binary is there
        # (only) in GROMACS v5.0, other binaries are symlinks to 'gmx'
        # bins/libs that never have an _mpi suffix
        bins = []
        libnames = []
        # bins/libs that may have an _mpi suffix
        mpi_bins = []
        mpi_libnames = []
        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('5.1'):

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('5.0'):
            bins.extend(['editconf', 'g_lie', 'genbox', 'genconf'])
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.6'):
                if self.cfg['build_shared_libs']:
                    mpi_libnames.extend(['gmx', 'md'])
                    libnames.extend(['gmx', 'md'])
                mpi_libnames.extend(['gmx', 'md'])

            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.5'):
                if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.6'):
                    if self.cfg['build_shared_libs']:

        # also check for MPI-specific binaries/libraries
        if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
            if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('4.6'):
                mpisuff = self.cfg.get('mpisuffix', '_mpi')
                mpisuff = '_mpi'

            mpi_bins.extend([binary + mpisuff for binary in mpi_bins])
            mpi_libnames.extend([libname + mpisuff for libname in mpi_libnames])

        suffixes = ['']

        # make sure that configopts is a list:
        configopts_list = self.cfg['configopts']
        if isinstance(configopts_list, str):
            configopts_list = [configopts_list]

        lib_files = []
        bin_files = []

        dsuff = None
        if not get_software_root('CUDA'):
            for configopts in configopts_list:
                # add the _d suffix to the suffix, in case of double precision
                if self.double_prec_pattern in configopts:
                    dsuff = '_d'

        if dsuff:

            'lib%s%s.%s' % (x, suff, self.libext) for x in libnames + mpi_libnames for suff in suffixes
        bin_files.extend([b + suff for b in bins + mpi_bins for suff in suffixes])

        # pkgconfig dir not available for earlier versions, exact version to use here is unclear
        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.6'):
            dirs.append(os.path.join(self.lib_subdir, 'pkgconfig'))

        custom_paths = {
            'files': [os.path.join('bin', b) for b in bin_files] +
            [os.path.join(self.lib_subdir, lib) for lib in lib_files],
            'dirs': dirs,
        super(EB_GROMACS, self).sanity_check_step(custom_paths=custom_paths)
Пример #59
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to change to build dir: %s", err)

        nwchem_modules = self.cfg['modules']

        # set required NWChem environment variables
        env.setvar('NWCHEM_TOP', self.cfg['start_dir'])
        env.setvar('NWCHEM_TARGET', self.cfg['target'])
        env.setvar('MSG_COMMS', self.cfg['msg_comms'])
        env.setvar('ARMCI_NETWORK', self.cfg['armci_network'])
        if self.cfg['armci_network'] in ["OPENIB"]:
            env.setvar('IB_INCLUDE', "/usr/include")
            env.setvar('IB_LIB', "/usr/lib64")
            env.setvar('IB_LIB_NAME', "-libumad -libverbs -lpthread")

        if 'python' in self.cfg['modules']:
            python_root = get_software_root('Python')
            if not python_root:
                raise EasyBuildError("Python module not loaded, you should add Python as a dependency.")
            env.setvar('PYTHONHOME', python_root)
            pyver = '.'.join(get_software_version('Python').split('.')[0:2])
            env.setvar('PYTHONVERSION', pyver)
            # if libreadline is loaded, assume it was a dependency for Python
            # pass -lreadline to avoid linking issues (libpython2.7.a doesn't include readline symbols)
            libreadline = get_software_root('libreadline')
            if libreadline:
                libreadline_libdir = os.path.join(libreadline, get_software_libdir('libreadline'))
                ncurses = get_software_root('ncurses')
                if not ncurses:
                    raise EasyBuildError("ncurses is not loaded, but required to link with libreadline")
                ncurses_libdir = os.path.join(ncurses, get_software_libdir('ncurses'))
                readline_libs = ' '.join([
Пример #60
    def sanity_check_step(self):
        """Custom sanity check paths for Intel MKL."""
        mklfiles = None
        mkldirs = None
        ver = LooseVersion(self.version)
        libs = [
            "libmkl_core.so", "libmkl_gnu_thread.so", "libmkl_intel_thread.so",
        extralibs = [
            "libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_%(suff)s.so", "libmkl_scalapack_%(suff)s.so"

        if self.cfg['interfaces']:
            compsuff = '_intel'
            if get_software_root('icc') is None:
                if get_software_root('GCC'):
                    compsuff = '_gnu'
                    raise EasyBuildError(
                        "Not using Intel compilers or GCC, don't know compiler suffix for FFTW libraries."

            precs = ['_double', '_single']
            if ver < LooseVersion('11'):
                # no precision suffix in libfftw2 libs before imkl v11
                precs = ['']
            fftw_vers = [
                '2x%s%s' % (x, prec) for x in ['c', 'f'] for prec in precs
            ] + ['3xc', '3xf']
            pics = ['', '_pic']
            libs = [
                'libfftw%s%s%s.a' % (fftwver, compsuff, pic)
                for fftwver in fftw_vers for pic in pics

            fftw_cdft_vers = ['2x_cdft_DOUBLE']
            if not self.cfg['m32']:
            if ver >= LooseVersion('10.3'):
            if ver >= LooseVersion('11.0.2'):
                bits = ['_lp64']
                if not self.cfg['m32']:
                # no bits suffix in cdft libs before imkl v11.0.2
                bits = ['']
            libs += [
                'libfftw%s%s%s.a' % x
                for x in itertools.product(fftw_cdft_vers, bits, pics)

        if ver >= LooseVersion('10.3'):
            if self.cfg['m32']:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Sanity check for 32-bit not implemented yet for IMKL v%s (>= 10.3)",
                mkldirs = [
                    "bin", "mkl/bin", "mkl/bin/intel64", "mkl/lib/intel64",
                libs += [
                    lib % {
                        'suff': suff
                    } for lib in extralibs for suff in ['lp64', 'ilp64']
                mklfiles = ["mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl.so", "mkl/include/mkl.h"] + \
                           ["mkl/lib/intel64/%s" % lib for lib in libs]
                if ver >= LooseVersion('10.3.4') and ver < LooseVersion(
                    mkldirs += ["compiler/lib/intel64"]
                    mkldirs += ["lib/intel64"]

            if self.cfg['m32']:
                mklfiles = ["lib/32/libmkl.so", "include/mkl.h"] + \
                           ["lib/32/%s" % lib for lib in libs]
                mkldirs = ["lib/32", "include/32", "interfaces"]
                libs += [
                    lib % {
                        'suff': suff
                    } for lib in extralibs for suff in ['lp64', 'ilp64']
                mklfiles = ["lib/em64t/libmkl.so", "include/mkl.h"] + \
                           ["lib/em64t/%s" % lib for lib in libs]
                mkldirs = ["lib/em64t", "include/em64t", "interfaces"]

        custom_paths = {
            'files': mklfiles,
            'dirs': mkldirs,

        super(EB_imkl, self).sanity_check_step(custom_paths=custom_paths)