Пример #1
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_gc3pie(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using GC3Pie with local config as backend for --job."""
            import gc3libs  # noqa (ignore unused import)
        except ImportError:
            print "GC3Pie not available, skipping test"

        # put GC3Pie config in place to use local host and fork/exec
        resourcedir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie')
        gc3pie_cfgfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie_local.ini')
        gc3pie_cfgtxt = GC3PIE_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION % {
            'resourcedir': resourcedir,
            'time': which('time'),
        write_file(gc3pie_cfgfile, gc3pie_cfgtxt)

        output_dir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'subdir', 'gc3pie_output_dir')
        # purposely pre-create output dir, and put a file in it (to check whether GC3Pie tries to rename the output dir)
        mkdir(output_dir, parents=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(output_dir, 'foo'), 'bar')
        # remove write permissions on parent dir of specified output dir,
        # to check that GC3Pie does not try to rename the (already existing) output directory...
        adjust_permissions(os.path.dirname(output_dir), stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH,
                           add=False, recursive=False)

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        build_options = {
            'job_backend_config': gc3pie_cfgfile,
            'job_max_walltime': 24,
            'job_output_dir': output_dir,
            'job_polling_interval': 0.2,  # quick polling
            'job_target_resource': 'ebtestlocalhost',
            'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'),
            'silent': True,
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
        init_config(args=['--job-backend=GC3Pie'], build_options=build_options)

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb')
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool)
        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
        test_easyblocks_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'sandbox')
        cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH eb %%(spec)s -df" % (topdir, test_easyblocks_path)
        build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(cmd, ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False)

        self.assertTrue(os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all', 'toy', '0.0'))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy', '0.0', 'bin', 'toy'))
Пример #2
 def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(self):
     """Basic test for build_easyconfigs_in_parallel function."""
     easyconfig_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "easyconfigs", "gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb")
     easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(easyconfig_file)
     ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs)
     jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo %(spec)s", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False)
     self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 8)
Пример #3
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_slurm(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) Slurm as backend for --job."""

        # install mocked versions of 'sbatch' and 'scontrol' commands
        sbatch = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin', 'sbatch')
        write_file(sbatch, MOCKED_SBATCH)
        adjust_permissions(sbatch, stat.S_IXUSR, add=True)

        scontrol = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin', 'scontrol')
        write_file(scontrol, MOCKED_SCONTROL)
        adjust_permissions(scontrol, stat.S_IXUSR, add=True)

        os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join([os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin'), os.getenv('PATH')])

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        test_ec = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.5-foss-2018a.eb')
        foss_ec = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'f', 'foss', 'foss-2018a.eb')

        build_options = {
            'external_modules_metadata': {},
            'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'),
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
            'job_cores': 3,
            'job_max_walltime': 5,
            'force': True,
        init_config(args=['--job-backend=Slurm'], build_options=build_options)

        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(test_ec) + process_easyconfig(foss_ec)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool)
        jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo '%(spec)s'", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False)

        # jobs are submitted for foss & gzip (listed easyconfigs)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 2)

        # last job (gzip) has a dependency on second-to-last job (foss)
        self.assertEqual(jobs[0].job_specs['job-name'], 'foss-2018a')

        expected = {
            'dependency': 'afterok:%s' % jobs[0].jobid,
            'hold': True,
            'job-name': 'gzip-1.5-foss-2018a',
            'nodes': 1,
            'ntasks': 3,
            'ntasks-per-node': 3,
            'output': '%x-%j.out',
            'time': 300,  # 60*5 (unit is minutes)
            'wrap': "echo '%s'" % test_ec,
        self.assertEqual(jobs[1].job_specs, expected)
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_pbs_python(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) pbs_python as backend for --job."""
        # put mocked functions in place
        PbsPython__init__ = PbsPython.__init__
        PbsPython_check_version = PbsPython._check_version
        PbsPython_complete = PbsPython.complete
        PbsPython_connect_to_server = PbsPython.connect_to_server
        PbsPython_ppn = PbsPython.ppn
        pbs_python_PbsJob = pbs_python.PbsJob

        PbsPython.__init__ = lambda self: PbsPython__init__(self, pbs_server='localhost')
        PbsPython._check_version = lambda _: True
        PbsPython.complete = mock
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = mock
        PbsPython.ppn = mock
        pbs_python.PbsJob = MockPbsJob

        build_options = {
            'robot_path': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'easyconfigs'),
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
        init_config(args=['--job-backend=PbsPython'], build_options=build_options)

        ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb')
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs)
        jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo %(spec)s", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 8)

        # restore mocked stuff
        PbsPython.__init__ = PbsPython__init__
        PbsPython._check_version = PbsPython_check_version
        PbsPython.complete = PbsPython_complete
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = PbsPython_connect_to_server
        PbsPython.ppn = PbsPython_ppn
        pbs_python.PbsJob = pbs_python_PbsJob
Пример #5
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_pbs_python(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) pbs_python as backend for --job."""
        # put mocked functions in place
        PbsPython__init__ = PbsPython.__init__
        PbsPython_check_version = PbsPython._check_version
        PbsPython_complete = PbsPython.complete
        PbsPython_connect_to_server = PbsPython.connect_to_server
        PbsPython_ppn = PbsPython.ppn
        pbs_python_PbsJob = pbs_python.PbsJob

        PbsPython.__init__ = lambda self: PbsPython__init__(self, pbs_server='localhost')
        PbsPython._check_version = lambda _: True
        PbsPython.complete = mock
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = mock
        PbsPython.ppn = mock
        pbs_python.PbsJob = MockPbsJob

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        build_options = {
            'external_modules_metadata': {},
            'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'),
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
            'job_cores': 3,
        init_config(args=['--job-backend=PbsPython'], build_options=build_options)

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.5-foss-2018a.eb')
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool)
        jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo '%(spec)s'", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False)
        # only one job submitted since foss/2018a module is already available
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1)
        regex = re.compile("echo '.*/gzip-1.5-foss-2018a.eb'")
        self.assertTrue(regex.search(jobs[-1].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[-1].script))

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb')
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file), self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True)
        jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False, prepare_first=False)

        # make sure command is correct, and that --hidden is there when it needs to be
        for i, ec in enumerate(ordered_ecs):
            if ec['hidden']:
                regex = re.compile("eb %s.* --hidden" % ec['spec'])
                regex = re.compile("eb %s" % ec['spec'])
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(jobs[i].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[i].script))

        for job in jobs:
            self.assertEqual(job.cores, build_options['job_cores'])

        # no deps for GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) and intel/2018a (test easyconfig with 'fake' deps)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[0].deps), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[1].deps), 0)

        # only dependency for toy/0.0-deps is intel/2018a (dep marked as external module is filtered out)
        self.assertTrue('toy-0.0-deps.eb' in jobs[2].script)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[2].deps), 1)
        self.assertTrue('intel-2018a.eb' in jobs[2].deps[0].script)

        # dependencies for gzip/1.4-GCC-4.6.3: GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) + toy/.0.0-deps
        self.assertTrue('gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].script)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[3].deps), 2)
        regex = re.compile('toy-0.0-deps.eb\s* --hidden')
        self.assertTrue('GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].deps[1].script)

        # also test use of --pre-create-installdir
        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb')
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file), self.modtool)

        # installation directory doesn't exist yet before submission
        toy_installdir = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy', '0.0')

        jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1)

        # software install dir is created (by default) as part of job submission process (fetch_step is run)

        # installation directory does *not* get created when --pre-create-installdir is used
        build_options['pre_create_installdir'] = False
        init_config(args=['--job-backend=PbsPython'], build_options=build_options)

        jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1)

        # restore mocked stuff
        PbsPython.__init__ = PbsPython__init__
        PbsPython._check_version = PbsPython_check_version
        PbsPython.complete = PbsPython_complete
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = PbsPython_connect_to_server
        PbsPython.ppn = PbsPython_ppn
        pbs_python.PbsJob = pbs_python_PbsJob
Пример #6
    if not build_option('force'):
        _log.debug("Skipping easyconfigs from %s that already have a module available..." % easyconfigs)
        easyconfigs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool)
        _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs)

    if build_option('sequential'):
        return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results)
        resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool)

        cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s"
        command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd)
        # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors
        command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % {'cmd': cmd}

        build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, resolved, output_dir=output_dir)

        _log.info("Submitted regression test as jobs, results in %s" % output_dir)

        return True  # success

def session_state():
    """Get session state: timestamp, dump of environment, system info."""
    return {
        'time': gmtime(),
        'environment': copy.deepcopy(os.environ),
        'system_info': get_system_info(),

Пример #7
        # the options to ignore (help options can't reach here)
        ignore_opts = ['robot', 'job']

        # generate_cmd_line returns the options in form --longopt=value
        opts = [
            x for x in eb_go.generate_cmd_line()
            if not x.split('=')[0] in ['--%s' % y for y in ignore_opts]

        quoted_opts = subprocess.list2cmdline(opts)

        command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && eb %%(spec)s %s" % (curdir,
        _log.info("Command template for jobs: %s" % command)
        if not testing:
            jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, ordered_ecs)
            txt = ["List of submitted jobs:"]
                "%s (%s): %s" % (job.name, job.module, job.jobid)
                for job in jobs
            txt.append("(%d jobs submitted)" % len(jobs))

            print_msg("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now: %s" %
            cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)

    # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when testing)
    exit_on_failure = not options.dump_test_report and not options.upload_test_report
Пример #8
    # submit build as job(s) and exit
    if options.job:
        curdir = os.getcwd()

        # the options to ignore (help options can't reach here)
        ignore_opts = ['robot', 'job']

        # generate_cmd_line returns the options in form --longopt=value
        opts = [x for x in eb_go.generate_cmd_line() if not x.split('=')[0] in ['--%s' % y for y in ignore_opts]]

        quoted_opts = subprocess.list2cmdline(opts)

        command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && eb %%(spec)s %s" % (curdir, quoted_opts)
        _log.info("Command template for jobs: %s" % command)
        if not testing:
            jobs = parbuild.build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, orderedSpecs, "easybuild-build",
            txt = ["List of submitted jobs:"]
            txt.extend(["%s: %s" % (job.name, job.jobid) for job in jobs])
            txt.append("(%d jobs submitted)" % len(jobs))

            msg = "\n".join(txt)
            _log.info("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now (%s)." % msg)
            print msg

            cleanup_logfile_and_exit(logfile, testing, True)


    # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when regtesting)
    correct_built_cnt = 0
    all_built_cnt = 0
Пример #9
    if options.job:
        curdir = os.getcwd()

        # the options to ignore (help options can't reach here)
        ignore_opts = ["robot", "job"]

        # generate_cmd_line returns the options in form --longopt=value
        opts = [x for x in eb_go.generate_cmd_line() if not x.split("=")[0] in ["--%s" % y for y in ignore_opts]]

        quoted_opts = subprocess.list2cmdline(opts)

        command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && eb %%(spec)s %s" % (curdir, quoted_opts)
        _log.info("Command template for jobs: %s" % command)
        if not testing:
            jobs = parbuild.build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(
                command, orderedSpecs, "easybuild-build", robot_path=options.robot
            txt = ["List of submitted jobs:"]
            txt.extend(["%s: %s" % (job.name, job.jobid) for job in jobs])
            txt.append("(%d jobs submitted)" % len(jobs))

            msg = "\n".join(txt)
            _log.info("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now (%s)." % msg)
            print msg

            cleanup_logfile_and_exit(logfile, testing, True)


    # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when regtesting)
    correct_built_cnt = 0
Пример #10
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_pbs_python(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) pbs_python as backend for --job."""
        # put mocked functions in place
        PbsPython__init__ = PbsPython.__init__
        PbsPython_check_version = PbsPython._check_version
        PbsPython_complete = PbsPython.complete
        PbsPython_connect_to_server = PbsPython.connect_to_server
        PbsPython_ppn = PbsPython.ppn
        pbs_python_PbsJob = pbs_python.PbsJob

        PbsPython.__init__ = lambda self: PbsPython__init__(self, pbs_server='localhost')
        PbsPython._check_version = lambda _: True
        PbsPython.complete = mock
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = mock
        PbsPython.ppn = mock
        pbs_python.PbsJob = MockPbsJob

        build_options = {
            'external_modules_metadata': {},
            'robot_path': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'easyconfigs'),
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
            'job_cores': 3,
        init_config(args=['--job-backend=PbsPython'], build_options=build_options)

        ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb')
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs)
        jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo '%(spec)s'", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 8)
        regex = re.compile("echo '.*/gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb'")
        self.assertTrue(regex.search(jobs[-1].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[-1].script))

        ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb')
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file), retain_all_deps=True)
        jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False, prepare_first=False)

        # make sure command is correct, and that --hidden is there when it needs to be
        for i, ec in enumerate(ordered_ecs):
            if ec['hidden']:
                regex = re.compile("eb %s.* --hidden" % ec['spec'])
                regex = re.compile("eb %s" % ec['spec'])
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(jobs[i].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[i].script))

        for job in jobs:
            self.assertEqual(job.cores, build_options['job_cores'])

        # no deps for GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) and ictce/4.1.13 (test easyconfig with 'fake' deps)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[0].deps), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[1].deps), 0)

        # only dependency for toy/0.0-deps is ictce/4.1.13 (dep marked as external module is filtered out)
        self.assertTrue('toy-0.0-deps.eb' in jobs[2].script)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[2].deps), 1)
        self.assertTrue('ictce-4.1.13.eb' in jobs[2].deps[0].script)

        # dependencies for gzip/1.4-GCC-4.6.3: GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) + toy/.0.0-deps
        self.assertTrue('gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].script)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[3].deps), 2)
        regex = re.compile('toy-0.0-deps.eb\s* --hidden')
        self.assertTrue('GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].deps[1].script)

        # restore mocked stuff
        PbsPython.__init__ = PbsPython__init__
        PbsPython._check_version = PbsPython_check_version
        PbsPython.complete = PbsPython_complete
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = PbsPython_connect_to_server
        PbsPython.ppn = PbsPython_ppn
        pbs_python.PbsJob = pbs_python_PbsJob
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_gc3pie(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using GC3Pie with local config as backend for --job."""
            import gc3libs  # noqa (ignore unused import)
        except ImportError:
            print("GC3Pie not available, skipping test")

        # put GC3Pie config in place to use local host and fork/exec
        resourcedir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie')
        gc3pie_cfgfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie_local.ini')
        gc3pie_cfgtxt = GC3PIE_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION % {
            'resourcedir': resourcedir,
            'time': which('time'),
        write_file(gc3pie_cfgfile, gc3pie_cfgtxt)

        output_dir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'subdir',
        # purposely pre-create output dir, and put a file in it (to check whether GC3Pie tries to rename the output dir)
        mkdir(output_dir, parents=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(output_dir, 'foo'), 'bar')
        # remove write permissions on parent dir of specified output dir,
        # to check that GC3Pie does not try to rename the (already existing) output directory...
                           stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH,

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        build_options = {
            'job_backend_config': gc3pie_cfgfile,
            'job_max_walltime': 24,
            'job_output_dir': output_dir,
            'job_polling_interval': 0.2,  # quick polling
            'job_target_resource': 'ebtestlocalhost',
            'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'),
            'silent': True,
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
        init_config(args=['--job-backend=GC3Pie'], build_options=build_options)

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy',
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool)
        topdir = os.path.dirname(
        test_easyblocks_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'sandbox')
        cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH eb %%(spec)s -df" % (
            topdir, test_easyblocks_path)
        build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(cmd, ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False)

        toy_modfile = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all',
                                   'toy', '0.0')
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            toy_modfile += '.lua'
                os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy', '0.0',
                             'bin', 'toy')))

        # also check what happens when a job fails (an error should be raised)
        test_ecfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'test.eb')
        ectxt = read_file(ec_file)
        # use different version, for which no sources are available
        regex = re.compile('^version = .*', re.M)
        ectxt = regex.sub("version = '1.2.3'", ectxt)
        write_file(test_ecfile, ectxt)
        ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(test_ecfile),

        error = "1 jobs failed: toy-1.2.3"
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_pbs_python(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) pbs_python as backend for --job."""
        # put mocked functions in place
        PbsPython__init__ = PbsPython.__init__
        PbsPython_check_version = PbsPython._check_version
        PbsPython_complete = PbsPython.complete
        PbsPython_connect_to_server = PbsPython.connect_to_server
        PbsPython_ppn = PbsPython.ppn
        pbs_python_PbsJob = pbs_python.PbsJob

        PbsPython.__init__ = lambda self: PbsPython__init__(
            self, pbs_server='localhost')
        PbsPython._check_version = lambda _: True
        PbsPython.complete = mock
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = mock
        PbsPython.ppn = mock
        pbs_python.PbsJob = MockPbsJob

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        build_options = {
            'external_modules_metadata': {},
            'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'),
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
            'job_cores': 3,

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip',
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool)
        jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo '%(spec)s'",
        # only one job submitted since foss/2018a module is already available
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1)
        regex = re.compile("echo '.*/gzip-1.5-foss-2018a.eb'")
            "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[-1].script))

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip',
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file),
        jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False, prepare_first=False)

        # make sure command is correct, and that --hidden is there when it needs to be
        for i, ec in enumerate(ordered_ecs):
            if ec['hidden']:
                regex = re.compile("eb %s.* --hidden" % ec['spec'])
                regex = re.compile("eb %s" % ec['spec'])
                "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[i].script))

        for job in jobs:
            self.assertEqual(job.cores, build_options['job_cores'])

        # no deps for GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) and intel/2018a (test easyconfig with 'fake' deps)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[0].deps), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[1].deps), 0)

        # only dependency for toy/0.0-deps is intel/2018a (dep marked as external module is filtered out)
        self.assertTrue('toy-0.0-deps.eb' in jobs[2].script)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[2].deps), 1)
        self.assertTrue('intel-2018a.eb' in jobs[2].deps[0].script)

        # dependencies for gzip/1.4-GCC-4.6.3: GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) + toy/.0.0-deps
        self.assertTrue('gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].script)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[3].deps), 2)
        regex = re.compile(r'toy-0.0-deps\.eb.* --hidden')
        script_txt = jobs[3].deps[0].script
        fail_msg = "Pattern '%s' should be found in: %s" % (regex.pattern,
        self.assertTrue(regex.search(script_txt), fail_msg)
        self.assertTrue('GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].deps[1].script)

        # also test use of --pre-create-installdir
        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy',
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file),

        # installation directory doesn't exist yet before submission
        toy_installdir = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy',

        jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1)

        # software install dir is created (by default) as part of job submission process (fetch_step is run)

        # installation directory does *not* get created when --pre-create-installdir is used
        build_options['pre_create_installdir'] = False

        jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1)

        # restore mocked stuff
        PbsPython.__init__ = PbsPython__init__
        PbsPython._check_version = PbsPython_check_version
        PbsPython.complete = PbsPython_complete
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = PbsPython_connect_to_server
        PbsPython.ppn = PbsPython_ppn
        pbs_python.PbsJob = pbs_python_PbsJob
Пример #13
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_pbs_python(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) pbs_python as backend for --job."""
        # put mocked functions in place
        PbsPython__init__ = PbsPython.__init__
        PbsPython_check_version = PbsPython._check_version
        PbsPython_complete = PbsPython.complete
        PbsPython_connect_to_server = PbsPython.connect_to_server
        PbsPython_ppn = PbsPython.ppn
        pbs_python_PbsJob = pbs_python.PbsJob

        PbsPython.__init__ = lambda self: PbsPython__init__(
            self, pbs_server='localhost')
        PbsPython._check_version = lambda _: True
        PbsPython.complete = mock
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = mock
        PbsPython.ppn = mock
        pbs_python.PbsJob = MockPbsJob

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        build_options = {
            'external_modules_metadata': {},
            'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'),
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
            'job_cores': 3,

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip',
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool)
        jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo '%(spec)s'",
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 8)
        regex = re.compile("echo '.*/gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb'")
            "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[-1].script))

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip',
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file),
        jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False, prepare_first=False)

        # make sure command is correct, and that --hidden is there when it needs to be
        for i, ec in enumerate(ordered_ecs):
            if ec['hidden']:
                regex = re.compile("eb %s.* --hidden" % ec['spec'])
                regex = re.compile("eb %s" % ec['spec'])
                "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[i].script))

        for job in jobs:
            self.assertEqual(job.cores, build_options['job_cores'])

        # no deps for GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) and ictce/4.1.13 (test easyconfig with 'fake' deps)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[0].deps), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[1].deps), 0)

        # only dependency for toy/0.0-deps is ictce/4.1.13 (dep marked as external module is filtered out)
        self.assertTrue('toy-0.0-deps.eb' in jobs[2].script)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[2].deps), 1)
        self.assertTrue('ictce-4.1.13.eb' in jobs[2].deps[0].script)

        # dependencies for gzip/1.4-GCC-4.6.3: GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) + toy/.0.0-deps
        self.assertTrue('gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].script)
        self.assertEqual(len(jobs[3].deps), 2)
        regex = re.compile('toy-0.0-deps.eb\s* --hidden')
        self.assertTrue('GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].deps[1].script)

        # restore mocked stuff
        PbsPython.__init__ = PbsPython__init__
        PbsPython._check_version = PbsPython_check_version
        PbsPython.complete = PbsPython_complete
        PbsPython.connect_to_server = PbsPython_connect_to_server
        PbsPython.ppn = PbsPython_ppn
        pbs_python.PbsJob = pbs_python_PbsJob
Пример #14
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_gc3pie(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using GC3Pie with local config as backend for --job."""
            import gc3libs
        except ImportError:
            print "GC3Pie not available, skipping test"

        # put GC3Pie config in place to use local host and fork/exec
        resourcedir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie')
        gc3pie_cfgfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie_local.ini')
        gc3pie_cfgtxt = GC3PIE_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION % {
            'resourcedir': resourcedir,
            'time': which('time'),
        write_file(gc3pie_cfgfile, gc3pie_cfgtxt)

        output_dir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'subdir',
        # purposely pre-create output dir, and put a file in it (to check whether GC3Pie tries to rename the output dir)
        mkdir(output_dir, parents=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(output_dir, 'foo'), 'bar')
        # remove write permissions on parent dir of specified output dir,
        # to check that GC3Pie does not try to rename the (already existing) output directory...
                           stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH,

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        build_options = {
            'job_backend_config': gc3pie_cfgfile,
            'job_max_walltime': 24,
            'job_output_dir': output_dir,
            'job_polling_interval': 0.2,  # quick polling
            'job_target_resource': 'ebtestlocalhost',
            'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'),
            'silent': True,
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
        options = init_config(args=['--job-backend=GC3Pie'],

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy',
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool)
        topdir = os.path.dirname(
        test_easyblocks_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'sandbox')
        cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH eb %%(spec)s -df" % (
            topdir, test_easyblocks_path)
        jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(cmd,

            os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all', 'toy',
            os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy', '0.0',
                         'bin', 'toy'))
Пример #15
def regtest(easyconfig_paths, modtool, build_specs=None):
    Run regression test, using easyconfigs available in given path
    :param easyconfig_paths: path of easyconfigs to run regtest on
    :param modtool: ModulesTool instance to use
    :param build_specs: dictionary specifying build specifications (e.g. version, toolchain, ...)

    cur_dir = os.getcwd()

    aggregate_regtest = build_option('aggregate_regtest')
    if aggregate_regtest is not None:
        output_file = os.path.join(
            "%s-aggregate.xml" % os.path.basename(aggregate_regtest))
        aggregate_xml_in_dirs(aggregate_regtest, output_file)
        _log.info("aggregated xml files inside %s, output written to: %s" %
                  (aggregate_regtest, output_file))

    # create base directory, which is used to place all log files and the test output as xml
    regtest_output_dir = build_option('regtest_output_dir')
    testoutput = build_option('testoutput')
    if regtest_output_dir is not None:
        output_dir = regtest_output_dir
    elif testoutput is not None:
        output_dir = os.path.abspath(testoutput)
        # default: current dir + easybuild-test-[timestamp]
        dirname = "easybuild-test-%s" % datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        output_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, dirname)

    mkdir(output_dir, parents=True)

    # find all easyconfigs
    ecfiles = []
    if easyconfig_paths:
        for path in easyconfig_paths:
            ecfiles += find_easyconfigs(
                path, ignore_dirs=build_option('ignore_dirs'))
        raise EasyBuildError("No easyconfig paths specified.")

    test_results = []

    # process all the found easyconfig files
    easyconfigs = []
    for ecfile in ecfiles:
                process_easyconfig(ecfile, build_specs=build_specs))
        except EasyBuildError as err:
            test_results.append((ecfile, 'parsing_easyconfigs',
                                 'easyconfig file error: %s' % err, _log))

    # skip easyconfigs for which a module is already available, unless forced
    if not build_option('force'):
            "Skipping easyconfigs from %s that already have a module available..."
            % easyconfigs)
        easyconfigs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool)
        _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs)

    if build_option('sequential'):
        return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results)
        resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool)

        cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s"
        command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd)
        # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors
        command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % {
            'cmd': cmd

        build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, resolved, output_dir=output_dir)

        _log.info("Submitted regression test as jobs, results in %s" %

        return True  # success
Пример #16
    # submit build as job(s) and exit
    if options.job:
        curdir = os.getcwd()

        # the options to ignore (help options can't reach here)
        ignore_opts = ['robot', 'job']

        # generate_cmd_line returns the options in form --longopt=value
        opts = [x for x in eb_go.generate_cmd_line() if not x.split('=')[0] in ['--%s' % y for y in ignore_opts]]

        quoted_opts = subprocess.list2cmdline(opts)

        command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && eb %%(spec)s %s" % (curdir, quoted_opts)
        _log.info("Command template for jobs: %s" % command)
        if not testing:
            jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, ordered_ecs, build_options=build_options,
            txt = ["List of submitted jobs:"]
            txt.extend(["%s (%s): %s" % (job.name, job.module, job.jobid) for job in jobs])
            txt.append("(%d jobs submitted)" % len(jobs))

            msg = "\n".join(txt)
            _log.info("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now (%s)." % msg)
            print msg

            cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)


    # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when regtesting)
    correct_built_cnt = 0
    all_built_cnt = 0
 def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(self):
     """Basic test for build_easyconfigs_in_parallel function."""
     easyconfig_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'easyconfigs', 'gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb')
     easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(easyconfig_file, validate=False)
     ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs)
     build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo %(spec)s", ordered_ecs)
Пример #18
        _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs)

    if build_option('sequential'):
        return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results)
        resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, build_specs=build_specs)

        cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s"
        command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd)
        # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors
        command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % {
            'cmd': cmd

        jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command,

        print "List of submitted jobs:"
        for job in jobs:
            print "%s: %s" % (job.name, job.jobid)
        print "(%d jobs submitted)" % len(jobs)

        # determine leaf nodes in dependency graph, and report them
        all_deps = set()
        for job in jobs:
            all_deps = all_deps.union(job.deps)

        leaf_nodes = []
        for job in jobs:
            if job.jobid not in all_deps:
Пример #19
    # submit build as job(s) and exit
    if options.job:
        curdir = os.getcwd()

        # the options to ignore (help options can't reach here)
        ignore_opts = ['robot', 'job']

        # generate_cmd_line returns the options in form --longopt=value
        opts = [x for x in eb_go.generate_cmd_line() if not x.split('=')[0] in ['--%s' % y for y in ignore_opts]]

        quoted_opts = subprocess.list2cmdline(opts)

        command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && eb %%(spec)s %s" % (curdir, quoted_opts)
        _log.info("Command template for jobs: %s" % command)
        if not testing:
            jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, ordered_ecs)
            txt = ["List of submitted jobs:"]
            txt.extend(["%s (%s): %s" % (job.name, job.module, job.jobid) for job in jobs])
            txt.append("(%d jobs submitted)" % len(jobs))

            msg = "\n".join(txt)
            _log.info("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now (%s)." % msg)
            print msg

            cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)


    # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when regtesting)
    correct_built_cnt = 0
    all_built_cnt = 0
Пример #20
def regtest(easyconfig_paths, modtool, build_specs=None):
    Run regression test, using easyconfigs available in given path
    :param easyconfig_paths: path of easyconfigs to run regtest on
    :param modtool: ModulesTool instance to use
    :param build_specs: dictionary specifying build specifications (e.g. version, toolchain, ...)

    cur_dir = os.getcwd()

    aggregate_regtest = build_option('aggregate_regtest')
    if aggregate_regtest is not None:
        output_file = os.path.join(aggregate_regtest, "%s-aggregate.xml" % os.path.basename(aggregate_regtest))
        aggregate_xml_in_dirs(aggregate_regtest, output_file)
        _log.info("aggregated xml files inside %s, output written to: %s" % (aggregate_regtest, output_file))

    # create base directory, which is used to place all log files and the test output as xml
    regtest_output_dir = build_option('regtest_output_dir')
    testoutput = build_option('testoutput')
    if regtest_output_dir is not None:
        output_dir = regtest_output_dir
    elif testoutput is not None:
        output_dir = os.path.abspath(testoutput)
        # default: current dir + easybuild-test-[timestamp]
        dirname = "easybuild-test-%s" % datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        output_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, dirname)

    mkdir(output_dir, parents=True)

    # find all easyconfigs
    ecfiles = []
    if easyconfig_paths:
        for path in easyconfig_paths:
            ecfiles += find_easyconfigs(path, ignore_dirs=build_option('ignore_dirs'))
        raise EasyBuildError("No easyconfig paths specified.")

    test_results = []

    # process all the found easyconfig files
    easyconfigs = []
    for ecfile in ecfiles:
            easyconfigs.extend(process_easyconfig(ecfile, build_specs=build_specs))
        except EasyBuildError as err:
            test_results.append((ecfile, 'parsing_easyconfigs', 'easyconfig file error: %s' % err, _log))

    # skip easyconfigs for which a module is already available, unless forced
    if not build_option('force'):
        _log.debug("Skipping easyconfigs from %s that already have a module available..." % easyconfigs)
        easyconfigs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool)
        _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs)

    if build_option('sequential'):
        return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results)
        resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool)

        cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s"
        command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd)
        # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors
        command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % {'cmd': cmd}

        build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, resolved, output_dir=output_dir)

        _log.info("Submitted regression test as jobs, results in %s" % output_dir)

        return True  # success