def main(): print("Setting up Tello") drone = Tello() time.sleep(1) print("Tello set up!") print("Starting stream service") drone.send_command("streamon") time.sleep(2) cap = cv2.VideoCapture("udp://" + drone.tello_ip + ":11111") print("Started") while 1: _, frame = cv2.imshow("DJI Tello", frame) k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if k == 27: break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() drone.send_command("streamoff")
class Tello_controller: def __init__(self, speed = 50): ''' Well, initialize ''' #Class variables self.emergency_land_activated = False self.take_off_activated = False self.battery_log_delay = 2 self.speed = speed #Initialize the drone and stream print("INIT: Connecting to Ryze Tello @") print("Intructions: \t'Esc': Emergency Land") self.drone = Tello() time.sleep(1) print("LOG: Tello set up!") self.drone.send_command("streamon") time.sleep(1) self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture("udp://") # self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE, 3) print("LOG: Stream service on") #Set up battery and emergency land threads self.battery_thread = Thread(target=self._battery_thread) self.battery_thread.daemon = True self.battery_thread.start() print("LOG: Battery thread started") #Set up ArUco detection self.aruco_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(aruco.DICT_6X6_250) self.params = aruco.DetectorParameters_create() print("LOG: ArUco set up") #Set up camera matrix and distortion coeffs self.cv_file = cv2.FileStorage("tello_params.yaml", cv2.FILE_STORAGE_READ) self.cam_mtx = self.cv_file.getNode("camera_matrix").mat() self.dist_coeff = self.cv_file.getNode("dist_coeff").mat()[0] self.cv_file.release() #Publish own location def run(self): ''' Get stream, read aruco, get data, start controller ''' print("INIT: Starting controller!") #One last warning before starting user_inp = input("Enter q to exit. Just press enter to start\n") if user_inp == "q": print("EXIT: Controller exited!") return 0 #First frame takes time to load up #Take off self.drone.takeoff() time.sleep(1) self.take_off_activated = True print("LOG: Successful takeoff") #NOTE: First few frames take time to flush out #Run while emergency land is off img_id = 0 while not self.emergency_land_activated: #Key press k = cv2.waitKey(1) #Detect marker _, frame = gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) corners, ids, rejected = aruco.detectMarkers(gray, self.aruco_dict, parameters = self.params) #Draw the marker self.detected = aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame, corners) #Get the rotation and translation vectors if np.all(ids != None): rvec_list = [] tvec_list = [] #Get the estimated pose of the marker wrt camera, marker size = 9cm rvecs, tvecs, _ = aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers(corners, 9, self.cam_mtx, self.dist_coeff) #Also draw axes for i in range(len(ids)): aruco.drawAxis(self.detected, self.cam_mtx, self.dist_coeff, rvecs[i], tvecs[i], 4.5) #Get the rotation matrix using Rodrigues formula r_mat, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvecs[0][0]) #The only translation vector to use t_vec = tvecs[0][0] #Get transformation matrix self.M_mat = np.zeros((4,4)) self.M_mat[:3, :3] = r_mat self.M_mat[:3, 3] = t_vec self.M_mat[3,3] = 1 #Get inverse transformation, of camera wrt marker self.M_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.M_mat) #Get camera location wrt marker self.cam_coords = self.M_inv[:3, 3] # print("Camera coordinates:", self.cam_coords) self.cv_file = cv2.FileStorage("drone_loc.yaml", cv2.FILE_STORAGE_WRITE) self.cv_file.write("curr_loc", self.cam_coords) self.cv_file.release() #Show detection cv2.imshow("Tello Detected", self.detected) #Take pictures with s if k == ord("s"): cv2.imwrite("tello_img{0}.jpg".format(img_id), frame) print("LOG: Saved image as tello_img{0}.jpg".format(img_id)) img_id += 1 #Emergency land if k == 27: self.emergency_land() break #End statement self.cv_file = cv2.FileStorage("drone_loc.yaml", cv2.FILE_STORAGE_WRITE) self.cv_file.write("curr_loc", np.array([0,0,0])) self.cv_file.release() print("EXIT: Exited successfully") def _battery_thread(self): ''' Periodically print out battery status Emergency land if battery < 20% ''' #Run while emergency land is off while not self.emergency_land_activated: self.battery = self.drone.get_battery() print("BATT: {}%".format(self.battery)) #Warning #Check for failsafe if self.battery < 20: print("EMERGENCY: Battery < 20%") self.emergency_land() elif self.battery < 40: print("WARNING: Battery < 40%") time.sleep(self.battery_log_delay) def emergency_land(self): ''' Activate landing for drone at the current position ''' self.emergency_land_activated = True #First slow down movement self.drone.set_speed(10) #Land print("EMERGENCY: Landing Drone!") #Shutdown stream time.sleep(1) print("EMERGENCY: Shutting stream") self.cap.release() self.drone.send_command("streamoff") cv2.destroyAllWindows()
class Simulator(): def __init__(self): self.takeoff_alt = 81 self._init_state() self.driver_instance = None # Put drone into command mode self.command() def _init_state(self): self.altitude = 0 self.cur_loc = (0,0) self.bearing = 0 self.altitude_data = [] self.path_coors = [(0,0)] self.flip_coors = [] self.fig_count = 1 self.command_log = [] @staticmethod def serialize_command(command: dict): serialized = command['command'] command_args = command.get('arguments', ()) if len(command_args) > 0: serialized = '{} {}'.format(serialized, ' '.join([str(arg) for arg in command_args])) return serialized @staticmethod def check_flip_param(param: str): if param not in ["f", "b", "r", "l"]: raise Exception("I can't tell which way to flip. Please use f, b, r, or l") else: pass @staticmethod def check_int_param(param: int): if type(param) != int: raise Exception("This command only accepts whole numbers without quotation marks.") else: pass def send_command(self, command: str, *args): # Command log allows for replaying commands to the actual drone command_json = { 'command': command, 'arguments': args } self.command_log.append(command_json) print('I am running your "{}" command.'.format(self.serialize_command(command_json))) time.sleep(2) # Control Commands def command(self): print("Hi! My name is TelloSim and I am your training drone.") print("I help you try out your flight plan before sending it to a real Tello.") print("I am now ready to take off. 🚁","\n") self.send_command('command') def check_altitude(self): if self.altitude == 0: raise Exception("I can't do that unless I take off first!") else: # print("I am flying at {} centimeters above my takeoff altitude.".format(self.altitude)) pass # Plotting functions def plot_altitude_steps(self): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.plot(self.altitude_data,'ro', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, markersize=12) ax.plot(self.altitude_data, linewidth=25, alpha=.15) ax.grid() ax.set(xlabel='Step', ylabel='Altitude in Centimeters',title='Tello Altitude') def plot_horz_steps(self): title = "Path of Tello from Takeoff Location. \nLast Heading= {} Degrees from Start".format(self.bearing) fig, ax = plt.subplots() horz_df = pd.DataFrame(self.path_coors) xlow = min(horz_df[0]) xhi = max(horz_df[0]) ylow = min(horz_df[1]) yhi = max(horz_df[1]) xlowlim = -200 if xlow > -200 else xlow - 40 xhilim = 200 if xhi < 200 else xhi + 40 ylowlim = -200 if ylow > -200 else ylow - 40 yhilim = 200 if yhi < 200 else yhi + 40 ax.set_xlim([xlowlim,xhilim]) ax.set_ylim([ylowlim,yhilim]) ax.plot(horz_df[0], horz_df[1], 'bo', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, markersize=12, label="Drone Moves") ax.plot(horz_df[0], horz_df[1], linewidth=25, alpha=.15) if len(self.flip_coors) > 0: flip_df = pd.DataFrame(self.flip_coors) ax.plot(flip_df[0], flip_df[1], 'ro', markersize=12, label="Drone Flips") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.grid() ax.legend() ax.set(xlabel='X Distance from Takeoff', ylabel='Y Distance from Takeoff',title=title) # Determine bearing relative to start which is inline with positive y-axis @staticmethod def dist_bearing(orig, bearing, dist): rads = np.deg2rad(bearing) sines = np.sin(rads) coses = np.cos(rads) dx = sines * dist dy = coses * dist x_n = np.cumsum(dx) + orig[0] y_n = np.cumsum(dy) + orig[1] return x_n[0], y_n[0] # Movement Commands def takeoff(self): """ Command drone to takeoff. Examples ---------- drone.takeoff() # command drone to takeoff """ if self.altitude == 0: print("Get ready for takeoff!") self.altitude = self.takeoff_alt self.altitude_data.append(self.takeoff_alt) self.send_command('takeoff') print("My estimated takeoff altitude is {} centimeters".format(self.altitude)) else: print("My current altitude is {} centimeters, so I can't takeoff again!".format(self.altitude)) def land(self): """ Command drone to land. Examples ---------- # command drone to land """ print("Get ready for landing!") self.check_altitude() self.altitude = 0 self.send_command('land') print("Here are the graphs of your flight! I can't wait to try this for real.") self.plot_horz_steps() self.plot_altitude_steps() def up(self, dist: int): """ Command drone to fly up a given number of centimeters. Parameters ---------- dist : int Examples ---------- drone.up(100) # move drone up 100 centimeters """ self.check_altitude() self.check_int_param(dist) print("My current bearing is {} degrees.".format(self.bearing)) self.altitude = self.altitude + dist self.altitude_data.append(self.altitude) self.send_command('up', dist) self.plot_altitude_steps() def down(self, dist: int): """ Command drone to fly down a given number of centimeters. Parameters ---------- dist : int Examples ---------- drone.down(100) # move drone down 100 centimeters """ self.check_altitude() self.check_int_param(dist) print("My current bearing is {} degrees.".format(self.bearing)) self.altitude = self.altitude - dist self.altitude_data.append(self.altitude) self.send_command('down', dist) self.plot_altitude_steps() def left(self, dist: int): """ Command drone to fly left a given number of centimeters. Parameters ---------- dist : int Examples ---------- drone.left(100) # move drone left 100 centimeters """ self.check_altitude() self.check_int_param(dist) # print("My current bearing is {} degrees.".format(self.bearing)) new_loc = self.dist_bearing(orig=self.cur_loc, bearing=self.bearing-90, dist=dist) self.cur_loc = new_loc self.path_coors.append(new_loc) # print(self.path_coors) self.send_command('left', dist) self.plot_horz_steps() def right(self, dist: int): """ Command drone to fly right a given number of centimeters. Parameters ---------- dist : int Examples ---------- drone.right(100) # move drone right 100 centimeters """ self.check_altitude() self.check_int_param(dist) # print("My current bearing is {} degrees.".format(self.bearing)) new_loc = self.dist_bearing(orig=self.cur_loc, bearing=self.bearing+90, dist=dist) self.cur_loc = new_loc self.path_coors.append(new_loc) self.send_command('right', dist) self.plot_horz_steps() def forward(self, dist: int): """ Command drone to fly forward a given number of centimeters. Parameters ---------- dist : int Examples ---------- drone.forward(100) # move drone forward 100 centimeters """ self.check_altitude() self.check_int_param(dist) # print("My current bearing is {} degrees.".format(self.bearing)) new_loc = self.dist_bearing(orig=self.cur_loc, bearing=self.bearing, dist=dist) self.cur_loc = new_loc self.path_coors.append(new_loc) self.send_command('forward', dist) self.plot_horz_steps() def back(self, dist: int): """ Command drone to fly backward a given number of centimeters. Parameters ---------- dist : int Examples ---------- drone.back(100) # move drone backward 100 centimeters """ self.check_altitude() self.check_int_param(dist) new_loc = self.dist_bearing(orig=self.cur_loc, bearing=self.bearing+180, dist=dist) self.cur_loc = new_loc self.path_coors.append(new_loc) self.send_command('back', dist) self.plot_horz_steps() def cw(self, degr: int): """ Rotate drone clockwise. Parameters ---------- degr : int Examples ---------- # rotates drone 90 degrees clockwise """ self.check_altitude() self.check_int_param(degr) # print("My current bearing is {} degrees.".format(self.bearing)) self.bearing = self.bearing + (degr % 360) self.send_command('cw', degr) # print("My new bearing is {} degrees.".format(self.bearing)) def ccw(self, degr: int): """ Rotate drone counter clockwise. Parameters ---------- degr : int Examples ---------- drone.ccw(90) # rotates drone 90 degrees counter clockwise """ self.check_altitude() self.check_int_param(degr) # print("My current bearing is {} degrees.".format(self.bearing)) self.bearing = self.bearing - (degr % 360) self.send_command('ccw', degr) # print("My current bearing is {} degrees.".format(self.bearing)) def flip(self, direc: str): """ Flips drones in one of four directions: l - left r - right f - forward b - back Parameters ---------- direc : str Examples ---------- drone.flip("f") # flips drone forward """ self.check_altitude() self.check_flip_param(direc) self.send_command('flip', direc) self.flip_coors.append(self.cur_loc) self.plot_horz_steps() # Deploys the command log from the simulation state to the actual drone def deploy(self): """ Deploys commands built up for drone object to real drone via easyTello. Note: computer must be connected to the drone's WiFi network. Examples ---------- drone.deploy() # deploy commands to drone """ print('Deploying your commands to a real Tello drone!') if (self.driver_instance is None): # Since the driver binds to a socket on instantiation, we can only # keep a single driver instance open per session self.driver_instance = Tello() for command in self.command_log: self.driver_instance.send_command(self.serialize_command(command)) # Resets the simulation state back to the beginning: no commands + landed def reset(self): """ Reset the drone object to initialization state. Examples ---------- drone.reset() # reset sim state """ print('Resetting simulator state...') self._init_state() self.command() def save(self, file_path='commands.json'): """ Save commands from current sim state to a local file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Examples ----------"commands.json") # save current state to JSON file """ print('Saving commands to {}'.format(file_path)) with open(file_path, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(self.command_log, json_file, indent=4) def load_commands(self, file_path:str): """ Load commands from a local file to the current sim object. See documentation for the required file format. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Examples ---------- drone.load_commands("commands.json") # load commands from file to current sim object. """ self._init_state() print('Loading commands from {}'.format(file_path)) with open(file_path) as json_file: commands = json.load(json_file) for command in commands: # TODO guard checks getattr(self, command['command'])(*command['arguments'])