Пример #1
 def postprocess_book(self, oeb, opts, log):
     from ebook_converter.ebooks.oeb.base import XPath, XHTML
     for item in oeb.spine:
         root = item.data
         if not hasattr(root, 'xpath'):
         for bad in ('metadata', 'guide'):
             metadata = XPath('//h:'+bad)(root)
             if metadata:
                 for x in metadata:
         body = XPath('//h:body')(root)
         if body:
             body = body[0]
             if len(body) == 1 and body[0].tag == XHTML('pre'):
                 pre = body[0]
                 from ebook_converter.ebooks.txt.processor import \
                     convert_basic, separate_paragraphs_single_line
                 from ebook_converter.ebooks.chardet import xml_to_unicode
                 self.log('LIT file with all text in singe <pre> tag '
                 html = separate_paragraphs_single_line(pre.text)
                 html = convert_basic(html).replace('<html>',
                                                    '<html xmlns="%s">' %
                 html = xml_to_unicode(html, strip_encoding_pats=True,
                 if opts.smarten_punctuation:
                     # SmartyPants skips text inside <pre> tags
                     from ebook_converter.ebooks.conversion import \
                     html = preprocess.smarten_punctuation(html, self.log)
                 root = etree.fromstring(html)
                 body = XPath('//h:body')(root)
                 pre.tag = XHTML('div')
                 pre.text = ''
                 for elem in body:
                     ne = copy.deepcopy(elem)
Пример #2
 def txt_process(self, match):
     from ebook_converter.ebooks.txt.processor import convert_basic, separate_paragraphs_single_line
     content = match.group('text')
     content = separate_paragraphs_single_line(content)
     content = convert_basic(content, epub_split_size_kb=0)
     return content
Пример #3
    def convert(self, stream, options, file_ext, log, accelerators):
        from ebook_converter.ebooks.conversion.preprocess import DocAnalysis, Dehyphenator
        from ebook_converter.ebooks.chardet import detect
        from ebook_converter.utils.zipfile import ZipFile
        from ebook_converter.ebooks.txt.processor import (
            convert_basic, convert_markdown_with_metadata,
            separate_paragraphs_print_formatted, preserve_spaces,
            detect_paragraph_type, detect_formatting_type,
            normalize_line_endings, convert_textile, remove_indents,
            block_to_single_line, separate_hard_scene_breaks)

        self.log = log
        txt = b''
        log.debug('Reading text from file...')
        length = 0
        base_dir = self.output_dir = os.getcwd()

        # Extract content from zip archive.
        if file_ext == 'txtz':
            zf = ZipFile(stream)

            for root, _, fnames in os.walk('.'):
                for x in fnames:
                    x = os.path.join(root, x)
                    if os.path.splitext(x)[1].lower() in ('.txt', '.text'):
                        with open(x, 'rb') as tf:
                            txt += tf.read() + b'\n\n'
            if getattr(stream, 'name', None):
                base_dir = os.path.dirname(stream.name)
            txt = stream.read()
            if file_ext in {'md', 'textile', 'markdown'}:
                options.formatting_type = {
                    'md': 'markdown'
                }.get(file_ext, file_ext)
                    'File extension indicates particular formatting. '
                    'Forcing formatting type to: %s', options.formatting_type)
                options.paragraph_type = 'off'

        # Get the encoding of the document.
        if options.input_encoding:
            ienc = options.input_encoding
            log.debug('Using user specified input encoding of %s', ienc)
            det_encoding = detect(txt[:4096])
            det_encoding, confidence = det_encoding['encoding'], det_encoding[
            if det_encoding and det_encoding.lower().replace(
                    '-').strip() in ('gb2312', 'chinese', 'csiso58gb231280',
                                     'euc-cn', 'euccn', 'eucgb2312-cn',
                                     'gb2312-1980', 'gb2312-80', 'iso-ir-58'):
                # Microsoft Word exports to HTML with encoding incorrectly set to
                # gb2312 instead of gbk. gbk is a superset of gb2312, anyway.
                det_encoding = 'gbk'
            ienc = det_encoding
                'Detected input encoding as %s with a confidence of '
                '%s%%', ienc, confidence * 100)
        if not ienc:
            ienc = 'utf-8'
                'No input encoding specified and could not auto detect '
                'using %s', ienc)
        # Remove BOM from start of txt as its presence can confuse markdown
        import codecs
        for bom in (codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE, codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE, codecs.BOM_UTF8,
                    codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE, codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE):
            if txt.startswith(bom):
                txt = txt[len(bom):]
        txt = txt.decode(ienc, 'replace')

        # Replace entities
        txt = entities.ENT_PAT.sub(entities.xml_entity_to_unicode, txt)

        # Normalize line endings
        txt = normalize_line_endings(txt)

        # Determine the paragraph type of the document.
        if options.paragraph_type == 'auto':
            options.paragraph_type = detect_paragraph_type(txt)
            if options.paragraph_type == 'unknown':
                log.debug('Could not reliably determine paragraph type using '
                options.paragraph_type = 'block'
                log.debug('Auto detected paragraph type as %s',

        # Detect formatting
        if options.formatting_type == 'auto':
            options.formatting_type = detect_formatting_type(txt)
            log.debug('Auto detected formatting as %s',

        if options.formatting_type == 'heuristic':
            setattr(options, 'enable_heuristics', True)
            setattr(options, 'unwrap_lines', False)
            setattr(options, 'smarten_punctuation', True)

        # Reformat paragraphs to block formatting based on the detected type.
        # We don't check for block because the processor assumes block.
        # single and print at transformed to block for processing.
        if options.paragraph_type == 'single':
            txt = separate_paragraphs_single_line(txt)
        elif options.paragraph_type == 'print':
            txt = separate_hard_scene_breaks(txt)
            txt = separate_paragraphs_print_formatted(txt)
            txt = block_to_single_line(txt)
        elif options.paragraph_type == 'unformatted':
            from ebook_converter.ebooks.conversion.utils import HeuristicProcessor
            # unwrap lines based on punctuation
            docanalysis = DocAnalysis('txt', txt)
            length = docanalysis.line_length(.5)
            preprocessor = HeuristicProcessor(options,
                                              log=getattr(self, 'log', None))
            txt = preprocessor.punctuation_unwrap(length, txt, 'txt')
            txt = separate_paragraphs_single_line(txt)
        elif options.paragraph_type == 'block':
            txt = separate_hard_scene_breaks(txt)
            txt = block_to_single_line(txt)

        if getattr(options, 'enable_heuristics', False) and getattr(
                options, 'dehyphenate', False):
            docanalysis = DocAnalysis('txt', txt)
            if not length:
                length = docanalysis.line_length(.5)
            dehyphenator = Dehyphenator(options.verbose, log=self.log)
            txt = dehyphenator(txt, 'txt', length)

        # User requested transformation on the text.
        if options.txt_in_remove_indents:
            txt = remove_indents(txt)

        # Preserve spaces will replace multiple spaces to a space
        # followed by the &nbsp; entity.
        if options.preserve_spaces:
            txt = preserve_spaces(txt)

        # Process the text using the appropriate text processor.
        self.shifted_files = []
            html = ''
            input_mi = None
            if options.formatting_type == 'markdown':
                log.debug('Running text through markdown conversion...')
                    input_mi, html = convert_markdown_with_metadata(
                            for x in options.markdown_extensions.split(',')
                            if x.strip()
                except RuntimeError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'This txt file has malformed markup, it cannot be'
                        ' converted by calibre. See https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax'
                html = self.fix_resources(html, base_dir)
            elif options.formatting_type == 'textile':
                log.debug('Running text through textile conversion...')
                html = convert_textile(txt)
                html = self.fix_resources(html, base_dir)
                log.debug('Running text through basic conversion...')
                flow_size = getattr(options, 'flow_size', 0)
                html = convert_basic(txt, epub_split_size_kb=flow_size)

            # Run the HTMLized text through the html processing plugin.
            from ebook_converter.customize.ui import plugin_for_input_format
            html_input = plugin_for_input_format('html')
            for opt in html_input.options:
                setattr(options, opt.option.name, opt.recommended_value)
            options.input_encoding = 'utf-8'
            htmlfile = self.shift_file('index.html', html.encode('utf-8'))
            odi = options.debug_pipeline
            options.debug_pipeline = None
            # Generate oeb from html conversion.
            oeb = html_input.convert(open(htmlfile, 'rb'), options, 'html',
                                     log, {})
            options.debug_pipeline = odi
            for x in self.shifted_files:

        # Set metadata from file.
        if input_mi is None:
            from ebook_converter.customize.ui import get_file_type_metadata
            input_mi = get_file_type_metadata(stream, file_ext)
        from ebook_converter.ebooks.oeb.transforms.metadata import meta_info_to_oeb_metadata
        meta_info_to_oeb_metadata(input_mi, oeb.metadata, log)
        self.html_postprocess_title = input_mi.title

        return oeb