Пример #1
def step_t_5(a_base, B, p1):
    if p1 <= int(root(B, 5)):
        ### Посчет времени работы
        start_time = time.time()
        n_list = []
        l = 5

        if p1 % 4 == 3:
            n_list = [p1]
            q_3k4 = readfile("primes/4k+3.txt")
            sign_p1 = []
            for a in a_base:
                sign_p1.append(numth.jacobi(a, p1))

            for q in q_3k4:
                if q % 24 == p1 % 24:
                    sign_q = []
                    for a in a_base:
                        sign_q.append(numth.jacobi(a, q))
                    if sign_q == sign_p1:
        # else:
        # for p in primes:

        total_time = "--- %s seconds ---\n" % (time.time() - start_time)
        return np.array(n_list)
        print(f"Value Error: p1 > {int(root(B, 5))}")
Пример #2
def verify(pubkey, signature, message_hash):
    '''Verify a Schnorr signature, returning True if valid.

    May raise a ValueError or return False on failure.

    `pubkey` should be the the raw public key bytes (as you would get from
    bitcoin.pubic_key_from_private_key, after hex decoding, etc).

    `signature` should be the 64 byte schnorr signature as would be returned
    from `sign` above.

    `message_hash` should be the 32 byte sha256d hash of the tx message to be

    if not isinstance(pubkey, bytes) or len(pubkey) not in (33, 65):
        raise ValueError('pubkey must be a bytes object of either length 33 or 65')
    if not isinstance(signature, bytes) or len(signature) != 64:
        raise ValueError('signature must be a bytes object of length 64')
    if not isinstance(message_hash, bytes) or len(message_hash) != 32:
        raise ValueError('message_hash must be a bytes object of length 32')

    G = ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator
    order = G.order()
    fieldsize = G.curve().p()

        pubpoint = ser_to_point(pubkey)
        # off-curve points, failed decompression, bad format,
        # point at infinity:
        raise ValueError('pubkey could not be parsed')

    rbytes = signature[:32]
    ## these unnecessary since below we do bytes comparison and
    ## R.x() is always < fieldsize.
    # r = int.from_bytes(rbytes, 'big')
    # if r >= fieldsize:
    #    return False

    sbytes = signature[32:]
    s = int.from_bytes(sbytes, 'big')
    if s >= order:
        return False

    # compressed format, regardless of whether pubkey was compressed or not:
    pubbytes = point_to_ser(pubpoint, comp=True)

    ebytes = hashlib.sha256(rbytes + pubbytes + message_hash).digest()
    e = int.from_bytes(ebytes, 'big')

    R = s*G + (- e)*pubpoint

    if R == ecdsa.ellipticcurve.INFINITY:
        return False

    if jacobi(R.y(), fieldsize) != 1:
        return False

    return (R.x().to_bytes(32, 'big') == rbytes)
Пример #3
    def _calc_initial_fast(self):
        # Fast version of _calc_initial, using libsecp256k1. About 2.4x faster.
        ctx = seclib.ctx

        abytes = int(self.a).to_bytes(32, 'big')
        bbytes = int(self.b).to_bytes(32, 'big')

        R_buf = create_string_buffer(64)
        res = seclib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(ctx, R_buf, self.R,
        if not res:
            raise ValueError('R could not be parsed by the secp256k1 library')

        pubkey_buf = create_string_buffer(64)
        res = seclib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(ctx, pubkey_buf, self.pubkey,
        if not res:
            raise ValueError(
                'pubkey could not be parsed by the secp256k1 library')

        # resave pubkey as compressed.
        P_compressed = create_string_buffer(33)
        P_size = c_size_t(33)
        res = seclib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(
            ctx, P_compressed, byref(P_size), pubkey_buf,
        self.pubkey_compressed = P_compressed.raw

        A_buf = create_string_buffer(64)

        # calculate a*G. ~24 microsec
        res = seclib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(ctx, A_buf, abytes)
        assert res == 1, "should never fail since 0 < a < order"

        # in-place tweak the pubkey by multiplying with scalar b. ~33 microsec
        res = seclib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_mul(ctx, pubkey_buf, bbytes)
        assert res == 1, "should never fail since 0 < b < order"

        # add the three points together. ~6 microsec
        Rnew_buf = create_string_buffer(64)
        publist = (c_void_p * 3)(*(cast(x, c_void_p)
                                   for x in (R_buf, A_buf, pubkey_buf)))
        res = seclib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine(ctx, Rnew_buf, publist, 3)
        assert res == 1, "fails with 2^-256 chance (if sum is point at infinity), in which case we have cracked the key"

        # serialize the new R point
        Rnew_serialized = create_string_buffer(65)
        Rnew_size = c_size_t(65)
        res = seclib.secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(
            ctx, Rnew_serialized, byref(Rnew_size), Rnew_buf,
        assert res == 1, "defined to never fail"
        assert Rnew_size.value == 65, "should fill buffer as uncompressed"
        self.Rxnew = Rnew_serialized[1:33]
        y = int.from_bytes(Rnew_serialized[33:], byteorder="big")

        # calculate the jacobi symbol (+1 or -1). ~30 microsec, because pure python :(
        self.c = jacobi(y, self.fieldsize)
Пример #4
def sign(privkey, message_hash):
    '''Create a Schnorr signature.

    Returns a 64-long bytes object (the signature), or raise ValueError
    on failure. Failure can occur due to an invalid private key.

    `privkey` should be the 32 byte raw private key (as you would get from
    bitcoin.deserialize_privkey, etc).

    `message_hash` should be the 32 byte sha256d hash of the tx input (or
    message) you want to sign

    if not isinstance(privkey, bytes) or len(privkey) != 32:
        raise ValueError('privkey must be a bytes object of length 32')
    if not isinstance(message_hash, bytes) or len(message_hash) != 32:
        raise ValueError('message_hash must be a bytes object of length 32')

    if _secp256k1_schnorr_sign:
        sig = create_string_buffer(64)
        res = _secp256k1_schnorr_sign(secp256k1.secp256k1.ctx, sig,
                                      message_hash, privkey, None, None)
        if not res:
            # Looking at the libsecp256k1 code, we can see that this will
            # only occur if privkey is == 0 or >= order, i.e., if it has
            # no associated pubkey. But as it's not specified in API we'll
            # just leave it as a vague exception.
            raise ValueError('could not sign')
        return bytes(sig)
        # pure python fallback:
        G = ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator
        order = G.order()
        fieldsize = G.curve().p()

        secexp = int.from_bytes(privkey, 'big')
        if not 0 < secexp < order:
            raise ValueError('could not sign')
        pubpoint = secexp * G
        pubbytes = point_to_ser(pubpoint, comp=True)

        k = nonce_function_rfc6979(order,
        R = k * G
        if jacobi(R.y(), fieldsize) == -1:
            k = order - k
        rbytes = int(R.x()).to_bytes(32, 'big')

        ebytes = hashlib.sha256(rbytes + pubbytes + message_hash).digest()
        e = int.from_bytes(ebytes, 'big')

        s = (k + e * secexp) % order

        return rbytes + int(s).to_bytes(32, 'big')
Пример #5
def psp_2(a_base, pq):
    p, q = pq[0], pq[1]
    if p % 4 == 1:  # Remark for psp(2,n). Так как ищем для нескольких баз, то учитываем сразу
        for a in a_base[1:]:
            if numth.jacobi(q, a) != 1:
                return False
        return False
    return True
Пример #6
def Sign(v, p):
    if p % 4 == 3:
        sgm_v_p = []
        for a in v:
            if numth.jacobi(a, p) == 1:
            elif numth.jacobi(a, p) == -1:
        return sgm_v_p
    elif p % 4 == 1:
        sgm_v_p = []
        for a in v:
            if numth.jacobi(a, p) == -1:
                val = Val(2, p - 1)
                # print(f'a_base item {a},{p}')
                ord = Ord(p, a)
                val = Val(2, ord)
        return sgm_v_p
Пример #7
def sign(privkey, message_hash):
    '''Create a Schnorr signature.

    Returns a 64-long bytes object (the signature), or raise ValueError
    on failure. Failure can occur due to an invalid private key.

    `privkey` should be the 32 byte raw private key (as you would get from
    bitcoin.deserialize_privkey, etc).

    `message_hash` should be the 32 byte sha256d hash of the tx input (or
    message) you want to sign

    if not isinstance(privkey, bytes) or len(privkey) != 32:
        raise ValueError('privkey must be a bytes object of length 32')
    if not isinstance(message_hash, bytes) or len(message_hash) != 32:
        raise ValueError('message_hash must be a bytes object of length 32')

    G = ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator
    order = G.order()
    fieldsize = G.curve().p()

    secexp = int.from_bytes(privkey, 'big')
    if not 0 < secexp < order:
        raise ValueError('could not sign')
    pubpoint = secexp * G
    pubbytes = point_to_ser(pubpoint, comp=True)

    k = nonce_function_rfc6979(order, privkey, message_hash,
    R = k * G
    if jacobi(R.y(), fieldsize) == -1:
        k = order - k
    rbytes = R.x().to_bytes(32,'big')

    ebytes = hashlib.sha256(rbytes + pubbytes + message_hash).digest()
    e = int.from_bytes(ebytes, 'big')

    s = (k + e*secexp) % order

    return rbytes + s.to_bytes(32, 'big')
Пример #8
    def _calc_initial(self):
        # Internal function, calculates Rxnew, c, and compressed pubkey.
            Rpoint = ser_to_point(self.R)
            # off-curve points, failed decompression, bad format,
            # point at infinity:
            raise ValueError('R could not be parsed')
            pubpoint = ser_to_point(self.pubkey)
            # off-curve points, failed decompression, bad format,
            # point at infinity:
            raise ValueError('pubkey could not be parsed')

        self.pubkey_compressed = point_to_ser(pubpoint, comp=True)

        # multiply & add the points -- takes ~190 microsec
        Rnew = Rpoint + self.a * ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator + self.b * pubpoint
        self.Rxnew = int(Rnew.x()).to_bytes(32, 'big')
        y = Rnew.y()

        # calculate the jacobi symbol (+1 or -1). ~30 microsec
        self.c = jacobi(y, self.fieldsize)
Пример #9
def step_t_3(a_base, B):
    n_list = []

    ### Посчет времени работы
    start_time = time.time()

    # equal_2_list = parsefile(f"res/jnd/2/{a_base}/n_list_{B}.txt")
    # упорядочены по возрастанию p1, где p1<p2
    # if len(equal_2_list) != 0:
    # for i in range(len(equal_2_list)):
    # p1 = equal_2_list[i].primes[0]
    # p2 = equal_2_list[i].primes[1]
    # b = int(p1 * p2)
    for p1 in primes:
        p1 = int(p1)
        if p1 <= int(root(B, 3)):  # and b * p2 < B:
            if p1 > a_base[-1]:
                s = ""
                if len(a_base) > 6:
                    a_base = a_base[:6]
                leg1 = []

                for a in a_base:
                    leg1.append(numth.jacobi(a, p1))

                p2_3k4 = readfile("primes/4k+3.txt")
                p2_1k4 = readfile("primes/4k+1.txt")
                p2_5k8 = readfile("primes/8k+5.txt")
                p2_1k8 = readfile("primes/8k+1.txt")

                if p1 % 4 == 3:
                    print(f"p1 34 {p1}")
                    for p2 in p2_3k4:
                        if p2 > p1 and p2 < B and p2 < B:  # на всякий случай проверим
                            print(f"p2 34 {p2}")
                            leg2 = []
                            b = int(p1 * p2)
                            for a in a_base:
                                leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                            if leg1 == leg2:  # Prop.2 inverse is true
                                if b < 2 * 10**6:  # a trick
                                    gcd_23 = int(
                                        gcd(2**(b - 1) - 1, 3**(b - 1) - 1))
                                    factor_list = numth.factorization(gcd_23)
                                    for i in range(len(factor_list)):
                                        p3 = factor_list[i][0]
                                        if p3 * b <= B:  # and p3 * b > B // 100:
                                            if p3 > p2:
                                                print(f"p3 {p3}")
                                                signss = check_signs(
                                                    a_base, [p1, p3])
                                                if signss:
                                                    item = Signature(
                                                        Sign(a_base, p1),
                                                        [p1, p2, p3])
                                                    s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                                    p_exist = np.array([p1, p2])
                                    p3_list = next_p(p_exist, a_base,
                                                     B)  # ищем подходящие p3
                                    if isinstance(p3_list,
                                                  list) and len(p3_list) != 0:
                                        for p3 in p3_list:
                                            if p3 * b <= B:  # and p3 * b > B // 100:
                                                if p3 > p2:
                                                    print(f"p3 {p3}")
                                                    signss = check_signs(
                                                        a_base, [p1, p3])
                                                    if signss:
                                                        item = Signature(
                                                            Sign(a_base, p1),
                                                            [p1, p2, p3])
                                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                                    # else:
                                    # continue  # новый item из equal_2_list
                            # else:
                            # continue

                    for p2 in p2_1k4:
                        print(f"p2 14 to mu {p2}")
                        if Mu_p(a_base, p2) == 4:
                            pass  # переход к mu=4

                elif p1 % 8 == 5:
                    print(f"p1 58 {p1}")

                    for p2 in p2_5k8:
                        if p2 > p1 and p2 < B:
                            print(f"p2 58 {p2}")
                            if len(a_base) > 5:
                                a_base = a_base[:5]

                            leg2 = []
                            b = int(p1 * p2)
                            for a in a_base:
                                leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                            if leg1 == leg2:
                                p_exist = np.array([p1, p2])
                                p3_list = next_p(p_exist, a_base, B)
                                print(p3_list, type(p3_list))
                                if isinstance(p3_list,
                                              list) and len(p3_list) != 0:
                                    for p3 in p3_list:
                                        if p3 * b <= B:  # and p3 * b > B // 100:
                                            if p3 > p2:
                                                print(f"p3 {p3}")
                                                signss = check_signs(
                                                    a_base, [p1, p3])
                                                if signss:
                                                    item = Signature(
                                                        Sign(a_base, p1),
                                                        [p1, p2, p3])
                                                    s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                                # else:
                                # continue
                            # else:
                            # continue

                    for p2 in p2_1k8:
                        if p2 > p1 and p2 < B:
                            print(f"p2 18 {p2}")
                            if p2 % 16 == 9:
                                print(f"p2 916 {p2}")
                                leg2 = []
                                b = int(p1 * p2)
                                for a in a_base:
                                    leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                                if np.prod(
                                ) == 1 and p2 > p1:  # если все 1, то произведение 1
                                    p_exist = np.array([p1, p2])
                                    p3_list = next_p(p_exist, a_base, B)
                                    if isinstance(p3_list,
                                                  list) and len(p3_list) != 0:
                                        for p3 in p3_list:
                                            if p3 * b <= B:  # and p3 * b > B // 100:
                                                if p3 > p2:
                                                    print(f"p3 {p3}")
                                                    signss = check_signs(
                                                        a_base, [p1, p3])
                                                    if signss:
                                                        item = Signature(
                                                            Sign(a_base, p1),
                                                            [p1, p2, p3])
                                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"

                        elif p2 % 16 == 1:
                            print(f"p2 116 to mu {p2}")
                            if Mu_p(a_base, p2) == 4:
                                pass  # переход к mu=4

                    for p2 in p2_3k4:
                        if p2 > p1 and p2 < B:  # в тексте этого нет, но на всякий случай проверим
                            print(f"p2 34 {p2}")
                            b = int(p1 * p2)
                            p_exist = np.array([p1, p2])
                            p3_list = next_p(p_exist, a_base, B)
                            # print(f"p3 list {p3_list}")
                            if isinstance(p3_list, list) and len(p3_list) != 0:
                                for p3 in p3_list:
                                    if p3 * b <= B:  # and p3 * b > B // 100:
                                        if p3 > p2:
                                            print(f"p3 {p3}")
                                            signss = check_signs(
                                                a_base, [p1, p3])
                                            if signss:
                                                item = Signature(
                                                    Sign(a_base, p1),
                                                    [p1, p2, p3])
                                                s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                            # else:
                            # continue

                elif p1 % 8 == 1:
                    print(f"p1 18 {p1} p2 any {p2}")
                    e, f = Val(2, p1 - 1), Val(2, Lambda_p(a_base, p1))

                    if len(a_base) > 5:
                        a_base = a_base[:5]
                    for p2 in primes:
                        if p2 > p1 and p2 < B and e == f:
                            if p2 % (2**(e + 1)) == (1 + 2**e) % (2**(
                                    e + 1)):  # !!!! СКОБКИ???
                                leg2 = []
                                b = int(p1 * p2)
                                for a in a_base:
                                    leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                                if leg1 == leg2:
                                    p_exist = np.array([p1, p2])
                                    p3_list = next_p(p_exist, a_base, B)
                                    if isinstance(p3_list,
                                                  list) and len(p3_list) != 0:
                                        for p3 in p3_list:
                                            if p3 * b <= B:  # and p3 * b > B // 100:
                                                if p3 > p2:
                                                    print(f"p3 {p3}")
                                                    signss = check_signs(
                                                        a_base, [p1, p3])
                                                    if signss:
                                                        item = Signature(
                                                            Sign(a_base, p1),
                                                            [p1, p2, p3])
                                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"

                            elif p2 % (2**(e + 2)) == 1:
                                if Mu_p(a_base, p2) == 4:
                                    pass  # переход к mu=4

                            elif p2 % (2**(e + 2)) != 1 and p2 % (2**(
                                    e + 2)) == (1 + 2**(e + 1)) % 2**(
                                        e + 2):  # !!!! СКОБКИ???
                                leg2 = []
                                b = int(p1 * p2)
                                for a in a_base:
                                    leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                                if np.prod(leg2) == 1:
                                    p_exist = np.array([p1, p2])
                                    p3_list = next_p(p_exist, a_base, B)
                                    if isinstance(p3_list,
                                                  list) and len(p3_list) != 0:
                                        for p3 in p3_list:
                                            if p3 * b <= B:  # and p3 * b > B // 100:
                                                if p3 > p2:
                                                    print(f"p3 {p3}")
                                                    signss = check_signs(
                                                        a_base, [p1, p3])
                                                    if signss:
                                                        item = Signature(
                                                            Sign(a_base, p1),
                                                            [p1, p2, p3])
                                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"

                        elif p2 > p1 and p2 < B and f < e:
                            if p2 % 2**f == p1:
                                if f == e - 1 and Mu_p(
                                        p1) == 2:  # это есть условие выше
                                    p_exist = np.array([p1, p2])
                                    p3_list = next_p(p_exist, a_base, B)
                                    b = int(p1 * p2)
                                    if isinstance(p3_list,
                                                  list) and len(p3_list) != 0:
                                        for p3 in p3_list:
                                            if p3 * b <= B:  # and p3 * b > B // 100:
                                                if p3 > p2:
                                                    print(f"p3 {p3}")
                                                    signss = check_signs(
                                                        a_base, [p1, p3])
                                                    if signss:
                                                        item = Signature(
                                                            Sign(a_base, p1),
                                                            [p1, p2, p3])
                                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"

                # p1 is any in primes
                mu_4 = readfile(f"lib/mu/{a_base}/mu_4.txt")
                for p2 in mu_4:
                    if p2 > p1 and p2 < B:  # если p2 mu=4, то не обязательно чтобы и p1 mu=4
                        print(f"p2 mu4 {p2}")
                        p_exist = np.array([p1, p2])
                        p3_list = next_p(p_exist, a_base, B)
                        b = int(p1 * p2)
                        if isinstance(p3_list, list) and len(p3_list) != 0:
                            for p3 in p3_list:
                                if p3 * b <= B:  # and p3 * b > B // 100:
                                    if p3 > p2:
                                        print(f"p3 {p3}")
                                        signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p3])
                                        if signss:
                                            item = Signature(
                                                Sign(a_base, p1), [p1, p2, p3])
                                            s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                        # else:
                        # continue
                writefile(f"res/jnd/3/{a_base}/n_list_{B}.txt", s)


    i = 1
    spsp = []
    ss = ""
    for item in n_list:
        prod = np.prod(item.primes)
        if psp(a_base, prod):
            ss += f"{i}    {prod}    {item.primes}    {item.sign}\n"
            i += 1
    total_time = "--- %s seconds ---\n" % (time.time() - start_time)

    ss += f"{total_time}\n"
    writefile(f"res/jnd/3/{a_base}/spsp_{B}.txt", ss)
    return np.array(spsp)
Пример #10
def step_t_2(a_base, B, primes_list):
    n_list = []
    ### Посчет времени работы
    start_time = time.time()
    for p1 in primes_list:
        p1 = int(p1)

        if p1 < int(root(B, 2)):
            if p1 > a_base[-1]:

                s = ""
                if p1 < 10**6:
                    gcd_23 = int(gcd(2**(p1 - 1) - 1, 3**(p1 - 1) - 1))
                    factors = sorted(numth.factorization(gcd_23))
                    for i in range(len(factors)):
                        p2 = factors[i][0]
                        if p2 * p1 <= B:  # and p1 * p2 > B // 100:
                            if p2 > p1:  # В дальнейшем для того, чтобы числа в интервалах не повторялись
                                signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p2])
                                if signss:
                                    item = Signature(Sign(a_base, p1),
                                                     [p1, p2])
                                    s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                        # else:
                        # break
                elif p1 > 10**8:
                    lmd_p = Lambda_p(a_base, p1)  # lmd_p = p1-1
                    p2 = 1

                    while p2 <= p1:  # and p1 * p2 > B // 100:  # к условию, что p2>p1
                        p2 += lmd_p

                    while p2 * p1 <= B:  # and p1 * p2 > B // 100:
                        signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p2])
                        if signss:
                            item = Signature(Sign(a_base, p1), [p1, p2])
                            s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                            n_list.append(Signature(item.sign, [p1, p2]))
                        p2 += lmd_p
                else:  # между 10**6..10**8
                    if len(a_base) > 6:
                        a_base = a_base[:6]
                    lmd_p = Lambda_p(a_base, p1)
                    leg1 = []
                    for a in a_base:
                        leg1.append(numth.jacobi(a, p1))

                    if p1 % 4 == 1:
                        p2_4k3 = readfile("primes/4k+3.txt")
                        p2_4k1 = readfile("primes/4k+1.txt")

                        for p2 in p2_4k3:
                            if p1 * p2 <= B:  # and p1 * p2 > B // 100:
                                if p2 % lmd_p == 1 and p2 > p1:
                                    leg2 = []
                                    for a in a_base:
                                        leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                                    signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p2])
                                    if leg1 == leg2 and signss:
                                        item = Signature(
                                            Sign(a_base, p1), [p1, p2])
                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                            # else:
                            # break
                        for p2 in p2_4k1:
                            if p1 * p2 <= B:  # and p1 * p2 > B // 100:
                                if p2 % lmd_p == 1 and p2 > p1:
                                    leg2 = []
                                    for a in a_base:
                                        leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                                    signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p2])
                                    if np.prod(
                                    ) == 1 and signss:  # если все 1, то произведение 1
                                        item = Signature(
                                            Sign(a_base, p1), [p1, p2])
                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                            # else:
                            # break
                    elif p1 % 8 == 5:
                        p2_8k5 = readfile("primes/8k+5.txt")
                        p2_8k1 = readfile("primes/8k+1.txt")

                        for p2 in p2_8k5:
                            if p1 * p2 <= B:  # and p1 * p2 > B // 100:
                                if p2 % lmd_p == 5 and p2 > p1:
                                    leg2 = []
                                    for a in a_base:
                                        leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                                    signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p2])
                                    if leg1 == leg2 and signss:
                                        item = Signature(
                                            Sign(a_base, p1), [p1, p2])
                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                            # else:
                            # break
                        for p2 in p2_8k1:
                            if p1 * p2 <= B:  # and p1 * p2 > B // 100:
                                if p2 % lmd_p == 1 and p2 > p1:
                                    leg2 = []
                                    for a in a_base:
                                        leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                                    signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p2])
                                    if np.prod(leg2) == 1 and signss:
                                        item = Signature(
                                            Sign(a_base, p1), [p1, p2])
                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                            # else:
                            # break
                    elif p1 % 8 == 1:
                        sign = Sign([2], p1)[0]
                        e, f = Val(2, p1 - 1), Val(2, sign)

                        for p2 in primes:
                            if p1 * p2 <= B:  # and p1 * p2 > B // 100:
                                if p2 > p1 and e == f:
                                    if p2 % (2**(e - 1)) == 2**e % (2**(
                                            e - 1)) and p2 % lmd_p == 1:
                                        leg2 = []
                                        for a in a_base:
                                            leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                                        signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p2])
                                        if leg1 == leg2 and signss:
                                            item = Signature(
                                                Sign(a_base, p1), [p1, p2])
                                            s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                                    elif p2 % 2**(e +
                                                  1) == 1 and p2 % lmd_p == 1:
                                        leg2 = []
                                        for a in a_base:
                                            leg2.append(numth.jacobi(a, p2))
                                        signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p2])
                                        if np.prod(leg2) == 1 and signss:
                                            item = Signature(
                                                Sign(a_base, p1), [p1, p2])
                                            s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                                elif p2 > p1 and f < e and p1 * p2 <= B:  # and p1 * p2 > B // 100:
                                    signss = check_signs(a_base, [p1, p2])
                                    if p2 % lmd_p == 1 and signss:
                                        item = Signature(
                                            Sign(a_base, p1), [p1, p2])
                                        s += f"{item.primes}    {signss}    {item.sign}\n"
                            # else:
                            # break
                writefile(f"res/jnd/2/{a_base}/n_list_{B}.txt", s)

    i = 1
    spsp = []
    ss = ""
    for item in n_list:
        prod = np.prod(item.primes)
        if psp(a_base, prod):
            ss += f"{i}    {prod}    {item.primes}    {item.sign}\n"
            i += 1
    total_time = "--- %s seconds ---\n" % (time.time() - start_time)

    ss += f"{total_time}\n"
    writefile(f"res/jnd/2/{a_base}/spsp_{B}.txt", ss)
    return np.array(spsp)