Пример #1
        def run_as_void(*args, **kwargs):
            # method_has_output_arg = True
            default_args = get_default_args(method)
            default_out = default_args[output_kwarg]
            out = kwargs.pop(output_kwarg, default_out)
            inplace = kwargs.pop('inplace', False)
            void_method = fix_signature_for_split(output_kwarg,
            # print('out was', type(out))
            # If the method normally runs inplace and the output arg is None,
            # then run the void wrapped method with just the normal array splitting.
            # In all other cases, split the output variable
            if runs_inplace and out is default_out:
                para_method = split_at(**split_kwargs)(method)
                full_args = args
                void_split_args = split_kwargs.copy()
                # split the last arg that is added by to_void()
                split_arg = split_kwargs.get(
                full_split_arg = split_arg + (len(args), )
                void_split_args['split_arg'] = full_split_arg
                # split and run as void, then return the output
                para_method = split_at(**void_split_args)(void_method)
                if out is default_out:
                    use_shared = para_method(*args, None, check_parallel=True)
                        out = allocate_output(args,
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError('output argument "out" is required')

                # if out is default_out:
                #     split_input = args[split_arg[0]]
                #     if para_method(*args, None, check_parallel=True):
                #         print('creating shared output')
                #         shape = split_input.shape
                #         tcode = split_input.dtype.char
                #         out = pctx.shared_ndarray(shape, typecode=tcode)
                #     else:
                #         print('creating plain output')
                #         # don't bother with shared
                #         out = np.empty_like(split_input)
                full_args = args + (out, )
            # Run the method and return the output (or None, if output was not set)
            r = para_method(*full_args, **kwargs)
            return fix_output(out, r)
Пример #2
def allocate_output(call_args: tuple,
                    call_kwargs: dict,
                    split_kwargs: dict,
                    inplace: bool = False,
                    shared: bool = True,
                    same_shape: bool = True,
                    calc_shape: callable = None):
    Allocate memory for output from parallel jobs

    if not (same_shape or calc_shape):
        raise ValueError
    default_args = get_default_args(split_at)
    split_input = call_args[split_kwargs.get('split_arg',
    if same_shape:
        shape = split_input.shape
        dtype = split_input.dtype
        shape, dtype = calc_shape(call_args, call_kwargs)
    if inplace:
        # print('using input for output')
        # the output will be placed in the split arg
        # (or the first split arg, if that makes sense?)
        out = split_input
    elif shared:
        # print('creating shared output')
        out = pctx.shared_ndarray(shape, typecode=dtype.char)
        # print('creating plain output')
        # don't bother with shared
        out = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
    return out
Пример #3
def notch_all(
        arr, Fs, lines=60.0, nzo=3,
        nwid=3.0, inplace=True, nmax=None, **filt_kwargs
    """Apply notch filtering to a array timeseries.

    arr : ndarray
    Fs : float
        sampling frequency
    lines : [list of] float(s)
        One or more lines to notch.
    nzo : int (default 3)
        Number of zeros for the notch filter (more zeros --> deeper notch).
    nwid : float (default 3)
        Affects distance of notch poles from zeros (smaller --> closer).
        Zeros occur on the unit disk in the z-plane. Note that the
        stability of a digital filter depends on poles being within
        the unit disk.
    nmax : float (optional)
        If set, notch all multiples of (scalar-valued) lines up to nmax.

    notched : ndarray


    if inplace:
        # If filtering inplace, then set the output array as such
        filt_kwargs['out'] = arr
    elif filt_kwargs.get('out', None) is None:
        # If inplace is False and no output array is set,
        # then make the array copy here and do inplace filtering on the copy
        arr_f = shm.shared_copy(arr)
        arr = arr_f
        filt_kwargs['out'] = arr
    # otherwise an output array is set

    if isinstance(lines, (float, int)):
        # repeat lines until nmax
        nf = lines
        if nmax is None:
            nmax = nf
        nmax = min(nmax, Fs / 2.0)
        lines = [nf * i for i in range(1, int(nmax // nf) + 1)]
        lines = [x for x in lines if x < Fs/2]

    notch_defs = get_default_args(notch)
    notch_defs['nwid'] = nwid
    notch_defs['nzo'] = nzo
    notch_defs['Fs'] = Fs
    for nf in lines:
        notch_defs['fcut'] = nf
        arr_f = filter_array(arr, 'notch', inplace=False, design_kwargs=notch_defs, **filt_kwargs)
    return arr_f
Пример #4
        def run_para_void(*args, **kwargs):
            out = kwargs.pop('out', None)
            void_method = to_void(method, clear_position=position)
            # print('out was', type(out))
            inplace = kwargs.pop('inplace', False)

            void_split_args = split_kwargs.copy()
            # split the last arg that is added by to_void()
            split_arg = split_kwargs.get(
            full_split_arg = split_arg + (len(args), )
            void_split_args['split_arg'] = full_split_arg
            # split and run as void, then return the output
            para_method = split_at(**void_split_args)(void_method)
            if out is None:
                use_shared = para_method(*args, None, check_parallel=True)
                    out = allocate_output(args,
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError('output argument "out" is required')
                # print('out is None')
                # if not (same_shape or calc_shape):
                #     raise ValueError('output argument "out" is required')
                # split_input = args[split_arg[0]]
                # if same_shape:
                #     shape = split_input.shape
                #     dtype = split_input.dtype
                # else:
                #     shape, dtype = calc_shape(*args, **kwargs)
                # if inplace:
                #     print('using input for output')
                #     # the output will be placed in the split arg
                #     # (or the first split arg, if that makes sense?)
                #     out = split_input
                # elif para_method(*args, None, check_parallel=True):
                #     print('creating shared output')
                #     out = pctx.shared_ndarray(shape, typecode=dtype.char)
                # else:
                #     print('creating plain output')
                #     # don't bother with shared
                #     out = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
            full_args = args + (out, )
            r = para_method(*full_args, **kwargs)
            return fix_output(out, r)
Пример #5
def _get_poles_zeros(destype, **filt_args):
    if destype.lower().startswith('butter'):
        return butter_bp(**filt_args)

    des_lookup = dict(cheby1=cheby1_bp, cheby2=cheby2_bp, notch=notch)
    desfun = des_lookup[destype]
    def_args = get_default_args(desfun)
    extra_arg = [k for k in list(filt_args.keys()) if k not in list(def_args.keys())]
    # should only be one extra key
    if len(extra_arg) > 1:
        raise ValueError('too many arguments for filter type '+destype)
    extra_arg = filt_args.pop(extra_arg.pop())

    return desfun(extra_arg, **filt_args)
Пример #6
def translate_legacy_config_options(*args, **options):
    loader_kwargs = options.copy()
    useFs = loader_kwargs.pop('useFs', -1)
    downsamp = loader_kwargs.pop('downsamp', 1)

    opt_keys = set(loader_kwargs.keys())
    loader_options = set(get_default_args(OpenEphysLoader).keys())
    extra_args = opt_keys.difference(loader_options)
    if len(extra_args):
        warnings.warn('Extra arguments were dropped {}'.format(extra_args),
    # just silently drop this one
    for k in extra_args:
        loader_kwargs.pop(k, None)
    # Anticipate some crappy values that might be specified alongside real information in "usefs" or "downsamp"
    if 'resample_rate' in loader_kwargs:
        rate = loader_kwargs['resample_rate']
        if isinstance(rate, (int, float)) and rate <= 0:
            loader_kwargs['resample_rate'] = None
    if loader_kwargs.get('resample_rate', None) is None:
        # If possible, rename useFs to resample_rate
        if useFs > 0:
            loader_kwargs['resample_rate'] = useFs
        elif downsamp > 1:
            # If downsample factor is given, try to find the original sample rate (needs access to primary data)
                loader_info = OpenEphysLoader(*args)
                loader_kwargs['resample_rate'] = loader_info.raw_sample_rate(
                ) / downsamp
            except DataPathError:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Could not find the original sampling rate needed to compute a '
                    'resample rate given the downsample factor of {}. Try loading again '
                    'specifying "resample_rate" in Hz to see if a pre-computed downsample '
                    'can be loaded.'.format(downsamp))
    return loader_kwargs
Пример #7
def filter_array(
        arr, ftype='butterworth', inplace=True, out=None, block_filter='parallel',
        design_kwargs=dict(), filt_kwargs=dict()
    Filter an ND array timeseries on the last dimension. For computational
    efficiency, the timeseries are blocked into partitions (10000 points
    by default) and split over multiple threads (not supported on Windoze).

    arr: ndarray
        Timeseries in the last dimension (can be 1D).
    ftype: str
        Filter type to design.
    inplace: bool
        If True, then arr must be a shared memory array. Otherwise a
        shared copy will be made from the input. This is a shortcut for using "out=arr".
    out: ndarray
        If not None, place filter output here (if inplace is specified, any output array is ignored).
    block_filter: str or callable
        Specify the run-time block filter to apply. Can be "parallel" or
        "serial", or can be a callable that follows the basic signature of
    design_kwargs: dict
        Design parameters for the filter (e.g. lo, hi, Fs, ord)
    filt_kwargs: dict
        Processing parameters (e.g. filtfilt, bsize)

    arr_f: ndarray
        Filtered timeseries, same shape as input.

    b, a = _get_poles_zeros(ftype, **design_kwargs)
    check_shm = False
    if isinstance(block_filter, str):
        if block_filter.lower() == 'parallel':
            from ecogdata.parallel.split_methods import bfilter
            block_filter = bfilter
            check_shm = True
        elif block_filter.lower() == 'serial':
            from .blocked_filter import bfilter
            block_filter = bfilter
            raise ValueError('Block filter type not known: {}'.format(block_filter))
    if not callable(block_filter):
        raise ValueError('Provided block filter is not callable: {}'.format(block_filter))
    def_args = get_default_args(block_filter)
    # Set some defaults and then update with filt_kwargs
    def_args['bsize'] = 10000
    def_args['filtfilt'] = True
    def_args['out'] = out
    if inplace:
        # enforce that def_args['out'] is arr?
        def_args['out'] = arr
        block_filter(b, a, arr, **def_args)
        return arr
        # still use bfilter for memory efficiency
        # Work in progress to use this syntax
        # use_shm = hasattr(block_filter, 'uses_parallel') and block_filter.uses_parallel(b, a, arr)
        if check_shm:
            # signal shared memory usage if check_shm remains true
                check_shm = block_filter(b, a, arr, check_parallel=True, **def_args)
            except TypeError:
                check_shm = False
        if def_args['out'] is None:
            if check_shm:
                arr_f = shm.shared_ndarray(arr.shape, arr.dtype.char)
                arr_f = np.empty_like(arr)
            def_args['out'] = arr_f
        block_filter(b, a, arr, **def_args)
        return def_args['out']