Пример #1
def test_pna_single_point_view2(windows, root_view, task_workbench):
    """Test PNA single point meas view.

    task = PNASinglePointMeasureTask(name='Test')
    task.measures = [('S21', ''), ('S43', 'MLIN')]
    root_view.task.add_child_task(0, task)
    show_and_close_widget(PNASinglePointView(task=task, root=root_view))
Пример #2
    def setup(self):
        self.root = RootTask(should_stop=Event(), should_pause=Event())
        self.task = PNASinglePointMeasureTask(name='Test')
        self.root.add_child_task(0, self.task)

        self.root.run_time[DRIVERS] = {'Test': (InstrHelper,
        self.root.run_time[PROFILES] =\
            {'Test1': {'connections': {'C': {'owner': []}},
                       'settings': {'S': {'check_connection': [True]}}

        # This is set simply to make sure the test of InstrTask pass.
        self.task.selected_instrument = ('Test1', 'Test', 'C', 'S')
Пример #3
class TestPNASinglePointMeasureTask(object):
    """Test PNASinglePointMeasureTask.

    def setup(self):
        self.root = RootTask(should_stop=Event(), should_pause=Event())
        self.task = PNASinglePointMeasureTask(name='Test')
        self.root.add_child_task(0, self.task)

        self.root.run_time[DRIVERS] = {'Test': (InstrHelper,
        self.root.run_time[PROFILES] =\
            {'Test1': {'connections': {'C': {'owner': []}},
                       'settings': {'S': {'check_connection': [True]}}

        # This is set simply to make sure the test of InstrTask pass.
        self.task.selected_instrument = ('Test1', 'Test', 'C', 'S')

    def test_measure_observation(self):

    def test_check1(self):
        """Simply test that everything is ok.

        self.task.measures = [('S21', ''), ('S33', 'MLIN')]

        c = self.root.run_time[PROFILES]['Test1']['connections']
        c['C'] = {'defined_channels': [[1]]}

        test, traceback = self.task.check(test_instr=True)
        assert test
        assert not traceback

    def test_check2(self):
        """Check handling a wrong channel.

        self.task.measures = [('S21', ''), ('S33', 'MLIN')]

        c = self.root.run_time[PROFILES]['Test1']['connections']
        c['C'] = {'defined_channels': [[3]]}

        test, traceback = self.task.check(test_instr=True)
        assert not test
        assert len(traceback) == 1

    def test_check3(self):
        """Check handling a wrong S parameter.

        self.task.measures = [('S21', ''), ('SF3', 'MLIN')]

        c = self.root.run_time[PROFILES]['Test1']['connections']
        c['C'] = {'defined_channels': [[1]]}

        test, traceback = self.task.check(test_instr=True)
        assert not test
        assert len(traceback) == 1